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War In Ukraine Day 24: Overview Of Military Developments

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War In Ukraine Day 24: Overview Of Military Developments

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Street fighting continues in Mariupol. On March 19th, the DPR troops continued their advance towards the city center. In the evening, no major developments were reported. The Azov militants and other Ukrainian formations have almost no chance to save control over the city. The time passes and nationalist militants are running out of ammunition.

Numerous attempts of Ukrainian soldiers to escape from the city in civilian closes were reported. However, a lot of them are prevented from leaving the city by DPR and Russian forces.

The mass evacuation of civilians that was possible after the outskirts and several regions of Mariupol were liberated from the Ukrainian militants pose a big threat for the Ukrainian nationalists, as the victims are now testifying on numerous war crimes committed by the Azov members. The liberation of the city is now the main task for the DPR units because those civilians who are still in hostage in Mariupol may be murdered by the nationalists.

Dozens of videos showing the testimonies by locals who survived and escaped from Mariupol are shared by the DPR officials daily.

“They gather people into a large group, they say that there will be a humanitarian corridor. People are gathering. They destroy them there, they kill them there. This is done by the Azov. There is no one else. We don’t have Russian troops, we don’t have the DPR, we don’t have anyone. They and only they. With blue armbands.” – a woman confirmed.


Elimination of nationalist militants in Mariupol will liberate significant forces for the offensive on the UAF grouping deployed on the Donbass front lines, where the DPR and LPR units are slowly advancing in several directions.

In the evening, the local sources confirmed that the city of Ugledar was taken under control of Russian forces. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have actively advanced in the direction of Kurakhovo. The highway to Zaporozhye near the village of Bogatyr should be cut in the nearest future. This will cut all the supplies for the AFU grouping in the towns of Kurakhovo and Maryinka. Fierce clashes in Maryinka continue. In Maryinka, after several days of fighting and heavy artillery shelling, DPR forces inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and advanced several kilometers, but they are still far from the complete capture of the UAF fortifications in the area. The surrounding of the UAF in the town from the east may take place soon.

Meanwhile, in Avdiivka, no advances by the DPR were reported, but heavy artillery shelling and air strikes continue in the area.


New successes of the LPR units were reported in the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk region. The town of Rubezhnoye is under the LPR control, the mop up operations continue. The LPR troops advanced to the northern outskirts of Lisichansk. The assault on the city is  expected in the coming days.

Clashes continue on the outskirts of Popasnaya. Some clashes are still breaking out in the town.

On March 19, Russian forces reportedly advanced towards the town of Kamenka to the south of Izyum. Sporadic clashes continue on the southern outskirts of Izyum. Kamenka is a strategic stronghold of the AFU aimed to hinder the effective development of the Russian offensive on Slavyansk and Barvenkovo.


Heavy fighting continued to the north and east of the city of Kharkiv. Russian artillery forces continued the shelling of the UAF positions, without entering the city.

The VSK of the Russian Federation hit a repair plant in Chernihiv:


The Russian Kinzhal (Dagger) hypersonic missiles destroyed a large underground warehouse of missiles and aviation ammunition in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Missile complex “Bastion” destroyed the centers of radio and radio intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Odessa region.


War In Ukraine Day 24: Overview Of Military Developments

Ukrainian Tochka-U near Berdiansk


In the Kiev region, some expansion of the control zone of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to the west and south of the capital was reported. However, no control over any new settlements was officially confirmed. Fighting continues in the same areas.


In the south of the country, Russian warplanes and artillery are inflicting heavy losses to the AFU grouping deployed in Nikolaev. The AFU are still counting casualties in the recent missile attack on the military facilities of the 79th brigade. According to various media reports, the number of casualties may grow up to 200 servicemen. No assault on the city has taken place so far.


In Odessa, the manoeuvres of the Russian Black Sea fleet are distracting the AFU deployed in the city. While the city is waiting for the Russian assault, the fortifications made by the AFU on the shore are now posing more threat to local civilians and the shipping in the whole region. Russian officials warned that some of Ukrainian sea mines planted in the Black Sea were torn off by a storm and carried away towards Romania and Bulgaria.


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Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Loads of foreign faggot legionnaires waiting to be incinerated by TOS-1 in the forests of Monschun and Liuzihn NW of Kiev. Get to work, RU Army and RuAF! Go grill some UKROP and their slaves :D

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

And yes, Yamil Perez is a gay faggot. Just for the record, if that wasnt clear enough


Dude there are lot of LGBT queer trolls losing it out there. The Russians are on a winner here and even us simple Euro folks love em. Go Putin!


Your statement is nothing more than baseless ad hominem attacks. As for Putin, he’s in league with jewish supremacists (Chabad Lubavitch) that openly state their belief that non-jews are subhuman.

Everything must be in person for you to be held responsible for your comments, you are a visual learner by rote.

https://t.me/eternalduginists/2001 https://i.imgur.com/APvBZy1.jpg

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Hope Russia kicks these Ukrainian racist bastard Nazis hard.


Now you are erroneously assuming anyone you disagree with is not only “Ukrainian” but a “Nazi” too! Which by the way you know nothing about National Socialism anyway, other than the usual ridiculous lies massively propagated since 1933-1945.


Well thats like saying anyone who served in the German Wehrmacht were not Nazis,maybe not but they still did the Nazis work,it wasn’t just the SS,the Wehrmacht took part in many Nazi crimes including the Warsaw Ghetto.

Carl Bunker

so what. and maybe the nazis will continue and finsih their work in ukraine now. still some open bills with the stalinist dungeaters.

Barba Papa

These days everyone is a Nazi. It’s the new way of saying you disagree with me.


Only endless repetition could have the slightly possibility of getting anything through your thick skull, both that and intimidation with an attitude that is far more intolerant and vulgar than your endless double-standards.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

which basically means me and numerous others have no obligation to respect you at all, since you are unable to fulfill any reciprocal interaction due to your own tribal connections centered around protecting and advancing your own in-group preference at the expense of others who rank lower within the society’s power dynamic.


Basically you want to see White people disempowered, weak and vulnerable; ripe for the plucking. You dread the mere suggestion of collective White identity, as you correctly fear the repercussions of stomping on us in our own state of weakness with the false excuse that 500 years of colonialism = “justification” to racially exterminate Whitey without ever mentioning the conquests and colonialism of others.


Since you were brainwashed into wanting all White people dead whether Russian, British, German, Italian, or whomever; therefore no one else is any obligation to regard you as human beings.


4. Why Does Whitey Get All of the Blame?

Why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests, but smug about them? Long story, but here’s the short version:


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

hans holm crazy degenerate in desperate need of attention keeps spamming irrelevant moronic crap from his lonely stinky basement


Now you are erroneously assuming that I am a fat, virgin loser. But I have a boyfriend! His name is Jens and he is a diehard nazi like me. We watch Hitler’s speeches in my basement together.



Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
Carl Bunker

wont happen, sissi.

russian fags get impaled and send home to mother russia in coffins

Vlad the Impaler

Silence, German, the Slavic master race is talking. You Germans are a disease, an abomination against nature, your continued existence is the biggest crime in the history of humanity. You are a race of degenerates, of cannibals, pedophiles and faggots, so far devolved that you can not even figure out which gender you are. You are not even fit to feed the worms, you have no utility in this universe, you have contributed absolutely nothing to humanity and all you have done, has been to steal the hard work of infinitely superior Slavic peoples and claim credit for it. Even your culture is stolen from other, better races. Do the world a favor and go die in a ditch, you German subhuman faggot. Nobody will miss you.


Aside from your tremendously misinformed understanding of history, you essentially believe peoples of European descent have no right to collectivize as a group to preserve their own people. You an reject ideologies that is the only thing that can possibly ensure their existence into perpetuity.


Putin put his chief intelligence general under arrest. That says it all. But russia-fanboys here still believe the Ukraine operation is going according to Putin’s plan.

Personally, I think the real plan (of the satanic masters, the true rulers behind this war) is to start World War 3 in order to deflect attention of the world’s masses away from the global mRNA ‘vaccination’ genocide commited by the jews against all other nations. Jew Putin got orders from his master’s command-board to start war immediately, because all the Corona and P(l)andemia-lies where blowing up into Rothschild’s face, and more and more people started realizing that it’s the Jews behind this whole corona-hoax, full intentionally destroying the economy and lifes of millions of people around the world.

So Putin was ordered to start the war immediately, and had thus no time to plan or organize a structured and effective invasion, but just went in with the stuff at hand at that moment. And the outcome we see today. Mountains of dead russian invader boys, Putin destroying everything he was once respected for, and Ukrainians hating and resisting the invader forces more and more with every passing day.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mickey

Malarical delirium this is normal when the brain ceases fo function normally!

Thomas Turk

…genocide committed by the jews against all other nations…” How so, when the insane Israeli quacks mRNA injected 5M of their own with graphene etc?

3.9.22. The Pfizer injections have 1291 side effects, according to data released by FDA under a Court Order. FDA had demanded no data release for 75 years!

Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine? By Ricardo Delgado and Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, January 19, 2022.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. The mRNA injections HAVE AIDS!

Swedish study 2.28.22 demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrate cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Autopsies Prove Vax BioWeapon Caused Autoimmune Attacks And Death. (Based on 70 autopsies done by Germany’s top pathologist, Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt).

Austrian graphene Research Scientist/Med. Dr. Andreas Noack was MURDERED after he released his evidence of graphene in the 4 mRNA injections, and describing it as ”razor blades in the blood that will kill all who get it”.

Prof Igor Chudov Pfizer vaccine, taken once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cells…DNA transcribed from Pfizer mRNA Vaccine contains mutant gp130 Cancer Cells. 28,2,22

Journal of Hepatology. Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine.. confirmed.

Brghteon. Dr. Jane Ruby Show. Incredible evidence of cancer diagnoses in the jabbed, exploding cancers in the boosted. 2.15.22.


You call yourself Vlad the Impaler and yet side with Islamic hordes flooding into Russia and the rest of Europe, North America and Oceana in ever greater number each and every year.


I used to be the Mongolian hordes, who will it be next?


You side with the jews and their puppet govenrments who seek to carry out genocide against you and everyone of European descent.


There are all sorts of things that on the one hand you don’t understand, and on the other you don’t want to understand. You could only understand incrementally little by little over a drawn out period of time. Whereas myself and others know all the background knowledge, you know nothing but the caricatures you’ve been thoroughly inundated with.


This is what I mean. People like you give proof, you post facts. Showing to the whole world what the Jews are up to. But people here – they do not want to know – and that is, what in the end, God will not forgive them. The truth came to them, but they refute to listen or check it out for themselves. They better believe in the endless jewish lies, switching on the electric jew ( TV) all day long and believing in every jewish crap they are told. What then results in them believing that “Putin” is their “saiviour” or that Trump will come and “save them” from their sorrows and problems. It is so infantile and stupid what most people think, that I understand why jews currently are thinking they have won the battle.

Russia people do seem to reject everything not coming out of Putins jewish mouth or his communist media stations vehemetly. What they do is godless behaviour. They cannot grasp nor see their real enemy. Because they want not to know about it. Even when their own fellow countrymen tell them to wake up and look at historical truth and not lies, they reject it. Below is a link to a vid, where a russian man ( who’s grandpa himself fought in WW2 in Red Army) speaks in russian language to the russian people (but with english subtitles) as a nation, and adresses them to realize that the mighty red army, also it won against german army, and fought bravely, was sadly fighting for the wrong side, resp. for the jews and the Rothschild banking cartel, without knowing about it. Very important vid. https://bit.ly/3vqDdUv

Maybe somebody here can download and reupload to for example to odysee, archive.org, liveleak, gettr, telegram, youtube, lbry or somewhere where more people can watch it ?

Last edited 3 years ago by Mickey

Hitler was known to speak of ‘superior’ and ‘inferior races’. We saw how much trouble it got him into (particularly his designation of Slavs as ‘Untermenschen’), and now he is rightfully hated for it. How is your rhetoric any different? It’s not a one-way street.

P.S. Do scientific discoveries, inventions, etc. count as contributions to society?

Last edited 3 years ago by Digby

Your sales pitch is so shit soon the choir is going to quit.


Unlike you, I’m not the one with a learning disability.

Michel LeBlanc

At least hes not a sell out bitch like you.

Thats right SELL OUT! Thats germany’s problem as much as its Ukraine’s problem. Your leaders are a bunch of treasonous sell outs.


LeBlanc: That’s even halfways true, what you stated.

But you said “Your leaders”, which is terribly wrong. It is not “our” leaders. It is jewish usurpators, foreign political commissars and agents. In Germany there is a forbidden law from Hitler time called ” the commissar order / Kommissar Befehl” that gives every german not only the right, but orders him to shoot to death every enemy political commissar on the spot. Enemy soldiers are to be taken prisoner, but enemy politcommissars are to be shot immediately on the spot. And time is near, where Germans will remind themselves of this law, and put it into action again.

So to make the point: All the visible leaders of USA, EU, Russia and China of today are SELL-OUTs. They are nothing but NWO/JWO puppets of the real global rulers, which is the leaders of the jewish banking mafia and the jewish racial supremacist endtime sect Chabad Lubawitch ( which also Putin is part of). But there are so many no-brainers around, in this forum, that get nothing even when confronted directly with these facts. So they (and maybe you LeBlanc too) will likely have to learn it the hard way then.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mickey

You are not only narrow-minded with scant knowledge on these subjects, I see no difference between you musrat mutts and the kike termites that occupy Israel and just about every other country on earth.


You are racist NAZI trash and that is why Russia must win in Ukraine.


