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MARCH 2025

War With Russia – Last Hope Of Globalists

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In the span of just one stint in the presidency, Donald Trump, with some assistance from MSM and a good part of the Washington establishment, has faced two impeachments. Finally, he has managed to lose the Presidency, the House of Representatives and Congress. “Make America Great Again” has become the slogan of dissidents.

The Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol building were dubbed “domestic terrorists”. The US President – Donald Trump – was permanently banned from mainstream social media, accused of inciting violence and of having revealed himself as a “complete tool of Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

He was in his last days of office, and still the Democratic Party, headed by Nancy Pelosi, wished to impeach him in order to send a message to those who disagree with the rule of neo-liberalism that’s being imposed.

Resistance, evidently, is futile. The new authority has already begun to implement its own rules of the game, imposing a new “normality” and erasing any “red lines”. Democracy in the traditional understanding of this term has publicly ceased to be a political reality in the United States.

The U.S. military is removing any “potentially offensive” unit emblems, as well as its motto.

U.S. citizens are giving away the identities of their loved ones, because they are Trump supporters or took part in the Capitol storming.

Now we see only the beginning of the creation of a new type of dictatorship. Further fierce witch-hunts hidden behind claims of fighting against oppression and hate are to be expected. The Republican Party has all but capitulated to the Democrats and the new Presidential administration. Big Tech has also gained unprecedented power, resulting in a previously unthinkable censorship and the total control of public opinion. In spite of the fact that the mainstream propaganda engine is heavy and corrupt, the huge and direct support it is getting from Big Tech and government allows it to dominate the media space, especially when alternative sources of information can be simply cut off.

Amid a major split between Americans after the presidential elections, the main theme of the inauguration of Joe Biden will be “United America”, which should reflect his commitment to unify the country.

Meanwhile in the current political conditions any real consolidation of national unity can only be achieved if a significant external threat appears. Thus, the United States desperately needs an enemy. Customarily this would remain China and Russia and indeed this is unlikely to change – they need to be made to appear as ever worsening adversaries.

After all, Trump, a “tool of Putin” incited supporters to attempt the destruction of American democracy. There is no choice but to fight against this powerful enemy in the guise of Moscow.

Currently, the situation with COVID-19 lockdowns and a deepening global economic crisis is such that the new US administration can take advantage of it. In addition, the increased support of global corporations and quantitative easing is likely to follow close behind. The Trump administration’s focus on developing the national economy is forfeit.

In the advent of a further standoff in the struggle for global dominance, global elites will require more and more resources to promote their agenda. They also need to overcome the current crisis and return the West to some kind of sustainable development. The obvious measures to take are the capturing of new markets and gaining control over new territories, which should be rich in natural resources. As such Russia and the other post-Soviet states, with their vast territories, which are both quite rich in resources and relatively low in population, seem to be worthwhile targets from various points of view.

This process has already begun. The year 2020 revealed the globalists’ commitment to profit from the political destabilization in Kyrgyzstan, Belorussia, Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. Their main target however seems to be Russia. In the short term, Russia could be fully suppressed either through stunning preventive nuclear strikes, or through a color revolution that would lead to its division into several small states.

Today, a more or less prolonged war with conventional weapons would lead to catastrophic consequences for Russia as well as for Western countries due to internal socio-economic and political factors. Such a crisis might well lead to the collapse of the current regimes and bring about a change of the established socio-political system.

At the same time, the very same internal factors force the Western elites to maintain their escalation course towards Russia. Moscow has been painted as an enemy of Western civilization for years. This easily understood and tangible image is intended to unite all the conservative and traditionally contradictory heritage of Western civilization.

The victory of Joe Biden equals the victory of the neo-liberals and globalists over the national-oriented part of the American elites. Thus, it is logical to expect a drastic increase of pressure on Russia via “soft power” methods, including economic sanctions, the expansion of specific propaganda and psychological operations to destabilize Russia and its system of governance. The strategic goal of such a campaign would be to weaken the Russian leadership and create conditions for carrying out a devastating preventive strike or to destroy its statehood and disrupt the country by non-military means.

If this approach does not succeed before 2024, the administration of the US neo-liberals, in order to remain in power, could raise the stakes and initiate a nuclear conflict. This devastating decision would leave Trump’s childish attempts to maintain influence and secure the leading global position of the US far behind…

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Laurent Parodi

“In the short term, Russia could be fully suppressed either through stunning preventive nuclear strikes, or through a color revolution that would lead to its division into several small states.”

No I do not think so. Especially the nuclear thing it doesn t make sense because if you want new markets and new resources because you need them then you do not nuke them. You see the logic? About color revolution they will try something especially in 2023 when Putin administration will be near its end. Will they succeed? I do not think so.


You got another thing coming:


Both are globalist, the system is ruled by multiple layers of duality and subverts the natural order.


Trap Is Not Gay

No, the USA is Globalism as it’s always been. This is clear.

The IMF isn’t planning to move anywhere either. That’s a lie.

You’re just another PAID shill hasbara from Israel, not any “AngloCanadian” (another globalist country).

By the way, all truther channels were banned from Youtube long time ago, now only CIA-approved Anti-China and Anti-Russia bullshitty propaganda are allowed on Youtube.

China is not the USA.

China has all my support.

John Tosh

eventually everything comes to an end…..


IMF could be based in Beijing in a decade: Lagarde: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-07/26/c_136472292.htm


Trap Is Not Gay

Bullshit again.

China never said nothing of that.

That random woman said a ridiculous nonsense.


Xinhuanet is a Chinese state owned media outlet.

Trap Is Not Gay

Xinhuanet didn’t say that nonsense either. A random woman said that nonsense. That was only REPORTED by the site.

Like a lot of things have been.




Yet China and Russia are both on good terms with Israel. WTF?

History of Putin, KGB, Chabad, & Mossad – Know More News by Adam Green: bitchute. com/video/MhlpYrkuMlfg/

New World Order: https://archive.org/details/newworldorder_201912

Jewish Moshiach: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1121893/jewish/Who-Is-Moshiach-the-Jewish-Messiah.htm


Trap Is Not Gay

No, they’re not.

