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Website Of Russian Defense Ministry Came Under Cyber-Attack

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Website Of Russian Defense Ministry Came Under Cyber-Attack


On March 4 (~13:50 CET), the website of the Russian Defense Ministry came under an apparent cyber-attack. The attack caused interruptions in the website’s work.

The incident happened amid an escalation of the conflict in the Syrian region of Greater Idlib, where Turkey launched Operation Spring Shield aimed against forces of the Syrian government supported by Russia and Iran.


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Al Balog

Wow, it’s just crazy how much Turkey has been engaged in cyber-warfare. First, all these Turkish trolls and online propaganda campaigns, but this? Next thing you know, Erdogan’s going to try hacking other country’s elections. TurkeyGate 2020.


I would think that other NATO countries are involved wirth the cyber attacks as well. Its as if telling lies to their own citizens will win real wars.

NATO has not been tested in battle with an opponent with cutting edge weapons and well trained and motivated soldiers AND the support of its citizens who are well educated and productive.

The most dangerous enemy that NATO has is the TRUTH. The truth is inviolate and we are witnessing the victory of TRUTH in Syria.

No amount of infantile cyber warriors within NATO will be able to hold territory. The 20 years of NATO fighting lightly armed tribesman in Afghanistan is testament to that.


Its the Turks.


The Russians Need to let tham Have What they Deserve. Spit in Erdogons Face Do it Putin. He Has it comming. And Rightfully So. Spit in his Face like He Spits in Your Face. DO IT the world will look the Other Way. Erdegon Spit in Your face. Fuck him Up


sooner these defeated Turks will attack southfront too,


It happens a few time a year during successful SAA liberations of Syrian lands.


israhell who else

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’m finding increasing frustrating to see the UK media essentially supporting Turkish terrorism against both Syria and against Greece.

As the UK media is essentially puppet media of GCHQ, one has to ask is the UK Deep State still involved as a stakeholder within Syria, despite a number of highly suspicious deaths of former British intelligence officers that had set up PR companies for assisting Turk backed terrorists within Syria gain western public support through disinformation dissemination.


An article in the Daily Telegraph this week by a reporter called ‘Coughlin’, or a name like that, was unusually candid in a mild way. It was about Turkey in Idlib, and it seemed to me that his traditional narrative of kissing Israels Wall and Russia /Syria bad is changing ever so slightly.

The US Coalition of Terror is in a mess. The sins of NATO would cause civil unrest if the general public were to realise what had been done in their name for NO personal public gain.

In fact, the cause of mass illegal immigration that is literally destroying the social fabric and culture of Europe, can be laid at the doors of NATO enforcers and their banker puppet masters.


Sure, as part of the western klepto-creditism-capitalism. The western system is weak and needs periodic injections of wealth from plundered nations. It has been so for a while now.

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