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MARCH 2025

We All Pretend To Be Fools And Keep Silent – Vučić On Current State Of European Colony

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On November 4, President of Serbia Aleksandr Vučić attended the military training ground in the Pasuljanske Livade,  where the joint military exercice of the Serbian Armed Forces “Maneuvers 2022” were held. The President of Serbia was interviewed and provided his comments on various topics, including on the energy security of the country.

Serbia is prepared and has secured gas reserves while Europe is waiting for a hell of winter due to the rise in energy prices.

“In five to seven days, colder weather begins and then gas reserves in Europe begin to be depleted,” Vučić explained. “The day before yesterday the price of gas was only $219, and today it is $ 450 for 1,000 cubic meters. Every day now it will grow, because the first cubic meters start leaking from the warehouse, and there is no new supply, the price immediately jumps and this immediately increases the price of electricity. On the European market, the price of electricity yesterday was 156 euros, and today it is already 240 euros per megawatt-hour. I just want to tell you that on a daily basis it goes up 50 percent. So it’s going to be a hell of a hard winter. Our country was well prepared.”

Aleksandar Vučić claimed that Serbia has 667 million cubic meters of stored gas, and that in case of an accident on the Balkan stream, his citizens have nothing to worry about.


“Now we have a total of 667 million cubic meters of gas in four storage facilities. If they go crazy and cut off the gas supply again or commit an act of sabotage … Everyone knows who carried out the attack in the Baltic but we pretend to be stupid so as not to harm the interests of the country. … In any case, we will survive, but I don’t know about the others” Vučić claimed.

Vučić’s claims is a clear example of the current state in Europe, which became a colony of the Anglo-Saxon Empire. The independent states have no right to defend their sovereignty and carry out their independent policies in order to protect the interests of their countries but have to follow the narrative imposed by the US and UK allies. Vučić revealed that European leaders are well aware of the terrorist policies of their American patrons but cannot voice the truth.


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USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Time to dismantle EU and NATO, it seems.

If not for the prosperity and well being of its people, why would a state, an organization etc. would exist?!

For the good of a few degenerates like Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Rumsfeldt or Charles from GB?! Better dead than living as their human livestock…

How could humans accept to produce anything, obey and give birth under such abominabile serfdom?!

Last edited 2 years ago by USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

How about we declare the US, EU, NATO, UN,all WEF actors etc. as terrorists/traitors and try them accordingly through tribunals.


yeah I left the eu in 2018 when I could afford it. I did not want to support the dutch gov any longer, since they funded and supported the kiev junta bombing kids in the donbass. I love my country, but I hate the jews that rule over us from their dark palaces in britain, france, israel and new york. The west is a joke, we are 100 % controlled by jews and most people are to dumb to see it.


Jews rule Netherlands since 17th century.


USA is a shithole (given) EU “is becoming one”???…

21 years ago they became a “$hithole” when they took that fateful step putting Bru$$el$ in charge of their destiny!…

Because once you take away their sovereignty through their own “individual” currency they become instant “$”laves!…


Now Henry Ki$$inger since 2001 no longer has to worry about who to call in Europe when he wants or needs control. It’s all under ONE EU roof!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Ratko Mladic

Vucic is a usa tool. Soon his day of reckoning will come. It won’t be pretty.


Ah well, you must be a croat I suppose.


Croats love the USA why would a croat dismiss someone as a tool of the USA when they all see this as the biggest honour you can get.


not entirely true though, i know a lot of Croats that favour Russia, its only the usual WEF puppets that decide against the people.


That may be true but when it comes to Serbs they are all a Hitler resurrection !! Nazism is bigger in Croatia then in Ukraine !!


How would you know? Ever visited Croatia or just following RTS propaganda? Have you ever met a single nazi from Croatia? What do you intend with comment as this one? Stirring future trouble? There wasn’t enough trouble in our region already, eh? Do you want a replay? Cut the crap, please.


I call it as I see it and you can deny it until you are blue in the face but with all due respect to a very few in general ALL CROATIANS HATE SERBIANS with passion !! As far as the Nazism in Croatia just look at your soccer games be that in Croatia or Australia, just google the news !! Croatia has not denounced its role in Nazi Germany nor does it accept what they have done to Serbians, Jews and Roma people in Jasenovac, Gradiška and so on !! Bringing back the truth is not stirring up trouble its facing the consequences !! The reply will happen and that is guaranteed its just a matter of time !! Yes I have been To Croatia and as far as RTS it is small chat compared to HRT !! I haven’t been living in that region for 45 years but I did come and fight back in the 91-94 and in 99, then I went to Iraq in 2014 since Im Canadian born !! So dear Mario I don’t wish for the war again but something need to be corrected HISTORICALLY !! As long as you have NATO you are good !!


