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MARCH 2025

We Don’t Need White People Leading Democratic Party – Sanders’ Former Spokeswoman (Video)

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Symone Sanders, a former spokeswoman for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, said that nobody needs “white people leading the Democratic Party right now.”

We Don't Need White People Leading Democratic Party – Sanders' Former Spokeswoman (Video)

A former spokeswoman for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, Symone Sanders, rejected a possibility of returning of Howard Dean as chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), adding that “we don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now.” The statement was made during her speech on the CNN TV-channel on Wednesday afternoon.

“In my opinion we don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now,” Sanders said, explaining that diversity of the Democratic Party should be reflected in its staff and leadership – “from the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC.”

She also added that they need to held “a robust discussion about this,” as well as “to hear more from all the candidates.”

“Jaime Harrison of South Carolina, he’s great, too. He’s done real party building, but everybody doesn’t necessarily know Jaime and they want to know what he stands for. So I want to hear more from everybody,” Sanders told CNN‘s Brianna Keilar.

“I want to hear from the millennials and the brown folks,” she concluded.

Sanders also told her opinion about the former party chairman: “Howard Dean is also on record maligning young people and millennials. Telling those Bernie folks they just need to get in line and maligning Bernie Sanders. And that is not what we need.”

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN: Howard Dean also in the running for DNC chairman. And I wonder what you think — you’re a Keith Ellison person.



SYMONE SANDERS: I don’t know. I have not thrown my hat in. I know that my former boss has thrown his weight behind Keith Ellison but I have not thrown my weight behind anyone.

BRIANNA KEILAR: Okay, this is even better. Then you’re an even better person to ask this question of. You have Howard Dean and others who support —

SYMONE SANDERS: Jaime Harrison.

BRIANNA KEILAR: That’s right, Jaime Harrison, and their line is that Keith Ellison, who is more to the left than these other guys, that he, since he’s a sitting Congressman, since it appears he wouldn’t leave that position behind, Debbie Wasserman Schultz had wore the two hats. He’s saying, you know what, that doesn’t work wearing the two hats. Do you think that Is that a real criticism or do you think that that’s people trying to get some cover for not wanting someone who is so, so liberal to be at the helm of the party?

SYMONE SANDERS: I think it’s a little of both. I definitely think it is difficult to win. You have a chair that is a sitting member of Congress, or has any other kind of job, has two sets of staff. There is DNC staff and then there’s office staff. Whenever you want to get something done quickly you just can’t go through the DNC staff you also have to go through whatever particular office staff. Look, I think Keith Ellison is great, I have worked with him. He is amazing, he is a fighter and he’s committed to the issues, but —


SYMONE SANDERS: Howard Dean, you know, Howard Dean was there for the 50-state strategy, but here’s the issue: Howard Dean is also on record maligning young people and millennials. Telling those Bernie folks they just need to get in line and maligning Bernie Sanders. And that is not what we need.

And in my opinion we don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now. The Democratic Party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC.

I think we need a robust discussion about this and I think we need to hear more from all the candidates. Jaime Harrison of South Carolina, he’s great, too. He’s done real party building, but everybody doesn’t necessarily know Jaime and they want to know what he stands for. So I want to hear more from everybody. I want to hear from the millennials and the brown folks.

And it is a reaction of Symone Sanders to a video, showing anti-Trump protesters, pulling a white person out of a car and beating him: “Oh my goodness, poor white people.”

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Sounds racist to me.

Hate Turds

LOL, a black racist:D

Brandon Thompson

Same woman who said: “Oh, poor white people” in response to a white man getting jumped.

Mahmoud Larfi

“Because DNC must reflect diversity”… How shitty argument.

888mladen .

Diversity of what? Skin colors or diversity of thoughts ideas. How will diversity of skin colors solve problems of ordinary Americans? May be for decorative purposes. It would be more colorful attracting more investment from WB and IMF.


“We Don’t Need White People Leading Democratic Party”That’s about as racist as it gets.

888mladen .

So who is Bernie a Pygmy?

Valhalla rising

he is a jew, and as such remember that he is not considered white.


And she is a racist nigger. Stupid as the clown in office whom Trump is replacing. Rotten cunt.

Valhalla rising

Everything goes according to plan.The DP is now the party of the non whites aka the invaders.That will designate them as the enemy.They will never gain power again.I hope they go full bolchevik and we can take them down forever.


For me, she is fine with what she said. I lived a long time in a black neighborhood. Overall I was well treated there and I understand what Symone is expressing. I think it is actually healthy. Politics in the Democratic party is pretty simple. They have white folks at the top, they pick a few symbolic people from other cultures and races, then get them to play ball because they personally are taken care of materially. It is a nasty game and she is being polite about it.

Racism within the Democratic party membership is rampant. They just do a good job covering up. For instance, with the term Afro American, nobody and I mean nobody, on the street, in the supermarkets, movie theaters, shopping malls, who is from a black neighborhood uses that phrase. They refer to themselves, as with reference from the country they were born and raised. If you start to talk ´Afro American´ with your neighbors, they will look at you like somebody from another planet. It is just one of the things I learned during my years of living in South Florida; So Flo as they say.

A good day and great weekend to all.

Kristy Rain

i disagree with every remark that racist woman says. her whole argument is skin color. pigment. wtf does pigment have to do with anything???

“We lost this time because *SKIN COLOR*! You see?! We are going to make *SKIN COLOR* our priority and consider it above all else. *HEIL SKIN COLOR*” *cough*killwhitey*cough*✊


Hello Kristy. I understand. I am observing another possibility going on with the interview, in addition to what I wrote before. Something is going to break here. It will be interesting watch the Dem progressives start to eat each other. Have a good weekend.


The ironic thing is they end up spewing more hatred and bile than the people they are attacking.


I agree. Had I not lived among people in her general culture, I would not have understood what she was really saying.

Marumiyu Moriame

disgusting just racist and disgusting. democratic party was the party of slavery lady learn your history.

Marumiyu Moriame

time for ghost riders to prowl the night.

Peter Jennings

This is the same Sanders who caved to hilarity and then started pushing hilarity at his supporters. Symone Sanders is a failed spokesperson from a failed campaign, you will learn nothing from her.


how about donna brazille, now she embodies the current integrity of the democratic party lol

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