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Washington Allowed: US HIMARS MLRS Struck Russian S-300/400 Air Defense System In Belgorod Region

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Washington Allowed: US HIMARS MLRS Struck Russian S-300/400 Air Defense System In Belgorod Region

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On the morning of June 3, the Armed Forces of Ukraine  launched another attack on the Russian border Belgorod region. According to preliminary reports from the area, the strikes launched with the US-made HIMARS MLRS targeted the area of deployment of the Russian air defense systems near Ukrainian border.

The footage shared online showed damage to the Russian S-300/S-400 division. At least 1 launcher and other equipment were destroyed.

Washington Allowed: US HIMARS MLRS Struck Russian S-300/400 Air Defense System In Belgorod Region

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Washington Allowed: US HIMARS MLRS Struck Russian S-300/400 Air Defense System In Belgorod Region

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Washington Allowed: US HIMARS MLRS Struck Russian S-300/400 Air Defense System In Belgorod Region

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This is far from the first strikes on the Russian territory launched with the US-made systems. This is the first successful attack that took place after Washington officially allowed the Ukrainian military to use its weapons for the strikes on the Russian territory.

Kiev is losing one battle after another, not justifying the multibillion aid of its Western patrons. In an attempt to justify the losses, NATO warmongers continue to escalate the conflict, drowning deeper into the war. Thus, more than a dozen countries have already allowed Kiev to strike with their weapons on the territory of Russia, i.e. the borders of the Russian Federation in 1991, without the Crimean Republic, the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, Zaporozhie and Kherson regions. Amid the ongoing public discussion, some officials clarified that the permit is limited only to Russian territories bordering the Kharkiv region. In particular, such limits were allegedly set by Washington. In its turn, Berlin admitted that weapons supplied from Germany could also target Russian aircraft over the Russian territory. The comment was made when Berlin agreed to send another Patriot system to the Kiev regime, while the Ukrainian military has already suffered heavy losses in these expensive systems. German officials forget to mention the successful strike by Patriot system on the Russian IL-76 aircraft over the Russian Belgorod region that resulted in deaths of dozens of Ukrainian POWs in January 2024.

The Ukrainian military that has no means to resist the Russian army. Ukrainian units are still being grinded on the battlefields only thanks to foreign military supplies and assistance including in the rear, on the frontlines and in the air, where NATO reconnaissance aircraft are coordinating strikes on the Russian territory. Ukrainian servicemen and NATO ‘military instructors’ have never faced any obstacles when launching strikes with foreign weapons on the Russian territory.

The ongoing claims of NATO officials are mainly aimed to create the necessary public image, show their support to Kiev and  political unity against the ‘common enemy’ aim the upcoming elections in the US and Brussels.

In response to escalation, Moscow maintains a tough stance. The weapons the West transferred to support the AFU militants are legitimate targets for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that the Russian Armed Forces will take all necessary measures to neutralize all threats. Moscow warned about preparing an asymmetric response.


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Raptar Driver

the russians have escalation dominance in that area. i can’t understand why they allow the nato fascist to dictate the terms of escalation while the russians sit back and then respond.

Jimmy Nicholl

putin’s march of folly.


how are things looking for the failed ukrainian cia project? last of the moskals on their way out of donbas? bandera days in sebastopol next week? shukhevych statue going up in mariupol any time soon?


most of you here do not understand russia’s strategy of a war of attrition. russia has lets say 1000 s300/s400 while nato has 100 himars, giving them to jewkranus. russia is willing to sacrifice 20-50 s300 and thus find the positions and take out the 100 himars. at the end of the day it’s a numbers game and russia is winning by having more numbers, while nato is getting depleted 100%. same with meatbots. russia is killing jewkranians at a rate of 10:1. why escalate if it works?


nato has about 100k meatbots and ammo to last them 1 month only !!! taking it slowly, russia is goading nato to send more of their meatbots to “help” jewkranus and not come back. same with nato gear. 2y from now russia could even waltz to dunkirk and take over all eu without firing a shot, since no more nato meatbots nor gear left to opposse them.

evjensy holmchuk

the folly that humiliates amerikunt and submissive colonies


poate se trezește cineva din atipeala si reactioneaza


am crezut initial ca le a dat o drona printre copaci de la vreun sabotor. doar 10 % dintre hi ma rs isi ating țintele. le or fi modificat sau operatorii erau la buda? iau ucenici pe astfel de sisteme? m as duce sa invat sa le operez.

