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MARCH 2025

War Is Coming: US Strike Assasinated Qods Force’s Soleimani. Iran Promised ‘Tough Revenge’

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On January 3, US strikes on the Iraqi capital of Baghdad killed Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU).

HINT: The Qods Force is the unit responsible for the IRGC’s extraterritorial operations. The US considers it to be a terrorist organization. Soleimani as the head of the Qods Force became widely known to the international audience for the successful participation in the war on ISIS in Syria and Iraq, operations with Hezbollah and the PMU.

The PMU is an official part of the Iraqi Armed Forces and the most military capable branch of the Iraqi military that has been involved in the war on ISIS. Al-Muhandis is the second-in-command of the PMU and the head of Kataib Hezbollah. This organization is an official part of the PMU. The US describes Kataib Hezbollah as a terrorist group. On December 29, the US Air Force conducted strikes on Kataib Hezbollah positions on the Syrian-Iraqi border. Washington says that it was responsible for recent rocket shellings on US facilities in Iraq.

War Is Coming: US Strike Assasinated Qods Force's Soleimani. Iran Promised 'Tough Revenge'

Qassem Soleimani (C)

War Is Coming: US Strike Assasinated Qods Force's Soleimani. Iran Promised 'Tough Revenge'

Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Iran’s IRGC confirmed the death of both commanders in an official statement on the incident. The PMU also released an official confirmation.

“The deputy head of the Hashed, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and head of the Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, were killed in a US strike that targeted their car on the Baghdad International Airport road,” the PMU said in a statement.

“The American and Israeli enemy is responsible for killing the mujahideen Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Qassem Soleimani,” Ahmed al-Assadi, a PMU spokesman, said.

Photos of the targeted vehicle:

War Is Coming: US Strike Assasinated Qods Force's Soleimani. Iran Promised 'Tough Revenge'

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War Is Coming: US Strike Assasinated Qods Force's Soleimani. Iran Promised 'Tough Revenge'

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War Is Coming: US Strike Assasinated Qods Force's Soleimani. Iran Promised 'Tough Revenge'

Click to see the full-size image

Earlier on the same day, the PMU said that its public relations director Mohammed Reza al-Jaberi and four other members of the group were also killed after three rockets struck a military base next to Baghdad International Airport. The attack was described as “cowardly US bombing”.

Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said those who assassinated the IRGC’s Soleimani must await a tough revenge.

He said that the “cruelest people on earth” assassinated the “honorable” commander who “courageously fought for years against the evils and bandits of the world.”

“Martyr Soleimani is an international figure of the Resistance, and all the devotees of Resistance are now his avengers,” he said.

“All the friends and foes must know that the path of Jihad of the Resistance will continue with double motivation, and a definite victory awaits those who fight in this auspicious path,” the Leader said.

“The demise of our selfless and dear general is bitter, but the continued fight and achievement of the final victory will make life bitterer for the murderers and criminals,” he added.

The Iranian President’s comment:

The strike that killed Soleimani and al-Muhandis was ordered by US President Donald Trump. His first official comment:

The official statement by the US Department of Defense:

At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week.

This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.

The assassination of the Qods Force’s Qassem Soleimani and the PMU’s Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is a major escalation in the region and a notable blow to Iran. The Iranian leadership cannot ignore this development and leave it unanswered. Most likely, right now Iran and its allies are preparing an answer to the US military action.

In July 2019, SouthFront released a video analysis on Iran’s Qods Force and its operations:


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42 HSabbagh

This some bullshit! R.i.p

John Wallace

This does not leave much room for Iran not too respond . By doing this America must expect a response that will up the ante and a step closer to all out war. They must feel confident of victory and minimal losses but this has the potential to tip the world into a massive depression by skyrocketing oil price with the ME set ablaze in tit for tat missile attacks. The outcome can not be good for anyone. No wonder the sudden increases in gold and silver today..


obviousely, US needs another war fast, hence they stir the wasps nest with a big stick. I wonder what is going on that they need this distraction?


I agree the unhinged states of A needs a war to stave off a budding financial collapse (23000billion $$ national debt) but the real beneficiary here is israel that has been working towards a war wtih Iran a long long time, not on their own but using the unhinged nitwits in washington dc for the purpose.

I however don’t think the death of soleimani will mean all that much so rest assured that there is a competent replacement ready to step in with a set of methods that will mean the end of israel. after all, what has israel done to deserve to continue to exist – murder galore, thieving galore, lebensraum program coupled with the ethnical cleansing program and operating concentration camp gaza. the quicker the israelis are 6 feet under pushing up daisies the better it will be for the world!

Ivan Freely

Many possibilities on what they’re trying to distract the public eye from.


I agree. It must be something big that affects both sides in the US.

A common denominator is ‘Kiddy Fiddling’ by the elite in the US and Israel.

Karen Bartlett

Perhaps their murders of thousands of civilians in Palestine and Yemen, both of which the US gov’t supports, not to mention their support of ISIS, is becoming too well known in world opinion. Not on MSM, of course, but via internet on alternative news sites.

Veritas Vincit

As the US expands criminal actions (being violations of international law) in conjunction with Israel (that is concurrently conducting many missile strikes against targets in Syria and Iraq (conforming to aggression), their current celebrations indicate they do not yet understand the consequences of their actions. In time they shall understand.

– “I hope all Israelis will listen carefully to what I say: Netanyahu, his government and military officials did not correctly evaluate the magnitude this war will reach if they succeed to light its fires. What will be its extent, what will be its territory, who will participate on it, who will enter it… Netanyahu, his government and military officials do not know how this war will end if they start it……

……I now call first all Jews except the Zionists to detach their considerations from Zionist calculations who lead themselves to their final destruction. And I call on all those who came in occupied Palestine believing the promises that they would find the land of milk and honey to leave. I call them to leave Palestine and go back to the countries from which they came so that they don’t become mere fuel in any war where would lead them the stupid Netanyahu government. For if Netanyahu launched a war in this region, there may be no more time for them to leave Palestine, and there will be no safe place for them in occupied Palestine……

…..the scale of the massacres committed by Israel against the Palestinian people and the peoples of the region, its partnership with Daesh and its open complicity in the project of partition of our region through its open and eager support to the secession of Kurdistan, all this will push the people of the region to render a capital verdict against them.” [Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah]

As the US (and particularly Israel) continues to engage in actions of aggression (in violation of international law) against successive strategic opponents, despite the current restraint by targeted nations, limits of restraint will almost certainly in time be exceeded.