Racial differences are immutable facts of life, anyone choosing to observe objective reality over the impossible fairy dust everyone is expected to believe is in stark defiance of reality. When you experience these things first hand, or notice that under the intolerable reality of modernity we are supposed to think the bullshit we’re told is true, as opposed to first-hand experience and unbiased investigation leads one to conclude that people are indeed immutably very different and forever unequal due to non-bridgeable differences in ability.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
A foreigner in Russia

What drugs are you on? I am a foreigner living in Russia for a few years now, and everything you posted here is an utter lie. Where do you get this “data” from, Hollywood ww3 movies?


It’s not a lie since disagreeing with their narrative will land people in prison, everything I am saying to you now can hand you a prison prison if you ever were to agree with me, or mention to anyone. As for the poll, it is illegal to disagree with the Kremlin in Russia. Therefore they are “guilty” until “proven guilty” if they dare disagree with the invasion, or mention certain words related to the subject (war, or military operation).

As for the jews, exposing what comes directly out of their vile mouths is “antisemitism” and can send you to prison for daring to question these “holy” creatures.

You are being demographically replaced anyway, what parts am I wrong about? Specify, explain rationally instead of endlessly attempting to insult me. Childishly insisting I am wrong means nothing, it is not a proper argument.




The rabbi below is Yosef Mizrachi, found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY_RXl0nXVp4w3VpEwsNhUg

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

At one time the Chasidim ( like Chabad) were under a ban by the council of the four lands due to the belief in Tzimtzum (= panentheism ) even before Chabad- Lubabitch existed.

Today while most Chasidim do not take it literally, still about 1/2 of Chabad still believe that every thing is in God ( Heresy). Most of the other Chasidim actually came over to the traditional Non-Chassidic view of God, including Satmar, Belz, Sanz, etc.

The Council of the 4 lands came out strong against this ( Tzimtzum), but were disbanded by the Polish-Lithuanian Government in 1764. Later authorities who came out against Chasidim and Chabad in particular were muted by the Tzarist government when they made their houses of worship legal in Russia, Russian Poland, and Ukraine in the early 1800’s. So to some extent you can also blame the Non-Jewish Governments for taking away our ability to punish sinners ( usually by ostracism / excommunication and public whipping).

Personally I totally reject TzimTzum in both the literal and allegorical sense.


Edit: Sorry, I misread your post and have changed my response accordingly. Either way, jews are supremacists with and without Chabad. This B.S. term “white supremacy” and “racist” are weapons of verbal manipulation.






Bolshevik jews carried out the Holodomor, they have an interest to suppress it in favour of the holocaust lie designed to coverup jewish crimes against humanity and coerce non-jews to worship jews as their religion asserts since they are the one and only “holy people”. This is how they extort billions of dollars from countries who are blamed for crimes they either never committed, or greatly exaggerated.


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Hey, first I don’t down vote, better to discuss.

Here is a summery of most of the 1/2 truth and outright lies about the Talmud by Gil Student:


What is not touched upon in that link…

Non Children of Israel are certainly human, and most of the passages in the Talmud that refer to gentiles use the term Avodat Kochavim עובדי כוכבים(star worshipers, aka pagans, aka Idol Worshipers). This term does NOT apply to those who keep the Seven Laws of Noah and have a share in the world to come.

If you look at it from the actual meaning, you can understand why SOME passages say what they say.


Later Kabbalists ( fake Kabbalah, not what we received at Sinai) who do follow the Zohar are following a forgery by Moses De Leon. Unfortunately this work has infected the minds of many great scholars since.

That being said no such quote like that can be found in in Zohar Bereshit A 47. (if you can find it anywhere else in the Zohar itself please let me know)


It does however seem to actually be paraphrasing from the Tanya.The TANYA was written by the founder of Chabad-Lubabitch Sheunr Zalman of Liadi . See Tanya, Lekutei Amarim end of chapter 1.

Again we have the Heretical Chabad founder to thank for that load of clap trap. Even today, most outside of Chabad do not learn Tanya. ( Thankfully)

As for the Bolsheviks, yes many were ethnically Jewish, but Heretics who despised the Torah / Talmud and did everything they could to take God out of the world. In the end, God took them out.

Peppe il Sicario

Germanic barbarian tribes had sex with chickens. The only females they could satisfy sexually. To bad you all suffer from collective penis envy. It explains the reason for your displaced aggressiveness.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

ha ha no. The Germanic tribes married in with the Romans. Especially the ones closer to Italy, and that was before the waves of mass invasions. That is why many southern and Ostriech Germans are dark haired, brown eyed.

Mehdi Karimi

Our Russian cousins can learn from Iranian success against the US and Zionist parasites and their impotent “sanctions”. The WSJ story about Iran’s system to circumvent American sanctions casts a shadow on the prospects of the US and EU’s recent sanctions succeeding in severing Russia from the financial and other global markets over the situation in Ukraine. Iran built a clandestine banking and finance system that allowed the country to continue trading with other countries using foreign currency even under the weight of the US sanctions re-introduced in 2018, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing documents and accounts of anonymous Western diplomats and intelligence officials. The volumes of Iran’s obscured trade might have reached “tens of billions of dollars” and effectively allowed the country to restore the economy tanked by the sanctions and practically return it to the levels before the economic measures against it were re-introduced.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mehdi Karimi

Those “cousins” of yours aren’t Russians. Maybe they are Chechens or Tartars? They are Muslims but not the same ethnic group of course.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

The west and Russia are both controlled by jews, both are friendly towards Israel, and Assad al-Bashar recently entered negotiations with Qatar to form a pact in destroying the petrodollar. I do not like the petrodollar, and I certainly reject the wars that occurred in the Middle East.

Notice how Israel and Saudi Arabia are cooperating? By no means are they America’s puppets, that country is thoroughly raped by jews who have been using it as their golem to help the jews achieve world conquest.

Since Russia, China, Iran and India are on good terms with them as well, you can be rest assured every country on earth is controlled by them in one form or another.


The Saudi monarchy cooperates with Israel mostly to counter Iran…


Since Russia’s invading Ukraine, why will they at least not attack Israel?




Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther


Former Chief Sephardic Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: https://twitter.com/hashtag/antisemitelaws?lang=ar&src=hashtag_click

(2013) Ovadia Yosef buried in Largest Funeral in Israeli’s History, Jerusalem shutdown for the day of his funeral, 800 000 Jews attended his funeral:




Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Proof that some Jews can be racist, that is all. Nothing new under the sun.


Why doesn’t Putin tell anyone? Why is Putin pictured with Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar with a portrait of their former prophet (Moschiach, messiah) Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson behind them? This sick headed creature was the former leader of the Chabad Lubavitch, it died in 1993.

Vladimir Putin; 80 – 85% of First Soviet Government were Jews: https://youtu.be/OC1rnpNlyGg

Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish: https://www.timesofisrael.com/putin-first-soviet-government-was-mostly-jewish/ “Speaking at Moscow’s Jewish Museum, Russian president says politicians ‘were guided by false ideological considerations’

Disputed Schneerson Library collection gets new home at Moscow’s Jewish Museum: https://www.rt.com/news/jewish-museum-schneerson-library-620/



Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Great post HansGunther !

So where are all the Pro-Putin fanboys now !!!??? Why aren t they answering to this facts you gave them ???

