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MARCH 2025

Washington “One-China” Policy Dead As Pompeo Lifts Restrictions On US-Taiwan Relations

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Despite the apparent lose in the internal political standoff for the US Presidency, the Trump administration has been still doing all what it can to secure the economic course of the previous years. In particular, this means the strategy aimed at supporting its US national industry and containing the Chinese economic growth. The very same approach includes the confrontation with China designed to limit the economic links between US corporation and China as well as the Chinese access to the US market that Beijing actively uses. So, days before the end of the Trump presidency, his administration made an important symbolic move that should create significant difficulties for the incoming ‘Biden team’ to de-escalate tensions with China in the interests of global corporations and Big Tech.

ZeroHedge reports:

The embattled Trump administration has just nuked the decades long US recognition of the “One China” policy status quo in what surely constitutes the biggest shot across Beijing’s bow after months of anti-China escalation.

Despite the globe’s attention focused on the Capitol protest chaos and Democrats readying a charge to impeach under Pelosi, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday announced this absolute bombshell, namely that he’s now lifting “self-imposed restrictions” on the relationship between the United States and Taiwan. He announced in an official statement:

Today I am announcing that I am lifting all of these self-imposed restrictions. Executive branch agencies should consider all “contact guidelines” regarding relations with Taiwan previously issued by the Department of State under authorities delegated to the Secretary of State to be null and void.

Washington "One-China" Policy Dead As Pompeo Lifts Restrictions On US-Taiwan Relations

The US will no longer act in accord with viewing the island in context of a single sovereign China when it comes to relations with Taiwan as has kept the unsteady “peace” for decades.

His statement began by describing the complex impediments restraining US action which have been in effect since at least the 1980’s (since 1979, and outgrowth of Carter’s Taiwan Relations Act) regarding the official ‘One China’ doctrine which he’s just effectively declared null and void:

Taiwan is a vibrant democracy and reliable partner of the United States, and yet for several decades the State Department has created complex internal restrictions to regulate our diplomats, servicemembers, and other officials’ interactions with their Taiwanese counterparts. The United States government took these actions unilaterally, in an attempt to appease the Communist regime in Beijing. No more.

Crucially the shock announcement comes just ahead of U.S. Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft’s controversial visit to Taipei, which Beijing has already slammed as a “crazy provocation”.

China had further already warned this week that Washington will pay a “heavy price” should it move forward with sending Kelly on the official visit.

Pompeo’s full statement continued:

Additionally, any and all sections of the Foreign Affairs Manual or Foreign Affairs Handbook that convey authorities or otherwise purport to regulate executive branch engagement with Taiwan via any entity other than the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) are also hereby voided. The executive branch‘s relations with Taiwan are to be handled by the non-profit AIT, as stipulated in the Taiwan Relations Act.

The United States government maintains relationships with unofficial partners around the world, and Taiwan is no exception. Our two democracies share common values of individual freedom, the rule of law, and a respect for human dignity. Today’s statement recognizes that the U.S.-Taiwan relationship need not, and should not, be shackled by self-imposed restrictions of our permanent bureaucracy.

This is sure to create more transition chaos with a mere week-and-a-half left till Biden’s inauguration.

The timing of it will also be a huge factor in determining Beijing’s response, given it may look to Biden for assurances that he’ll roll back whatever “damage” Trump’s dumping of the longstanding ‘One China’ has done on the way out the door.


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Russia’s New Ceramic Armor Plating Could Be a Real Game-Changer https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/russia%E2%80%99s-new-ceramic-armor-plating-could-be-real-game-changer-174870 “Our product features such advantages as lightness and big resistance to various artillery and tank weapons,” Rostec has already announced that it would begin serial production of the high-strength ceramic armor plate for use in personal body armor as well as for ground, air and naval equipment.

Russia’s Armored Steel-Comparable Ceramic Plate Clears Tests https://www.defenseworld.net/news/27805/Russia___s_Armored_Steel_Comparable_Ceramic_Plate_Clears_Tests

Arch Bungle

These Americans are fantastically stupid.

They back one faction of the Han Chinese and give them an entire country of their own (Taiwan).

