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War Prep? Two Major Chinese State Owned Shipbuilders Merge To “Better Serve The Military”

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War Prep? Two Major Chinese State Owned Shipbuilders Merge To "Better Serve The Military"

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Written By Tyler Durden. Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

In a move that we can’t help but think looks suspiciously like war prep, two Chinese state-owned shipbuilders announced Monday plans to merge, according to a new report from Nikkei Asia.

The report says up front the merger could “help them better serve the military”. Key details, such as pricing, asset handling, employee treatment, and protections for dissenting shareholders, have yet to be revealed.

The Nikkei report says that in nearly identical filings to the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Monday night, China CSSC Holdings and China Shipbuilding Industry (CSICL) announced they had signed an agreement to merge.

On Monday, CSSC Holdings’ shares closed at 34.90 yuan, and CSICL’s at 4.98 yuan. The merger would involve CSSC Holdings absorbing CSICL through a stock swap.

Based on current prices, CSSC Holdings’ market cap is 156.08 billion yuan ($22 billion), while CSICL’s is 113.55 billion yuan. The companies aim to “further focus on major state strategy.”

“Promoting equipment for a strong military” was also mentioned as a priority in the filings, according to the report.

The report says that the two companies are part of China State Shipbuilding Corp. (CSSC), a central state-owned conglomerate overseen by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC).

SASAC has recently increased pressure on listed arms of central companies to enhance market value by improving governance, raising disclosure standards, conducting share buybacks, and increasing dividends. If the merger boosts efficiency and profitability, it aligns with government policy goals.

CSSC has a complex history, dating back to a 1950 government organization for shipbuilding, which was reorganized in the 1970s and later split into “North Ship” and “South Ship” entities in 1999.

These merged in 2019 to form the current CSSC, but CSSC Holdings and CSICL, from the original north and south entities, remained separate listed companies with overlapping businesses….until now.


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hitler fought on two fronts so u.s. administration needs to fight at least on five fronts simultaneously to beat that. one proxy war in syria, 2nd in gaza and lebanon, 3rd in iran (not if but when), 4th in ukraine 5th taiwan (not if but when). and don’t forget another invisible war – illegal invasion of migrants from africa and middle east flooding europe and the u.s. oh, when people addressed bildeberg’s plans for depopulation of the planet, we were called “conspiracy theorists.

Last edited 6 months ago by huhu

yeah, it won’t go well at all, but that isn’t the point anyway is it?

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

hitler was a monarchist not a nazi he hated socialist he had them all murderered after he didn’t need them anymore, for his “popularity” . he was catholic roman catholic germany wasn’t.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

he used red, like communists too in his symbols red and black like the vatican’s cardinals abd the jesuits black pope. black for black rock, stone, water, saturn the black star, of david bowies final prophetic message, saturn really. red is from roman king herod who was raised as a jew but was really an edomite a false jew. edomite means red or roth. red is their signpost.


too convoluted for this space with its little patronage, but it’s all about infrared the fact humans actually run on infrared messaging.


and they realised that he was destroying lutheran germany and orthodox russia and killing millions of protestants from england and its allies but because when he was placed into office, the very first thing he did was to legally basically set himself up as a dictator their only recourse was attempted assasination, which unfortunately failed repeatedly.


interest g how correct pope emeritus benedict was when he said “they in there hate the truth”


bilderberg was set up by prince bernard of the never lands


and the most funny part is, that putin and xi ping assholes still claims that the west will “resign” on their hegemon ambitions for the good sake of humanity and the future of the mankind. that peace can be negotiated in the un, respecting human rights and multipolar world order. lunatics, idiots and morons. why putin never addressed global jews? why russian and chinese dissent is jailed and killed? because putin has deals with soros – rotschild kabal.


the windsors actually really set up the un.


it was set up by the royal families of europe using the royal institute of international affairs for them to use as a front imo. the same families who pretended to become democratic and to grant all of their colonies america south america africa india malaya indonesia australia new zealand canada vietnam indo china etcetera, independence and allegedly sovereignity but who i believe retained to this day legal ownership.


mentioning jewtin will get them on you like attack poodles. cowards hate the truth. russia has been jew run since the tsar was deposed. who knows how they were trying to work him with hooks anyway and finally just killed him. they don’t kill people who play ball with them.


incorrect observation watson and deduction demonsrate irrefutabltly that they who run the internet promote anti semitism at every opportunity. you are somehow mistaken completely. anyone who sees this site knows


wakey wakey warren buffet who always said buy bank stocks who owned bank of america which owned another intermediary holding llc which then owned 48% of black rock, has now sold out his bank of america holdings your going through a revolution globally which will destroy the world as we know it and will( as thatcher was sent to america in 1984 to join up with the colony again) build back better. as a joint uk usa effort course she didn’t know everything only what she was allowed.


hahahaha very astute. could the there be a ww happening sometime soon, do you think

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

look the globalists universalists created the cccp. not the chinese. the jesuits entered china in the 1600s. it took them untill the 1900s to set it up. they are the cccp. they set china up to be the slaves for western capitalists profits. they now are fearing presudent xi is actually breaking free so they’re simply running the counter offensive. imo.

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