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MARCH 2025

Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity?

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Written by Rossen Vassilev Jr.; Originally appeared at Global Research

Was President Harry Truman “a murderer,” as the renowned British analytic philosopher Gertrude Elizabeth Anscombe once charged? Were the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki indeed a war crime and a crime against humanity, as she and other academic luminaries have publicly claimed? A Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at Oxford and Cambridge, who was one of the 20th century’s most gifted philosophers and recognizably the greatest woman philosopher in history, Dr. Anscombe openly called President Truman a “war criminal” for his decision to have the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki leveled by atomic bombs in August 1945 (Rachels & Rachels 127). According to another academic critic, the late American historian Howard Zinn, at least 140,000 Japanese civilians were “turned into powder and ash” in Hiroshima. Over 70,000 civilians were incinerated in Nagasaki, and another 130,000 residents of the two cities died of radiation sickness in the next five years (Zinn 23).

Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity?

The two most often cited reasons for President Truman’s controversial decision were to shorten the war and to save the lives of “between 250,000 and 500,000” American soldiers who could have possibly died in battle had the U.S. military had to invade the home islands of Imperial Japan. Truman reportedly claimed that

“I could not bear this thought and it led to the decision to use the atomic bomb” (Dallek 26).

But Dr. Gertrude Anscombe, who along with her husband, Dr. Peter Geach, Professor of Philosophical Logic and Ethics, were the 20th century’s foremost philosophical champions of the doctrine that moral rules are absolute, did not buy this morally callous argument:

“Come now: if you had to choose between boiling one baby and letting some frightful disaster befall a thousand people—or a million people, if a thousand is not enough—what would you do? For men to choose to kill the innocent as a means to their ends is always murder” (Rachels & Rachels 128-129).

In 1956, Professor Anscombe and other prominent faculty members of Oxford University openly protested the decision of university administrators to grant Truman an honorary degree in gratitude for America’s wartime help. She even wrote a pamphlet, explaining that the former U.S. President was “a murderer” and “a war criminal” (Rachels & Rachels 128).

Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity?

In the eyes of many contemporaries of Elizabeth Anscombe, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki violated famous philosophical-ethical norms such as the “Sanctity of Human Life,” the “Wrongfulness of Killing,” and also that “it is wrong to use people as means to other people’s ends.” Former President Herbert Hoover (image on the right) was another early critic, openly declaring that

“The use of the atom bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts me” (Alperovitz The Decision 635).

Even President Truman’s own Chief of Staff, the five-star Admiral William D. Leahy (the most senior U.S. military officer during the war) made no secret of his strong disapprobation of the atomic bombings:

“It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons…. My own feeling is that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages…. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children” (Claypool 86-87, emphasis added).

The apologists for President Truman, on the other hand, seem to be using the quasi-Utilitarian “Benefits Argument” to justify the barbaric use of a devastating weapon of mass destruction, which killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in the two targeted Japanese cities even though (contrary to Truman’s many public pronouncements at that time) there had been no military troops, no heavy weaponry, or even any major war-related industries in either city. Because nearly the entire adult male population of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been drafted by the Japanese military, it was mostly women, children, and old men who fell victims to fiery death from the sky. The excuse that Truman himself repeatedly offered was:

“The dropping of the bombs stopped the war, saved millions of lives” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 10).

He even boasted that he had “slept like a baby” the night after signing the final order to use the atomic bombs against Japan (Rachels & Rachels 127). But what Truman was saying in self-justification was far from being the truth—let alone the whole truth.

Unleashing a nuclear Frankenstein

Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity?

Albert Einstein with Leo Szilard

At the urging of a fellow nuclear physicist—the anti-Nazi Hungarian émigré Leo SzilardAlbert Einstein wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 2, 1939, recommending that the U.S. government should start work on a powerful atomic device as a defensive deterrent to Nazi Germany’s possible acquisition and use of nuclear weaponry (Ham 103-104). But when the top-secret Manhattan Project finally got off the ground in early 1942, the U.S. military obviously had other, much more offensive plans regarding the future targets of America’s A-bombs. While at least 67 other Japanese cities, including the capital Tokyo, were reduced to rubble by daily conventional firebombing, including the use of napalm and other incendiaries, Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been deliberately spared for the sole purpose of testing the destructiveness of the new atomic device (Claypool 11).

An even more important reason for employing the bomb was to scare Stalin, who had turned quickly from “Old Uncle Joe” at the time of the FDR presidency into “the Red Menace” in the eyes of Truman and his top advisers. President Truman had quickly abandoned FDR’s policy of cooperation with Moscow, replacing it with a new policy of hostile confrontation with Stalin, in which America’s newly-acquired monopoly over nuclear armaments would be exploited as an aggressive tool of Washington’s anti-Soviet diplomacy (Truman’s so-called “atomic diplomacy”). Fully two months before Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the same Leo Szilard had met privately with Truman’s Secretary of State, James F. Byrnes, and had tried unsuccessfully to persuade him that the nuclear weapon should not be used to destroy helpless civilian targets such as Japan’s cities. According to Dr. Szilard,

“Mr. Byrnes did not argue that it was necessary to use the bomb against the cities of Japan in order to win the war…. Mr. Byrnes’s view [was] that our possessing and demonstrating the bomb would make Russia more manageable in Europe” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 1, 290).

