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MARCH 2025

“We Want Putin To Rule Us” And The Italian Response To Russia’s Help

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"We Want Putin To Rule Us" And The Italian Response To Russia's Help

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On March 26th, Russian outlet MK.ru reported on the attitudes and what Italians, and specifically Northern Italians were saying regarding the arrival of Russian military specialists and virologists to Italy.

A special attention was paid to the comments under a video on YouTube, showing the Russian convoy arrive in Bergamo, the most affected city in the country.

“Russia, we are in your hands”, “Russians have come, now you will see the difference with the European Union”, “Putin, be our ruler, you are the only one”, are some of the many such comments.

Russians and Belarusians who live in Northern Italy were interviewed, to shed some light on what the attitude really was, and why they think the situation got so much out of control, and what the Russian military medics will face.

Italians have Russian flags hanging on the windows, a trumpeter playing the Russian anthem on their balconies. Italians who are in quarantine, which is compared with martial law, are immensely grateful to the Russians who came to their aid.

“Of the 70 thousand infected with coronavirus – more than 30 thousand are in Lombardy. About 7 thousand people died. We are like in a war. Our old people are dying. We really need qualified doctors, mechanical ventilation apparatuses. We say thanks to the Russians, the Chinese, and the Cubans, who extended a helping hand to us. We believe that together we will turn the tide,” said Italian architect Adele Sironi.

Most people regard the deployment as positive, with an example being given of one young man, who was questioning what the Russians would want in return, and it appeared that he was reminded that after saving the world from fascism in World War II, Russia didn’t specifically demand anything from anybody.

Other people, Russians and Belarusians gave testimony, saying that many of their elder neighbors were dying, and the situation felt as if it was during wartime. They decided to not leave, “because we are Russians and we cannot do it any other way, together in grief and joy.”

Marina, who has lived in Lisson, Italy for 5 years, said that at first the residents in the north of Italy organized flash mobs, went out to the balconies at nine in the evening, the Italian anthem sounded, everyone stood, supporting doctors in this difficult situation, shining flashlights.

“Now this is no longer. The people are tired, everyone is sitting at home.

Italians have good, strong medicine, but it is, let’s say, peaceful.

Until recently, there was no such thing as an “infectious diseases hospital” here.

Italians have many laws that do not work. Many in Italy now want a ruler like Putin, they believe that in this situation a firm hand and tough measures are needed. My husband’s sister, an Italian, called me yesterday and said: “We want a dictatorship, we are tired.””

She added that nobody took the restrictions seriously. And even distorted by Western propaganda, thinking that Russia is some sort of strict dictatorship, they saw the benefit of a society with people who are willing to follow stricter rules for the greater good.

“After all, what happened after the first week of quarantine, when the government demanded that all restaurants be closed? After exactly seven days, all the bars were again opened for aperitifs. Moms with children were sitting in the cafe. You know what the flash mob was then: we won’t panic! For Italians their entire life is Dolce Vita,” Marina said.

The help from Russia is all very welcome. The Italians were amazed at the speed of the Russians.

“I told my husband, look, in 12 hours the Russians assembled airplanes in Chkalovsky from various air bases in the country, I myself am from a military family, I know what an order is.

They collected the cargo, packed it and flew to Rome.

And here the authorities were mocked for about two days. They said, however, that they are taking tests. But for example, I still don’t understand such a long delay.”

The Italians were not ready at the airbase near Rome in such an amount to take our planes and cargo. They were not prepared to unload the cargo.

Information about the arrival of Russian military virologists is distributed mainly through Facebook. In the Italian media, there is very scarce information on the matter, according to Marina.

A photo is spread in social networks where three girls – a Chinese woman, a Cuban and a Russian woman – stand nearby in dresses of green, white and red colors, symbolizing the Italian flag. And the signature: “Only Italians could so beautifully thank China, Russia and Cuba for the help.”


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Zionism = EVIL

To be fair, Russia and Putin have acted as a great power should and have won global acclaim. The EU trash should hang their heads in shame as their Americunt arsehole masters deserted them in their hour of need. Like the senile old Jew fuck Kissinger said, “Friendship with US is a kiss of death”. In this case literally! FUCK AMERICUNT SELFISH GREEDY INHUMAN ARSEHOLES!


To be fair other than trashing EU and US there is very few motivation behind the Russian help.

Zionism = EVIL

It is called SOFT POWER!


It’s called negative advertising

Peter Jennings

To be fair, I think you need to occupy your own brain for a while.


