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Washington DC Warmongers Keep Threatening Mexico

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Washington DC Warmongers Keep Threatening Mexico

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The case of Mexico is quite telling that no country can hope to feel safe, no matter how closely it worked with the US authorities. For decades, the country has been ravaged by drug cartels, themselves often deeply connected to the infamous CIA and other US intelligence agencies.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

There are very few informed people who haven’t heard of Lindsey Graham, a Republican senator from South Carolina and a notorious neoconservative warmonger. We might even say a war criminal, given his central role in starting and prolonging wars around the world. It could be argued that he was one of the architects of the Ukrainian conflict, greatly contributing to the Neo-Nazi junta’s genocidal policies towards the people of Donbass. Many of the things Graham has said in Ukraine since 2014 came true, however, not because of his wisdom or insight, but because he was one of the people who actually made it happen. He has openly been advocating for WW3 for years now, particularly since last February and the start of Russia’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe.

Along with John Bolton, the late John McCain and several others, Graham could be described as member of Washington DC’s “war party”, although it should be noted they would never directly take part in an actual shooting war. Instead, they enjoy sending people a third of their age to do that. Recently, Graham and the rest of the warmongers, quite unhappy seeing the dwindling global power projection capabilities of the US military, suggested passing legislation that would set the stage for yet another war, but much closer to home. This time, the target would be Mexico.

Last Monday, after four US citizens were taken hostage, two of which have been killed, presumably by members of the CDC (otherwise known as the Golf Cartel), Graham stated he would “go tough” on the cartels, particularly in the area of Matamoros, where the incident took place. The city is located in the northeast of Mexico, close to the US border and is effectively controlled by the aforementioned cartel. Graham essentially blamed Mexico for the incident and threatened with military action.

“I would put Mexico on notice. If you continue to give safe haven to drug dealers, then you are an enemy of the United States,” he stated during an interview with Fox News host Jesse Waters, further adding: “I’m going to introduce legislation … to make certain Mexican drug cartels [are listed as] foreign terrorist organizations under US law and set the stage to use military force if necessary to protect America from being poisoned by things coming out of Mexico.”

Back in January, Republicans Mike Waltz and Dan Crenshaw called for an Authorization for Use of Military Force against Mexican cartels for drug trafficking “that has caused destabilization in the Western Hemisphere.” Graham, along with 16 Republican cosponsors, supported the bill and criticized the Biden administration for the deteriorating situation at the southern border, claiming that “up to 100,000 people have died from fentanyl poisoning coming from Mexico and China, and this administration has done nothing about it.”

“I would tell the Mexican government if you don’t clean up your act, we’re going to clean it up for you,” he threatened.

Graham also said he agreed with former Attorney General Bill Barr, who stated he wanted to officially designate drug cartels as “foreign terrorist organizations” and called for the US to take military action against them. Other Republicans have also called for an attack on Mexico, with Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene stating that the US should “strategically strike and take out the Mexican Cartels, not the Mexican government or their people, but the Mexican Cartels which control them all.”

While it could be argued that fighting cartels is certainly not a bad cause, we should not forget that somewhat similar “altruistic” motives were cited as the reason for virtually any war started by the US, including Iraq and Afghanistan. Blaming Mexico and even China for the drug abuse “pandemic” in America will certainly not resolve this burning issue or any of the resulting violence across the country. If the establishment in Washington DC had the interests of regular Americans in mind, they would introduce bills allocating at least 10% of their massive $858 billion military budget to the improvement of healthcare, for instance.

Unfortunately, as Abraham Maslow famously wrote in 1966, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail.” And this is precisely what the US has been doing for most of its existence. The case of Mexico is quite telling that no country (unless heavily armed) can hope to feel safe, no matter how closely it worked with the US authorities. For decades, the country has been ravaged by drug cartels, themselves often deeply connected to the infamous CIA and other US intelligence agencies. And despite even allowing American law enforcement to operate in the country, thus undermining its own sovereignty, Mexico is still faced with the prospect of being attacked.

