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War Is Over Before It Begins And Kiev Is Left To Play By Itself

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War Is Over Before It Begins And Kiev Is Left To Play By ItselfOR CONTACT US : info@southfront.org

You can read this article in German. LINK

On April 23rd, the US and NATO’s biggest concern in regard to Ukraine is dissolving.

The troops from the Russian Southern and Western military districts began returning to their permanent positions of deployment.

A day earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu arrived in Crimea, where a large-scale exercise was taking place.

It involved more than 10 thousand servicemen; 1,200 units of weapons and military equipment of the Southern Military District, the Black Sea Fleet, the Caspian Flotilla and Airborne Forces.

Shoigu said that every aspect of the defense of the region had been tested, including coastal and air defense systems.

He claimed that the purposes of his sudden inspections were satisfactory, and the concentration of forces needed no longer remain.

In the EU, the deployment of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine was called “the most ambitious in history.”

According to the European Union’s foreign policy service, Russia has deployed 100,000 troops there.

The Russian Ministry of Defense explained the concentration of troops in the Southern Military District with exercises.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Ukrainian and Western media are blowing the issue of Russian military activity near the border with Ukraine out of proportion.

The United States also showed its unwillingness to start a large-scale war when it stopped the deployment of its warships to the Black Sea.

Former Russian President and Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that the United States has chosen a dual approach to relations with Russia.

The new tactic of the Biden Administration is to signal the need for dialogue with one hand and increase pressure with the other.

Both Washington and Moscow showed that an open war is not in the interest of either party.

Kiev is, thus, left on its own, attempting to push its own aggressive course of action.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine didn’t want war, but it was ready for it.

He continuously uses militaristic rhetoric, saying that Kiev would stand until the last man in a war with Russia, and meanwhile, Zelensky is failing at his attempt at diplomacy.

He tried to play tough and invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to negotiations in Eastern Ukraine.

In response, Putin said that the Ukrainian leader should speak to the self-proclaimed republics in the region.

He was, however, always welcome to visit Moscow and talk with the Russian leader for whatever he wishes.

Ukrainian President Zelensky is now between a rock and a hard place.

Kiev has already had to pay for a new redeployment of its troops on the Eastern frontlines, while the country’s economy is battered.

Zelensky also may seek an escalation to get political mileage from the situation and to distract the population from numerous internal problems, including the disastrous spread of COVID-19.

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Putin’s Zioterrorist business partners never really considered there was gonna be a war with Russia, but the posturing is good for optics and movement of new equipment across the board. Business as usual.

“Germany supports Nord Stream 2 regardless of other EU states’ view, says Merkel” https://tass.com/economy/1280613

Steve Standley

I can imagine shylockracy stuffed a lot of square pegs in round holes as a child. Nothing has changed. Always some nonsensical handwaving to explain why the elephant in the room–that Putin is opposed to the Zionist NWO–really isn’t an elephant at all, but a small hairy Jew with a trunk-like schlong.

johnny rotten

The usual Jews who think of deceiving hiding in the speeches full of Zio, Zio here, Zio there, to always reach and in any case to denigrate the main enemy of true Zionism, the Putin president who prevented to the Zionists a syria prey to the true agents of Zion , the islamist terrorists, crazy creatures and malvages created to carry out the dream of the great Isisrahell, the small masked Jews will hate forever VVP, because it has destroyed their dream, you recognize them easily, they hide behind the words but in their speech the frustration of heavy defeat is always visible.


I didn’t need to know your pro-Putin feelings are hurting, but thanks. You’re free to go troll for business with Zioterrorists somewhere else too. The Kremlin’s giving away golden passports to foreigners, go learn Russian to find a safe space for your snowflakes, learning another language might make your neurons function for once also.

Black Waters

Europeans claiming jews this or jews that, didn’t remember that those refugees didn’t came from the moon, but from the countries devastated by the U.S regime and NAziTO. So if you want to blame someone, blame the geriatric U.S administration and the NATO dogs.


standard response when you’ve been had. crawl back under your matzoh ball.

