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Warsaw Considers To Allocate $2 Billion To Establish US Permanent Military Base In Poland: Media

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On May 27, Polish news website Onet published a “Proposal for a U.S. Permanent Presence in Poland” of the Ministry of National Defense Republic of Poland. According to this document, Warsaw agreed to allocate $2 billion in state funds to finance the establishment of a US permanent military base within the Polinsh territory.

“This proposal outlines the clear and present need for a permanent U.S. armored division deployed in Poland, Poland’s commitment to provide significant support that may reach – 1.5 – 2 billion USD – by establishing joint military installations and provide for more flexible movement of U.S. forces. Together, the United States and Poland can build an even stronger bond – one which guarantees the safety, security and freedom of its people for generations to come,” the document reads.

“Permanent US troops in Poland will send a clear message to Russia of US support for its Eastern European allies.”

On May 28, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Moscow is “ready to react to the NATO’s infrastructure expansion”, commenting on possible establishment of a permanent US military base in Poland, Russian state-run news agency Sputnik reported.

Peskov pointed out that Poland has a sovereign right to establish a US military base on its territory, but stressed that Russia is capable to react “in order to balance the parity”.

“It depends what kind of base it will be. In general, when we noticed the gradual expansion of NATO’s military infrastructure towards our borders, the immediate approach of NATO’s military structure to our borders does not in any way contribute to security and stability on the continent, on the contrary, these expansionist actions, of course, inevitably lead to counter-measures on the Russian side in order to balance the parity that breaks each time,” Peskov said.

Warsaw Considers To Allocate $2 Billion To Establish US Permanent Military Base In Poland: Media

A screenshot from “Proposal for a U.S. Permanent Presence in Poland”

Warsaw Considers To Allocate $2 Billion To Establish US Permanent Military Base In Poland: Media

A screenshot from “Proposal for a U.S. Permanent Presence in Poland”

Warsaw Considers To Allocate $2 Billion To Establish US Permanent Military Base In Poland: Media

A screenshot from “Proposal for a U.S. Permanent Presence in Poland”

Warsaw Considers To Allocate $2 Billion To Establish US Permanent Military Base In Poland: Media

A screenshot from “Proposal for a U.S. Permanent Presence in Poland”

Warsaw Considers To Allocate $2 Billion To Establish US Permanent Military Base In Poland: Media

A screenshot from “Proposal for a U.S. Permanent Presence in Poland”

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Wise Gandalf

This is not so simply. The polish roads and bridges are not fitted for american tanks.

You can call me Al

They will have to pay for an upgrade of infrastructure to match the quality of that in the US !!!!


Have you traveled through Indiana lately? Gotta be the worst roads in the middle US. I saw potholes that rivaled sink-holes. They are sealing infrastructure monies to pay for all the police lawsuits generated by Israeli trained SS, who used to be called ‘police’.

You can call me Al

I totally agree, but no, I have not been to Indiana at all – just other states on business and there is was dreadful.

Wise Gandalf

Good luck! This will be painful for USA. :)


It’s a long term project, I imagine we’ll decommision and sell off many of the old bases in Germany.


More likely close bases in the US, it’s about cost saving for the US, the more American troops in other countries, the lower the cost to the Pentagon.


Speaking as a vet, that’s not how this works and you know it.

Wise Gandalf

Do you know Poland? Decades had no highways. Now they build 1. In so big country. No way, this is for 21 generations.


Not nearly as bad as Russia (for geographic reasons), and since the hostile borders are definitely in eastern Europe it makes no sense to rely on Cold War anachronisms in west Germany. On the other hand, you can understand why many of these areas often come under Russian influence as opposed to European; logistics.


The US will demand that Polish infrastructure complies with American standards, but that money will come from another budget, so they can hide the real cost to Poland.

Wise Gandalf

This is impossible. As i read in NATO materials, in Vrussel only laugh on poles. Maybe yanks will use this offer, but from military viewpoint it is nothing. :)

Dmitry Lunyov

This is the first time in history that a prostitute pays to fuck ))


Voice of experience?

