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War In Ukraine Day 46: Eastern Front Lines On Fire (21+)

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War In Ukraine Day 46: Eastern Front Lines On Fire (21+)

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Fighting in eastern and southern Ukraine is still heavy. The Russian Army is advancing slowly, while the AFU are being strengthened by European arms deliveries. The conflict is escalating into prolonged positional battles, where the sides wait for each other’s mistakes.

In the Severnaya Saltovka area in northeastern Kharkiv, the AFU continues to reinforce its defense in the civilian areas. The Russian military is regrouping in eastern Ukraine and plans to move towards Kharkiv. This was reported by Kirill Budanov, head of military intelligence of Ukraine.

In the Izyum direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing and destroying incoming AFU reinforcements and continue to form a strike force to develop an offensive on Slovyansk. Near Izyum, Russian forces are attempting to expand the bridgehead on the southern bank of the Severskiy Donets River.

Heavy fighting continues in Popasna and Mariinka.

110th tank repair plant in Kharkiv. 10 tanks loaded onto railway platforms:

War In Ukraine Day 46: Eastern Front Lines On Fire (21+)

Reinforcements in the Kharkiv region

In the Zaporizhzhya and Huliaypole regions, the front lines remain unchanged. Russian forces are expected to offence in this area after taking full control over the city Mariupol. To the east of Huliaypole, separate clashes for some small settlements continue, but no important movement of the Russian troops is expected before their reinforcement.

There is also fighting in Severodonetsk and Lysychansk, where there are heavy fires after shelling. After a massive artillery shelling of Severodonetsk, LPR forces reportedly attempted to storm the city. The AFU units repelled the attack.

Footage from the 29th checkpoint, after it was stormed by the LPR army (21+):


The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled residential areas of Rubizhne and Donetsk with heavy artillery. A cistern with nitric acid reportedly exploded for the second time in Rubizhne.

On Tuesday, militants blew up a tank containing hydrochloric acid. A poisonous cloud hung over the city for several hours. LINK

On Saturday evening, the provocation reportedly repeated. In Rubezhnoye, the Armed Forces of Ukraine blew up a tank with nitric acid.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to move forces to the east to reinforce the AFU groupings deployed in the Donbass region.

Slovyansk has been turned into a fortress city where 30,000 AFU soldiers and 200 MLRS systems are deployed. All-new weapons from the US, UK, France, and Germany are sent to the eastern front, 24 thousand weapons are already in service with the AFU.

Russian tanks are firing at the Ukrainian military in the Slovyansk direction. The artillery of the Russian Armed Forces is shelling the AFU near the village of Dolhonkoye. It is near the border of the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions, in the direction of Slovyansk.


Now there is a build-up of Russian forces at the bridgehead on the southern bank of the Donets River for upcoming operations to take control over the Slovyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration and Barvenkovo.

After the bloody attack on the train station in the town of Kramatorsk on April 8, which left at least 57 civilians dead, new evidences confirmed the guilt of the AFU. The fact that the Tochka-U missile was a Ukrainian one was revealed thanks to Italian journalists who showed its series number. LINK

In Kostyantynivka, Kramatorsk District of the DPR, the AFU equipped firing positions and deployed heavy weapons in the buildings of local schools No. 2 and No. 15, the city hospital, and residential buildings located on Yemelyanov Street.


In the city of Mariupol, the AFU units, including nationalist fighters, are trapped in the Azovmash facilities. The area is still being mopped up by Russian and DPR troops. Ukrainian troops left Azovmash B, with Russian units advancing from the north, west and east joining in near the second bridge. The intensity of local fighting is lower than the fighting for Azovstal.

The asphalt concrete plant which is part of a large industrial zone in the north of Mariupol and is adjacent directly to the territory of the Ilyich plant, was taken under the control of the DPR.

In the Primorsky district in the right-bank part of the city, intense fighting continues. Fighting for the 7th micro district has ended. Fierce clashes continue in the seaport area. The AFU remain in control over the administrative buildings in the Primorsky district and high-rise buildings along the Lenin Street.