The Russians ALLOWED this

this is russia’s fault. they should have smashed the british in the face when the time was right. the british fooled them by ripping up the istanbul agreement. britain needs to be nuked basically. they deserve it


putin is oligarch. you should know it.

evjensy holmchuk

wetter diapers cause rash in american cesspool

Malcolm Z

i see a tatra truck in photo below, the other day it was a maz truck with a radar…clearly they are ukrainian equipment and not russian, by the way it seems that always ukraine has reporters on ground to take photos each time they hit a s-300/400?

AM Hants

reminds me of larry diamond/white hat video productions and the staged shots in syria, with same ‘crisis actors’ being used time and time again.

Florian Geyer

well said,’am’.


it’s baz as well as tow truck of large generator. looks like kamikaze drone attack, because no signs of damage nearby, which is impossible after large missile strike. for instance – truck is burning, but generator has no damage. if these photos are real, a man who shot them will get long prison term, because the parliament adopted new law about military censorship that should be adopted 2 years ago.


derp? derp derp.


nato said way back putin is a blessing to them.look how macron,boris,sunak indian refugee,weak biden and hairscary demon scholtz fuck with russia.west weapons allowed putin silent russians dying.

Massa John

so they got lucky damaging a s400. the russian have that system back online by the evening and retaliation in on its way already. no big deal…


putin should know russian captured drones,kinzals,hyposonic weapons are study by more then thirty countries.if west suceed it can take over russia in minutes and split it up and arest putin and make fun.


lol, did you really just say captured khinzal and hypersonics weapons? without laughing? what did they capture, microscopic fragments? and even if there were some intact ones, the us, and mostly the eu has been unable to create reliable hypersonics weapons for the past decade, the us even sceapped a multi billion dollar project due to problems they couldn’t solve

Satanic Anglo Scum!


Satanic Anglo Scum!

very interesting a russian summer offensive.

Man up Tovarich

“moscow warned about preparing an asymmetric response”. oh god, im sure nato is trembling. now tell me what is wrong with this statement tovarich? if russia continues to poosyfoot around, nato will win. what they need is a ****symmetric**** response. forget the asymmetric response. article 5 is a bluff, i cant believe the russians have not realized that yet

Last edited 4 months ago by Man up Tovarich
evjensy holmchuk

nato already lost humiliated—r u dumb american?

Conan M

could be due to many factors including a well calculated barrage with ew services that spent 100 times the value of that system while the rest of ukraine “burns”… but than again… had the russian federation taken care of the problem in kiev 10 years ago by vacating it’s seat at 405 east 42nd street, new york, ny, 10017, usa after yanukovitch was ousted in protest it could have avoided all of this…

Shoigu's Clown Army

destruction of an entire russian logistics column in the kursk region👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇦this column was hunted down and destroyed within russia ‼️‼️the russian military isn’t safe in russia anymore ‼️‼️‼️🇺🇦winning ‼️.


yes the russians make mistakes too. but if you are nafo or ukrainian, how could you be celebrating? your country is a failure. a wasteheap where americans and brits piss on you and you keep asking for more

Liam McGrath

aye wi kin see yous yer in yer lavy spouting a load i shite enjoy yer day pal hail hail. the peepul huv tae know yous suucks 👍☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️


lol, one collumn got attacked, and you say “winning” like it collapsed the russian frontline or something. ukraine loses at least 50 squared km a day, including at least 300 up to a 1000 troops, either wia or kia.

the only winning you can talk about is pr campaigns of slightly succesful counter or surprise attacks.

keep crying 🤣

Jimmy Nicholl

putin humiliated as army sends golf carts and bikes to ukraine to cover tank losses russia’s top army brass have had to think outside the box and take drastic measures.

Jimmy Nicholl

“russian army bosses have sent golf carts and motorbikes to their frontline troops in ukraine, in a desperate attempt to cover staggering losses to armoured vehicles. the kremlin has seen its army pulverised throughout its two-year military campaign in ukraine.”


so why do the ukrainians keep giving territory to this wretched force composed of golf carts and motorbike? what does this say about the ukrainians?

evjensy holmchuk

amerikan send lgbt troop to afghanistan–humiliated by taliban


so does n. korea have to send t-34/76s or more advanced t-34/85s to russia? how about yak-9s,la-5s or even la-7s?

