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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come


The 26th day of the conflict came in the shadow of Russian hypersonic weapons that were for the first time seen in action during the operation in Ukraine.

In particular, on March 21, the Russian Defense Ministry released details on the destruction of the military infrastructure assets of Ukraine with Kinzhal with hypersonic aeroballistic missiles.

Kinzhal strikes destroyed underground storages of Ukrainian aviation and units armed with Tochka-U missile systems in Delyatin, Ivano-Frankovsk Region, as well as large fuel depots in Konstantinovka, Nikolaev Region.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Kinzhal missiles were used from the range of more than 1,000 kilometers.

“The flight time of the hypersonic missile was less than 10 minutes.

Due to hypersonic speed and ultra-high kinetic energy, the warhead of Kinzhal missile complex destroyed a protected underground arsenal located in a mountainous area, built in Soviet times to store special ammunition and missiles.

The destruction of a large fuel depot in Konstantinovka by Kinzhal hypersonic missile was due to its invisibility and invulnerability to any means of enemy air and missile defence.

Combat use of Kynzhal aviation missile system confirmed its effectiveness in destroying highly protected special enemy assets. The strikes on the military infrastructure of Ukraine by this missile system will continue within the special military operation,” the defense ministry said.

The Russian military recalled that hypersonic missiles were used with conventional warheads.

“Although experts are well aware of the capabilities of this weapon, not only in terms of range, but also in terms of the type of charge,” the statement added.

As to the developments on the ground, forces of Russia, DPR and LPR continue their gradual advance on positions of Kyiv’s forces. The most active operation is ongoing in the region of Donbass. The situation in the rest of operation areas remains in the state of ‘tactical pause’. Russian forces avoid storming large cities there. In own turn, Kyiv’s forces use residential areas and civilians as “human shields” to deploy their artillery systems and conduct massive fire on Russian servicemen. The Russians respond with precise artillery and air strikes on Ukrainian units hiding in cities.

Example of such approach was recently seen in Kyiv. On March 21, the Russian Defense Ministry released a video showing a precise strike on the gathering point of military equipment of the Ukrainain Armed Forces in the Vynohradar district of the Kyiv area.

According to the statement, units of Kyiv’s forces were hiding behind civilian buildings and were using multiple rocket launchers against Russian troops. The area of ​​the nearby shopping center was used as a large base for storing rocket-propelled ammunition and reloading multiple launch rocket systems.

On the night of March 21, a battery of Ukrainian multiple launch rocket systems and their ammunition storage base in this non-functioning shopping center were destroyed in a strike with high-precision long-range weapons.

“We would like to draw the attention of the Western media once again. We have presented absolute evidence of the criminal use by the Kiev nationalist regime of civilian objects in residential areas of Kiev and other cities of Ukraine, as firing positions of artillery and rocket systems,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a comment on this strike.

Nonetheless, it is hard to expect that MSM will pay any real attention to the provided facts.

Meanwhile, Russian forces are working to expand the blocking of Kyiv city from the eastern and western directions. In the west, Russian units blocked the town of Irpen from the north, west and south and besieged the town of Makariv from 3 sides (also northern, western and eastern directions). The highway ‘E40’ leading from Kyiv city to the west is cut off there.

The next important point capturing of which would allow to block Kyiv from the southwest is the town of Boyarka. Russian forces are advancing on it from the north and northwest.

On the eastern bank of Dnipro River, positional fighting continued near Brovary. Russian forces established full control over the Velika Dmitriivka-Peremoga-Lukashi line.

In the northeastern sector, Chernihiv and Sumi remain fully blocked and the situation is stable there with occasional local operations of Russian forces to neutralize units loyal to Kyiv’s forces.

The situation is same around Kharkiv city. Positional fighting is reported north and east of it. The road from Kharkiv to the southwest, towards Dnipr city, remains not blocked. No significant progress was also achieved by the Russians in the area of Izum in the south of Kharkiv Region.

The most intense military developments are taking place in Donetsk and Lugansk Regions. First of all, all eyes are now on Mariupol city. Fierce street fighting continues there with daily progress by Russian and DPR forces. The grouping of Kyiv’s forces there suffer casualties on daily basis.

As expected, the Kyiv government rejected the proposal of “corridors” for its units that want surrender in Mariupol. The main goal of the Ukrainian leadership is to prolong the fighting with as much civilian casualties as possible (to create useful image for MSM and Western diplomats).