Ilya Grushevskiy

Common, you gotta admire good strategy when it happens. Putin doesn’t need to take scalps, look at where America is right now, he just needs to draw out America’s attempt at WWIII long enough, until BLM and Antifa really up the ante. Maricopa county audit results could really anger their collective stupidity!

Me&Myself None

Where is it right now? What we call poor Americans here are the equivalent of what you Ruskies call upper middle class in Russia. Your country GDP is lower than even the state of Florida, not to mention Texas, New York, California, etc.. Your economy, rubles keep dwindling down by the hour. Why don’t you instead worry about your own decrepit country.

Ilya Grushevskiy

Take an econ course, at PPP Russian GDP per capita income is $30k.

That the US counts a bunch of spin as GDP, doesn’t mean that 99% of Americans are any richer than Russians. At least Russians have decent healthcare and education.

It’s pointless debating economics with anyone who is so primitive as to compare economies solely on their exchange rates.

Fog of War

Based on Spending power the average ‘merikan is ” richer ” then the average Russian. How can you even argue otherwise ?

Ilya Grushevskiy

That’s like saying the heroin junkie experiences things more intensely than the sober guy.

5% of GDP deficit, and that’s just the government.

Black Waters

Money do not represent social stability.

Fog of War

Very true, homogeneity does.


Here are the “rich” murikans: “Our researchers found the median debt per American family to be $2,700, while the average debt stands at $6,270. The average balance for consumers is $5,315, although some of that debt may be held on joint cards and thus double-counted. Overall, Americans owe $807 billion across almost 506 million card accounts. Below, you’ll find some of the most prominent trends that emerged.”


Jason Tribolini

If you live in America you’d know how bad off a big chunk of the population is. Homeless camps everywhere, people working 60 hours a week to live in their cars. Poor Russians are far better off than poor Americans.

Tommy Jensen

This is our President’s car. Then compare it to YOUR President’s car and let me know what you now think about comparing economy! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7171bf8c25d078c25c2f9b56b648a53522daed0527f8a9917a3b517bf10341d6.jpg

Black Waters

Russia it’s doing that, but the U.S regime keeps creating problems in Europe and interfering in russian politics, many wars created by black operations of the U.S regime on the russian border, back at that time Russia didn’t cry nor call for peace, they fought and wiped out the terrorists, even knowing that the U.S was behind of it. To my book, Russia is the greatest country, they are the modern example of a warrior’s heart. Yet the U.S finds itself in an imminent economic catastrophe and they cry like a woman and start blaming everyone for their “pseudo elite” mistakes, poking their own citizens to the highest level of censorship in the last decades, yet you dare to say that… shameless.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


tidy little video

Steve Standley

On a wide-open desert terrain, technical trucks are incredibly agile and fast and can out-maneuver classical AFVs which are all much heavier and slower and generally have lower situational-awareness. These can be mounted with 12.7mm HMGs, 14.5×114 KPV HMGs, or even 23mm autocannons; they also mount recoilless rifles, not to mention ATGMs and RPGs. The Russians even took-note of technical unit use in Syria, and last time i checked the Russians had assembled a couple technical battalions. I don’t know if they’ve used them yet, but they were impressed with technical unit use in Syria.

Supreme Blyat

Basically Toyota is the second popular weapon after Kalasnikov

Marcus Mckenzie

Oh what a feeling!!! TOYOTA!!!



Great video that shows the folly of bimbling around in lumbering armoured busses whilst being shot at by nimble Toyotas that have the ‘sting of a hornet’:)

Supreme Blyat

One great video doesn’t win a war

Tommy Jensen

Wellies do. Wellies is in the same class as Kalashnikov and Toyota.


excellent Toyota commercial.