I tell you, it is because they cannot ! They cannot disprove these facts, which are that Putin is nothing but a misearable little dog, a poodle of the real rulers, the money-jews behind him.

Listen to what you hear – silence. No Putin fanboys answering you. Because the truth hit them in the face so hard, that they now keep their dirty mouths shut.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mickey

Thanks. I do have a wignat vibe I need to ditch. Be more reasonable, etc.


What I really do hate mind control.

Putin's Cock nuts Mickey and Gunther's face

Go on Radio Albion and listen to Dr. Mathew Rafael Johnson’s Orthodox Nationalist to learn what Putin is all about. A Jew run puppet doesn’t build hundreds of Orthodox churches and promote healthy family based living for his people. Both of you guys are dimwits!


Putin meets with ALL minority leaders and religious Leaders, he is the President of a multi-ethnic country.

You can show him with the Chechen leaders, plenty of photos there, that does not make him a whipping boy of the Muslims either.


Putin is a former intel chief. it’s his job to gain information about Russia’s enemies. I’ve talked in depth with Chabad Lubavitch and I assure you that I’m not a Zionist.


We euro folks love truth and our governments have been lying to us for at least 30 years.


I’m with Russia in this issue, but I do not see why should this war be connected with sexual orientation. I guess you can be LGBT and get things right on the geopolitical level, no?



Last edited 3 years ago by mumbojumbo

Go to Hell Putin!


Russian Scientists Speak Out Against Putin’s Ukraine Bioweapons Labs Lies https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-lavrov-biolab-weapons-united-nations-pettersson-1689402

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
Steven Lim


China stands on ‘right side of history’ on Ukraine war: Wang Yi

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said Beijing stands on the right side of history over the NATO created crisis in Ukraine and its position is “in line with the wishes of most countries and will stand by Russia”.

Last edited 3 years ago by Steven Lim

You do not understand what my position is. Please stop making assumptions about what I think. No, I am not Thu’letide. Russia and China are globalists as well, both are league with jewish supremacists as well.

“Beijing stands on the right side of history”

Jews played a critical role in the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the subsequent creation and management of the People’s Republic of China https://jewishcontributions.com/infotables/infotable-communist-china/

Is China “Based” and “Anti-Globalist”? Let’s find out! https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/09/02/is-china-based-and-anti-globalist-lets-find-out/


[Are you retarded @nickjfuentes? https://t.me/nickjfuentes/5290 – Xi Jinping is a World Economic Forum “Agenda Contributor” – CCP is working with UN to build Smart Cities throughout Eurasia and implement Agenda 21 via Belt and Road imperialism – CCP is close ally of Israel, with whom they collaborate to spy and steal American tech – Xi Jingping’s right hand man prayed for reconstruction of Third Temple – CCP in bed with Jewish international finance, including BlackRock – CCP was even originally co-founded by Bolshevik Jews – China shills transgenderism to little kids worldwide on CCP-sanctioned Tiktok

But yea sure China isn’t on team Globalism.]

Eurasianist Saviour Nonsense: https://odysee.com/@martinezperspective:2/MP-STREAM-aug6-FINAL:d

(mirror) Alt-Media’s Garbage Talking Points on Ukraine War : https://odysee.com/@KievanRus:b/Alt-Media's-Garbage-Talking-Points-on-Ukraine-War:8






Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

You post so much precious information here, and still the idiots on this forum give you thumb downs. But don t worry. That behaviour is speaking a clear language regarding their mental state.

The information you share is very much appreciated by me, and likely by many more people from around the world who are watching but do not dare to post here themselves.

Keep up the good work. The truth cannot be eradicated and therefore will prevail. Heil und Segen to you, HansGunther !

Last edited 3 years ago by Mickey

He post nothing but imbecilic diarrhea, utterly worthless and equally retarded.

Obviously a sick mental patient including paranoia and schizophrenia. That’s why he is talking with himself Hans = Mickey = insane loser troll with a single digit IQ


hans the degenerate moron in desperate need of attention keep making crazy cartoon collages like teenage girls of facesbook in vain quest to look semi-intelligent



1. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2554967148?book_show_action=true&from_review_page=1

2. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2194400428?book_show_action=true&from_review_page=1

China is a fucked up place:

1. https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/china-039-s-solution-to-over-population-problems_FDn3GICNhQM7ThE.html

2. https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/china-hate-compilation-graphic-and-disturbing-do-not-click-i-warned-you_oSMgerC4H64A1CA.html

I’m anti-NATO and anti-EU. Russia’s reaction is disproportionate, it kills more Whites and accelerates economic collapse. I support the latter since it fits into my hopes for acceleration (I’m not Southern Nordic): https://odysee.com/@SouthernNordic:7/critical-mass-the-coming-man:c

Homosexuality has been documented in China since ancient times. According to one study, for some time after the fall of the Han Dynasty, homosexuality was widely accepted in China[1] but this has been disputed.

[2]Several early Chinese emperors are speculated to have had homosexual relationships accompanied by heterosexual ones.

[3] Opposition to homosexuality, according to the study by Hinsch, did not become firmly established in China until the 19th and 20th centuries through the Westernization efforts of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China.

[4] On the other hand, Gulik’s study argued that the Mongol Yuan dynasty introduced a more ascetic attitude to sexuality in general.

Breaking with its usual practices on LGBTQ rights and issues, China launched its first medical clinic to treat transgender children and adolescents. – The Chinese state-backed media outlet The Global Times recently reported that the clinic opened at the Children’s Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai, saying that it will “serve as a bridge between transgender children, parents, doctors and the various circles of society.” – The clinic’s opening and its celebratory coverage in Chinese state media comes as the country simultaneously works to limit LGBTQ activism and voices.


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

I agree that China will support Russia and the CIS.

China realises that any and ALL US/UK treaties and agreements with China would be broken by NATO nations.


China’s also aligned with jewish globalist interests. https://odysee.com/@martinezperspective:2/MP-STREAM-aug6-FINAL:d

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
Steven Lim

You are NAZI racist trash and a spammer.


When the argument is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


You basically are too brainwashed and selfish to think outside of the self-hating nonsense you made to believe.

The very fact you cannot prove me wrong only goes to show I am correct.

You cannot engage in rational debate and have absolutely no clue what you are talking about beyond misinformation you’re told about “Nazis”.

Your problem: https://i.imgur.com/pI6b7te.png


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

The Chinese have a profound lack of empathy for people and animals, including their own people and environment. Meanwhile you deem it permissible to repeat the most outrageously racist lies about White people and are completely unaware of your pervasive moral relativism.

As for the term “racist” in your false understanding, it was invented by Leon Trotsky (who’s real name was Lev Bronstein) to pathologize natural in-group preference (only for peoples of European descent).


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

I highly doubt you even looked into anything that I posted. You are a childish fool who cannot engage in sensible debate, instead you respond to the dog whistling propaganda ingrained in your mind.

You don’t actually think about it, you only react to the stimuli in the way you were programmed to enter a state of fight or flight. You have a hard time grasping these concepts and respond in an uncivil manner over something you are completely ignorant about and wish to remain ignorant of.