– The Coming Middle East Conflagration, Michael Oren [former Israeli Ambassador to the United States], The Atlantic, November 4, 2019) [Excerpts] “The senior ministers of the Israeli government met twice last week to discuss the possibility of open war with Iran. ….. Israeli troops, especially in the north, have been placed on war footing. Israel is girding for the worst and acting on the assumption that fighting could break out at any time. And it’s not hard to imagine how it might arrive. The conflagration, like so many in the Middle East, could be ignited by a single spark. Israeli fighter jets have already conducted hundreds of bombing raids against Iranian targets in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. ….. The result could be a counterstrike by Iran, using cruise missiles that penetrate Israel’s air defenses and smash into targets like the Kiryah, Tel Aviv’s equivalent of the Pentagon. Israel would retaliate massively against Hezbollah’s headquarters in Beirut as well as dozens of its emplacements along the Lebanese border. And then, after a day of large-scale exchanges, the real war would begin.” [End]

Recognising recent changes in regional security architecture, the eventual situation is likely to be in a multi-front format (a regional conflagration). Also recognising Israeli moves to Judaise key Islamic sites, the likely approaching conflagration will almost certainly have a Holy War component:

– Hamas says Israeli violations at al-Aqsa will ignite ‘all-out regional war’, PressTV, Oct 21, 2019

– “The gathering holy war. Slowly, Israel is transforming a settler-colonial project against the Palestinians into a battle with the wider Islamic world. It is turning a territorial conflict into a holy war.” (How the Rule of the Rabbis Is Fueling a Holy War in Israel, by Jonathan Cook, Antiwar, February 23, 2019)


How can you TRUST A Nation that BOMBS it`s own People 9/11 3000+ and then Blame others BOMBS IRAQI and AFGHANISTAN …KILLING MILLIONS MORE …USA you are child of ..SATAN


I spent the summer in Iran on the Persian Gulf coast, Iranians are brave fatalistic people, the clerical regime is oppressive and corrupt and perhaps still has the majority support, but these blatant acts of US aggression will make Iranians rally around the flag, they are a proud ancient nation where nationalism runs very deep like Russia. There will be a response, but a very unexpected and long one. Persians think in centuries not 20 second sound bites.

Black Waters

You can’t, that’s why the real opposition it’s being built from inside.


The U.S. still owes Iran for 1979 (embassy siege). Most Americans would be delighted for a pretext to crush the Iranian mullahs like an insect.


I don’t believe it will be that easy, but time will tell, so contain your childish glee from the safety of your armchair.


think you’re wrong – most americans would like to see washington concentrating the use of resources back home and not in some frivolous warring around the world which just benefits very few and basically not the society. but a 50m$ bounty on trump’s head etc will possibly change the mind of washington to the benefit of the american people.


If the CIA had their way in 1979, thousands of Iranians would’ve been slaughtered, so stop talking about things you nothing about you idiot. Most Americans are like you, ignorant.

John Wallace

1979 was repayment for Americas assassination of Iran’s democratically elected leader and the imposition of the despotic Shah in 1953. Don’t forget the reason.


Actually, US has illegally frozen Iran’s assets worth $175 BILLION in today’s dollars since 1979.

John Wallace

Didn’t Obama return some in cash and non US dollars. Found it. The $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane. The arrangement provided for the interest to be paid later. That interest is 1.3 billion. The money was Iran’s held by America. for a military deal gone sour because of the Shah being deposed. Many thought it was Obama Giving Iran the money.


Yes, I believe it all added up to around $400 million out of BILLIONS frozen.

John Wallace

I remember it because they went to great length to insure it was all in cash and not one USD so it was made up with multiple countries currencies in cash. Of course there is much more still owing which has been held up by Trumps changing the rules.. Not sure how much is involved.


The US owed Iran long before for organising the 1953 coup.


The US owes Iran ?- another hasbara/redneck brainless statement. It was the US that overthrew their democratically elected president Mossadegh, installed the brutal Shah’s regime which the Mullah’s overthrew. Iran still owes the US… perhaps they should put a price on Soleimanis life- say 1000 US marines and 1000 IDF for every Shia commander killed by US/Israhell.


Trump is a cowardly madman desperate to start a war for the Zionists and also to deflect from his impeachment trial. However, this is totally illegal murder of a foreign military leader with which the US is not is a declared state of war, so this legally qualifies as STATE SANCTIONED TERRORISM. Just imagine if Iran had assassinated a US general in Iraq. Iranians are very calm, patient and shrewd people and there will be retribution for sure, but not like Saddam’s or Baghdad Bob’s hollow rants. From a military perspective murdering a few middle aged men with a drone strike is not a big deal, but the consequences will be far lethal and strategic. Iran’s only mistake was not to react when US and Zionists killed other Iranians and also sending Soleimani to Baghdad at a time of high tensions. Perhaps the Iranian generals are fatalistic and obviously very courageous. Now let’s see how the region ignites.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

when i first read this tonight i was so angry i lost all my appetite, i really hope iran gives a SEVERE blow to america


My friend, Shia in particular are always ready to die, it is mix of nationalism and faith. Soleimani was a brave man and was severely wounded in the Iran-Iraq war and still returned to the frontlines in bandages, so believe he knew that US and Zionists will try to kill him and accepted his fate. Same as Nasrallah. However, the post Iraq war generation in Iranian military is even more deadly and committed. As I have posted before, Rouhani is the weak link, Iran needs Ahmedinejad again. Be patient, this will be a very long and bloody conflict.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i agree, iran needs stronger, meaner leaders who dont let its enemies get away with things


The worst decision made by the clergy, as they were threatened by an honest veteran like Ahmadinejad was to get rid of him. Secondly, the worst tactical mistake was not to react to Zionist attacks and killing of Iranian officers in Syria. Both, Zarif and Rouhani have to go. Just watch how all this unfolds.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes, iran needs the toughest, meanest, yet also most intelligent leaders and advisers it has ever had, to really defeat its enemies


From the advent of warfare, it is necessary to stand up to bullies, Iranian leadership since the overthrow of Ahmedinejad has been very weak, fragmented and confused. Zarif has done immense damage to Iran by showing weakness. Khamenei is old and there seems to be a policy vacuum from what I saw. Perhaps, this is good time for the Sepah to step in.