Then they imagine that this faction will never re-unite with the other Han faction on the mainland.

In the middle of it all they allow the Nationalist Chinese to take Taiwan away from it’s non-Chinese aboriginal tribes, who are the true natives of Taiwan.

Fools to a man.


Americans were never that bright. Never in history has a nation had so much and squandered it all.

Arch Bungle

And they’re doubling down too …


And all for the “bottom line”.




Taiwan is the real China, the mainland is under illegal communist occupation.

Arch Bungle

You’re another idiot who buys the “Taiwan Real China” garbage the Americans have brainwashed people with.

Taiwan belongs to it’s non-Chinese native aborigines, dozens of unique tribes that were almost erased by the Han and American interference:


The nationalist Han chinese Faction who ran away from the mainland are simply renegade Han from the mainland.


And Siberia belongs to the Inuites.

Arch Bungle

Who cares. This is Taiwan we’re talking about. Try to stay on topic.


And Amerindians own America, all indoeuropean language speakers should go back to Europe.

Arch Bungle

You’re a double idiot for contradicting yourself.

By your logic, mainland China is the real China and Taiwain is the real Taiwan.

Since your argument is based on “winner takes all”.

Checkmate, fool.


It was sarcasm.

Arch Bungle

Even with sarcasm, your argument just becomes stupider.

Game over. Thanks for playing.


I am not playing, I’m joking with you.

Arch Bungle

What’s the difference between joking and playing?


With you I’m only joking, with your mom I’m playing.

Arch Bungle

I’m joking with my dick in your mom’s throat. She’s playing when she gargles my salty load.


Haha, now we’re talking. I’m drilling your moms goatse with a rig, to become a town sewerage so she can has all the feces in her, she started to have this fetish when she kept her poo 9 months before she pooped you out.

Arch Bungle

So, you use a rig because of your micro-penis, right? You must not be black …


Yes, for your fat mom all penisses are micro.


Most of the communist created Ukraine was integral part of Russia, belongs to Russia.


Muscalistan is fake Russia, Kiev is the real Russia.


It will be incorporated back to Mother Russia, no worries….. problem solved. The only true “fake” is today’s Ukraine – failed state.


I don’t worry, will never happen. RF will follow USSR.


U.S. is new USSR…be patient it will happen soon.


Will Russia take Alaska back?

Arch Bungle

How is it relevant?


Because your mom is so fat she needs more place to sit.


Ukraine is “Muscalistan”-Super Power only in thievery. In robbing their own people and country blind. Of course you blame Russia for your own sins and stupidity.


Ukraine doesn’t have Russian natural resources, but if I look at photos on the Internet, their level is the same. So the money from those natural resources go somewherelse.

Arch Bungle

So how does it make Ukraine the Real Russia?


Ukrainians are Europeans, Moscals are Eurasians.

Arch Bungle

Again, you did not answer the question:

So how does it make Ukraine the Real Russia?


Ducacy of Moscow made an alliance with Kozakhs of Don in 16++ and changed ita name in Russia, because Kiev was home of Rus.



Arch Bungle

Neither of your points are relevant:

– What happened in 16xx has no bearing – there is no logical link between that and your statement that Ukraine is the ‘real’ Russia.

The Real Russia is defined by the current constitution and Laws of the Russian Federation. Not any agreements made between the Duchy of moscow and some dead Cossacks in Don.

– Kiev us not the home or origin of Russia but a waystation it passed through on the way to Moscow:

The story from the Russian Primary Chronicle is that the Slavs of Kiev were fighting among themselves. To restore order they invited the legendary Varangian Rus Rurik to be their leader. This is another area of controversy. One school of thought accepts the Russian Primary Chronicle account with the Balto Slavic origin of the Rus’ people. The opposing view says the Scandinavians played a small part in the creation of the Kievan Rus. The Scandinavians were simply hired by the Slavs to protect them.


Russians were europeans and they made kuev, moscow was made by innuites that wwre not speaking an indoeuropean language. Later moscow adopted rus name so russia is fake.

Arch Bungle

Does everything that comes out of your mouth have to be a lie?

Russians are Slavs.

Slavs are not Europeans.

The Rus were Varangian Vikings, Nordics – not Europeans.

