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War In Ukraine Day 35: Getting Ready For The Russian Blow In Donbass

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War In Ukraine Day 35: Getting Ready For The Russian Blow In Donbass

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On March 30, the Russian Ministry of Defence commented on the decision to decrease the military activities in the Kiev and Chernihiv regions, following the Kiev-Moscow negotiations in Istanbul. It was clarified that the main tasks of the Russian forces in the Kiev and Chernihiv directions have been completed.  Russian forces are regrouping in order to intensify military actions in other priority areas and, above all, to complete the operation for the complete liberation of Donbass.

” The first stage of the special military operation conducted by the Russian Armed Forces in Donbas and Ukraine was planned to force the enemy to concentrate its forces, means, resources and military equipment to hold on to high populated areas in these directions, including Kiev. To bring them down on the battlefield and, without storming these cities to avoid civilian casualties, inflict such a defeat on the armed formations of the Kiev regime that it would not be able to use these forces in the main direction of our Armed Forces in Donbass.

All these goals have been met.

At the same time, the Russian army also solved another task, namely – in the absence of an inflow of fresh enemy forces from the western and central regions of Ukraine, through professional military action, using the absolute air dominance it had gained, also using modern high-precision weapons – to create all the necessary conditions for the final stage of the operation to liberate the People’s Republics of Donbass.

To this end, the long-term defensive fortifications created by the Kiev regime over eight years have been, and continue to be, continuously targeted. All major lines of communication, supply and reserve approach are taken under full control. Ukraine’s air defence systems, airfield infrastructure, major military depots, training and mercenary concentration centres have been destroyed. Work on them continues.

Thus, all the main tasks of the Russian Armed Forces in Kiev and Chernigov directions have been completed.” – according to the Russian MoD.

As soon as the Decision of the Russian MoD was declared, fierce fighting broke out on the outskirts of the capital. Massive shellings were reported all around the region. Fierce fire exchange continued on March 30. Any changes on the front lines in the Kiev and Chernihiv regions are yet to be reported.

Kiev-Zhytomyr highway is still cut by Russian forces. In this area, clashes continue near the town of Makarov, which is under the AFU control, and the town of Irpen. Earlier, Kiev declared control over Irpen. On March 30, Ukrainian officials confirmed that fierce clashes continue in the town.

To the East of the capital, the Kiev-Poltava highway is still under the AFU control. Clashes continue near the town of Brovary, no changes on the front lines were confirmed.

The city of Chernihiv is still blockaded by Russian forces.

War In Ukraine Day 35: Getting Ready For The Russian Blow In Donbass

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No assault operations were carried out in the cities of Kharkiv and Sumy. It is expected that Russian forces will significantly increase their military operations in the Kharkiv direction. So far, artillery shellings on the city outskirts continue with no changes on the front lines.

The moment of the explosion of the gas pipeline in Kharkiv:


The Russian Ministry of Defence declared that the humanitarian situation in a number of cities under the control of Kiev continues to deteriorate rapidly, the most critical situation is developing in Kharkiv.

According to the Russian Ministry, the terrorists of the National Security Forces have created so-called ‘flying death squads’ which are driving around the streets of the city, firing indiscriminately.

Meanwhile, forces of the so-called territorial defence mined roads leading to Kharkiv, preventing civilians from breaking into secured areas.

On March 30, the head of the investigative department of the Main Directorate of the Kharkiv National Police, Sergei Bolvinov, reported that two people were killed yesterday, having blown up on a mine, and five others were injured. He called on civilians to stop trying to leave the war zone.


So far, no breakthrough advances were reported in the area of Izyum. Russian forces are concentrated on the left bank of the Seversky Donets River slowly heading to the South towards Slavyansk. The villages of Kamenka and Staraya Kamenka are reportedly under the control of Russian forces.

The AFU continue amassing forces in the area. Rare Ukrainian aircraft attempt to hit the Russian grouping near Izyum and Kamenka.


At the same time, slowly advancing from the East towards the Russian grouping near Izyum, the offensive of the LPR People’s Militia continues. On March 30, it was confirmed that the LPR took control over the village of Terny located to the north-west of Severodonetsk. The mop up operation began in the town of Zhitlovka in the same area.