Icarus Tanović

Who’s that bloke? Without American and French support Chad would achieve absolutely nothing.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

count dankula, he isnt exactly a war expert, he was made famous/infamous for the nazi pug video he shouldnt be taken too seriously and he is funny was interesting that liya just adopted the same toyaota tactics in the war and actually turned it around until french did what they seem to enjoy, bombing libya

Lone Ranger

Zellerboy will cry and rage 🤗


He’ll either ended up in jail or on gun barrel.

Stephan Williams

“Zelensky also may seek an escalation to get political mileage from the situation and to distract the population from numerous internal problems, including the disastrous spread of COVID-19.”

In an otherwise informative article they inserted this crap about the fake planned demic.


Cui Bono?


This is not over. It’s only a temporary respite. Ground conditions aren’t favorable for the ground war atm. By engaging in a partial retreat wins time for the ground to dry out.

Fog of War

Mobilizing and needlessly moving troops around is not good for their effectiveness. Putin could have just kept them at the border and waited. Moving them back is counterproductive and suspect. I’d wager Putin ” blinked “, like he always does.

Raptar Driver

Putins vagina hurts. It requires medical attention.

Black Waters

So what should he do? Wipe out the west cost of the U.S? you have some serious issues in your mind…

Raptar Driver

He should stop looking weak to the west. You do understand that’s how they perceive this?

Jihadi Colin

Yes, the triumphalism in Ameriganda began immediately.

Tommy Jensen

It must be envy. You guys envy our values.


Specially envy of you having zombie president that is sniffing, breeding down the neck of young girls in public.

cechas vodobenikov

Tommy satire everyone envy nation of inferior species choose senile hologram sexual predator w crack addict son for leader in cocaine-cola dimocracy with LGBT military…maybe homosexual night porter in Denmark admire Hollywood values—not civilized peoples

Black Waters

He doesn’t need to prove anything. As long as Crimea is under the protection of the Russian Federation NAziTO dogs can suck it.

PD: Also, this isnt a reality show contest, this is the REAL world. Sometimes, there’s things that you don’t want to find out… and i don’t really want to find out how strong Russia really is, last time germany took a taste of it and i don’t want chaos in europe because of a couple of amerikanskis troglodytes don’t want to face their own population for bad management of their country and start creating conflicts around the globe, no thanks. If you don’t have desire to be alive good (bad) for you, but i’m planing of living a looong life, so if you are gonna do something crazy please first donate your things to people in need, think ahead.

Supreme Blyat

One week ago pro-Russian enthusiasts were posting Novorossya map once again after 2014-2015 and now they are like: look we got Crimea, what else do you guys want?


That was under Ukrainian invasion of Donbass or attack on Crimea threat scenario. Did your sh*tty Ukraine invade Donbass or attack Crimea, huh?! So why would Russia react on Ukrainian attack that didn’t happen and invade Novorossya?!!? You are effing ret*rd !

Supreme Blyat

Ahh ok my fault. I thought Russia had any right on Novorossya.


Russia existed (as state) long before Ukraine and will exist long after Ukraine Those are her “rights” on Novorossya. It is just question of time, to go back to Russia, what was Russian before.

cechas vodobenikov

bacon fat brain “think”? does Zelensky write your scripts?

cechas vodobenikov

bacon posting nonsense—wants shekel from CIA


Weak? Get a reality check. He has a large naval base and an air base in Syria. He has saved the Syrian state from certain destruction. He stopped the Armenia Azerbaijani conflict. He is doing business with the Turks. He has Crimea and half of the two eastern Ukrainian provinces. He is going to finish NS-2 and cement a long term energy relationship with Germany. He is in good terms with China. He has spetznas in various African and South American countries. He spends a fraction of what USA spends and accomplished more. He kept the USN from entering the Black Sea; and all Biden could say was “C’mon Man”. Putin Weak? Your nuts.


you do understand that you don’t know diddly-squat. another MSM junkie.

