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Wave Of Explosions And Fires At Critical Infrastructure Objects Hits Iran. Sabotage Or Accidents?

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Wave Of Explosions And Fires At Critical Infrastructure Objects Hits Iran. Sabotage Or Accidents?

Recent incidents in Iran

A number of incidents have taken place in Iran over the past few weeks:

  • On June 26, there was an explosion at a weapons depot in Parchin. Parchin hosts a military base in which, reportedly, nuclear activity had been carried out by Iran. Defense ministry spokesman, Davoud Abdi, told state TV that the blast had happened at a gas storage facility in a “public area” of Parchin rather than the military base. The fire had been put out and no casualties had been reported, he added, but gave no details about the cause of the blast.
  • On July 2, the fire broke out at the Natanz nuclear fuel enrichment site. On July 5, the government confirmed that the damaged building at the Natanz nuclear site was a new centrifuge assembly center.
  • On July 4, a fire knocked out a power station transformer in the southwestern city of Ahvaz. Fars News Agency reported that the fire at the Zargan power plant had broke out as a result of a transformer explosion. Later, a spokesman for the Iranian electricity industry told Iranian media that the “connection” of one of the transformers had caused the fire.
  • On July 7, an explosion at a factory south of Tehran killed two people and seriously injured three others. The explosion, which destroyed a factory in Tehran and caused extensive damage to a neighbouring factory, was described as an accident and attributed to human error, which caused oxygen tanks stored there to explode.
  • On June 30, an explosion killed 19 people at a medical clinic in central Tehran. According to Iranian media, the explosion was the result of a gas leak.
  • On July 3, there was a fire in the city of Shiraz.  The town was also hit by the power outage a few days earlier. The power outage also affected the 7th Tactical Air Base, which is located outside of the city of Shiraz and is attached to the Shiraz Shahid Dastghaib International Airport.
Wave Of Explosions And Fires At Critical Infrastructure Objects Hits Iran. Sabotage Or Accidents?

Illustrative Image

The chain of incidents generated a lot of suspicions and rumors. MSM primarily blamed Israel for attacks on Iran’s nuclear sites.

Such a policy would be quite profitable for the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. With his plans to annex 30 percent of the occupied West Bank, Netanyahu is losing significant international support, as well as popularity within the country. If Israel’s involvement in the incidents in Iran is revealed, the current Prime Minister will have an opportunity to confirm his status as a strong leader who can protect Israel from threats emanating from Iran. In this case, Netanyahu does not cross “red lines” and does not allow a full-scale conflict with Iran to break out. Only a moderate-intensity conflict would allow Netanyahu to maintain his status without major consequences.

Wave Of Explosions And Fires At Critical Infrastructure Objects Hits Iran. Sabotage Or Accidents?

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the Bushehr nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran. Image source: Iranian Presidency office/EPA-EFE

Incidents at nuclear sites had no significant impact on Iran’s nuclear policy. They only slowed down the progress.

The spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Behrouz Kamalvandi, said that reconstruction would soon begin with a bigger plot of land for advanced equipment.

However, no information about the involvement of the Israeli side in the incidents in Iran has been confirmed and remains suspicions.

Most of the incidents were identified by official statements as accidents. However, Iranian officials admit that if it is proved that any of the explosions were caused by Iran’s enemies, it will respond accordingly.


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cechas vodobenikov

human error—not everything is sabotage

chris chuba

Maybe but there is no limit to the people in my govt. Anyone who would help the Saudis rob the Yemenis of their oil is a depraved person. https://www.mintpressnews.com/saudi-arabia-tripled-theft-yemen-oil-amid-price-war-russia/269209/

chris chuba

Even if Israel hints at responsibility don’t discount the possibility that the psychos in the U.S. govt are tossing around bags of money to get people inside Iran to destroy anything they can. You have Brian Hook offering bribes for Iranian ships and the Brookings Institute discussing all kinds of plots in detail against Iran https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/06_iran_strategy.pdf

Why? These psychos think that if you destroy Iranian infrastructure that you discredit the Iranian govt in the eyes of the Iranians and they will overthrow the govt while waving American flags and singing the “Star Spangled Banner”. You are talking about narcissistic, sociopaths.