It sounds more like the perfect time for the whole failing dictatorship to implode

Black Waters

I agree, but like you say, being smart it makes you take sometimes actions that aren’t seeing right at the moment, but in the long term it gives you an advantage that you wouldn’t be able to have the other way around.

My advice will be, eat your pride and develop your nation. It will be a time for revenge, but revenge it’s a dish that needs to be serve cold. In the meantime i dunno, create a monument or something of this man.

PD: Iran should focus on developing their influence in the region also, this is vital for the next 10-20 years.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the best revenge for iran would be to fulfill all of soleimani’s wishes, the complete removal of US from the region


Iraq will eject the US from Iraq, let that step happen. Victory loves preparation. The US just displayed the stupidity of aggressive moves. Defensive is Iran’s best position.

Zionism = EVIL

Can’t be a major power without nukes. Sad reality in the Americunt/Zionist imposed Zoo rules.


….un like the weak and stupid ones?

Iran doesn’t have leader’s, it has a religious dictatorship who will fail, and they’ll fail absolutely make no mistake about it!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

In ur dreams pal, Iran will be around long after ur gone


I wouldn’t be to sure about that

And which Iran are you talking about?

I’m already older than the current version

And I’ve lived long enough to see a whole bunch of other dictatorship go under

Although it seems the people in Iran,Syria,Venezuela,Russia and China ain’t learnt jack shit

Ok they may survive, but to what purpose?

Will they be dynamic globally significant economies?

Will Russia or Syria or Iran create a bunch of glob corporations, you know world class brands?

No, only China will, and as I’ve said before, but I’ll have to repeat myself, they’ve only got what they have because of the free western and more dynamic economies investing there which won’t be happening again, because the fact is they’ve relentlessly stolen and taken the piss,thank god for Trump he’s called the cheating stealing bastards out, and he’s right to do so

We’ll see how well the rest do, but i ain’t holding my breath

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the blessed nation of Iran will always be victorious, they have God as their mightiest defender


Grow up!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

screw off :)

Chris Gr

IRGC are the Shia version of Ahrar al Sham, Faylaq al Sham, Jaysh al Islam, etc …

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Comparing them is a clear sign of how demented u are

Chris Gr

They have the same ideology but different sect.


His biggest mistake was sanctioning an attack on a U.S. embassy. He must have been very stupid, or very deluded, to authorize such a thing. Or maybe someone forgot to tell him that the weakling Obama is no longer President?


You are like a child. Trump is a coward and has no military experience. These acts of state sanctioned terrorism that the US is conducting have long term effects, not that you will ever go fight or die. Grow up and see what happens and stop being so gung ho from the safety of your mom’s basement. Wars are not good for anyone. US occupied Iraq and now is in a quagmire in tinderbox region.

John Wallace

Just because your propaganda machine says that and you suck it all in as truth just shows intellectually deprived you are. A brain of mush that believes bullshit as truth. How many lies do you have to believe before you wake up. Not for another decade or two by the looks of it.



But the Iranian regime is actually desperate, its looking at oblivion, soon it will go completely belly up

Personally I’d now really turn up the pressure, cut Iran out of everything

Joao Alfaiate

Doesn’t matter who is President. The Jews are in charge.


you think only americunts can kill just because they have killed a hundred million.. its easy to kill..

Chris Gr

I remember my far-left years when I supported every third world dictator.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

What turned u into a moron then?

Chris Gr

You are the one that supports dictators and rag tag militias and I am the moron? Please!

Chris Gr

Persians yes but most of them don’t like extremism.


US should have been thrown out of Iraq long ago and this is the result when Iraqi politicians are US puppets. The US is now well established in Syria and Iraq. The only way to get them out now is through an uprising and guerilla warfare. Unfortunately the Syrians, Iraqis have left it too long and one doubts if Russia will buy into the conflict.


Realistically, Iraq is a failed occupied state where the US and Zionists have many collaborators in the Kurdish and Sunni communities and that is why US has been able to occupy it as spread terror, but killing a foreign military officer in cold blood is another matter and the consequences will be far reaching.


This open declaration of war is exactly what USA-Israel want to destroy Iran. The question is …..will Russia allow this trying to avoid a nuclear war ? Maybe Russia-USA will hava a talk and will try to calm down all of this, but will IRAN calm down under this USA-Israel treat ?

Karen Bartlett

I think the Iranians won’t do anything without being calm.As D’Artagnan said, they are extremely smart people. Their civilization is thousands of years old, back to the BC’s. And they’re discussing the situation now. The country is also in three days of official mourning.


the problem is that iraq would like them to leave but since the unhinged states of A has decided to stay, iraq can’t do much about it. do you think the unhinged states of A would leave germany if it was asked to leave – no way, the same for italy and so on. so it is still basically an occupation residual from ww2.


The problem is that Iran has gone on a hegemonial rampage in the region. This will end soon, however, with the toppling of the stone-age clerical regime in Teheran. You shall see.


You’re brainwashed.


He is a petulant child typical of Americans who have no understanding of real-politic. US has just committed murder on live TV and the consequences will slowly unfold.


he’s just a full scale idiot wherever he hails from!


He’s just an Israeli sayanim warmonger. Cut the little turd some slack.

John Wallace

You should call yourself Sponge which would be more fitting to match your brain. Or septic tank as that is where all the shit collects. I am sure there is a Nigerian Prince that needs help smuggling Qaddafi’s hidden gold out of Libya before the LNA take over Tripoli..


You are mistaken its the US thats been waging regime change wars in the ME since 9/11 spending over 6 trillion in the process & killing 500,000 plus people


nah it will mean the end of the illegal settlemt in palestine, in fact the friggin jews will realize that they’ve got more than they bargained for when they are pushing up daisies and peace is restored to the middle east. just wait and see.

Zionism = EVIL

My judgement is that you are a fuckwit.

Concrete Mike

Hahahaha there is only 1 hegemon, USA.

Shut up benchpress.

Wayne Nicholson

“hegemonial rampage”

The US military was allowed to operate in Iraq for one reason and one reason only …. to defeat ISIS. Those PMU units you attacked were the primary force on the ground that defeated ISIS in cooperation with the US military.

Your president ordered air strikes against an ally, that were units of the Iraqi military …. they were employees of your host government …. for an attack on US soldiers that were 500KM from where they were stationed.

And you say Iran was on a “hegemonial rampage” …. the USA is on a batshit crazy rampage in the middle east.

