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MARCH 2025

Weapons of Faith: The Arming of American Schools

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Weapons of Faith: The Arming of American Schools

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Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

The United States remains a country of tenacious faith.  The nature of that faith stretches from the digital pulpits of Silicon Valley, where cool technology occupies the seat of majesty, to the hot Bible Belt of spiritual endurance and suffering, where the good Lord holds sway in stern disapproval.  In between, market fundamentalists take time to worship the invisible hand of business and capitalism.

The symptoms of that faith can be extraordinary, almost to the point of caustic neuroses.  Faith in the sanctity of guns permits a form of tolerable urban warfare, a type of assimilated frontier violence characterised by high death tolls.  For all the rage and mourning that takes place after each massacre, be it in school or in places of worship, the slain are merely the tax paid for exercising a constitutional liberty.  As with all freedoms, exercising them comes at a cost.

As a sacred totem, the gun, like ancient god figures drawn from verdant groves and sun-bleached deserts, is an idol to be replicated in displays, shows, and performances.  Any chinks in this system of idolatry are put down to the nature of the worshipper, weak of character, questionable of principle.  The Uvalde shooter was, in keeping with this view, a mental basket case, detached, isolated, estranged.  He was lobotomised by the cruel workings of social media, an outcast, a social vegetable.  A suburban family with 50 assault weapons salivating over their next purchase is, by contrast, sanely functional, good citizens going about their business under the double blessing of the Second Amendment and the marketplace.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s understanding of this issue is typical and unblemished by complexity.  In the language of a sweetly crafted, and predictable fairy tale, Cruz sees a morality tale in the business of owning guns.  To the 19 children and two adults who perished at Robb Elementary School, he had this response: “What stops bad guys is armed good guys.”

Garden gnome psychology is never far from such reasoning.  “We know that many of those who commit the most heinous crimes they’re isolated from human contact,” Cruz told members of the National Rifle Association in an address last month.  “They’re living a virtual life in the absence of community and faith and love.”

Addressing the medical, pathological aspect – to de-psycho, as it were, the field of ownership – is seen as one answer from the pro-gun fraternity.  The other is counter-intuitive and, in its way, truly a matter of faith.  To solve the gun problem, more weapons, not fewer, are needed.  Spread the fetish, proliferate the means of mass lethality.  As certain theorists of security and international relations regard the issue of addressing nuclear weapons, the more countries have them, the more secure the world will be.  Terror binds us; terror deters us.  If you cannot abolish weapons, then partake of its fruits.

In such mind-numbing logic, schools can solve shootings by flooding the administrative system with guns, arming teachers, militarising the spaces and places of learning.  In a 2021 Pew Research poll, 43% of those surveyed favoured allowing K-12 teachers and school officials to carry guns.  Of the percentage, 66% of them were Republicans; 24% Democrats.  63% of gun owners supported the measure; 33% of non-gun owners did not.

In response to Uvalde, Senator Cruz, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, are stirring their base.  Their suggestions of arming schools are of uneven quality, childish and resoundingly doltish.  But they point to a central understanding of acceptable carnage and military permissiveness.

Attorney General Paxton has been true over the years to the view that a citizenry armed to the teeth, even when going about mundane tasks, is a safe one.  In December 2017, he issued an opinion claiming that licensed handgun owners could legally carry loaded weapons into Texas churches with no posted signs banning them.  As for what could have been done in Uvalde, the theme is familiar.  The key was to make it “more difficult for people even to get in that point of entry” by having “teachers and other administrators who have gone through training and who are armed.”

Such a measure, Paxton argued, was to be encouraged as law enforcement authorities tended to be late on the scene, failing to prevent the shooting.  “The reality is,” he explained to Fox News, “we don’t have the resources to have law enforcement at every school.”

Patrick’s statement of June 3 could just as well apply to a discussion about violent insurgencies US foreign policy has tended to foment over the years.  “If every member of law enforcement across the state, approximately 80,000 officers, had a bulletproof shield in their vehicle, their ability to respond to an active shooter situation would be greatly enhanced.”  (Does he envisage police driving into the active shooter in class?)