Jim Allen

Seems kinda’ MI6-SASish.

Zionism = EVIL

Kiddies, get a grip, in large country a few accidents like kitchen fires are bound to happen. The Americunts and Jew cunts can do fuckall to Iran. Believe me these are laughable attempts of desperation. Stay tuned as Iran spreads its powerful wings.

Syrian President Dr. Bashar al-Assad expressed his satisfaction with the results of the meetings between the Syrian and Iranian sides and the signing of the military and technical cooperation agreement between the two countries, which embodies the level of strategic defence relations.

Free man

Start packing. The young guys are about to throw you out of Iran along with the corrupt mullahs.


And that’s all they are capable of: setting kitchens alight. As for the rest, every single one of their attempts has failed. So keep having your wet dreams with those kitchen fires.

Jim Allen

If you want to impress me, tell me something I don’t know. To your earlier comment, yeah the Bolsheviks are destroying US from the inside. Yeah, the country is devastated. Yeah The City of London is behind this, owns United Nations, is behind UN Agenda 21 Sustainability Development Guidelines de-population plans. Yeah, The City of London is financing US Government military actions worldwide. Kinda’ considerate given US Government serves The City of London exclusively don’tcha’ think ? US has no interests to protect, except the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal, and Israel.

Assad must stay

they will fail chris, Iran will always be victorious, it has been around for thousands of years, US only 200? israhell even less

Ashok Varma

Both India and China are competing for Iran’s immense potential. US is now a has been power on the verge of self destruction. A few terrorist incidents in a vast country like Iran will not deter its progress. I have just returned from Tehran and it is booming.


Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Modi is about to visit Iran again but the most important priority for Iran is the strategic pact with China, its closest ally. Iran played an important role in diffusing the Americunt attempts to start a war.


Free man

On the one hand, there is a lot of anger in Iran towards the mullahs regime. On the other hand, the mullahs regime has many rich enemies who would be happy to fuel Iranian anger towards the regime. The result is explosions and fires.

Ashok Varma

You are silly and ignorant. Even India expects US to become erratic as it implodes. Iran is a key ally and energy supplier and India’s investments are increasing in both Iran and Venezuela as India distances itself from US after the futile attempts to create a conflict with China.

New Delhi ): India is one of the biggest buyers of Venezuelan oil in spite of US sanctions as India turns cool towards US. Indian refiners Reliance Industries and Nayara Energy are the one of the buyers from India. Soon after the US imposed sanctions, the Indian Ministry of Petroleum and Gas had advised the two firms to make sanctions-proof transactions.India is also doubling its investment in the Iranian modern port of Chah Bahar and opening trade offices in regional Iranian business centres.

India to pitch for Chahbahar port at investors’ summit

An Afghanistan-India-Iran pact offers possibilitiesfor India to trade with the resource-rich but landlocked Afghanistan andCentral Asia via Iran


Iran’s booming free trade Chah Bahar port

Free man

Your “Copy Paste” responses from the propaganda ministry of the Mullahs regime are funny. “Indian” Joon.

Zionism = EVIL

How about me you stupid cunt. Your pappy is a fuckwit and has brainwashed you dumbass ROFLMAO.


Hey, what are you playing at? You’re not supposed to show Iranian successes !!

Zionism = EVIL


Zionism = EVIL

Iranian regular train service to Uzbekistan inaugurated. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a00714c11520197c8c1c8c59fa30f7fef5bd88f201c80742ec36029a1a19c6cc.jpg

Free man

It is amazing that one of the richest countries in the world with natural resources, have a rail system. If you pay to the Chinese, they will also set up a rail system in Antartica.


What’s so amazing about that?

Ashok Varma

I would expect more US desperate attempts to destabilize Iran, but is futile as Iranian state is very powerful and stable. Iran’s progress can not be stopped by a few minor terrorist or sabotage acts.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran inaugurates the Silk Road railway from Chah Bahar to Afghanistan and then the ex-Soviet stans. 10,000 kms of rail lines in 5 years completed.



