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War To Last Ukrainian As It Is. Violent Handout Of Draft Notices, January 2023 (Videos)

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War To Last Ukrainian As It Is. Violent Handout Of Draft Notices, January 2023 (Videos)

The people of Ukraine have become hostages of the non-Ukrainian ruling regime.

Oleksiy Arestovich, who resigned from his position as advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine a few days ago, correctly noted that the Kiev regime is completely under external control.

Even sadder is that this regime is made up of sectarians who hate the vast majority of the people of Ukraine fiercely. The nominal leader of the sect, President Zelensky, might have been a good guy, or thought he was.

Now he is a drug addict man who vacillates between a mystical faith in the national (in his case likely Jewish) superiority, drug trips, and fears for his loved ones. Human history has known a number of such cases. All of them, who believed that their instant moment had arrived, ended up alike by the death of their vision and their own. They died, but their puppeteers certainly did not.

EU foreign policy commissioner Josep Borrell stated “Russia is a great country, a great nation that is used to fighting to the end, almost losing and then recovering,” bringing up the 1812 invasion by Napoleon Bonaparte’s French empire and the 1941 invasion by Adolf Hitler’s Germany as historical examples of this.

Both Napoleon and Hitler, being different personalities, one a romantic, the other a fanatic, acted similarly under the same A-S-J external oppression under which Zelensky found himself. They have raked out every possible male resource of their nations.

Zelensky does the same. But unlike the two evil geniuses of war and politics of the past centuries, the president of Ukraine is not. He is personally hated by his own people. Therefore, the gathering of Ukraine’s remaining male population for the U.S. prescribed offensive takes a horrifying form. It can only be compared to medieval Europe.

Watch these videos from Ukraine and ask yourself how soon you personally have to hide so you don’t become flesh in the butchering for the benefit of the global establishment. This is how the remaining men in Ukraine are now drafted for military service.

All videos use the Ukrainian language with a splash of Russian.

In this video a man asks at least to hand him a draft notice. The women are indignant: What are you doing, is he a criminal?


This video shows a young guy on his way to work in the morning being detained without being served a draft notice and shoved into a car.


This video shows a man being picked up from his workplace. The military is told he is disabled, he is not subject to mobilization, that’s why he works here. Nevertheless, quite healthy men are dragging the unfortunate man to the slaughter.


In this video, the guy who was initially confident that he would pass the commandant’s cordon, gets into an unpleasant situation and loses all his confidence. His fate is unknown. All the men were stopped at this station. Where are you global feminists?


Here, the driver is frightened that even in the early morning it is no longer possible to get coffee or walk to the car safely, that is, not to leave for the war.


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War To Last Ukrainian As It Is. Violent Handout Of Draft Notices, January 2023 (Videos)

War To Last Ukrainian As It Is. Violent Handout Of Draft Notices, January 2023 (Videos)


In this video, we see a way of handing out notices and fixing the act that happened. Please disregard the idiotic music by some Ukrainian or Russian teenagers.


There are dozens of such videos in the SF disposition and we only get them from open sources.







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What do you expect of a Nazi criminal regime?..


Right- supported by an ILLEGITIMTE government that stole its way to power! Most of us who actually got an education know about Nuremburg and how the Nazi leaders were hung. I can’t see any reason why those provoking and supporting wars should NOT meet the same fate! I’m not talking about Russia but those who forced its hand on Ukraine!

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

All countries use the same tactics to recruit soldiers in a pressured situation.

You and you, sign up as volunteers.

Buford T Justice

That is nonsense.


What do You expect from a Bolshevic criminal regime?

Crimea is 100% Liberated

so we won? not yet?


The draft is a crime against humanity. Slavery by another name. I don’t care which side it is -Ukrainian, Russian, American, whatever. No country has a right to do this, and anyone who resists and refuses to participate in war -for ANY reason -my hat’s off to them.

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

All countries have the right to do this.

The state decides on your life from cradle to grave.

They use force to get this right. Countries are just legelised mafia thugs and warlords who pretend to be anything else.

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Yes, they can use any means and individuals have little value.

They all belong to a mafia group that has legalized itself.

Maybe your state but currently there’s no forced conscription here and there has been none for some time.



UA under Elynsky become pure dictatorship


Yes, Ukraine has become a Nazi Dictatorship. EU is too.


The main weapon of the original Nazis was economic success. Do You know anyone in the Ukraine, who is, ex-oligarchs, economically sucsessful?


Any Ukrainian male who flees or refuses the call should have their citizenship torn up


I suggest you go and volunteer azzhole !! Fking armchair warriors!! You are pathetic idiot that has no clue what war is !! Go now and get momma to breast feed you !! piss off !!