Quite expectedly, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador wasn’t too happy about the threats and warned the US against armed aggression on his country. He also reiterated that “the [Mexican] government is working and cooperating with US authorities against cartels”, but that “it wouldn’t permit any foreign government to intervene in our territory”. Obrador added that he will also work towards informing Mexicans living in the US about the true nature of the legislation targeting the country. He warned American lawmakers not to use Mexico “for their propagandist, electoral and political purposes” or he “will make a call [for the Mexicans] to not vote for that [Republican] party”.


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Mexican cartels have taken over the border drug trade and drugs are hauled in largely by immigrants. This could by brought under control at the border yet Biden wants the immigrants to replace the covid dead and drive down wages with welfare subsidized immigrants to be proselytized into Democrats.


So, Biden wants to kill americans, he is part of drug cartels ( he cares for profit over peoples lives ). No other answer to this.

jens holm

And You are the Pope of Rome and get the last oil by Putin too.

William White

No, he’s getting a big chunk of the drug money.

Fabricio Lustosa

Does anyone here have any doubts about how the mainstream western press would treat an American military action in Mexico? Justifying in every possible way as it has always been done.


If America attacked the way they attack other countries, America would be victim by MSM. What surprises me is that yet no countries united to attack them. I want to live to see this.

jens holm

Its because Your history books most likely has been used for smoking only.

You dont get it. USA incl. CIA mainly are friend and security for us living in it with affiliates. One of the main thing in Kapitalisme is it can produce. Without production there is nothing to share.

So You write crap against all real facts. Your kind never motivate to any alternatives. Just just want we should live like You. We have tryed that for centurties. We will never do that low level again.

So if You want to live to see, You should be frozen for many years. .


there is a movie called delta farce, they have the answer about it

jens holm

You have no idea about it. You are not connected to the socalled western Medias at all.

Its total far out science fiction any military action in Mexico and several other states incl USA will solve anything at all.

USA is producer it self. USA get in drugd from Asia and Africa too.

But You little midgets dwarf just twist and shout as dancing queens about it. As usual the USA are the overwhelming sinner.

The rest even get wings and fly to heaven themself.

Very much as You give USA the responsabilities and next blame them for it.

USSR collapsed themself. So the main shit fx in Ukraine comes from there and not USA. And it has not stopped even the tanks gets older and older and russian jails becomes empty


Time for Russia to arm the Drug gangs to attack over the border,see how they like that.


If its true that mexicans sending drugs to USA, its kind of defense, to put in harsh way : USA is sending military and mercenaries around the world destroying countries and people’s lives, so give them drugs less americans to do what nazi government tells them to do, if they kill should be killed too.

This is how I see it. Its an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth.

If true I agree, send more. If americans like to kill, they deserve same.

jens holm

Its about market. You dont produce if there is no market.

Many countries have drugproblems as well as in alcohol and medicine. There is no patent solutions but better and bad ones.

USA to me have too many bad ones. Denmark is better but we have too big problems as well.

We have to try to remove the reasons for that kind of abuse.


No need for that, the americans already armed them themselves

jens holm

Better and more armed dont solve this at all. Guns are both ways and mainly am escalation only.

We try to include all living here no matter what. having a home is imoortant. Having a descent job and vacation is important. Healthcare and hospitals for free are almost free reduce a lot of problems too. Corruption low is good.

So I can make a list, where too many in USA are users and in crime because they are poor. But I can also see many users working to hard under pressure which You meet later in the syetem. or a period they can pay and suddenly its down for them too.

Isser Harel

Your country is being dismantled by the fm establishment specifically to destroy your sate systems, based from Christianity, which you boast about. Better wake up because it’s going to happen quickly and it will never be allowed to exist like that again: it must be extremely wealthy and the working poor with nothing in between. Your leadership has sold you for 30 pieces of silver, children sex slaves and violence against them in their meeting places.

William White

They don’t need arms they have lots!


in fact usa has given lots or weapons to the cartels (remember fast and furious operation? it is one of that operations), as a mexican i hate every narco in my country so i don”t want Russia will arm those bastards

jens holm

It makes no sense just to write cartels.

Its like my relations to abortions. Im against but more against unwanted children the next 18 years and with 8 dollars and no safety by working at walmart or macdonalds.

Chris Gr

Are you kidding?

Chris Gr

Graham and Marjorie are correct on that one. Cartels should be fought.


