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War-Torn Syria Takes To The Voting Polls

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In Iraq, attacks on various US positions are becoming the norm, rather than incidents that seldom take place.

IED attacks on American convoys are simply an everyday occurrence now.

On May 24th, rockets were fired at Ain Al Asad Air Base in western Iraq’s Anbar province.

According to the spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve, one rocket was fired. Some other sources reported their number was at least 5.

No casualties or damages were reported.

The attack took place two days after the Iraqi Resistance coordination room had issued a statement threatening the US forces of resuming attacks.

May 23rd, just one day before the attack, 6 US logistical convoys were reportedly targeted with roadside bombs in various regions of Iraq.

The explosions were reported in Babylon, Aldewanea, Alsmewa, Alnasrea and Basrah regions.

The attacks on US supply convoys and facilities in Iraq are a response to the assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units, and Commander of Iran’s Quds Force, Qassim Soleimani.

In neighboring Syria, the situation appears calm, as citizens take to the voting polls in the presidential election.

On May 26, 12,102 election centers opened in all provinces for Syrian citizens, as the number of eligible voters registered inside and abroad Syria has reached more than 18 million.

There are three candidates: Abdullah Abdullah, Bashar al-Assad and Mahmoud Mar’ai.

The US, UK, France, Germany and Italy released a statement claiming Syria’s elections are “neither free nor fair.”

Their foreign ministers said the elections should be put under UN supervision “to the highest international standards of transparency and accountability.”

Their joint statement reads that all Syrians should be able to participate in the voting process, including Syrian refugees living abroad.

The al-Qaeda-affiliated “moderate opposition” slammed the elections as “illegitimate”. The Istanbul-based “Syrian National Council” said that the only acceptable elections were those in which Bashar al-Assad didn’t take part.

Still, the ability to hold elections in most of the country and establish some sort of normalcy is a result of the efforts of the Syrian Arab Army and its Russian support. Including measures for containing ISIS, and the “moderate opposition” in Greater Idlib and the northern parts of the country.

Despite efforts to rebrand terrorists such as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, the situation is slowly but steadily normalizing in Syria. Some refugees are returning to their homeland, and certain parts of the country have already been rebuilt. A lot of problems remain, of course, but the overall trajectory is a positive one.

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john wooh

So the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and their Western Colonial Master wanna dictate for who and how to vote ???

jens holm

No, they and we dont. Ypou say we do and even not hiden blame us for it.

Thats ISIS tunnel toilet level.

Israel is an Apartheid State

The elections in America are not free nor fair with the electoral college.

Good job Syria. Hopefully, the rest of the terrorist occupied territories in Idlib and in the North can be taken back.


electoral college irrelevant in oligarchy, inverted totalitarian procedural republic like DPRK where election laws only exist in dictatorships like azerbijian

Florian Geyer

Its laughable that ANY members of NATO would be impartial observers of any elections anywhere. The NATO cabal is directly responsible for funding and training the sub human jewhadi monsters who were recruited to destabilise the Middle East and Africa.

jens holm

Ypu forget GB and Farnce are main operators as well as Tueks are on their own too. You also ignore Golan.

And Your “WEST” is not West like that. We just think the people by own hands and heads tigether could make a much better living in almost anyway far from Assads and Jihadismes.

Assads destroy much more every day then there is build. The build more inlegoland then in Syria. see some prestige houses for highly corrupt Assads only.

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