I suppose there may also be a language barrier preventing you from understanding the nuances and inflections in the English language. I also detect a hint of insecurity you should ditch.


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

yeah ok propagandaweek

but if it is all Putin’s lies, why the americans don’t open those labs to international inspections?

why they have been negating even their existence for days?


You are so unbelievably braindead.


Actually you are you utterly, unbelievably moronic, imbecilic 100% braindead degenerate.

I mean just look at endless diarrhea from your monkey mouth: zillion braindead moronic collages with moronic garbage, like a teenage girls on Fecesbook LOL you spent hours, days of your worthless moronic existence in that basement to make these imbecilic cartoon who no sane person even look. And now you hysterically spam them here without any reason, logic or relevance except your sick need for attention and recognition.

Last edited 3 years ago by Antitrol

But I don’t actually blame you: you’re mentally diseased freak with no cure, meds or hope. Perhaps your mother, she didn’t aborted you properly when she threw you in a trash bin. But then she was a stupid redneck bitch on crack or a cheap Mexican hooker from some shithole strip club.

I blame these lazy clowns in SF coz they allow you freak to spam this shit every day instead to ban you and flush you in toilet where you belong.

You worthless moronic turd.


More Russian Soldiers Killed in Ukraine Than U.S. Troops in Over 20 Years https://www.newsweek.com/more-russian-soldiers-killed-ukraine-us-troops-over-20-years-1688957

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

I will admit tho that I have to do better trolling in the future. Copy pasting material and wishful thinking from the SBU cyberwarfare unit and bungalow conspiracy sites is a bit a lame. But I will get better. Especially if I increase my captagon intake. So watch yourself.


Here’s the thing, Yuri you pathetic cunt. If you continue to impersonate me, I will phish you and track down your location. You don’t want that. I am fairly certain you aren’t fully grown and probably still a teenager, a delinquent brat whose only dim possibility of understanding is the prospect of facing consequences for crude behaviour.


Yamil Perez is a gay faggot and a cockroach. And Hans is his girlfriend.


Fellow ukropbots, an update from the front lines… The situation is looking dire, but we managed to score a small victory. The story of the 7 civilians we recently executed has been picked up by CNN. They headlined it as “Survivors of Snake Island heroically defeated 250 spetsnaz units”. This was a morale booster, but not for some. My squadmate overdosed on “Krokodil” last night, another valiant AZOV fighter lost… Our CO who is currently crossdressing as a woman, gave us orders to make 1 final counter attack to create a distraction so that he can escape and request reinforcements from Steiner’s batallion. We took what remains of our javelin stash and went outside. However, what seemed like thermobaric MLRS rockets turned most of my company into charcoal. These javs are completely useless, we’re just carrying all this weight on our backs like idiots whilst being decimated by unseen attacks. NATO, send us something that actually helps. The only individual still alive from my squad is a Canadian volunteer, but he says he can’t go into combat until he finds his dilator, whatever that is… some sort of NATO superweapon i’m sure.

Billy Bob

US will not fight Russia and intends to keep NATO out of war

“Nobody wants to see this war escalate beyond where it is,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said, when asked about the risk of spillover in a Bloomberg Television interview Thursday. “That’s why our message has been very clear: we’re going to make sure we stay in touch with Russian military to avoid any accidental conflict.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Billy Bob

Ok this is quality. I hope the russkis are paying you.


Russians have got their groove back and are whacking the Ukie racist NAZI trash. GO RUSSIA!

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Russian forces push deeper into besieged, battered port city of Mariupol as they mop up last bandera NAZI resistance. Mariupol has been liberated with very few Russian Federation and allied casualties. The Russian paratroopers were the first to enter city center. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


I’m gay and support Russia


I am not marika and support Russia. VIVA RUSIA-VIVA PRESIDENTE PUTIN!


I’m English and also support Putin and Russia. Slava Rossiye.



Muhammad your Prophet

Another gay faggot having fantasies about raping Yamil Perez. There’s like a dozen rapist faggots just like him around here.

Karen Koby

Colonel Macgregor on Youtube tells the truth on how MSM lies and Russia is fighting the good fight against Nazis and terrorists supported by NATO war criminals.




Youtube and then search Colonel Macgregor on Ukraine.


Putin Promoters Are Fighting for jewish Supremacism and White Genocide: http://www.renegadetribune.com/putin-promoters-are-fighting-for-jewish-supremacism-and-white-genocide/

“De-nazification” was a codeword for exterminating the German people and various other ethnicities, only to be cancelled after exterminating several million of them over the course of 8 years after WWII.

Henry Morgenthau Jr. and Harry Dexter White of the U.S. Treasury Department were among two of the 300 Soviet agents in total who betrayed their country (the United States) by agreeing to become Soviet agents and infiltrate the US government.

Both men ensured there would be no lasting peace between America and Japan, drafting a 10-point proposal with conditions so unacceptable to Japan it was practically a declaration of war. Their plan of provoking Japan into attacking Pearl Harbour to draw America into the war on the side of Britain and the Soviet Union succeeded with full knowledge of US President Franklin Roosevelt.

In 1941 nearly 12 months before the Wannsee Conference that was claimed to be a plan for the “Final Solution” (transcripts of the meeting found in the German national archives refute this claim), a jew by the name of Theodore Kaufman drafted his final solution (his words) to the German question. In his book ‘Germany Must Perish!’, Kaufman outlined a plan for exterminating the German people through sterilization and full annexation of their territory by neighbouring countries.

This plan was later to be adopted by the aforementioned Soviet agents Henry Morgenthau Jr. and Harry Dexter White after the war with the intent of exterminating the German people. Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels got ahold of a copy of Kaufman’s book and published it in German newspapers and read outload from German radio stations directly to the German people. This book was read to them often, convincing the German army groups and Germans as a whole they were in a death struggle for not only the existence of the German people, but all of Europe’s inhabitants.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Look, I’m not a lonely virgin loser. I have a boyfriend! He’s name is Jens and he is a diehard nazi like me. We watch Hitler’s speeches in my basement together.


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
Yamil Perez

Very sexy 💖💖💋

Slava Ukraine!~🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈



Muhammad your Prophet

I’m here to stay, don’t worry. You will all get to suck Putin’s cock once here destroys Ukraine. Don’t be impatient, my faggy cockroach friend.


Mind your business and head back to the godforsaken desert crevice you crawled out from.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
Muhammad your Prophet

You are a very condescending antisemite cockroach. Don’t stop condescending to your faggy cockroach friends. Maybe they’ll make a long line to suck your cock too.


What on earth makes you think I shouldn’t disrespect any of you who are outrageously rude to anyone you disagree with? fact being you can’t prove me wrong and think it is “antisemitic” (a term invented by Zionists) to expose jewish supremacists and reject their harmful influence?


“faggy cockroach friends”

Says the commie fag that cheers on White genocide.


You don’t question anything, you are vacuous like a robot. You assume anything I sent is inevitably wrong and you don’t think outside the box.