John Brown

The new African holocaust in Israel Africans are less the 0.5 % of the Israeli population, yet accidentally make up over 60% of those forced to take Depo-Provera for forced sterilization and the African birth rate in Israel has now dropped by more then 50%. This is what is called the only democracy in the Middle east, Yes those Africans have lots of rigths in Israel like the right to be exterminated by racist supremacist Jews. Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-ethiopians-fooled-into-birth-control-1.5226424 Israel’s Forced Eugenics Exposed | Brainwash Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fmwkx2Aab7s Racist birth control? Claims Israel culling Ethiopian Jews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oljrngl5Iwc

Racist supremacist Jews confess to running African and the Americas slave trade enslaving Goyims. This link Jews enslaving blacks the video with the 6 pointed star of Satan in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA This link https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA See very good videos of how socialist egalitarian racist supremacist Jews treat Goyim. For Jews socialism and communism means Jews enslaving and distributing Goyim slaves among Jews equally and then exterminating all Goyims .http://www.thejewishchronicle.net/pages/full_story/push?article-Sephardi+leader+Yosef-+Non-Jews+exist+to+serve+Jews%20&id=9964937http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some proof These links below on Jewish racism were on RT, if they could show it hopefully you will allow it on this site. JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below part 1 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4wEthiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ They are from “SOS Racism” some of the very few good non racist Jews left so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg racist supremacist Jew kill christ again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSrhJGGDqx0



Michał Hunicz

Oh yeah, and which corp is an owner of Onet? Ringier Axel Springer! These “media” represent German and American imperialistów interests.!


Pay to be occupied. XD.

Miguel Redondo

Does the US-personnel has a slight idea which is the place they want to establish for a base? Remember that this city in former times had the name : Bromberg

Pave Way IV

The Khazar Mafia running US defense policy is starting to piss me off. What if I don’t want to pay for a stupid-assed, useless, God-damn permanent U.S. armored division for the Kazar Mafia ordered forward base? F’king cold war is OVER – why can’t they let go? Poland doesn’t need any U.S. protection because there is no threat. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution about ‘protecting Europe’ from fake threats.

The biggest, singular threat to U.S. national security is the neocon Khazar Mafia and their endless manufacturing of fake threats. All US troops should be back on US soil – fuck the Khazar Mafia’s empire building and occupation obsession.


USA didn’t do Civil War + WW1 + WW2 + 9/11 + ISIS + …. to stop now !!! And the most laughable is that Russia where always there to help USA achieving her goals !!!


The Biggest singular threat to the World is this NeoCon Khazarian Mafia…But Americans were always eager to sign the Recruitment Forms…so perhaps that should stop…a General without an Army…

Baron Von MuleBanger

Oh there goes the nutjob of Disqus


When you Fucktard pop up… I know I wrote down some Truth…don’t you like it? You are the Schizophrenic in Here with your 100+ accounts cunt… go back to your Satanic Sacrificial Orgies.. I bet the whole Skull & Bones section is with you too

Baron Von MuleBanger

haha you are mental ma boy,mentally unstable.


Yeah could be….to be or not to be, that will be the question…

mules donkies horses :)

go to a psychiatrist you crazy freak


I am Psychiatrist Bitch… and a good one too… Dr. Mindfuck is my name

mules donkies horses :)

https://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2018/3-june-syrias-assad-says-will-visit-north-korea-news-agency go if you beat our master livikosfc we will begone forever i swear on the little honor i have left

mules donkies horses :)

where are you coward when are you going to face the leader of the Hasbara livikosfc????


I am a guerilla…. this is Psychological Warfare… I will determine the right time for an attack…Hit & Run Tactics….can be any time…any moment…Crush the Enemy… Caught your Guards asleep… did you execute them?

mules donkies horses :)

you will NEVER beat our leader and master livikosfc :) he pays us hasbara


I know Livikosfc he’s me Buddy…

mules donkies horses :)

bullcrap where is he from?


Anatolia Cappadocia….

mules donkies horses :)

https://disqus.com/by/livikosfc/ lol this is a real account he actually pays me money and many hasbara work for him so you lost 1-0 on me


I already visited his account and read his comments

mules donkies horses :)

ok so its you and livikosfc vs me and Baron Von MuleBanger let the games begin


You are right it will be livikosfc & Me vs. You two….you want to get rid of him right?

mules donkies horses :)

but you have never talked to livikos i talk to baron every day :)


NoO but Livikos and I are on the same kind of level….we don’t always have to agree… but hey we are all human bein’s… we don’t have to agree on everything right?

mules donkies horses :)

you are the same clowns i agree


Are you going to answer my Question? Do you want to get rid of Livikos? Because you haven’t answered it and it will cost you one point… which will make it 2-0

mules donkies horses :)

no i want him to stay around and watch his silly comments the same applies to you


So you get a little sick from us? Why? Because we are smarter than you Hasbaras?

mules donkies horses :)

you are as smart as a blobfish


Did you know they are very intelligent creatures…? And did you know that All creatures are smarter then the Human Being? Because the Human Being will go extinct within the next hundred years…

mules donkies horses :)

are you a freemason?


