Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani (top center) reviews army troops marching during the 37th anniversary of Iraq’s 1980 invasion of Iran, just outside Tehran, Iran on Friday. (source: AP photo)
On May 10, the Washington Free Beacon website obtained an alleged copy of Trump’s administration plan to reimpose strong economic sanctions that would change the Iranian regime.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, the document was being discussed among US National Security Council officials and was authored by the national security think-tank Security Studies Group (SSG).
The plan stands against the US military intervention, focusing on a series of measures to embolden the Iranians allegedly angered with the ruling regime.
“The ordinary people of Iran are suffering under economic stagnation, while the regime ships its wealth abroad to fight its expansionist wars and to pad the bank accounts of the Mullahs and the IRGC command,” the paper of the SSG reads. “U.S. policy toward Iran currently does not publicly articulate two components vital to success: That a new birth of liberty based in self-determination for the Iranian people should be official policy; and that military action should be anticipated if other measures fail.”
The SSG’s president Jim Hanson told the Washington Free Beacon that Washington has no intention to the US military intervention in Iran, but it is focused on changing the ruling regime of Iran:
“The Trump administration has no desire to roll tanks in an effort to directly topple the Iranian regime,” Hanson said. “But they would be much happier dealing with a post-Mullah government. That is the most likely path to a nuclear weapons-free and less dangerous Iran.”
An official from the US National Security Council refused to comment on the report, but affirmed that the White House is seeking to “change the Iranian regime’s behavior,” according to the Washington Free Beacon:
“Our stated policy is to change the Iranian regime’s behavior of continuous destabilizing regional acts and support of terrorism,” the official said. “The National Security Council is in receipt of reams of policy papers and reports, some are read with interest, others are not. Receipt of a policy paper in no way means that we are going to adopt the position of that paper.”
Another source close to the White House also stressed a need of the change in “the Iranian regime”:
“Team Bolton has spent years creating Plans B, C, and D for dealing with that problem. President Trump hired him knowing all of that. The administration will now start aggressively moving to deal with the root cause of chaos and violence in the region in a clear-eyed way.”
On May 21, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened Iran with “the strongest sanctions in history” if Tehran refuses to comply 12 “basic requirements” of a new nuclear agreement that could permit Iran to avoid sanctions.
According to these demands Iran must “stop enrichment” of uranium and permit “unqualified access to all sites throughout the country” to international inspectors.
After our withdrawal from #JCPOA, @POTUS asked me to achieve his goals on #Iran: 1. Apply the strongest possible financial pressure; 2. Deter any Iranian aggression; 3. Advocate for Iranian people; 4. Seek bold new steps with not only our allies & partners, but with Iran as well.
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) May 21, 2018
On May 8, US President Donald announced the US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal. This deal demanded Teheran to maintain a peaceful nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. After the US withdrawal, Trump ordered to impose new economic sanctions against Iran. This measure wasn’t welcomed by other sides of the deal: China, Germany, France, Russia and the UK.
If only Ahmadinejad could be back. Rohani is too weak on my opinion.
the regime change will not happen untill during presidential election after the effects of new sanction already take place
Yes Rohani is stupid :|
Washington is the military arm of the real bosses in Britain.
They can want whatever. The US has long ago killed off almost all business it had with Iran. The US can target the $2 billion in trade it does with Iran but for more (any really) financial pressure they would need the support of nations actually doing trade with Iran. Why would those countries want to shoot themselves in their own feet just to please Trump? For the EU the US also wants them to hurt their own wallet by trade restrictions with Russia and China. The US offers nothing but threats in return. I very much doubt even our spineless EU politicians and bureaucrats are going to go for it.
Non US countries should form a group to sanction American companies from doing business in all the participating countries from Russia to China. Then US will know what it is like…
Merci southfront !
Is it strange that USA is blaming Iran for what USA did, does and will do ??? XD.
