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War Started In Western Sahara

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War Started In Western Sahara

IMAGE: worldbulletin.net

The new war between Morocco and the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army has started in western Sahara after a 30-year ceasefire in the region.

HINT: Western Sahara is the disputed region on Africa’s Atlantic coast. Morocco controls about 80% of the territory, including its phosphate deposits and fishing waters. The official position of the Kingdom is that Western Sahara is an integral part of the country despite the UN rulling that the Sahrawi people have a right of self-determination. The Polisario Front, with some support from Alrgeria, fought a war for independence from 1975 to 1991 that ended in September 1991 under the aegis of the UN. However, the planned referendum on self-determination has been repeatedly postponed due to a dispute between Morocco and the Polisario Front over the composition of the electorate and the status of the territory. Negotiations on the situation in Western Sahara involves Morocco, the Polisario Front, Algeria and Mauritania. They have been suspended for several months.

On November 13, Morocco launched a military operation to open the road to Mauritania in the Western Sahara region claiming that this operation is needed to end “provocations” by the Polisario Front (outlawed in the parts of Western Sahara under Moroccan control, while it is considered the legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people in the region by the UN) and “put a stop to the blockade” of trucks travelling between Moroccan-controlled areas of the disputed territory and neighbouring Mauritania, and “restore free circulation of civilian and commercial traffic.”

The Moroccan military already seized the Guergarat border crossing located in the no-man land formally controlled by the Polisario Front and its Armed Force – the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army. The crossing is located on the southern coast of the disputed Western Sahara, along the road leading to Mauritania, some 380km north of Nouakchott, a buffer zone patrolled by a United Nations’ peacekeeping force.

In response, the Polisario Front said that Morocco had broken their ceasefire and “ignited war” and Secretary-General of the Polisario Front Mr. Brahim Ghali issued a presidential decree (he’s the head of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic) announcing the end of the commitment to the ceasefire signed between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco in 1991.

“After the Kingdom of Morocco violated the ceasefire agreement on 13 November 2020 by attacking civilians peacefully protesting in front of the illegal Guerguerat breach, and opening three new breaches within the Moroccan military wall in flagrant violation of the Military Agreement No. 1 signed between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco under the auspices of the United Nations, in implementation of Security Council Resolution 690 of 1991, which provides for the organization of the referendum of self-determination for the Sahrawi people, and based on the decisions of the extraordinary session of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front  held on 07/11/2020, and the powers conferred upon him by the Basic Law of the Polisario Front and the constitution of the SADR, Mr Brahim Ghali, the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, issued a presidential decree on November 13, 2020, declaring the end of the commitment to the ceasefire, which the Moroccan occupation had undermined and the consequent resumption of armed struggle in defense of the legitimate rights of our people,” the statement of the Presidency of the Republic said.

War Started In Western Sahara

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As of November 15, the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army announced that it has been carrying out attacks on forces of the Kingdom in response to their violations. They allegedly conducted several attacks inflicting casualties along the Moroccan Western Sahara Wall (often called by Polisario supporters ‘the Wall of Shame’). The Moroccan Western Sahara Wall is an approximately 2,700 km long military barrier that separates the Moroccan areas on the west from the Polisario-controlled areas on the east.

The Ministry of National Defense of the Polisariio government claimed that several of its military bases, support points and supply centers came under fire, the most recent of which was the attack last night on the 13th base of the 67th legion in the Bakari sector near Tinelik.

Local sources report that sporadic clashes regularly appear between the sides in the region.

Videos showing the current situation in the region:


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Porc Halal

Well, I have wondered how long time the illegal occupation of West Sahara could last!…Morocco had the full green light from US in siezing this territory…this territory is rich in phosphate rock and recently it is believed that it contain oil benith its surface…

Vox Populi

It is all about phosphates and minerals the western Sahara holds and Morocco is a western vassal. This is an illegal occupation and brutal suppression of the Sahrawi people aided and abetted by western weapons and advisors.

Porc Halal

Morocco holds more than 72 percent of all phosphate-rock reserves in the world…by comparison, next closest country, China, has just shy of 6 percent. .. the rest is spread out in smaller pockets around the globe.

Morocco aggressively and sometimes violently argues that the notion of Western Sahara statehood is illegitimate, and that the region’s rich supply of phosphate is theirs.

