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MARCH 2025

‘We Are Ready’: Iran Allies Warn Israel In New Video

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‘We Are Ready’: Iran Allies Warn Israel In New Video

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On April 13, the Military Media of Lebanese Hezbollah released a short video warning Israel of a full-blown multi-front war.

The video, titled “We Are Ready,” was released ahead of Quds Day, an annual pro-Palestinian event held on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan to express support for Palestinians and oppose Israel. The event was initiated in 1979 in Iran, shortly after the Islamic Revolution.

Operative from Hezbollah are seen in the video examining a map of Israel in what appears to be an operations room along with other operatives wearing the patches of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Hamas Movement, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Iraqi Kata’ib Hezbollah, Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Yemen’s Ansar Allah [Houthis], Afghan Liwa Fatemiyoun, Liwa Zainebiyoun and the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The warning video, which included photos of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem city, was released less than a week after a limited multi-front confrontation, during which dozens of rockets were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syria.

The unprecedented attacks were a response to an assault by the Israeli Police on al-Aqsa, one of Islam’s holiest sites. Hundreds of Palestinians worshipers were arrested during the assault.

Despite the end of the confrontation, Israel is still alerted. The Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate warned that hostilities remain high and could even lead to war. Meanwhile, the Israeli Defense Forces has reportedly decided to bolster air defense systems across the country and deploy additional Iron Dome batteries.

Hezbollah’s new warning could push Israel to take additional defensive measures in the upcoming few days. Tel Aviv views the Iran-aligned heavily-armed group as the main threat on its border.


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Psionists slaves of America

Poor Zionists, the days of them dictating US Middle East foreign policy are numbered. Apartheid, Illegal Orthodox, Zionists-supremacists leeches will eventually be evicted from the West Bank. Slava Baskar Hafez al-Asad.

Last edited 1 year ago by Psionists slaves of America

Yet another blind idiot. Im curious how can you find peace with israel gone when you never had it in the first place, tell me ya suuri, will i find peace and will my business grow, will i have my freedom of speach my basic human rights i was never given by my own let alone some foreign entity? Will i be able to remove arms from militia groups and hand them over to a majority government elected democratically? How about investments? What will the world look like for me living nextdoor in the afternath of israel gone? I tell you how another 1000 years of internal wars for power.


Wake up pathetic a-hole.

Lampshade & Soap Retailer

Best way to pick up Jewish women? Dustpan & brush!


They can be ready all they want but Israel was born in war, thus born ready to bring the noise and if they attack Israel in force a lot of people are going to die on both sides before it’s over and there won’t be a ‘next time’ if it comes to that. Every and so often they work up the nerve to attack Israel and Israel knocks their dicks in the dirt. A-gain…they never learn…

S Balu

Bert33 If zionist entity was such fantastic super armed forces why they have not attacked Lebanon and making noise about striking Iran

Joseph Day

The Jews had no country because they kept loosing. Nothing will change


Ha Ha Ha ha ha. Israel was not born in war, israel was born in Civilian massacres. Palis had no army, so when Ghetto rat ziopigs came from Poland, they simply massacred unarmed civilians.

Edgar Zetar

Persia, you are one of first citadels and promoted cultural advance to the old world and created one of the first lights on the dark, iluminating earth… Your kings lived in communition with the Ancient Gods, tried to be just and your cities were blessed with order peace and true progress in those barbaric ages putting order over chaos and bringing hapiness to your people. The Iranians from today are their descendants their ancient legacy cannot be replaced with anything else. May the Ancient Gods and Allah bless your tribe. Hope Israel someday can come to their senses and stop being so agressive, they think everyone is trying to get to their throath without realizing that are they who are threating and barking at every one else. Diplomacy first even with your most hated enemy.


The mighty Hezbollah is the cure for the zionaZi poison nested in apartheid, occupied Palestine. Every day the truth becomes more apparent. The evil that is “Israel” will be erased from Palestine and the rightful Semitic people will regain their land. However, who will want the welfare warfare chattel that have murdered with impunity since the ZionaZi abomination was aborted in WW2?

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