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MARCH 2025

Washington Gives Ukraine False Hope That It Can Recapture Crimea

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Washington Gives Ukraine False Hope That It Can Recapture Crimea

Russian and Crimean flags

Nuland encourages Ukrainian terrorism against Crimea.

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

By stating that the US will support Ukrainian attacks on Crimea, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland confirms beyond doubt that Washington encourages Kiev’s aggression and escalation of war. However, a possible attack on Crimea will not only fail because the peninsula is well protected, but it will lead to a more devastating retaliation by Russia against the ruling regime in Kiev.

“I’m not going to prejudge where the Ukrainians choose to fight or how they choose to deal with Crimea over the short term, medium term, or long term. We recognise Crimea as Ukraine,” Nuland said during an online discussion organised by Carnegie Endowment on February 16.

“Those [Russian military installations in Crimea] are legitimate targets, Ukraine is hitting them, and we are supporting that,” she continued, adding that Ukraine will not be safe unless Crimea is demilitarized as a minimum.

Nuland is effectively inciting Kiev to a new escalation in the conflict even though it will bring more suffering to ordinary Ukrainians. None-the-less, by Ukraine being at war with Russia, it has brought great benefit to the US as their ultimate goal is to weaken the Eurasian Giant. By giving Kiev the false belief that it can conquer Crimea, Washington is effectively emboldening the Ukrainian military to continue their futile war effort.

The US overlooks that Crimea became part of the Russian Federation in accordance to international norms and standards. Crimeans overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and join Russia, and this is a harsh reality that the West refuses to acknowledge.

Denial of this reality is seen with the fact that Nuland is encouraging Ukraine to bring terror to Crimea. Effectively, she is not only advocating for the violation of Russia’s sovereign territory, but given her position and the fact that there is no denial or rejection from her superiors, she is expressing the official opinion of the Biden administration.

Washington does not only provide rhetorical encouragement for Ukraine though. The US has delivered billions of dollars’ worth of weapons to the Ukrainian military and American instructors are training new soldiers and are active on the battlefield. Moscow has repeatedly warned that military aid to Ukraine will only escalate the conflict further.

Nuland is fully aware that if there was an attack on Crimea, there would be powerful strikes on Ukrainian facilities. Besides this fact, Crimea is well protected and is effectively a fortress with an abundance of anti-aircraft defence systems, ship systems, fighter jets and a many troops. In fact, the bulk of Russia’s military forces in the Black Sea region is concentrated in the Crimean Peninsula.

It should be noted that the Russian Embassy in the United States also responded to Nuland’s statement. The embassy emphasized that Nuland’s statement only confirms US involvement in the conflict.

“It should finally become obvious to the entire international community that the United States is the actual instigator of confrontation in Ukraine. However, Washington’s attempts to use the Ukrainians to inflict a strategic defeat on us are doomed. No one can have the slightest doubt that Russia will protect its citizens and territory,” the embassy warns.

Although President Joe Biden and his administration are undoubtedly provoking further war in Ukraine, not everyone within his party are convinced with the strategy. Adam Smith, the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, said that most people accept that Ukraine will never retake Crimea.

“I think there’s more of a consensus out there that people realize that Ukraine is not going to militarily retake Crimea,” he said on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, adding that at some point there will be a negotiated end to the war.

It is recalled that Pentagon officials told the House Armed Services Committee in a classified briefing in January that Ukrainian forces are unlikely to be able to recapture Crimea from Russian troops in the near future. This is of course a reality that any sensible person would conclude, but by Nuland doubling down that Ukraine could recapture Crimea, a core goal of Kiev’s war with Russia, it serves to only prolong the conflict and the suffering in the country.

As Politico highlighted, the comments by Smith “reflect what appears to be a growing view in Washington that after a year of heavy fighting, some kind of agreement will need to be realized to end the war.”

Albeit, it should not be considered surprising that negotiations need to occur after nearly a year of the conflict, especially if Ukraine wants to quickly make an economic recovery. However, the comments by Nuland demonstrates that although Washington begrudgingly accepts that Moscow will win the war, it is prepared to fully exhaust Ukraine in the hope of weakening Russia.