Muhammad your Prophet

Keep condescending to the Putin cockroaches. But I can’t tell you for a fact that nobody of them has read any of the bullshit you just posted.


No one ever reads any of bullshit he posted. Not even you NATO cockroach.

You know, you two need to meet together: you are both mentally sick degenerates, you both are homos abused by your daddies, AND you are both lame losers and worthless rejects, with no one and nothing in your sad, failed so-called lives… that’s why you are trolling here 24/7 spamming endless moronic garbage in desperate need for some attention… truly pathetic creatures.


We reject NATO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qST-59dZTo

Carl Bunker

hey weakling fag. lets get one thing straight: russian army will die in ukraine :)


The great annexation war initiated by the biggest country on the planet with the second largest military, to conquer Ukraine is amounting to an absolute failure. The grandiose narcissistic delusions of great Napoleonic victories and Russian domination of the Kyivan Rus have been reduced to reporting painful street fighting, inside a border town of which nobody has heard before and nobody cares about. We will take Mariupol and Ukraine will fall, the advisers of the Tzar whisper in his ear, feeding more of his imperial delusions, when in fact Russian armoured columns are being made into scrap metal in every fighting point of the 2000 km Russian – Ukrainian front. What? A 2000 km front line and the second largest army on the planet can’t find a single place to break through? What about Russian losses? Such a massive front line and the Russian propaganda machine is reporting no loses and no advances of the Russian army. How can such blatant logical contradiction be even possible? Check the photos online dear Russians and you will find your armoured columns made into smouldering metal. That’s the reason why your front lines are not moving.


Dude, cheap trolls are not cool, Russians are and they are born winners. Let’s hope they clean out the Ukie trash once and for all. The world salutes Russia and Putin.



Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther
Koseean Samatar

What? I literally do not understand you.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Just a butt hurt UkieASSHOLE! troll in desperation mode.


A language barrier.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Russia is kicking hoholdumbass.

Mariupol is cooked and chicken Kiev is next. Don’t fcuk with the angry Russian bear.

The Khazar clown gay porno scum Zelensky should have bothered to read the history of the great Russian Slavic and Scythian warrior people starting from the sunny day on the Volga in 862 AD when Price Rurik sailed down and established Kievan-Rus of two very powerful Nordic and Caucasian Scythian tribes and picked the majestic Siberian bear as the symbol of the future SUPERPOWER.

He observed, at face the Great Siberian Bear appears very playful, somewhat disinterested but always an overpowering presence and has deadly and vicious ferocity when protecting its domain and cubs (children). People admire the Russian bear and its natural authority.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The great push to bring Ukraine into it’s fold by the biggest military alliance on the planet with the largest combined military, to bring it’s forces right up to Russia’s doorstep is amounting to an absolute failure. The grandiose narcissistic delusions of NATO leaders of Western domination of Russia’s borders have been reduced ashes with reports of street fighting where Russian forces and those of the breakaway republics are mopping up the last remnants of the Azov nazi fanatics. They take Mariupol and the western puppet regime of Ukraine will be that much closer to falling, the advisers of president Putin whisper in his ear, steeling his resolve. Ukrainian armored columns and supporting infantry are being made into scrap metal and shredded meat in every fighting point of the 2000 km Russian – Ukrainian front. What? A 2000 km front line and the largest military alliance on the planet can’t find even a shred of resolve to implement the no-fly zone their pet Zelenskyyy has been requesting? How will this refusal look to their allies? And of Ukrainian and mercenary losses? Such a massive front line and the NATO propaganda machine is downplaying Ukrainian loses and cheerleading the Ukrainians to throw more bodies into the meat grinder. Check the photos online dear NATO cockroaches on sites not affiliated with your fairy tale spewing MSM and you will find your puppet regime’s armored vehicles and infantry an made into smoldering metal laced with melted flesh. That’s the reason why your dreams of having NATO anti missile batteries and nuclear ordnance in Ukraine has collapsed. Fixed!

Last edited 3 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

No one in Europa cares about racista Ukranos bastardos. VIVA RUSIA!


They will care as time moves on. I am speaking for all people of European stock.



“We Will Not Fight for Ukraine. We Are Black.” https://odysee.com/@wayoftheworld:7/diversitycowards:6


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Now you are erroneously assuming that I am a fat, virgin loser. But I have a boyfriend! His name is Jens and he is a diehard nazi like me. We watch Hitler’s speeches in my basement together and dreaming to join Azow SS.



Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Hi Yuri. Only autistics could think you are not impersonating me.

Stalags – holohoax Porn In Israel https://www.bitchute.com/video/AecOMv4BfA1E/ https://worldtruthvideos.website/search?keyword=stalags+holocaust+porn+in+israel

Himmler: The Homosexual Threat https://www.ostarapublications.com/product/the-homosexual-threat-to-civilization-a-speech-by-heinrich-himmler/

The Homosexual Threat to Civilization: A Speech by Heinrich Himmler. By Heinrich Himmler. A 1938 speech by SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler dealing with homosexuality and its long-term implications for society, reproduction rates, criminality, and history.






Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Russia’s ruled by the “Khazars” (the jews are bad no matter their race: http://www.renegadetribune.com/who-was-ukraines-stepan-bandera/

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Thanks for educating these brain dead Russian supporters they just follow the Russian propaganda. They down vote you because you’re right




Hi bandera scum. How is the weather in chicken kiev?


You spelled the name wrong bandera scum. Its called Kiev Oblast of the Russian Federation now. Slava Rossiya.


Yea, people are aware you are impersonating me.



Bernard Davis

There are no “front lines”; there are a number of cauldrons in which Ukrops are trapped, running out of ammo, gas and food. They can surrender or die.




Most of the big cities are either partially surrounded, or in Russian control.


– Population of Cities in Ukraine (2022) –


Last edited 3 years ago by RichardD
Ashok Varma

Russia will win this conflict as the west in exhausted and could not do any damage to Russia.

That is a a correct assessment. As Indian generals explained, Russian troops and their allies have now adopted the right mix of tactics as they have battered the Kiev Nazis and surrounded all the cities which will fall after air pounding. Russia is a superpower and should never have been underestimated. The Russians defeated the Swedes and Poles at Poltava, Napoleon at Borodino, the Nazis at Kharkov/Kursk and now the Kiev racist garbage and their NATO masters at Mariupol. Russians just have the tenacity to fight on. This time they had very powerful allies around the world too, including Hezbollah and Iranian urban combat advisors. The Russian paratroopers have just hoisted the Russian and Soviet flag over Mariupol town hall.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ashok Varma

There will be a lot of hysterical performances as the hohols go out kicking and screaming.