The Truman Administration had, in fact, postponed the Potsdam meeting of the Big Three until July 17, 1945—one day after the successful Trinity test of the first A-bomb at the Alamogordo testing range in New Mexico—to give Truman extra diplomatic leverage in negotiating with Stalin (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 6). In Truman’s own words, the atom bomb “would keep the Russians straight” and “put us in a position to dictate our own terms at the end of the war” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 54, 63).

At this point, the Truman Administration was no longer interested in having Moscow’s Red Army liberate Northern China (Manchuria) from Japanese military occupation (as FDR, Churchill, and Stalin had jointly agreed at the Yalta Conference in February 1945)—let alone invade or capture Imperial Japan itself. Quite to the contrary. Publicly deploring the “political-diplomatic rather than military motives” behind Truman’s decision to nuke Japan, Albert Einstein complained that “a great majority of scientists were opposed to the sudden employment of the atom bomb. I suspect that the affair was precipitated by a desire to end the war in the Pacific by any means before Russia’s participation” (Alperovitz The Decision 444). Winston Churchill privately told his Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden,at the Potsdam Conference that

“It is quite clear that the United States do not at the present time desire Russian participation in the war against Japan” (Claypool 78).

Not even Tokyo’s last-minute desperate offer (made during and after the Potsdam Conference) to surrender if the Allies promised not to prosecute Japan’s god-like emperor or remove him from office—could prevent this deadly decision, even though Truman “had indicated a willingness to maintain the emperor on the throne” (Dallek 25).

Therefore, sparing the lives of American GIs was hardly one of Truman’s more convincing arguments. In early 1945, FDR and Army General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, had together decided to leave the capture of Berlin to Soviet Marshal Georgi Zhukov‘s battle-hardened troops in order to avoid heavy American casualties. After officially declaring war on Tokyo on August 8, 1945, and having destroyed the Japanese military forces in Manchuria, Stalin’s Red Army prepared to invade and occupy Japan’s home islands—which certainly would have saved the lives of thousands of U.S. servicemen about whom Truman seemed so vocally concerned. But following Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender in May 1945, Truman had come to share Winston Churchill’s famous revisionist assessment that “We have slain the wrong swine.”

It is not even clear whether Tokyo finally surrendered on August 14 due to the two U.S. nuclear attacks carried out on August 6 and August 9, respectively (after which there were practically no more Japanese cities left to destroy nor any more U.S. A-bombs to drop)—or because of the threat of Soviet invasion and occupation after Moscow had entered the war against the Empire of Japan. Just days before the Soviet declaration of war, the Japanese ambassador to Moscow had cabled Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo in Tokyo that Moscow’s entry into the war would spell a total disaster for Japan:

“If Russia…should suddenly decide to take advantage of our weakness and intervene against us with force of arms, we would be in a completely hopeless situation. It is clear as day that the Imperial Army in Manchukuo [Manchuria] would be completely unable to oppose the Red Army which has just won a great victory and is superior to us on all points” (Barnes).

To nuke or not to nuke

General Eisenhower was later quoted as stating his conviction that it had not been “necessary” militarily to use the bomb to force Japanese surrender:

“Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of ‘face’…it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 14).

In private, Eisenhower repeated his objections to his direct boss, Truman’s Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson:

“I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my strong misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 14).

Admiral William F. Halsey, commander of the U.S. Third Fleet (which conducted the bulk of naval operations against the Japanese in the Pacific during the entire war), agreed that there was “no military need” to employ the new weapon, which was used only because the Truman Administration had a “toy and they wanted to try it out…. The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment…. It was a mistake to ever drop it” (Alperovitz The Decision 445). Indeed, it was quite “certain” at the time that a totally devastated Japan, which was on the verge of internal collapse, would have surrendered within weeks, if not days, without the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or even without the Soviet declaration of war against Tokyo. As the official U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey concluded at the end of the war, “certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 10-11).

Major General Curtis E. Lemay, commander of the U.S. Twenty-first Bomber Command which had conducted the massive conventional bombing campaign against wartime Japan and dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, stated publicly: “I felt there was no need to use them [atomic weapons]. We were doing the job with incendiaries. We were hurting Japan badly…. We went ahead and dropped the bombs because President Truman told me to do it…. All the atomic bomb did was, in all probability, save a few days” (Alperovitz The Decision 340).