AM Hants

so why is zelinski on a world tour with a begging bowl?


didnt someone tell us himars does no longer work due to russian advanced jammer tech? why are there still himars systems? why cant s 400 shoot it down? whats it good for if not? urkaine has barelly any planes to shoot down.


wishful thinking. castles in the air.

Better Russia Needed

dugin is cancer of russia.


so sayeth the five eyes! thanks for derping, fella.

evjensy holmchuk

cancer better than 27 genders in amerika –degenerate diseased morons

Adam Kafei

the russians should study these strikes and thank the ukrainians, it’s an ideal opportunity to correct their practices and design new systems to plug gaps in their air defence before any direct war with nato.

Degeneration Of Russia

china delivered a devastating blow to russia’s economic prospects after refusing to commit to a kremlin deal over future gas exports. the kremlin saw its gas revenues severely hit by its decision to invade ukraine, as european countries started to introduce bans on russian energy exports in the aftermath of the war..


every windmill, large solar plant, hydrogen unit etc build in china and europe will cut demands of fossile energy. china is moving to renewables even faster than europe.

jo biden

more fake news—europe industry now uncompetitive due to limited access to russian oil gas —“renewables” more expensive and negligible effect


europeans will be paying top dollar for lng produced in the us fracking ponzi scheme. thanks for derping.

jo biden

fake amerikunt lies–russian revenue from exports historic high 2024—china india turkey iran africa middle east etc increases imports of russian commodities 30+% 2024


lol, china and russian economies are growing faster than the us national debt. india tripled gas imports since 2022. you really have no idea what nonsense you are spotting, do you?


i don’t understand why s400 radar should very easily detect those himars missiles and shoot them down with the very s400 or probably a pantsir s1 which is always present near s400. the question is why no one shot down the himars missiles.


the russian systems were decoys. the ukrainians blew 1 million of himars on 5k mock ups.

jo biden

russia electroniccally jams intercepts 90% of amerikunt missiles–our medieval tech cannot match russian


himars can get up to mach 3 if i am not mistaken, even s400 would have a bit of trouble taking that down. not impossible, but it all comes down on how early it is detected.


bisognerebbe che mosca chiami l’ambasciatore yankee per formalizzargli che se attaccati da armi amerikane , gli usa dovranno risponderne ufficialmente assumendosene tutte le responsabilità , con eventuali inconvenienti non solo nelle basi usa in ucraina ma anche oltre oceano !


fake news.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

1745 soldados ucranianos mortos em 03 de junho de 2024. a ucrânia toda virou um moedor de carne de soldados ucranianos.

Potemkin Village

ukie’s sitting on top of rooskie having a shit 😂


by “rooskie” do you mean street corners in all the cities in all the countries to which the ukrainians have fled?

jo biden

much shit ihomelessness crime n ugly amerikunt cities–none in russia–35 violent crimes in ugly amerikuntistan fro each 1 in russia


nafomosexuals took time away from the circle jerk again today to bleat on sf. fellas getting quite bothered as the ukrainian shitball picks up speed as it rolls downhill.

Igor Notor

to be honest, russia allowed it by not have proper protection or move positions at speedy intervals. its the west and usa wet dream – to have a country fight russia and not shed their blood. of course all moderns weapons will be send to ukraine and i mean all.


sadly nato will not give up and ups the betting every time, thinking it is invincible and that russia would not dare risk direct confrontation. it will continue to carry out such attacks, claiming the credit is all down to ukrainian professionalis, which could not be further from the truth. nato boots are on the ground, nato “instructors” and nato satelellites and aircraft provide the raw information and pick the targets for the uaf’s if not actually press the launch buttons.


russia is still terrible at destroying the himars launchers. ukraine should face a significant risk of its launchers getting spotted everytime it uses them. so far a few have been hit but usa shipped more and there are now more himars than in 2022

Adam Kafei

that’s the whole point of the himars system; to arrive, load up, fire, unload and be gone before the enemy can trace the missiles back to the firing location. the only real way to deal with them is to know where the likely firing positions are in advance, monitor and eliminate them, it seems clear enough to me that the russians don’t have that data. it’s probably some of the most secret info the ukrainians have.

Close Down Embassies

if the russian elite would bring back their families and children from the west that would send a serious signal. unlike the red lines and talk about negotiations with partners.

Slava Joe Biden 👍

freedom versus gulag

jo biden

no freedom in my police state–my dumb peasants are robots obese ugly uncivilized

jens holm

freedom in amerika—lgbt poop on sidewalk crime not prosecuted


“the west”? nafomosexual alert!

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