Международное гуманитарное право ясно гласит: военные операции должны проводиться таким образом, чтобы защитить женщин, детей и стариков. Путин нападает на города и беспомощных людей. Он лжет.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Украинский нацист-лжец и неудачник. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Karen Koby

You are a disgusting troll and a liar. I understand Russian as my late mother was Russian from Volgagrad. You are a lonely paid Ukrainian troll who just spreads nonsense which most Americans don’t believe. US Senate has even said that they do not want a war with Russia. In any case Ukraine is Russian land and a domestic affair. Hopefully, Russia will integrate Ukraine in their motherland.

yamil perez is a gay faggot

Entire forest NW of Kiev needs to unfortunately be destroyed in order to eliminate all UKROPS and foreign faggot legions who are hiding there. Sorry trees, plants, wildlife, but UKROP and their western slaves would rather see you burned down than let drug addicted government be transitioned to a normal one. TOS-1, BM-21, D-30, airstrikes, incendiary. Hit the forests NW of Kiev with everything to flatten it. Very sad this has to be the case but coward ukrops hiding in there to hinder the RU army advance. Pussies.


Hit the foreign nazi fags and hit them hard. Send them home to Langley. In trashcans.

yamil perez is a gay faggot

Slava Rossiya!


Putin is lying. It’s ok though. He’s going to be dead soon.


Wishful thinking is the last resort of dying hohols :)


No, Mr. Putin will be fine, like he always is. You must be really desperate to talk like that. That is a very good sign I guess :-)


“obamas job is to lie to a nation of liars”. kiese laymon


Nah, he will live longer that you little bitch. Much longer.

yamil perez is a gay faggot

American and British mercenaries taking cover in empty civilian houses inside Moschun village NW of Kiev. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbc7BBDu9kE Internet Autists, please do your detective work. Geolocate these terrorist nazi cunts so the RuAF can annihilate them.

Muhammad your Prophet

Day 24 and the fifth Russian general killed today. At that rate Russia will run out of generals by next month. What are they going to do when all the shitty Russian generals are dead, Scooby? Just ask Putin the terrorist cockroach to join the frontlines so that he gets shot in the head and get it over with. Or better yet, have him do it himself.

Last edited 3 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Ashok Varma

That is sheer Russian bravery as their generals lead from the front, unlike the Ukrainian cowardly racist terrorists who hide in schools and hospitals behind women and children human shields.


How’s the ol’ territorial integrity of the Ukraine? Got those Russian-speaking asiatic mongrels under control in Donbas? Should be seeing US sailors on shore leave in Sevastopol any day now! Glory to heroes!

Muhammad your Prophet

There, there. The shitty liberators can’t even liberate one fucking city.

Karen Koby

Well there are a lot of racist Nazis in Ukraine and Russia has to clean them out for the sake of humanity.


immoral amerikants terrified of death—more meth and LGBT therapy needed


Putin is going to get his tiny little f****** head blown off.


Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Literally, the laziest, shittiest propaganda program on earth. Is there no such thing as a Ukrainian threshold for embarrassment?


You are even dreaming with Putin. Most excellent :)


Just another NATO troll at it’s worst. They have to cover thousands of discussion boards, no wonder they write so little. They are as a big embarrassment as NATO itself :-)


Next two weeks he will lost for gd. Ukraine gonna be Russias worse nightmare worse then Afghanistan. be patient


Live Map is showing that Russian forces have breached the Kharkiv ring road. Which is Ukraine’s second largest city. So it looks like the capture of 1 of Ukraine’s 5 largest cities with populations of over 1 million people has begun. This is a turning point in the war. If the UAF can’t keep the Russians out of Ukraine’s second largest city. Then not only can’t they regain territory. They can’t hold the most important cities in the country.


Last edited 3 years ago by RichardD

Google Maps using the terrain setting is showing an elevated bluff overlooking the city where I’ve drawn the red circle. 30mm cannon has a range of about 10km. That would give the Russians line of sight fire control over significant parts of the city with a manned or unmanned apc in that location.


Last edited 3 years ago by RichardD

“The Russian Defence Ministry displayed a number of Kungas family unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) last month during blast testing at the 12th Central Research Institute. …

The Kungas line of UGVs includes five distinct variants; a small wheeled man-portable model weighing some 12 kilograms, a light 200 kg wheeled model that can be employed as an engineer or armed platform, an tracked air-transportable fire support model weighing 2000 kilograms, the tracked Nerekhta combat model weighing 2500 kilograms and an unmanned variant of the BTR-MDM armoured personnel carrier (APC). All of the variants can be commanded by a single human controller.”

– Russia Testing Kungas UGV Family –



– New APC with Advanced Combat Module Offered to Russian Military –


Last edited 3 years ago by RichardD

Where is this live map? Site please


– Ukraine Live Map –


Last edited 3 years ago by RichardD

Wrong choice of words. Russian military don’t capture cities, they liberate them form Ukrainian nationalists aka Nazis :-)


long 25 days for mighty Russian army and stupid Chechen terrorists not much .25 days they should reach to France 😄😄


I’m going to kill Putin.


Glory to Banderpistan!


Good luck 😃


Finally! Will you bore him to death with your pointless lies? You are such a tool. Must be very sad and frustrating cheering for the wrong and loosing side. You truly deserve our pity!


impotent arkansas hillbilly only kill drug dealer when they sell you cleanser cut w meth




You are going to watch Putin die on TV.

Ashok Varma

Stop this terrorist nonsense. President Putin has global support and 99% Russian population supports him. You trolls are getting childish and simply crazy. JAI PUTIN!


And your stupid general supporting him to.99p boy

Attila Gorilla

Your 99p mama support my dick go clean her ass when I finish you tranny moron


I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin. I’m going to assassinate Putin.

Ashok Varma

You are either insane of should be reported to interpol for terrorism. Hopefully, SF will have your IP address.

Muhammad your Prophet

The moral indignation of the Putin cockroach. Somebody bring him a napkin so he can blow his nose.

Peppe il Sicario

Don’t worry, some FSB dudes are tracking his ass right now along with many others.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

You clearly have lost it dude. It is so hilarious to see NATO trolls tip over like that :-) You are so delusional, it’s almost painful to see you struggle here like that. Accept the fact that NATO lost since day one. Zelenisky is the biggest fool on earth right know and he deserves whats coming to him.


You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass. You are going to eat ass.


We, Russian scientists and scientific journalists, declare a strong protest against the hostilities launched by the armed forces of our country on the territory of Ukraine. This fatal step leads to huge human losses and undermines the foundations of the established system of international security. The responsibility for unleashing a new war in Europe lies entirely with Russia. There is no rational justification for this war. Attempts to use the situation in Donbass as a pretext for launching a military operation do not inspire any confidence. It is clear that Ukraine does not pose a threat to the security of our country. The war against her is unfair and frankly senseless. Ukraine has been and remains a country close to us. Many of us have relatives, friends and scientific colleagues living in Ukraine. Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought together against Nazism. Unleashing a war for the sake of the geopolitical ambitions of the leadership of the Russian Federation, driven by dubious historiosophical fantasies, is a cynical betrayal of their memory. We respect Ukrainian statehood, which rests on really working democratic institutions. We treat the European choice of our neighbors with understanding. We are convinced that all problems in relations between our countries can be resolved peacefully. Having unleashed the war, Russia doomed itself to international isolation, to the position of a pariah country. This means that we, scientists, will no longer be able to do our job normally: after all, conducting scientific research is unthinkable without full cooperation with colleagues from other countries. The isolation of Russia from the world means further cultural and technological degradation of our country in the complete absence of positive prospects. War with Ukraine is a step to nowhere. It is bitter for us to realize that our country, which made a decisive contribution to the victory over Nazism, has now become the instigator of a new war on the European continent. We demand an immediate halt to all military operations directed against Ukraine. We demand respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state. We demand peace for our countries. Signatures continue to come, we add as much as possible (now there are more than 7000)


fucking faggot, let continue hiding in your mouse hole, rat!