Fighting continues in the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk region and in the Popasnaya area. Any advances are yet to be reported by any of the warring sides. LPR units supported by Chechen fighters continue the mop up operation in the town of Rubezhnoe.

Fierce clashes continue in the same areas in the DPR. Volnovakha-Debaltseve front remains stable. Fierce clashes continue in the village of Novomikhailovka, south of the town of Maryinka, and in the village of Novoselovka, north of Avdiivka.

In the area of Gorlovka, fierce positional fighting continues.


In the Ugledar region, Russian troops advanced 8 km to the north and reached the town of Velikaya Novoselka. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation declared that the Russian troops had crossed the Shaitanka River and are fighting on the near approaches to the town, which is an important transport hub. The control over the town is necessary for the development of the Russian offensive to the rear of the AFU groupings in Donbass.

The front line Dnepropetrovsk-Velikaya Novoselka remains unchanged.


After the failed offensive of the AFU from Mykolaiv towards Kherson, clashes continued on the border between the two regions. Clashes also broke out th the village of Novovorontsovka located in the North of the Kherson region near the Dniepr River.

The destruction of the Azov regiment and the remaining AFU forces continues in Mariupol. Clashes continue in districts of the city. DPR servicemen are concentrated on moping up of the left-bank area of Mariupol, where the Azov units were divided into two parts, as well as advancing in the south-western part of Mariupol. The Central and Kalmius districts of the city are being slowly moped up.

The Russian Armed Forces declares a ceasefire regime from 10 am Moscow time on March 31, in order to open an additional humanitarian corridor for civilians from Mariupol to Zaporozhye.


Meanwhile, Russian strikes with precision-guided weapons continue on a daily basis. Russian missiles have recently hit the Khmelnitsky, Kiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, and other regions.

On March 30, a missile strike hit a large warehouse in Brovary near Kiev. Military equipment supplied to Ukrainian security forces by Western countries was stored there.

Two other Russian missiles destroyed an oil depot near Dnepropetrovsk. No civilians were injured. A Ukrainian defence was also reportedly destroyed in the region, what is yet to be confirmed.


Another bomber of the AFU Air Forces was shot down in the sky over the Rivne region. The incident was confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defence.


The armed forces of the Russian Federation destroyed the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system of the armed formations of the Kiev regime. The video was shared by the Russian Ministry of Defence.

In turn, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue shelling on civilian settlements in the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics.


As a result of an artillery strike on a residential building on Pinter Street, in the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, 1 civilian was killed, 4 more were injured.

A church was shelled in the village of Varvarovka in the LPR, where civilians were hiding. Among them, there was a Russian military reporter who shared the footage.


More civilian casualties were reported as a result of the shelling in different Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Civilians in the DPR and the LPR have been constantly killed by the AFU during the years-long war. The cruel attacks which are intentionally targeting not military facilities but civilians are another example of inhumane tactics applied by the AFU.


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Chechens take sex slave in Ukraine!


Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin
Putin's Boot on Rasputin's neck

Your point? Still losing Faggot!


It was a goat, lol

Vlad the invader

Pony would be better?


No, not my point! They are probably taking turns giving their warty scab covered point to the goat

Ashok Varma

US and its lapdogs are getting very desperate.

Just IN: Senior Chinese official says US has a track record of interventions in other countries. China is committed to strongly support Pakistani government against any US intervention to overthrow the elected government of PM Imran Khan, who is supporting Russian actions in Ukraine.

Pamfil Military Academy

More and more peoples around the world take decisive positions against globalist satanic leadership of US. Something very important and drastic will gonna happen with the criminal imperialistic and hegemonic power called ‘The GREAT Whore’, US anglo-zionist empire of lies and deceptions. Even inside US a phenomenal division of peoples was made with the faked election of senile corrupt Biden and Korona sorosist hoax. Most states in the South, including Florida had said NO to Bill Gates antidemographic jabs. I have friends there and they said never in US history from the secession war the spectre of another civil war was so high in US, especially because of the globalist depopulation COVIDidiot hoax of the deep state mobsters.

Vlad the invader

Do US war crimes justify Russian war crimes?