You are a Canadian? That explains all. Canadians are so damn stupid they rightly deserved to have a Trudeau, a son of recognized pedophile, for a primeminister. Those who shout they don’t wish war usually do very much. Papa Biden does not want war. Zelensky does not want war. Blinken does not want. war. Bush never wanted war. The worst nazis in Canada are Ukrainian immigrants. Same with Serbs or Croats. Most of them arrived in Canada after being defeated in WWII. Who gives a shit about any of your local quarrels. If you are stupid enought to fight eachother for the sake of someone else you then well deserve your troubles. Spare us of your “who did what and when to other side” in history long gone.


We do not need NATO to take care of warmongering idiots like you. Correct that. Historically. Chetnik from Canada. I remember the words of former chief of Yugoslav communist secret service SDB, Serbian branch, who were involved in elimination of Serbian extremist emigrees, mainly in Canada and Germany (Croatian branch was involved in elimination of Croatian extremists emigrees) who said: Out of 12 chetnik warlords in emigration, 13 were working for us”. He, he….


What you were doing in Iraq? Killing Iraqis during anglo occupation (Canada was part of occupying force)? Came there with Blackwater mercenaries? What a hypocrite moron preaching to others their sins while not washing your own first. What a SOB!


That is correct. The vast majority of my friends and relatives in Croatia favor Russia. Only puppet criminal government populated with former communist secret service members, Opus Dei cadre, ordinary criminals and so called Greens/liberals favor Ukraine. Unfortunately, this corrupt minority comprise current government, position or opposition, doesn’t matter. Croats vote with their feet – they leave country.


You are right, his day will come and his true idea will come to light. Your Cro-ass will find out what Vucic is the day that NATO leaves Europe and that day is coming very soon !!


Trust me, most of us in Croatia want NATO and EU to vanish. Nobody asked us if we want to join NATO or not, vote for joining EU was rigged in favor of 33% of voters who wanted to join EU. But if you think that with dissolution of NATO will enable Serbia to replay 1991, maybe you should think again. By the way, Russians sent weapons to Croatia and Russian ambassador in Croatia personaly congratulated Croatian army after Operation Storm in 1995. on succesful military operation. Let’s not forget that many Croatian Serbs fought on Croatian side. My commander was Serb, leutenant from Eastern Croatia, a highly decorated soldier whose ancestors lived in Croatia for centuries and who considers Croatia his homeland. On the other side, in Serbia there are many traitors who belong to Otpor (MI6 organization), Soros stooges and EU arselickers who want Serbia to join EU at all costs, including give away of Kosovo what would be highest possible treason of national interests. If you think that you would get an opportunity to have sort of revenge to Croats, then you are probably some shithead youngster who never tasted horrors of war and you would probably soil your pants if ever shit hits the fan. War is not a computer game, buddy, trust me. I’ve been there. I will not fight Russians, but I will fight you if you ever come to stupid idea to cross Croatian border with malign intentions. Thank God, most of the people in Serbia I know are of sane mind, still.


You are full of shit Mario !! Like overflowing toalet !! So enjoy your world until you can !! History didn’t begin in 1991 so start reading HISTORY ASAP !! Croatian history begins in 1991 but not Serbian as Croatia was never a state except for a brief period in WW2 when it became a German Nazi puppet state and then for the 1st time as a UN recognized state 30 years ago !! Your history is your fantasy not reality, fake as the Croatian statehood !!


I do not know about Croatian statehood but Canada does not have it. It is not true state but ownership of her, now his royal majesty. You are not citizens but serfs.

Edgar Zetar

Modern World is the continuation of Empires fighting for World Hegemony in the XIX century… USA is the ruler and Hegemon now in year 2022 and you cannot do anything, just play the fool and move along… Russia is a Regional Power and second tier Power, also doesnt have Naval Power so USA will allways prevail against the European Countries and Russians could not do anything about it… at least Russia should use Diplomacy, engage and request decent trait from Europeans.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Russia has no need to have a big navy as unlike the US it is not straddled by oceans.

Edgar Zetar

UK just say you said about Germany before WWI and WWII…. Everybody knowns who rules the Seas Rule the World buddy… who are you? A moron?… when Netherland (Holland) ruled the seas they were the Rulers of the World, then UK uses France (a land power) to attack Netherland and UK was the Empire who ruled the SEAS and the World also… and now USA is the one who rules the seas and the world… and ýes CHINA is trying to be a Naval Power, creating artificial islands expanding is sea control…


For ruling the seas you need undestructible navy what was possible in earlier times. With technologies of today, no navy is indestructible. US an UK maritime forces are merely pirates bullying small countries. They can not bully even Iranian navy even Iran never had a strongest navy before.


Yeah, they have a more land based strategy, with lots of responses to western made munitions/weapons. Unlike the US/NATO they have not sit still.


Really? then why they didn’t defeat Taliban if they so strong like you says?

