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MARCH 2025

“We Have A Problem: Children Want To Return To Russia!” Ukraine Admits That “Rescued” Children Want To Go Back

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"We Have A Problem: Children Want To Return To Russia!" Ukraine Admits That "Rescued" Children Want To Go Back

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Ukrainian children who returned from Russia to Ukraine are eager to move back to Russia. The executive director of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, Aleksandr Pavlichenko, was interviewed on the subject by the Ukrainian TV channel Kiev 24.

"We Have A Problem: Children Want To Return To Russia!" Ukraine Admits That "Rescued" Children Want To Go Back

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“Some children who came from Russian-held territories, having returned to Ukraine, are eager to return to Russia. They believe that they will have better living conditions there, and they see themselves being more fulfilled there.

This is a problem because the inclusion of children in an active social life in our Ukrainian society should give them a better quality of life, and advantages over what can be offered to them by the Russian Federation. The “carrot policy” works very strongly on the territory of the Russian Federation, and we should not forget this”.

A new problem has manifested itself in Ukraine; children. These are very children who, according to Ukrainian propaganda, were stolen from the territory of Ukraine. These were the children on whose behalf the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, accusing them of the “mass export of Ukrainian children”.

His words arise in the context of strict censorship in Ukraine, when even hints about Russia in a positive context are strictly forbidden, and thus surprised everyone. The Western public, when reading heartbreaking articles about children being forcibly taken to Russia, would have never given a thought to the ethnicity of the children, what language they spoke and where they were taken. The aim of Ukrainian propaganda was to cast Russia in an evil light before the whole world, as a thief of children and destroyer of the civilian population. For a while, it worked, but these revelations contradict the story.

"We Have A Problem: Children Want To Return To Russia!" Ukraine Admits That "Rescued" Children Want To Go Back

Maria Lvova-Belova during a meeting of Ukrainian children with their families in Moscow.

None of the Ukrainian journalists, politicians and human rights activists have ever admitted that Russia evacuated children from a dangerous zone where they could have been killed, by shelling or a malfunctioning air defense system, and thus saved them. They have never acknowledged that Russia provided these children with safety and good living conditions, or that Russia never refused to reunite these children with their relatives in Ukraine and returned practically everyone who had such relatives. Each such return was presented by the Kiev regime as a triumph of its diplomacy and a demonstration of Ukraine’s strength, thus trying to maintain the illusion of it being a strong and independent power.

However, recently the agenda has changed among Ukrainians themselves.

First, a huge amount of video content has appeared from Ukrainians who have “fled” to Russia, who speak passionately about life in Russia, about social guarantees and benefits, about the attitude of the Russian people. It turns out that Russia has everything for a comfortable life: stores are literally “bursting” with an abundance of goods, there are plentiful resources devoted to the development of children and young people, and a labor market providing competitive wages. It turns out that the fabled shortage of toilet bowls, that reliable staple of Ukrainian propaganda, is just a lie.

Secondly, it has become clear that Ukraine never cared about the “rescued” children. Once the children had been returned, and their media usefulness exhausted, they were forgotten about. But many of these children, who had previously hated everything Russian, immediately noticed the deterioration in their lives after returning to Ukraine.

Now human rights activist Pavlichenko is proposing that Ukraine create a database with the surnames of these children, no doubt in order to block all roads to normal life, education and employment for them in the future. Moreover, he is seemingly uninterested in the desperate situation of the children taken from Ukraine to Europe to be sold for organs, sexual slavery and for the pleasures of perverts.

It turns out that the human rights defender is concerned not with human rights, but with the politics of Russia-bashing, refusing to accept the fact that Russia has a normal social policy, not a “carrot policy”, as he put it. Ukrainian children in Russia simply had the same opportunities that Russian children have and that was enough for them to realize the huge difference in the attitude towards children in Russia and Ukraine.

Not so long ago, a video shot by a fighter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, showing a child in the town of Druzhkovka, Kramatorsk district, Donetsk region, washing car windows to earn money “to move with his mother to Krasnodar,” went “viral”. The Nazi became quite hysterical in his condemnation of the child, although the child’s words simply reflect the reality that exists today.


For more than 30 years Ukraine has been inculcating hatred towards Russia and everything Russian. The opportunities of those citizens who considered Russian to be their native language and associated themselves with Russian culture were systematically curtailed. The law on total Ukrainianization, which was passed several years before the Special Military Operation began, in effect deprived the Russian-speaking population of opportunities for education and further careers.

What kind of future can modern Ukraine give its children? Asking this question immediately brings to mind videos on the Internet in which little Ukrainians spew hatred of Russia and threaten to kill Russian people. The psyche of Ukrainian children has been traumatized by the information flow about bombings, murders, rapes, and hatred of Russians. The Ukrainian authorities are ruthlessly crippling children’s souls, dehumanizing them, inculcating anti-Christian values, destroying the institution of the family, and with it the traditions that have been laid down for generations.

In today’s Ukraine, a child is simply expendable material that Zelensky’s regime will either send to Europe as “spare parts” for Europeans or to the front lines to die in “meat assaults” for someone else’s interests. By the way, those who passed through the Nazi children’s camps in the first years after the coup d’état in 2014 are now lying in graves all over Ukraine.

The Kiev regime offers no other future for the new generation. Should we be surprised that the children of Ukraine today dream of being “stolen” by Russia?


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Debunker of NAFO lies

in russia they are better off

Yuri in Sevastopol

than in north korea?