Fighting continues in the left-bank part of the city. The bridge from the right bank to Azovstal was undermined.


One can note the positional nature of the clashes and emphasize the importance of airstrikes on the enemy positions by each side.

At the same time, the Kiev regime continues its bloody offensive in the media. Such provocations as the missile attack in Kramatorsk are being spread into the information field and become the object of media discussions to blame one of the parties to the conflict. Meanwhile, other bloody provocations remain silenced. This was the case of the bloody attack on civilians in the center of the city of Donetsk.

It is difficult to predict how events will develop further, since on the one hand there are successes of the Russian army in the south and southeast of Ukraine, and on the other hand Ukraine is constantly receiving military assistance from the EU, the UK and the USA. In the short term, the balance of power is unlikely to change; Russia’s advantage lies in its strategic positions, while Ukraine’s advantage lies in material assistance from the West.


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President Putin must have to do some risk analysis (identification of risks and their management) with his defence minister and generals before any military action. Just order will not work. He himself leads the action. Any military action first needs lots of homework.


How old are you? This is not some homework or some enterprise being run here. Let the people in charge do their job. This is nothing but the last attempt of Ukraine’s forces to slow down Russia’s forces overrunning them in the east. They are going all in and will probably never return. That is why Zelensky is talking about some big fight coming up and the usual nonsense about him winning. This is mostly desperation than determination. Ukraine is simply running out of men doing the fighting. The hardware they got won’t help them either. Germany already announced no more weapons and supplies. It’s too late anyway. They won’t give more to a lost cause. They overplayed their hand and will face more economic pain they can handle.

jens holm

This is very much about having done homework or not. Obvious You havnt done Yours.

Germany IDDI.

We are so many giving them helpings hand for miliatry and civile matters. You probatly has learned the Germans still are Nazis runned by Eva Braun and daughter.

Your only relation to whats going on here seemes to be a compas.


UAF has lost 60,000 + men, and most of its heavy weapons.

sod off

Stfu you mentally challenged cretin.


Weapons the West give ukraine have a range of 8km maximum for ground targets (ATGM’s) and about 10km for air targets (MANPADS). Since Ukraine has no airforce left the Russians can move slowly and methodically by using anti-air (SAM’s) with long range artillery. This paves the way for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to clean up the mess. The WEST cant give long range weapons because they are too big to get into the country without being noticed. You cant bring in a massive artillery piece or an S-300 system because they get blown up as soon as they come near or cross the border. In the end artillery with air defences wins. These MANPADS and ATGM’s are for gorilla warfare. But the problem is Ukraines best are on the front lines getting destroyed and are being reinforced with untrained forces. To make matters worse Russia has 5,500 tanks in storage and can upgrade them to B3, M1 and MS standards as they please. They have Cold war era arsenal at their fingertips. They have backup if they ever needed it in many countries and the Ruble is back to the value it was before the war started! Its a slow grinding war where every inch is liberated. A slaughter of ukrainians who have no more armour so need Western armour to continue fighting. But these drones and laser guided rounds just do their job from a 50km range. Anything in the sky just gets blown to dust and you can only imaging how many Ethnic Russian sympathisers there are on the ground in Ukraine giving intel. Just say game over and call it a day. Stop being a cheer leader.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

From your mouth to Gods ears! Haha


The fact is : Russia is bleeding empty, equiment and soldiers must come from everywhere and it is begging China to deliver it. And China is far to smart to join the party because it population will not accept this. ukraine is receiving everything it wants and more except soldiers ( read all other men it gets) so time is in the Ukraine intrest. And about men/ soldiers the number of defecting Russian soldiers is ENORM. Plus my father told me, no authoritairian inhuman officer will leave the battlefield, the soldiers will take him out. Problem was the gun ussed it needed to be an arm of the enemy, here are only the same guns. So ……….

sod off

The fact is: you are a mentally diseased braindead imbecile puking moronic crap from your shithole mouth, soon to be closed forever.

