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War On Freedom Of Speech: Patreon Banned SouthFront Account

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War On Freedom Of Speech: Patreon Banned SouthFront Account


Globalists’ war on SouthFront is reaching new heights.

On April 20, Patreon blocked SouthFront’s official account (http://patreon.com/southfront) claiming that it has detected some “suspicious activity” there.

The ban on Patreon is just the most recent in a long series of attempts to censor and destroy SouthFront. The US leadership scared by the freedom of speech even imposed sanctions on our website (southfront.org).

Nonetheless, despite all the pressure that we face, SouthFront Team is set to continue its worki. The total globalist censorship established in the international media is what really creates the space for SouthFront’s coverage and analysis.

Dear friends, readers and donators, we ask you to support SouthFront work using our account on the Donation Alerts platform.

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War On Freedom Of Speech: Patreon Banned SouthFront Account


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Supreme Blyat

Guess who’s birthday is today? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8396d3f94b4d1d2c752868be5119347f65bfddee530b437a0c3961f88d88352c.jpg

Fair treatment

Well I am looking at the posting from the last 5 years and yes the Website is a anti West Propaganda even if he shows the reality on front lines, the way how it shows and talk about the Western civilization and the misinformation about West and anti gay, anti establishment, anti Jewish is really true here. You can see this by looking at people posting comments on each video, They are totally against Western civilization. If you don’t like western civilization why you looking to move in western countries?? Or muslims speaking bad about western civilization why they looking to move in West. Stay in your country and eat from quaran and from your F….Politics don’t come to Europe or America or China. Hey but yes you like modern life isn’t?? Snake with 2 faces..


Well said!

Fair treatment

Yes you are right nobody force me to be here. But you missed the point… 🥱😐 Good night.

Jim Allen

For those unfamiliar, this is what actual journalism is. Your problem is, your pathetic, prejudiced mind(?) is projecting your own bias into the content you’re attempting to read. Your inability to control your emotion, allowing you to read your prejudice into the content. Corrupting the context, and the entire article. This is true regardless of the subject being discussed in any given article. Possibly even BBC, or CNN. You give yourself a distorted view of the world with your reading disability. You’ve acquired a sizable pretense of knowledge, which reflects in your big ass opinion. This is all really cool, and shit, but it doesn’t substitute for due diligence, in finding the facts, and the true history. Instead of blindly accecpting the propaganda, and PsyOps, your Government has provided, for you to repeat as if it were Gospel. Stick to the MSM, you, your tired, old, threadbare trolling aren’t exactly welcome here. We enjoy our own group of trolls, who are at least articulated enough to keep us amused.

Fair treatment

Well if you think that I am not well educated in order to make the difference between propaganda and real journalism, you need to read more books and educated yourself in history,geopolitics,human psychology propaganda tactics,military tactics and Comunism propaganda. Let’s don’t talk about my phd in political science.

Acko Manah

Wow! Now it is Ph.D. Do you know how many Ph.D. in economics disagree with each other? All it means is you went to graduate school; wrote a thesis and got a committee to approve it. Nothing more.

Fair treatment

I almost forgot so to you this story is just amusement??? This is what I made from your comments. If you forget let me remind you maybe you have dementia. “We enjoy our own group of trolls, who are at least articulated enough to keep us amused.”” This are your last words wich is implying that you don’t take seriously the story or you are the writer of this story and you like to create misinformation. Or and idiot.

NWO Resistance 98

there are plenty of pro western media. if you have a problem then dont come here. truth is you come here cause southfront provide better geopolitical and military coverage than any other media.

Acko Manah

People have many reasons to move. It is not your place to decide. Nations have rules and processes to admit others. Are you the chosen rep of all “Western” nations? No because there is no individual with this power or responsibility. My response to you is: none of your business


Hey buddy, don’t tell immigrants to go back to their countries, when you guys came into ours first. Don’t act like immigrants didn’t build your country, most of your graduates now are immigrants. How about YOU leave our country , and leave us alone, and bunch of us will gladly go back


mmmmmm, No US air defences then, LOL.


