Two days ago US President Joe Biden had the guts to call Russian President Vladimir Putin a “killer”, provoking media scandal and further deterioration of diplomatic relations between the two sides. “Joe the Terrible” warned Moscow to pay for alleged meddling in US elections. After Putin responded to him with a childish joke, and the Kremlin invited Washington to initiate an open discussion between the Presidents, Joe went into ostrich mode.
Only two days ago, the Biden’s accusations against Putin gained the headlines of all main media platforms. However, today you will hardly find any information on his response to Kremlin’s proposition.
On March 18, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki noted that probably US President would not communicate with his Russian counterpart anytime soon.
“I have nothing to tell you about future negotiations. The President will be in Georgia tomorrow and will be very busy,” she said.
Biden himself was even less wordy. On March 19, he only said that such a conversation is possible someday, somehow.
“I’m sure we’ll talk at some point.”- Biden said, speaking to reporters at the White House.
Putin stressed that such contact with Biden can take place “provided that it is a direct, honest conversation, in fact, on the air.”
“Please, we are ready at any time, convenient for the American side, and I’ll give the relevant instructions to the Foreign Ministry right now,” Putin said. “At the weekend, I want to go to Taiga, have a little rest there.”
While Biden is mincing his words to respond to Putin, Russian Ambassador to the U.S., who was not recalled but only summoned to Moscow for consultations, thanks US citizens who sent letters to the embassy in support of friendly relations between the two countries.
Russian President was also supported by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He said on Friday that US President Joe Biden’s comments about Russia’s leader were “unacceptable” and “not fitting of a president”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan taste ice-cream as they visit the MAKS 2019 air show in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, Russia, August 27, 2019. Sputnik/Aleksey Nikolskyi/Kremlin via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS – THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. – RC1C56375CC0
According to Putin’s comments on Biden’s offense, one of the main reasons of misunderstanding between the two sides is American misperception of the Russians. It is even more evident after the American journalists tried to translate the claims of the Russian President.
His joke “I’m rubber and you’re glue! Bad names bounce off me and stick to you!” was translated as “It takes one to know one”, which completely changes the sense of the claim.
It is unlikely to be caused by incompetence of Western journalist, but rather an intentional media campaign.
Putin’s wish of good health for Biden was treated as a threat by all major Western MSM.
For example, USNews wrote on the issue: “Though unlikely a threat of physical harm against Biden himself, many drew parallels to the series of Russian dissidents who have fallen victim to poisoning attacks – most recently Alexei Navalny – and other methods of assassination, many of which U.S. officials believe were ordered by Putin.”
Despite the media speculations, the health condition of U.S. President raises concerns. The video of him falling three times on the steps of his plane became a new media sensation.
Some jokes on this issue were spread in social media:
It seems that Washington has completely lost the round in a media battle that it has started itself.
I read this from an American comment that deserves to be mentioned: A foreign power could walk right in at this point. The military is in queer training, the pentagon is tied up in critical race theory and nobody is home at the White House. Kamala is undoubtedly on her knees somewhere.
There isn’t even a clear command chain for nuke codes FFS!
Undoubtedly on her knees? Or on her back. LOL
Or, while heavily panting, enthusiastically jumping up and down on a … … bouncy castle, you dirty minded people!!
A foreign power could walk right in at this point.
Maybe true, but nobody is bothering to invade here because nobody wants to inherit this degenerate Clownworld shitshow. Better to let the monkey play with the hand grenade safely across the sea in America for as long as it takes. This tends to be a self-correcting problem. Eventually there may be something left in our smoking ruins worth coming for and stealing. Just ask the talking apes where the Forbidden Zone is – that’s where all the good stuff will be buried.
A foreign power could walk right in at this point.
Maybe true, but nobody is bothering to invade here because nobody wants to inherit this degenerate Clownworld shitshow. Better to let the monkey play with the hand grenade safely across the sea in America for as long as it takes. This tends to be a self-correcting problem. Eventually there may be something left in our smoking ruins worth coming for and stealing. Just ask the talking apes where the Forbidden Zone is located – that’s where all the good stuff will be buried. And don’t let them put their stinking paws on you.
