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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran’s Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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On September 22nd, an Iranian Naval Parade took place in the port city of Bandar Abbas, as part of the celebrations for Iran’s Sacred Defense Week.

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani was in attendance and gave an opening speech.

The main ceremony in Tehran was opened with a speech by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Iran’s Sacred Defense refers to the beginning of an eight-year war, launched by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in late September 1980 on the Islamic Republic.

The Naval Parade included warships from the Iranian Navy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy, as well as the Iranian Air Force and the IRGC’s Air Force.

Most of the photographs provided by Iranian media show whatever was closest to the coast, while there are videos showing the naval exercises and the parade.

Some of the military equipment presented at the Naval Parade included:

  • The IRGC’s Tondar (Houdong) missile boat. It weighs 205 tons and can travel at a speed of 65 km/h. The vessel was initially equipped with Nour missiles, but they have been replaced Qadir cruise missiles with a range of 300km.
Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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  • The IRGC’s Zolfaghar fast missile boat was also presented. Very little information is available for these vessels.
Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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  • The Shahid Nazeri catamaran-type ship made an appearance as well. It is 55 meters long, 14 meters wide, carries a light civilian helicopter and can travel at a speed of up to 28 knots.
Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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  • Several of the IRGC’s Ashura-class small boat appeared, armed with their typical machine guns.
Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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  • Various patrol boats of both the IRGC and Iranian Navy were showcased.
Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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  • A significant appearance was the Iranian Navy’s Ghadir-class mini-submarine, specifically built to navigate the shallow waters of the Persian Gulf. It has Diesel-electric propulsion, weighs 120 tons, and is armed with 2 533mm torpedoes, in addition to mines and missiles.
Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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  • The BH.7 Wellington Mk 4 air cushion landing craft appeared. It has a weight of 55 tons, when fully loaded with 60 troops, and it can travel at speeds of up to 65 knots.
Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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The Iranian Air Force presented its F4-E Phantom fighter jets, originally produced in the US.

Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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The Dassault Mirage F-1EQ made an appearance, as well, the fighter jet is a successor to the Mirage III family.

Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Finally, the Agusta AS-61 helicopter flew above the Navy’s vessels. The type operated by the Iranian Air Force is the ASH-3D variant, an anti-submarine warfare helicopter.

Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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Weapons And Equipment Showcased During Naval Parade In Iran's Bandar Abbas (Photos, Videos)

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This is just part of the hardware that was presented during the Naval parade, those which were easily spotted and photographed from the coast.


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Zionism = EVIL

Iran has pretty much got a historic choke-hold on the Persian Gulf and anyone dumb enough to start a war will burn. The drones from Yemen will look like gnats compared to what Iran has in store.

Toronto Tonto

Dream on dumbazz .


Oh look Tonto Turdo is back…

Zionism = EVIL

He is a kiddy troll and wants attention, not even worth mentioning.

Zionism = EVIL

Just added a few more interesting naval weapons

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d16864b63a413874116d121edc11954dc7d387b62aeb020cc2c3769a90c162be.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a73230ca06a15992822d564044e28ecf71cf5aa967afc151c862dc8296bcab08.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/920691c1a02bf3db0b15e82fd41a8b27e8cddff314428fd4994a68b11bc7f221.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/48d33d9056c790eb32eeddead4e0feb759663d008615a88136c7e416edd6241d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c09a82555a1b41599e7c3a9cfff5f7ed71240854ac609d3e7466de1dc43aa97f.jpg


lot of friggin floating devices but to get to the ever evil israelis and remove them from the land they’ve stolen they, the iranians, will need a lot of missiles, a lot of tanks and a lot of other stuff so the can paralyze the ever evil squatters and kick them all the way to hell or kingdom come, whichever is first.

a very good start would be low flying missiles from the caspian sea and straight for the heart of the matter – tel aviv, knesset and haifa and a lot of other places to show the ever evil israelis that their iron dome in fact is the iron dooooooom kaboooom and that they better a) refrain from using nukes and b) get the hell out of dodge while they can. no mercy if they stay behind!

Tiresia Branding

do you think that if Israel goes to war with Iran Turkey will not regulate the open account of the Mavi Marmara? ;-)


they better settle that old score for good – the hard way!!!


The baby rapers aren’t going anywhere until their nuke trump card is taken away by the deterrent of getting nuked in return. Once that’s done. The next issue is keeping the US out of it. That’s well on the way also with Israel’s government’s approval support amongst Americans dropping like a rock as the older brain washed generations die off and are rapidly replaced by younger generations with internet access to much better information about Jew crime and evil.



– Young adults less likely than older people to have a favorable view of the Israeli government –


Toronto Tonto

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA almost worth a laugh , junk .