This is a very good thing, and fully deserved. This “independent” website is more pro-Russian than the Russian state media itself. And not by mere coincidence. It seems that the propagandists of this website are hardcore information warriors for the Russian government, who are more than happy to spread any anti-Western conspiracy theory, like you did about MH17, Skirpal, Navalny, etc. always toeing the Kremlin line.

I’m surprised it took the U.S. government this long to do this. It should have been done long ago.

Proof that you’re a Kremlin outfit is simple to see: you casually shrug away the closing of your Patreon account, yet it accounts for well over half of your so-called “monthly budget”.

Fact is, you are paid by the Russian government. You never needed that money in the first place.


Who said I was ever here in the first place? Just thought I’d drop by and leave a comment.


So the usual troll methods aren’t working? Sad.


I never said I didn’t read a few articles. But that doesn’t make me a regular reader or commenter.


We seek out the truth from both sides. What do you do?….


No, you seek the truth from one side only.


Little reminder for you and your likewise

There Is nothing wrong with being pro Russian.

Once upon a time we used to call It freedom of speech.

Nevertheless, I dont think that SF Is necessarily pro Russian from the very beginning. Wherever you lift the curtain things turn out to be pro Russian.

Once upon a time we used to call It….Truth.

…the Zio Cons are losing It. Nobody falla anymore for their blatant lies.

By the way…..I wished so much Putin were less “liberal” less pro Western.

Somehow strange the Russians haven’t switched of yet the enemy working from within, Facebook, Twitter, NGO’s and so on….

…cause, you know, there’s a war on for the Russians..

Acko Manah

I am neither Russian nor pro Russian. However being pro Russian is not a crime. Assuming this site is then so what?


Everyone is biased to a certain degree, and that is perfectly natural. There is nothing wrong with being pro-Russian. What is wrong, however, is to be so one-sided that you make the state media of Russia look tame. That’s the issue with the information warriors who write for this outlet.

Acko Manah

Do you think you can change their minds? If so I think you are wasting your time. If not then why bother doing it. I normally don’t go here but happened to drop by. How about let them say their bit and others say theirs.


The western MSM takes on MH17, Skripal and Navalny are puerile and beneath contempt. This has nothing to do with anyone being pro-Russian and everything to do with having an IQ greater than one’s shoe size.

– MH17: the BBC itself reported initial eye-witness accounts from locals on the ground that the plane was shot down by fighter jets before that report was memory-holed (see report by BBC Russia correspondent Olga Ivshina on the day of the tragedy). It is obvious to a moron that there was no value to Russia in the shooting down of the plane, but plenty of value to the illegally installed Kiev Ukronazis.

– Skripal: the idea that Novichock is a class of chemical agent specific only to Russia, that it is non-lethal, has a delayed action, and can be effectively deployed via a door-knob is strictly fool’s fare. One does not need need to be supportive of Russia to find such nonsense laughable. The link between Skripal and Steele (of the infamous fiction known as the Steele Dossier) is also extremely suspicious and has been censored by the British Government (via a D-Notice). It’s clear that Skripal and his daughter have been disappeared (what’s the betting they will never be seen by a living person ever again?) by the British state, not the Russians.

– Navalny.: that this loathsome jester, far from being a genuine campaigner for democracy, is instead an embarrassing neonazi is best highlighted by the decision of Amnesty International to remove him from their list of political prisoners on the basis of his inflammatory hate-speech in the past. Does it make one ‘pro-Russian’ to read the pronouncements of Navalny, verified by Amnesty, and decide that he is an obnoxious, hate-filled charlatan?

When future historians objectively report on this phase of the decline of western empire they will name it the Age of Lies. The irrationality of the MSM is beginning to match the hysterical propaganda seen during the last years of the Third Reich.


I can’t believe that a fellow Westerner could so easily be duped by Russia’s lies.