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The way those lunatics in Washington are going there could come a time when that article five bullshit is tested,just think what the reaction would be from the US if a pro Russian Government in Canada or Mexico was armed by the Russians to attack the US?


the Americans have also forgotten , what panic they made 1962 in Cuba crisis, as the threat for the US was not half as big as the threat for the Russians today.

Anatolio Mamontow

Victoria “Frog Face” Nuland is full idiot as she presume Ukraine has any chance to conquer Crimea.


Jabba the Hut Nuland KNOWS ukraine CAN’T WIN. She’s a neocon who only cares about attempting to destabilize Russia and helping the U.S military industrial complex to profit from weapon sales to Western Europe because by donating what they have to Ukraine they will need more for themselves. That’s where Merica steps in.


She is a khazar who wants their ancient homeland back and wants it without those pesky slavs living in it. Her husbands name is Kagan which is nothing else but the name of the highest khazar noble rank. She has been the visible top of this while her husband the invisible top of this ukraine maidan movement stuff from the beginning.

Ghost of the Batter Pudding Hurler Bexhill on Sea

Too many donuts for Nuland!


you nazis can’t even recapture the split of Kinburn, lol and now you want to recapture Crimea. Gime a break


Zelensky is a greedy jew he couldn’t care less about Ukrainian people while the stupid nationalist nazis in ukraine kill other Slavic people on behalf of them While zio Jews like Zelensky, Poroshenko(Valtzman) and all the LGBT types like Arestovich laugh all the way to the bank. Zelensky bought his parents a large mansion in Tel Aviv Israel just after this conflict started in March 2022.


This is what happens when an artificial nation is created on the premises of glorifying its historical oppressors the Germans and the west in general and at the same hating their own brothers the Russians and in actuality hating themselves as well.


yes , I would only add to this : artificial state with multiple nations , the only possible way would be the federal structure. Probably a missed chance , and the end of this artificial state. Goodbye Ukraine!


Now I understand the reason why Hitler send the Jews to the gaschambers


The Nazis are just as stupid as the zio jews, the amount of white genocide they have committed is plain disgusting and masochistic. The jews were a small portion of all the people they actually killed.


Sent 6 million innocent jew workers, teachers, libratrists, journalists, jewelers, drug strore owners and so on into the gaschamber and not a single banker. Not a single of those who declared war on germany ahead of all this. It is like killing common arabs and think you will hurt the saudi kings family with it no you dont. It was pointless.


6 million innocent jews roasted in gas chambers is a soviet-zionist propaganda based on fake and invented history unsubstantiated by any documents except articles in communist-zionist history books (including those sold by zionist in US and post-war Europe. Unfortunately these lies are still sold to pupils in Russia today and in many parts of Europe. That’s the reason Southfront admins wipe out/censors any info that contradicts official view. Please try and check it for yourself.


I do not know where you live but where i live this number is not just the number in the history books it is the number in the law. And if you ever want to move to any part of western europe you should not say any other number. But the number was not my point here . It was that he killed the innocent jews and let the banker buy themselves out well the few bankers that were nor allready gone long before everything started.


How can number of casualties or victims of war can be “a number in a law”? Where do you live? In some crazy twisted commie paradise dictatorship? I don’t care at all about Western Europe as they are just a bunch of faggots and politically correct morons. Political correctness simply follows party lines that invents numbers as it suits them. So, your claim is that Adolf killed many innocent Jews but spared guilty Jewish bankers? There is quite a lot of truth in that. You probably live in US occupied Germany, correct? When Sshmules say shush to Germans, Germans soil their pants and do as told. What a wanker nation!


There were people who wanted to ban denial against other genocides as well but there was fear that the singular case of the holocaust and it’t important meaning for all of humanity would be diminished through it.

And before you start writing anything about it know that outside iran and the arab world most world leaders have visited yad vashem, worn a kippa and admited to the singular event in world history that the holocaust was including Vladimir Putin, Recip Tayip Erdogan and Narendra Modi.

It is all there on wikipedia or elsewhere wanted to give you the links but the software denied me posting it.

Last edited 2 years ago by kotromanic

Fake news.