It’s natural for people to always blame others for their own failings. That’s both easy and comforting. Self analysis on the other hand is hard. You might not like what you find instead.
It’s typical of the american administrations. USA doesn’t want others to do what they are doing.
Yes they do but only against those that they want to target; Syria is a current case in point.
He cries out in pain as he strikes you
“The administration will now start aggressively moving to deal with the root cause of chaos and violence in the region”
How exactly are they going to deal with themselves?
XD. Always reversed what it is said. Otherwise, you will understand nothing !!!
Look up definition of a psychopath. Thats what they do. Would explain who runs the US
>>“Team Bolton has spent years creating Plans B, C, and D for dealing with that problem. President Trump hired him knowing all of that. The administration will now start aggressively moving to deal with the root cause of chaos and violence in the region in a clear-eyed way.”<<
The same team that seriously fucked up Iraq? And he thinks this time he will do better? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Ha. “Team Bolton”.
Plan B,C,D?? More like plan T,U,V. I’m sure they will end well. Insanity, indeed.
Yeah, bring it on)
How lucky we are that now Pompeo is our advocate. Nothing can stop us and I am very much thinking the “Mullah” regime held us back by limiting our enrichment level and missile range and by fighting ISIS. Without them, perhaps we had a 10,000km ICBM with a beautiful pointy nuclear, chemical, biological tip and befriend with ISIS.
I’d like to announce here that I have no idea what the hell is an “IJ” and how can I stop supporting it? Better ask my advocate, Mr. Pompous!
I hope you will finally break your teeth on Iran, nazi exceptionalist supremacist scum…
Beware of kurds, sunnis, feminists, “human right activists”, ….
Stay Strong Iran!
Iran is very strong, otherwise they would have attacked it many years ago. When U.S. military commanders have war games involving Iran, the results are always too horrible to fathom, with loses way too unexpectable. Also, Iran is a pivotal, crucial ally of China and an integral part of the massive, gargantuan OBOR initiative. China will help Iran whether any form of sanctions. I for one, no longer count on Russia, as Russia has/is subverted by international Jews, but I have faith in God Almighty and China.
The U.S. & NATO only have a Looting Force…. Spread out to it’s Maximum allover the World…it will never be their Desired Shock & Awe if they ever Attack…They don’t know how to Fight a Real Opponent… Even with Iraq… they weakened the Country first a decade long, before invading it for a Second time… just like a Shark that Bites his Prey and let it bleed to Death before eating it…the West have become weaklings that don’t like to Die…
Abandoning Russia already? They’ve saved Syria from total destruction.
Never trust Mudslime carpet kissers….funny though Mussy hates the jews but love China? China does not give a shit about Iran…
A former inmate at one of the ‘re-education camps’ in China has alleged that Muslims detained in the facilities by the Chinese authorities were forced to drink alcohol and eat pork….
Muzzies don’t love China. They only want to use them for their own agenda; counter the Zio empire. This is called realpolitik. Understand what that is and you just might get through the semester. LOL
China is not trying counter anyone, lol maybe should should go back to the academy before you try and spout China’s geopolitical narrative.
If China wasn’t trying to counter anyone they wouldn’t have introduced the PetroYuan, invoking the wrath of the US, and providing diplomatic support to Russia. Sheesh…pay attention when in class.
Oh WOW you think that because they introduced the “PertoYuan” that the it invoked wrath of the US…LOL
Why The Petro-Dollar Is A Myth, And The Petro-Yuan Mere Fantasy
Go back to Economics 101 you stupid fuck lol
And despite the fanfare over the last few years, the yuan still comprises a tiny share of foreign exchange reserves held globally. Indeed, at 1.1% of the total, the yuan is significantly behind both the Australian and Canadian dollars, meaning that–with pound sterling–Queen Elizabeth II’s head appears on 7.5 times more foreign currency reserves than Mao’s. If China wants to change that, it will need to open up its economy, liberate its capital account and start living up to, rather than repudiating, its reform promises. Shanghai-traded oil futures in themselves have nothing to do with it.