Zionism = EVIL

Morocco is a pimp for the west and Zionists.


yes but there is no such thing as western sahara glory to the arab moroccan army

Porc Halal

Morocco army glory?!…where did you get this!…do you know how did they enter in the possession of that land?


thoses lands belonged to the moroccan empire/kingdom long before the colonosation of france and spain as a matter of fact half of algeria belonged to morocco and also mauritania …polisario are a bunch of spain and algeria proxys just like alnusra used by turley or the kurds used by the us they don’t own any lands the real sahraoui people were given everything by morocco cheap gas chep food …morocco also gave them the possibility of a federation but they refuse …they don’t represent any threat they could be crushed in a day with 2 f16’s no mapower no cause no motivation a bunch of campers

Porc Halal

And before that , this teritory was someone else teritory that muslim moroccans had stolen it …

Other example…

The teritory of today’s turkey was the teritory of bizantine empire which Greece is entitled to own, by your logic…

so , tell me , what is your point??…

Ryan Glantz

Ah, a scholar! Good to see someone who thinks!


muslim moroccans stole it ? i smell hate and frustration lol do you even know how history and human civilisations work ??? your dumb logic doesn’t make any sence… its called western sahara nobody actually lived there through history except few bedouins, this land was originally under moroccan sobirany but Spain and France invaded the whole country and nowadays it’s according to the UN, still under spanish administration. Algeria took much of the Saharah from Tunisia and Algeria and Algeria is trying to wrestle control of Western Sahara away from Morocco through creating political problems and funding the Poilisario. I also have friends from Western Sahara who agree with this and say it was always part of morocco and they are happy with this. It seems many of you have been swayed by the political influence of an oil rich nation who wants to check morocco’s future stability and prosperity……………again yes morocoo is a western puppet but it doesn’t mean the other side is the good side !!!!!!!!!!!

Porc Halal

I smell far left or muslim hypocrisy…If I say christian armenian or christian whatever nation, am I hatefull?!…I thought that…

All I know is that history and civilisation “does not work” depending on the circumtancies …


what circumstances ? the “sahara” was uninhabitted by people… it belonged to the moroccan sphere of influence long before the colonisation what gives algeria ,spain and their 10 polizario gangsters the legitimacy over it …i personnaly talked to many sahraouis who live their they love morocco and don’t want even a federation…just because morocco is western puppet doesn’t mean im gonna root for a bunch of mercenaries that don’t even have popular support …by your logic if some one came to my backyard and camped should i let them ? yes their is people who want independance but they don’t represent the majority ….and by the way for years they talk about oil there but they didn’t find any … the phostaphate that you’re actually talking about 90% of it is inside moroccos border the 10% left is in the south of the fake western border…algerians are just salty and want a way to the pacific …we can talk here all night but believe you me that sahara will always stay under moroccan control weither you like or not nobody in the world gives a sh*t about this conflict because their is no conflit they don’t even have the numbers nor the firepower they are surrounded by moroccan army from the mauritanian border …they have three choices either they join and live in peace or take the federation offer from morcco as half independent state or choose to live in camps forever.

Porc Halal

Yes, this is not novel to me ;)

Simon Ndiritu

Did you say ‘Oil’?, that is one thing that attracts meddlesome Zionists noses from miles away!!

Porc Halal

“The US Geological Survey of World Energy 2000 estimated Western Saharan offshore oil and gas resources are substantial, while Morocco’s reserves were small”…



wow…just wow seems the whole Afrika and midle east up to india is in war… were is this world going?


Yep Ethiopia vs is own Tigray region as well.

Lone Ranger

Any chance that Pimpeo has visitied recently?


Anyone know what is going on here? Final clear out of Polisaro for Morocco to take full control?

cechas vodobenikov

conflict is more than 30+ years


Seems like 30 years of un/4th reicht kweer rule is coming to an end there too,better late than never:

Samuel Vanguard

2020 the year of wars

Fog of War

I’m tired of this UN right of self-determination or autonomous region crap. You’re either part of a nation or you’re not. This is exactly the kind of BS the globalists use to try to break up every country into little chunks that wont be able to defend themselves against the PTB. Imagine if every tiny group got self-determination or an autonomous zone. Total BS.

cechas vodobenikov

expected from freedom hating amerikans that deny autonomy to ethnic groups, except LGBT/BLM

Fog of War

Such a dumb comment doesn’t even deserve a response. Its because the white Americans gave too much autonomy to the various ethnic groups there that the nation is being torn apart. I’m not even American BTW fool. We’ll see how Russia fares with its exploding Muslim ” minority ” population.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is projected to have Muslim majority population by 2040 if it survives. The Slavic life span is declining and their birth rate is below replacement. I would be surprised if there are even 80 million Slavs left, largely due to inter-marriages. In the far east marriage with Chinese Han is on the rise and in the Caucasus, Tartaristan etc Muslim birth rate is well over 3.4%. That is one of the primary reasons the Turks are pushing hard to bring the Salafist/AKP brand of Islam to Russia. Turkey opened the largest mosque in Moscow and also the largest in Europe .