So both originating contributors to the Russian ethno-culture are to no significant degree “European”.

The term “European” is also a fantasy.

Italians are “European” … and yet they share very close genetic ancestry with Persians (Iranians).


Two pieces from the same comment: “Slavs are not Europeans.” “The term “European” is also a fantasy.” Wow, so smart! :))

Arch Bungle

That went way over your head, didn’t it ?


You are so smart and subtle and your spirit so high…


“their level is the same”. Ha, ha, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,hhaa!! You pathetic Uki loser! Here is IMF’s chart (you know bank… the one you have borrowed too much money from) On their chart Russia is 7th and Ukraine probably on 77th place you pathetic LOSER and your effing African standard of living country ! https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rpzIngiXbb8/WEMV4zsXgcI/AAAAAAABQY8/-e_GTU7sJvMAJJoWbYYRQGbwQYqCkyLswCLcB/s1600/PPPGDP2021.png


What is the first screenshot for? I see Brazil on top of UK and India on top of Germany and Japan.


I m not your secretary…if you are that ignorant than go f*gk yourself you NATO c u n t.


Haha, you are clueless, emo boy. Make a TikTok account and explain economy to underage girls.


Uki illiterate c u n t and NATO ass licker.


Your mom is so ugly they made up a global pandemy so she wears a mask

Arch Bungle


The real Russia is where the Russian Empire last had it’s capital.


As the United States of America are not Amerigo Vespucci descendants, neither Russia is Rurik Rus descendants or Phillippines – King Phillip of Spanin descendants.

Lone Ranger

U.S. belongs to native Americans…


I’m bathe in my own tears. They should take it back.

Lone Ranger

As things are going they may..


Let me know when dollar belly up so I can find another job.

Lone Ranger

Its already belly up. Its running on fumes. Only thing keeps it afloat is the military.


But how can I buy the same things i did 6 months ago?

Lone Ranger

They cost a lot more tho. Aside from that a 100million Americans aren’t that lucky…


I live in EU, they cost the same. The Dollar lost 6-7% in June, against Euro because they printed 5 Trillion. That’s all. Also seeing a fellow European being worried for Americans is something that makes me smile :)

Lone Ranger

I live in the EU too and prices have skyrocketed the past year. 7% is a pretty big deal especially on to of an exorbitant debt and the fact that it has already lost 98% of its value since 1930. Wont even mention the $800billion trade deficit. You think they can print 3-4-5trills every year without killing the $? Why do you think the Euro, Yuan, Ruble, gold, silver and crypto currencies are gaining? Everybody is moving away from the $. The writing is on the wall same as 12years ago, same denial. But make no mistake, no bail outs will save the day this time. Even medium size countries beat the U.S. economy nowdays in terms of production and export. If thats not a wake up call dont know what is.


EU doesn’t look better than US from the pandemic view so if there is a chrisis like 2008, the Eur will be in the same position. You think that 98% inflation is too much for 100 years? Just compare with any other currency in 100 years, the dollar is more stable.

Lone Ranger

Less stable* EU doesnt have hundred million on food stamp with millions homeless either. Debt is also lower. And EU runs a trade surplus not a trade deficit…


Eu countries went through a deeper crisis than USA in 2008. Name a currency, other than Swiss Frank, more stable than US Dollar in the past 100 years.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. Crisis was much less in the EU. Euro, Pound, Norwegian Krone, Yen to name a few.


Euro was more stable than Dollar in 100 years, dude?

Lone Ranger

Since it exists.


And not even that. It started at 1.3 dollars per euro and before covid it was 1.1 dollars. Because socialism is not competitive. Anyway are you Qanon? :)

Lone Ranger

Euro was always better indeed. You can only blame tgte DNC and the CIA for U.S. socialism. No im not, thats a CIA front for tards and mentally handicapped people.


Better in what way? Most people in the world don’t know how Euro looks like.

Lone Ranger

You should be worried too. When empires fell they create a power vacuum…



Lone Ranger

You think it will be business as usual if it happens? Nope.


Probably like 2008 but why are you worried, did you lost a fortune in 2008?

