A recent blackout of all communications in Syria, including internet access, was caused by Turkish “systematic technical operations” meant to tap into the country’s network, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) warned in a report released on March 29.
NetBlocks, which monitors network traffic in conflict zones, said early on March 25 that Internet access was completely interrupted in Syria. One the same day, Sham TV, a private satellite channel in Syria, reported that the blackout also impacted both major telecom providers, MTN and Syriatel.
Communications returned later in the day, with the Syrian Ministry of Communications blaming the blackout on sabotage operations that cut off two key optical fiber cables in the areas of Maaloula and Hasiya in the center of the country.
However, the SOHR, citing sources with knowledge on the matter, said that the outrage was in fact caused by the installation of Turkish spying devices on Syrian communication systems.
“The goal of this move is to monitor all forms of communication and data exchanged within Syrian territory, which raises serious concerns about privacy violations and escalating security threats to civilians, activists, journalists, and public servants,” the London-based monitoring group warned in its report.
The monitoring group noted that while this was not the first time Turkey attempted to penetrate the Syrian communication network, it was the first time this was done directly.
Such hands-on technical operations would be virtually impossible to conduct without the approval of the Syrian interim government, which is closely allied to Turkey.
Just a day before the blackout, activists from the Syrian coast, which was one of the most effected regions in the country, informed SouthFront of suspicious movements by government forces in one of the key communication centers in the city of Tartus. It is unclear however if these movements were linked to the blackout, or to the Turkish operations reported by the SOHR.
Government forces unleashed a deadly crackdown against the Alawite religious minority on the coast earlier this month. More than 1,600 civilians, mainly Alawites, were killed and tens of thousands others were displaced.
Due to this, the recent communication blackout led to panic on the coast, with some people even fleeing out of fear of another wave of violence.
In its report, the SOHR called on Syrians to avoid using mobile communications and rely on end-to-end encrypted messaging apps like Signal and Whatsapp with the use of a VPN [virtual private network] service.
The monitoring group called on the international community and human rights organizations to “take urgent action to pressure Turkey to halt its violations.”
It also demanded “the formation of an independent commission of inquiry to uncover the details of these operations” and warned of the consequences of “neglecting to protect civilians’ personal data, especially in light of the repeated targeting of activists and media professionals.”
Turkey, which led the work to overthrow the Assad regime since the outbreak of the violence in Syria more than a decade ago, is now working to solidify its influence in the country in cooperation with its new Islamists rulers. Controlling the communication network may be as important to Ankara as establishing permanent military bases in the country.
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the allies are carving syria like a pig carcass…heheehhe
the jackals will soon start fighting over the carcase. bad news for shlomo and johnny turk.
if it were divided into several countries, it would be much better. https://th ec ra dle.co/a rticles/ala wites- and-ch ris tian s-behi nd-s yrias-silent-sect arian-sla ughter ht t ps://s trat egi c-cult ure.su /ne ws/2025/0 3/26/ge nocide-in -syri a/
so.. the mi-6-funded sohr is now on the side of the “syrians” and southfront is using american writers? (obvious by the misspelling of “centers” – should be “centres” – and the misuse of “effected” – should be “affected”)
russianus penetrated easily…heheheh
traitorous russia took money from qatar, just like trump did in his first term, when he and pompeo betrayed two afghan generals to the taliban… this is called corruption, and putler handles it even better than dump. in hypocrisy and betrayal, putler can only be matched by brandon.
sohr = mi6 mouthpiece.
its time we get rid of erdogan he engineered the alqeada takeover of syria. its time to blow up the cigar in his face and oust that cockroach
it would be better if netanyahu and katz had divided syria in half, because if it had been divided in half fifteen years ago, this genocide would not have happened now. htt ps ://th ecradl e.co/a rticl es/alawit es-and-christians-behi nd-syrias-s ilent-secta rian-slau ghter ht tps: //co verta cti onma gazin e .co m/20 2 5/0 3/ 25/geno cid e-in-sy ri a/ yugoslavia was great, good and super, but the violence could only be ended by breaking it up into several smaller states.
the mossad was just installing a new security update to electronic devices . they are revising thier command / control center of the foreign mercenary forces to improve to ai led ethnic cleansing . but do not worry all of your personal devices are already updated . so your good !
erdogan and his zionist colleagues are making sure syria never again rises and is never again able to stand against the united turko-zionist empire.
on another occasion, terrorist groups struck against children under the age of three, when fictitious health-care agencies belonging to the armed terrorist groups conspired with the turkish authorities to cause a humanitarian disaster that claimed the lives of 15 innocent syrian children, who had been given expired and poisoned vaccinations for measles. dozens of other innocent children suffered asphyxiation. h ttps ://co vertaction maga zine.com/20 25/03/2 5/gen ocide-i n-sy ria/