Forbes? You’re slipping using MSM garbage. Insert 3 quarters to play again.
MSM?….game over bitch! you lost! LOL
Douglas Bulloch – I taught Masters students in International Relations Theory and International Politics at the London School of Economics, before moving to China in 2011. Prior to that I worked on the commercial and financial side of Enterprise Oil Plc based in London which was taken over by Royal Dutch Shell in 2002. I have a PhD in International Relations from the LSE, an MA in International Relations, and a BA in Economics and Middle Eastern History from SOAS in London. I have been writing about the political economy of China since 2014 for CKGSB Knowledge, published in Beijing. I live in Hong Kong and take an interest in both international politics and the business and economic questions that put it in perspective.
Riiigghht. While you’re at it, you should have claimed that your President Xi’s personal economic advisor; or better yet, Lord Rothschild. ROFL You do realize that Forbes is considered part of MSM, don’t you? Just like that rag, The Economist. Insert 3 quarters to play again?
Do not be stupid .
China will prove to Iran far more important than Russia . Russia did not supply Iran with even the stupid S300 for so long just to please their western colleagues/partners .
China will first provide the money and second the markets for iran . Yes, China is more important than Russia as an ally . Russia is not dependable proven so far.
A former inmate at one of the ‘re-education camps’ in China has alleged that Muslims detained in the facilities by the Chinese authorities were forced to drink alcohol and eat pork….
Are you not reading the China’s geopolitical strategies? lol
You are wrong to say Russia saved Syria. Syria saved Russia from huge economic ruin and thanks to Syrian soldiers who died .. that pipeline did not materialise or today there would not be any Nord stream , Turkish stream but Qatar to EU stream .
To say that Russia saved Syria is very wrong … Syrians died for nothing . Yet Russia cannot protect Syrians and Iranians from Israeli attacks but looked on .
Not a good ally
Start planning plan A, B, C and D to counter the american arguments.
It’s very easy.
Why does SF say that people are ‘allegedly’ angry at the Iranian government? There are flippin’ insurgent groups working agains Tehran, there. Everyone seems to focus on the overt actions of this conflict but there will surely be just as many covert actions. Assassination, sabotage, arming of dissidents, intrigues with lesser Iranian officials, etc.
What would Iran be like today if the UK and USA had not imposed the Shar on them in 1953? A thriving secular democracy? The hypocracy of the Americans is noted. The rest of the world is not as stupid as you think, you wankers. We know which nations are destabilising the Middle East.
And not alone Iran but also, probably, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon & Turkey with the Saudis, Emiratis and Gulf Kingdoms remaining the sole standard-bearers for dictatorship although, I suspect that ordinary Saudis might never have followed the example of their leadership if they simply looked across the Gulf at the example being given by Citizens of Persia. Then again, Murica would never have allowed ordinary Saudis to share in the wealth generated by Oil beneath the sands.
Both Mosadegh and the Shah were removed when they went solo and wanted to make of Iran a strong nation.
The British Empire (which morphed to the Anglo-American Empire) follows the instructions of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations where targeted nations must be kept backwards culturally and economically compared to Britain.
The Muslim Brotherhood itself is a British creation to keep Muslim nations in that desires state of backwardness: https://bit.ly/2J06YDO
Let’s also remember how Britain unleashed war (via Henry Churchill) on Egyptian leader, Mohammed Ali (who had made allies all the way up to Syria and who has secured the technologies that has made Europe an advanced continent) for wanting to take the Middle East out of its centuries-long stagnant condition. Ali threatened Britain’s East-India Levant Company and their two-centuries-long hegemony in the region.
Zionism the masters of the unverseunverse!!!
Zionism is a crime against humanity
Zionism is pure EVIL.
while iran will be busy tackling regime change US and friends will try another syrian regime change simultaneously
How is Pompeo in any way qualified to, ‘…3. Advocate for Iranian people…’? Presumably that actually means a handful of long term exiles in Washington, that are the would be vassals in waiting.
