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War On Own History: Mississippi To Replace State Flag Featuring Confederate Battle Emblem

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War On Own History: Mississippi To Replace State Flag Featuring Confederate Battle Emblem

The Mississippi State flag

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves announced on Tuesday 30 June that he will sign a bill that was passed by both houses of the state legislature over the weekend to replace the state’s 126-year-old flag, which features the Confederate battle flag.

The obsession with erasing monuments and emblems that commemorate supposedly ‘racist’ or other ‘politically incorrect’ aspects of US history continues. There may not be much else left to remember, and it is not clear what will replace them.

Mississippi’s flag has long been a source of controversy in the southern state, which has the largest percentage of black residents in the country. The controversy was rekindled in the aftermath of the George Floyd protests, during which many Confederate monuments and symbols have been removed. Some have been removed by ‘direct action’, at times involving dangerous confrontations with other groups seeking to protect the monuments, on other occasions monuments have been declared persona non grata by officials.

The bill to replace the flag passed the GOP-controlled legislature by a wide margin on Sunday, with the Mississippi House of Representatives passing it 91 to 23 in the morning, and the Senate passing it 37 to 14 later in the day.

Governor Reeves had previously opposed changing the flag, arguing that the question should be put to the voters rather than decided by lawmakers, but announced shortly before the bill was passed by lawmakers that he would sign the bill if it passed:

“The legislature has been deadlocked for days as it considers a new state flag,” he wrote. “The argument over the 1894 flag has become as divisive as the flag itself and it’s time to end it. If they send me a bill this weekend, I will sign it.” LINK

Governor Reeves’ office issued a statement saying that the bill will be signed on Tuesday at a ceremony attended by legislators who promoted the bill as well as by African American leaders from the state, and that the Governor will deliver remarks “about the importance of unity and moving forward together as a state.”

The bill requires the “prompt, dignified and respectful” removal of the retired flag within 15 days of when the legislation took effect. The bill also establishes a nine-member commission to design the new flag, which must include the phrase “In God we trust.”

The design for a new flag must be submitted by September 14 and put to a state-wide vote in November. If the new design fails to pass in November, the commission will submit a new design to the legislature in 2021.

Mississippi is one of five states that has Confederate symbols in its flag, but the only one with the full Confederate battle emblem, the most recognizable symbol of the Confederacy. Georgia previously adopted a flag with the emblem in 1956, but dropped it in 2001 and later replaced it with a flag with a smaller and more subtle Confederate symbol.

After the bill passed, Kabir Karriem, a Democratic state representative, who is black, said it may be the most significant vote of his career.

Republican State Senator Chris McDaniel, who opposed the bill, declared of the campaign leading up to the vote. “No issue has animated Mississippians the way this one has,” he said Thursday, claiming he received “not one email, not 10 emails. Thousands of emails. Thousands of phone calls,” about the vote. He called the effort to change the flag an “orchestrated movement” and “nonsense.” LINK

Nonetheless, the campaign had gained widespread support beyond the social media horizon and was clearly significant for many residents of the state, as reported by Rolling Stone:

This weekend’s votes are the result of a widespread campaign to pressure the legislature to change the flag, following a national call for racial justice after weeks of Black Lives Matter national protests. On Thursday morning, a group including college football coaches and Christian ministers occupied the Mississippi Capitol to lobby for the flag to be changed. “We removed the flag from our campus five years ago, so we’ve made it clear that it doesn’t represent who we are at Ole Miss,” Lane Kiffin, head coach of Ole Miss, told ESPN. “Today is another big step in doing our part to move the state forward and ensure a more welcoming environment for everyone. This is extremely important to me and to our players.”

Mississippi is the last state in the nation whose flag bears the Confederate war emblem. In 2013, 150 years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, the state became the last to ratify the 13th Amendment and officially abolish slavery. LINK

However, the question remains. How will politically incorrect aspects of history be remembered, and what will replace them?


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Swift Laggard II

raxists are being left behind everywhere in the world. One thing I respect MuriKKKa for, no matter their shortcomings, this is a very dynamic society that is capable of self reflection and change. This is a nation which will endure for many years in great strength precisely because it is capable of change at critical junctures of history

Zionism = EVIL

Demographics has fucked the racists and people won’t accept Jew cunts and the Bilderberg banksters plundering them anymore.