Nahh man, I like to occupy yours.

Peter Jennings

You wouldn’t like mine.


Who wouldn’t, you’re a smart guy. Chicks have no idea what they losing with this quarantine

Peter Jennings

Your too kind.


Of course Russians have their own reasons and motivations to help Italy and others, but is that a bad thing? Personally I prefer a propaganda campaign that focuses on helping the people in need, to on that relies on full spectrum lies and accusations. For whatever help Russia sent to my country, I am grateful. We will do the same as soon as we can, to pass the torch.

A personal parallel to this situation for me would be if the USG did something positive for my people by giving their economic terrorism some rest without asking anything in return. It would shake my beliefs (derived from experience and not propaganda) and I looked the USG more favourably. And I would not be alone in that.


See? that’s what I said, Russia sent its medics not so much to help Italy but to blame EU and NATO and that diminishes the effort of the medics sent there.



The real question is this: What did EU, NATO and US do and why should an act of help by Russia in comparison make them look bad?

Now complete answer (This is our new year’s holidays and I am social distancing so I can afford to talk much more than before!):

Try to look at it this way: Let’s say if the Russian help is %90 propaganda and only %10 real help, it’s infinitely more than 0 help given by Italy’s formal allies, isn’t it?

Unless you believe that Russian help is worth 0 or worse, it has a negative effect by distracting Italian health workers, which in both case at least some Italians beg to differ.

I think it was a clever move by Russia (although Russia was not alone, China also sent help and of course Cubans who are always, always helping the poorest countries -which can’t repay them- in times of crisis and pandemics despite the immense hardship imposed on them for decades).

It seems that their help has a positive effect and Italians understand and appreciate it. It mends Russia’s image tarnished by years of non-stop negative propaganda. They are making friends, attracting average Italian’s heart. Look at what other countries are doing in the middle of this crisis, from embargo, threats and intense bombings to stealing and confiscation of much needed items. In this condition any help is appreciated and hardly forgotten. If we choose to look at it cynically it’s like an investment which Russia (and others) understood and after securing their own nations they are investing.

I repeat myself, this kind of investment is infinitely better than bribing, threatening, invading, unleashing terror, contributing to the death of average Joes and other things that US and co are doing. Whatever Russia’s motivation is, they are actively doing something useful, helpful and nothing can change this fact. Compare with my example of the USG, where the most appreciated thing they could do was “doing absolutely nothing” and not endangering the life of even one single volunteer. What do you think they’ll do?

I am in complete agreement with you that Russia’s help makes EU and US look bad and I also agree that Russians know it and it’s one of their numerous motivations, among other reasons from selfish to selfless ones.


The real question is this: What did EU, NATO and US do and why should an act of help by Russia in comparison make them look bad?


Very well said Garga.



Ironic that US bio military threat, for example labs in Georgia and Ukraine, have encouraged the present Russian capabilities in the present situation.


The Zionist Yanks have a low horizon, they want the money NOW.

Russia however , uses the vast weight of US ineptitude against the USA.

Pave Way IV

“Russia however , uses the vast weight of US ineptitude against the USA.”

Hey! What the hell?? THAT’S not fair…


I am just enjoying the virus chaos that New York is having. Riots are the next popcorn event. Seemingly, the Virus is not frightened to kill lots of Americans on US soil :)


The real question is how to help covidpatients, but no.. Nato and eu


Do you mean russia should not help italy and let the virus wipe them just like what EU and US did?


I didn’t say anything like that. I said it had more effect for Russia’s image without the aggressive propaganda of pro-Russian media against USA and EU’s unity. But that’s just childish, it doesn’t do much other than diminishing the effort of the Russian medics for which I have great respect.


you said you have respect at the russian move but still you have resrvations.


I have reservations because Russian media distroys the effort of this medics, using it just for political means


its the italian media LA STAMPA


I read the Russian outlets more than the Italian ones


Nah, and you are not being fair. EU and US could have acted with decisiveness and energy, but they didn’t, so they have themselves to blame. All Russia had to do was give some help and again it’s a checkmate. EU politicians are elite technocrats who don’t care for people, so they can rot.


How many lives did Russian medics saved in Italy until now? … before rushing to claim “checkmate” :)


I don’t have numbers on lives saved, and some can’t be saved, but additional respirators help, better management of population and resources helps, etc. Epidemic management is also about prevention of the spread. But when the alleged “friends” don’t help, and in fact steal supplies sent to Italy, massive Russian aid is always a checkmate. The EU absolutely has an egg in their faces. Oh yeah, Germany promised to take 47 Italians for treatment – my faith in EU is restored! (Not!)