I could be one….

mules donkies horses :)

i think you are hasbara hiding in plain sight


Truth is always right in front of you…and can be so obvious that one gets blinded by it and one does not see…

mules donkies horses :)

i will tell you only one thing : i am an alien human hybrid.


Good for you…

mules donkies horses :)

so… 2-0 you lose :)


I win… I am the Universe… a composition created out of Spacematerial, Earth, Stone, Water, Fire & Sky…. I am Eternal…I always WIN…Humans are NOTHING….

mules donkies horses :)

ha ! my dark shaman has corrupted the elements for miles around!


I am the elements my friend….Spirits walking along…there are many things surrounding us…. you should know that as a follower of the Order of the Jerking Hand…tell me the password…

mules donkies horses :)



Nope…2x left…three wrong answers and we can lift your skullcap to have a little taste of your brains… that is the deal…


Me like this game…… he is never going to guess it……


Sssttt… just give him a fair chance…

mules donkies horses :)


mules donkies horses :)

hahahahhaha this dude is the king of insanity

Baron Von MuleBanger

He is a ‘special’ person. Don’t go too harsh on him.

mules donkies horses :)

about the ” mule” incident that i showed you on the previous post what do you think should be the best solution ?

Baron Von MuleBanger

Put the animal out of it’s misery. It’s honor tainted by a kurdish subhuman,life is nothing but suffering for that being anymore.

mules donkies horses :)

but they will just find another mule or donkey to have sex with :(

Baron Von MuleBanger

That’s why United Nations should come up with a resolution to castrate kurds on behalf of donkeys. Animal lives better.

mules donkies horses :)

the clown alliance has been formed Merjin and livokosfc together lmao hahaha

Baron Von MuleBanger

As expected. Both of them are delusional enough. lol

mules donkies horses :)

https://www.facebook.com/giannis.palaiologos.351 add me i am going to delete it when you do


I got a great idea… become a bartender in the Stedelijk on friday… I will be there… put something in my drink…and I’ll wake up in chains in your sick “Dungeon of Pleasures”… ain’t that funny?

Baron Von MuleBanger

Would you wish to see my basement dungeon of pleasure? Well I don’t have to put something in your drink,all I have to do is yelling death to jews and you will follow me like a puppy. lol


There are good & bad people… got not much to do with religion or colour of skin….In IsraHell it is pretty normal to Kill Kids… so I consider them bad people….

Baron Von MuleBanger

Do they drink wine from the skulls of babies as well?


Nope… that was you… you told me yourself…a little Amnesia?

Baron Von MuleBanger

No I remember it completely,I’m just asking if they drink wine from baby skulls as well. I need to know since you love conspiracy nonsense a lot.


I know they got Geronimo’s Skull… a Great Warrior & Leader to his People… Owned by the Bush Family & Others…hidden in a Cellar…they should return his Skull for he did not like the white man

Baron Von MuleBanger

So you are anti-white while you are a white yourself. lol


I am Anti-Evil-Fucks….

Baron Von MuleBanger

lmao How old are you again? 14?


How do you know??!! I never mentioned that….

Baron Von MuleBanger

I wouldn’t be surprised if you are really 14


Now we are getting somewhere… so you like to chat with 14 year old boys…?

Baron Von MuleBanger

Yes,I’m a pedophilie,jewish,khazarian,4th reich,secret underground mafia.


I thought so… glad you admit that… in front of all these people

Baron Von MuleBanger

Anyways have you ever taken any IQ test my 14 years old friend?


No…who cares…but you change the subject

Baron Von MuleBanger

Just out of curiosity because you don’t really seem like a bright kid. Sad!


Are you only interested in bright kids?

Baron Von MuleBanger

Yes,I like them smart


You like’m doing math while dangling in your dungeon? Wtf…you are one sick man

Baron Von MuleBanger

Yes,I like to discuss math and physics while my victims bleeding and dangling on chains.


For me it is time to block you again…..good luck mister Baron Von KiddieBasher….

Baron Von MuleBanger

Haha Good bye “Evil Hunter”


I’ll be back… but for now I think I’ve had enough information… and I’d like to leave some space for others to write some good stuff…

Baron Von MuleBanger

Oh you are still here…Shut it jewish stooge.


Sir, these hipsters enjoy saying things that make society around them angry. They’d say anything to make people hate the people they hate, which is their own community.


No actually it is you that is anti-white. You think that treating non white people as cattle and slaves, is in the long term interests of white people, it’s not, we are a minority on this planet. Minorities who try to rule over majorities always get stamped out by the majority in the longer term.. Just look at Jewish history, it always backfires in the long run.