It’s for the children.
I like the part where if the Iranians aren’t smart enough to rise up against their own govt, we will use military force anyway. How is this not going to piss off the Iranian people that we claim to love so much?
Of course. He says Iranians to give up their sovereignty. XD. But, I can tell you that a lot of Iranians will stand with USA !!!! You will never be surprised by people stupidity.
Let USA make sanctions to every country. Then USA will be isolated by her own policy.
versaille treaty 2018……………war is unavoidable
USA has declared war to Iran.
It’s strange this “new birth of liberty based in self-determination” does not happen in Saudi Barbarian, a country with a worse dictatorial regime that “ships its wealth abroad to fight its expansionist wars in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria.
You are wrong. iranians are free to obey USA. XD.
Good luck with another moronic US/Zionist fantasy of “regime change” in Iran. The Zionist coward Nutter Yahoo is hiding in a bunker now :)
said it all along…its the jewish plan since the beginning……..A one world government with jerusalem as its capital. not my words now….but just think for a minute about what I´m going to quote, and what the meaning is for all people that believe and live by it. Jewish Holly book The Talmud and I quote “ALL NON JEWS ARE GOJIM, ALL NON JEWISH WOMEN ARE WHORES” The jews were always the enemy of mankind.Why does one think they got banned from great britain for 300 years, or spain for 250 years etc… The jew has satan arihman as his father, thats the one they prey to, just as jesus said. And they will get their nuclear war…they will make east fight against west.They want a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere, to rule the world.Thats their only possibility.Either make Israel bigger or the world smaller.The world smaller, with the countries of the northern hemisphere devastated, which includes, USA,Europe,Russia,China just to mention the big ones. make fun of me.curse me.dont change a dam thing no more. There is no way out no more.Too little , too late.Everything is interconnected, so that no one person,may it be trump or macron or may or merkel or for that sakes even netannayu could change a thing.Decades ago we still had a minor chance…one of those humans that decided to go against the jewish agenda was John F.Kennedy.kennedy was the biggest opposer of the state of israel, he knew about the interconnections to his country, in the military industrial complex, banking, organized crime etc.. His final push against Dimona was his death certificate.
I think it’s normal that jews will rule the world as 4 billions people believe in Abraham garbages and so believe that jews are the “chosen people”.
If you look at, christians and muslims are dying for israel.
Yes, you are correct. Jews are the ‘chosen people’, but chosen by Satan (Lucifer, Shaitan).
‘ Even the best of the Goyim must be killed’ , the Talmud.
Jews are incompatible with the rest of humanity, and world history confirms this in that they have been exiled or expelled 109 times, from 84 different countries and/or provinces since 250 A.D. Carthage, up until 1948 Arab countries. Jews are a clear, and direct threat to the whole world.
They believe that once they build their ‘third temple’ in Jerusalem, on the site of the Dome of the Rock Mosque (the third most holiest site in Islam) , their Messiah will come and rule the Earth with an ‘iron fist’. Their Messiah is undoubtedly the Anti-God. But their plans and plots will come to nothing, as God Almighty is the best of planners. Their diabolical plans always get squashed by God Almighty. Jesus (pbuh), in his second coming, will rally and lead the forces of righteousness and defeat these diabolical Jews and their lord, the unholy one, Lucifer/ Shaitan.
