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War In Ukraine: “A Balanced Opinion”

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War In Ukraine: "A Balanced Opinion"

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Written by Supratim Barman

The AngloSpheric Media Disinformation Campaign that is currently being waged with regards to the Russian Intervention in Ukraine, is on a level; that is beyond max distortion. It seems to be magnificently well coordinated from a Central Command Authority.

There are clips from a video game that goes on to claim 22 million views as purportedly being of a Russian jet being shot down, a gas explosion in Tianjin, China being passed off as a Russian Airstrike on Civilian Infrastructure. A TV clip of an Austrian Street-Art Climate Protest Demonstration being presented as that of dead civilians in body bags, killed by rampant and indiscriminate Russian artillery. There are images of a woman in bandages on the covers of European magazines, which turn out to be faked as the woman is neither injured nor a civilian but a member of the Ukrainian Security Services, paid to dress up as a crisis actor. On Twitter we see a face of a guy who CNN has shown to have died previously in Syria and now again in Kiev.

Before RT got taken off the spectrum in the United Kingdom and the European Union nations, you would watch it and think that the Russian Federation is winning this intervention. Switch two channels ahead to CNN and you would think that the Federation itself is being destroyed and the Ukrainian Armed Forces are just a few miles from the gates of Moscow, with President Putin on the run.

How is it possible that when both news outlets are reporting and analyzing the same event, that the outcome that is presented is so diametrically opposite?

Here in the Indian Republic we are far away from this chaos and destruction, and, since RT nor CNN are banned here, we can view both presentations to try and form an opinion as to what is going on there.

We like to think of ourselves as neutral and place ourselves above all this, watching it like some sort of entertainment and waiting to observe which way the trend tends before we commit our precious intellectual dialogue to opinionate in support of the winning side. We see this as a game. A game on which we make pronouncements trying to show off our high intellectual understanding and empathy for whoever “wins” or “loses”; because, like I said: to us, we see this as just a cinema, a “time pass”.

But is it really? Is it really not closer to you than you think. We now see videos of countless Indian students, most just basically children, who are stuck in total isolation in a warzone and bereft of any credible information and guidance from the Ukrainian Authorities as to what to do next as none could have ever imagined being in this situation in Ukraine. We see them being beaten and kicked by Ukrainian Border Guards as they try to exit that territory. We see the door of the train at Kiev Rail Station being shut in their face as the evacuation trains depart and then being told to walk and when asked why, the reply being – “Go ask your Embassy why”, as the Indian Republic abstained in the Security Council as well as at the UNGA vote on motions that attempted to solely and squarely blame the Russian Federation for this crisis.

We see the images of a 21 Indian and Algerian Student killed in the shelling, in circumstances which are unclear and seem to indicate that they were being held hostage and were murdered by the Armed Gangs and Militias, who now dominate as lawless warlords throughout the East of Ukraine, as they both tried to exert their rights as neutral non-combatants in an attempt to leave the city they were trapped in.

The Ukrainian Ambassador in New Delhi, when asked by the Indian Press Corps as to what his Government was doing to facilitate the safety of Indian students within his country and what attempts were being made to allow them to evacuate themselves out; replied very directly that the answer was; nothing. When asked why; he alluded very menacingly, that since the Indian Republic was not taking his side in this issue, Ukraine had no obligation to help nor protect Indian Citizens within his country. Now, you need to ask yourself; what kind of a thing is that to say; especially in the capacity of a High Diplomatic Representative.

India, realizing that they were dealing with people in a National Government that were not totally rational nor normal, gave an offer of dispatching huge quantities of medical supplies in exchange for the Ukrainian Authorities to do all it could to help Indian Citizens reach the borders of her adjacent countries from where the Indian Air Force Transport carriers could then airlift them home.

Do you not find all this odd? The social media platforms of the American Hegemons; Facebook, Twitter as well as the online and print media in the United Kingdom is awash with statements that verge on clinical insanity and drown out any enquiry that questions the veracity, as in; the quality of the accuracy or truth of the information being thrown at you. Where is this “Balanced Opinion” that we were taught to always strive for as a mark of “Western Values”? How are we supposed to achieve this Golden Mean, if we are not even allowed to form an opinion that deviates from themes being dished out by the Corporates, as; “Shared Values”.

I thought it was all but “Freedom of Speech” and smiley faces and Rock n Roll. “Mr Gorbachov, Tear Down This Wall”. I thought it was all that. When you say anything in support of the Russian Federation, I am told, “If you love Communism and Russia so much, Why don’t you go and live there”. Now, there may a twisted logic in that sentiment but is it not more of a statement that a demented idiot with fascist and racist tendencies would utter when having reached the edge of discourse, especially when Communism and Russia are two concepts that no longer go together hand in glove. Secondly, why do I have to go anywhere for voicing my opinion from my understanding of the cause of this upheaval. Is that not a fundamentally racist and dangerously fascist thing to say, given that you are painting one side black in all this.