Russia: 15,000 Muslims race to opening of Europe’s largest mosque


Fog of War

Its amazing how oblivious the ethnic Russians seem to be to the tidal wave of problems facing them. I wouldn’t be surprised if China just takes over Easter Russia demographically. Then the the massive Chinese population could just vote to secede and join China, Crimea style. Meanwhile Chabad Putin babbles on about the great Russian multi-ethnic and racial society. Just sad and pathetic. The White populations of the world are slated for destruction it seems.

Zionism = EVIL

Good analysis. China has already taken over the far east in terms of economic clout. You see attractive Russian women walking with the ugliest look Chinese, I can post some pictures I took, but you get the point. Jews have really fucked up Russia, as it is the last frontier in terms of natural resources and vast land. People get upset when I point out that Putin is a front man for the Zionists. The Jew agenda is the destruction of local cultures, started with the destruction of the heterosexual family unit, and then promoting feminism, homosexuality, LGBTIQ baloney, consumerism and total moral collapse.

Fog of War

” People get upset when I point out that Putin is a front man for the Zionists. ”

Then you would be very astute.

I’ve come to the conclusion that their is a world-wide game of good cop / bad cop going played by China , Zio-America and Putin . The fake animosity between China and the US is all for show as well as between Putin and the US. All those parties are working on several agendas, however the main one revolves over the destruction and subjugation of Iran, the dismemberment of Russia and Europe and the destruction of the US as a power. China is being setup by the ” elites ” as the next Zionist playground as should be obvious by the results of the Covid scam, in which China and Putin participated and continue to participate fully. In addition, it should be obvious that the elimination of the White genome is also part of this grand plan, but I’ll leave that for another day.

Its saddens me that most people are blind to whats obviously transpiring in front of their eyes. Humanity truly seems to be a ” slave race “.

Ryan Glantz

If you haven’t notice by now, Africa has been esoterically controlled to be a major loosh farm for thousands of years by the reptilian faction that is native to the central region.

Fog of War

The Nummo ?

Ryan Glantz

Maybe a faction of Nummo… you know those reptilians have a cast system and they all play off eachother. There are hundreds of ET species on/inside Earth you know, right? Some are evil, some are good, most are indifferent because they’re either refugee species brought here by the bad ones (think an comsic and older version of operation paperclip) or relocated by the good ones. Also many come here to visit and are trapped because of the crazies who try to run the show here.

Fog of War

I agree with some of what you say, but I ‘ll need to see some more material on the other things as I see contradictions in them. There are other conscious forms here on, in, and under water on earth but they are most likely terrestrial like us and not extra terrestrial.

I suspect the concept of the ” loosh ” is probably a reality also as many other schools of thought of hint at it . For example the Gnostics and the concept of the Archons.


One war ends and another two start. Some progress for Humanity.

cechas vodobenikov

polisario has been in conflict w morrocan king for 30+ years; if they were provided autonomy like civilized nations this would be resolved. in monolingual America the Indians were imprisoned in reservations/prisons and beaten for speaking the own language

Vox Populi

POLISARIO has waged a brave battle for 40 years and needs more international support to liberate its lands from a brutal Moroccan occupation.

Kenny Jones ™

Iran must start arming them like they did with Yemen


its called western sahara nobody actually lived there through history except few bedouins, this land was originally under moroccan sobirany but Spain and France invaded the whole country and nowadays it’s according to the UN, still under spanish administration. Algeria took much of the Saharah from Tunisia and Algeria and Algeria is trying to wrestle control of Western Sahara away from Morocco through creating political problems and funding the Poilisario. I also have friends from Western Sahara who agree with this and say it was always part of morocco and they are happy with this. It seems many of you have been swayed by the political influence of an oil rich nation who wants to check morocco’s future stability and prosperity……………again yes morocoo is a western puppet but it doesn’t mean the other side is the good side !!!!!!!!!!!