He notes that “more training is needed”, but the urgency of having measures in place before the start of the new school year to “better equip our police who respond to these attacks” was paramount.  As with any planning for a military campaign, having the appropriate material in stock might be a problem.  “There could be a supply-chain issue at present, but we should try to buy every quality shield we can find and order the rest so we are at the front line when more become available.”

Not that these matters solve the problem.  To equate armed teachers with safety is a false equation.  The Uvalde shooter could still go about his business even in the face of a heavily armed response unit.  The “good guys” seemed rather ineffectual to stop the “bad guy” at Uvalde.  The National Education Association President Becky Pringle’s statement in response to shootings could only seem peculiar in an environment of gun fetishists.  “Bringing more guns into schools makes schools more dangerous and does nothing to shield our students and educators from gun violence.”

Dispirited about such responses, Daniel Siegel, a 23-year-old middle-school teacher from Houston, suggested something disturbingly radical.  Give schools more resources, not in terms of weapons and defences but on matters of learning and the nurturing of students’ emotional wellbeing.  Sadly, that horse, saddled by the Second Amendment, bolted some time ago.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  Email: bkampmark@gmail.com


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Interesting, the Amerikan idiots have no tampons, no baby formula, $10 gas and homeless living in the streets but plenty of guns to kill at home and abroad. Disgusting savages.


You are more idiotic for having no real understanding of the situation.

Russia is Nigeria with Snow https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2022/06/12/russia-is-nigeria-with-snow/

The causes of the problems in America and most other White countries are orchestrated from within at the highest levels to bring about their destruction.

If these countries (especially America and West European countries) had more Whites, fewer blacks and fewer swarthy populations, they wouldn’t have this violence. This was true back when blacks, etc were a smaller percentage of the population, at a time when gun ownership was more widespread with less violence and corruption overall.

Hank from troll farm

Moron AmeriKKKA, Australia, Canada, NZ were all built on genocide of the indigenous populations, slavery and racism and now face the KARMA. They are all stolen lands. Yes, try to remove the “swarthy” Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Portuguese and half of Europe too LOL. Are you a kid?

Elohim Kosher Bar

Wow!! 16 posts on one article Jack the jew is working hard for “its” Unit 8200 shekels. Notice the BS “white guilt” propagation and racial divisiveness memes.

Dear Jack. Your supervisors need to demote you to using your toothbrush to clean the toilets for such obvious and lazy propaganda. Pitiful job.

Here’s the jewish pagan rain dance of many shekels. Enjoy. >>>>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2OoVC9Em9c


Yes. Integration is one of the worst things for society.

Funny how these people want to finger “Americans” about intollerant racism but they don’t want them in their country either.

Work AT Home

Get $194 per h from Google!… Indeed this can be best since I basically got my underlying finance check of $24412 and this was simply of one week…I am aslo purchased Range Rover Velar right after this payment… it is really best job I have even had and you will not for give yourself if you not check it……. 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

nazi liar—USA #1 violent crime, non-violent crime rape, mental illness per capita all nations—80+% crime white, 90% rape white, 30+% mentally ill—no civilized nation exceeds 6%


FBI keeps statistics on violent crime by race that anyone can check. USA violent crime is overwhelmingly a problem of the inner cities and is focused in majority black areas. The majority of this crime is committed by blacks and has mostly black victims. You don’t hear about this because US media tends to only report a criminal’s race when he is white. Those US cities that allow most law abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms generally have significantly less violent crime.

Simon Ndiritu

Than blame white americans for not chosing white slaves.


Black Embarrassment – A 40 Minute Compilation https://ia802505.us.archive.org/16/items/bn-6_20220614/BN_6.mp4

“The only reason we have “safe” worldviews is because we are prevented from rediscovering one of the true evils of this world. There is a great effort to hide these videos.

Watch all the way through. It gets continuously more insane.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack




The lot of you seem to be from some former eastern bloc country located in Asia.

Your entire understanding seems to derive from propaganda and a general lack of authentic information and practical experience, you never stop to wonder why the west is subject to waves of non-stop migration from many of the poorest countries on earth.

If this were a White supremacy that existed prior to WW2, these countries rule others from abroad and the subjugated populations would be restricted from entering into the formerly white nations of the foreign occupiers.