Robert Ferrin

Yep we sure did as the U.S. ships departed for other areas, and I’m sure our military got it in spades, I know France and Germany did so what’s your point that is if you have thought that far ahead.

cechas vodobenikov

blind rapper only perceive boyfriend dildo

Raptar Driver

It is an old saying from my neighborhood when someone was not up for the task. Putin dropped the ball in 2014 And now he sits on the carcass of what was once a prosperous Russian territory.


sounds like someone drove something up your raptar again.

cechas vodobenikov

San Francisco dildo driver on LSD expert onBDSM—wants attention from bear

Jens Holm

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b8866f70aab87e98ec997b383260b28631b94c562dd21f92f9dfb87479076ee5.jpg ..

Supreme Blyat

He shows the West diplomacy is more important than power.

Assad must stay

I agree, but maybe he knowe something we dont, maybe he didnt blink, time will tell I guess


i’ll wager you don’t know what you’re talking about, as usual.

Robert Ferrin

Of course your right (not) for I haven’t seen a war, yet that was ever fought in one place which means they have to move from area to area which means its good training, so things don’t get bogged down en-route God save us from armchair generals and of course this may have led to our never winning wars.

Fog of War

Your lack of military knowledge is embarrassingly showing itself. One of the most basic tenants of military science is that you only move troops and equipment around only when absolutely necessary as it reduces their combat readiness, uses up materials and fuel, and puts wear and tear on equipment. Moving tens of thousands of troops around to score some political points is a waste. If you doubt me then do some research as it will be one the first things military strategists will tell you.

Robert Ferrin

No that’s one of OUR tenants, it took 7 months for us to move any army over to Iraq for Desert Storm because we haden’t had the practice of moving that large of a group around, Russia would have covered the same distance in a small fraction of that time because they had done it before and all the wrinkles had been worked out. As I said armchair generals and no your not alone we have many of the same caliber sitting up in Washington in the pentagon. If you doubt it read the histories of Korea Nam and Iraq and Afghanistan that should tell you something even tho I rather doubt it.

Steve Standley

You are right. there is a clear difference in mobility between Russia and the United States. The Russians are much faster. Many of the units they moved to the border of Ukraine were airborne units. they have a whole class of vehicles designed for quick air-drop. they are also, generally speaking, amphibious. The US sort of pretends it has air mobility, but often even though a platform starts out as amphibious and easy to air drop or deliver by air, they up-armor it until it’s not amphibious, and until it’s a huge logistical burden to move around. Take a look at the abrams. it started out as 60 tons, which is already way too heavy for standard bridges, and the latest models are now almost 74 tons. all this to fight arabs in flip flops with AK-47s, RPGs, and IEDs. Same for the Bradley. Started out 27 (metric) tons and was amphibious with preparation; now the M2A3 is 34 tons,, and according to former Bradley crew making it amphibious is a scary proposition. Russia has mission-specific vehicles. For instance, the 2S25 Sprut. This is an air droppable 18 ton vehicle with a 125mm smooth bore anti-tank gun. On the other hand, the US has struggled to field an air-droppable light tank for decades. The last one in service was the Sheridan. Truth is as you said. They don’t really have airborne mobility.

Robert Ferrin

Ah, one who gets it and that’s refreshing, Thank You.

cechas vodobenikov

foggy LGBT military trains in San Francisco bathhouse then drowns in sea of HIV sperm

Jens Holm


cechas vodobenikov

dimwit foggy take LSD now napolean

Fog of War

Do you get paid by the word ?

Proud Hindu

Just another day in Accident power aka super poor China. 8 Chinese dead in factory explosion in Shanghai yesterday. https://mobile.twitter.com/globaltimesnews/status/1385466948687859715

cechas vodobenikov

dalit tiresome

Raptar Driver

Lack of fighting is not peace! The problem still exists and will grow larger.


Isn’t Zelogaysky a professional clown or similar?


He fits right in at the centre of the ukrainian political ‘circus’.


amateur clown


Well the story goes when he said he wanted to be a Comedian they all laughed,they are not laughing now.

