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MARCH 2025

Washington Establishment Prepares Military Intervention In Russia

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Washington Establishment Prepares Military Intervention In Russia

(U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Nathan C. Berry/released)

The US military is regrouping its forces in Europe, moving them closer to Russia, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told Fox News.

“We will redeploy more troops to the east, closer to the border with Russia,” Mark Esper said commenting on the withdrawal of personnel from Germany.

According to the US military chief, Washington will reduce its forces in Germany from 36,000 to 24,000. 6,400 troops will return to the United States, while 5,600 will be redeployed to other European countries. The deployment of troops further to the east was explained by the need to ‘contain Russia’ and to protect US allies.

At the same time, the US is increasing the number of troops permanently deployed in Poland, which has been for a long time a foothold for the NATO/US military efforts against Russia.

Poland currently hosts a rotating contingent of over 4,000 US troops. A permanent presence will now number at least 5,500 troops. Statements by Polish and US officials indicate that this number may grow even more in the nearest future.

The active redeployment of US forces closer to the borders of Russia, together with a war-like anti-Russian rhetoric, of a large part of the US Democratic/neo-liberal establishment (often called by Trump supporters the Deep State) raises concern that these actions are a part of the wider preparations for an aggression against Russia. There are little doubts that if Joe Biden and the part of the elites represented by him win the upcoming presidential election, the US-Russian relations will escalate almost immediately.

The neo-liberal bloc will likely try to fuel the conflict in Ukraine in order to sabotage any kind of its peaceful solution and destabilize the situation on the Russian border ahead of the Russian legislative election in 2021.

One of the opportunities is that Washington will just give the Kiev regime a green card for a further internal terror of people, first of all Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens, on the basis of their ethnicity and religious views.

The current regime in Kiev has been for years persecuting ethnic Russians denying their right to speak and receive information on their main language and pressure any organizations, including religious ones, that do not support the discrimination and political persecutions.

HINT: An overwhelming majority of Ukrainians in fact speak Russian as the main language. However, the current political regime sees this fact as a thereat to its power based on the support of neo-Nazi-like groups, radical nationalists and just criminals. The Ukrainian government not only illegally detain people, deny their constitutional rights and censor media, but even widely exploits the concept of thought crimes by persecuting people that visit churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchy) or try to express their critical position towards the current situation in Ukraine publicly.

The escalation of the US-backed campaign against ethnic Russians in Ukraine will have all chances to lead to an attempt of Kiev to once again use force in the region of Donbass. This expected attempt to eliminate the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (LPR/DPR) and just ‘neutralize’ the ‘wrong’ part of the population by Kiev will lead to the resumption of full-scale clashes there.

Another opportunity of the Washington establishment to destabilize Russia is to assist coup attempts in Belarus. The current governance system led by President Alexander Lukashenko is far from effective and the country is experiencing particular social and economic problems. However, as the wide experience of various ‘coups for democracy’ around the world demonstrates, the situation will deteriorate even further, including the increase of violence, ethnic and religious tensions, if the coup succeeds. A deep crisis and chaos in Belarus could and will likely have negative impact on the political stability in Russia.

HINT: Russia and Belarus have been a part of the union state (originally named the Commonwealth of Belarus and Russia) since 1996, and their societies have very deep links.

All these factors may create conditions in which the Washington establishment will decide to make a bet on an attempt of destabilization of its key ‘geopolitical enemy’ and the further ‘humanitarian intervention’ there under slogans of the defense of ‘human rights’ and ‘democracy’. Depending on the success of these aggressive actions, this scenario may lead to a new big war in Europe.


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I really hope those bastards try something so stupid because next time the Russians may have to take half of Ukraine and Belarus to stabiiize the place,that guy in Belarus had better make sure he knows which side he is on.


With the future non-starving-because-of-the-sanctions side.

Laurent Parodi

“There are little doubts that if Joe Biden and the part of the elites represented by him win the upcoming presidential election, the US-Russian relations will escalate almost immediately.” US-Russian relations escalated immediately after Trump s election. Russian leaders are openly saying these relations have never been that bad. So Trump or Biden will make little difference. I would not take those reports about us troops moving closer to Russia too seriously. It s just political noise. In military terms being closer to Russia is really stupid because it will be easier to russia to destroy those forces.