War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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The town of Ugledar mostly fell under control of the DPR and the Russian Armed Forces after a series of clashes here. Nonetheless, smaller settlements in its countryside still have to be secured. The advance towards Kurakhov is slowly ongoing.

The DPR advance on Avdiivka and Maryinka, near Donetsk city, continues without significant achievements of DPR forces. At the same time, the Kyiv government does what it does best – terrorizes civilian population. On March 21, local authorities of Makeevka city (DPR-controlled area) reported that at least two Tochka-U ballistic missiles were launched on the residential areas by Kyiv’s forces. Both missiles were intercepted by DPR air-defense forces. Nonetheless, the vestiges of the missiles fell in the districts of the city. As long as Kyiv troops remain near Donetsk and Lugansk, they will continue to intentionally strike civilian targets there.

Meanwhile, forces of LPR and Russia have been advancing in the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk agglomeration. After the fall of Rubezhnoe, Kyiv troops focused on the defense of the southern part of Severodonetsk and the center of Lysichansk.

The town of Stepnoe (now it is in the hands of Russian-led forces):

War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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War In Ukraine Day 26: Era Of Hypersonic Weapons Has Come

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In the southern sector, on the western bank of Dnipro River, the grouping of Kyiv’s forces in Mykolaiv city suffers from regular precise strikes on its equipment and gathering sites. Initial ‘victorious statements’ of the local authorities changed with complains that the Russians do not rush to directly attack fortified positions. Instead, Russian units are blocking the city from the south, east and northeast and launch strikes on detected targets.

In general, units of the Russian Armed Forces, DPR and LPR are still working to achieve the declared goal of the full liberation of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Advances in other areas rather play the secondary role in these conditions. As soon as this goal is achieved, and if no diplomatic agreement is reached with Kyiv (what is likely), the time will come for further actions.


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Muhammad your Prophet

Nobody’s impressed with the supersonic missiles, Scooby. A shitty grand entrance by a Russian president cockroach. Putin the terrorist cockroach did the exact same thing with the supersonic missile that he did with precision guided. Murder civilians.

Timmy Temperance

I find them quite impressive from a technological point of view. If you travel hundreds of miles to fight Russia then you are no longer classed as a civilian.


Don’t look at the map, don’t look at the map, don’t look at the map!

Look here! Hyper hyper! Are you ready to read propaganda?!? Hyper hyper!

Such desperation in Russian propaganda.🤷


Better than lame ukrobot sockpuppet propaganda.

Yamil Perez Dead

Go blow your daddy again instead of farting from your shithole mouth you hyper-desperate moronic monkey bot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead

You are à baby, Russian fight fort their land like Against Napoléon, Hitler, liké gandi smao-ze-dong, général giap, Ho Chi min.


In my country loki means ‘toilet’

Very very fitting for your 💩 posts and 💩 for brains attitude

I actually had a dog named Loki. Smarter than this bitch here.


Me too. Lovely Loki.


I took a good look at that map, and darned if I can’t see where that Ukrainian territorial integrity operation is working. Do they have the Russians out of Donbas yet? I really am looking forward to the US Sixth Fleet going on shore leave in Sevastopol next week.


Wow, already retreating with the propaganda to the lines where the whole invasion started? How sad. 🤷


I am a closet homosexual nazi for Ukraine and the West and you?

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

raped Loki again! It’s not propaganda, it’s just amusement, do you think the result would be different?


At this point it’s not even a war: 10+ times more ukros die every day. Remains of their military infrastructure systematically obliterated… In return their Americans masters are sending them some ancient crap from Soviet times SA-8 SAM they acquired decades ago, sitting in some warehouse in Dakota for 40 years. But at least CNN still cry for them…


As so many AFU soldiers die, their country gets steamrolled by Russian forces, not. 🤷

Russia in fact is running out of close combat soldiers, the very reason Ukraine told Russia to f*ck off with their request to hand over the city. 🤷

The Truth

“close combat soldiers” is that some new military definition by LGBTNATO? Or you just have no idea what you babbling about as usual. Clueless fool, Russia lost 40.000 men in a single day Battle of Borodino 200 years ago and then won the war against Napoleon, only you total retards believe in grotesquely ludicrous CNN Mickey Mouse fantasy stories how Russia doesn’t have soldiers, missiles, tanks, nukes, after 3 weeks of war in Ukraine because they lost 4000. And the revolution is imminent in Moscow! Hah! They don’t need to steamroll anything for the moment, just keep pounding UAF until it cease to exist as a fighting force. A few days, week, months, why not? There is no UAF near Moscow, only Russians near Kiev. Go look at the map.