No war crimes are justified. However, there is a propaganda push in the US Media to frame Russia and Putin as war criminals when the Ukraine Nationalist forces have killed 14,000 citizens in the Donbas since 2014, 67% were civilians. Russia is not in Ukraine to kill civilians and take territory.


We’ve always known Zelensky, NATO, ISIS, CIA, Soros and the rest of them are all part of the same happy club, but even all things considered it’s absolutely insane how little regard the officials of Ukraine have for their own citizens, absolutely insane. Even by the standards of maniacal terrorists…

Ghost of Zelensky

They took your mother?


It was his mother, hehehehe……

Last edited 2 years ago by Stan

Azovists dressed as women trying to escape are getting sodomized and Rasputin is jealous…


ukraine has 1 export–prostitutes—you hillbillies in alabama prefer lgbt

Michel LeBlanc

Lol no alabama dont like lgbtq.

Try california or new york state my friend.


Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

BS and desperate propaganda of ukie hohol losers, and pathetic deflection from Russian victories, anyway most hololwhores sell themselves anyway, so the Chechens are making honest women of them, if true. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

dumb wally, the goat is for Ramadan sacrifice. This is the Muslim month of fasting, the Chechen and many Russian soldiers are Muslims. Bloody wally trolls.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bazza
The Objective

I thought it would be Zelensky. Slightly disappointed.


Oh, I feel sorry for your mother.


Here is a fun tribute to the 3rd biggest army on gods green earth


Rasputin works the NATO gloryhole

Ukraine is gone and crying for a no fly zone that’s never coming. You’ve been abandoned!

G2 man

That is indeed the case and also the reason Zelensky is now irrelevant. Russia is achieving its intended goals and will simply wear down and chop up the remaining Ukrainian military as well as change the demographics of eastern Ukraine, east of the traditional frontier of Dnieper river. The mere mention of nuclear weapons put NATO warmongers in a bind as their own intelligence clearly stated that Russia will use nuclear weapons “if it faced an existential threat”. This was openly confirmed by the Kremlin, delivering a check mate blow to any NATO adventurism.


moronic virus infected links by a moronic virus infected troll ^

Last edited 2 years ago by blahblah

The relentless, desperate trolling of SF by Ukrotard fuckpiles is more than enough tribute in itself. No one thought it possible, but the Ukraine is an even worse shithole now than it was in 2013. Fun!

Vlad the invader

No surprise when the country is bombed to oblivion by the Russian invasion.

Who invaded the country and enables all this? Never forget who didn’t go the diplomatic route, but the war path. It was his decision to do so.

Let me guess, you are still not sorry for the victims of this war. No matter the clear majority being of Russian origin.

Elaine Eike

Vlad! Russia has not bombed Ukraine into oblivion. They tried the diplomatic approach. Remember the Minsk Accord of 2013? The Ukraine Nationalists [Nazis] have bullied the government into ignoring it and have spent 8 years in a bloody civil war in Donbas. The stated goal of Russia is to do strategic strikes and to avoid civilian deaths. There is an information war going on, and Ukraine has been trained well by our CIA in propaganda.


therapy can cure your bestiality with sheep—taliman sodomized you how many times? maybe lgbt counselor can help you find discount trailer park in arkansas


Russian Army is Number 2. Always has been, always will be.


Maybe in January 2022. But with so many losses in Ukraine China has likely eclipsed them . https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/20418.jpeg


I don’t care what that chart says. I don’t care how they are doing in Ukraine. I know #2 when I smell it or see it and Russia’s army is #2.

Russia is #2 army in Ukraine.

Russia is #2 army in the world.


Like my number 2 honey?


Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

No doubt you like number 2, coprophilic Ukrotard fuck-pile.


4 trillion paid $$$ to be sodomized by taliban–weakest most impotent military on earth after formidable Pygmy Air Force…..you hillbillies are lgbt losers


America n1? Lol what a joke.