He did not send anyone to “gas chambers”. It’s bullshit invented by International Jewry (to which Nuland belongs) back in late 1950’s. There were mass executions of Jews by Einsatzgruppen (by firing squads) but gas chambers story is a crap propaganda (just like lampshades made out of the skin of the Jews or the Anna Frank fairytale). People in concentration camps died of the exhaustion (slave labour), malnutrition (especially since late 1944. when Allied bombers destroyed transports of food, medicines and hygienic neccesities) and disentery/typhoid/cholera. Beside Jews there were far more commies, Slavs and Gipsies at these concentration camps, many POWs from Slavic countries. But according to zionist bullshit peddlers, onyl Jews were interned to “extermination camps”, about 279 million of them. By the way, both World wars came through continuous efforts of zionist bankers (Rotschilds, Shiffs, Warburgs, DuPonts) and their Anglo-Saxon serfs (Rockeffelers, Morgans, Harrimans…).


this is the sad truth , the Ukrainians are betrayed with this clown. I think though he will not enjoy his prize , there will be so much groups and “elites” , who will try to get rid of him ; he will hardly find a secure place to live on this planet.

V for victory

Adolph Nuland, the worst satanyst agent since 1945.


One day I wish to see all of these Neocon/Neolib war mongers in DC be publicly hanged for their heinous crimes against humanity. I would broadcast the executions on national television.


And then, theres the matter of victoria fathag, the installation of zelensky, secret govt. germ labs, and alllll that lithium, probably billions worth, and apparently titanium now. Lots of questions for and about that lady. As far as attacking anywhere, the ukraine army is about done. So, she can go join weight watchers or something and try to find a place to hide zelensky from the russian authorities when it’s over.

jens holm

unfotetly not coret article, as rusticas will not ,i know miself.All mens wer borne bisexeul . but pasiv depends .You too bi, aktiv or pasiv – so ukras, we her in damark also ,as well rustica


X and Y chromosomes determine sex in the DNA from conception, apart from rare exceptions to the rule.

jens holm

unfotetly zhis not corret, I sory for you

Romanian whore

A biologic imbecile cannot reply on that matter, cretin. Here you just pass my profession, faggot. He’s right and you have not enough school to know such things; also smoking too much weed seems to liberate your head of the matter who really….matters.


Say, are you a male or female whore? If female, maybe we cold make some private arrangements? Are you a Romanian Gipsy whore?


In italy propaganda said nothing about Putin permission and described Biden as an hero. … STILL the coward slunk into the country like a thief in the night ! I agree


It took an 80 year old man 16 hours to get to Kyiv

The entire Russian army has been trying for 361 days and they are still in the suburbs of Bakhmut

A A ron

Don’t worry, they put a bib on Biden and tucked him into bed with a little girl on his plane ride there. When he arrived he had no idea where he was. He will get to see Kiev for the last time under Ukro occupation (not that it matters since he won’t even remember it).


I wouldn’t be surprised if Zelensky pimped out some poor ukranian little girls to “the big guy” to make him feel more comfortable. Ukraine had no problem pimping out those 40 ukranian orphans that went missing between Spain and the Canary Islands in April 2022 and still haven’t been found to this day.


Lol the longer the conflict the more dead ukies. Russia has all the time in the world.

Romanian whore

At an average of 1:6, KUKraine bandera shithole will loose breath in matter of months by now. They can’t cope with the fact Russia have a much much bigger man pool than them.

jens holm

amerikan as stoopid as me

Captain Hohol

Somebody does not understand military strategy.

Ukraine’s military has lost thousands upon thousands of men in that region and are now running out of able bodied trained recruits because of such zones.

Michel LeBlanc

Whoever told you the entire russian army is engaged in ukraine is a liar.

Ask the french, especially parisians what happens when the entire russian army is after you.

Same goes for Berlin, they remember what total war is.

Please take your infantile trolling elsewhere. To your controller. You suck. Get new material boomer.

Romanian whore

As long as the ‘donated’ ukroidiot KIA organs flow to rich peoples in Ameriscum and the ukrotards little boys and girls ‘donated’ adrenochrome to jump Soros and other satanists over the 100’s, he will travel there anytime. That is an order.


Why Russia it’s not calling the bastards on the biden administration war criminals, and start to putting bounties

Captain Hohol

That’s a very late game strategy, right now contrary to what the international media says, Russia has the upper hand. Every move the United States makes is a losing one, whether it’s on a long time scale or a short one.

