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Watch: Vast Expanse Of US Military Hardware Positioned At Polish Port

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Watch: Vast Expanse Of US Military Hardware Positioned At Polish Port

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Originally published by ZeroHedge

A Baltic monitoring media outlet has published footage of an enormous amount of American military equipment being prepared to move from the Port of Gdynia in Poland. 

The expanse of military hardware is being described as equipment belonging to the US Army’s 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. Some Eastern European media reports are claiming that at least a portion of the equipment, which looks multiple football fields in length, are bound for Kiev.


Hundreds of heavy military vehicles can be seen in the footage, including armored personnel carriers, tanks and armored trucks.

Despite claims that the equipment is bound for Ukraine, a source which widely circulated the footage, “Baltic Security”, wrote that it’s at the Polish port “in preparation for redeployment to the continental United States after serving in the Operation Atlantic Resolve.”

Russia’s Sputnik noted that “Some Polish and Ukrainian media outlets, however, did not think twice about claiming that part of the military hardware seen in the video would be redeployed to Ukraine, where Russia continues its special military operation.”

But it remains that “Neither the White House not the Pentagon have commented on the matter yet.”

“The footage comes as the US had already committed more than $100 billion worth of security and military assistance to Kiev since the beginning of the Russian special operation,” the state publication continued. Given how desperate that Ukrainian front lines, particularly in Bakhmut, are right now for more ammo and equipment – it would be surprising if these rows upon rows of hardware aren’t in the end headed for Ukraine.


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Psionists slaves of America

Russia’s time for achieving their goals in Ukraine is running out. I’ve seen Armored vehicles lined up like that before in other ports and that was before Iraq was invaded. It means NATO is going all the way in order to defeat Russia.

Romanian yankee whore

Sorry, Irak didn’t had 6.000 nukes. A little BIG difference.


The problem is that the western leaders have persuaded themselves that russia won’t use them and so they do not have to be concerned over them. So they will not impact a descision of the west to go in or not.


Maybe they have convinced themselves until they do use them,it wouldn’t be the first time those criminals have miscalculated.


None of us know if they would use them, at what stage and to what extent. But the question is what do the two adversarys us and rus believe the other is capable and willing to do. Miscalculation can lead to a catastrophic outcome for all of us…


THE PRASITE SCUM DONT CARE IF RUSSIA DOES USE NUKES. They think the nuclear bunkers will keep them safe.

The Objective

Russia’s got a lot of problems with these U.S. deployments. America is neither fighting nor retreating. These weapons will end up in Ukraine unless Putin retreats. What a humiliation America wants to hand him.


Yep like they’re storming Bahkmut with only shovels for weapons. You must be a new species of cretin, better hide under the stone, those shovels are pretty lethal.

Player Unknown

Russia is wasting thousands of tanks for infantry support (with more or less zero effect as bonus), tanks are a weapon of maneuver unfit for fire support, Russia doesn´t have a cost effective easy to make heavy caliber infantry support armored vehicle (like SU100/T55 with T90 firepower tier 120 mm NONA gun against infantry) .. big mistake, one of many .. at the end Russia will be left without tanks

Michel LeBlanc

Desert camo folks, its not going to ukraine.

Captain Hohol

You do realize that the initial invasion force in Iraq the marines before they had marpat were literally wearing M85 and a hodge podge of what little desert shit they had right?

The United States wasn’t really expecting to do this, they didn’t expect Russia to create this situation.

Just asking

I’m not quite sure what to make of it. Wouldn’t the vehicles have to be repainted from desert camouflage to Central European camouflage? Or do you do that just before the mission? Just asking for a buddy….


“Some Polish and Ukrainian media outlets” claims that those are going to Ukraine and they didn’t give a date so we don’t know for sure if it is going to Ukraine or not.

Also, I have seen videos of Ukrainian/Polish military repainting some other military gears before sending them to Ukraine.

Tzar Tellus

Long range drones in thousands with multiple Kornet is remedy.

Tzar Tellus

Ukraine had one advantage and that was fortify buildings in cities. Now when the buildings are gone Russia can not do the same to fortify themselves for defence. Hope they have calculated with it… Second long range drones, preferably stealthy ones is remedy for all gear they are pouring in Ukraine..Long range drones with some sweet Kornet attached to them. Be used for surveillance and to take out targets – one by one.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tzar Tellus

Russian military has neglected drones until the karabakh / artsakh war and even then just slowly started to think about using them. If they would have had the knowledge they should have just used drones and missiles to destroy the entire ukrainian military before entering a single meter of ukrainian territory (besides crimea and donbas).


Remember yanquis in Iraq? Those soldiers were shiting themselves going to sleep. Why? Because Iraqis weren’t happy with yanquis.

Now it is clear that Russia isn’t going to take full control of Ukraine (they said it many times), Ukrainians in West/Center are the Neo-Nazis and they are pro-West you just can’t deal with that. People forget about one thing most of the time about this war… to Russian army this call Special Military Operation (SMO) it is not a full invasion and that is why Russia isn’t using their full force.