Muricans failed to defeat China back in 1950s having super powerful air force and navy, heavy artillery and tanks (plus shitload of vassals/”allies”). US soldiers were WW2 veterans not these modern “Emma with two moms” freaks. Chinese had nothing but light infantry. And contrary to belief, the numbers are roughly equal. Yet Americans run away and run away all the way to Seoul.


only 1 of many defeats for the feminized americannots

Florian Geyer

During the Korean war of 1953/54 the Yanks used chemical and biological warfare indiscriminately in North Korea and the border areas of China where the Chinese troop concentrations were located. The massive bombing campaign of the US and allied forces also targeted civilians. It’s the US/UK strategy of warfare.

The maharaja

What type of fucktard argues with a guy that says its number #2 goes and gets a giant image to prove the guy he argued with is correct? I know your fjcking dumb from the shit you post but when you get owned then you go and own yourself …. you suck as a troll.

The Objective

The same troll obviously Mike=Rasputin (=1000 other names). He is talking with himself all the time. Then laughs at his own stupid jokes, praise his intelligence (lol). Inferiority complex among countless other mental problems. That idiot is both comical and tragical at the same time.

G2 man

I am very disappointed at the low quality of trolls here. They change names and keep on posting absolute nonsense devoid of any reality. Ukraine is in ruins and abandoned by the predatory west. Most observers believe that Ukraine has suffered over half a trillion Euros worth of damage, its military is battered and cities in shambles and EU criminals who fanned this fratricide are going into recession and don’t have the money to rebuild even western Ukraine. Russia has liberated all the industrial and energy basin of the Don Bas and will be able to quickly integrate Russian ethnic areas into Russian and Eurasian economies as Pepe Escobar, the brilliant Brazilian journalist has accurately stated. These trolls are low IQ western paid posters who are making fools on themselves on all sites. No one believes a word that comes out of Ukrainian and Zelensky clowns propaganda.Ukraine is no longer front page news, not even back page anymore. Russia has free hand to change ground realities.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

The US has never attacked a capable military in their history and they surely won’t do so against a nuclear capable army like Russia’s.

Yamil Perez

Actually Nr.1 in effectiveness and firepower. They are nr.2 only in size.

G2 man

There is a rather objective analysis of Russian strategic goals and tactics, even in the Jew infested Bilderberg and Murdoch disinformation media. It is also closer to my initial objective analysis of Operation Z, basically intended to cleanse Ukraine of criminal Nazis and societal dregs.

The conventional wisdom is that Vladimir Putin catastrophically miscalculated, but this could not be more further than the truth and stark reality.

Putin has united Russians, with a vast majority supporting Russian action, especially after reports poured in depicting Azov Nazi atrocities against ethnic Russians and foreigners. He has sanction-proofed his economy with Chinese, Indian and Iranian assistance. He’s wrecked Ukraine for good. He correctly thought the Chinese would help him out, and they did. His his modernized military is making mincemeat of Ukrainian forces. In the most important long term strategic economic victory, Russia has gained total control of Don Bas industrial infrastructure and gas energy resources, with control over vast gas fields, second only to Norway’s.

Russia has overcome some of the initial military shortcomings and is now slowly and steadily dismantling Ukraine. The Russian military will be further revamped after this enormous combat experience with a purge of incompetent officers, focusing more on professionalism and competence. On the domestic front, Putin has stayed steady and calm and focused on finishing off any Ukrainian ambitions to stage NATO troops and act as a base for destabilizing Russia. Ukraine has a western vassal state has ceased to exist since 24th February 2022. Putin’s bold and calculated gamble is paying off and changing the post Yalta global order.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

I am more concerned about Russians living in Ukraine, whatever Ukraine remains, after this war. They were already molested and terrorized, since 1990s, and especially after Maidan. After this war there is no future for them in Ukraine any more. If Ukraine has any future.

G2 man

Indeed, that is why Ukraine will be completely changed by demographics as the Nazis targeted Russians and other minorities. Ukraine is not a functioning state anymore and has been damaged to an extent that in its present form it simply can not exist. Russia is largely achieving its goals and creating a new economic, demographic and political reality.

The Russia majority will be further strengthened in Don Bas as Pepe Escobar has explained.

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross posted with The Cradle

Mariupol was battered by Ukraine’s right-wing Azov battalion well before Moscow launched its military ops. In Russian hands, this strategic steelworks port can transform into a hub of Eurasian connectivity.