There is no question ….. you may as well save lives on both sides and board up the US embassy in Bagdad and get the fuck out. This is a self inflicted wound.

Iran isn’t going to attack the USA the way you think they are …. they’re already doing it and strikes like the one against the PMU’s are how


In Fortitude the guys cuts off his own balls as an offering, thats what the US has done today.. And that too without any anesthetic.. What an incredibly stupid and assine thing to do.




If the Iraqi Parliament votes to demand that the US leave, the US will have no choice but to leave.

The US servicemen will be susceptible to being taken hostage. I can picture hundreds of checkpoints set up by both the Iraqi Army and the PMU’s, with arrest warrants for any US person caught. The US will not be able to move anywhere.


My friend, you people don’t realize the depth of US and Zionist control over the Kurdish regions next to Iran, that is what needs to be hit hard.

Zionism = EVIL

The head Iranian mullah Khamenei needs to get his head out of his arse and smell the roses, the lardass Americunt mofos are cowards, thugs and bullies who only understand force. Iran needs to have nuclear weapons, just look at deadbeat Pakistan, it has killed more Americunts in Afghanistan via its “Taliban” and can go Scott Free as it has nukes. Its airforce shoots down Indian aircraft at will, parades the captured pilots and daily kills Indians in Kashmir and India can do fuckall. Iran is vulnerable because the Ruskies and Chinks are kissing Americunt arse and will not sell it serious weaponry and the Americunts know it. Only a protracted guerilla war and nukes will keep the Americunt and Zionist hyenas at bay. RIP to Qassem Soliemani, he was brave warrior, not very prudent though to step into the snake pit at Baghdad without any precautions.

Zionism = EVIL

and PS fuck the Jews who are real evil. To inflict pain to the Americunts, if the Jew vermin get whacked then it hits the pain threshold. The key to liberating the region is the destruction of the Zionist arseholes who use the braindead Americunts as cannon fodder. This latest act of Americunt terrorism must not go unpunished as it will only invite more acts of Americunt terror in the region, especially in Lebanon. Now DOWNVOTE that you Jew fuck arselickers :)

Chris Gr

You are sick in the head.

Wayne Nicholson

The USA is well established but the question is how do they keep these establishments supplied?And it’s well know that the US military relies on air superiority to keep their ground forces safe so how do they accomplish that?

If you look at a map the route through Jordan requires the cooperation of the Russians who are the USA #1 enemy and control the airspace over western Syria. The USA has sanctioned the Turks so supply through Turkey isn’t a given. Right now they supply their troops in Syria through iraq …. they could still overfly Iraq by force but that won’t be cheap and Iraq could Russian, Chinese or iranian SAM’s that would make supplying US forces in Syria very expensive.

Being surrounded by millions of hostile forces you are either at war with or have sanctioned and having fly water into the country through contested air space which would make the cost of water hundreds of USD/liter would be strategically questionable. Those helicopters that support US troops in Syria would no longer be parked safe in Iraq between missions but would be well within range of mortar’s and rocket artillery. The mission in Syria would become extremely dangerous.


if what you say happens then ,surprise surprise, ISIS will take 90% of IRAQ again in 2 days as it did before.


No difference; US is ISIS.


just one thing to do – a bounty of say 50m$ on trump’s head, 25m$ on jared kushner’s head (include ivanka in that amount) and then 25m$ on the heads of pompous, mnuchin, netanyahu and a few more and say 5m$ on each and every american and israeli ambassador wherever they are found.. and sink the carrier in the persian gulf.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

sounds good


I don’t think mature Iranians will act in haste. They are determined people who gave the world chess and polo, one for the brain and the other for the brawn. Iran has many strategic options and it will exercise them as the opportunity arises. However, I fear for the region and massive loss of life everywhere. Just look at the region from Libya to Afghanistan. A war with Iran is the last thing the global economy can withstand.


I doubt Iran will do anything in anger, after all it’s part of a general’s life that death may come at an unexpected moment, but rest assured that a) soleimani has nursed some very competent replacements of himself and b) that those replacements will work even harder to get to israel, with more cunning and with more dedication than even soleiman put on display. so let’s hope that 2020 will be the last year of israel’s existence as an illegal settlement in the middle east and the perpetrators (the hymies) are 6 feet under before the sun settles on 2020.


That would be the sensible course. Iran should slowly increase the temperature for the US occupation forces in the region, like a frog in a pan. US needs to bleed to death. That is what the Algerians, Afghans, Yemenis and Vietnamese have very successfully done. Also Iran needs to test a nuclear weapon.


yep, close discussions with kim jung un and voila, Iran might be a nuclear loaded state competent to send the hymies to the bottom of the sea (the Med) or at least 6 feet under, pushing daisies galore.

an illegal settlement that has made murder and thievery the tools they prefer to use and which is applying the principles of Hitler’s lebensraum program in stealing more palestinian land and which is using hitler’s concentration camp plan for their own ethnical cleansing of all palestinians in the use of concentration camp Gaza. what to like about the jews – nothing much.

and in conclusion, the jews are stealing palestine’s gas and trying to sell it to europe which is something the European Union must put a stop to (talk about thievery being part of the jewish genome – it truly is laughable, at least until they all are 6 feet under fertilizing the soil for the palestinians).

Zionism = EVIL

Nuke the Zionist scum and save the planet. I kid you not!


the global economy is what has brought the world to the sad state it is in – what with theclimate nightmare (australia, philipines uzw) and then the banking cabal kicking the debt-load down the road trying to avoid a financial collapse. fuck the global economy and let’s retake the powers from the incumbent elite and the jews and the ones not worth anything alive (jews mostly).

Kell McBanned

Id laugh if they drone bombed Ivanka and Jared in response – id better be quiet I wouldn’t want to give the Israelis ideas, that would be the perfect false flag they would then blame on Iran.


This is setting a very bad precedence as the US is totally rogue terrorist and it is time Russia and China took a stand or the US is capable of any atrocity if not challenged.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

this news made me so angry i lost all my appetite, mr. soleimani your death is not in vain!!!! it marks the beginning of the end of this fucked up empire


I agree …. this is a “watershed moment”. If the US is expelled from Iraq as a result of Soleimani’s death, he will have accomplished his biggest goal. He will truly be the greatest hero for everyone on this planet, not just Iranians. They will be building a shrine at that spot where he died on the highway..