Black Waters

That “tactic” of Bidet isnt new, it’s a demonrat thing, they say something to the “public” then they create a provocation in the back, those kinds of tactics of the U.S regime are called “Black Operations” by the way.

The key element is that the actions that they commit out of the public attention didn’t come to the light, nor left any trace behind that lead to the U.S regime, so when the response comes from the victim of the provocation it will be seen as an “agressor”, without showing what the U.S did “first” because they weren’t “involved” (wink, wink)




The AR-15 7.62×39 build that I’m working on for ET contact and super soldier work needs further development prior to field testing. So it’s not ready for the training mission and contact operations in the US SW that I’m leaving on a flight for in the morning.

I’m taking the Sub 2000 .40 S&W carbine and a couple of pistols on this mission and operations.



Steve Standley

like the Sub2000, but like it in 9mm. the sheer number of calibers available creates a nightmarish supply-chain problem for an organic insurrection.


Outside the US .40 S&W could be a supply problem. It’s pretty common in the US. I bought it because it’s a stronger caliber. Case capacity of 19.3 gr H2O, Maximum pressure 35,000 psi for the .40 S&W vs Case capacity of 13.30 gr H2O, Maximum pressure 35,000 psi for the 9mm. That extra 50% of case capacity at the same pressure adds a lot of additional energy and penetration capability with woods rounds to reach vital organs on a large lifeform. It also creates a larger wound channel.

Steve Standley

I’m totally with you, Richard. 10mm looks even better than 40 s&w, IMHO. My only point was to say that if we all stand up, this caliber-chaos has to go. It’s a serious logistical problem. It’s a hard decision, but it will have to be made at some point. I’m ok with picking 40 S&W, so I have a 9mm Glock that I can swap to .40.


And who are you going to fight with those weapons? I think you’re a bit bored. So here is my offer to you since you are such a tough guy and like to shoot people (and also hates Judaism as you wrote) – bring yourself and your weapons to a combat duel and meet me and the rest of my guys in a battle, as this is the only situation we are allowed to kill by law. How’s that sound to you Richard? afterall, I am an armchair soldier so you have nothing to worry about.


“bring yourself and your weapons to a combat duel and meet me and the rest of my guys in a battle,”

lmao. these diapered dildos are really a laugh


You can come aswell, I wouldn’t mind.


tough guy. big mouth, no balls, wet diaper time to attack some unarmed semites isn’t it?


Only when I’m ordered to, and they are so “unarmed” – mostly with Ak’s and grenades. Have you been in a conflict zone? I have more than once. It’s bloody and messy, and sometimes your friends get hit. But I don’t write stuff that I don’t back up with actions, as your Hamas friends will find out soon after Bibi is gone.


Gantz, has the same position has Netanyahu.


No, the DM always needs the approval of the PM when it comes to attacking Hamas positions, and Bibi doesn’t allow the IDF to kill them.


So who would change the policy? If Gantz gets in office, he won’t. And no one else who would is close to being pm.


Bennet 10 more days.


I’ll believe it when I see it. He looks like another Gantz to me:

“The New Right leader, who used to be one of the main proponents of toppling Gaza’s rulers, sounded more muted in his threats …

“I remain skeptical, but if the use of military force can be avoided, I prefer it.“”



lmao you are full of s*it a reservist, no less. no balls for the game. voyeur peeking out from under mommie’s skirts. lmao another khazarian kuukuu


Want to try me then? I’m all yours.


It depends on the threat assessment. If Mossad or the IDF meet the criteria. They’ll be on the list.


Oh by all means Richard, please do try to confront regular IDF troops (not me again, I’m just an armchair soldier as everyone claim) or Mossad operatives. See how long you last, call me when you do that that would be a good sight.


If the US participates in disarming and disbanding the IDF and Israeli government. And replacing Israel with a unified dejudified Palestine. You may get your wish to fight Americans.

With the exception of the Palestinians, no one has a greater interest in getting humanity’s Jew problem corrected than the US.