Yo Juan

Cant take you seriously when you blow smoke up your own ass with fanboy service for your fave politicians. Chinese citizens absolutely despise the west. They would lend a hand in a heart beat to any action that hurts the west. China is biding its time because as this war rages, the US dollar and Euro continue to lose relevance on the macroeconomic stage while Russia wins because they are commodity rich and have over 2,100 tons of gold that is now pegged to the Ruble (which has completely recovered BTW) at 5000 rubles per gram, or 59USD per gram. This exposes the worlds manipulation of precious metals and makes inflation more obvious. Russia kicked your ass in Syria when they protected Assad, and its doing the same to Ukraine whose soldiers and other forces are fighting each other, lol.


Your own argument shoots you right in the mouth. Russia has an immense army of soldiers compared to Ukraine. The Ukraine army will run out of men long before Russia does. No amount of equipment will help them succeed when their supply of fighting men dies out. In addition, the Russians have far more sophisticated and huge supplies of weapons and missiles compared to Ukraine. The West is behaving like morons because they want the New World Order to succeed and to distract from the uncountable issues that Europe and the USA are facing financially and strategically.

War junkie

Russia should use tactical nukes. This is how you talk sense into extremists. US has no moral pedestal to stand on.


They dropped something huge on Marylinka the other night. What is the most powerful ordinance in the Russian forces short of a tactical nuke? Anyone know?

The maharaja

called foab, air fuel mix = to 88,000 kg tnt, massive fucker


It’s 80,000 lbs not kg… about 44 tonnes TNT. Hiroshima bomb was about 15,000 tonnes TNT. Most large bombs are about 0.5 to 1 tonnes. Mining, however, is the most devastating of all, besides nukes (can be bigger than FABs).


No to Nukes

jens holm

Very good comment


What do you think the Chiefs of Staff in decent level armies do all day? They are involved in strategic planning based on range of variables, that is why they instigate large scale war games, to see what works and what is feasible. Upper echelon military commanders have departments of staff officers to analyze and asses their capabilities – strengths and weaknesses. Not so sure they need your input into their structure of military management!


This is old news south Front, several successes have already taken place by the time you reports events that took place couple of days ago.


Like what?


Of course there is some delay. But the information here is somewhat way more accurate than those silly videos on YT or the obvious propaganda run 24/7 by MSM. They also have to cover a lot of singular developments, like the deliberate killing of citizens by the Ukrainian regime. That is important too.

I think those Ukrainian front-lines will break soon and then it will go down very quickly. A retreating army without any air-defenses is way easier to defeat.

jens holm

There we go again.

You are told by one Putin channel. Most people in the world has many sober entrences from there.

Putin has erased Facebook having no face. He dont dare to show.


Facebook is a US corporate-public-nexus information hoovering and propaganda network – jointly financed between Wall Street and Deep State NSA and CIA backing. Minnow Zuckerberg was plucked from obscurity to be public front man for the layered operation and the whole college start-up PR narrative.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
John Tosh

Facebook is a fake propaganda outlet used by the CIA to identify individuals friends and family. Everyone knows Zuckerberg is just a babysitter for the CIA when it comes to Facebook.

Jesus bruh

Yep; the CIA has been Inside-Job Kissinger’s-beitch since JFK was terminated. Now the War Criminal is dying, he wants to take the whole world with him.


You get what you get.


Izium Axis is a lot closer to Slavayansk/Kramatorsk than depicted in the map. SF is very conservative with their map presentation.


Russia must take out these weapons before they make it into Nazi hands. Anything coming to the east is a legitimate target


If reinforcements have been spotted and photographed they are likely already gone by they time the vids are posted, That S-300 from Slovakia (or Slovenian I forget) was blown to bits yesterday. The US taxpayer gave them a $1 billion USD patriot battery in exchange. Easy come easy go.