The fubar renaissance

if you’re in sevastopol, i’m the king of siam.


poko molo saxon is amerikan hillbilly envious of russian


we all know you are mykola from lwow


nah he’s mykola from warsaw now. bitch was one of the first to escape through the border into poland dressed as a chick. now he makes 5 cents a comment on the troll farm sites to pay for his rented tiny room in somebodies basement or attic.


insecure saxon polo molo amerikan hillbilly wants to be russian–impersonates superior russian


i frequently impersonate superior russian


the executive director of the ukrainian helsinki human rights union, aleksandr pavlichenko said on tv: “the inclusion of children in an active social life in our ukrainian society should give them a better quality of life, and advantages over what can be offered to them by the russian federation.”

lol how the hell would he know his ass ran away to live in finland in the first place. hypocricy and pathetic lies. but also great comedy.

jens holm

as expert on shit and toilet scrubbing and a 81 year experience in lgbt perversions i must consult my ex husband about our pedophilia history


us nazi pedophile drool over children


ukropistan is a sh!thole. even children recognise the fact.

jens holm

i have no children—no female like me cuz i grind w mens


they don’t care about adults so i’m not surprised they ignore children wishes


.it is not ukraine specific because it works the same in the west..the only difference is that in ukraine you can get killed quite easily. in the west, they will not kill you, just fire you from the job and fine you or jail for the rest of the life


btw, if you are questionong the agenda, for example if you address .multiculti enrichment too much. or green nonsense, they will effectively degrade your social status, it is the same as the system in china. the boeing whistleblower guy was a bit exception to the rule so they “suicided” him because he challenged elites a bit too much. snowden is another example.

AM Hants

poor kids, returning to a nation that does not have their interests at heart. karim khan, the prosecutor of the icc, who issued the warrants against president putin and the doctor, receives his funding from the us. funny, they ignore the fact that russia is not a member of the icc, so has no interest in their findings.


ukraine was failed country long before the maidan coup. no children want to live in a hellhole like ukraine.

The fubar renaissance

icc stands for international criminal consortium. it’s a joke that just committed suicide, lying on the ground and for all passersby to comment. ‘what a fool he was’.


pravda vždy zvíťazí!!! boh jej pomáha!!! všetci, čo sa podieľali na tomto svinstve voči deťom, by mali visieť!!! tu by nemalo byť voči páchateľom tejto ohavnosti, žiadne zľutovanie.

homer hillbilly

as lgbt comrade i sympathize with your inferiority —were you persecuted after gonad removal surgery?


ukraine has prostituted itself 6o the amerikans—i lived in kiev for 3 years—2003 to 2007 when you only heard russian spoken…now they are torn apart by various nazi factions…in the past 2 years 5+ million moved to russia


did self awareness come from psychotherapy or a brain aneurism?


they hate everything russian and consider all eastern ukrainians as inferior mixed people. so they will probably just be sold to us parents to be adopted like in the good old yelzin time that the west so cherished. someone should investigate if all those adopted russian kids in the 90s ended up in loving familys or elsewhere.


of course children from russian speaking areas are better off in rf, who are they kidding fcol

Peter Jennings

poor kid. i hope he makes it. he will very quickly learn not to be so honest in the future, or until he returns to the safety of russia. better off giving these nazi types a load of bullshit and upping his prices.

The fubar renaissance

all of ukraine operates like those colombian schools for pickpockets, training kids in the fine art of picking rich pockets. i guess the republicans wised up, but only when they realized they’re not quite as rich as biden keeps telling everyone.


if you can still find the orphan children in ukraine, time is running out for them before they disappear. surprising they haven’t already been scooped up to be pimped out in faggot macaroni land to some ‘fashion’ industry perverts.

The fubar renaissance

yes indeed, italy does have more than a few of those, and very rich ones at that.

Last edited 11 months ago by The fubar renaissance

in this case macaroni is macron and child sex was legalized in france.

jens holm

i very like little boys


from the article:

“the ukrainian authorities are ruthlessly crippling children’s souls, dehumanizing them, inculcating anti-christian values, destroying the institution of the family, and with it the traditions that have been laid down for generations.”

this what jews do and have done since time began for them. they live to destroy.

zee’s days are numbered for what he has done to christian ukrainian children.

The fubar renaissance

just say it out loud. azov is turning them into hitlerjugend

The fubar renaissance

long winded explanation for just not wanting to be turned into hitler youth in ukraine.

Last edited 11 months ago by The fubar renaissance
Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

e aqui no brasil a tv dizendo que as crianças ucranianas foram raptadas pelos russos. brasileiro é povo retardado, debilóide em acreditar na mentira da mídia.


compare the russians saving these children and getting charged by the icc while the jewish supremacists are slaughtering tens of thousands of children in palestine without a pip from the crooked icc.


they are almost all literally complicit in trafficking children shushing things up like the franklin scandal, finders, hollyfaggot and epstein. it’s almost as if they’re a pack of child abusing satanic scum… we have to be nice to the chosen ones while they do anything and everything though, because this planet was made by the best ever.


ukronazi deserves a elaborate solution.


saxon polo molo needs attention—discarded unloved


ukraine has a homosexual president who wants to turn everyone in transgender and there are no elections and no freedom of speech.


anti- christian values ??? since when have any christians anywhere had values

jens holm

as a registered pedophile i cannot find enough children cus i senile

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