Kenny Jones ™

Morocco is Arabophobe, why would you support them as a pure Baathist


i don’t support the government /system and i agree that morocco is western puppet im not proud of that.. but i stand with what is right …the sahara belonged to morcco before the colonisation …i also don’t want any harm to any arab country i don’t support independent movements through out the arab world just like i want a united syria a united libya and united yemen i aslo want a united morocco ..i want us to be united and strong as big countries …but the solution for all this mess is to destroy the borders we are one nation one language algeria morocco are the same people we’re brothers …it’s just a shame to see this mess left to us by colonial powers i hope one day to see us united as one from morocco to oman just like the united states or europe…the baath in morocco is dead but it will be revived one day , moroccans are proud arabs and they’ll give everything for palestine and the arab cause we gave hundeads of martyrs in the war against zionism as arabs from north arfica i mean the people nt the governments. wich are all by the way western puppets

Kenny Jones ™

I don’t like monarchies, and Morocco is a kingdom, it is also contrary to Baathism because there is no equality, you wouldn’t support Saudi either right?

Kenny Jones ™

Morocco is also involved in Yemen war with the Gulf Arab coalition, who you can’t really call “Arab”


The Polisariio should deploy and engage insurgents into Morocco and give them a taste of their own medicine.

Zionism = EVIL

They need more support, however, they are very motivated and brave fighters who have held out against all odds. The Moroccan arseholes have total Zionist, Americunt and Froggy cowards support. The FrenchCUNTS even fly the Moroccan Mirages that bomb the Polisario refugee camps. The Sahrawi have shot down a few.


you don’t know sh*t about the situation the moroccan army can crush thoses bastards in a matter of says if it wasn’t for the west and the un


Know more than you it seems.


thoses lands belonged to the moroccan empire/kingdom long before the colonosation of france and spain as a matter of fact half of algeria belonged to morocco and also mauritania …polisario are a bunch of spain and algeria proxys just like alnusra used by turkey or the kurds used by the us they don’t own any lands the real sahraoui people were given everything by morocco cheap gas chep food …morocco also gave them the possibility of a federation but they refuse …polizario campers don’t represent any threat they could be crushed in a day with 2 f16’s no man power no cause no motivation a bunch of campers

Zionism = EVIL

Most people are clueless about this simmering conflict that has displaced half a million people and was created by the Spanish idiots and FroggyCUNTS who think that they are the power broker in Africa. The region of western Sahara was largely unpopulated, but rich in minerals,especially phosphates, zinc, manganese and iron ore which the greedy Zionist Bilderberg parasites covet. In a referendum the Sahrawi people wanted to be independent, but after the Spanishpoofters fled in 1975, the pimp king Hassan of Morocco with French and Americunt support annexed the region. The Algerian government at that stage was still very revolutionary and led by FLN veterans like Houari Boumediene, who quickly declared support for the POLISARIO or Sahrawi liberation front that rejected Moroccan occupation. Then successive Algerian governments until Chadli Bin Jedid kept up the support and the Polisario did quite well. After the fall of USSR, the conflict became stagnant and Algerian domestic instability weakened its support. The MoroccanCUNTS built a wall of sand around 80% of western Sahara to lock out the Polisario, but that has not worked too well and the Polisario is once again staging pretty effective raids. Algeria has again revived its support. BTW, the Algerian army is perhaps the best in Africa and quite well armed. The Berbers are born warriors and it was their general Tarik ibn Ziyad who conquered Spain and brought Islam to the Iberian peninsula. I have posted a video of the current Algerian military for the ranters to get some perspective.


Fog of War

” The Berbers are born warriors and it was their general Tarik ibn Ziyad who conquered Spain and brought Islam to the Iberian peninsula. ”

The Berbers are a fascinating people. Especially the original unadulterated version.




shut the fuck up berbers are just liek kurds they are a tool of zionism in northern africa they hate the arabs they’re pro lgbtq and pro zionism fuck them if they miss with the arab leadershi^p they will get what they deserve and fuck western sahara bs it does not exist

Fog of War

Go away Arab. The Berbers are the ORGINAL inhabitants of those lands, way before your slaver brethren showed up.


without arabs thoses berbers would still be living in a cave , the moroccan people are a mixture of cultures… what slavery are you talking about ?arabs are not like yankees they didn’t wipe out the entirety of indegenous people like the white savages did to the indian americains …you cuunts never visited morocco and speak about stuff you don’t know about ,the majority of berbers consider themselves as arabs and both arabs and berbers are mixed up through years of living together…


tarik was taking orders from musa ibnu nussair an arab leader of the andalus armies and the wali of north africa that conquered spain… arabs and berbers fought together under the flag of islam and under the leadership of arab muslim leaders


you don’t know what you’re talking about …morocco defeated algeria also this bs about western sahara is straight propaganda yyes moroco is a western puppet but that doesn’t mean that sahara doesn’t belong to them there is o such thing as polizario


glory to the arab moroccan army there is no such thing as western sahara unite the arab lands !!

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