Who would want to invade them? Who wants to inherit the mess?
I would welcome that tbh lmao
“Our citizens should know the urgent facts…but they don’t because our media serves imperial, not popular interests. They lie, deceive, connive and suppress what everyone needs to know, substituting managed news misinformation and rubbish for hard truths…”
Oliver Stone
Its like that in my Country,it won’t be long befoe we are a full blown Fascist State.the Establishment control the media,thats not Democracy when most are foreign Oligarchs like Murdoch.
“OSTRICH MODE”?! More like “dementia – fully senile mode”. So everything is OK except that they must explain to him every morning who he is and what is his job at the moment.
Operational program needs some calibrating..
the dead guy calling Putin a ”’ killer ”’ the irony lol the USA is becoming a real reality show going very wrong and the producers lost control imho
What sleepy creepy uncle joe the usurper did wasn’t ‘guts’. The MSM is getting ‘guts’ mixed up with stupidity. Still what’s new?
The usurper wimped out on backing up his big mouth. But i’m guessing that there’s a hand up his back working the jaw.
Yes, mixed up with stupidity or for Sleepy Peado Joe to have the ‘gall’ to say what he did.
D.C. lost the media battle in 2001/2003 already.
Nobody seemed to try to help pedobide to get up. Pretty telling…
The enhanced problems begin when Biden steps down through poor health and the national conservative U.S. electorate that sees the 2020 result as illegitimate will feel an even greater sense of being cheated when Harris takes point.
Delete the 2 SCUM RACES on Earth namely anglo-saxons and Khazarian jews and the World will have FOREVER PEACE and PROSPERITY! AMEN! Not even one maggot belonging to the SCUM RACES to be let alive to promote again capitalism,fascism,jihadism,the dictatorship of the rich over the poor,feudalism, capitalist genocide etc…
“Who shat my pants?!?!?!” – J.O. Biden
American and Five Eyes MSM are in ostrich mode too. A lot is happening out there in the world that is just going unreported, or under-reported. A Chinese Naval flotilla led by a Type 055 Destroyer passed into the Sea of Japan about 36 hours ago. This is the first time a Type 055 has gone to deeper water on an operational deployment. In France, retired military officers are speaking out about the USA in forceful fashion. They published an open letter to NATO stating that the organizations leadership is turning it’s direction into an American tool which slavishly follows the American line and works to the detriment of Europe. They also accuse the USA and other NATO powers (some not all) of creating the Russian threat where it doesn’t really exist in order to increase military capability to use against China someday in the future. And of course, most MSM downplayed, barely covered or hardly mentioned at all that the hashtag chickenjoe was the #2 twitter conversation yesterday. Meaning that Biden lacked the mental faculties or confidence to debate Vladimir Putin. Joe could be the sharpest tack in the drawer but Putin has such a good case about America’s global bad behavior he wouldn’t fare well anyway.
So Biden was right:
The western MSM’s translation – universally published – was just so far off from Putin’s wise-crack – and then the MSM’s need to double down, and drag their wannabe pet ‘Atlanticist’ Navalny into it. US MSM is so Russo-phobic its absurd, but also a sign US cannot accept, or cope, with strong international competitors.
Most owners are Jewish.
Jews need a war, a fake “villain”, a chaos, anything — to start a war.
They ruined the USA, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and now they want another “distraction” from Jews (again)…
Its the ghost of the soviet union striking back frobeyond the graveey
Can anyone imagine a televised debate between Putin and Biden? How about one between Putin and any of Biden’s Jewish administration/government? It would be hilarious hence the reason why Biden and his cronies are running away after Putin made that suggestion.
USA…the one and only true terrorist nation.
Its a joke country nowlolo
The US is about to learn something concerning their Western (and other) vassals. Those vassal states always seek a tyrannical “hero” to rule them and for them to be submissive. However, once they see you weak and bleeding, they show no empathy or compassion, but drag you through the mud, mock you, and devour you. They can even project their beastly wrath on the “hero” by tearing him into peaces.