So start with the CIA, the US military need only to go as far as Virginia. Shut down Air America, stop the spread of arms, drugs and bands of ISIS mercenaries.

jens holm

Its not starting there at all and as You insinuate in the most filthy way.

Isser Harel

You are uninformed. Better start reading before the books are removed from circulation. George Orwell made a last comment from his bed as he lie dying: you need to watch it.


Hungry American drug addicts who are counted by the millions should be educated first, once they stop buying drugs from those criminals their business will go to hell.

jens holm

Thats one the good tools. All shall see they can have a descent life. As written before USA needed old Sanders but got Biden.

Our danish wellfaresystem upgrades many, so they instead of loosers becomes good taxpayers. By that we have to pay our tax to. Its a simple calculation. We have lazy bums and like that too but adding and subtracting makes plus.

We also never has had so many in police and so low educated as in USA. We have replaced that sector by socialworkers. All are unarmed and by that peple feel safer having them in their offices and in homes. Te socialworkers is not cheeper but well paid, but it makes a calmer atmospere.

Chris Gr

That’s very correct


S. Carolina Sissy Graham can always pick up a weapon, head on down to Tijuana, and see how long his punk-ass survives


Do you really think that after 40 years of drugs coming over the border they are just getting around to do something about it? Hell no. This is about recent allegations of corruption and bribery of many politicians by the cartels. This is about covering their ass and eliminating the witnesses that could send all of them to the gallows. Anyone who supports this is most likely a traitor.

jens holm

Actually so many do a lot about it. You must be an ignorant not knowing that.

And dont forget to tell most of the corruption and bribery is not in USA


All I know is that mexican president Obrador requested to give asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. About drug cartels, its in every country if true what journalists write, who is behind them as operator, I don’t know, but I know that USA is behind every false flags, every proxy war … and that speaks volumes. Truth is, west is trying to put pressure on every single country which goes against USA’s MSM narrative.


lopez obrador is an american asset like zelinzky and navalny

jens holm

Soon Biden and him will send mexicans to Russia to repopulate it. They will grow tequila in the varming up climate.

It has Purin support. Their Somberos keep the new Russians in even more dark.

jens holm

Why doint You learn by fx Wkiedia about it. You even can find a lot of easy Youtubes.

Puerto Surfer

AMLO is in bed with the Cartels. One can argue so was the previous government. However AMLO is open about it. Not very smart. If you live by elephant do not do things that will make it roll over you. Not giving any justification to the Gringos but as I would say to the Poland, to not poke the Bear.


Maybe there is justified reason if true that AMLO is behind mexican drug cartels. Not saying drug cartels should exist, I am against drugs, because it kills people. But if there is good reason why AMLO is behind it, America deserves no better.


He´s in bed with them because the cartels financed his political campaign, the americans are bad AND the mexican goverment is bad as well, two things can be true at once.


So, Biden is short with drugs ? Which mean, its fight between cartels … american military part of it.

jens holm

Not at all. Simplification like that makes no sense at all.

And its not fights between cartels. Drugdealers also are countries or almost independent regions from them.

It also often reach several countries, where many might be otransporters and distributers fx Asia and Africa.

jens holm

Thats primitivisme of the most infantil origin.

I have an old japanese camara.In Your oppinion I most likely are japanese and drives toyota with my chopstikers too.

Here we know who is who in most things and You create things like that below Your belt.

Isser Harel

The Mexican Revolutionary government was a freemason takeover in the 1920s and 30s. They killed more Christians pastors and priests than anyone else in the western hemisphere. It is because of their Plan that Mexico has cartels: they’re simply doing a remake of their Opium trade wars to control societies. Read up on the Opium Wars in China and India: and who ran them and it’s the same families today.

Chris Gr

Very correct clap clap


the reason is political, he is trying to show how “good” is to the voters, and don”t forget the cartels are financing all mexican politial campaigns including lopitos, and gringos would dump his asset away when they consider it

jens holm

Yes. Its not invented there.

All Germans got their VolkWagens but later :)

jens holm

First You shall see how many millions lives there and in USA too. So there are many countries and organisations from sober ones to total crime.

Next its wrong to use DRUG CARTEL.

Almost all has many strings in crime and the sober ones has many the opposite way.

jens holm

Poland is not alone anymore. GOT IT.