Edgar Zetar

You arent so smart right… Afghanistan was an old Imperial strategy from British Empire to contain Russia and China… USA uses the same approach, they wanted to be there, not to win the war, if they retreat from Afghanistan it doesnot means the lose, it only means that USA are changing his approach of containment against Russia and China… they are using another Strategy right now and Afghanistan is not longer needed, thats why USA leaved Afghanistan friend.


Invasion of Aghanistan was possible only by shocking the world with 911 con game. This approach is not possible again. Look how it looks with the “coalition of unwilling” in Ukraine. Nobody, except maybe Poles want to join fight and even they do that as they want a piece of Ukraine for themselves.


You cant fight the locals when they are not with you, look at all the recent escapades of NATO/US.

– North Korea beaten by civilians. – Vietnam beaten by farmers. – Libya once a beautiful free country, destroyed with all problems related to it. – Iraq also once a beautiful free country, destroyed and looted. – Syria they have been in the country without consent of the chosen leader. – Supporting terrorist organisation around the globe. – Currently supporting a fascist / nazi country. – Haiti robbed empty and kidnapped children.



We were not beaten in Vietnam by Vietcong but by our own treacherous politicians and chiefs of staff.

Tommy Jensen

Off course we can do something. Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon!!


Not really. Anglo-saxon empire is already gasping for air and this will be their final defeat. But our main problem is not their empire but traitors in our midst.


Its not an Anglo-Saxon Empire. Its an empire of the tribe whose name must not be spoken, which is occupying every (((Western liberal democracy))). The UK and US are the fronts.


Vucic talks sense and is honest about what is really going on EU is owned by USA banksters


So does he still want to join the EU? for years he acted like a US vassal,i hope he has changed.


Nah, its the same families that Jesus beat of the stairs of the temple, the same families that wanted him dead and because they are weak pedo’s they made the Italians do it.


USA is owned by that very same bankers, most of them are from Germany and Switzerland, with a couple of them from US. We shouldn’t forget European aristocracy who owns stocks of these banks.


Stoltenberg was a banker now in charge of the most dangerous military army the world has ever seen not independent but controlled for and on behalf of billionaire corporations who answer to nobody


Stoltenberg is what you would define as a true nazi.


Most dangerous military. Stoltenberg is a frontman, has no power. Everything is decided in London and Washington. He is only to announce publicly what has been decided.


The Ziomafia banking parasites are in complete control of the US and EU.

L du Plessis

the EU has no backbone!! 😂


That’s what you get when you have a fascist Union


Has this guy found his balls or what?

opet ja

Please SOUTH FRONT, don’t ever again put this idiot, traitor and criminal here, except he is arrested or neutralized.


Vucic is maybe a criminal but I do not think he is a traitor. A traitor is highest possible rank of a criminal. For example, Croatian prime minister Plenkovic is a traitor.


FREE SERBIA…20 YEARS of NATO OCCUPATION is over…GTFO you Nazi terrorists and take your Shiptarie with you !! KOSOVO IS SERBIA !!


Nothing is over. NATO criminals would make Serbian people to suffer and pay their freedom in blood. And not only them.

Tommy Jensen

If we in US/UK are going down in soupkitchens and foodstamps, be certain that you in Europe and many other countries also will go down with us…………………………………..LOL. We are the Samson solution!!


Maybe, but the point is: UK will be dismantled as a kingdom and will cease to exist. Northern Ireland will become Ireland. Commonwealth will be dissolved. US will have bloody civil war and will crack into republics/kingdoms/fiefdoms and will never regain their haydeys. The price Anglo-Saxons will pay is far beyond your imagination. Wait and see my friend, wait and see.


Vucic is correct that even the dogs in the streets of West Europe know who carried out the attacks of the gas pipelines on the baltic Sea. The Anglo American empire they care not that war engulfs Europe or that people freeze to death they care only for their own interests

shithole USA

the incompetent americunt can do zero except cry and rage like impotent girls


US and UK have been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US and UK trade.


The US was always just a terrorist that pretending to be a democracy. To this day they haven’t changed. Money is their only God, and that’s what will eventually destroy them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Siberian
opet ja

BTW Vučić is in constant contact with Alexandar Soros, listens to US ambassador and EU commissars. He also has a deal with Rio Tinto. Only after protests all around Serbia he postponed the deal.


Ufortunately most of European “leaders” (read puppets) are cowards betraying their country and peoples. Balkan is no exception. But things will change, I can already see that.

Ziological Warefare

European vassals, lube yourselves up a little more


Smaart Leader – tells his people – We Will Be OK. And backs it up with heat, cooking gaz and hot water. It’s been quite warm in Crimea this fall – hasn’t even been close to a frost yet. Trees are turning color now. And in Spring, the Southern Ukrainian Russians will come back, like they used to.


Vucic is a cunt and serbia is a shit state

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