Peter Duveen

I suggest you realize that power will be used strategically and not to play the games you suggest, Iron Zion. Law is the best armed and best strategized party. Laws are matters of convenience, designed to save resources and manage power more efficiently.






ar-15 .223, 5.56 ar-10 .308, 6.5, 7.62


The shorter rounds that fit the AR-15 receiver can be chambered in an AR-15 with the right bolt carrier group, barrel and magazine. 7.62×39 is one of those rounds.

I did upgrade to a more robust buffer assembly to handle the higher recoil.


great advertising

they’ll be coming 4 u.



Try to jeep your head out of the ostrich holes.


go get em tiger. try to keep your head out of your a**




yes, repeat that as often as you can remember it. it may not be too late. on your way rambo


I walk the talk and get results. You mock those that do with stupidity. So who’s the fo@l, fo@l?

cechas vodobenikov

Ricky not comprehend USA police state has more and bigger guns—will send tanks where wackos live turn branch davidian into barbecue

Black Waters

Again lol, selling things on this page… jesus give me a break.


It’s called freedom and security. You obviously have a problem with that.


american cultists


Guns at the range aren’t going to do you much good when you need them.


the difference between you mad people and us is that we can only have such a weapon in the hand in a shooting range while you use it as an accessoire like mad people


The problem is the psychiatric drugs. Before these dangerous drugs were legalized there weren’t any mass shootings. The US is far down the list of places with mass shootings per capita.

Tommy Jensen

When others hesitate, we act. When others talk, we do it. When others try, we stop it………………..LOL. Russia’s lust for gobbling new landmasses for itself was stopped by a decisive show of US force and our position of strength. There will be no war because America stopped it, only by showing its muscles! You can go to bed now, shift your underwear and sleep well. America saved Europe as we did in WWII, WWI and many other times………………………………………………..LOL. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ffc7d1e0e4f09a3f347e77a5c07f0c66b3491cc3c381a0d041dac67cd4de644b.jpg


tommy your wellies are full.

cechas vodobenikov

ameerikant = lower primate species choose senile hair sniffing sexual predator for prez, have zero to do w WWI, nearly nothing to do w WWII, lose every war from 1812 to Afghanistan and now losing to LGBT army san franqueeristan and BLM militias in mickeysota, etc—Tommy too much LSD, not enough rehab


“cultural shock when Brussels and D.C. started to suspect that Russia doesn’t ‘want’ Ukraine. What Russia wants is for this country to rot and implode without excrement from this implosion hitting Russia. West’s paying for the clean up of this clusterf**k is also in Russian plans for Ukrainian Bantustan.”

Andrei Martyanov


what i see coming is russia internally getting fixed


russia is where iran was years ago when the west put war on irans door iran decided to go the hard way and fix itself so it could be much stronger the next time an issue of war would come up


i grew up with russians so i like russian people and i find it better that russia isnt always in wars because of games it takes part of all the time losing so much people all the time so russia should really stop playing the games of this miserable crucible of the west and play chess with its neighbors such as iran and china instead of taking part in this chicken game the west is playing these cursed fools

Assad must stay

I dont think this is over yet, Ukraine still is in the hands of nazis and zelensky is still there, so what has changed?


what can they do?


all they can do is terrorism and that will only defeat them since they only could win if russia would have been the big bad guy of the story


Good question. Nothing and everything has changed…. Russia has just demonstrated capability (readiness) to ensemble and transfer 2 armies and 3 armored divisions in the shortest delay possible. While for NATO (Ukraine also) such diligence, speed of organization, capacity to transfer 100 000 soldiers in the shortest delay is domain of pure science fiction ! It would take them weeks if not months to do the similar… Therefore Ukraine now pertinently knows that in the case of war against Russia they are 100% on their own! Simply because NATO even in theory (even if they want to help) can’t react that fast ! Russia has just demonstrated to be the winner (in the case of the conflict), but some NATO , Ukrainian dilettantes might be too stupid to get the message This scene from “7 samurai” movie is good example of the situation (where dilettante is too s t u p i d to understand when opponent is far superior ) . https://youtu.be/GF5U83UIX1o

Steve Standley

Yes. A significant portion of Russia’s military is specifically devoted to fast-deployment. NATO, and in particular the United States, is bloated and heavy and cannot be deployed as quickly; except for its aircraft carriers, which are arguably just great big missile targets now. Consequently, Ukraine is on its own.