And yes, Russia is trying to save civilians while UkroISIS terrorists that you worship so much are trying to kill as much as possible. Especially in Mariupol where most people are Russians. So you fuck off with your bullshit.


Close combat soldiers are those armed with swords and not-so-close combat are those armed with bows. I played Total War games so I know everything about war 🤷

Last edited 2 years ago by Loki

Sweet, groupies. 😂


Another groupie. 🤷

Zelensky-Biden Coke Imports Inc

The Russian side’s soldiers on Mairupol front are majority Donetsk and Lugansk ethnic Russians that actually live in Ukraine and are fighting for security of own homes against Zelensky-Asoz Regime. The real combined arms and full manpower of Russia military is in Russia, mobilized and ready for a full war escalation with NATO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky-Biden Coke Imports Inc

well that went well for you loki… :)


I have a lot of groupies here copying me, as they want to be as smart than me. They still have to learn, but that’s to be expected. 😉


Shut up groupie. 🤷


2 weeks ago these same idiots claimed how Russians had nothing to eat and they’ll starve to death in a few days

Ukrainian ass suckers suck ass

How can Ukrainians be terrorist when it’s Putin who is invading?

Michel LeBlanc

Call it a combined arms police operation. Happy now mr grammar nazi?


Azov spelling bee champion?


Terrorist is just a term to dehumanize someone with a (sometime rightful) grievance you are not willing to address.


You mean, Russia is trying to cheaply taking over the industry around Mariupol? Not going to happen.

If Russia wants to save the life’s of civilians, then it should not start a war, it shouldn’t invade.

Blaming the defenders to defend themselves is a propaganda joke. It’s about blaming the invaders in the first place if we want to play the blame game. 🤷

Ghost of Zelensky

You are a joke. The war started in 2014. after CIA Maidan putsch. They were killing their own civilians back then and they are killing their own civilians today.

People of Donetsk are defending from aggressors for 8 years. But you pathetic shithead zombies didn’t cry for them. It wasn’t on BBCNNDW.


Sweet I’m getting copied so much by groupies because I am right to say Zelensky has betrayed Ukraine. 🤷


I heard (from Looki) that Moscow is about to surrender. Since Looki said it I believe it…


The reason they didn’t “hand over” the city is that when zelenski called Klaus Schwab he was told not too. Klaus and Victoria Nuland rule Ukraine.


oh Loki, I understand your frustration, you are from LA, the only place on earth where there are people like that.

Michel LeBlanc

No ukraine so no to surrender because thats what usa told them to say. Thats how ukraine works in 2022 march.

Your stupidity knows no bounds.


Again, maybe, but you are operating purely on western/Ukrainian propaganda. Maybe it’s true, maybe Ukrainians (mostly civilians) are killing Russian soldiers 15 to 1. But I’m skeptical, especially with all the other debunked propaganda like the ghost of Kiev amongst many other examples.

Also I can’t find any videos of the Ukrainians killing their foes handily. It’s just video after video of Nlaws and AT-4s slamming into solitary abandoned armor units. Couple other ones but the point stands for “the first tik tok war” that “has almost exhausted Russia out of combat ready troops” I haven’t seen one body drop from gunfire. Not one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Baron

Uuuuuf they really need to hire someone better than you. If you can’t figure out the value of a missile that can deliver various payloads to any EU city within minutes, and can’t be retaliated against, you were probably that kid in class who struggled with various subjects in school xD

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

Well, maybe Russia needs smarter soldiers. Not just on the battlefield, but using the super expensive nonsense missile, to impress the world while its generals are fired by the dozens, proving a morale like in Finland. 🤷


One more groupie. 🤷

Meanwhile, the U.S. is running out of new super weapons, while its Navy’s barely functions and new Navy secretary “the ship that went to the bottom” is rejected, without even one transfer to a museum. The people in the Pentagon know the truth: the U.S. Military has to retire the ancient and useless M1 Abrams tank, and the millions of dollars spent in its production, as they cannot be used in modern wars, but most likely, they are destroying in the West Bank, Iraq and Afghanistan.