Lone Ranger

No I didn’t. You are wrong by the way. It will make 2008 look like a walk in the park.


But what are you, Baba Vanga?

Lone Ranger

It doesnt take supernatural powers to predict what will happen. Many saw 2008 coming too. And now its a lot more obvious.


There are permanently people like baba vanga that predict apocalypse, even a broken clock is right two times per day.

Lone Ranger

Dozens of experts predicted 2008. Majority was like you tho so nothing happened to awert it.


And what you did to save your fortune in 2008?

Lone Ranger

Stayed away from U.S. junk…


Like what, Inteenet?

Arch Bungle

We’ve come a long way from discussing Taiwan. You must be Jewish.


I was not replying to you.

Arch Bungle

Because you are deflecting.


Why don’t you talk with your communist friends instead?

Arch Bungle

Sure, piss off then.


In your mom.

Arch Bungle

You’re mom’s the town bicycle.


Your mom is the glory hole in the town public toilet. She was doing her homework in there since very young since she was in love with the stench.

Arch Bungle

The renegade Han faction holed up on Taiwan should try take China back.

Taiwan has never been China and China has never been Taiwan. 1.5 billion Chinese are not squeezed onto Taiwan, they are on the mainland where all Chinese governments have ruled for 3000 years.

So no, Taiwan is clearly not the ‘real China’.


Mainland China is under communist occupation and the official Chinese government is in Taiwan exile.

Arch Bungle

Where do you come up with such bullshit?

Are you even logic-capable?

Mainland china is occupied by 1.5 billion Chinese citizens and a governing party of 2 million. Recognised under international conventions as THE only China and the representative of the Chinese People.

Cheng Kai Shek was defeated. Get over it.




1.5 billion Chinese never voted for the communist party. Nord Korea is recognised too.

Arch Bungle

Are you a complete and utter moron?

1.5 billion Chinese do not have to vote for the CPC to make it the legitimate government!

Not even in the UK, EU and USA does 100% of the population have to vote for the government to make it legitimate.

Do you make a living from being an imbecile? If not, I suggest you find another job! But if it’s lucrative, by all means continue!


From the Chinese nobody voted for the communist party. Taiwan is a democracy. So Taiwan is legitimate, the continental junta is occupation.

Bobby Twoshoes

Inuit are indigenous to Canada and Alaska you muppet.


And Siberia.

Harry Smith

It’s kinda wise move. Trump was proclaimed Russian agent at the beginning of his presidency. So he had to keep strong anti Russian policy to be out of suspicion. Biden is hardly related with China and every pro China move will be outplayed by Reps as prove that he is Chinese agent. Even if Reps are against Trump now. But there is a catch. IT corporations are suffering because of restrictions on China. That means they would rather prefer Harris as POTUS then tolerate further loses just because Biden is president.


Regardless of who the president is, the Chinese took their cues from the trade war and they will do things differently, including dealing with US IT companies.

Harry Smith

It’s not about China approach. It’s about USA internal politics. PS have you noticed that Chinese owned tik-tok banned Trump too.


US internal politics are dysfunctional at best, it is the politics of declining empire that they cannot reverse course.

Harry Smith

USA is still strong enough and it’s political system is functioning despite all the issues.


Political system is functioning based on division and one sidedness, there is no compromise or common ground……there is no desire for such. You know the saying, a divided house will fall.

Harry Smith

Please recall such dictators like Franko or Pinochet. They ruled for decades. If liberals will impose a very hard oppression over the conservative part of population, they can rule very long.


Biden is not a dictator, congress is re-elected, the Supreme Court is conservative, Trump with his own actions jeopardized the outcome of elections in Georgia giving the democrats control of the senate, conservatives and independent leaning conservative make up almost half of the population. If they get tired of democrats….or the democrats get complacent, conservatives get to gain control as well. A lot of people, conservatives included in good numbers did not like the Trump’s persona and drama to suck up all the media oxygen with all kinds of nonsense. The conservatives were poised to run the country for decades with a populist movement if the president was someone more competent (and really cared for the country) than Trump.

Harry Smith

Please watch the video from from Jan 11 on project veritas. There is a liberal guy who explains what they gonna do. BTW Biden is not for long, I think. The POTUS will be Kamila. But Biden has to grant citizenship for 16 mins of “dreamers” first. The war is lost.