I do agree that this murder will have long term consequences not favorable to the US occupation forces or their Zionist masters,

Chris Gr

Che, Saddam and Qaddafi were terrorists. Qaddafi bombed a discotheque.


The Israeli’s bombed the disco and conned Reagan into bombing Libya you liar!

Chris Gr

You are the liar.

AM Hants

Sounds similar to what they did to the USS Liberty, with full support of the US President and his team. Including McCain’s father.



Proud to have served. LRRP units were so effective in nam that Charlie put a price on our heads. Imagine that. Not only did their effort fail, they never knew we were right under their noses calling Arte on their positions. Not one safe point in the grid for that bunch.

If you engage in terrorism, we’ll be coming to a neighborhood near you. We’ll have biz in the desert just because our canteens are full of water.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes definitely, i had been praying for so long that iran is always victorious, God protect iran, this and that, and then i hear this, it made me lose all faith in God, then i thought maybe this is part of his plan, maybe this is finally the spark that makes US to leave the middle east for good, at least i hope so

Zionism = EVIL

God does not exist, but a nuclear weapon does. The problem with Muslims is that they don’t get with the program. Iran is dealing with pure Americunt and Zionist evil, mostly alone and has no other option but to have nukes. The geriatric Khamenei needs to have his brain hemorrhoids removed as the Americunts will be emboldened to drop bombs on his home in North Tehran if Iran does not retaliate..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I believe God does exist, I’m just not sure what his plan is with soleimanis death, I only hope it marks the beginning of the end for us and zionists in the region, and yea I agree khamenei and rouhani and zarif need to be much tougher and take no shit from anyone

Karen Bartlett

if I could like this fifty times, I would. Don’t worry, while God didn’t plan Gen. Soleimani’s death, he knew the murder would occur. And I believe His plan is the end of this era and the start of His “will on earth as it is in heaven”. Same as it always was.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

thank you, i hope it marks the absolute end of US/zionists presence in middle east

Karen Bartlett

I believe it will. The “synagogue of Satan” is mentioned in the book of the Revelation. I think it describes Israel perfectly. A tree is known by its fruit.


Iran’s tree is riddled with rotten fruit and if they try to build a bomb, you and everyone else with a television will watch as U.S. airstrikes turn Iran’s entire military strongholds into smoldering ruin. There is no God or Satan. This is the real world, not some fairy tale and if Iran continues to press on, the only people having interest in them after the U.S. puts an end to their efforts is a team of archeologists searching for bone fragments.

AM Hants

Be patient. At the moment, Trump is going to Davos (21 January 2020) with his begging bowl and expecting a bonus, for getting the first part started. However, Trump and friends are desperate for war, before January 31 2020, which is when the US runs out of money and the printers are running out. If Iran kicks back, at the moment, then it is what Trump and Washington want. However, if they look at other ways of making Washington pay, including economically and do not strike back, until after the deadline, then surely that would be a far better punishment? Don’t give the globalists what they want, but, when the time is right.

Justice is a desert best served cold, calmly, rationally and with impeccable timing.

RIP to all and deepest sympathy to the people of Iran and Iraq.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

you may be right, but i am a very impatient person i guess lol

AM Hants

I am not the most patient person, but, with this, justice is a desert best served up cold and the majority of us, want the strike back, to be in the best interests of the people of Iran.

Just reading an article over on Russia Insider, which has posted a nice eulogy to General Soleimani. RIP and thanks to his genius and also sympathies to his family, friends, loved ones and of course the same to the people of Iran.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes, i hope his successor will be as genius as him, if not more


“Justice is a desert best served cold”

Actually, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord said that Revenge is a dish that must be served cold. Never try to make someone’s words your own. It only marks the tongue of a fool.

So this is mid-May and both Trump and the U.S. are far from running out of money. Looks like your quatrains are about as accurate as the average southern christian evangelist. All that world salad you’re spewing out is nonsense.

RIP? Do you mean in the context of Soleimani’s arms being instantly ripped from his torso when the missiles struck his caravan? I think pretty much everyone caught in that U.S. strike was ripped either wide open or scattered about on the tarmac.


LOL. Rouhani is nothing more than a stick figure. He has no power whatsoever. The ayatollah is the one working himself up for a fish-n-chips party by U.S. forces. Iran will never be permitted to build a bomb and if they keep pushing the right buttons, U.S. airstrikes are going to come in there with a never before witnessed fury and by the time it’s all said and done, that country’s entire military strongholds will be nothing but smoldering ruins as far as the eye can see in every direction.

That’s your “God’s” plan for Iran.


It is not possible for Iran to face war with USA-Israel and be victorious without the help of Russia-China. The involvement of Russia-China in a possible war of Iran against USA-Israel would mean nuclear war, and this would mean the end of human kind. Now, it is very interesting to see the wild behavior of USA-Israel in the middle east, maybe they have a secret plan and think that the can win a nuclear war. My guess is that USA-Israel are wrong and have not idea of Russia-China capabilities (this remaind me Germany with Hitler).

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes they are dead wrong and iran will always be victorious, they have God as their mightiest defender

Karen Bartlett



101 ABN/75 RGR INF/E CO. C CO./LRRP 67-69 VTNM

LOL. If Iran is counting on God to defend them, then they’d better hope he outfits them all with plated armor 6 inches thick because if they keep pushing the right buttons, the world will witness nothing of Iran but scorched sand and scattered rocks.

Their only victory will be an expedited pass to hell’s doorstep. See where “God” will be when all of that comes to pass. Like every other instance, your God will be both absent and silent. Every tough-talking fascist either ends up like Soleimani or being chased by ST-6 into a dark cave or building somewhere and getting a third eye punched into their forehead. Game over.

AM Hants

Not forgetting that when the US pulled out of the nuclear treaty, which took over a decade to agree with Iran, they were surprised that the other signatories of the agreement refused to join the US.

Has anybody noticed that none of the leaders have congratulated Trump on his war crime? Taking out a General, from another nation, who was invited by a sovereign nation, to attend a state funeral for 39 members of the military, that the US took out. In the nation where the US were guests? Trump never even bothered telling Congress he was declaring war on both Iran and Iraq, because Bibi was in a tight spot and needed help. Now Pompeo is whinging that nobody is supporting and backing Trump’s decision.

Well, with all the cheering from Pence, Pompeo and Graham, would they hear the support or condemnation from other nations?


Better hold those prayer hands a little tighter together.