These Jew’s CIA’s paid fake sites and fake Youtube channels fool nobody.

That’s another Jew’s CIA’s lie, shill.



Tommy Jensen

The pug-nosed raisin heads matters!


He completely ignored the fact that blacks in America and anywhere else where they live in large numbers are the leading cause behind murders carried out against other blacks.



As Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu has visited Russia often on their annual “victory” day parade. Then there’s the long-standing trend of Israel selling US military tech to China, Russia, and the former Soviet Union.

Jews in the American and Canadian governments were instrumental in transferring knowledge of nuclear bomb manufacturing to the Soviet Union, many jews from the KGB and former Warsaw Pact countries immigrated to Israel in their retirement.

China To Take Over Israel’s Largest Port, Could Threaten US Naval Operations:


The biggest reason why western Europe took to the high seas during the Renaissance and Enlightenment period was to bypass the Silk Road that Muslims restricted Europe’s access to.

China’s Belt & Road Initiative – What’s In It For Israel?: https://www.jpost.com/Jpost-Tech/Business-and-Innovation/Chinas-Belt-and-Road-initiative-Whats-in-it-for-Israel-533408

Chinese State Media Hypocritically Supports BLM in America: http://www.renegadetribune.com/chinese-state-media-hypocritically-supports-blm-in-america/

Ali Khamenei Shills for BLM Thugs in Minneapolis: https://web.archive.org/web/20200611193359/https://alt-right.com/2020/05/30/terrorist-pedo-raghead-ali-khamenei-shills-for-black-lives-matter-thugs-in-minneapolis/

Narrative Collapse: Media’s Lies About George Floyd’s Death Backfire After Video Leaked: http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61628

George Floyd Bodycam, Finally the Truth: bitchute. com/video/Gg2YGyHLK6R2/

George Floyd Body Cam Footage Completely Dismantles Antiwhite Narrative: bitchute. com/video/vWB28I0sPUZw/

Trap Is Not Gay

Listen hasbara,

In first place the USA gave Israel tech.

Russia and China never gave that.

They buy and sell a lot of things from a lot of countries, and nothing wrong with that.

Now, who pays you to defend the Jews/USA?


A Critique of Modern Nationalism: Against “Ethnopluralism” and Liberal Moralizing https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/08/16/a-critique-of-modern-nationalism/comment-page-1/

FYI: I find Kyle and Sinead who host Renegade Tribune/Broadcasting to be very egotistical and hypocritical.

Hypocrisy When it Comes to Whites: http://www.renegadetribune.com/hypocrisy-when-it-comes-to-whites/

[After seeing a lot of pro Palestinian accounts on twitter (no matter if they are White or Arabs), I stopped supporting the Palestinian cause because of their huge hypocrisy.

They refuse for us what they want for themselves.They want to kick out the zionists and the settlers, great! But if you, as a White person, say that you want to kick the zionists/jews and the alien colonizers in your country, they immediately call you a racist, bigot, nazi, fascist and so on.

They will immediately use the same arguments jews use to defend Israel, like “they are born here,” “they are more French than you” or “you can’t send him to Haiti, he doesn’t even know the country,”]


Trap Is Not Gay

The problem is the USA with whites or not, no difference


A wealth of statistics, articles and online footage proves otherwise. The problem with the US is racial, that’s why most of the crime is committed by blacks and Metizos. 55% of the overall crime rate in America is committed by blacks, no country with a high black population has a low crime rate. Furthermore, over a dozen countries in Central and South America have higher homicide rates than America and more government corruption.

When Are We Going to Get China’s Superior Anal Swab Covid Tests? http://www.renegadetribune.com/when-are-we-going-to-get-chinas-superior-anal-swab-covid-tests/

[You thought getting nasal raped with the Covid Q-tip was bad enough? Well, you have not seen anything yet. Before long Westerners may be required to bend over and take it up the anus in order to prove they are free of Covid. It is already happening in China.]

Trap Is Not Gay

America ruined the world with both hands, if America didn’t exist everybody would live in their own country, either white or black the cesspool, is a cesspool.


Goes to show you have completely ignored everything I stated and only focus on a tiny portion of history, instead of realizing that America is ruled by a tiny minority that wants to destroy the white race and enslave everyone else.

The Rockerfeller foundation was instrumental in financing the creation of the United Nations; Russia and China are apart of the UN and sign onto their globalist policies.

Globalism is intended to create a jewish world order, you confuse the average person with the bourgeois ruling class. Without America and western Europe backing Bolshevism in Russia and China, Communist regimes would have never arisen in those countries.


“if America didn’t exist everybody would live in their own country”

You have a poor understanding of history; Critical Theory was invented in Weimar Germany, not America. The “America” you’re referring to is the post-WW2 America, you forget the USSR was also involved in overthrowing sovereign nation states. I get a feeling you are a bot that has not understood anything I typed.

As for “diversity,” that’s still promoted in Russia and to a lesser extent in China. Transvestites aren’t illegal in either country, you also pose as one in your profile name and picture. And you have to ask yourself why Russia imports more consumer products from America and Europe than China; Russia is the most resource rich country in the world and ironically has lower living standards with less developed infrastructure that remains poorly maintained.

Trap Is Not Gay

Back to Israel, Stein!

Hasbara Hunter

Thanks for the tip…will keep it in mind & will keep an eye on em…though I personally think: When all think alike, then no one is thinking…”Shills” & HasbaRats often add to the discussion…I ask them for links and references to confirm their statements which in most cases they are not able to…Russia & their Allies already have won the information War…so what is there to fear Hahahaha…There is a Big Shift going on in this World at the moment from the Imperial Colonial West to the East…Sheeple are slowly waking up & for some it will come as a Big Surprise…Great Days indeed!

Trap Is Not Gay

I don’t know you either.

Very suspicious.