Iranian air defence seems to be on high alert. Something could be up afterall.


How did you now?

Jim Allen

Earlier South Front video on Iran moving to assist Syrian air defense forces. Bringing in Iranian missile defense systems into Syria. State of the art technology. We will know soon enough if Iran is becoming accident prone, or not. Pretty suspicious…

Zionism = EVIL

Kids, nothing is about to happen, the dumbass Americunts are in meltdown desperation. There is no power on earth that can attack Iran, you can take this to your nearest Jew bank :)

Free man

Iranian resistance to the mullahs regime is growing stronger. Their actions will intensify .


movement of SAM systems

Ashok Varma

I returned from Iran last month and it is totally stable. There is desperate propaganda war going on and the average Iran could care less.

Free man

“I returned from Iran last month and it is totally stable.” – LOL. You live in Iran because you are Iranian. I wonder what Indian would want to fly to Iran in June during the Corona epidemic? LOL. “Indian” Joon.

Zionism = EVIL

How do you know you little angry cunt?

Free man

Because guys like you are too stupid / old to be consistent. Like you once said you are a Buddhist, but in practice you defend Shi’ite Islam and oppose eating pork. Anger and hate is your specialty.


What’s the problem with a Buddhist defending Shi’ite Islam? Is there a law against that? If so, please point me to your source so I can educate myself.

And what’s the problem with opposition to eating pork? AFAIK, it’s the same for the Jews. Or is that OK because they are “exceptional”?


country doesn’t have to become instable in order to put air defense on high alert. not a rocket science

johnny rotten

Most likely someone is an accident and someone else is terrorism, those who push terrorism have been known for a long time, they are the Zionists who occupied Palestine, now they would like to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates at the expense of the natives, they demand too much and will bring them to the end, the time of colonial adventures is coming to an end, as it should be.

Ivan Freely

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.

Icarus Tanović

There’s another one close to Tehran. What is going on?


jews in palestine telling the world the necessity of making them extinct, for ever. no reason for the world to accept these thieving, murderous and lying jews at all and the one and only sensible solution is 6 feet under for the lot – no peace for the world as long as one jew in palestine survives.



Ashok Varma

Wishful thinking at its worst.



seem to remember that the morons in the white house (either obummer or dunce) excepted Chabahar when they (dunce most likely) reintroduced sanctions against Iran since a large part of goods to and fro Afghanistan was scheduled through Chabahar and was vital for the morons’ operations in Afghanistan.

Ashok Varma

India is big independent nation and does what is best for our national interest. Modi is very unpopular in India now as he has mishandled the Covid crises and India is unhappy with US over constant threats of sanctions over purchase of Russian weapons, mistreatment of Indian students and sudden cancellation of H1 visas. India is a mature country and can see that US is now in irreversible decline and unless we have access to new markets our already weak economy will collapse. Iran offers India a lifeline to Eurasia as Pakistan has blocked land access west and to Eurasia’s growing markets. Chah Bahar is a great win for trade and prosperity for our Iranian partners and India.


He’s having his wet dreams.

Zionism = EVIL

You Zionist cunts have gone quiet, your mom did not give you little cunt the memo?

Free man

Something is brewing in Iran. A combination of internal opposition forces and external enemies. That we haven’t seen before. This trend will grow stronger, there is no other option. I have mixed feelings, on the one hand I want the hatred regime to fall and on the other I don’t want the Iranian people to be hurt. Iran is facing a particularly turbulent period.


I hope we can take down the mullah regime together without too much Iranian bloodshed on the streets Free Man, afterall it is our interest to become friends with Iran again after 40 years of hatred. Just imagine, flights between Israel and Iran again, tourists from both countries visit each other. I may sound like a dream now, but someday it will be the reality. Fingers crossed for you and the Iranian people, hopefully the Iranian themselves take things into their own hands.

Free man

Iranian resistance to the mullahs regime is growing stronger. Their actions will intensify as the conditions of the Iranian people gets worse.

Ashok Varma

Not likely. You really need to travel.

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