They have a big navy than Canada now thats a laugh lol

Zionism = EVIL

Please don’t feed the kiddy troll. He just wants attention.


Eliminating them ? Wait for a good storm, now in winter and decimate them when they are hidding at shore with those toys. Have only seen one boat capable of sailing, let albe fighting, during storm. I should be afraid every time there is more then 30 knots of wind to put those dinghy s at risk.


That’s all good looking equipment, it’s very impressive. Especially from a nation supposedly being economically choked to death by the Zionist criminals.

It shows the way forward to decouple from JewS$ economic terrorism. And replace goods and services with strings attached with better SCO and other alternatives, including indigenous self sufficiency.

Congratulations to the Iranians on their success and a job well done. I hope that many others will follow the positive example that they’ve provided. And that the Jew world order miscreants will be self sanctioning by their own antisocial misconduct and will learn their lesson as humanity turns it’s back on them and creates a better future without them.

Hisham Saber

That’s whats happening as we speak. And its being led by China. China, in the next 20 years stands to oust the Jew dominated global financial monetary scheme.

China, has, and will be investing about 25 trillion on its global OBR initiative. Its promising to span the entire globe. Its based on respectful mutual trade, free trade, inclusion, not sanctions, hegemony and belligerence like the Jewish system. The Chinese call it a ‘ win-win’ scenario, which it is already showing to be.

One of the main routes of the OBR is the southern Asian – Middle Eastern route. It starts out in China, then goes to Pakistan, where both countries have just completed construction of the China – Pakistan Economic Corridor, a 100 billion dollar initiative and link system, rail , highways, energy, technology links. Then from there, it goes to Iran. Another section branches off towards Afghanistan, to be completed once the U.S. finally get expelled from there. Then off to the ‘ stan ‘ countries on Russia’s underbelly.

There is already a high speed cargo rail, energy, tech linkage nonstop from China to Iran operating. It takes 14 days time instaed of 5-6 weeks by sea for the route to be completed. And is much more secure. Lets not forget that China owns an 80 % stake in Irans South Pars Gas Field, one of the largest reserves in the world. Another reason Iran will not be attacked. Simply put, China will get involved quickly if too much pressure comes down on Iran, whom they are floating financially and in othetr ways. Including sophisticated weapons technology. Like highly accurate ballistic missile satellite guidance tech, among other such novelties.

After Iran, plans are already underway to link up next with Iraq, which China is very interested in helping to rebuild. Again, after the U.S. is fully expelled, which it will be, just a matter of time.

After Iraq, the plan for the OBR is to go through Syria, who again, the Chinese are helping financially and materially and have promised to rebuild on numerous occasions.

After Syria, the OBR is going to Lebanon where the Chinese are already busy building a massive maritime port that will serve the Medi sea and carry on to Africa, South America, Latin America etc.

The Israeli’s lobbied the Chinese to have the port built in Israel, but the Chinese declined, even though the Israeli’s promised good things to come with their silly ‘ Deal of the Century ‘ . The Chinese know its a failure from the start, and said no to Israel. So the Israeli’s got very upset and quickly thereafter put pressure on the U.S. to start a trade war with China. That’s the whole reason why the Trump Admin initially imposed a 250 billion dollar punitive tariff war on Chinese goods, causing todays trade war. As we all know Jews control the U.S.

The 19th century belonged to the British, and it was a disaster for mankind, the 20th century belonged to the U.S./Jews, and has been even worse of a catastrophe for humankind. By the middle of the 21st century, the world system will belong to China, Russia, Iran and co. and it will be an enlightened period of prosperity and peace and tranquility. Out with the old decrepit system, in with the ‘ win- win ‘ system the world has been eagerly waiting for.

Cheers friend.


The end of the British empire brought 2 world wars. You can debate the extent of British culpability in that. Though clearly they have some. The Jewish Bolsheviks and Stalin genocided 20 million or more Russians and Soviets in the process. That was the end of the British empire.

The Jews are in control of the American empire. The chances that it will replaced with what you envision without a fight isn’t looking good. As Syria and the Arab spring and it’s aftermath show.

I’m in favor of abolishing Judaism and closing and demolishing the synagogues and yeshivas with a UN convention similar to what was done with slavery and the resolution on Zionist racism. And replacing Israel at the UN with a unified Palestine. And assimilating the current generations of Jews into Jew free societies as former Jews so that Judaism is extinguished and Jews as a bloodline cult go extinct. A lot of people born into Judaism feel the same way. And drop out of it and refuse to raise their children in it. So that their bloodlines going forward are free of it.

Hisham Saber

I totally agree with you. Rabbinical Talmudic Judaism should be outlawed worldwide. The quicker the better for planet earth, and humanity.

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