Instead you place everything through an anti-white context, while whites are deliberately subject to demographic replacement (soft genocide) that radicalizes many into advocating white ethno states.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Dumbass hypocrites keep voting you down.


moron nazi poko polo reappears from Oklahoma trailer park


Letting a government have all of the guns would be the end of your freedom..Government works for the citizens, not the other way around..


They surely live in countries with overly strict gun laws. They can’t get enough of their masochistic relationship with their corrupt governments, while White countries are now catching up in becoming just as tyrannical in eliminating freedom of assembly.



1+million dead amerikans covid..weak impotent morons


Well you could consider that USA hospitals got a large govt support payment per COVID death. Also another payment for each COVID patient on ventilator. So flu and pneumonia deaths disappeared and became COVID deaths while many COVID patients were killed by inappropriate use of ventilators.


The only reason why the Chinese Communists can weld people’s apartment doors shut preventing them from leaving their homes is because it is an absolute shithole where the nail that sticks out gets hammered down, they are more servile and thus more enslaved.

That’s why the west no matter its problems is being flooded with immigrants from all over the world and not the other way around, jews want obedient worker bees that don’t ask questions rather than free spirited people whose natural inclinations are to oppose what threatens their freedom.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

half wit nazi incompetent uneducated moron—keep to your crack pipe lies….you are a pitiful failure…cannot find work as janitor must lick boots of superior jews


What government works for the citizens?????



” What we have here is another example of a complete denial (https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=white%20supremacy%20biggest%20threat%20filter%3Averified&src=typed_query&f=live) of observable and provable reality.

They know they can achieve their goals though because they completely control the flow of information.

https://rumble.com/vf0gvd-the-truth-about-mass-shootings-in-america-and-who-commits-them.html “

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

senile nazi more desperate


Your full of bullshit.

Hank from troll farm

Truth is a hurtful commodity.

Alexander the Transnistrian

What a shithole country…

Retired Troll

It is a failed and now officially classified as a BANANA REPUBLIC. Even the disgruntled US poverty stricken population is rooting for a Russian victory. Go to Twitter and see how poverty and violence are ruining America, but the Bilderbderg Jew cabal is obsessed with “defeating Russia”. The sanctions are really working well :)


There is more crime in Mexico and Brazil. The US remains more developed, the problem is their racial problem and the cultural toxins spread by the jewish population that pulls the strings. That country has the highest jewish population in the world, naturally things will turn sour.


Actually the problem with the US is the Constitution which is a godless liberal document.


false—UN/FBI data prove you are a liar—you are incompetent; you require superior Jews to govern you


The problem with your worldview is that it is not much different from the shit promoted in the West, merely exclude the gay and tranny shit; then you have a much more similar worldview.


Yes. Listening to these people and foriegn alternate news is just like listening to the liberal news media here.

They have no clue.


Russia is also controlled by jews. The Chinese Communist Party was established by American Jews, they clearly gave a lot of power to China and continue to do so.


half wit nazi farcical—self humilited masochist sodomized by trannies in Oklahoma trailer park


“Even the disgruntled US poverty stricken population”

Yet their living standards are higher.

“is rooting for a Russian victory”

Only a smaller percentage of Conservatives who historically are nothing more than ambiguous Liberals and Libertarians disguised as traditionalists.

A Russian victory will only mean another version of Globalism devoid of real Nationalism.

You can’t seem to comprehend there are 3rd parties.


There are no third parties.


you have nazi standards—halfwit too stupid to comprehend values, “living standards”


You cannot win a debate, you run away from it because it does not serve to propagate your misinformation. That is why you misconstrue anything counter-narrative as “CIA trolls” when you have no proof and cannot fathom someone disagrees with you. I am sure uneducated morons fall for those childish tricks in this echo chamber of yours.


debate w half wit nazi poko molo—a waste of effort debating w senile moron


Leave the inner cities and life is not a shithole in most other locations. You like to pretend Russia is the exact opposite, when that is far from being true. https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2022/06/12/russia-is-nigeria-with-snow/


nazi propganda farcical—we are not plagued w mental illness violent crime, rape ugliness like your shitcole sewer nation

Ashok Varma

A racist shithole I may add.