Hasbara Hunter

Which makes you very suspicious because I’m a Southfront O.G….I will keep an eye on you…

Trap Is Not Gay



The only reason why “refugees” come to the west is for monetary reasons, most come here legally and not even from war torn countries. The jews and their multitude of NGO pressure groups are admittedly behind it; they simultaneously admit what they are doing whilst denying it, sometimes in the exact same interview. This is a chutzpah of theirs.

This is what a Zionist is, do you see the description? Clearly I’m not a Zionist by any stretch of the imagination, I oppose jewish nationalism and internationalism:



Jewish New World Order: https://archive.org/details/newworldorder_201912


LOOK Magazine – January 16, 1962 – Ben Gurion on 1987: https://archive.is/K8qFG

The Other Israel by Ted Pike: https://archive.org/details/TheOtherIsrael

Who Is Moshiach (the Jewish Messiah)? https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1121893/jewish/Who-Is-Moshiach-the-Jewish-Messiah.htm

* Moses, Maimonides, Sabbatai Zevi, etc were “messiahs”.

[During the Messianic Era, the Moshiach will serve a dual role. He will be a monarch, ruling over all of humanity with kindness and justice, and upholding the law of the Torah—613 commandments for the Jews, and seven for the non-Jews.]

Trap Is Not Gay

Turn on your TV to watch diversity, with love from the democracy US of Soros and Zionists

Tommy Jensen

You are wrong here because you play their game. There is NO race! We are all born equal. Any attempt to line races up in statistics and divisions and measures fail on its basics and premises! The populations of Haiti and Barbados have the same 98% black genetic roots from Africa. There is only 2-3% whites. One country is poor with high crime rate, the other is a civilised society like any Western with normal crime rate.

Conclusion: If you wanna fight against the discrimination of whites, dont fall in the trap of playing their game!


Notice how Haiti is one of the worst countries on earth?

Wishing to preserve my people doesn’t mean I intend to mistreat others solely on the basis of race; if they are nuisance upon society they should be deported. The Colour of Crime in the USA: https://www.amren.com/the-color-of-crime/

jews Explain How They Are Commanded to Exterminate Western Civilization: https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/western-civilization-designated-for-extermination_a7mundU7KXr4K1n.html “One of the reasons many jews are so gung ho about White genocide is that they truly believe they were instructed by Yahweh to exterminate us.”

This is why jews are the foremost promoters of “diversity,” but only for non-jews (especially for Whites). They want to first make us Whites into minorities in our own countries, before turning us into second class citizens and eventually destroying us through a combination of murder, race mixing, and sterilization.

The jews started this race war as a means of divide and conquer, and someone’s going to have to put a stop to it since the illegitimate authority figures are completely infiltrated and taken over by hostile out-groups.

Olympic Gymnastics Coach Dies By Suicide Following Accusations Of Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/olympic-gymnastics-coach-dies-suicide-following-accusations-human-trafficking-sexual “Former Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert is dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound Thursday afternoon, just hours after he was charged in Michigan with 20 counts of human trafficking, sexual assault, lying to a peace officer and racketeering.”






China literally threw people into concentration camps in 2020 for the sake of “protecting” people from the fake Corona Virus.

Trap Is Not Gay

The USA fought 5 wars with 2 million dead for Zionists.


You completely missed my point, ask yourself why Israel was involved in virtually none of those wars, aside from small scale air strikes in 3 of them with hardly any casualties. Compare that to the dead and maimed NATO troops in Iraq and Afghanistan who performed the bulk of the work. If the USA controlled Israel, it would have bled to death to help America.


You still haven’t addressed the following, or the fact that universalist religions and ideologies are products globalism—a very ancient problem indeed:


Trap Is Not Gay

I’m not going to “address” anything from your country arboring Zionism and trying to change the subject away from it.


1. I don’t live in the US, I’m not an American. 2. You are ignorant of the fact that “Anglos” don’t determine government policy, jewish-controlled banks, corporate CEOs and NGOs do. 3. Jewish pressure groups and their lobbyists control America, the west is the headquarters of a rootless international clique dominated by jewish supremacists.


The vast majority of “westerners” don’t benefit from “Zionism,” only Israel and jews with dual citizenship do with very little exception. People in the west and elsewhere (as a result of jewish dominated media worldwide from their headquarters in the west) are deliberately brainwashed to subconsciously think that being born into the White race is the new “original sin”.

Tommy Jensen

Good research.

Tommy Jensen

and they say China censure opinions and we have free speech………………LOL.




What evidence do you have other than making false accusations when you are unable to disprove anything I typed or linked in any of my comments?

I’ve noticed that dozens of potential shills on this website resort to similar foolish behaviour, if they really are trolls then it’s clear they highly underestimate the intelligence of their “audience”.

As for accusing me of being a “Zionist”, such a claim makes no sense in light of everything I ever typed in this website’s comment section.

As for mainland China, there are plenty of reasons to criticize them other than their surveillance state. What you stated about China respecting “tradition” is contradicted by their crackdown on religious expression, nor do they permit criticism of Mao Zedong’s destructive lunacy, such as the Chinese “Cultural Revolution” and “Great Leap Forward”.


Trap Is Not Gay

China is not the USA.

The USA sends $3.7 billion dollars every year to Israel.

Tommy Jensen

But the USA is also China………………………………………………….LOL.

Tommy Jensen

Leftists are political prostitutes and turncoats. Forget about them. Yesterday they were against GMO, today they are the first to sign into mrna vaccine experiments.

The reason why they dont revolt against tyranny, is that they are cowards, they are the sheeple. They feel security, safe, when they are in the same group as the tyrants. A hero or an angel makes them nervous. See the Chinese shortfilm “Bus 44”.

Trap Is Not Gay

The difference between China and the USA/Globalism



I was also falsely accused of being a “Zionist shill” for admitting that Ashkenazi jews have racial admixture from non-Whites.