American leadership means asking for more war, not less. The General had requested 17% more money for war. President Trump approved an extra $700 billion for war, and added 60,000 soldiers. Yet more and more sane people from the military and the military industrial complex, because they know that war is a failed strategy, are leaving the military. Why? Because fighting wars without victory, is never a profitable endeavor. The other side must lose to win a war.

Putin: VLADIMIR PUTIN has been very smart, because he would like to show the U.S. military what a real war would look like, one that the U.S. doesn’t want to see. Let them decide how much money they need to fight that war, instead of getting mired in the swamp of increasing the already bloated military budget and wasteful spending that are killing us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Loki

Shut the fuck up. Death to Ukronazis.


Ahhh yes circular reasoning from loco.


what is your problem Loki? did Fárbauti touched you inappropriately as a child? the Nazis are losing the war again! period!


Look I’m pretty neutral here. But please bare in mind it’s foolish to base your assessment of success on western media’s speculation of what Putin plans.

It’s pretty obvious his move past the Nepa was to encircle Kiev and bleed them dry as a means to surrender/negotiation. I don’t think he’s trying to get bogged down in an occupation like Afghanistan, and with the amount of troops and time it takes to squelch an insurgency that’s exactly what it would be. No, it’s pretty obvious he’s trying to severing supply lines and infrastructure. Not full scale occupation.

Really this all cruxes on who’s propaganda is more correct, according to both sides they are handily winning (although just by looking at the map and the logistics issues it will bring I am a touch more inclined to believe Russia is actually doing better at this point but who knows time will tell) with neither side looking like it’s going to break until it has to.


Thats hypersonic tho. U.S. doesn’t even have supersonic. SBU is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with you trolls.

Muhammad your Prophet

It’s like when Adolf Hitler sent an entire fleet of submarines across the world and thought he had revolutionized modern warfare. Turns out nobody gave a shit. They were easily tracked down. The mass murdering lunatic ended putting a gun to face.

Yamil Perez Dead

Another utterly moronic pile of shit from your chimpanzee mouth: “nobody gave a shit. They were easily tracked down” – The Battle for Atlantic in WW2 described by a mentally deficient monkey lol

Literally everything you say is sooo stupid on soooo many levels. You are the dumbest imbecile not just on this site but on entire internet.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead
Muhammad your Prophet

I must have rubbed this asshole the wrong way or something.

Yamil Perez Dead

You rubbed your daddy’s asshole with your tongue, go back to his anus instead of stinking here all day long you dumb turd.


nah, you really ARE that stupid. no one ever accused ukrainians of being intelligent, despite some of their outstanding engineers…


And many, many tears were shed by the Galician Nazis as they signed up for Kamikaze missions under MI6 or fled to Canada with their SS blood group tattoos burned off. And now, as the Ukraine is again liberated from Nazi kooks, the tears are streaming down the faces of Banderpites from Lvov to Leduc.


Well the Azov animals are covered in Nazi tattoos,if they try burning those off they will look like they have been in an oven.LOL!!


The older I get the more I think he lived out his days in South America like a lot of them. The way they secured no evidence was very “bin laden” if you catch my drift.


You are à crazy balded child


Honestly we probably do but it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s a lesson to why diplomacy is superior to hegemony. When you hold people down they are going to strike the minute they gain the tactical advantage.

*edit* I am well aware that on paper the United States does not have hypersonic technology but they do say DARPA technology is 20 years in the future of what’s commercially known. Although that may just be a bluff 🤷‍♂️ Always that option too

Last edited 2 years ago by Baron
Yamil Perez Dead

*Hypersonic you absolute moron, not supersonic. Hypersonic. Try to repeat a few times you braindead drooling imbecile.

-Hypersonic Again! -Hypersonic and again! -Hypersonic now slowly: -H-y-p-e-r-s-o-n-i-c.

It can’t be >that< difficult that to remember even for you lobotomized chimpanzee with donkey manure instead of a brain .



Muhammad your Prophet

It’s supersonic because I’m the Prophet I say it’s supersonic. Allah says it’s supersonic.

Ghost of Zelensky

Great comeback you blundering idiot.

Muhammad your Pedophile

allah doesn’t exist


Hypersonic, not supersonic, imbecile

Is this the best the ukrops can do? Typical low level intelligence of illiterate ukrop nazi aka Homo Retardosaurus Rex

Muhammad your Prophet

Putin the terrorist cockroach might have to start calling them supersonic because that’s how shitty they are.