MH17: Right, and those eyewitnesses were wrong, because evidence provided by Russia of its radars showed no SU-25s near MH17 when it crashed. The SU-25 hoax that Russia initially used to distract from the BUK theory was years later debunked by Russia itself, after it conveniently “found” some radar images that had been “lost” due to “repairs”. Those holes, by the way, are BUK pellet holes.

Skripal: It does have a delayed reaction, considering the form. If applied as a gel, it slowly enters the skin. In Navalny’s case, it was absorbed as he sweat. I’m familiar with the “British government kidnapped the Skirpals” theory, put out by the incredibly dishonest John Helmer. It’s complete bollocks.

Navalny: I don’t give two craps what Navalny said in the past. The Russian government and Western alternative media have been pushing this quite a bit lately. Why do they focus on what Navalny said a decade ago, instead of the much more serious crime of his government trying to assassinate the country’s top investigative journalist? It’s because their goal is to discredit and smear Navalny, to decrease people’s sympathy for him after the assassination attempt, and to attack Westerners who are sympathetic to Navalny as “supporters of racism”. Another thing I’ve noticed is pro-Kremlin Western alternative media journalists attacking critics of the Russian government by asking “why don’t you include the fact that Navalny said racist things in your articles”? Apparently, if you write about the Russian government trying to assassinate the country’s top investigative journalist, then you have to “balance” the report by providing completely irrelevant and unrelated information, like Navalny saying bad things a decade ago. The motivation behind this is obvious. Supporting Navalny in this important moment for him does not magically mean we agree with his statements about Chechens from a long time ago. I’m just saying all this because the Kremlin is using Navalny’s past as a “shield” for criticism directed against their botched assassination attempt. And the pro-Kremlin “independent” media in the West is more than happy to use Navalny’s past to defend the Kremlin, thus misleading its readers.


– MH17: sorry dude, I’ll stick with the eyewitnesses on the day on the ground as interviewed by the BBC. Unlike the UkroNazis they had nothing to gain by lying. No plume = no BUK, BTW (and no, the Bellingcat photo does not show a BUK plume). But you go ahead: believe Nazis rather than eyewitnesses. That always works out fine, right?

– Skripal: I can see that you know nothing about pharmacology. Either it penetrates the skin or it doesn’t. Once it is in the body it works immediately. Perhaps you are also not aware that the A&E consultant at Salisbury GH wrote to the Daily Telegraph (published) and stipulated that no one was treated for nerve agents? And guess who just happened to be passing when Skipal conked out on the park bench and was able to apply First Aid (without becoming ill herself)? That would be the most senior nurse in the British Army. That was a happy coincidence!

– Navalny: Oh. You don’t care what he said in the past? Is that because he’s a Nazi and you don’t have a problem with them? And poisoned underpants? What was the point of that? Why not exploding underpants? Or radioactive ones? Or some other ridiculous method of execution normally reserved for 007 or Batman? And why didn’t the Russians just do away with him when he was in their power (same goes for Skripal, BTW)? After all, there are plenty of ways to stop someone’s heart without leaving any kind of trail whatsoever…..

Finally, why all the onion tears from the west about Navalny? If the western imperium has an issue with political prisoners (which, officially, Navalny is NOT – according to Amnesty International) it need look no further than Julian Assange which the UK and US are at this moment torturing (according to the UN).


“I’ll stick with the eyewitnesses on the day on the ground”

Eyewitnesses can be notoriously unreliable. Not a single one saw an SU-25 literally shoot at MH17, as that would be physically impossible, so they just guessed that happened. Not to mention this contradicts Russia’s own radar images. So you agree Russia is lying? That’s what happens when one repeats contradictory lies. One day, it’s an SU-25, next day there’s none, and the next day the BUK manufacturer claims it was a BUK. All contradictory :) And Bellingcat actually exposed at least 2 of these “eyewitnesses” are being liars:


“But you go ahead: believe Nazis rather than eyewitnesses”

Did you honestly think randomly brining “Nazis” into this would help your argument?

“Either it penetrates the skin or it doesn’t. Once it is in the body it works immediately.”