All this is sadly, exposing the Main Stream Media, (wholly owned by Corporatists), as being nothing but a tool to promote a vision of a society created in their own image of – slaves and masters. It happened throughout this past 2 and a half years with a mindless deluge of covid paranoia; which by the way has now totally and miraculously disappeared from our news feeds and where the number of variations made us near capable students of the Greek Alphabet, if not experts in Microbiology.

The events that are unfolding in Ukraine will change the course of history as the Russian Federation is now determined to save humanity from the New World Order. It will change alliances within the Eurasian Continent and bring about Pamir Highway Integration. It will lead to further adoption and development of cryptocurrencies as a medium of exchange and transnational trade and will determinedly accelerate the shift away from the Petrodollar. It will lift the yoke off the neck of millions of people who are struggling to free themselves from the chains of an extractive financial system, which is itself on the verge of collapse under conditions of severe debt, impending hyper-inflation and manic global joblessness and inbound food crisis and grain commodity scarcities.

So, coming back to where I started all this, a Balanced Opinion. There cannot be one truth for you and another truth for me. There is only One Truth. A Balanced Opinion is for fools and idiots who either, twist facts to prove their case or are too dumb to read. There is no – Balanced Opinion.

What the Russian Federation is doing is correct. It is a necessary course of action. You may agree or disagree or even agree to disagree but the fact of the matter is, that if they did not do what they are doing, the world would sink into ruin on the edge of a global conflict. Truth is on their side. Propaganda and stupidity may be on yours but that is not going to be much use when this intervention successfully ends. An intervention that is soaked in Slavic blood, far away from the safety of our living rooms in London and Kolkata.

Slava Rossiye – the closest translation in English being, Glory To Russia or Long Live.


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well written objective point of view that is grounded in reality.


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Last edited 2 years ago by KayeGranger

No matter what…the days are numbered for the Ukraine. The regime is dead

Rahul Sharma Esq.

The Jewlensky regime is a criminal degenerate enterprise, there are videos of the pervert Zelensky on the internet in gay pron films. The NATO hyenas found the lowest scum as their puppet to destabilize Russian He needs to be hunted down and executed.

S Balu

NATO/zionist always finds these types of scums to blackmail them Learn how Epstein operated


Not only is the regime dead, but fled.

Rahul Sharma Esq.

There is a totally fabricated narrative that is being pushed by the criminal Anglo-Zionist disinformation machine in the internet era. This is largest propaganda campaign of the 21st century, while totally ignoring the fact that Ukrainian regime is a racist Zionist criminal enterprise. Russian at the street level has over 80% global support as the abstention or support by such heavy hitters like India and Iran clearly demonstrated. Russia needs to finish the job of de-Nazifying its Ukrainian territory whatever the cost as Russian Federation’s future is on line with growing desperate threats from NATO cowardly hyenas.

Peppe il Sicario

Even in the US boot-licking European press, when comments sections are left open, a rarity nowadays, and surveys are done, the far majority are not in favor of the government’s positions. People are very aware of the US’s attempts to gain full control of world affairs and the globalists’ “pensiero unico” or “lone ideology” as we say .

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Rahul Sharma Esq

You are correct Senor, there is a balanced article in Middle East Eye by Jonathan Cook about how the Jew Bilderberg and Rupert Murdoch rags are now cheerleaders for US and NATO terrorism. But if you look realistically 80% of the world’s population has rejected Russophobia. In any racist thugs need to be wiped out it is the Ukrainian Nazis who have beaten, killed and raped foreign students especially Indians and Africans.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Julia

You raise a good point! I have noticed that in Western MSM comments sections when comments go against the political narrative they are quickly deleted. All that is left is a screen full of outrageous comments left by a bigoted minority of people!


No! The biggest propaganda campaign was the population control campaign known as Covid 19.

Cyric Vigilius

Western media is totally useless to find out about anything that is going on. It is Disney Land. RT & Sputnik is widely available. More people than ever are watching RT since its ban. It is called using a VPN. RT though doesn’t really give extensive coverage. Just a short one or two minute clip. They have been totally blown out of the water by the western PR blitz. They must have known this was coming for a long time. The sophisticated fakery I have seen takes a lot of planning. It is off the charts.

Southfront is about the only site that I know that gives an accurate information. They don’t conceal Russian loses or hesitate to explain what they are doing wrong or the Ukrainians are doing right.