Lone Ranger

Relations are not bad because of Russia. They are bad because the U.S. Empire is collapsing, and they cant force Russia to bend over and take it. The deep stats knows they are in the process to lose everything and they cant process that fact, they hate it. They are projecting their anger on Russia and the rest of the World, China, Iran, EU, NK, South-America… But its useless. U.S.. Empire = Dead Man Walking…

Laurent Parodi

Exactly the west and especially the US are getting mad. The US empire is losing its ability to control the world. They can not accept that. The US thinks to keep the empire going it needs to eliminate 3 threats: China Russia and Iran. That is the reason for the sanctions the military provocations and so on against those 3 countries.

Jim Allen

Yes, and because it’s Russia that is fucking up the Globalist’s whole trip. That the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal cannot prevent, or even slow Russia’s advance against it’s Globalist agendas in any noticeable way. US Government does not serve it’s own interests, it is in fact a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London, serving the Cabal’s interests. That includes destroying it’s own country, and the civilian population.

Lux et Veritas

China and Russia need to arm Iran to the hilt and the global power balance will change overnight.


The US empire needs to enslave Russia, China and Iran to survive.

This is a bridge to far for NATO.

Zionism = EVIL

Very smart comment. These evil cunts are having a hard time now with rising Eurasia with China at the helm. Only total unity between Russia, Iran, China and other Zionist free nations can stop this rabid NATO hyena pack.

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t forget a wounded snake or a starving hyena pack is still very dangerous. It would be naive to think that such evil and vindictive arseholes such as Americunts and NATO arselickers will go down easily. I know how they operate and they will do their best to destroy Russia, China and Iran. Only a strong coalition of the Axis of Resistance will stop it. Russia needs to get assertive.


I’ve been saying this for a long time, moreso ever since the ZOG.mil got ‘woke’ and integrated the whole rainbow complement of women in combat, trannies, etc.

ZOG.mil troop quality has declined precipitously since ~2010, and is rightly the butt of many well-deserved jokes, but the sheer weight of the Pentagram’s trillion dollar budget is still an exceedingly dangerous fact.

Zionism = EVIL

You are right as it is quite obvious even to the blind what the Americunt and Zionist agenda is. However, they are facing strong headwinds and internally going very weak. Just look at the Americunt shilhole that is literally burning. But these are very mean and nasty arseholes and will do anything they can to subvert the growing power of Eurasia. People forget that Russia, China, Iran, the Shia world have over 2 BILLION people or more, and even in the general Muslim and Latin world, the ordinary person hates the Americunts. That is why these stupid cunts are having a hard time losing the propaganda war too. It is time for Russia, Iran and China, the big boys of Eurasia to start building a military and economy union and then these arseholes are truly fucked.


“they hate it…” well, they are already on the second step – hatred. The first step – rejection (non-acceptance) they have crossed. Two more steps: sadness and acceptance…


Yes, they are meant to exhaust Russia of crying foul.


President Putin has previously warned NATO that an attack into Russia will be be swiftly repulsed.

There is no need for NATO to bring bodybags as their fighting boys and girls will have been cremated free of charge.

Zionism = EVIL

These cowardly NATO cunts will not attack Russia directly, they will chip away at it with “soft color coded” sabotage with NGO, propaganda and Jew infestation. The FSB and GRU need to get proactive and bog these cowardly cunts in a geo-strategic sink hole from Venezuela to Ukraine. These arseholes know that a united Russia is no pushover as history has shown and will use nuclear weapons to protect itself. Never underestimate two countries, based on history, Russia and Iran. They will defend themselves. China, I am not too sure at this stage, as their love of money.

Zionism = EVIL

To be fair, Putin’s coddling of the Americunts arseholes, enslavement to Zionists and trying to build “partnerships” with NATO arselickers, specifically Turkey has endangered Russian security. The Americunts and NATO are a dying pack of rabid hyenas, and they are baying for Russian blood and control over its resources. The Jew oligarchs are the 5th column in Russia and the template for the destruction of Yugoslavia is now being applied to Russia. Look the map, Americunts have Russia totally surrounded with the exception of China and Iran, the NATO cunts have military bases from Ukraine to Georgia. Putin’s bi-polar policies in Ukraine, Syria and Libya have really created huge strategic problems for Russia. The failure to support the Donbas freedom fighters and withdraw support from the Donetsk People’s Republic will prove fatal. Ukraine is now totally in NATO control, even Belarus is now turning anti-Russia, same with Armenia. Russia really needs a nationalistic government and get rid of the current corrupt Jew infested oligarchs festering sore system.