Also, Russia isn’t looking to destroy Ukraine for good they would get flooded with refugees and they took about 2.9+ million people so far. They goal is to take Eastern Ukraine where Russian-Ukrainian live and protect those areas – THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS WAR. After that the war would be frozen.

I don’t understand why you people are like this…


The observations and conclusions of the SF posters are highly entertaining. The Russians can somehow solve the 100-year-old problem of Ukretard Nazism by eliminating Krusty. The Russians can end the war by destroying the infrastructure of the failed Ukrainian CIA project, but they’re just refusing to take the sage advice of SF commenters. The Russians should use their air force, but they just choose not to because Putin, etc. ad infinitum. Meanwhile, Krusty has to explain himself to his owners and the unfortunate dupes in the Ukrainian population as Russia preserves its state and the US empire continues to slide back to its status of one of a number of major powers. The US political class has to extricate itself from the Ukrainian turd pile in order to focus on the inscrutible Yellow Peril, as the living standards of the 99.999% continue to degrade throughout the US Empire.

Florian Geyer

The conflict in Ukraine must surely include ALL Western Ukie land up to the NATO borders. This is because the US / HATO would still arm the remnants of the Ukie degenerates, just as the US arms ISIS and other Terror for Hire gangs globally.


Have you seen the Chinese peace plan? Russia didn’t had a problem with it and I can see as to why.

Yeah, the Russian side knows that, and guess what that was their 2nd goal, denazification of Ukraine. If Russia take Eastern side of Ukraine under their full control by time Ukraine and West wouldn’t have any choice but to sit and agree on Russian terms on a peace plan. We can all guess that Ukraine Neo-Nazis wouldn’t agree to that deal and guess what, Russia just can kill them. Yes, terrorism will happens but over all Russian side can deal with them. There is going to be break soon or later, but Biden wants a Ukraine (big or small) to run this mouth with during his campaign. But again we don’t what each side really thinks.


This video only shows how bad Ukraine is fuked to need so much military gear from other countries.

Also, come on… what happened to all those fuking old pigs that said Ukraine had so much weapons/tanks that they don’t need weapons/tanks from NATO because they got it from Russians? Where the fuk are those pigs now?

Those are the same rtds that said the riots in Iran would be the end of Iran’s government… oh really was it now. You know what they are saying now? They shit talking about China and saying how Taiwan can stop China without any problems.

mike l hutchings

a mushroom cloud…. NATO has been warned

720 y. o. Big Guy SENILE sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

well, FOAB it, sooner than later. As Lavrov said they are already a participant of the conflict

William White

One big one right in the middle! Come on Russia, do it!


Tanks come in by 3 by 3 can’t tell how many from the angle. Atleast 36.

How many casulaties. A year of hybrid warfare? COnisder what a hybrid war casulaty rating should be based on Iraq and Afghnaistan and how 36 tanks showing up at once to go to the active front means.

We had like one APC round the corner in white city recruiment center. THey were probably good guys on some level always wondering if they would have to drive through the gates live on air and shoot everyone in the childrens T.V department.

London Calling – The Clash


Tell the Polish its for Shaving Ryans Privates 2: No PRIVACY


Russia, do BOMB up the weapons, bomb them all up. Bomb them up in Poland, cross a red line. It is WEAPONS you are bombing up, not people, not buildings GO FOR IT.


What’s interesting is how little reporters think about the practical aspects related to this story. Do the Ukrainians know how to use this equipment? Most likely no. How long would it take for them to be able to effectively use a tank on a battlefield. At least a year. And yet the reporter thinks that real life is like a video game. Just climb aboard and puff, I’m an expert! The only way that it could be used in Ukraine is if NATO trained personnel (most likely Polish) pretend to be Ukrainian soldiers. There are already about 20k polish mercenaries there given the amount of polish that is being heard on many Telegram channels dedicated to the war.

Erik Nielsen

US has the right to defend our homeland and our innocent citizens.

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen

US homeland is Korea, Vietnam, Iraq…?

WT Baker

So much equipment yet where is the logistical support for maintaining it, parts? Who will man these vehicles, children? Maybe Zelensky will jump eagerly into a tank and lead the charge into the meat grinder?


60 tanks. Russia has wiped out 8000+ this year alone. Slow motion wide lense trying to make things like more impressive then they actually are. Standard empire of liez lol.

Icarus Tanović

Just bring it on you whores.


That’s not a lot. Tell me when they have dozens of these amounts.


All that stuf is legitime target because it will be used to kill Russians and Russian speaking people in Oukraine. Send some demolition millisses to roast it to scrap. And put the blame on some green party who is opposed to the zio-yankee war against Russia.


There is no green party who is against war at least not in europe. They are the most pro war partys in all of europe.


More scrap metal for the NATO/US slag heap.

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