If anyone knows of any other good sites let me know.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cyric Vigilius

Search for the Duran show livestream; they give excellent geo political analysis and daily objective reporting.

Do not listen to western mainstream news regarding the war, and ignore most of the armchair generals on this site, like children who talk more BS than have common sense.

Last edited 2 years ago by george

It is a little bit different but The Duran and The Jimmy Dore Show are truth-tellers of the highest order.


I can’t speak for Russia, but no matter the society elsewhere in Europe, and no matter the visitor, I have seen time and again there is often animosity towards students from other countries. Foreigners are often treated like shit; it doesn’t matter Spanish, American, Chinese, other European in a different country in Europe. People fail to see the students are paying in and buying things. They fail to see that all the possibilities of the students creating long-term consequences as problems are not there. They only think of the difficult of communicating, the wealth they assume they have to be abroad. They see them as loud and a nuisance. And they are probably jealous. It probably has to do with youthful age of the visitors, too. Who wouldn’t want to be young and studying abroad?

So adding in mass evacuation amidst a war and I would hardly be surprised to see these tendencies amplified.

Unless this is strictly a thing about all of Europe except Russia, to jump to “oh they were mean to my people when a war against a superpower was going on therefore I support the superpower” is childish. Because who is to say how Russia would respond if it were in that position because it isn’t in that position.

However, you are right in another respect. The western media: it normally loves stories like these. It furthers the anti-white narrative and justifies more “muh 6 million” and anti-colonial propaganda so whites feel guilty for ever being alive and take their opioids and kill themselves. Now suddenly the media is nowhere to be found. The military industrial complex interests of the west come first. It doesn’t fit the narrative. It shows that all the fake caring is a show, and the purpose of the show is to advance interests.

we can see globohomo in that exact sphere. I would argue globohomo is intended to be an exportable ideology that speaks to base instincts. It is designed to infuse the target country with the idea that these things are cool. Once the youth identify with them, or find their identity through them, they will become sympathetic to the civilization culture exporting it and hostile to the one preventing it. Ironically, this war has given Russia a chance and excuse to unhook itself from the matrix because everything is banned and sanctioned. Russia should not squander the opportunity to build a new better society that will be immune


In Europe in general for the last twenty years or more , through football / media they have pushed the narrative of trying to get rid off “Racism” ,(i.e like taking the knee before a game. ) When in reality , I and the majority know deep inside our selves that problem has always existed through out history. The Anglosphere uses that ploy to say to the civilized world : ” Oh look at us and our society , how progressive we are , but in reality deep down they have always been racist to the core “.


I think the sleight of hand they used has substituted sect/miniority/sex deviant rights for what was once the ideal -human rights.

Hungary Guy

After the PLANdemic mass- hysteria/ mass hypnosis- the Western CIA Media had to divert attention from the Mass Murder with their schizer, modeRNA, Astra Zeneca, J&J & Co Quackcines. They managed to channel some of that Rage against Russia.

Not all, mind You…

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Rahul Sharma Esq

The US criminals are recruiting and pushing terrorists into Ukraine from Poland, it time Russia flood Kievan-Rus with soldiers and ethnic Russians and change the demographics. The Ukrainians are corrupt prostitutes and will not hold out if the cost becomes high. Russia needs to tale off the gloves and do a mega Grozny on the Dnieper.


They are also on the way to the Canadian terrorist Province of Al Burdah .

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

The longer the war lasts the more obvious to everyone that the Kiev junta and Azovisis are nothing but a bunch of double digit IQ radicals run by CIAisis. Their behavior is more than shameful. Russian and other non NATO countries are watching closely and recording, analyzing every wrongdoings either side does and they are waking up why Russia is actually in Ukraine. Final days of the crumbling americant empire…


I agree. The longer they are exposed the worse the Nazis and their benfactors look.

Yamil Perez

You mean like this Russian helicopter being shot down from the sky? There’s footage after footage after footage after footage. Now Putin the human cockroach wants to call it CGI? That would be hilarious. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=5492309530797795&id=1551444308217690&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline


another cockroach video from Langley Perez—your rectum pierced too often by cia

Bella Catt

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Last edited 2 years ago by Bella Catt

Well said on the matter ,logical and balanced.