Fuk your mothers aszhole you German US-slave c0ck-roach.


Do you enjoy being my groupie? 🤷


Slava Ukraini groupie! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Putin! Cockroach! Putin! Cockroach! Kony 2012! Kony 2012! Weapons of mass destruction! Ghost of Kiev! Polly want a cracker!


It’s a ghost of chicken kyiiv or how they call it 🤦🏻‍♂️

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The Russians have accidentally hit some Ukrainian soldiers while firing on the civilian population.

Not good. They must learn to aim better.

Last edited 2 years ago by Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

i guess you must be one of the brave ISIS fighters annihilated by russia, living back with your folks in putney again, are you…?


I believe he is sarcastic.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك


Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Read again what I wrote. Is allowed to use your brain.

Hungary Guy

Same media that told u about the deadly CONvid HOAX, right :DDDD


So unimpressed, western media did a booboo in their pants lmao, anti missiles defences rendered useless …LMAO


stop crying yamilet


western msm are scared though


I’m charging your sister


Straight from the mouth of a pig phucker. Really probably a soy boy from tel Aviv.


Why don’t you take your ass there Scooby… We would all enjoy seeing it get ripped apart and step on your head.


I’m more impressed with your deadly, smelly farts spic boy. That’s a Beaner deadly weapon after you eat your rice and beans, spic

Icarus Tanović

Those are Hypersonic missiles, you fool.

Ghost of Kurac

Lol “Scooby”?! Hahaha do you rehears in front of a mirror? You sound ridiculous. 🤣

Simon Ndiritu

This prophet should ride his camel 🐫 and return to the 5th century. The dead prophet who is now a ‘profit’ has remained silent when arab Muslims were mowed by neoliberals, but purpot to care about Ukrainians.


Nahuy, has NATO countries become so dumb? Hypersonic missiles mean even if NATO is stupid enough to setup a no fly zone nothing can intercept the lightning death for all the LGBTQ forces.



Last edited 2 years ago by Romo

CNN: this just in. Ghost of Kiev just travelled at hypersonic speeds into Moscow and single handedly eliminated 6 million Russian soldiers.


Found a snail on the map, maybe we should cook it. 🐌


don’t shills get tired of coping 18 hours a day?


You have to ask Vlad, his hyper propaganda shills are very busy right now it seems. 🤷


10 Shekels have been deposited to your account, but 0 minds have been swayed. Step up your performance Moshe or Sgt Schlomo will have you whipped.


Why so serious Darky? 🇺🇦😉

Ghost of Zelensky

Why so seriously retarded, Turd? 🔥🇺🇦🚽


Those blue and yellow shit-tickets will be collector’s items soon, seen only on the walls of basements in Oakville.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde



🇺🇦. 👍💪 Brave Ukrainian people victory coming very soon…

Loki is a Fucking Faggot!

Russia Wining, you Losing. Deal with it :)


😂😂 dreaming dream again. Wake up you having a nightmare fucking maggots


Look you may have people directly involved and I can understand your hostility. Really though all any of us can do is watch our own versions of propaganda (or watch both like me to try and muddle some understanding together) and hope it’s correct. At some point all will reveal itself. Be safe be happy, or atleast as safe and happy as one can be given their own situation.


Envious that the West has no such weapons. It can deliver nuclear warheads within 3 minutes to your German doorstep.

CNN Comedy News Network

CNN showed Ukrainian Tochka downed near Donetsk claiming it’s downed Russian hypersonic missile! LOL Then they showed some ruined hotel under reconstruction in Serbia, then claimed it was destroyed by Russians. More and more ridiculous even by CNN standards.

Hungary Guy

Plus 3 Tie Fighters & 2 Death Stars.


Komsomolskaya Pravda, the pro-Kremlin tabloid, says that according to Russian ministry of defense numbers , 9,861 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine and 16,153 were injured. The last official Russian KIA figure, on March 2, was 498. Normal you got minimum 3 wounded for one dead! So 40.000 lost not calculated the prisoners and demoralised makes that minimun 20% of all soldiers starting the war of aggression. And this is of course minimised, probable double that . Conclusion ; a lot of casualties for a militaire operation😉


Conclusion: the proof that the MoD made such a statement exists only in the minds of Zelensky paid trolls.