There is no God. Don’t you know that by now. So where are you going to put your faith now? Iran is going to continue enriching uranium and the U.S. is going to rain down on that country with airstrikes under the cover of darkness with such fury that they won’t know what hit them. The primary will be the uranium enrichment complex, with secondaries on so many waypoints that Iran will be sweeping up dirt and rocks for the next decade.

The only people having any interest in that place afterwards will be archeologists. The only thing Iran will succeed at is bringing hell on earth to their doorstep.

Zionism = EVIL

I hope they create a highway to hell for the Americunt cowards. This is time for IED galore not shrines. The only language Americunt terrorists understand. Iran should have reacted a long time ago, but it is never too late as now the Americunts will get more brazen if there is no retribution. It is better to die like a lion than live like a jackass.


Ah, we keep the highway to hell paved daily for terrorism and fascism.

Looks like you haven’t been very successful at “dying like a lion” so we’ll assume by your comments that you’re stuck living like a jackass.

King Cliff

The USA might to leave the Iraqi,I dont believe the iraqis general,politicians or the religious scholars wna the USA military in they nations cause they only cause havoc and seeking to bring a next war in iraqis land


Basically, yup. I was thinking pretty much the same today. Massive error.

AM Hants

Seriously hope the US are thrown out of Iraq, owing to this war crime. They declared war on Iran and Iraq and still expect Iraq to host them?

Black Waters

You should be smart, don’t let them get you heat up like they want. Iran needs to still build up their forces, the way to fight the U.S it’s not by brute force, you don’t have nuclear weapons, there are other means to make war.


That is the mature and strategic course and that is how the canny Iranians will play it. I have talked with many of their senior officers and they know how to defend their country, but some are resentful of Khamenei’s dictat of not allowing nuclear weapons.

AM Hants

Must admit, and I have said it often, that Iran’s non-tactile weapons are more interesting than nuclear weapons.

When the USS Donald Cook, turned up in the Black Sea, believing she could take Sevastopol from Russia, how the world laughed at the traumatised US sailors. They were stuck in the middle of the Black Sea, with Bastion smiling at them, locked on, (oh, sorry that was the previous day, when they were the only ship in the Black Sea, who had to do a figure of 8 turn). Sorry, the little Russian military jet, with the whicker basket full of Iranian Magrav Technology, passed above the USS Donald Cook, a few times, leaving her stuck in the middle of the Black Sea, with no systems, weapons or anything electrical working. The sailors were traumatised, but, not taken out and neither were innocent civillians, but, look how stupid the US forces looked? Plus, military sales, well, not a good look.

To be honest, that was back in 2014 and can you imagine what Iran possesses in her toybox, that can effectively humiliate their enemy on the world stage? Far nicer and more effective, than just turning the planet into particles of thermo-nuclear ash.

Kell McBanned


Zionism = EVIL

Dude, unless the Jew fucks suffer pain there will be more brazen attacks on anyone who resists their evil. The Jew agenda is to use the dumbass rednecks trailer trash cunts to die for them, so why not kill the source of the poison?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Yes sure, but if they feel pain they will immediately want to inflict the pain back, but no doubt they deserve a very extremely painful response to this, even more painful than soleimanis death

Black Waters

I’ll tell you something really insightful… BECAUSE isnt there anymore. But you also need to think in the repercussions, but even if the repercussions didn’t matter… i’ll enlightenment you. I don’t know you but i’ll the you this, this website it’s probably guarded by the U.S gestapo and the FSB, NATO and a lot of silent and not very friendly people. So…

Did you think that the big crooks knowing how the situation globally is getting to a break point will still be so close to IRAN?!, I-RRRR-A-Fucking-N!! NO WAY!!!, they probably went to the most fucking lonely archipelago in the remotest corner of the fucking earth by this time! And most importantly… the motherfuckers are not even JEWS! they are playing with this crap, to create a NARRATIVE. Some fucking fucko of a bankster convert to Zionism one day, the other day he will be muslim, or christian or whatever! These rats have been playing all along, it does not matter to them, what it does matter it’s the “Control of the MONEY” the flow of it.

Even that fucking creep of Zuckerbergstein has homes in every fucking corner of the world, the rats will always be rats, crooks are crooks, they know how to run, that’s they way of life.

Karen Bartlett

Sir, is there anybody you don’t hate?

Hasbara Hunter



For the US to target a high ranking officer of another country in a terrorist attack especially in a third country is a war crime of the highest proportions. No US officer would be safe under any convention now. WW2 should have been a learning issue for everyone that even war has limits and your actions. As we saw with the needless deaths of many millions of germans and the ussr.. The US will also learn this the hard way just like the europeans.

AM Hants

I wonder if Trump freaked out owing to the General using Twitter to insult and humiliate Trump? Or just because he needs bailing out, when he goes to Davos.

Liberal guy

It will happen soon these zios wahhabis will cry


Gr8ambino…. you have posted here a longtime and many, many times on various things we have agreed. I don’t think what you posted here is BS so, this one is for you amigo…..

As I was reading the news at about 10:30pm, my time in Brasil, when I started to pack it in. It was very quiet. However, two things were in my head. One was Soleimani …. I had the feeling for a while, maybe one or two months, that his time was up. I get that a lot with people, near to and far from me. The other was mumblings coming out of the US State and Def departments. It just felt all weird and something inside me reached the conclusion that they were going keep going no matter what.

At that point something inside of me just threw in the towel. Not to give up being one voice against what is going on but, to accept that stuff is going to get ground up but good, before sanity comes back into play. After ready one article on Al-Monitor that had the US Secretary of Defense giving his version of reality …….. I thought, eh f .. it.

So in my comment, which I addressed to the ‘Sec Def’ i posted this link ….


It is the Hives and their song … Go Right Ahead…..

Imagine the surprise of the people over at NSA when that came across their radar. Unknowingly, I had outted an assassination mission with a Presidential Classification. They know, I had no way to know, no connection to anything going on. That one is going to haunt some some them for a while.

The point is that the pinhead that ordered this is in trouble. Just the way the US Military distanced itself from this by telling everybody that ‘Trump’ had ordered it, tells me there are big internal problems in D.C. about this.

We tried of a long time to tell these chimps that they wee in something better left back in hell. Now, they have opened a very serious door, without a clue as to what lay behind it. You and others tried gr8rambino, don’t think otherwise.