Lux et Veritas

US is an evil dying empire and Russia needs a more proactive policy of forward defence by creating a steel ring around its vulnerable southern flank by arming Armenia and Iran to the max. Iran will remain a pro-Russian dominant power in Iraq as well. Russia also needs to create more viable ties with Afghanistan and Pakistan as the Americans and Zionists are supporting the extremist Modi in their delusion policy to inflaming a Sino-Indian conflict. In the Maghreb, Algeria and Libya should be the anchors of Russian policy. Keeping an influence in Egypt is also helping.

Fleecing Rabbi

Mighty American army will liberate Russia like Ukraine for my people. Mazal Tov!

Lone Ranger

That all could be solved by a fertilizer accident at Langley Virginia… Hope Putin will do it. Gloves are off now… Cant wait for their walk of shame. Hope Russia has enough water trucks ready…



Jim Allen

As the Cabal blunders again. A terrorist attack against the civilian population of Lebanon, with weapons of mass destruction. The spike in radiation over Lebanon at that exact time the attack took place is recorded as “the explosion of a fission device.” gives some indication of whodunnit. Israel’s predictable response of attempting to project blame for this crime against humanity onto Hezbollah (and failing) before the dust, and radioactive fallout settles doesn’t make the Zionist Khazar pretenders appear the least bit guilty of perpetrating this terrorist attack. The pretenders can simmer as the investigation, and search, and rescue operations continue, with humanitarian aid deliveries from the countries the Cabal has been trying to strangle for half a century by the thousands of tonnes. The Cabal is the only beneficiary of this event had it succeeded. Israel with Hezbollah leading Lebanon’s Government, puts an end to Israeli plans in the country. Ends pretender intrusions into Lebanese airspace to launch missiles into Syria without risk to IAF aircraft that are using human shields to launch missiles with impunity. The pretenders have removed all doubt as to whether the arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics would actually use their nuke buttons. I have confidence in Putin’s leadership of Russia, and that he will act in the same manner we’ve become accustomed to seeing. That Putin’s words match the subsequent action. The statements have been made, and explained, as Putin has always done. The legal obstacles that had limited Russia’s military to a defensive force, are removed, Russia’s military forces may now take offensive action against any threats to use force against Russia, and/or allies. Russia’s concern is not just for itself, but for the world. Putin’s entire history of leading Russia is consistent. Results are reflected worldwide, and include mistakes made, and the corrections. Putin’s next move is predictable, based on past performance. I’m not seeing anything, that would cause a sudden change in future actions. Not to say it’s impossible, but there are usually indications of upcoming change for us to ignore. There is increasing pressure being applied, but that pressure is always present The smart people I know aren’t noticing anything. The Globalist agendas must end, or the world will look like Iraq, and Libya if the Globalist’s continue.

Fog of War

” Russia’s military forces may now take offensive action against any threats to use force against Russia, and/or allies. ”

Please enlighten me as to who are the allies Russia would risk nuclear war to defend ?

Jim Allen

Get a clue. You don’t need me to explain to you, troll.

Fog of War

Bet you cant ill informed fool. Stop posting fake news, as your idiot president would say.

Zionism = EVIL

Well the Warsaw Pact had a mutual nuclear defence arrangement. Russia needs the same with its new allies and will strengthen its hands. China already has nukes and Iran is a turn key state, but there are lot of small vulnerable states like Venezuela, Syria, Iraq, Serbia etc.

Fog of War

All fair answers, but they still dont answer the main question. Officially, who would Russia go to war over in their defense ? Answer, no one, because Russia hasnt got that type of treaty with anyone. Its a smart move as the Zios would just attack that nation and force Russia’s hand.

Ivan Freely

The spike in radiation over Lebanon at that exact time the attack took place is recorded as “the explosion of a fission device.” gives some indication of whodunnit.

Where are you getting this information from?