Vladimir Uglyov knows more about Novichok than us, as he’s one of its creators. Months before Navalny even found out the poison was placed in his underwear, this is what he said:

“….suggested that the poison was delivered using “a solution (for example, in dimethylformamide) of a solid analogue of A-234, namely, a solid A-242, which was applied on Navalny’s underwear, plus the addition of some faster-acting substance that hides symptoms (for example, clonidine).” Uglyov suggested that Novichok had been applied on Navalny’s underwear in a hotel room, and that the poison had entered his body a few hours before departure. According to the scientist, Navalny received about 20% of the lethal dose. Uglyov suggested that the organizers decided to poison Navalny with Novichok, since they mistakenly believed that this substance would be impossible to detect.”

Go argue with him, because he was 100% right on the money, as we would later find out.

“guess who just happened to be passing when Skipal conked out on the park bench and was able to apply First Aid (without becoming ill herself)? That would be the most senior nurse in the British Army.”

Two issues: One, it’s perfectly possible for her to have given first aid without being poisoned, as long as she didn’t touch his hands, and considering most of the poison had already been absorbed into Skirpal’s skin. Two: I’ve seen this “happy coincidence” conspiracy theory cited many times, but no one is able to explain what the British government would gain by having their most senior nurse perform first aid? It could have been anyone and the end result would have been the same. The British government didn’t benefit from her being there, any more than they would have benefited from a random person being there (many people know how to do CPR and give first said, it’s basic stuff I was even taught in school).

“Is that because he’s a Nazi and you don’t have a problem with them?”

I have a problem with journalists getting poisoned, and then their past being used to distract from the poisoning. It’s as simple as that.

The former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Rogozin, and current head of Roscosmos, is a far-right, neo-Nazi. The leader of Russia’s largest opposition party is even more far-right than Navalny and has said much worst things than him:


Go ask Putin why someone like them can gain power in Russia, but not Navalny.

“And poisoned underpants? What was the point of that? Why not exploding underpants?”

Ask the Russians why they screwed up: they messed up the dose applied, and didn’t think the pilot+doctors would save Navalny’s life. Otherwise, he would have died in Russia and nobody would have known anything.

I agree that Assange is being treated unfairly. But so is Navalny, and yet, how does the alt media cover this? By claiming it’s all a plot against poor Russia. It disgusts me to my core.

In the end, we Westerners are despised by the Russians. Don’t believe me? Go watch their domestic state TV and come back:


The West does say bad things about Russia. And sometimes, they’re wrong. But sometimes, they’re right. That’s all I’m saying. I’m critical of Western foreign policy too, but I won’t be lied to by the Russian government.


MH17: Again, I’ll still stick with the local eyewitnesses rather than a UK/US government sponsored couch-potato living in a small suburb in central England. NB: the eyewitnesses did not mention SU-25s, even if one believes that that an SU-25 can’t fly higher than 10,000m (it can, of course).

Nazis: the West Ukrainians regime are Nazis. They stood to gain from the downing of MH17 as blame would lead to sanctions on Russia. You believe their narrative on this issue. Thus you choose to believe Nazis. And I don’t.

“Uglyov suggested…” Count how many times that phrase appears. It’s a good thing he didn’t “suggest” my aunt has bollox, or you’d argue she was my uncle :) The mechanism of action of Novichock is well understood. There is no way way to regulate the dose via a pair of underpants.

Dude, just consider that for a second…..i.e. what you are being asked to believe by the MSM. Do you not feel at all offended?

Rogozin: who’s supporting Rogozin? Not me. But you support Navalny. A Nazi. I contend that there are people far more worthy of support in OUR OWN backyard before we go yelling about Russia’s treatment of a neonazi (Assange, Manning, Snowden and Hale spring instantly to mind).

Of course the Russians despise the west! And why not – with all the nonsense and goading that’s gone on since 1991?

And who is cheering for Russia? Not me!

It is an authoritarian state and I wouldn’t like to live there, but it has a right to exist in the form it does, and to take its place in the world as it sees fit. Take a look at a map. Is Russia massing armies on the borders of the US, thousands of miles away? No. It is the other way around. It is the west that is pulling the bear’s tail, AGAIN. And how has this turned out historically? …..NOT SO WELL.