I have seen your moronic comments more often here the past few days Johan, I assume the Ukrainian forces are running out of mercenaries to pay and have recruited you to battle on the keyboard instead. Welcome to the community.


random toilet papers, try something from express or sun


Would you be so kind as to post any official statements from the Russian government regarding casualties?

Again, I’m just observing here I really don’t have a dog in the fight (although the people of the Donbas have shown alot of heart over the last so many years) but I find it hard to believe that a small military bolstered with civilian militia is able to induce more casualties then a large advanced nations professional military. After all the Taliban outlasted us and won in the end but we’re still killed 20 to 1. So unless the Ukrainian casualty count is magnitudes higher then reported and just kept secret for morale sake I don’t conceivable see how this is possible.

And don’t get me wrong it’s not a hope, I don’t really care if 3 or 9 or 15 thousand Russians are dead (although no hate on them either, not my fight). But they need to explain this to someone who can understand conventional military tactics better then “go wolverines”. Honestly “Go wolverines” level propaganda makes me think they are losing because it appeals to the flappy armed CNN moms who have consistently been wrong about everything for the last decade but maybe that’s just my bias.


“Wolverines “Look Andreas answered ; According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed, 16153 people were injured.

Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda https://archive.ph/f0A2Y Any reaction? As “someone who understands conventional military tactics better “ you should know that the casualties for the attackers are three times higher as those who defend.


Komsomolskaya Pravda, the pro-Kremlin tabloid, says that according to Russian ministry of defense numbers , 9,861 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine and 16,153 were injured. The last official Russian KIA figure, on March 2, was 498. Normal you got minimum 3 wounded for one dead! So 40.000 lost not calculated the prisoners and demoralised makes that minimun 20% of all soldiers starting the war of aggression. And this is of course minimised, probable double that . Conclusion ; a lot of casualties for a militaire operation😉


Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda https://archive.ph/f0A2Y


According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed, 16153 people were injured.

Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda https://archive.ph/f0A2Y


The third party website you just provided, provided no source to that claim other than “dude trust me”.


He is quoting nonsense from infamous liberal propaganda outlet. Equivalent to British Sun or similar BS.


FAKE NEWS. Military academy here: Russians and DPR/LPR have around 12.000 casualties (from which 3500 dead) and ukrops have 50.000 casualties (from which 14.000 dead). And more important, the morale for the russians rise up constantly and for the ukrop nazi’s is going down fast.


You can count 3-4 as many on the ukropbot side.


Pffft. That’s fuck all.

During the invasion of Poland 1939 Germany lost 20,500 KIA and 30,000 injured, 236 tanks, 246 aircraft in a month.

During the Battle of France 1940 Germany lost 45,000 KIA, 111,000 injured, 800 tanks and 1236 aircraft in 6 weeks.

These were considered to be 2 of the most the most brilliant, one sided victories of one of the greatest fighting forces of all time.

During the Battle of Berlin the average KIA toll on both sides was 41,000 / day … every day for the entire duration of the battle. Stalingrad was 20,000 / day .

Ukraine army has been armed and trained to specifically fight Russia by NATO and they’ve had 8 years to dig in. They are getting logistical support and intelligence from NATO / USA. They’re fighting exactly as you would expect them to however Russia is kicking their asses.

BTW. Russia’s 1st Guards Army and 20th combined arms army which is expected to fight NATO haven’t been involved in the fighting at all … they’re held in reserve for NATO


Pretty sure that all the Russians are all casualties and have been evacuated back to Russia. There are in fact no more Russians in Donbas or Crimea, and a convoy of trucks carrying brand new BMW X5s for literally every citizen of the new prosperous Ukraine is on it’s way to Kiev. Glory to heroes!


Fake News.

KP was hacked by Ukro SBU

Timmy Temperance

I know that the flight path of the hypersonic missiles can be altered during flight, but how would it be possible to prevent an accidental mid-air collision with a plane, drone, or helicopter? Surely the missiles move too fast to make such last minute course alterations?


Warned in advance. No civilian planes in wartime


Next step will be nuclear babushkas


Up my tight bandera fagott ass.


Useless weapons.


Isis said the same before they were taken out..


They suck. I mean, all they really do is blast Ukrainian command and control into a smouldering mess of rubble and taco meat.

jens holm

Jensi nipples getting very hard now


The BangderaSteponPutin name is so very popular on this site. Everyone wants to be a Bandera stepping on Putin’s head.