Rayethon and Lockheed will be loving this rare business expansion opportunity. New orders from Uncle Schmuel everyday to restock and replace those of the Euro lemmings who are either giving up their current NATO inventories or legacy Warsaw Pact systems to Ukraine. Once the latter get US replacement systems they are then on the hook for future munitions, maintenance and replacement parts, at US corporate dictated prices. US military industrial complex are hard on the scent for new sales orders and new captive markets over this. Corporate business maxim: never let a golden opportunity pass by…

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Bad deal for the Slovaks as the Patriots can’t stop shit.

A little bird told me that the Americans maybe facing problems in Syria. They keep this escalation up, something bad might happen to the camp in Al-Tanf.

Jesus bruh

Unlike the chimps running the US, I don’t think Russia will hire terr0rist’s to do that.


It is not slovenian. We don’t have any. Nor american one.


If we would have one we would be sending it to UKR weeks ago. Most of Slovenian public is buying the MSN crap and same goes for the political top… sad really…


Of course. Slovenian present PM Jansha is nazi supporter. But, on 24th april, on election day, he’ll be past. Although, it is true that other politicians also support the disgusting policy of the EU.

General (Posthumous) M'quve

Terms and rules of engagement on the Russian part are still difficult to discern. Effectiveness of air interdiction, in particular, has been appallingly low throughout the course of the war. At this point, reading of Ukrainian reinforcing maneuvres in plain sight, when the AFU were supposed to be incapable of coordinate action since the first days, raises serious strategical questions. In any case, if the Russian forces are supposed to physically surround any single small target to prevent reinforcement, even restoring the original Donbass borders will be a long and difficult endeavour.

Let’s hope not…


I agree. Russia has been claiming Ukraine does not have the ability to move its armor because they have no fuel yet we are seeing Ukrainian strong points being reinforced

jens holm

The Russians saw the burned fuel as there was nothing else. Its because it was a very visible sign for progress.

Its forgotten so much of the Ukra defence actully is an umbrella of heavy armed mobile and well organized ones.

Im no general. I do expect those Ukras are spread out and therefore difficult just to knowck out.

I also hope Russian maintain their Armenian Generals – So to speak.


Scandinavian token feminist general jenny holm’s get it all wrong once again. The Russian’s are using multiple approaches, the Donbass local DNP and LNP forces are systematically advancing and besieging the AUF/Asovs across the south, and the Russian special operations forces are now focused on drawing out the remaining AUF into the open in central east.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

They are restricted, not necessarily stopped. It’s impossible to remove every drop of diesel in Ukraine. Let them become targets to helicopter rockets and artillery/rocket fire.


Do pay attention and join the dots! Having lost so much of their road going logistics, AUF were increasingly using rail lines to transport and reinforce heavy equipment around central east. That is why RuAF took out key rail station and line control link into Donbass in the last days. Obviously, the Russian’s were hoping to avoid hitting rail infrastructure in eastern sector, until it became an absolute necessary, due to AUF increasingly using it.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
jens holm

I agree. Ukras are hard stuff


Russian dont fight against ukrainian army but against the pentagone and Europa +OTAN.Europe is in crisis by giving arms and money for the benefit of USA. Ukraine is nothing for Europe and USA. Zelensky is juste à puppet like Macron and shoaltz


Aircraft are vulnerable to missiles so can’t really fly low. Enemy are well dug-in and surrounded by civilians so need to be ‘surgically’ removed. It will take a while that’s all.


The West is happy to write off the fancy equipment as the Russians take it out. Let them. They are bankrupting The West. Perhaps the population there will rent some balls and start attacking their reigning tyrannies.


Your so full of shit. One of the best aspects of this campaign has been Russian Air Defence. The best in the best in the west. Even western shills are forced to admit that.

The maharaja

There are so many flaws but in the end 200k men are not going to get it done. Russia may mobilize but they waited too long. When they are fighting for Crimea they may finally see the need? The VKS ? why bother its obvious. Ya wanted to make it quick it failed now its a real fight and they dont want to win very odd.


Russia military mage huge blunder sending troops to Chernobyl. They should rather send those troop to secure the border with Poland and Slovakia to prevent weaponry delivery. The west will continue send more weapons’ and bleed Russia military.