How Mariupol will become a key hub of Eurasian integration 16772 Views March 30, 2022 60 Comments

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross posted with The Cradle

Mariupol was battered by Ukraine’s right-wing Azov battalion well before Moscow launched its military ops. In Russian hands, this strategic steelworks port can transform into a hub of Eurasian connectivity.

Mariupol sits on the strategic Sea of Azov at the tip of the Black Sea, and is the ‘Mecca’ of Europe’s steel industry. Its conquest by Russia can pave the way for a Eurasian railroad and connectivity surge.


I remember back in 2014. (or ’15? I’m lazy to check) after the first failed Ukrainian offensive into Donbas, many argued that Mariupol should/must be taken. Ukrainians were in disarray, the city would fall in a few days but DPR simply had no strength left for such large counter-offensive. If only Russia sent more troops, screw sanctions.

G2 man

Ideally in hindsight, Russia should have mobilized at least 500,000 troops and used massive airpower in initial stages of operation. However, now the focus on liberating Don Bas is a good strategy. Once that is secured, Kiev should be pummeled. Keep in mind, that NATO criminals have armed Ukraine to the tune of $10 billion and over 20,000 ATGM and 3,000 Manpads. No army in modern history has faced this type of weaponry. Normally a modern infantry platoon of 25-30 men carries a maximum of 4-6 ATGM including RPG. In Ukraine a squad of terrorists have over 10 NLAWS and Javelin. Russia should have used more infantry to support the armor. A good lesson for future operations, especially for Hezbollah and Iran which is now reverse engineering these captured weapons.


“Strategic Sea of Azov”?

G2 Man

If you look at the map and history, Crimea and Sea of Azov are the crucial link to Europe and Asia. Now it is a Russian lake and will shorten transport routes in Eurasia. That is why the British imperialists, Ottomans, even Swedes, Poles and French fought over access to Sea of Azov. The Russians defeated the Poles and Swedes just a few miles away at Poltava.


ukraine future same as Puerto Rico—impoverished exploited US colony

G2 man

Actually far worse, the US racist criminals left Puerto Rico on its own after the cyclone and not is a poverty ridden slum like Haiti, but Ukraine was the poorest corrupt failed state in eastern Europe along with Moldova and Romania and its only export was prostitutes and drugs. Now it is in ruins, thanks to the Jew clown Zelensky hiding in a basement and calling for more blood shed. Ukraine will be worse than war torn parts of Africa like Congo, but with more displaced refugees, which already number over 10 million. The Azov Nazis are worse than Rwandan Tutsis and Hutu and have committed far worse crimes. Russia has no choice but to eliminate these vermin and rebuild the areas under its control. Ukraine has no future. I feel sorry for the brave ethnic Russians who built the place and now have to move to other regions of Russia. Don Bas will be very rich in the future as it will be Russia’s largest steel works in the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

At least their suffering will be over soon. They will rebuild their cities and towns in no time with the help of Russia and their allies/friends. Russias currency is strengthening day by day. EU cannot exist without Russia energy exports. They painted themselves into a corner sanctioning Russia like that. Now they look desperately to get out of it. Russia is still very friendly to them only demanding being paid in Rubles. The EU knows very well Russia can end them economically at any time. Most of EU’s industry runs on resources from Russia. Even the US is importing more oil from Russia by now, although they banned all imports. The US isolated themselves from oil as they have almost no one to sell to them anymore. OPEC is happy with the price now, I guess they like the idea of 300$ for a barrel now. We will see. Cutting some businesses of Russia from SWIFT was a big mistake too. Now more and more countries will abandon the $ and switch to their own currencies. USA has totally miscalculated that move. It just shows again and again how the US is run by morons and basic idiots that are mostly clueless on how to run their country. With all the debt they amassed, they already dug up their own grave long time ago. Now they will be buried in it soon. I think this was their last attempt to enslave the rest of the world. China and India clearly showed they will not follow them. It was stupid of the morons in the US to think this would actually work. Now it is US and about 30 of their vassals against the rest of the world. US and their vassals have lost already. Even Germany is now bowing to Russia in exchange for gas-supplies. They did a big mistake to align themselves with the corrupt US, but that a whole different story.