My condolences to the families of those killed in the strike.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i hope this is the absolute end of this fucked up evil empire

Karen Bartlett

Yes, and mine. But I tried to play the video and it said it wouldn’t play in my country (America). So chances are the Sec of Def didn’t see it, either.


Al-Monitor blocked my post, as it was going on, they knew what it was.

AM Hants

Interesting comment, especially if the sane members of the US military are distancing themselves from this. Pence, Graham and Pompeo, appear to be the biggest cheerleaders. Ignoring the fact, Trump declared war on Iran and Iraq, without consulting Congress or his own teams. He took out a General, who was invited to a State Funeral, in another nation. A funeral, dedicated to 39 serving Iraq military personnel, courtesy of the US. The US were guest of Iraq, when it all happened.

So legally where do they all stand, courtesy of Trump’s war crime? Plus, no world leaders have backed or supported Trump? Which has upset Pompeo, who believes Europe should back him all the way. Together with the fact that Trump walked away from the Iranian nuclear treaty, which took over a decade for all nations to agree on, with no support from the others who signed the treaty.

The only nation that is happy, is Israel. Plus, what happens to pillaging the Middle East, if the US is kicked out of Iraq? Owing to Trump declaring war on both Iraq and Iran.

AM Hants

Not just the news, the comments over on Gateway Pundit, from those ‘paid to post’ have seriously wound me up.

The only good part, is the protests propping up, including over in the US, from normal people not wanting war. Reading Gateway Pundit and Daily Mail Comments, despite knowing many are from media disinformation agents, who are paid to post, it did appear that the masses were all seriously demented.


I don’t think the US knew that Soleimani was in that motorcade. That is why it took the DOD several hours to make a statement.

iran should now pressure Iraq to expel all US troops. That would be more than enough revenge for now.

Rather than responding with direct attacks against the US, Iran should now proceed full speed with developing a nuclear weapon. Half the World now believes Iran is entitled to the nuclear bomb. Trump will not dare to attack because half of his supporters are fed up with these endless wars. Trump got elected because he promised them he would stop the wars. He knows he will lose the next election if he starts a war. There is now in fact an open window until November’s election for Iran to develop their bomb.

Trumps withdrawal from the nuclear treaty will now become a widely debated issue in the election. This will be good for Iran.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

iran needs to do the same thing US just did to them

Chris Gr

Sorry to reply but you as an Assad supporter play the secular while you support fundamentalists?

Lena Jones

Your understanding of the situ is no better than a brainwashed cog.

Chris Gr

Assad is supposedly secular. How does he tolerate Islamic fundamentalists? It seems that the extremes like each other. Seculars/socialists/far-left, Islamists/jihadists/far-right.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Chris Gr

Are you secular?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Assad must stay, that’s all I gotta say :)

Chris Gr

HTS should be crushed. But Assad is a criminal. Democracy is the way. I support Aramean Democratic Organization in Syria.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

The who? Assad is the only.legitimately elected leader of the Syria people

Chris Gr

New ecumenical government.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

just another target for SAA then hahahahah

Chris Gr

SAA will be reformed or the civil war will continue.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

It already has been reformed and it is meaner and stronger and better than it has ever been

Chris Gr

Still needs a lot

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

They can take u out no problem hahahaha

Chris Gr

Me? lol I don’t live in Syria.


“I don’t think the US knew that Soleimani was in that motorcade.”

I don’t think so too. They went after the PMU leader that got killed.. This was a failure of intelligence and now they are panicking..

Karen Bartlett

I think exactly the opposite. I think they may not have realized that the PMU leader, an ally, an official of the US-supported Iraqi govt, was in the motorcade.


Right. You’ve got it all figured out. I’m surprised that USSOCOM doesn’t give you a direct line to provide them with such brilliant insight.

You have to be, without doubt, the biggest blowhard to every come prancing into these comment boards.

Karen Bartlett

Sir, Mr. Trump’s action IS an act of war. He may have already started one. It’s what Israel has wanted and Trump is a Zionist.


Looks like a successful strike to me. Never saw it coming. Soleimani is history.

Won’t be long before the ayatollah forces the U.S. to engage airstrikes on Iran and Iraq. Primary will be the uranium enrichment complex.

Wolfgang Wolf

deep state action, to destabilize Iraq… but Trump jumped in and took the blame on his account…


Indeed, Trump is joke and loudmouth buffoon, but the Jews want a war with Iran and they may get it now.


But as Soleimani wisely said, The US may start the war, we (Iran) will finish it.

Black Waters

It looks like a terrorist attack.

Mehmet Aslanak

It was not ordered by Trump, but planned by rogue rebel generals in Pentagon. Trump was informed after the action was a success. Bolton might have been fired by Trump, but Bolton’s still on the helm.


It is not Bolton alone, AIPAC and the Zionist Jews control US.

Mehmet Aslanak

Yeah man, but you know, you should not mention about them, otherwise you’ll be labeled as anti-semitic.


I am Armenian/Soviet so perhaps anti-Turkish too ;)

Mehmet Aslanak

Oh yeah, I’ve some “jan” buds in Istanbul. They are cool Armenians.

Chris Gr

We Europeans are fed up with the extremists in the MENA region, mostly Ba’athists and Islamists. We should leave you kill each other.

Lena Jones

“We Europeans”. Fuck you and fuck the fuck off you overt racists and covert colonialist scumbags! The “extremists” in the middle east are the kelpto terrorist freaking jews and alqaida and the US. No difference between them whatsoever motherfucker! They are one and the same!

Chris Gr

Hezbollah and Al Qaeda were allies in the Lebanese-Israeli war. Enough of bullshit!

Lena Jones

Oh the BIGGEST MORON ON THE PLANET! Show me a freaking link to your hallucinations or FUCK THE FUCK OFF MOTHERFUCKER! LOL unbelieeeeevable level of ignorance!

Chris Gr

They were also trained in Sudan under the Islamist Omar al-Bashir!

Lena Jones

Jeeeezus! What, like you eat propaganda for breakfast, lunch AND dinner?! Fuck off moron with no link lol!

Chris Gr

Search for it and be polite. Thank you.

Lena Jones

What a stupid cunt lol! It works like this motherfucker: it falls on STUPID YOU to provide verification of your moronic backwards assertions! Capish? Cunt!

Chris Gr


Lena Jones

So you DON’T have a link to your insane brainwash, right cunt? LOL!

Chris Gr

Can’t you search?