Just watched a few more videos of dead Ukronazis rotting above the ground. Why do they enjoy rotting around lazy so much?


Slava Rossiya


No mercy for Azovnatzis.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and Azovisis operators. May they rest in pieces…

Joe Biden

Just nuke Kiev and get over it.

President Vladimir Putin

Dont tempt me joe.


I was thinking the same. They’re already being accused of mass murder and intentional targeting of civilians, using illegal weapons and putin is a war criminal bombing hospitals and schools etc…. so fuck it just carpet bomb it to hell already and then double tap with missiles, foabs, clusters, you name it.

Even my 2 year old niece can tell kiev is using the civilians as hostages for shields as the southwest is literally open all the way to poland, hungary, slovakia, romania. Such a vast swath of land with so many strategic highways still open… how do they think mercs and javelins are coming in? If they really want to leave, they can. All those that remain willingly can be considered combatants. Women and children, and old people should be evacuated, given one week chance and then carpet bomb where the leadership is and roll in and just flood the area with ballistic missiles, tanks, mlrs etc then go in and machinegun anything left

Komsomolskaya Pravda, the pro-Kremlin tabloid, says that according to Russian ministry of defense numbers , 9,861 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine and 16,153 were injured. The last official Russian KIA figure, on March 2, was 498. Normal you got minimum 3 wounded for one dead! So 40.000 lost not calculated the prisoners and demoralised makes that minimun 20% of all soldiers starting the war of aggression. And this is of course minimised, probable double that . Conclusion ; a lot of casualties for a militaire operation😉


keep spamming moronic gibberish from some tabloid toilet papers you pathetic moron

te qifsha nanen

Debunked crap.

Conclusion: you are a paid whore always full of shit

Again, theres no reason to for Russia to finish this in the shortest time possible and only leave ruins behind. New financial corridors with China and India are already being established, the petrol dollar is being phased out, the Russian population is firmly supporting the decision to cleanse the corrupt Zelensky Regime, cities are encircled an effectively “disarmed”, whilst Russia is chipping away at Ukrop military infrastructure and personnel.

But in a way I understand what you mean, I personally don’t know for the life of my why so many people decided to stay in an active warzone and Russia is showing immense restraint.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

It will come, at least with thermobaric bombs, if the West just doesn’t get the message that it cannot win and keeps pouring gas into the fire.

CIA laboratory technician

Sir, we did as you asked and knitted a Russian flag on every molecule of these monkey pox


Every time these idiots here copy and use the BangderaSteponPutin nickname, they’re actually insulting their Slave master in Kremlin. But they’re so dumb they don’t even get it.

President Vladimir Putin

Im only getting warmed up. Brace yourself Banderites. Daddy is home 🏡


And, he has taken his belt off. Whuppin’ time…

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

An airstrike a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Fuck Putin in the mouth

Fuck Russian… Government

Fuck Russian… Government


Are you a homosexual like me?

Death angel


Fir those who think Russia is winning… Stop listening to Russian propaganda. You all are brainwashed by Putin propaganda

Yeah so stupid and so unprofessional for a army to use in a small war tactical weapons. This type of weapon should be used between worlds power. It cost 1.5 million to 3 million to produce only 1. Finally Russia admitted 10000 dead soldiers in just 25 days. In 1 year we will kill all Russian millitary. We destroy 40% of air capabilities of Russian army and over 50% of mechanised vehicles of Russian army. This will be a defeat of Russian army Millitary and Strategically. It will take Russian Government 50 years to build back the military vehicles What a failure of the Russian state. In 6 days Russia will run out of ammunition on all rusian depo. Russian are asking for help? The so called second biggest military power. Ha ha After what we see how Russian army behavior on battlefield,, Nato will wipe out the Russian army in less than 1 day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Death angel

Death Angel, probably your fantasy NATO call sign when you head in to the poorest countries in the world to kill 16 year old Muslims in flip flops. On a state by state basis Ukraine has the largest standing army in Europe outside of Russia supplemented by unemployed Westerners looking for some free dollars and modern weaponry. Doesn’t really matter though, they’re about to find out these aren’t teenage Muslims in flip flops and those aren’t some free dollars. I can read your first point and immediately realize you’re a moron. No point responding to anything else.


Tactical Kinzhal will arrive to all NaTo bases. Cheap and effective.


worthless moronic gibberish by worthless moronic troll ^

Death Angel Dork!

Lol, Clown!