Trap Is Not Gay

But you are a shill


You have no proof, you assume I’m a shill for disagreeing with you. This is irrational, I’ve openly talked about my fantasy of wanting the west to bomb Israel into the stone age with the Muslims providing the bulk of the ground forces invading Israel, somehow that makes me a “zionist”.






Why do you shill for Russia when it regurgitates anti-white propaganda invented by jewish Communists who controlled the USSR? Such propaganda is far worse in the west by the way.



Trap Is Not Gay

They don’t, shill.

Thats projection again.

Tommy Jensen

Its just another smearing and scapegoating of competitors to power.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Well gee, since the media is always calling that Russians are inherently bad, then perhaps annalists and the general public need to examine further who owns and controls the media. https://i1.wp.com/jewishcontributions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/28-John-King.jpg?fit=700%2C700&ssl=1 https://i2.wp.com/jewishcontributions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/25-Bret-Stephens.jpg?fit=700%2C700&ssl=1 https://i2.wp.com/jewishcontributions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/22-Jack-H.-Jacobs.jpg?fit=700%2C700&ssl=1 https://i2.wp.com/jewishcontributions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/21-Dana-Bash.jpg?fit=700%2C700&ssl=1 https://i1.wp.com/jewishcontributions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/20-Jeremy-Bash.jpg?fit=700%2C700&ssl=1 https://i1.wp.com/jewishcontributions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/26-Gabriel-Sherman.jpg?fit=700%2C700&ssl=1


He has that look about him. They all have this confident arrogance and narcissism all rolled into one gloating facial appearance . .

Kenny Jones ™

Starting to hate southfront propaganda, they act like a wolf in sheep’s clothing..


nah russia is as solid as a rock in comparison with the trembling western world which can try and try and try to unseat the rock-solid management in the Kremlin but it won’t help. russia ain’t wasting its resources on trivialities,like the west is doing, and can and, should it come to that, will make the headless chicken of the west regret their attempts on russia dearly.


I agree.

ALL Empires have relied on appropriating the resources of other nations, both friend and foe. The resources that empires covet become scarcer as the empires grow. The resources include both natural, scenic and human.

Empires in their dying days are always the most dangerous and the demise of the British Empire and the threats to British trade were the direct causes of WW1 and WW2. Britain was on the winning side in both wars, BUT the financial costs were no longer sufficient to be paid with the war booty from the defeated foe, or the slaves of the British empire. Instead, vast war dept’s were used to fund the two wars, that primarily benefitted the money lenders from the US and the City of London merchant banks. The WW2 UK war debt was paid off in 2006.

The only nations or corporations today with enough resources to prevent the US empires demise are Russia, China and Iran, OR the money creating bankers.

The US empire has four choices, strip the banker cartels of their magic money tree wealth, invade and win wars with Russia, China and Iran, let the US empire fade away as the British empire did, or use the nuclear option and destroy much of life on earth with instant fire and fury, together with a following nuclear winter that could easily last for decades.


“”” this approach does not succeed before 2024, the administration of the US neo-liberals, in order to remain in power, could raise the stakes and initiate a nuclear conflict.”””

And what would neo liberal globalists gain from a nuclear war with Russia? I know neo liberal globalists are not bright in regards to military matters, however they are delusional enough to commit national suicide.


A massive one off BBQ all over the US and the globe. :)

Tudor Miron

Hello old friend :) How things are going in 2021? Hope you’re well.


I am well and I trust that you are as well. 2021 will doubtless be another year of house arrest and petty tyranny that has been enabled by covid.

When the populations for Britain since 1971 are adjusted to take account of the many millions of immigrants since then , the % of deaths from all causes in 2020 were less than the adjusted averages for previous years.

Deaths from flu last year were in the hundreds, whereas its normal to have circa 20,000. Deaths from delayed treatments are in their many thousands. Covid19 will become the greatest fraud in history I believe.

I just wonder what dire threats were made by the UN that blackmailed leaders world wide to parrot the same propaganda, almost word for word in all languages.

The world revolves around discredited fiat money, so that may be a reason, but there must be something more as well.

Its not as if the West is concerned about the death’s of humans, as in the last 30 years the West as been responsible for literally millions of deaths world wide.

Ivan Freely

There’s another possibility and it doesn’t have to be threats or blackmail. Everyone knows the US medical system cannot deal with a real pandemic and their financial situation is in dire straits. This plandemic might really be an attempt by the World in taking down the US economically. IF the war party wants to continue their march towards war against Iran under current economic situation, they run the risk of a true armed rebellion within their borders which will stop the war machine in it’s tracks (or so the World hope).


That’s is another possibility, I agree. I do struggle to understand though what anti US power groups could be planning to do this , especially when the US is doing an such excellent job of self destruction :)

Tudor Miron

Good to hear that you’re well. All fine here, thank you.


I have a couple of inches ( 50mm) of snow here and the roads are chaotic.

Tudor Miron

We have 350-400mm (at list in my backyard) but roads are fine. Lots of work here (even off season we’re still testing twice a month at Sochi GP) and little time for troll busting on CF :).


I am glad that you are working in a career that you enjoy.

As for your snowfall, if that amount were to fall over most of Britain everything would grind to a halt and silly people would still attempt to drive flashy two wheel drive cars with low profile Summer tyres. :)

Tudor Miron


viktor ziv

well they take nukes as some kind of common thing. Remember Killary saying Teheran must be nuked. As if atmosphere is something static. thing is that at least most US generals are not stupid. As if Russia can be attacked. Well I wander if West can mass 4 mil highly motivated troops as Russia can, anytime. This is no longer drunk Russia of 90’tis when dead man switch was only defence Russia had. Russia today is highly motivated and lead by diplomacy par exellance.


Many generals in the US reached their level of rank through politics and not ability.

Hasbara Hunter

And what would neo liberal globalists gain from a nuclear war with Russia?