I kind incompetency of Russia military strategist to allowed such weapons’ be deliver. If Russia has such as the Russia claimed good missile system they should destroy such delivery at the border or even in Slovakia or Poland.

It’s very obvious NATO and Poland and Slovakia are directly involved in conflict, therefore Poland and Slovakia are legitimate target.

The weak Russia leadership makes the same mistakes as they did in Syria. Therefore we have over 11 years war in Syria. The same or worst we will see in UA. When Russia bleeds enough, NATO we move in and finish Russia.

Russia has this weak leadership too long. Time for change for better leadership..


Russian military can’t go to NATO border.


Yes they can with supersonic missiles organisations with sub-marines, they are ready man.


Hypersonic to precise, a whole new level.

jens holm

You might be right. But You forget Ukras as well as the many donators are not sitting ducks.

Here You also ignore that if Poland, Slovakia, Roumania a.s.o. are legitimate targets, they will meet any agression hard.

We have tryed hard to keep Minsk 2. But even attacking us having kept Minsk 2 does it. By that Moskva migh be a lake. Its much as many dont understand, that if we try to be nice, we are treated as weak.

But we can spank behinds close to Russian brains when we wish.


after 7 weeks of war still not all, even not the most railways, bridges and roads destoyed in western ukraien, so still full trains with ammo and armament ariving from poland, chech and slovakia to ukrain.


That’s not even plausible. None of it…are you a child? If you are then it’s okay you got time to grow and understand the world and the ramifications of everything you suggested.

As for the Chernobyl plant, if it wasn’t secured ukro’s would of false flagged that to ruin the entire world.


The first thing Russia should have done was to bomb all rail routes and roads into Ukraine from Poland etc. By neglecting to do so, could cost them dearly.


Wrong. The railway has facilitated 4m pro EU Ukrainians to flee to the EU. This leaves in Ukraine a greater portion of pro Russia people, so helps Russia’s control of conquered territory.

Florian Geyer

Well said.


Granted, but the exodus is over now. No reason now not to take them out.

The maharaja

You ever heard of ww2? Refugees walk too ya know. They also clog the roads for any fighters trying to move east. Not to mention now all those who fled can come back. After their lands are retaken with the weapons sent on the same railroads. It was a huge mistake and you know it. Dumb as shit to leave the rails running and the bridges standing.

jens holm

Anything comming there in those days and now most likely was shot down by us.

You forget THEM by that would be Nato too.

As a minimum we sould protect those millions of refugees there.


I agree that it prevents the transfer of arms, but it also allows civilians to escape without hindering the Russians. Apparently that S-300 sent from Slovakia is toast already so they are definitely on to it.

jens holm

So proud those Russians are representing death and destructions so well. Even the dwarfs in Russia are the tallest


jens rambling nonsensical again….


To know the Ucrapian mind is to hate it.


If Russia send à missile on Tel-Aviv that will end the war


A ‘message’ to Tal Habib, New York, Washington and London would liberate the West.


Look at the Photo: Selensky and Josef Borrel, two jews shaking hands. And on the other side if Putin shakes hands with Berel Lazar or Mr. Abramowitsch it would be the same.

One cannot state it often enough. On both sides of this conflict the leaders are Jews. Please people realize, how to recognize Jews. There are several points that can, but not necessary need be proof or at least a good indicator to identify this demons.

And since these filth always switches its names, and claims to be of other origin, other religion etc. Therefore it is important to know how to – nevertheless – identify them as what they are. Which is: Jews !

Regarding names

Persons with a ‘double-R’ in name:

Schorr, Mitterrand, Karrenbauer, Guterres, Barr, Harris, Harriman, Barroso, Borrel, Knorr, Farrel, Kerry, Morrison, Dorries, Becarra usw.