You write about infantile Russian revenge.

The facts are Russia as the only ones lost WW1 three times as well as Russian landgrabbing assisted by the banderas bias took part of Polish land..

You more or less blame Poles just as the excuse for invading Ukraine is a total creation. And yes: Im a western knowing the erased part of the history there.

If Russia want Poke Nato will be Poke. NO MORE. ENOUGH

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
Jens Assholm

Retard you was poked too many times by your uncle and his dog. Stop puking garbage and go die someplace you mentally diseased animal.


el salvador is leading the way don’t lie about the problem or play stupid, instead, build a prison and put all the gang members in it and don’t apologize about doing it. Mexico is corrupt, so is the US

William White

It’s gotta be a wall.


That must be a joke, that wall can stop refugees or drugs.

jens holm

Very optismitic. But a wall can reduce. Comming to America is many ways.

Its the other way around too. If they cant come to us, they miht not like er come to them.

jens holm

Its the same for EU.

We also has no good solutions. Several we has are very infected.


in México the jail is a prize, i recommend death at once

jens holm

Start with Yourself. We will mail to heaven -. if You are there – how we have celebrated it.

jens holm

Its worse. The gangs are selfcreated tribes. No jails are big for them and that many families.

William White

I’d say Mexico would be tough sluggin for the LGBTQ crew. Those guys don’t fuck around and they have Mucho money. Leave your border unguarded, a brilliant strategy, just what I expected from Joe.

jens holm

Did You buy Your 12 year wife there too. You dont get it.Machos kill all and not only themself but many mamny wives and children.

Jens Assholm

Someone needs to bury you in Aarhus cesspool you autistic pile of pig manure.

Peter Jennings

One of the cartels who were responsible for a recent attack handed over those responsible to american authorities with a note of apology for the families. Apparently the cartels members acted outside their authority.


they acted because they are afraid of gringos, they know if any member goes to jail it is impossible to be free


calm down boys, lopitos is an american asset like the others presidents, like zelenzky and navalny in ukraine and russia, the mexican army hates him, and don”t forget the mexican navy is subordinated to an american comand, (thaks to another asset; calderon) so he needs gringos so much to stay in power this stupid move is benifical to the mexican president, the next elections are in 2024 so he needs the image of “heroe” against the gringo

Isser Harel

Mexico is run by the freemason families: even their names are the same. Look it up. Americans don’t know christian church history and how the satanic groups have united worldwide to wage constant war against Christianity in particular since the moment Jesus revealed his mission. Pray for Wisdom and Discernment just as King Solomon did.


Mexiko by sa malo začať pripravovať na odchod zo zostavy USA!!! A malo by zo sebou zobrať aj tie časti územia ktoré mu kedysi prináležali. Mohli by začať Arizonou!!! Následne Nové Mexiko a tak ďalej.


They’re not concerned about drugs coming from Mexico or any other country, they love drugs, this is pure politics, our President (Mexico’s) doesn’t support war, and he has made this very clear right in the current President’s face and Donald Trump’s too, he doesn’t support many other things coming out of those American politicians’ asses.

Those old politician farts are drug addicts themselves and they love corrupt countries for obvious reasons, go ask Zelensky if you don’t believe me, so, corruption is not the problem.

By the way, did you guys know that the four American citizens caught by the cartel have a criminal background in The U.S.?


“in Mexico much does not work but everything works out; in USA much works but nothing works out”. Morris Berman

Eric Blair

It would be interesting if Mexico invited China to come help them with the cartel drug problem.

Isser Harel

The immigration problem is being done on purpose by the free masons who are running the same operation against Europe. They are satanic eugenicsists and they despise Europe primarily because Christianity has been its primary faith for 2,023 years now. Prepare accordingly.

OTAN Piggies Go Oink Oink Oink

These moronic American politicians can never take a hard look why American society is depraved and in decline, why so many Yankees are drug addicts. Blaming the source of their drugs is much easier.

Never trust a man with a name “Lindsey”. What a phaggot


I very much dislike Graham, however the cartels do far more damage that just supply drugs. Moreover if the Mexican government is unwilling or unable to shut them down, then perhaps it is time to hit the cartels. It’s worth looking at.

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