This is almost exactly the social structure among hyenas. Nice animals and very complex. When the leading hyenas are sick or uneasy in some way, they put an extreme effort to hide it from their pack, since that can have quick and bad consequence for their position and life. They need to always show readiness to rule with an iron fist. This primitive way of thinking is the reason why Washington is so compelled to always signal strength and double down on every stupid thing, projecting “dominance”, even though they are very sick and about to die. This is bad, because a reasonable human mode of action would be to get humble and probably seek help.
That’s why the US cannot face reality, work with it, grow and mature in it – because of this primitivism. This extends even to the point, where Mr Biden decides to not take into account his advanced age and runs up the stairs only to fall a few times. This has happened before on different occasions and he continuous doing it. This is also the reason why nobody goes to help him, because he is dehumanized already in their own animalistic perspective. Nobody contemplates that, hey, this is an old man and you cannot legitimately impose any proper expectations and demands on him.
If the Nomenclature had not wanted Biden’s remarks about Putin published we would never have heard them. It was a pre-taped interview, after all. It was vetted and fished out. This was done on purpose. Likewise Biden’s fragile condition is revealed purposely. The tough stuff with China is likewise for public consumption.
The Deep State Dems (DSD) are manufacturing this belligerents in hopes that the American people will rally around their “get tough” President. Then they will substitute in Harris and proceed with their radical domestic agenda.
Nothing is what it seems.
It seems like a total set up, whether Biden was on board or just used as an unwitting clown is a separate question.
“He catches the wise in their own craftiness.” But in this case their craftiness seems stupid. What do they want to manipulate the US society into? Into a final war? All these powerful people will die quickly in such a war.
His joke “I’m rubber and you’re glue! Bad names bounce off me and stick to you!” was translated as “It takes one to know one”, which completely changes the sense of the claim.
True – not sure who translated it that way, but the “It takes one to know one” version came from Biden, himself, not a press translation. Obviously because Biden wants it to seem that Putin agreed that he was a killer, which he clearly did not. Projection again, Joe.
The official Russian transcript was, “You know, I remember when we were children and played in the yard, we had arguments occasionally and we used to say: whatever you call me is what you are called yourself.” Kind of sterile wording to my ears and it might have more subtle meaning to Russians in Russian, but this official translation is basically accusing the other of projecting, which had to be Putin’s intended meaning.
Your “I’m rubber and you’re glue! Bad names bounce off me and stick to you!” has a more subtle and nonsensical childish meaning to english speakers (at least in America). It’s declaring the ‘bad names’ or taunts to be reversed back to the original speaker because of this little magical chant, which is recited in a sing-song, little brat type of way. You wouldn’t describe this happening between adults unless you wanted to overemphasize the childish, taunting quality rather than merely the ‘projection’ quality.
Good point. Indeed it was about projecting, more than anything also.
The Jew S is unfortunately the planet’s biggest Jewocracy, of, by and for Jews at non Jew’s expense, which needs to change. And is joined at the hip with the Israeli international crime state in a humiliating tail wagging the dog debacle. The verbal belligerence against Russia is just the tip of the iceberg of the expression of frustration at Russia’s and it’s leader’s obstruction of the Jew world order’s planetary hegemony and parasitical exploitation drive. The sanctions and all of the other Russia bashing nonsense are the rest of it.
A regional military coalition needs to be put together to implement and enforce UN resolutions against Israel. And actions against Jews, Zionists and Israel in the US need to be escalated. Including the formation of kill teams to identify, locate and mitigate Mossad, IDF and Israeli assassins, terrorists and mass murderers threatening US national security and sovereignty. As part of the dejudification process to get America’s and humanity’s Jew problem corrected.
Anyone who has watched Putin’s reply knows he made no joke, and in fact made a very nuanced and civilised response. What he said was that children say “ty sam/a” (you are what you said yourself) and that it isn’t just childplay but something that shows a deeper psychological level; we project our own shortcomings on other people. And only Amerikastanis can (as I had predicted on the Saker) turn a wish for good health (maybe that was a joke because you could see Putin carefully not saying “mental health”) into a “threat to the president.”
Assuming one believes Bidet to be a president, of course.