Florian Geyer

Very well said, Top Gum, you wrote. ” I think this was their (the US and UK’s )last attempt to enslave the rest of the world. ”

I hope that Russia and the long suffering people of the Donbass prevail.

With a Russian victory the planned One World Tyranny of the US and UK will be dead in the water. The collective West are so indebted that Boris Johnsons claim of a ‘High Wage British Economy’ will in fact happen. EXCEPT the UK economy would be on the lines of Zimbabwe and Argentina, lol. Wheel barrows to hold the printed cash etc.


It is amazing in West Gov.s and MSM keep saying Russia GDP is criticized for being smaller than Spain or Italy, so Russia is insignificant and will suffer from EU sanctions. The EU GDP is dependent on Russia energy and raw materials!!



Vlad the invader

It is the same for Russia, NK II.

The clear majority of its customers will abandon imports, be it now already, or when new logistic routes are established.


Dream on Vlad, dream on.


Did you get your info from drudger?

G2 man

I read over 200 sites in 6 languages and then discern through the information and propaganda. I have been in intelligence analysis for better part of over 45 years. Pepe Escobar and Rense along with Saker and Zero hedge, Veterans etc give a broader perspective, Drudge is mainstream Jew propaganda but sometimes has to publish some objective articles. In the internet cyber era, the propaganda and disinformation campaign against Russia is disgusting and distorts all norms of decency. The west is desperate and spread lies, but people are waking up. The best news sources that make the western propagandists very uncomfortable are RT, Sputnik, Iranian PRESS TV, Hezbollah’s Al-Manar etc. In the age of internet, despite censorship the truth can not be hidden.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
Yamil Perez

Russia is too civilized unfortunately. They won’t show the videos about dead ukrobots.


I dislike morons like you so much. It is not a war between Ukraine and Russia, it is the whole of NATO against Russia. NATO even has troops on the grounds in Ukraine – “volunteers soldiers”, remember NATO “freedom fighters” in Syria and Iraq.

Aids, military support, money (loans), intel, neo-nazi soldiers. VS Russia. Ofc, Russia is the one moving in not defending, so they are the ones who are going to lose more, I said it before and I say it again – Russia should have done what yanquis-British did.

My Cock up your Ass

Serious conversation, you must be joking. This is War Motherfucker, now carry on.


Could the Ukrotards have followed a more self-destructive path than they have since the 2014 coup? From protesting economic conditions imposed by the IMF to tens of thousands of dead, billions of dollars in destruction, and millions of refugees. That was some fine work by the folks steering the ship of state. Great success.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

The US, Afghanistan – Gave power to clowns and pedos. Ukraine – Give power to Neo-Nazis.

They failed in Syria and Iraq thanks to Iran and Russia, but they wanted to give the power to Wahabis (ISIS – Zion puppets).

Timmy Temperance

Shame about the church.


Seems like Chechens are the only ones who can accomplish anything militarily.

Will Ramzan be the new Tsar after Putin resigns or dies of old age?

Tsar Ramzan I has a nice ring to it, right?

Arzt Injektion

The first side to import Houthis in large numbers wins!! :)

The maharaja

Agree by far the best fighters on the planet. They are facing the Saudis so ….clearly that helps your game a lot. However they performed well against the Mercs the Saudis bring in as well.


Not tsar but the president. Why not? He is young, he is brave, he knows to rule, he is not LGBT woke-liberal, he is more decisive than Putin, he understands new technologies, he can improve relationships with muslim countries.


Spot on. Murica had a muslim president, so why can’t Russia? He is more patriotic than many Russians.


Mikey dramatized in alabama trailer park—if you look u can find another lgbt therapist to sodomize you like taliban did

Yamil Perez

30,000 dead ukrobots tell a different tale.