Zionism = EVIL

I don’t believe any nuclear weapons were used. But this was a joint CIA and Mossad operation with long term planning. A ship with 3000 tons of explosives simply does not divert and end up in Beirut port.

Ivan Freely

One hell of a long term plan as those ammonium nitrates sat there for 7 years.

Zionism = EVIL

Corrupt Lebanese government, also remember that Zionists control the Phalangist arseholes whose leader was killed with a dozen agents as they misjudged the explosion. There is no question that there was collusion, incompetence and corruption. The whole Lebanese imperialist imposed system is rotten, only Hezbollah is honest with clean hands and should take over and that is what the Americunt arseholes and Zionist cunts fear the most.

Per Jensen

Well, it is complex. Lukashenko may be criticized for much, but how come that nobody has heart anything about the political program of the opposition in Belarus? And who mobilizes and finances the woman in the front?



johnny rotten

Esper said he wants to discourage Russia, discourage what? external enemies are invented because internally they are collapsing, after what has been said about the Russian posture in recent days no one would make war on Russia, there will be a lot of slander but no war, as usual.


Well with spending close to a $ trillion each year by the industrial military complex,the bastards need an enemy

Per Jensen

And the neoliberal war hawks who control the Democrats are far more hostile and confrontational to Russia than Trump. So with the alternative, Joe Biden at the forefront, there are at least plans for increased war tensions in Europa (Ukraine) and the Middle East (Syria).


So it’s actually a net reduction in US forces, which is good. But I await the day when there are zero Yankie troops in Europe.

As for the idea of sending US troops into Russia or Belarus – never going to happen. Even Washington isn’t that stupid, they’d be annihilated by the Russian military if they tried anything in or even near Russia’s borders.

Fog of War

Do you actually think they will tell you the real troop levels and movements ? Those are high miltary secrets normally.

Band Itkoitko

This cannot be much relevant. How can Washington possibly intervene in Russia? Militarily… no way, economically – quite desperate, politically – totally delusional. Russia is in fact the most self-sufficient country in the world and can be even more self-sufficient.

The forward deployed soldiers and equipment are automatically dead in a conflict. It’s objectively impossible to threaten Russia. Now, some (minority of) people may imagine in their immature minds that they can do something about it, but that’s their problem and they will be forced to grow up by colliding with the disappointing reality. Trying to implement a policy of pressure on Russia in the Black Sea is straight inadequate. The Black Sea is a Russian lake in military terms.

I think this article is purely for emotional purposes.

The US has a large army and navy but not large enough to do anything. If they had no nukes, Russia would have engaged them long time ago and thrown them outside the map. The US army heavily underperforms and is not very experienced in large land battles that would involve large losses of life and equipment. They can only fight somewhat if they had a quite large advantage, which they cannot obtain here. Abrams is a sub-par tank that cannot do much in an Eastern European battle ground. They are too heavy to use the infrastructure and cannot face today’s Russian tanks. Still, there would be no tank battles even, because they would be wiped out in the first minutes of a conflict. US aviation is weak in terms of factual air-superiority that would actually involve air battles to establish dominance and control. When you add air defence to the story, the difference becomes even more pronounced.

The stand-off capacity of the US is also in decline. Just looking at the logic of US pulling out from the INF treaty… You have a situation, where a traditionally predominant naval power (the US, since it is an island in military terms) is trying to balance powers and even dominate against a traditionally predominant land power (Russia) by trashing a treaty that limits land-based armament. That by itself is very indicative.

The US society is unable to handle large losses and prolonged heavy battles. After the news for the first 100k dead soldiers, the society would fall into a meltdown and the government would be overthrown. Add to that the destruction of military and industrial infrastructure on mainland US and imagine the massive horror US Americans would feel.

I don’t see how there can be a legitimate prolonged and challenging conventional war between Russia and the US. Russia has no intent to attack or take over the US and her power projection capacities are very limited. However, defensive potential is huge and the US cannot overcome it. A war can only happen if the US attacks. If there are no nukes involved, all the logistics of the US would be removed quickly and the US would be confined to its island very fast. Ships would be removed, any nearby assets (in Europe, Asia, Middle East) will burn down quickly. A war would stagnate very quickly and the US economy and spoiled abundant lifestyle would drown into the abyss. The overspread of the US military would cease to exist. The US would really only be able to function in its immediate geography. Clearly, the US military have difficult times to imagine and plan a war where they don’t have a guaranteed severe advantage and cannot lead battles without the modern tools of communication and navigation. They wouldn’t have such a luxury in a war against Russia. They would be like blind in such a war. They are also quite fearful and not without a reason.