Well…America turned into glass perhaps? Their obsolete 40-Year old Nukes don’t stand a chance against Russian Hypersonic ones….The Suicidal Triggerhappy Murican Psychopaths will go straight to Hell…them Russians will go as Martyrs….Bring it on Biden, you filthy little Zio-Parasite

Bobby Twoshoes

You say that in jest but these guys hate everyone who isn’t them and that includes Americans as much as it does Russians or Chinese (maybe even more so). Just because the Yanks have no public bunkers for the plebs don’t think that the parasites are without protection, “King of the Ashes” is an attractive title to them.

Hasbara Hunter

They have got their Samson-Plan….work in progress to prevent them from executing it….

Icarus Tanović

That’s a fairy tale, a scarecrow. No such thing exists. It is wikipedia bull.

Icarus Tanović

They’re mess of the country, so much divided between traditionalists south and neoliberals yanks. Zio parasites doesn’t like those from the south. They’re living in controled dictatorship for decades and Trump has opened theirs eyes unintentionally.

johnny rotten

Who is the author of such a rant? go and read Montgomery, Rule number one on the first page of the war book: Don’t march on Moscow. Various people tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it didn’t go well …


Gingis Khan did. Poland did it too. Tatars…


Tatars didn’t. Poland did and it didn’t last long. Genghis Khans rules was rather short.


Yeah, but tatars did’t because Moscow Ducacy accepted to be a vasal state.

viktor ziv

They did and never recover. 1000 years of fighting is in russian DNA. Don’t worry, mate, they know how to deal with it. If a man think ninjutsu is No. 1. martial art, systema is the father. I wasn’t aware of it for long time until few years back.


America has lost the psychological commitment of its conservative citizens and is becoming more dysfunctional by the day. I don’t think it is likely that America could endure a prolonged conventional conflict with near-peers like Russia or China. As for nuclear conflict, I certainly hope Russia includes Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in the target list.

Hasbara Hunter

Negev Nuclear Research Center

Latitude: 31° 00′ 4.68″ N Longitude: 35° 08′ 40.20″ E

Hasbara Hunter

I bet Biden is a Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Nephew of King John of England….just like All his predecessors…..voting is the illusion of having something to chose


irish blood not english,cia disinforamtion thats all!

Hasbara Hunter

So King John of England was originally a Bog-Jumper?

Raptar Driver

Russian leaders are slow to react.This is an historical fact.

Harry Smith

Crimea reunion with Russia proves you are wrong.

Raptar Driver

No, it proves this is an anomaly.

Harry Smith

Russian troops deployment in Syria is second anomaly or you are still wrong.

Raptar Driver

Are you?

Raptar Driver

Should we contine?

Raptar Driver

What about What about the Mongols?

Harry Smith

What about mongols?

Raptar Driver

Enough said.

Raptar Driver

Did you forget to Soviet Union/Russia slow reaction until the Nazis invaded them? What about the Swedes?

Harry Smith

What slow reaction? Do I have to remind you that Hitler needed 1 month and 2 weeks to defeat France?

Raptar Driver

Who sat back and waited too be invaded?

Harry Smith


Raptar Driver

I’m sorry for your mental inability to grasp conversations.

Harry Smith

But France sat back and waited to be invaded. And Poland. And Denmark. Just answering your question.

Raptar Driver

What does that have to do with the Soviet union? Didn’t the Soviet union invade Poland under treaty with Germany?

Harry Smith

Didn’t Poland invaded Chehoslovakia under treaty with Germany? After Munich treaty the peace treaty with Germany was inevitable.

Raptar Driver

Again what does that have to do with Russia? You are losing it limey!

Raptar Driver

I’m tired of this I have better things to do.

Tudor Miron

You’re not tired. You’re simply have nothing to say against facts and logic.

Raptar Driver

Let’s see how about a little more history? The war of 1812. The Russians retreated while burning all the cities including Moscow. Good strategy except very costly. This is the Russian mentality it is even enshrined in a saying. The Russians are very slow to Saddle their horses but when they do they ride very swiftly.

Harry Smith

Good. You know Russians better than me. (Aplause)


Germans broke the treaty (period)

Raptar Driver

No shit Sherlock.


already in the 16th century during the hanseatic era, german merchants called the swedes ‘die dummen schweden’

Tommy Jensen

Failure. It was the Danes. Die Dumme Dänen.


The japs in 05 on the sly renniged a peace treaty and smashed the russians unawares,thats exactly what the nazis did back then too(cowards policys) Effective,fk no in the end the russians not only retook each and every inch of the lands but also gained huge of consequence,better late than never:


That was long before planned. Highest ranks from Crimea defected to Russia. Odessa and Donbas didn’t work that well. So not everything will work as Crimea.

Harry Smith

Don’t cry little Ukrop. Donbas and South East will be Russian again.


More like Siberia and the Far East will be Chinese :D

Harry Smith

Not possible because we saved our nukes not like naive Ukrops.


The leaders of USSR had all the nukes but evwn communists realised economy is more important for survival so it will be a peaceful transition. Seeiously Russia needs foreign managers that create productivity and competitive goods on the international market.


You clearly are not smart. Nor not knowing economics. So I highly suggest you do not speak about things you clearly do not know.

Not surprising really. South Front brings in total morons like yourself. May I suggest actually looking at things like Trading Economics and Sdelanounas.ru? Then again, I doubt you are capable of reading.


Lol. Be more useful next time and don’t send a 18+ link that doesn’t work.

Harry Smith

Russia needs no advice. Don’t tell us what to do and we won’t tell you what you have to do with yourself.


Russia tells its neighbours what to do all the time: Nato exercises are too close to our borders. Don’t free trade with Eu. Make Russian official language…. It’s time to find better clothes for that cops, they didn’t change their uniforms since Yeltzin’s postcommunist period.

Harry Smith

Russia is Russia. It can dictate its will if considers it necessary. But doesn’t need any advice from dwarf nations. Deal with it.


I think he is right. Crimea was pre-planned move – reaction (plan B) for Western take over of Ukraine. That’s why everything vent smoothly (once in motion). Russia reacted VERY slowly on situation in Maidan (to prevent it) They have lost completely control there. Even Belarus is proof that they leave too much room to CIA. So CIA, MI6 and others does whatever they want.