Western Defector

Cocksucкer whore!

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

They would gladly denounce their citizenship rather than go to war.


Being drafted to fight for the NWO elites, the Ukrainian people need to stop this mad war or Russia will


Zelensky belongs in a russian court in handcuffs

Buford T Justice

He should be stripped naked , tarred , feathered and duck tapped to a lamp post in the center of Kiev .

Sean Hart

He belongs in a prison shower room with Big Ivan aka Vlad the impaler and Bigger Buttakowski aka Buttsplayer the terrible.


The call up, by the clash


Its the war mongerers who need to be rounded up like this, make them all fight one-another to death.. That’s my dream anyway, the world could be a much better place without them, and their puppet nations.


I like your handle. FREE ASSANGE!!!!!

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Better die fighting your oppressors than going to war against another people that did nothing wrong to you.


I like your handle. The USA has been taken over by Neocon Nazis who are turning the EU into an shit hole after the pillaging is complete.


If someone comes to your door threatening you to kill for them, you should probably kill them.

Buford T Justice

Nazi thugs. They must be getting desperate for cannon fodder , this cannot go on .


The guy in the first video looks like he 50! Are they scrapping that deep? The Ukraine is finished if that is what they are forcing to fight. I’m surprised these guys even fight when they get to the front, surrender would be the smart thing to do.

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The rule is 16 to 60 years. 15 is fine if you turn 16 after recruit school. All can be used in war.

Retarded people can be shot on trial, for being an example of cowardice and if you can drive an electric wheelchair, you can also drive a modern tank.

Other people you don’t like are good to use to see if there are mines in the area or to send in the first line to see where the enemy is firing from.

Reminds me of the Waffen SS in 1945.

Anglo Suckers

Death to NATO


Someone wrote the comment on MoA, I think and he wrote this, “NATO is a Suicide Pill for the World so I hope Russia wins.”

We concur. Pleased to meet you. I used to be a Neocon Dupe and Anglo Sucker.

Sgt. Based


You have been selected to die so some jew businessmen in America and England can make a few dollars

Do not resist

Florian Geyer

The British navy during the sailing ship era when Britannia Ruled the Waves also impressed ( snatched ) men off the streets. This was often using the subterfuge of giving beer to the victims in pubs and when the victim drank the beer he saw a Kings Shilling at the bottom of the beer mug. The Kings Shilling was a de facto contract to immediately be enlisted and to drag off the victims.

During this period it became common for beer mugs to have a glass bottom so that the Kings Shilling was easier to see, and therefore to avoid being kidnapped by the Royal Navy Press Gangs.


The same stories about Russia in western media. Keep smiling both sides are in a desperate situation to recruit soldiers. Russia did a good job killing Ukr soldiers. But although lost its own. So what does SF tells us? Ukraine and Russians are the same. You can see again and again their close agnatic. Ukraine today neglect this but as a foreigner you can say Ukraine is more Russia than any other country. Honestly they share the same culture and history.


The end is near for this regime.


Nazi scum,first thing those press ganged guys should do when they get guns is shoot their officers.

Peter Jennings

Youth of the west take note. You’re next, when the US/nato regimes run low on Ukrainians.

It’s better to die on one’s own soil fighting the regime bunko squad, than in a frozen ditch in Ukraine.


I do not think they believe in the western youth beeing able to fight at all.

But the eastern europeans will be fed to the cannons for sure.


It’s a law of Nature………when everything has to go wrong, it goes wrong. Poor losers!


Please, this article is soaked with rubbish, keep it on case, and forget the rest, the Nazi drivel is insulting intellegence, and you know obviously jack shit, since again, its obvious that those behind the Ukrainian Gov and this war are Jews, the Impissess in the Imperial banana republic neo-CON brigade whom is running this war, are all Jews, every mofo one, but somehow, its always ignored. And you maybe wounder why I dont and cant trust the Russian Gov, because they to lie as everybody else do. Just one question, why did the Baltics to Romania considered the Wermach to be liberatores. The day you are honest enoug to answer that, I maybe impressed.

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

I can answer you.

Most people have two flags in their bag and give their support to the strongest party.

It is a normal way of trying to survive.


AFU need to rise up and destroy the nazis and the 🤡 onely way to save the people


The same it true for the EU and all members of NATO.


LOL @ “Where are you global feminists?”


They see no problem or are women drafted as well?


Sa divím, prečo nikto tým hajzlom ešte nepoložil otázku, prečo oni sami nie sú na frontovej línii? A miesto toho tu otravujú vzduch?


send messages to Russia and call to liberate your country from the zionist – yankee warcriminals. Everywere you see weapons comming in, nato and yankee personel, nazi scum, send coordinates to the Russians and get out off the eara.

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