Assad must stay

true, but the word dilettante actually means a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge




This Donbass non-event was a decoy to divert Moscow’s attention from what was prepared as a Belarus “revolution”. The whole shibang fel apart, Russia called the bluff, perpetrators caught pants down. Game on.


Is there really any surprise here ? A former clown (litterally) miserably failing at navigating through a stand-off pintting a brand-new bankrupt Eurovassal regime with no army to a military superpower ?

What I find amazing is that some people somehow achieved the extrordinary feat of getting the outcome so direly wrong and sleepwalk in a fictionnnal world where Moscow would be the one that would back down in their own backyard.

I mean there are so many proofs ,facts and recent prexedant all unquestionnable pointing in the completely opposite direction that it was actually HARDER to have it all wrong rather than the contrary.

As usual let’s let them Russophobes choke on their dreams of the mighty wannabe Ottoman midget saving the day where the US left xD

Zelensky, the Dog is with you,there is still real hope ! ON TO MOSCOOOOW xD

Rodney Loder

Ukraine is very low on the list of Countries to be supplied with vaccine, they got little bargaining power, Australia is a bit better off because New Zealand didn’t buckle to US demands to disengage from China, so if Australia goes into poverty and New Zealand doesn’t it looks bad for the US otherwise Australia woul be treated as worthless by the Jew pox in America and Europe.

cechas vodobenikov

best way to win war for amerika and colonies–employ Tommy and his LGBT midget army —shy lickingery boots, foggy brain, Richard the lying hearted to write expert military analysis at SF…Jens rehab counselor insists his recovery from psychosis and addiction contingent upon acceptance of US fake news that victory achieved in Vietnam


NYT Investigates U.S. Jewish Billionaire Funding For Anti-Islamists – Then Distracts With Loads Of Anti-Russian Slander

…….the British anti-Islam agitator and grifter Tommy Robinson was financed by American Jewish billionaires who promote Zionist colonialism in Palestine.

…..the fact that right-wing U.S. Zionists billionaires are financing proto-fascist anti-Islam movements in Europe is not the core concern. Instead it uses a short visit to Russia Robinson made a year ago to smear and agitate against that country and its government. https://www.moonofalabama.org/

So much about origins and intentions of the fascists from the West who badmouth Putin and Russia. sh*t = zionists = fascists = NATO = zio-terrorists

thomas malthaus


Pepe Escobar’s fine analysis of Mr. Putin’s speech before the State Duma last week.

A noteworthy point regarding expropriation of property belonging to US-domiciled dual citizenship Russians is of particular interest. Other than the Biden administration implementing policy resembling a Communist regime, it sends an ominous signal to Chinese, Iranians, and other recent immigrant ethnicities about their future living here.

“Eminent domain” has taken on new meaning in Amerika.

This policy likely won’t sit particularly well with Beijing and Tehran amidst other pressing issues.


‘President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine didn’t want war, but it was ready for it.’

Ukraine is at war – with its own eastern provinces and citizens, because they have a different vision of their identity and future.


I completed introductory super soldier classroom communications instruction on how to operate an armed AI sentinel drone and communicate telepathically with extraterrestrials. Taught by a super soldier with off planet combat and diplomatic security experience.


University delivery robots. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fc9043f87aa17e825de3c7629a0daf1bcd248dd2d4e076d273d912f50071c774.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c6ce00c4fc5af7eeff2884f01c92f4e9dcd4f0859817def86ef1920ece82bec.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7108d6cd8d70b5844634565a2290d6e266a88c3a8b26fdfdd4853d06294e4c74.jpg

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