The mighty Russian army is stopped in his “ track “ by some thousand Ukraine solders in a originally 400.000 people little town in the South of Ukraine. Now they are bragging about some few km Gain i days in the Donbas ( their original brith ground of the dpr ) while they lose 10’s of km in the North of Ukraine. And it is good to know that they only control ( in a sort of way control and not the whole time) the streets connecting villeges and towns . So the childs hands and Russian mind is easy filled. Putin calls a shoppingcenter a rocket store and bombs it, actually he wants to starve the civilians like he always does and will do. Thats why Russian nazi’s shoot civilians in Cherson. Probably Putin will say they shot at them self to blame him. So do not give in proud defenders in Kyiv and Mariupol, Sumy etc…do not forget the treachery and murdering by Russian of Ukraine soldiers passing threw a humanitaire corridor out of Ilovaisk train junction. In the meantime several generals (8) are sacked by Putin, dead soldiers are not send home, several dead Russian soldiers are even not accepted from the Ukraine forces and hunderds of wounded Russian soldiers are sr t to Belarus to be medical helped. And some high ranked FSB members are arrested. Of course something still function in Russia, for example the paralysing propaganda and censure . Or maybe also not that several breaks in the snow white media screen are even noticed by the laziest tv fan.


you’re getting desperate, johan…


worthless moronic gibberish by the same worthless moronic troll just changing moronic names ^

Ryan Foster

Now it came out ! Putin is a pervert, same as Epstein, Selensky, and Joe Biden. Watch this proving it !

Putin the pervert



Last edited 2 years ago by Ryan Foster
Herman Fegelein

Its obvious you pulled this bs out of your fat arse, go cry harder Zelensky shill


Of course Mariupol will not surrender they know Russians cheat remembef Ilovaisk. The treachery and murdering by Russian of Ukraine soldiers passing threw a humanitaire corridor out of Ilovaisk train junction.




more worthless moronic gibberish by worthless moronic troll in delirium ^

Bernard Davis

The Ukies at Ilovaisk were given the chance to evacuate peacefully without their heavy weapons. They chose to attempt an armoured breakout instead, and got slaughtered. No treachery, just the usual Ukrop imbecility.


You know Poutine win the war against nato. It is true. Even with old arms from socialiste era , he win, because Russian against Hitler and Napoléon have won. They are very intelligent not like the clowns of Hollywood🇺🇸🎥🎬. This Is à true war not à movie. Like in Palestine, like in Afghanistan, like in Irak, syria. Afghans win USA, vietnamian win USA. When you are in Your right you will Always win against, NATO, USA, Israël or 🇫🇷 or great Britain like ghandi or mao-ze-dong, général giap, Ho-chi-min and the other leaders of the thirld world. Long live to poutine, long live to syria Palestine, lybia, Irak, Iran, Cuba, Vénézuela and all friends against the Imperialism


Komsomolskaya Pravda, the pro-Kremlin tabloid, says that according to Russian ministry of defense numbers , 9,861 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine and 16,153 were injured. The last official Russian KIA figure, on March 2, was 498. Normal you got minimum 3 wounded for one dead! So 40.000 lost not calculated the prisoners and demoralised makes that minimun 20% of all soldiers starting the war of aggression. And this is of course minimised, probable double that . Conclusion ; a lot of casualties for a militaire operation😉


have you been sniffing glue again johan…?


Fake News.

KP was hacked by Ukro SBU


Boom goes the Kinzhal!


So, at this rate ( with Putin taking off the gloves now) It should be over for Zelensky by the weekend…?

Last edited 2 years ago by Ronin

An Ukrainian doctor say on tv – “Russians are sub-humans. All Russians in captivity of the Ukrainian army will be castrated so they can not reproduce” WTF IS THIS? DR. MENGELE?



Yes, Ukraine is going through an ongoing process of derusification. The final solution of the Russian question in Ukraine will soon be implemented.


Nice. I’m getting copied again because I have the best name.

Death angel

This is called Special Castration Mission by Ukrainians doctors to make sure no Russian soldiers will ever be able to make kids and start wars against his brothers.

This war is more devastating for Russia than 1989 Soviet Union fall.

Soon Russia will be totally split in different countries. Wait and see… When Sanction will bite then Hell will break loose in Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Death angel

You’ll die from heart attack and cancer in your stinky basement while choking on shit from your mouth. In a few days. Wait and see…

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