There’s no realistic way for the US to go beyond only words and into actions. That’s why they talk all the time. There’s no big danger and people should relax and not stress too much, and simply live their usual lives. They are really not ready and don’t really want that war. Everyone simply wants to live, no one wants to die, especially the rich and powerful elite.


Well said.

cechas vodobenikov

USA loses all wars—the famous amerikan insecurity and fear of death…more insecure than when Tocqueville wrote, “the least reproach offends Americans–the slightest sharp sting of truth turns them fierce”….amerikans sanctions, tariffs hybrid war, censorship reflects a society w no confidence…an empire near collapse “world domination manifest itself as an intellectual or if u prefer, a cultural diktat. this is why the amerikans have so zealously tried to bring down the intellectual and cultural common denominator of the entire world down to their own level. try to convince an American that their values (money) will destroy Russia–u will not be able”. Alexandr Zinoviev “the banality of America–the radical absence of culture”. J Baudrilliard

Fog of War

” USA loses all wars—the famous amerikan insecurity and fear of death…more insecure than when ” That might be a brilliant startegy as ZioAmerica has manged to dominate most of the world. If thats losing then I must be confused.

itibi ra

You’re confused.

cechas vodobenikov

tocqueville observed that individualism produces a self doubting –ontologically insecure, RD Laing, conformist, antagonist, anxious, fearful people…..Geoffrey Gorer was shocked at how insecure amerikans are….something observed by Parsonians such as Slater—“amerikans love big because they feel so small, and marxists, alike—Sennet and Christopher Lasch–“in amerika the citizen has been transformed into a Client, the worker into a consumer” (the Culture of Narcissism) “amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin amerikan status anxiety is one of many proofs


The U.S. has lost because their tactics go against nature. You are incorrect if you think that all Americans support these aggressive tactics. Most people want to be left alone. Europe is also just as involved as the U.S. in these crimes. Don’t kid yourself.

Lone Ranger

They are losing it tho… So at the end its not a win but a prolonged defeat…


Zios are winning? lol

Lone Ranger

I can confirm from first hand experience. Americans cant take critique, not all but most of them are delusional and I have to meet one yet capeble of compromise. They only know cowboy diplomacy. Do as we say or else… I cant take people serious with an attitude like that, thats the level of a 14 year old.

Fog of War

These movements are actually in preperation for the conflict in Ukraine. Ukraine will be ordered to take back the Donbas. The US troops in Poland will move into the western Ukraine if the attack doesnt acheive its result and if Russia moves trroops into the Ukraine. At that point the US will do what it did in Syria and dare Russia to do something. Ultimately, Zio troops will end up at Russia’s borders, as will the short range nukes.



Raptar Driver

The Putin government is firmly a part of the world government. So no invasion is necessary. This is all for show, to give the troops some kind of job.

cechas vodobenikov

confused amerikan……

Raptar Driver

There are many confused Americans, And it would seem there many more confused Russians. Your leader has shown his colors by this nonsensical lockdown, he is firmly part of the new world order. Realize it now before it’s too late for your people

Fleecing Rabbi


Trap Is Not Gay

Fuck off shill


Антон С

If a part, then he is the leader.


Trap Is Not Gay

The shill’s projections got started again?


Icarus Tanović

You will do shit against Russia. Period.


If the author could switch washington for ‘city of London’, we d make a step further


They should practice very fast retreat a lot (they must know how and where to run away at all times) !

Fleecing Rabbi

Russia belongs to my people. Mazel Tov!

Lone Ranger

There are more Russians living in Israel than Jews in Russia… So careful…

Антон С

Of course, as the leader of anti-zionist committee in USSR. He was a general of army and a jew by origin. David Abramovich Dragunskiy, awarded with the golden star of Hero of the USSR (twice, for Visla operation and taking Berlin).


Антон С

Could be dangerous if all 36000 went to Poland or Pribaltica.

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