“We demand respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state.” You are aware that the current Ukraine state is a product of a hostile to Russia COUP D’ETAT that is engaged FOR EIGHT YEARS NOW in the ethnic cleansing of eastern Ukraine of Russian culture and ethnic Russians? Get out of the damn lab and get a geopolitical education. I grant that you may mean well, but with a tunnel-vision view you express you are tools of US/EU regime change addiction. Don’t preach hypocrisy!


You are correct, but just look at all the violence, the insults, hate and idiocy of most of the comments of this site. Probably many have never been in the army or suffer a war. They may win some battles, but inside their hearts, it’s empty, their soul is already lost…dead!

Karma is a bitch


You are incorrect, just look at my violent tendencies, my insults, hatred and the idiocy of most of my comments on this site. I have never been in the army or suffered a war. I may win some battles, but inside my heart, it’s empty, my soul is already lost…dead!

Karma is a bitch


Last edited 3 years ago by Tell666

Nice try Ukrobot.


CIA moron from oklihoma impersonating Russian


Do you know that apartments in Ukraine are bombed? Women, children, old people are dying. 3 million people left the country. Maria Ovsyannikova, Channel One, says the Kremlin is lying.

Karen Koby

Watch Colonel Macgregor on Youtube, he is a smart US officer and knows how MSM and Uki trolls are telling fibs. Russians are fighting the noble fight for humanity against Nazism an fascism. So called Ukrainians are bad people and racists to boot. I as an American am so proud that President Putin is whacking the Kiev fascists.


Ask your fucking father USA about Raqqa, Kabul…


https://i.ibb.co/0BSfczR/B0-A323-E6-FFC4-46-D7-8014-0-D024-FC63-C1-B.jpg Only the UAF wish to hide behind geriatrics

The maharaja

So what your saying is that its a lot like it was in the DPR and the LPR but the people of Ukraine have only had a thirty day taste? So after another 7 years and 330 days they will get the idea of what it was like for them?


Azovisis using civs as human shields and also bombing residental areas to blame it on Russia.


you amerikants prefer lies—“the men amerikants most admire dare to tell them the most extravagant lies; the men they despise try to tell them the truth”. HL menkhen Masha is ukrop u moron

Karen Koby

As an American I am appalled at the lies our shameful government and MSM is spreading. Please watch Colonel Macgregor on Youtube about What’s next in Ukraine and how Russia has won the war against Nazism.


Go live in Russia you traitor. Or China or Cuba.

James Dugan

China is a great place and Cuba has a better health and education system than deadbeat US, so you are on to something there troll.


You probably believed in imaginary WMDs in the Middle East or Kabul “holding out” for six months. Like a pig feeding from the trough.

The maharaja

Traitor? Were not at war sweetheart. Now take your nazi loving ass elsewhere ! You are not a patriot your a mouth for the globalist that fucking hijacked america. Truth be told that fine as your to fucking dumb to be of any use to real American patriots who know the diff. Pull your head out of your ass at some point and look around your not a patriot you are the useful idiot spoken about in so much of the worlds history.


Hahaha! What a caboose.


Big words from a sad hohol.


only moron hillbilly lives in USA—‘White Trash–the 400 year untold history of Class amerika’. Nancy Isenberg you are so incompetent you require immigrants to do everything—stupified puritans

Peppe il Sicario

Christian patriots!!! 😂USA..USA…USA….Bunch of effin’ cowards who are afraid of getting into real fights…have to use aerial and naval bombing cause on the ground, they can’t do shit. See Yugoslavia 1999. The Serbs would have killed thousands of Americ*nts if the Amerigoons had had the coglioni to launch a ground war, but they were too afraid too. They were lucky Milosevic capitulated because the Yugoslav Army still had all their heavy armament in bunkers under the mountains. The US lied about casualties on the side of Yugoslavia and the war materiel they supposedly destroyed which was a handful of vehicles at best. Their lying never stops….that’s a guarantee.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

Better yet, try North Korea. You’ll fit right in.


you uncivilized immoral culture less robots all “fit in” in USA—this explains why all sociologists describe you as “over-conformist semi-automatons”

north korea

My parents are from North Korea. North Korea is better off than yanqui lands and its colony south korea. south korea has the highest suicide rate in the world and is still engaged in human tracking by selling children to foreign highest bidders. worst of all, about 30% of south korean working females are employed in prostitution industry, in other words, they are prostitutes.

North Korea has free health carre, free education, free housing, 100% literacy rate, one of the most richest in natural resources (https://thediplomat.com/2014/01/north-korea-may-have-two-thirds-of-worlds-rare-earths/). also North Korea is one of the strongest military in the world with ICBMs, SLBMs, nuclear subs, etc.

Last edited 3 years ago by north korea
Adam Adamczeski

The goal of Jewry is to force Poland into war Two Eucharistic Miracles happened in Poland. In 2008 in Skokółka and 2013 in Legnica! Man thinks that he is god because he has money, but he is not and will not be. Poles do not want war, the Jewish government pushes us to war with everyone. Unfortunately, there is no one in Poland to take away their power. These are the kalanlie in the service of the Jews of the USA and the leash of Knestes!


Where do you dimwits take all that s**t? This has nothing to do with the Jews. It’s solely US and their vassals trying to save their lost empire.It is about hegemony and of course money. The west is totally bankrupt, while Russia is almost debt free and is the richest country in the entire world by far. The world is finally dividing itself from the hegemony of the so called west. There are over 190 nations on this planet. Only about 40 call themself the west. The other ones don’t want the west to call the shots. They want to be free. Russia and China and India will make sure that the world will be free again. The west has about 1 billion people. It’s not even 1/6 of the world population. The west robbed the nations for decades. Now they will pay the price. They used Ukraine to create and escalate this whole conflict and they did not expect that outcome they face now. They don’t know how to get out now. Russia already said, there is no return from this. It won’t be business like usual. They don’t take Russia seriously, they are next. After demilitarizing Ukraine it is NATO that will have to retreat to the statute of 1990. If not they will be pushed back by Russia. No more playing nice from Russia’s side.


Slava Rossiya

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

A hypersonic missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Steven Lim

The Kinzal wiped out a whole Uki brigade. China must produce more hypersonic missiles.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Its the endgame, will you really leave me behind? Im out of drugs and hookers. Cant throw anymore ukropbabies at ruski tanks my arm hurts. Im your most honest most patriotic most famous most excellent President ever.

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