Some people never learn.


“I’ll still stick with the local eyewitnesses rather than a UK/US government sponsored couch-potato living in a small suburb in central England.”

We’re all couch potatoes. Even a couch potato can spot a lie, by using information available to all of us.

“NB: the eyewitnesses did not mention SU-25s”

They did mention SU-25s, they even claimed they took see them flying above the clouds with their naked eyes lol. It’s a farcical claim. And, as I said, the Russian government has simultaneously claimed it was an SU-25 and a BUK. So which is it? Do you remember Carlos, the fake ATC who claimed he knew an SU-25 shot down MH17, on RT Spanish? Putin mentioned him to Oliver Stone when the latter interviewed the former. By then, “Carlos” had already been exposed as a fraud and RT Spanish had issued a retraction. Not many people remember this.

“Count how many times that phrase appears. It’s a good thing he didn’t “suggest” my aunt has bollox, or you’d argue she was my uncle :)”

This isn’t even a proper response to what I said. I quoted one of the lead scientists who created Novichok, who predicted the FSB applied it to his underpants, several months before it was revealed. That’a big deal. And you just ignore it by making a joke. Why?

“The mechanism of action of Novichock is well understood. There is no way way to regulate the dose via a pair of underpants.”

The groin is one of the areas of the human body that is most sensitive to nerve agents, according to tests conducted by the US Army several years ago. This is a well-know fact. If applied in a granular solid form to clothes, the Novichok would be absorbed through the skin when the victim begins to sweat. This is another well-known fact. What you stated is not a fact, but something you just made up. As an aside, I enjoyed listening to Navalny’s call to the FSB agent tasked with the cleanup operation.

“Dude, just consider that for a second…..i.e. what you are being asked to believe by the MSM. Do you not feel at all offended?”

Let me rephrase what you said: Dude, just consider that for a second…..i.e. what you are being asked to believe by the Russian government and state media. Do you not feel at all offended?

Russia was caught, red-handed. Why do you believe them?

“Rogozin: who’s supporting Rogozin? Not me. But you support Navalny. A Nazi.”

I don’t support Navalny. I simply criticized the Russian government for trying to kill him. You do realize he’s the country’s top investigative journalist, with several million subscribers on YouTube? Calling him a “Nazi” doesn’t change that. My point was that millions of people in Russia support people far, far more to the right of Navalny.

“Of course the Russians despise the west! And why not – with all the nonsense and goading that’s gone on since 1991?”

They hate *us*, Westerners, as a people. Not just our governments. Did you watch that video I linked? They call British people “dogs”. They say the most vile, disgusting things about us. The Russian government is using its state media to inject hatred into the hearts and minds of normal Russians. And I think that’s unforgivable.

“Is Russia massing armies on the borders of the US, thousands of miles away? No. It is the other way around. It is the west that is pulling the bear’s tail, AGAIN”

Look, I completely agree with you here, the post-Cold War expansion of NATO is not only dangerous, but deeply unethical, as it runs counter to the promises made by the West towards Russia immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union. In certain cases, like this, Russia has the moral high ground.

But I think it’s a big problem when Russia’s geopolitical crimes are not only ignored, but actively defended by the Western alt media. Especially when the evidence is very strong. What’s worst is when the Western alt media participate in state-backed smear campaigns against outlets like Bellingcat, accusing them, without evidence, of “getting their information from the CIA”. Putin claimed exactly this when he was caught trying to kill Navalny. And the funniest part? The Russian state media have reported that several police officers who sold this data about the FSB agents to Bellingcat have been arrested. So the state media debunked Putin’s lies.


“I’ll still stick with the local eyewitnesses rather than a UK/US government sponsored couch-potato living in a small suburb in central England.”

We’re all couch potatoes. Even a couch potato can spot a lie, by using information available to all of us.