Only hateful towards the White population. This is true in every Western country whose governments, media, etc constantly lie about history to further White genocide. Although you could care less, unless it happens to your country where if Whites became just as ethno centric as you and other third-world populations, you would continue to call them “racists”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

India far more civilized than amerikan sewer….”the problem w amerikans is not Orwellian it is huxleyan—amerikans love their oppression”. Neil Postman now go lick your superior Jew masters boots


Far better than India. Or are you swarming over to Europe, Oceania and North America to take it over if the reason for doing so is not for wealth?

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack
Ashok Varma

Indians and Asians are just smarter that the “white” angry trailer trash, get used to it.


obviously—US data shows Asians/Indians are better employed better educated and have higher incomes in USA than the white trash


Spoken like a true liberal stooge.


US does meet all the essential criteria of a failed state shithole, no butts about it.


Russia? Ukraine? Poland? Israel? China? Name one that isn’t.

Barba Papa

America’s problem with school shootings is the same as that of any other Western country. Feminism that has gone rampant and which has marginalized boys and young men in favor of over obsession with girls and women in the education system and society. And also an epidemic of single parent families where the father has been marginalized or ejected from the family entirely. When young men grow up without a good male role model in a society that only seems to value women and feminine values, don’t be surprised if they become confused in their masculinity and/or resentful to that society and start lashing out. The San Antonio shooter came from a single mother family. It is easy to say this is a sign of American degeneracy, as many here will probably say, but the same problem exists in Europe or any Western country. The family unit is being destroyed and masculinity is called toxic and being frowned upon while female values are being held up as superior. And where in the US guns are readily available, that resentment will channel into different forms of violence in other countries where guns are less readily available. Knife attacks are rampant in the UK, Sweden has a problem with grenades and only recently did someone drive his car into people into Germany.

The solution to this problem is not to turn our society in an armed guards camp, but to bring masculinity and good male role models back to our boys. We need more Jordan Petersons and less gun control that only serves to give the government more power.


Most mass shootings in America are conducted by blacks and mestizos.Most violent crimes that take place in Europe, NA and Australia are all committed by the swarthy and dusky migrants.The majority of the school shootings in America that make the news are government coordinated Psy Ops to promote disarming the populace in preparation for totalitarian rule. Such restrictions do not stop the cartels from smuggling guns and selling them to criminals, it will render the domestic population helpless to state tyranny.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

false nazi poko molo liar—even FBI data contradicts your moron fabrications—did tranny ex bf sodomize you to frequently or did electroshock fail you?


Not a fan of most of your comments, but on this you are spot on.


USA built by immigrants whose purpose are purely to steal whatever they can from the land in one way or another without sense of patriotism and loyalty where everyone treats everybody as hostile competitors, just like most of the tenants who won’t care much about the dwelling structure that they’ll leave at some point.


This has nothing to do with guns.

When I was a in school kids brought guns to school all the time and there were no school shootings.

The problem is the degeneration of society by liberals in politics and the entertainment industry. Mostly Hollywood which has rotted everyones brain.

Abraham Lincoln

Totally wonrg there is no faith in the Zio USSA. They have been conquered by the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship, and worship satanic Jews and want to be at the right hand of the anit christ forever.


I generally like the articles of southfront but on this one you are utterly wrong: Banning guns will never mean disarming criminals as it doesn’t work for drugs neither. Try to explain to the persecuted Mexican villagers that to protect them from the cartels they need more gun control! They have some of the harshest gun control laws aviable. Try to explain why Switzerland and Canada doesn’t have such problems while having more guns per capita than the USA. An you with all your “superior intelligence” who judge a whole nation then try to tell me how would have been the situation in uwalde of it was the teachers and the parents to have guns and training instead of the cops! Yes exactly, your coward tyrannical cops that you want to be the only one with guns.


Don’t you know how to add? 80% of the US population is white, what result did you expect?



This is nothing more that an American PSYOP.

Sgt. Based

Ah yes

The guns are the problem

Not the feds who have radicalized, allowed, and sometimes funded or armed mass shooters

Not the media that promotes mass violence against political and racial opponents

Its the guns


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