Exemplary names/part of names: (if you switch the meaning of these below mentioned names/parts of names to english, german, russian, turkish, swedish, france, greek etc. then you are also there able to positively identify jews in that language area)

stein, thal, berg, bach, spahn/span, heim, baum, wiesen,

apfel, feigen, birn(en), mandel, kirsch, zucker,

gold, silber, rubin, diamand, perl(e)/pearl, gulden, juwel

reich, edel, schön, gut, lieb, seelig, ehren, fried, frieden, liebe, liebes, süss, fein, schatz, wert, treu, sanft, glanz, blinken, wechsel, taler, herz, kauf, fromm, funkel, glitzer

blumen, rosen, korn, fell, seide, linden, feld,

frank, salomon, jakobs, jacobi, anselm, amschel, ammon, amann, kaufmann, schuster, schatzmann, mann,

gross, klein, viel/fiel,

baer/ber/beer, löwen, strauss, hirsch, katz, adler

frühling, sommer, herbst, winter

schwarz, weiss, roth, gelb, grün, grau, braun,

Persons with ‘au’ at the end of their names like Birkenau, Lindenau, Rathenau usw.

Persons with ‘ek’ resp. ‘eck’ or ‘ik’ at the end of their names like Melnek, Melnik, Affleck, usw.

And of course you can recognize them from their typically sixer-nose (nose like a six), and their often very close to each other eyes, like with Jerry Seinfeld, or former german secret-state-police chief Hans-Georg Maaßen. This mark is stemming from long jewish-inbred tradition.

Then, and that is also a good indicator of jewish heritage, there is the earlobes. Lots of jews have different earlobes than normal people. The earlobes of jews are often no-existent. Instead, the downside of the ear is directly attached to the head. See for example photo of former german democratic party (SPD) leader and minister of finances, Peer Steinbrück. See: https://kuty.me/xg4

This marks are just indicators, but if 2, 3 or 4 of these marks come together in one person (for example Name+Eyes+Earlobes), then you can be very sure that there is a jew standing in front of you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

Stop with the jewish here, jewish there babbling. Reorganize the army now.

Cornelius Pipe

Go suck on a Kalibr, Naszi.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

As long as russia can either keep preventing weapons deliveries by taking them out, or blocking them altogether, russia will be just fine


not sure about that, because still many roads, bridges and railways from kiew to the western boder are intact. no idea why still not destroyed?

Putin's MASSIVE Balls, NATO's empty nutsack

On top of that there should be a continuous bombardment of civilian infrastructure in Western Ukraine. Why hasn’t this happened yet?


No idea. Start with flattening all government buildings in Kiev. These are symbol of authorities. Would give a tremedous morale boost.


I call for the destruction of all railways, highways, roads coming from Poland carrying arms. Do it now.

Better yet, why not send an interdiction force from Belarus and seize them? Ukraine has zero forces in the west. What a shot that would be.

Timmy Temperance

People have been asking me what to read whilst taking a break from war. I would like to recommend Canton by a dear friend of mine, Khatiam. Available on Amazon Kinderl.

Arzt Injektion

“Ukraine is constantly receiving military assistance from the EU, the UK and the USA.” That is something that Russia can stop at any time. Each soldier that dies as a result of not stopping it is an indictment against the military and political leadership.


Russia is probably going to nuke the whole west first. Putin said himself that if war is inevitable then it’s best to deliver the first powerful strike. US is not gonna give up and neither Russia. So nuclear annihilation seems the most likely outcome of this US /NATO proxy war. And the losers are the poor people while the rich puppet politicians (and their families) and the corporate elites will take shelter in their underground bunkers and cities. Some human are so fucking braindead.

Peter Jennings

The western coalition of shysters seem to want to use Ukraine, and its people, and its infrastructure, as a way of depleting Russian weapon stockpiles. Maybe they think the Russian admin will waste their tech on nato nazis?

Ukraine is the sacrificial lamb of the isreali apartheid regime. Ukraine could be being used as a diversion and to stretch Russian forces in Syria, ready for an attack from an apartheid regime that wants to expand its apartheid.

Florian Geyer

I agree, and the latest call-up of reserves and retired trained soldiers could well be the Russian forces are getting ready to accommodate tens of thousands of Ukie pow’s. Older men with more life experience are required for that.