The whole trouble with Islamic fanaticism in the world started 1979 with Khomeini and so called Islamic revolution, which, in the course of next 40 years, caused the most cruel and unspeakable deaths of millions of people by the hand of Muslim savages. Great deal of them were Christians. Iran was always in the forefront of the support to all Muslim terrorists around the planet (both Shiite and Sunni) as is required by its Constitution. During 1990is they shipped, in full cooperation with the Americans and the West, planeloads of weaponry as well as jihadis to Bosnia to fight Christian Serbs. Today again, along with their allies for the cause (the Americans and the West), they support Rohingya terrorists (ISIS) in Myanmar never condemning their crimes or revealing whose proxies they are. It should be clear that Iranians are not friends of Russian people or any other Christian nation. Hopefully, their longstanding cooperation with the Empire against other countries will finally catch up with them just like it did with Saddam Hussein. So, I shed no tears for islamic Iran https://islamicpersecution.wordpress.com/tag/iran-and-bosnia/ http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/deja.htm https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/apr/22/warcrimes.comment
Wow. An american, who lived in the Natives lands, stole the Native lands and genocide them come and speak about …. human rights and war crimes. XD.
What a bunch of BS. Let me guess, your either a miserable Jew, or a simple minded bootlicker to Jews.
look at his name… pet, witch lapdog is this ;)
This is just nonsense – Iran has never supported Sunni extremists like Isis or Al Queda, these are creations of US foreign policy as Brzezinski acknowledges with the birth of islamic militancy in Afghanistan in the late 70s. Where do you think Isis came from?? – yeah the mess the US created in Iraq. Who is fighting these death crazed cults in Syria – yeah Iran. The US & Saudis have done more to spread jihadi crazies all over the world. 9/11 had nothing to do with iran did it. Who has been killing people all over Europe – Isis inspired militants not Iran shia groups.
Do you believe that people who genocided 90% of the Natives and stole their lands are the advocate of human rights and war crimes !!!!
And most people eat that shit !!!!
I think it’s fucking easy to counter USA : speak about their history whenever they try to give you a moral or human right lesson.
Whatever they blame you, they did 1 million worst.
It’s so easy.
It may sound weird for now but all we’re witnessing is a farce aimed to disguise what is really happening – transfer of center of power concentration from UK/US to China and guess who? Yes, Iran.
This will take more time – as of now China is not ready and Iran is far from being ready.
Don’t be fooled by hostility between current center of governing and those that are coming – US country level elites are not happy loosing their world policeman bonuses. Very few Iranians actually realize what’s going on :)
Anyway – new world dominated (according to plan) by China and Iran will be ruled by same parasite that is ruling most of the world through UK/US now.
Guess who will be sacrificed in the process? Yes, they do it themselves – actively participating in building their own slaughter.
This is the theory I always Kept in the back of my mind…Always Follow the Money..Gold is Flowing like a River towards Chinese Vaults…..I did not forget the Organ trading of Falung Gong Members (With IsraHell involved). Now China Wants A Social Credit System…which is the New World Order’s Wet Dream…just don’t let anyone Fool ya must be our device…
I don’t believe the Social Credit system will work; maybe to some but in the end it’ll fail.
Good… I’m at -376.956 Credit Points at the moment….
“Always Follow the Money.”(c) thats a reliable one.
Both China and Iran are too proud to allow themselves to be ruled by a foreign power. The Chinese still remember the century of shame? (I forgot what they call it). I can’t see it happening.
Now, with that out of the way, the Chinese will not fight, and die, for some far away foreign nation like Syria. It’s simply due to cultural similarities; the greater the difference, the lesser chance of them fighting for you. North Korea, and Vietnam is a different case as those two societies are very similar to Chinese societies (regardless of what their respective nationalists say). Hell, there’s a greater chance of the Chinese fighting for Japan than for some middle eastern nation.
Let’s wait and see.
When we were talking about the palestinian massacre in Gaza last time, someone tell me “the strong eat the weak”.
I didn’t understand but now, I think I understand. Human mindset is to kill, to rob, steal and enslave.
Humans have no other goals than to dominate others, to kill them, to rob them, …. That’s the real goal of humans.
They find strategies to do so. That’s why mindking is design to be doomed.
While in fact the regimechange(a real U-turn) is needed in the US !
Aimed at the unelected Deep State which makes a mockery of the 3 branches of government as envisioned by those who sacrificed to gain independence from the British Empire.