“NB: the eyewitnesses did not mention SU-25s”

They did mention SU-25s, they even claimed they took see them flying above the clouds with their naked eyes lol. It’s a farcical claim. And, as I said, the Russian government has simultaneously claimed it was an SU-25 and a BUK. So which is it? Do you remember Carlos, the fake ATC who claimed he knew an SU-25 shot down MH17, on RT Spanish? Putin mentioned him to Oliver Stone when the latter interviewed the former. By then, “Carlos” had already been exposed as a fraud and RT Spanish had issued a retraction. Not many people remember this.

“Count how many times that phrase appears. It’s a good thing he didn’t “suggest” my aunt has bollox, or you’d argue she was my uncle :)”

This isn’t even a proper response to what I said. I quoted one of the lead scientists who created Novichok, who predicted the FSB applied it to his underpants, several months before it was revealed. That’a big deal. And you just ignore it by making a joke. Why?

“The mechanism of action of Novichock is well understood. There is no way way to regulate the dose via a pair of underpants.”

The groin is one of the areas of the human body that is most sensitive to nerve agents, according to tests conducted by the US Army several years ago. This is a well-know fact. If applied in a granular solid form to clothes, the Novichok would be absorbed through the skin when the victim begins to sweat. This is another well-known fact. What you stated is not a fact, but something you just made up. As an aside, I enjoyed listening to Navalny’s call to the FSB agent tasked with the cleanup operation.

“Dude, just consider that for a second…..i.e. what you are being asked to believe by the MSM. Do you not feel at all offended?”

Let me rephrase what you said: Dude, just consider that for a second…..i.e. what you are being asked to believe by the Russian government and state media. Do you not feel at all offended?

Russia was caught, red-handed. Why do you believe them?

“Rogozin: who’s supporting Rogozin? Not me. But you support Navalny. A Nazi.”

I don’t support Navalny. I simply criticized the Russian government for trying to kill him. You do realize he’s the country’s top investigative journalist, with several million subscribers on YouTube? Calling him a “Nazi” doesn’t change that. My point was that millions of people in Russia support people far, far more to the right of Navalny.

“Of course the Russians despise the west! And why not – with all the nonsense and goading that’s gone on since 1991?”

They hate *us*, Westerners, as a people. Not just our governments. Did you watch that video I linked? They call British people “dogs”. They say the most vile, disgusting things about us. The Russian government is using its state media to inject hatred into the hearts and minds of normal Russians. And I think that’s unforgivable.

“Is Russia massing armies on the borders of the US, thousands of miles away? No. It is the other way around. It is the west that is pulling the bear’s tail, AGAIN”

Look, I completely agree with you here, the post-Cold War expansion of NATO is not only dangerous, but deeply unethical, as it runs counter to the promises made by the West towards Russia immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union. In certain cases, like this, Russia has the moral high ground.

But I think it’s a big problem when Russia’s geopolitical crimes are not only ignored, but actively defended by the Western alt media. Especially when the evidence is very strong. What’s worst is when the Western alt media participate in state-backed smear campaigns against outlets like Bellingcat, accusing them, without evidence, of “getting their information from the CIA”. Putin claimed exactly this when he was caught trying to kill Navalny. And the funniest part? The Russian state media have reported that several police officers who sold this data about the FSB agents to Bellingcat have been arrested. So the state media debunked Putin’s lies


Apologies for the delay in responding, my posts keep getting marked as spam, so I’ll split it into several parts:

Part 1

“I’ll still stick with the local eyewitnesses rather than a UK/US government sponsored couch-potato living in a small suburb in central England.”

We’re all couch potatoes. Even a couch potato can spot a lie, by using information available to all of us.

“NB: the eyewitnesses did not mention SU-25s”

They did mention SU-25s, they even claimed they took see them flying above the clouds with their naked eyes lol. It’s a farcical claim. And, as I said, the Russian government has simultaneously claimed it was an SU-25 and a BUK. So which is it? Do you remember Carlos, the fake ATC who claimed he knew an SU-25 shot down MH17, on RT Spanish? Putin mentioned him to Oliver Stone when the latter interviewed the former. By then, “Carlos” had already been exposed as a fraud and RT Spanish had issued a retraction. Not many people remember this.