Last edited 2 years ago by wrigleys5491
S Balu

Far more Sinister game is being played by zionist entity ,USA and Britain whole game is based on how to hook up stolen offshore gas With Turkey as hub By zionist entity with multi prong pincer game ie supplying Europe via Turkey This way Europe and Turkey would be dependent on good will of zionist entity ,USA and Britain


Less than 200.000 Russian troops used in Ukraine, while Ukraine has 200.000 regular troops plus 100.000 paramilitary, plus as much as they additionally mobilise. When attacking, you need 3 times more troops then the enemy who is defending. If you use small number of troops you will have a lot of casualties and the war will last for a long time. Looks at war in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Small groups clashing on many locations, just producing casualties with little territorial gains. Sieges of cities for months and months, instead of just capturing the city in day or two. Sending 300 soldiers to deal with 250 enemy soldiers, instead of sending 3.000 and making enemy run or surrender, with little to no casualties… If Russia is doing the same in Ukraine, this will last for a long time. Again, less than 200.000 Russian troops, sent to fight 300.000+ Ukrainian ones. In 1999 Yugoslav Army had around 110.000 soldiers total, out of which about 60-80.000 on Kosovo and Metohija itself. French had estimated that NATO would have needed 500.000 soldiers in order to conquer Kosovo and Metohija…

Last edited 2 years ago by Slobodan

1. The second echelon has not yet taken its positions 2. Total air superiority and intact chain-of-command is like doubling or trebling the force if the force is seventh draft call-ups and stoned Nazi batallions hated by the whole of the rest of the UAF. 3. Morale among the riff-raff and because of the riff-raff is very low in the UAF.


” It will lift the yoke off the neck of millions of people who are struggling to free themselves from the chains of an extractive financial system,” yea their problems are over, smooth sailing ahead, not

Timmy Temperance

A very interesting article. I think the anti-Russian sentiment in the media is now clearly racism. The rhetoric of the politicians in US and UK is largely responsible for this conflict. Not only have they aggressively pursued NATO expansion, but they have done so defiantly whilst goading and threatening Russia. It is sad that Indian people experienced racism in Ukraine.

Timmy Temperance

I think the arms trade is a huge part of the conflict. NATO has filled Eastern Europe with their weapons. Who pays for these weapons? The citizens of those countries, and countries such as Bulgaria, Romania and now Ukraine are not exactly wealthy. Similarly, I think India buys weapons from Russia and perhaps that influences their political stance. Even now Putin is chatting with Erdogan like pals according to RT, whilst Turkey sell Bayraktors to Ukraine which are killing Russian service men. Although perhaps Turkey are playing both sides as usual and telling the Russians where to target the drones once they are in Ukraine. Certainly Russia makes many accommodations for Turkey because they buy Russian weapons. So it is a kind of game which involves billion dollar weapons contracts and vast human suffering.


The Iranian governmet didnt even bother asking the Ukranians. They are in dialogue with the Slovakians and Polish ministers. Ukranians have officially lost their mind.


Coolies getting nuked, poor things just cant help always finding themselves in other peoples countries tsk-tsk


Putin knows exactly, what he’s doing. I hope Ukrainian POWs will not forget that Russians are treating them humanely and not like those neo-nazi beasts in Kiev. Ukraine was sick, it needed a cure. And Russia is that cure. Plain and simple.


Very good.




As I keep repeating since day1: Russians simply don’t have enough troops on the ground for this massive-scale war. I guess the ‘logic’ was similar to “We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down” (we know how that one ended). The very idea that you can conquer the largest country in Europe (apart from Russia itself) with 30.000 troops was ridiculous. Even 60.000 is nowhere near enough. Advancing coloumns have to stop not just because of logistical problems and stubborn enemy defense, but because they have no one behind them to cover the ground. You cannot encircle huge enemy pockets (or cities) without troops. Putin didn’t want to send conscripts/reservists but now he has no choice, he cannot send all professional soldiers into Ukraine, he must call for reservists. National guard is another half-measure and you can’t win the war with half-measures. Of all fronts only group from Crimea achieved significant gains advancing from difficult position in the south, but they are out of steam as well. D/L PR forces also did a decent job, but the rest of units achieved very little. Now they are all in danger to lose initiative completely.

Ukraine is now fully mobilized, they have massive foreign support; they can place most of their low tier units into cities, no need to advanced tactics but their small quality units can maneuver easily and conduct limited counterattacks. Eventually Ukraine will be completely destroyed… but the real enemy is in Washington, they don’t give a **** about Ukrainians, they are just a friendly Indian tribe for them. The whole plan is to turn Ukraine into Afghanistan, they don’t even try to hide it. War of attrition is against Russians, they need to mobilize far more troops and end this asap. Unfortunately it looks like that no one in Russia, not soldiers, not officers, not generals, not even Putin himself, have any idea what are they doing or even why.


more CIA desperation/ disinfo


Thank you India. I am afraid that the whole West has sunk into barbarism, and the Black Heart of Europe, Nulandistan leads the way.


The Judaeo-Nazi foundations of the West are starting to show.

Iwan Saptadi

Our deepest condolences to Indian students who’s been murdered by those neo-NAZIs.

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