Harry Smith

:) Ukraine lost its value for Kremlin after Nord Steam 1. Same thing about Minsk after Kaliningrad got energetic independency. I think some part of Kremlin strategists are very upset Belorussia didn’t become Ukraine #2. Belorussia is a big eating Russian money hole.


you can’t sell me that…Russia has lost tens of billions invested (and in cheap loans to Ukraine) in industry and some military projects. Russia have lost and still losing plenty of money over Ukraine (selling China all soviet know-how for peanuts, now to Turks also ) geo-strategic importance of Ukraine is paramount for Russia, thus Russian “red line” that Ukraine can’t enter NATO. Belarus has huge number of ethnic Russians, Ukraine also…. end they were, are HUGE BUFFER against NATO attack… difficult to replace.

Harry Smith

Russia has several millions of Ukrainian mofos as citizens. All Kremlin needs is the mofos will be sure that not Russia but Ukrainians themselves ruined Ukraine.


Ukrainians themselves have already ruined Ukraine…Next is recognition of Donbass by Russia and taking over of South East (Russo-phone) part of Ukraine (after the collapse of Ukraine)

Harry Smith

Yep. That’s was the main idea, if I can understand Kremlins strategy.


Their detterance certainly aint,though,much faster than anything else on earth (period)


Can’t,russias indisposable (period)

Rhodium 10

1º Globalist have failed in Belarus!…2º No more than 5000 protesters in Moscow a city with 12 million population…3º Germany need ND2 more than Russia which has built Turkstream, Power of Siberia and Yamal LNG…4º Pashinyan ( another Globalist) have failed in Armenia and lost NK…and 5º Russia could support an Antiliberals Globalist party/org in USA…

Tudor Miron

5000? More like one and a half.


The funny thing is in Russia, Novotny and his ilk aren’t the biggest opposition to Putin. The KPRF is. The Americans don’t want them in power, but that’s what will happen if Putin and co. fall. Washington just doesnt get it


They do “get it” They know about the commies, they’re not i.d.i.o.t.s, can read statistics. (“Novotny” is Navalny)


If they did, they would have stayed out of Russia. They have no problem supporting anything esoteric.


No, you got it all wrong. They even prefer communists (Devil?) whom they consider much weaker opponent than Putin !


No, they haven’t nor will they distance themselves from anti-communism. Have you forgotten whose side they were on in Afghanistan back in the 80s? Same with Korea and Vietnam. That’s like saying they have no problem supporting the likes of the PFLP against the likes of Hamas. McCarthyism is still alive and well in America. Not to mention the KPRF have no interest in working with them like Neoliberal Navalny. America would be shooting themselves in the foot for working with something that they hate (not to mention hates them).


Yes “Weaker opponent”. Communists comparing to Putin are considered Weaker opponents to US (rightfully so).

Socialism (communism) was used as weapon against Russia. Lenin was sent from Germany in sealed train to start “Revolution” and Trotsky the same; he was sent from US Navalny is gimmick…he is not even opponent.


The U.S. and the U.K. was on the side of the Czar, and probably would have no problem agreeing with your statement on Socialism lmfao. Saying the West would support the communists in Russia is like saying they would support the SSNP against Syria. Keep dreaming though


Both countries have used the fear of nuclear war to control and sway their public opinions and push their agendas. It’s not going to happen.

Bruno Gama

This article thinks Russia is Ukraine or other Stan, it will be if Putin continues to be so soft. More strange is that the writer believes Russia will not respond to a Nuclear Strike! Really? Very Funny! Russia has SLBMs and even with a “perfect” decapitation strike, something that won´t happen, the subs will punish the warmongers… No need to wory.

Russia should pursue the Military Upgrade always and make the unexpected… Sign the New Start! As quickly as possible.

The American and European Russophobes on Twitter are cheering up “Democracy” “Biden” “Police violence” and blah, blah, blah… They forgeted that 5 people were killed in US “Capitol”, one at point blank!

MSM doesn´t hide anymore, calling Putin a thug, etc. Democrats are seeking revenge for the “RussiaGate” But, What will happen when they see the “Paladin of Democracy” Biden signing a treaty with the “Evil” Putin?

Putin has surpassed Bush, Obama, Trump… If he isn´t capable of taking down the senile Biden… them he should resign, and let Medvedev or Gerasimov and the Military take power…



Tudor Miron

“Decapitating strike” is technically impossible. Period.


MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction.


He is reacting on stupid comment in video-article. “In the short term, Russia could be fully suppressed either through stunning preventive nuclear strikes…” Preventive presumes “”Decapitating strike””


No such thing as a decapitating strike. Not against Russia or Iran or other major countries.

It may have to do with oh, I don’t know….Geography? Or the fact that if Moscow is lost then Deadman is engaged. Or the fact that if other sites get hit before Moscow, then Moscow responds.

This article is shit like most others from South Front.


” decapitating strike” is surprise attack that removes capability of retaliatory strike, not invented by him or me but by military experts and often used. the rest about article and SF, I agree.


Medvedev is weak. The REAL opposition in Russia (KPRF) is 999 trillion times capable in comparison


Medvedev was removed. Communism always ended in disaster and only managed to take over because it was funded by bankers and money speculators in Germany, western Europe, and Manhattan (such as Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb & Co. on Wall Street). Without British, German and American (essentially north-west European) involvement in their modernization of military and industry, they wouldn’t have lasted 74 years resulting in the death of at least one-hundred million people worldwide.




Wrong, Fascism and Capitalism are 2 sides of the same coin. Also Colonialism killed more than Communism did. Nice try.


How can I be in favour of Zionism when I oppose judaism and globalism? You have these preconceptions and childishly insist I’m wrong, I have proof and you have none. You just double down with your reverse racism, if you had any sense you would recognize that the west is controlled by Critical Theory (Cultural Marxism). Go read some Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago is a good place to start.