I consider project veritas a propaganda arm of the conservatives. Last I checked there were a little over 800,000 daca candidates.

Harry Smith

You can consider everything you want. But if that guy was saying truth most of Americans are screwed up. On other hand we already witnessed the liberal tyranny at MSM and Internet.


Both sides are accomplished liars, actions are going to define reality. MSM and internet blacked out Trump, the conservative media outlets and radio talk shows continued the conservative propaganda defending Trump’s lies. Conservative propaganda and liberal propaganda are hammering each other. There are a significant number of independents at play they are vying for.

Harry Smith

Divide et coquera. Nothing changed from times of Roman Empire. But if liberals talk about repression of Trump supporters is true – it’s pure tyranny.


Liberals can suppress information, using MSM, Google, Facebook, Twitter, conservatives have a. strong radio presence, people at work or driving can have easy access to it. Liberals and ultra progressives can have their wish list and talk trash……things don’t always work out as they envision.

Harry Smith

There are no liberals or conservatives in elite, but ultra globalists and religious globalists. The great reset has started. Nobody needs to wear a mask since Biden’s inauguration. There is a great possibility that you will be badly surprised by behavior of some politicians you trusted before.


I do not trust any politician, I am not liberal nor conservative, I observe developments apart from all the lies spouted off by both sides. Yes, there are liberals and conservatives among the elites, you think elites are of one mind and goal? US has one thousand billionaires with different economic, political and environmental agenda. This is not the 19th century or early 20th century when a handful of Jews could agree on most things.

Harry Smith

No matter what agenda a billionaire or politician has. The only matter is the agenda of those who defines others agendas.


Divide and conquer is the means dictators can control power, Trump wanted to be a dictator, however all his accomplishments were based on a army of lawyers to keep him out of trouble. Had he had the support of the armed forces it could have been different.


For all the verbal nonsense from the US, Taiwan and China have very strong economic links and they are in closer cooperation than US is publicly willing to admit.

Arch Bungle

Economic links. Historical links. Ethnic Links. Familial Links. Religious links …


Pretty much, Chiang Kai shek was a Chinese nationalist who withstood communist takeover of China.

Arch Bungle

He didn’t “withstand” very well though – got pushed way out of the mainland to an island in the SCS, with no hope of ever getting back.


U.S. Air Force’s Hypersonic Cruise Missile Fails in Test December 23, 2020 The U.S. Air Force’s Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) experimental missile has reportedly failed during tests last week. https://www.defenseworld.net/news/28619/U_S__Air_Force___s_Hypersonic_Cruise_Missile_Fails_in_Test

Potato Man

For now…

cechas vodobenikov

the fake cardboard REPUBLIKA DE ANTIFA declared Colombia an associate NATO member —Hunter Biden to be director of new dept of cocaine purity, porn promotion and covid cultists ministry. they need these colonies to relieve their poverty and employ a massive population of quasi automaton obese LGBT soldiers. to their credit they are purported to have 2000 patents for different mouse traps; however in a nation of feral rats, this is expected

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Taiwan now is a national security risk to the mainland. As such should be asked to voluntarily become DMZ by summer time 2021 or failing that, forcibly disarmed.


don’t worry, fat arsed pompeo will soon be gone and just freighting along those zillion pounds of fat will do him no good and having been trump’s nearest and dearest (after slime jew boy kushner and his wife) will make it more difficult for him to find an available senator’s seat.


Whilst I’m not a fan of the CCP, the US would do well to stop poking it’s nose in Asian affairs. This will only make China more determined to solve the issue by military means.

Imperial hubris is a hard habit to kick I guess.

Arch Bungle

Even the UN sees Taiwan as a Province of China:

“..regarding the Taiwan Province of China, the Secretary-General follows the General Assembly’s guidance incorporated in resolution 2758 (XXVI) of the General Assembly of 25 October 1971 on the restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations. The General Assembly decided to recognize the representatives of the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations. Hence, instruments received from the Taiwan Province of China will not be accepted by the Secretary-General in his capacity as depository”

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