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MARCH 2025

Warsaw Escalates Tensions By Transferring 10 MiG-29 Fighter Jets To Kiev

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Warsaw Escalates Tensions By Transferring 10 MiG-29 Fighter Jets To Kiev

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Poland deepens servitude to Washington in delusional bid to attain great power status.

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

In preparation for the expected Ukrainian spring offensive, Poland announced on May 8 that it had transferred 10 MiG-29 fighter jets to Kiev. Following Kiev’s plea for fighter jets, Poland became the first country to make the pledge and transferred four in April. In this way, it is evident that Poland is becoming a staging ground for providing military aid to Ukraine. Warsaw wants to show the US that it is a faithful partner in serving its hostile policies and actions against Russia.

Warsaw is also pumping Ukraine with weapons and is sending Polish mercenaries to battle on the frontlines. According to Polish media, Warsaw delivered military aid to Kiev worth around 2.2 billion euros as of February 2023. In addition, Poland is developing a military infrastructure for storing NATO equipment, and the US military presence is increasing in the country.

Poland dreams of restoring its status as a great country and a major power in Europe, something it was for a very short period over four hundred years ago. However, Poland’s delusions of grandeur have always been linked with wanting to destroy Russian civilisation. For this reason, throughout Poland’s history, they searched for another power that could help destroy Russia – in the 17th century, it was Lithuania; in other periods, it was Britain, France, and Sweden, and today it is the US.

Each foreign power has suffered defeat each time. Still, the Poles, likely out of frustration that they could never achieve great power status, now believe that the US is their best choice for opposing Russia and elevating its status. Due to this, Poland has become a stronghold of American influence in Europe and a military staging ground in which weapons are delivered to Ukraine.

Poland today serves as the most important logistical centre for the delivery of military aid to the Ukrainians by the West. However, Poland has only become a tool of American policy because Warsaw is a subjective player in these situations. The US does not believe in equitable relationships, except perhaps only with other Anglo powers, and for this reason, Poland has only become a puppet despite their intentions to show the Americans that they are their loyal friends and essential in the NATO bloc.

Poland is one of the most active supporters of Ukraine and one of the largest donors of military equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, even though the Far-Right Kiev regime has a long history of opposing and pressuring the Polish minority in the country. Specifically, Poland has delivered 250 tanks to Kiev and plans to deliver another 60 RT-91 tanks (Poland’s modernised version of the T-72), 14 German Leopard 2 tanks and about 100 Wolverine armoured personnel carriers.

Polish authorities have also handed over Soviet self-propelled artillery units “Gvozdika”, multi-barrel BM-21 “Grad” missile systems (MLRS), anti-aircraft missile systems 9K33 “Osa” and S-125 “Neva”, as well as self-propelled howitzers “Krab”, along with a large amount of ammunition for various types of weapons to Kiev. In addition, Polish authorities intend to deploy infrastructure in the country to maintain American Abrams tanks.

Provocations by Poland is not only reduced to militarily opposing Russia but also involves cheap stunts, such as disrupting Victory Day celebrations. Protesters blocked the path of Russia’s ambassador to Poland on May 9 when he tried to place a wreath at a Warsaw memorial to Soviet soldiers who defeated the Nazis in World War II.

The Polish government was informed in advance of the ambassador’s plan to visit the Red Army cemetery and memorial site but made no effort to ensure his safety so that he could pay his respects.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the incident demonstrates “the duplicity of Warsaw’s policy in assessing the events of World War II and trying to forget about the role of our nation in saving European countries enslaved by Nazi Germany,” adding that the incident “will not remain without a proper reaction.”

At the same time, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland said following her meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence of Poland, Mariusz Błaszczak, that they “discussed how to continue holding Russia accountable for its illegal and barbaric invasion, including through further sanctions and using frozen Russian assets to pay for the rebuilding of Ukraine.”

Effectively, the pair discussed how they could use frozen Russian assets to finance Ukraine, something which will have considerable repercussions for Canada and Poland, especially when noting that as of the end of 2022, about $330 million of Russian assets were frozen in Canada.

It is demonstrated that Poland is making everything effort to oppose, pressure and antagonise Russia, as it has done for centuries, and this will continue unrelentingly so long as the US emboldens the country.


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Polska Kurwa

They transferred them long time ago… btw why exactly Russia still does not break diplomatic relationship with Pooland?


Cause that’s what the usa wants to basically force a chain reaction where in the end all of europe and russia have no contact and no business with each other. Then everything has to go through the usa and they can take a cut.

Last edited 1 year ago by kotromanic
Chris Gr

Very correct answer


Not really. EU severed all political, cultural and economic connections with Russia apart from those still necessary for them, and they will be also canceled very soon. Russia should stop with their delusions, as the Russian Emperor Nicholas I said almost 200 years ago during the Crimean war: “there is nothing for Russia in the West but hate and malice”.

and that is especially true for Poland.