“Count how many times that phrase appears. It’s a good thing he didn’t “suggest” my aunt has bollox, or you’d argue she was my uncle :)”

This isn’t even a proper response to what I said. I quoted one of the lead scientists who created Novichok, who predicted the FSB applied it to his underpants, several months before it was revealed. That’a big deal. And you just ignore it by making a joke. Why?

“The mechanism of action of Novichock is well understood. There is no way way to regulate the dose via a pair of underpants.”

The groin is one of the areas of the human body that is most sensitive to nerve agents, according to tests conducted by the US Army several years ago. This is a well-know fact. If applied in a granular solid form to clothes, the Novichok would be absorbed through the skin when the victim begins to sweat. This is another well-known fact. What you stated is not a fact, but something you just made up. As an aside, I enjoyed listening to Navalny’s call to the FSB agent tasked with the cleanup operation.


Part 2

“Dude, just consider that for a second…..i.e. what you are being asked to believe by the MSM. Do you not feel at all offended?”

Let me rephrase what you said: Dude, just consider that for a second…..i.e. what you are being asked to believe by the Russian government and state media. Do you not feel at all offended?

Russia was caught, red-handed. Why do you believe them?

“Rogozin: who’s supporting Rogozin? Not me. But you support Navalny. A Nazi.”

I don’t support Navalny. I simply criticized the Russian government for trying to kill him. You do realize he’s the country’s top investigative journalist, with several million subscribers on YouTube? Calling him a “Nazi” doesn’t change that. My point was that millions of people in Russia support people far, far more to the right of Navalny.

“Of course the Russians despise the west! And why not – with all the nonsense and goading that’s gone on since 1991?”

They hate *us*, Westerners, as a people. Not just our governments. Did you watch that video I linked? They call British people “dogs”. They say the most vile, disgusting things about us. The Russian government is using its state media to inject hatred into the hearts and minds of normal Russians. And I think that’s unforgivable.

“Is Russia massing armies on the borders of the US, thousands of miles away? No. It is the other way around. It is the west that is pulling the bear’s tail, AGAIN”

Look, I completely agree with you here, the post-Cold War expansion of NATO is not only dangerous, but deeply unethical, as it runs counter to the promises made by the West towards Russia immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union. In certain cases, like this, Russia has the moral high ground.

But I think it’s a big problem when Russia’s geopolitical crimes are not only ignored, but actively defended by the Western alt media. Especially when the evidence is very strong. What’s worst is when the Western alt media participate in state-backed smear campaigns against outlets like Bellingcat, accusing them, without evidence, of “getting their information from the CIA”. Putin claimed exactly this when he was caught trying to kill Navalny. And the funniest part? The Russian state media have reported that several police officers who sold this data about the FSB agents to Bellingcat have been arrested. So the state media debunked Putin’s lies

Jim Allen

I tried to tell them, too.

Jim Allen

Appears I’m not the only one that urged you to ditch Patreon. It was inevitable you’d get bit on the ass again. What’s worse is my dumb ass has been using Patreon the last few months. That’ll teach me. PayPal is just as sucky, I’ll never use either of these again. SF isn’t the only channel they’ve stiffed, and when they refuse to pay the channel, that money comes out of those donating pocket’s. That is theft. If/when these little tyrants shut down a channel, and withhold the donations, then the donations must be returned whence they came.


I have been kicked off of most sites for speaking the truth. Even Southfront recently put one of my comments in “pending” limbo for some reason.

Why have I been kicked out of most sites? For saying that America is a lie and is a Godless country from the beginning as demanded in the Constitution and for saying that Israel is a deception of the Synagogue of Satan. Both of which I have offered Constitutional proof and Scriptural proof. Funny thing is that the sites that have banned me are “Christian” sites. Christians who worship the U.S. and Israel while they reject the truth of Scripture.

Welcome to the age of cancel culture.

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