Swift Laggard II

I am not sure it’s demographics, the effect of that is still years away. MuriKKKa has this dynamism and innate ability to change which makes it very different from other nations. For instnace they abolished slavery. Just to get there was a struggle, but they did it. In the sixties they had the civil rights revolution. – the demographics did not favor the blacks, but there was a sufficient recognition by the whites that things had to change, and they did. America is imperfect in many ways, and i dislike many aspects of their social setting, but one thing I admire and one of their greatest strengths is this ability for the whole society to change in radical ways, and for the last 150 years that change has been towards a better society whatever the shortcomings.

Zionism = EVIL

But remember now there is total lack of leadership, the orange old geezer is doing more damage than any external enemy could at a time the world power balance is shifting to Eurasia. I firmly believe the “exceptionalist” cunts are done.Thanks largely to Jew fanned arrogance and hubris and a internal repressive police state.

Swift Laggard II

the effects of mis-governance will come through slowly and surely in the coming years and decades, and frankly these problems predate Trump., though he has made them worse by his terrible judgement on critical issues. US has wasted trillions of USD is useless wars – money which could have been spent improving their way of life and competitiveness of their economy. The arms merchants have been the only beneficiaries of this fiasco. The nation will have to pay for that monumental waste.

Zionism = EVIL

In the immortal words of Robert E. Lee, AmeriKKKA is FUCKED!


Just so everyone always remembers who these people ultimately serve: “In God We Trust”

lol, they just never specify WHICH god. I suppose they are referring to the mean, evil spirited, racists, daughter selling after she’s been raped, homophobic, wiener chopping, abusive tyrant god that enjoys burning people forever and ever who won’t submit to his authorit-tie. But, he luuuvs you. He murdered his kid (suicide?) to prove it because as the creator of the universe, he couldn’t figure a way around the sin problem that he created without a brutal bloodletting. (and one wonders why the US is so damn violent and angry but with a big ol’ shit eating grin) MOAR WAR!!!

So much butt hurt about a flag too. I mean, how many places in the world allow the loser to plaster their symbols all over the place for over a hundred years?? Are you Americans or not? Perhaps you’d prefer the black and white flag with the blue stripe instead? You could call yourselves the Confederate Police States of Gilead.

*spit* my ancestors were slave traders in Biloxi back in the day, and I hope they are on their knees in front of their God “worshipping” him for all eternity, along with all of the other monsters of their ilk.

Swift Laggard II

Don’t blaspheme God for the crimes of men. The Bible is clear: You shall love your neighbour as you love yourself.


Trust me, I don’t blaspheme the True Creator. But, impostors get all the ridicule they deserve. Those who serve Death . . . .


People who forget their past cannot have a future. I don’t know who said it but I believe it’s right

Swift Laggard II

how com Germans do not need monuments to Hitler to remember their past? what is so special with the American south that they need symbols and monuments honoring evil men to keep sane?


History is written by winners, not by losers. I am against the removal of any statues/memorials.

Swift Laggard II

Southerners were losers, so what did they win? When you say history is written by winners 1. are you mimicking your idol the orange man? 2. is that factual or just an inane assertion 3.. Who determines winners and losers?


I don’t have idols, orange man do you mean Trump or the orangemen in Northern Ireland? The Confederates were the losers in the war so they had to take all the blame but in reality is difficult to determine good and bad. I am simply against to remove your heritage either when is done by ISIL in ME or when is done by Liberals in the west. I am not arrogant to believe that I am superior to my forefathers

Swift Laggard II

Your ‘humility’ is in fact fuulishness


You cannot erase your past, you can only accept it how it is.


When you rewrite history to rehabilitate a racist cause into a noble one, you need noble symbols to reinforce the lie. All propaganda from historical revisionists 1920s through the 60s.

Harry Smith

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell, 1984


Mississippi had plenty of flags that didn’t feature racist emblems of the slave states’ failed confederacy. That was only added during period of historical revisionism that started in the 20’s.

High time it got kicked to the curb.

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