I would agree. Russian historical territories pre 1917 need to be liberated, foreign threats neutralized and relationships fostered with the rest of the world against western zio-elitist exploitation and hegemony.

Chris Gr

It depends on what you mean by “West”. Because there is communism coming from the “West” also.

Porc halal

“Kiev will have to surrender in “days” as soon as the West stops supplying weapons” – Josep Borrell

AM Hants

One of Zelinsky’s teams was stating that if Europe stops funding them and sending weapons, then there will be terrorist attacks in Europe. Sort of sounded like blackmail and no doubt they sent the sleeper cells with the refugees. Funny how they are all so entitled over in Kiev.


Well if every airport in Ukraine was rubble they couldn’t do it.

Porc halal

That’s correct!


Where the fuk those jets would take off from? take off from the Jewish gentleman, Zalensky’s ass?

Last edited 1 year ago by vietnam

One aspect and reason for this desperate activism to “help” Ukraine is though the polish fear of the consequences , when the Ukrainian project finally fails and the west leaves the scene. Millions of migrants , billions of investitions in vain and destroyed dreams of “Intermarium” and other hallucinations. The economical, social and geopolitical aftermath of the false politics , like many times in the history.

Chris Gr

The Intermarium can be done without Ukraine though.


Often defeated , bled dry and misused , but nothing learnt to get it better some time.  It is not so , that all people in Poland are this brainwashed as you can presume looking MSM TV and the actual war propaganda. Most people are enough educated , have enough experience living abroad and they also know how deep this brainwashing propaganda may work.


Somehow in the collective consciousness they know they can’t defeat or conquere Russia. Not today with this huge superiority of the Russian military. In everyday life , if you talk to the people , they want to live in peace with the neighbors , there is no hatred, xenophobia, racism. But the paranoid spirit , developed in centuries of wars , full of national megalomania and simply stupidity , triggers them again and again to these irrational and self destructing actions.

Last edited 1 year ago by Darius
Chris Gr

Poland has conflict with Germany also.

Son of the kingdom

Kinzhal the shit out of Polshit ass synagogue of Satan lickers. Bomb the weapons waiting to be delivered and see Polshit jew lickers hide in their bunkers


Poľsko si koleduje a možno si nakoniec aj vykoleduje niečo. No nebude sa mu to musieť nakoniec vôbec páčiť.

Sir Guldar Tate III Esquire

Did they actually transfer the aircraft to the Ukraine or are they actually Polish pilots flying Polish fighter aircraft with Ukrainian flags and roundels?

AM Hants

Chrystia Freeland, the grand-daughter of Michael Chomiak.

1905, Chomiak was born in Lyev Galicia, which is now part of Western Ukraine, courtesy Stalin. A Master’s Degree in Political Science, from the Lyev University, prior to his career as a journalist. During the Nazi Occupation, he was editor of ‘Krakivski Visti?’ a publication specialising in Nazi Propaganda. It was first published in Crakow and then Vienna.

William White

That’s why Canada’s idiot PM Trudeau keeps sending hard earned Canadian Tax dollars to this hopeless loosing cause. That and he’s an idiot!

AM Hants

Part 2.

The Holocaust Museum has a lot to say about those publications.

Didn’t the mother of Chrystia Freeland, Halyna Chomiak, draft the 1994 Ukraine Constitution, and worked with George $oro$ and his ambitions with regards Ukraine? Ironic, when $oro$ was bragging about the best times of his life, back in 1944 in his home nation of Hungary, where he enjoyed being a Nazi Collaborator.

AM Hants

Part 3

What has Chrystia Freeland, got in common with the Polish Prime Minister? The same Chrystia Freeland who is on the Board of Trustees on the WEF, as well as Founder of $oro$ Fund Management and Open Society Foundations. The World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed a partnership agreement in 2019.he official Nazi propaganda, corollary to the J*wish world conspiracy.”

Chris Gr

Soros probably wants a piece of Ukraine?

William White

A shame to loose 10 good pilots, like driving General Lee at the Indy 500!


These are cannon fodder for the SU-35s and SU-37s; as soon; as they are spotted on radar.

Biden has AIDS in his mouth

Pootin is busy licking Chickenshit Satanyahoo asshole…rather than giving orders to start bombing Poo-land borders


The solution is very simple… The Russians need to let the Poles down the drain, so when the Germans happily start the second round of extermination of the Poles, all the Russians have to do is turn their heads and ignore the Poles’ cries for help… The Germans will be more than happy to take back Silesia, Brandenburg, Saxony, Pomerania…

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