I think it is the Doneskt and Lugansk Republics forces doing a lot of the urban fighting in the east. Battle hardened after 8 years war with Ukraine already. Russia forces out of Crimea, the Kiev blockade and standoff fire power. Many criticisms of the Russia logistics but overall a strong campaign with coordination from different forces with a lot of complexity and with only 200k troops for such a large area.


jens was sodomized by nazis for 5 years—now too senile and ugly to attract lgbt he desperately seeks virtual bf at south front—only Sawyer and grunter poko molo nazis interested


I’d love to attract a pair of lesbians for a night! Who wouldn’t?

greta thunberg

Tom Sewer and Jens Holm are transgender “lesbians”. Perfect for you.


greta correct–ask jens or Gunther- or better buy better crack in your arkansas trailer park

eric vos

That drone footage of that town in the video looks like Berlin in 1945.

Yamil Perez

Berlin looked a lot worse.

eric vos

yes, but not by much.


Not easy to quickly liberate Donbas, the most fortified area in the world. But Russians should definitely maintain at least one active, aggressive frontline. Preferably Kherson-Nikolaev, or Kharkov. Being defensive is not bad by default, but you can’t lose initiative.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marius

Russia requires several direction of attack to tie up u-crappy troops defending cities that Russia has no interest in occupying

Death analysis

It is crazy the amount of equipment wich Russian millitary is abandoning. Crazy. Billions worth of Russian equipment now in Ukraine millitary hands Russian solider they just give up and leave everything and they are running towards border. Yeah dream about taking Donabas.

Senior lieutenant 1 AK ROA Petrikov Andrey Donetsk Liquidated

Last edited 2 years ago by Death analysis

cia moron desperate

Yamil Perez

More Disney news from the SBU cyberwarfare unit.

Daddy Angel of Ukropisstan

Wonder what you faglets will say when Ukrain will be no more. It will happen and its closer then you think.

CIA bot

Dead Anal ysis = Tom Sewer = moronic turd.

Different name, same shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by CIA bot
Death analysis

You can call me everything you want but the truth is there and is undeniable

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

An Iskander a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Death analysis

This is crazy… Russian millitary is retreating on all fronts including Donabas and Luhansk.. Outright military defeat of Russia is inevitable

kogda mi byli na voinye

christelle neant donbass insider for those who speak french or russian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NABiJZM4NqY


The article says air superiority has been established, then goes on to say that an s-300 and a ukrainian bomber have been shot down. I don’t think they know what air superiority means.


Bro, why is this article rated 5.3 out of 5 stars?

Death analysis

Because is run by Kremlin propaganda

Pamfil Military Academy

I have NO DOUBT that Donbass will be taken from the neo-nazi Ze faggot terrorists. Not A SINGLE one. Meanwhile, you can read an excellent SITREP operational level russian art of war which will destroy all those nazi NATO cock-sucker LGBTQ banderists, about how this will be done in the next weeks: http://thesaker.is/sitrep-operation-z/

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

devastating Russian victory—ukrops in turkey begging for ceasefire—nyet cechas when you primitive ukrops accept defeat loss of Donbass, neutrality then methodical obliteration of infrastructure will cease…these chervet same as amerikant gusano

Death analysis

commander of the rocket artillery battalion lieutenant colonel Dormidontov Dmitry Tatarstan Eliminated How Kremlin will answer to Russian population about over 17000 dead solider I don’t know. Slava Ukraine




hillbilly in arkansas–try to take Crimea, donbass, Mariupol, Ossetia, Abkhazia—too feminized cowardly—you impotent morons have even increased the value of the rouble…LOL


‘The incident was confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defence.’

Anything ‘confirmed’ from the Kremlobots is pretty much a piece of fabricated shit.

Death analysis

lieutenant Kovalenko Vitaly 1 AK ROA Eliminated

Death analysis

17,500 Russian troops have been killed and counting,735 armoured personnel vehicles have bee destroyed.

Other military equipment that has been wiped out includes 131 helicopters, 614 tanks and 135 Figter jets

Pamfil Military Academy

Hahahahahaha, cocaine or heroine is not good for …realism, asshole. The reality is exactly opposite. Hahahahaaaa, very amusing idiot watching Ze faggot news. Meanwhile 20% of Ukraine is already RED. And will be more and more….Keep dreaming but stop wanking so hard, it’s very dangerous for the mental heath, scumbag


primitive alabama hillbilly desperate —-your delusions will not change ukrop defeat amerikant humiliation

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