Baron Von MuleBanger

Only ones that I have exclusive hatred towards are kurds and jews. I think they should be either gassed or burned in ovens. I’m not anti white or brown or black,I’m anti subhuman and that Merin right here is no exception either.


Yes but the US army gets the very poor who can’t get a job, and also immigrants. Currently there are 30 thousand immigrants in the US military, it’s a way to citizenship.

The US has a long history of using immigrants for the US military. During the US civil war the north had 200,000 Germans, and 150,000 Irish in the army.




As soon as the New Immigrant Ships from the East arrived, Men were asked to join the Military and fight the Savages in the West… Recruitment started in the Harbor of New York…so it works like that for a couple of hundred years now…

Joe Dirt

where did the USA hurt you? :D

Александр Власенко

i recommends yo use service like this https://usimmigrationforms.com/ because it’s very important

disqus_VN2jzdnJ3v but


USA wins. Russia is KO.

It’s always like that. When you warn people, they don’t care until what you said happened. When it happens, it’s too late.


If I want to steal 2 billion dollars no questions asked what better way to do it?


What is the big hoopla about a US armored divisions deployed in Poland? Russian 1st Tank Guards army would sweep the Americans and the Poles like trash in a garbage can.




LOL, are you at a loss of seeing the balance of power and analyzing it? Practically speaking, if US wants conventional war in Eastern Europe, they are badly outgunned, and all the huffing and puffing about a few battalions in the Baltic states, and an armored division in Poland is an exercise in futility. Spending resources on idiotic concepts without being able to accept the truth and reality….is pitiful. Poles are rather brainwashed and challenged to spend 4 billion on a mediocre Patriot system, and spending 2 billions to finance the maintenance of two bases for the US armored division equipped with tanks that are basically 3-4 decades old, a lightly armored Bradley and Stryker that are sardine cans against Kornets, and guided munitions.


Skimmed your rant, you’re clearly not taking this seriously. First you lightly advocate full scale war and when corrected you change your story to a cold war advocate about how defeat of your country is inevitable because of how pathetic everyone around you is.

Such incogruous statements show that you don’t care what is really true.

Hide Behind

Polish women need employment, and wherever there is a US military base the employment opportunities for females to earn a living becomes available. A smart move by Poland’s. political and business connections, as it will be the topmost of Polish society that receives the greatest financial benefits. Poland’s recent wealth increase by state has not realy FILTERED down to working for a living masses, and while political shenanigans from kickbacks for way overpriced work is common when spending tax payers money at best more workers get raises to build up their consumer economy. The trillions that disappear from US military funds can buy any person of power or with powerful connections they want. During 5 years after first Iraq war, Colin Powell of US fame went to work for US armament firms,; Poland was granted huge contracts to make and sell to US the AK’s and torture for US Afghanistan war. Poland wanted to join NATO, so Colin Powel told them they had to modernize their military by buying US armor and planes. Within 5 years Powell cleared between 5- 7 millions in USD$ in commisions, all off the backs of Polish workers tax burdens. Long time now as willing US war atrocity enablers, they know future profits for the top 15% of Poland’s elite will continue.


The reason for this is because the Cold War era bases in west Germany are obsolete, new conflicts require new dispositions. So in a way, like the Pentagon’s public shift in strategy last year, this is long overdue.


What ‘new conflict’ exactly? You mean a NATO forward position for an attack on Russia.


Three possibilities: you need to look up the definition of these words you’re using. You haven’t been reading the news. Or you’re just revising recent history to make your private enemies look bad.


The US State Department and Pentagon declared Russia a primary enemy, however you’ll note Russia has done no such thing in return. The US is embarking on an aggressive and unilateral strategic policy to surround Russia and part of this policy is to deploy US missile batteries as close as possible to the Russian borders, so as to radically reduce the available Russian counter-response time. That is an act of overt and obvious aggression.


Ah, the old cold war era belligerant rhetoric. Friends only want detersnce while enemies only want world domination. ZZZZZ.


Who has chosen to install forward offensive missile batteries in Romania right on the Russian border – the US military – do you, actually, seriously deny this?


That would be $2 billion a year. The US gets paid to station its troops by many countries, but very few countries do it voluntarily

It usually involves blackmailing/threatening or bribing the host nations politicians.

Here in Oz, the US has been trying to get permanent bases for many years, but they finally got to one, the first female PM of Australia. Obama came out and did a photo shoot with her, she seemed ecstatic about betraying her country and taxpayers paying $1.4 billion a year for six hundred US marines we didn’t want.

Joe Dirt

you mad? LOL


instead of the continuation of the Second Cold War (CWII) , let us have a much much higher goal…., the colonization of our Solar System.

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