Chris Gr

No racism here. I like black, yellow, brown and red people. I don’t like extremism.

Kell McBanned

Very upsetting to see these crimes continue – the “You know whos” have gone to far now and sealed their fate, every murder, rape and act of slavery & exploitation “they” are responsible for will now be repaid in their blood – with 1000 years of compound interest… Enjoy the BBQ


US is treating Iran like Chile or Congo where they killed even head of state, but I believe a very long and destructive conflict is just beginning. US simply can not bomb Iran and not be hit, the next would be an occupation and this simply not possible considering the size and terrain of Iran. Bombing Iran will set the region on fire.


Just watch all reaction in the Shia diaspora too. This will not end well for the US or the Zionists.

Chris Gr

Gog Magog alliance. I know their future.

Zionism = EVIL

Time for sustained action.

Chris Gr

Action against Islamists!

Zionism = EVIL

Fucking Jews and their Americunt dumbass slaves and assorted arseholes.


Chris Gr

Ba’athists, Islamists and extremist ideologies damned MENA region not the US, after all, they hate the whole free world not just the US.

Zionism = EVIL

Fucking Jew poison stole their land and you expect them not to retaliate, the Americunt arseholes have destroyed 5 Arab and Muslim states for Jew cowardly scum and killed 2 million people. The gates of hell are about to open, stay tuned to Fox news.

Chris Gr

Extremists are killing each other. The US have killed only extremists, who are killing each other.

Zionism = EVIL

You are moron dude, or live in a cave.

Chris Gr

Ad hominem again.

aleksandar jakovljevic

I am very sory becouse death of kasem soulejmany,hi was mi hero. Hi was very strong and smart general. His death us BIG BIG eror of USA. That was becouse Tramp mast make new war,to forget his ipičment. I hope that all tings,and all ideas of GENERAL SOULEJMANY DID NOT FORGET. SALUT FROM SERBIA.



Тако раде амерички криминалци, то су учинили и Југославији 1999. године и бомбардовали Србију. Ја говорим руски, па могу написати и неки српски. US is gangster terrorists and respect for humanity or basic decency.

aleksandar jakovljevic

Nazalost ovo je veliki udarac za ceo bliski istok,Sulejmany je bio granica za sve namere izraela na bliskom istoku.takodje je buo čovek koji je razumeo zašto treba sačuvatu siriju.ma najveći mozak zadnjih desetina godina. Zaista veliki gubitak

Chris Gr

Salute to Serbian brother, but remember IRGC helped jihadists to arrive to Bosnia to kill Serbs. Assad supported Serbia though. Israel also.

Karen Bartlett

God bless you, Aleksander.


Trump has managed to unite all the Shia leaders & parties like Al Sadr against the US, there will now be a huge push for legislation in parliament to remove all US forces & if they refuse we may see insurgency war similar to 2003. This just increase the dangers for US personnel everywhere.

Kell McBanned

RIP General, may peace be upon you.


And may a similar peace be upon all Islamist leaders.


Apparently the Americans have developed a new version of the Hellfire missile, no explosives, just great big sharp blades which pop out after entering the vehicle, they then spin like mad and mince and dice those in side

I really wouldn’t want to find out, but then i don’t need to worry, unlike the Iranian idiots and their marvellous religious dictatorship

They really are gonna become mincemeat,Hahahahahaha


They have such a diabolical weapon called the Ninja but they didn’t mind the messier one this time since they wanted to get a few others in the group.


I bet those mad mullahs have serious brown trouser syndrome

Death by infidel!, How humiliating

Karen Bartlett


Lazy Gamer

Oil prices are going to shoot up. lol Just when we think the Syrian Conflict is winding down, there is an escalation in Libya and Iraq. If we did not have nuclear weapons, we would already have open world war 3.


Trump under impeachment and Nethanyahu under criminal charges …so both needs a war to distract the issues. Believe that’s what these Satan’s want… A war. Iran is hard pressed to respond or loses creditability . Just wait and see


You are probably correct but that Islamist murderer deserved what he got.

Emidio Borg

If Kim ever thought he could trust the U.S he knows better now. Get your Nukes on Kim, your gonna need them.

Ivan Freely

DPRK already have their nukes so I doubt there is any action on that front. The talks between ROK and the US on the bill to keep US forces have stalled (IIRC). The original bill was $5 Billion which doesn’t come close to covering the cost of stationing US troops in the Korean peninsula. I believe the US is asking over $100 Billion.


Kim has nukes. Islamist Iran will never have them.


Those who ordered his death will find death in their sleep.


At a ripe old age.


Its desperate stuff isn’t it!

Why do these people support these idiots in Iran,Syria, or Russia, its simply baffling that people would put all their mental eggs in a basket thats more like a cesspit!


They are already old.

Damien C

This has been planned for weeks, some contractor in the arsehole of nowhere gets hit in an unexplained attack and the Yanks launch a heavy airstrike at 5 locations across two countries on PMU and Quds forces stationed there to stop ISIS and Salifist terrorists. Soleimani was the target all along but Trump and U.S.A needed a precurser, guess that unexplained attack on an insignificant contractor came in handy after-all.

This is about one thing and one thing only Trump is miles behind in the sample polls taken by his own people and behind to every single Democrat candidate the straw polls show he can beat none of them. The Trump camp even lost support in areas with steeped military culture. This warmongering is about the USA 2020 election Trump can’t get reelected without a war!


That may be so but that Islamist murderer got what he deserved.

King Cliff

That’s a declaration of war,you dint just go out in the opened conducting assasination on a next nation general in broad day light. Such action only mean you are seeking a war.The islamic law is that those who killed a leader must be bought to justice or killed,its obvious the religious islamic nation of Iran must avenge this leaders ,with that being said they will not seek to bring a war on they people and if they did I believe the majority of the Iranian people would’ve welcome it since they have been treated unfairly and being bully by the United states of America government. This decision of the United states of America military was a wrong,it was desperate act to show strength but it only weakens of an individual who’s in his last breath or card in a deck,it was I’ll advise. Well I will embrace myself for what to come,this an attack knave religious leader and I dont believe this will go away quietly,I’ll rather the storm and deal with it.


You might consider getting some Iodine pills if your Islamist leaders go to war or push for a nuke.

Zionism = EVIL

It would be better to test a nuke on you filthy Jew rats :)


You can’t always get what you want. But your Islamist butt buddies may get what they need.

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