60,000. They will be put to use securing the rearguard of the Izium Axis.


Perhaps these older soldiers are to be a Russian peace keeping force in the areas captured.


Ukrainians are peasants by nature.


Russia must attack NATO supporters of Ukraine. Those who supply weapons to Ukraine are engaging in war against Russia.


Why would they do the only thing that would alter the outcome?

Tommy Jensen

I think they are just waiting for the strategic right moment. So far Russia has intervened in the exact most fragile moment of the West in the involved scenarios.


better to have the stupified anglos exhaust resources—Russia destroys weapons that cross border…west impoverished shocked that kinzhal finds them before they can be deployed—-more tactical superiority to terrify lgbt amerikans


Comedian cum politician Zelensky in olive drab is no less clownish that oligarch cum politician Porky Poroshenko was in digital camo. Porky could not briskly walk around the block, let alone see action. Whilst Zelensky can’t do much of anything without a twitching nose full of coke, let alone leave the delivery zone of his dealers.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Liquidar todo lo que transporte ayuda de modo prioritario, no dejar en laces de tren, puentes o caminos transitables, asi la ayuda no llegara o lo hara muy lento pudiendo cazarla antes.


Second video: In their entrenched dugout position AUF did the standard thing see with Saudi and their proxies in Yemen, using nylon grain or coal bags for sandbags. Apart from being visually white, these nylon bags break down in very short order when exposed to UV light. So within months will just have an unconstrained and unstable pile of sand left, and the disintegrating strands of breaking down white nylon all over the place.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Volunteers are finally arriving in Donbass. Better late than never.

Karl Wolfe

Zelensky is nothing but a used sex doll for Kolomoisky and the rest of the “elite” to have sexual pleasure with at their parties. I’m surprised he can walk or sit down without a diaper. I feel bad for him, almost. Because he’s amassed a FORTUNE of over a BILLION DOLLARS in just a few years as leader of Ukraine. We have US politicians who are millionaires after 40 years in government: to be a BILLIONAIRE after a handful of years shows how CORRUPT the government in Ukraine really is. Read the Panama and Pandora Papers.


Okay, the run off elections for france is April 24th. That is the window of time Russia has to capture some important frogs in Mariupol and sink Macron.

Good chance the Nazis will kill them before they allowed to surrender/capture, however, strong evidence exists that some have already been captures.


The Russians are terribly careful wanting this change of tactics

Slovyansk is absolutely invincible with such tactics


Famous last words. No one is invincible, especially when they think they are.

Marcelo Rodriguez

Rusia debe acelerar su ofensiva contra Mariupol y tomarla rápidamente, así como todo el Donbass, en cuanto a los refuerzos en material bélico de Occidente que sigue llegando a Ucrania y trasladandose hacía Este, tendría que ser destruido por las fuerzas Rusas, inclusive con el uso de artillería nuclear táctica, para demostrarle a Occidente que este conflicto es una línea roja de Moscú y no tolerará ninguna intromisión del bloque Atlántico este conficto. Y así evitar que Rusia se desangre en una guerra larga e interminable como piensan desde Occidente, para tratar de destruir su economía.


Ukraine had a bad day.


Ukraine has had a bad century of miserable existence. It is the stillborn bastard child of Lenin and Trotsky (Bolshevik Jews). It is about to be interred at last by Putin and Russia.


and when nato and russia are weak, what of china? when the troops and weapons are depleted, what about the strength of the ccp?

to watch this for ccp must be making them itch, maybe an uncontrollable itch


1:40 crispy Ukrainian soldiers, just the way I like them.


Russia is winning a war against NATO. NATO is winning its Holocaust against the Christian Slavs of the former The Ukraine. A 1917 Bolshevik style Holocaust which the mostly Jewish Rada and Kiev regime is complicit in as is the All-Jew USSD. The Ghost of Hitler laughs in the background as The Ukraine is becoming Slav-Frei. The Ghost of Hitler cries in the background as the Ukraine is becoming infested with jews. The Ghost of Hitler is confused.

Last edited 2 years ago by Platon
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