The United States does not have an abundance of time, 15 years tops before open factional conflict occurs within the United States. Russia can play the long game the United States cannot.


Washington gives false hopes to everyone, including their own, now some of their men believe they are women and vice versa. Biden also gives hope to sluts that they can be virgins (the VP), mental crazies can be governor’s, etc…

Joseph Day

Ukraine will never take Crimea or the oblasts it’s lost

Captain Hohol

This is interesting as previously NATO advisors were recommending Zelensky to scale back and retreat from Bakhmut, perhaps to shore up losses and focus on Crimea?

Either way, I think the urging of Kiev’s government is extreme desperation, I think the United States is very worried that China has no interest in playing ball with the United States when it comes to Russia, I feel that China is pissed off that the United States is sending lethal aid to Taiwan but wants China to back off helping Russia which is hilariously hypocritical.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

🇨🇳 The head of Chinese diplomacy, Wang Yi, will arrive in Moscow today. China and Russia are closer than ever.


Nuland and her cronies are living in a fantasy world


Russia has won …moon of Alabama


This war has proven Putin and his entire staff to be incompetent fools who can’t fight, very sad.


As long as they don’t loose, they can’t be seen as incompetent.


Just goes to show what a useful idiot Putin is, doesn’t know anything about war, just a lacky taking payoffs.


So we won. What, not yet?! Are we waiting for the North Koreans or what?

Joe Bidet Is a Senile Pedo

Given what a shitty job the actual core Russian military is doing in Ukrapistan anything is possible. Most of the recent successes appear to have been achieved by Wagner PMC and the brave tough DPR/LPR soldiers.

In Ugledar it seems the Ukraps have successfully counterattacked and driven the Russians back.

I am pro Russia but quite frankly shocked/disgusted by the half arsed way they are conducting this “special Operation”. It seems like the Russian senior commanders are more “Special Needs” than effective military strategists.

Romanian whore

Just how they gave false hopes to the world they will bring ‘democracy’ to Afghanistan !!! They don’t give a shit about such empty words.


Recapture? Look at fucking Basra they levelled parts of the city because its a strategic choke point. Shocked Kalinkgrad is still operational. Warm water ports go down Vlaivostok gets hit Russia loses global trade and the economy collapses.

Division level conflicts planned for Kaakhastan around the Illuminati backed regional central asian capitol in Astana.

That command in Sevastapol ahs to get Smart about the trade fleet embargo and they lost vladivostok marines and prison units. Construction workers and counter assault across the islands during a siege from rostov.


Maruv – Blackwater


UNless your plan is totrade with the Ineer Earth or Break off bunker people you can’t fight a trade war with nuclear weapons. You blow the routes to pieces. Road warrior salvage mutant clans in Northern Iran or the ruins of Tblisi Khaar bad touch gang aren’t what you need as nation or regional power.

Prodigy the day – is my enemy (fury road)


NOt the time to be charitable but a jobs program for older soldiers. Look at the Dagestan chechen war and see the vets and areas targetted for deradicaliation. Sell out atheists in the end but look to get them to work with the moderate liberal rebellios elements. Education data should be in the hands of the U.N. Their degrees are sub western standards but some program for like 6 months of education for all the Kaak Vatnik types and mobiliation ala the Works programs in EUrope. If it ends up like the SHahs white revolution you have some intelligence because LSBF set and Prince Michael of shattered husk are moving south.

California Dreaming chechen wars.


Alt right has avoided Radical nationalism ala europe and Asia but the Turkish white wolves are still a factor. Gonna need to stabalie the social aspect. Will look like spies if you ignore the non combat demographics. Missionary logic.

Know one rules the plains like our kind regardless of creed or steed but the sycthians and Khans dogs are mans best friend….

RUn with the wolves….

FSBwill need to move in all terrain vehiculs like those U.N ones.


DOGS! Best security system known to man. Nothing super ferocious because they go insane andkill you and escape. NATO pahsed them out and biare things you can’t see like poison gas or energy fields. ALso willing to fight other dogs.

Black SHuck…Beast of Buchan post nuclear collapse and they are like a free test system.More loyal than wastern women.

Land of Gods of Monsters – Dark Wave remix Lana del rey.

Peter Jennings

Fat chance pushed by a fat chancer. This boiler is at the end of its service life.

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