You have quite a confirmation bias, you apparently don’t understand the true meaning of propaganda either. “So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.” — Thucydides.

Here’s proof:




Intelligent people approach a subject with an open mind, whilst you’ve been trained to have mindless obedience to a destructive ideology. You don’t even know what Fascism is either, I’ll send you a video debunking your claims that Fascism is Capitalism in decay. Furthermore, Fascism and National Socialism are two separate things and aren’t the same.

How can I be in favour of Zionism when I oppose judaism and globalism? You have these preconceptions and childishly insist I’m wrong, I have proof and you have none. You just double down with your reverse racism, if you had any sense you would recognize that the west is controlled by Critical Theory (Cultural Marxism). Go read some Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago is a good place to start.

Here’s proof to support my argument (two videos):




Karl Marx On the Jewish Question: https://ostarapublications.com/product/on-the-jewish-question/

German Socialism as an Alternative to Marxism (Oswald Spengler and Werner Sombart): https://archive.org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Z%C3%BCndel+%2356+-+Alexander+Jacob+-+German+Socialism+as+an+alternative+to+Marxism.mp4

A Prisoner of the Reds: The Story of a British Officer Captured in Siberia during the Russian Civil War: https://ostarapublications.com/product/a-prisoner-of-the-reds-the-story-of-a-british-officer-captured-in-siberia-during-the-russian-civil-war/

The Last Days of the Romanovs: https://ostarapublications.com/product/the-last-days-of-the-romanovs/

Russia’s Agony: https://ostarapublications.com/product/russias-agony/



Solzhenitsyn — The Marxist ‘Scholar’ [Excerpt from Gulag Archipelago]: bitchute. com/video/PAnTvDjRjwxs/

Nicola Bombacci (Life & Times): https://archive.org/details/niccola-bombacci-life-and-times

Diplomatic cables prove the connection Jews & Bolshevism: bitchute. com/video/DVHcJad9bqUF/

WearsWar Review of Joseph W. Bendersky’s Book: The “Jewish Threat” And The Irony Of Declassified U.S. Intelligence Dossiers:


From the documentary ‘The Other Israel’ by Ted Pike (1987):

Secret Facts About Jews and Communism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYvbIAXveVk&has_verified=1



Communism killed 150 million people in a much shorter time frame.

Why do you pretend that imperialism is a phenomenon only unique to the White race, rather than a universal fact of life? The Soviet Union and the Romanov dynasty before that were also imperialist, as were Muslims, Chinese, Mongolians, and various others.

Capitalism has only existed for 4-5 centuries depending on the location, jews were always the primary champions of such economic practices that were in conflict with the guild system.

Furthermore, White slaves in colonial America outnumbered the number of black slaves from west Africa. 8/10 of those slaves from Sub-Saharan Africa went to Brazil, 1/10 went to the USA, and another tenth went to other locations throughout Latin America.

Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories:


The Youtube videos I sent:

– Is Fascism Capitalism in Decay? (proves your claims about “Fascism” are wrong) – Vladimir Putin; 80 – 85% of First Soviet Government were Jews (Age Restricted) – Secret Facts About Jews & Communism (Age Restricted)

The Jews and Modern Capitalism By Werner Sombart: bitchute. com/video/qUdX67vLBDLB/

Imperium by Francis P. Jockey:




Fascist Labor Laws: bitchute. com/video/5uPjIxaaaGsw/







A Jew in Mao’s China: https://archive.is/yyMtg#selection-1910.0-1977.20

“85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.”


“Russia should pursue the Military Upgrade” There is NOTHING left to “upgrade” ! Russian ICBM’s and SLBM’s missiles are all upgraded or new ! Strategic forces are 95% modernized and (or) new. The last one “Satan”-“Voevoda” will be started to be replaced next year with “Sarmat”-“Satan-2”


“Russia should pursue the Military Upgrade” There is NOTHING left to “upgrade” ! Russian ICBM’s and SLBM’s missiles are all upgraded or new ! Strategic forces are 95% modernized and (or) new. The last one “Satan”-“Voevoda” will be started to be replaced next year with “Sarmat”-“Satan-2” Medvedev ???!!- That i.d.i.o.t will NEVER be back in power again !

NOBODY can replace Putin in Russia today (unfortunately)

Tommy Jensen

Zhirinovsky could do it.


Yeah, he “upgraded” everything for next 1000 years with his big mouth…


And Russia has phobias toward Europe and America. Both should stay out of Europe’s affairs, make Europe great again without Russia or America carving it up into their own halves.


Lost Empire

This articol is a big bullshit. The Americans don’t have the guts to start a nuclear war against Russia. They know well they would be annihilated. Putin made it clear. No more foreign armies or bombings on Russian soil. The Yankees know that the Russians are at least ten years ahead of them on missile technology. No, the system they intend to use is to destroy Russia from within with people like Navalny. Useful idiots they intend to use as a trojan horse to implode the country. Putin has under his eyes what happened in Ukraine and partly in Venezuela and Belarus. He must act decisively to prevent Russia from becoming the next Ukraine


Time to ship arms to USA – through Mexico and mid-American countries, with all the immigrants Biden will import.

Ryan Glantz

My Russian brothers and sisters, know that we United States citizen are fighting the American deepstate that wants to fight you.

cechas vodobenikov

After emperor gates installed biden, FB censors syrian partisan girl, UK socialist workers party, trump and Boris/Natasha only Bullwinkle and CNN permitted fake news for fake people Riesman wrote, “the cult of sincerity: Americans are not sincere–it’s a performance” they install a demented zombie biden; can’t they find a half witted heroin addict to “elect” “when small men cast long shadows the sun is setting”. Lin Yutang the empire is entering dark times—collapse


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1bf1a9586239e2e5796b599cabe722fffab9806b47cbd04c18c8aa75db280aa.png https://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_debt_chart.html


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a5b19c6f4b092e8eacfafff9628695015eb848658946bc37cf2d284ae2e6a3ce.png https://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_deficit_percent_gdp


https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Scat_VEIW9I/URrH6UrACXI/AAAAAAAABqs/I6shP2ednNo/s1600/U.S.+Treasury+Bond+Interest+Rate+History.jpg https://fortunly.com/statistics/us-gdp-by-year-guide/


“Interest payments owed on the national debt are $523 billion. That’s the interest the Department of the U.S. Treasury must pay. Even though the debt keeps rising, the interest payments remain moderate. That’s because interest rates remain low.”