So what are you more interested in, how can Russia fight covid in Italy or how Russia can destroy EU and NATO with this occasion?


Most interested in Russian humanitarian effort, but it is curious that it has the potential to unravel a lot of the EU bs.


Not that curious but far from proclaiming victory and EU disollution


The deaths in Italy have gone up since the Russians came to town to study their bio-weapon handiwork. Now go lick some public doorknobs and handrails, AH.


Are you blaming Russia for this virus? Seems there’s no low that’s too low for the Empire and its minions to stoop to, eh.


Lol that’s ‘a bit’ of exageration. At first I was critic towards those who were saying that Putin was doing this just for propaganda but now everything is clear.


Then, the US choice of DOING ANYTHING AT ALL should be seen as the highest point of a honest DEMOCRATIC strategy.

Helping is communist propaganda, being selfish is a sound democratic choice.


Well they do but they don’t brag with it that much, NATO’s (mostly USA) military planes are used to transport aids without any charge, for all its members. Some poor members already started to receive beds from US army.


Did the the russians asking for charges on sending their doctors and equiptments to Italy?


Of course not, the game is to point finger at how weak EU and NATO are


indeed they are weak and now it prevails. so now you prefer to refuse moscows help and let people die just because it hurts the ego that the so called the enemy of the block came to the rescue? you should tell that to the italians in the first place.


Not at all, I prefer to read how many lives did Russian medics saved instead of how weak EU and NATO are


Maybe the “game” is to aid Italy. Maybe it’s about saving lives. Or maybe it’s about common humanity. Your cynicism in this instance says more about you than Russia.


I bet the medics and military sent there think like you but this days Russia is more busy to herald that NATO and EU didn’t help Italy at all than actually presenting what the medics are doing there.


Or, rather, the game over the last 30 years has been “look how we are gr8 and strong and united” but in truth a pneumonia was sufficient to make the EU/NATO economic/military PONZI SCHEME fall apart.

With hindsight, THANK GOD we limited ourselves to trolling and didn’t wage actual war to Russia. The Bear would have DIVIDED and EATEN all of us alive, one by one.


We didn’t fall apart yet, even if EU chase to exist, the West will keep Russia away of its business.


Yes, sure….



That’s indeed very nice.


Maybe you refer to this: https://www.eur.army.mil/Newsroom/Releases-Advisories/Press-Releases-Article-View/Article/2125091/press-release-humanitarian-assistance-program-support-to-italy/

Italians will be relieved by the fact they are considered a poor/last-tier kind of an ally.

What Italians do need is this: wantedinrome.com/news/russia-sends-nine-planes-to-italy-with-doctors-and-medical-aid.html




What if you are wrong? What else could it be?


I already admitted I was wrong, I can be wrong when I try to anticipate an event but not that much after it becomes a fact: that Russian publications never forget to blame EU and NATO when they present their good doings.


Fair enough, thank you for your reply.


lol xD

Zionism = EVIL

‘We’re Fucked’: Aircraft Carrier Outbreak Sends Troops Scrambling

And the fallout isn’t just aboard the USS Roosevelt. In Kuwait, the brigade deployed to deter Iran is now caught in the Pentagon’s 60-day movement freeze as attacks on US forces in Iraq mount.


All good LR, we are still under quarantine and next week we are going into a full shut down. The streets are empty, only policemen and ambulances are passing by. Also, Hamas shot 2 rockets today from Gaza, but now I don’t have any hope it will change in the near future. How’s it going with you?

colin adese

We need Russia in the UK . . . . Pronto!

cechas vodobenikov

you won’t see any amerikan flags in Italy unless they r on fire

Zionism = EVIL

Even the Americunt flags are MADE IN CHINA.

Peter Jennings

Italy will be next to leave the EU and they will do well via lots of business with Russia and China.

EU apparatchiks have shit their own nest too many times. The EU could survive, with the inclusion of Russia.


Italy won’t leave the EU,for the same reason that Greece won’t leave. If they did their debt in Euros would crush them. The UK did not have the Euro so the pound dropped some, but their debt was already in pounds, so only a little extra loss. For Italy to have to pay off its national debt in Euros with Liras, while having a very unfavorable credit ration would sink its economy. As it stands they have the Eurozone by the balls, give us money or else we can bring the Euro down. To leave the EU would actually be a boon for the Eurozone.

Assad must stay

Hahahaha very nice

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