– FY 2020 Federal Budget Compared to Actual Spending –



Reminder: Russiagate pushed by chinese puppet Eric Swalwell to pit Usa against Russia. Is it clear who is stirring for war ? Likewise ChinaJoe is himself awashed of chinese money.


any proves…links ….anything?

Tommy Jensen

He slept with the Chinese agent. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/37198e575292ebc45cc6d3c303dd5f69649117f5b35ec00dbebfce30e8920383.jpg https://nypost.com/2020/12/08/suspected-chinese-spy-slept-with-courted-us-politicians-report/


Chinese should stop copying everything Soviet… For White House these days would work much better LGBT “honey trap” specially in “pedo” edition….


The US has reached a historic never before seen level of federal debt to gdp ratio. The only reason that the federal deficit to gdp ratio isn’t at a historic level is because the interest rate on the debt is so low.

The huge difference between what America by extension the world is facing in the coming years. Is that after WW2 the US paid down it’s debt for the next 35 years from it’s strong industrial base, economy and responsible federal budget management.

Does anyone see the US paying down it’s debt and decreasing it’s debt as a percentage of gdp anytime soon with the current trajectory that it’s on? I don’t.

Ivan Freely

I don’t see the US paying the interests on their debt.


This is a chart of the deficit as a percent of federal spending. With rates at near zero.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/878126315b2a3c0487a41929b131a6891977b5d4c964590a6888c7353f137929.png https://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_deficit_percent_spending


I haven’t figured it all out yet. But Biden is talking about spending 1.9 trillion in his first month in office over and above “normal” budget expenses. And it looks like he’s just getting started with the deficit spending.

That’s going to add that amount to whatever the deficit would be without it. The 2019 peace time deficit was $1 trillion with a growing economy. The 2020 deficit was $3 trillion with a contracting economy. So at a minimum it looks like another $3 trillion deficit for 2021.


Trump hasn’t even made one attempt to repair relations with Russia anyway. He basically left it the way it was when Obama left and it hasn’t changed. Just a continuation of all that. That’s the thing about these two “parties”, they continue each others idiotic foreign policy blunders. Southfront shouldn’t allow Trump supporters nor Biden supporters for that matter because neither one has made much of a difference


“attempt to repair relations with Russia anyway. He basically left it the way it was when Obama left” Is this joke? Trump has made endless list of sanctions against Russia. Removed INF treaty etc.


My point is, he hasn’t improved friendly relations


My point is : you’re stating false facts when it comes to Trump and Russia.


Trump is not a friend of Russia, neither was Obama, and nor will Biden. Understand?


My point is : you’re stating false facts when it comes to Trump and Russia.


Give me evidence that relations between Russia and the United States have drastically improved from 2017-2020 if you think that’s what happened because the neoliberal DNC just love to call Trump a friend of Putin.


Ok, give me proof that Trump improved American relations with Russia.


I have stated OPPOSITE…you can’t even read…?!? Good bye!


“Trump has made endless list of sanctions against Russia.”

That doesn’t prove that relations between Russia and the USA have improved, but worsened. Learn English and try again later.


YOU: “He basically left it the way it was when Obama left and it hasn’t changed.”

ME: NO it was NOT the SAME but much WORSE With Trump!!! Good bye!


That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you dumbass. It hasn’t improved


“In the case of Russia, we actually have many of the same elements leading to hyperinflation and then default. In this particular case, we have loss of a war, regime change, collapse of the tax system, political corruption, foreign denominated debts and collapse of productivity. In other words, from an MR perspective, this country was ripe for self destruction as they met almost all of the criteria that precede a hyperinflation and/or crisis resulting from ceding of monetary sovereignty.”



“On 17 August 1998, the Russian government devalued the ruble, defaulted on domestic debt, and declared a moratorium on repayment of foreign debt.”

– 1998 Russian financial crisis –



If the US does the same thing, this is who gets screwed.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cd99ea685b08bb513bcdbfcdc05e612bb7901a15e929781f38b1575e931fb5c8.png https://www.cepal.org/en/notes/trends-and-major-holders-us-federal-debt-charts


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/31d9eb656fb4ca6569bd7c9dcd14a4f44636c390fe222edf9217831283d3d784.png https://www.philstockworld.com/2020/05/11/top-10-largest-foreign-holders-of-the-us-treasury-securities/


Just bring it on bitches! Russia is not Iran, that you can play your games with. If you start something you will be destroyed.

I am Jaziel

What can I say, a totally surrealistic and delusional video and article. This is just BS

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have suggested. A soft power take over of Russia with support from our new super duper weapon and our Military Space Command Centre in precision strikes with our photonic laser weapons. After new resources and new access to gold mines America will be a great nation again securing and promoting our way of living and our values of freedom.

cechas vodobenikov


Tommy Jensen

The truth with facts!


As usual, South Front creates garbage. Not surprising really. This site has always been wrong and always begs for money. Pathetic really.

Simply put, these Democrats are afraid of their own, and using the Russia scare tactic they been using for previous 4 years to try to quell the people. They cling, like a parasite, to their positions and want to keep the gravy train going. A war or confrontation with Russia would bring all that to an end, and that isn’t something they want.

There is also no such thing as a “devastating preventive strike” you morons. Russia’s nuclear arsenal isn’t all concentrated in one area and also, most of it is mobile, not silo based. Anyone with half a brain would figure this out.

I cant believe you guys actually get donators. You are a pathetic lot with zero insight to anything meaningful or intelligent. You guys are scam artists.

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