The fateful decision to drop the two atomic bombs code-named “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” on Japan may have been made a little bit more morally acceptable for Truman by the daily carpet bombing of German and Japanese cities throughout the war, including the firebombings of Hamburg, Dresden, and Tokyowhich had nearly wiped out their civilian populations. The declared goal of these relentless city-busting air raids was to destroy the morale and the will to fight of the German and Japanese people and thus shorten the war. But many years after the war Dr. Howard Zinn (himself a B-17 co-pilot and bombardier who had flown dozens of bombing missions against Nazi Germany) sadly mused: “No one seemed conscious of the irony—that one of the reasons for the general indignation against the fascist powers was their history of indiscriminate bombing of civilian populations” (Zinn 37). But, in fact, Secretary of War Henry Stimson, Admiral William Leahy, and Army General Douglas MacArthur were no less disturbed by what they saw as the barbarity of the “terror” air campaign, with Stimson privately fearing that the U.S. would “get the reputation for outdoing Hitler in atrocities” (Ham 63).

Clearly, Japan was defeated and was preparing to surrender before the bomb was used, whose main—if not the only—purpose was to intimidate the Soviet Union. But there had been several viable alternatives, some of which were discussed prior to the atomic bombings. The Under Secretary of the Navy, Ralph Bard, had become convinced that “the Japanese war was really won” and was so disturbed by the prospect of using atom bombs against defenseless civilians that he secured a meeting with President Truman, at which he unsuccessfully pressed his case “for warning the Japanese of the nature of the new weapon” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 19). Admiral Lewis L. Strauss, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy, who replaced Bard after the latter’s angry resignation, also believed that “the war was very nearly over. The Japanese were nearly ready to capitulate.” That is why Admiral Strauss insisted that the atom bomb should be demonstrated in a way that would not kill large numbers of civilians, proposing that “…a satisfactory place for such a demonstration would be a large forest of cryptomeria trees not far from Tokyo” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 19). General George C. Marshall, U.S. Army Chief of Staff, was equally opposed to the bomb being used on civilian areas, arguing instead that

“…these weapons might be used against straight military objectives such as a large naval installation and then if no complete result was derived from the effect of that…we ought to designate a number of large manufacturing areas from which people would be warned to leave —telling the Japanese that we intend to destroy such centers…. Every effort should be made to keep our record of warning clear…. We must offset by such warning methods the opprobrium which might follow from an ill-considered employment of such force” (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 20).

General Marshall also insisted that instead of surprising the Russians with the first use of the atom bomb, Moscow should be invited to send observers to the Alamogordo nuclear test. Many of the scientists working for the Manhattan Project likewise urged that a demonstration be arranged first, including a possible nuclear explosion at sea in close proximity to Japan’s coast, so that the bomb’s destructive power would be made clear to the Japanese before it was used against them. But, like the U.S. military’s dissenting views, the nuclear scientists’ opposition was never considered seriously by the Truman Administration (Alperovitz Atomic Diplomacy 20-21).


As a result of Truman’s immoral decision to use nuclear explosives against the “Japs” (a derogatory name for the Japanese commonly used in public in wartime America, including by President Truman himself), well over 200,000 civilians were instantly cremated and many thousands died later of radiation sickness. J. Robert Oppenheimer, scientific director of the Manhattan Project and “father” of the U.S. atom bomb, declared that Truman’s decision was “a grievous error,” because now “we have blood on our hands” (Claypool 17). Howard Zinn agreed with Dr. Oppenheimer’s judgment, remarking that “much of the argument defending the atomic bombings has been based on a mood of retaliation, as if the children of Hiroshima had bombed Pearl Harbor…. Did American children deserve to die because of the U.S. massacre of Vietnamese children at My Lai?” (Zinn 59).

The controversial General Curtis Lemay, who had opposed the two atomic blasts, later confided to former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara (who had worked for Lemay during the war, helping select Japanese targets for the American firebombing raids): “If we’d lost the war, we’d all have been prosecuted as war criminals” (Schanberg). Given the unjustifiable and unnecessary use of such an inhumane and indiscriminate weapon of mass destruction as the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Professor Elizabeth Anscombe called President Truman a murderer and a war criminal. Until the day she died, Dr. Anscombe believed that Truman should have been put on trial for having committed some of the worst war crimes and crimes against humanity during WWII.


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Rossen Vassilev Jr. is a journalism senior at the Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.


Alperovitz, Gar. Atomic Diplomacy: Hisroshima and Potsdam. The Use of the Atomic Bomb and the American Confrontation with Soviet Power. London and Boulder, CO: Pluto Press. 1994. Print.

—-. The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb. New York: Vintage Books. 1996. Print.

Barnes, Michael. “The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb: Arguments Against.” Web. 14 Apr. 2019.
Claypool, Jane. Hisroshima and Nagasaki. New York and London: Franklin Watts, 1984. Print.

Dallek, Robert. Harry S. Truman. New York: Times Books, 2008. Print.

Ham, Paul. Hiroshima Nagasaki: The Real Story of the Atomic Bombings and Their Aftermath. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 2011. Print.

Rachels, James, and Stuart Rachels. The Elements of Moral Philosophy (8th edition). McGraw-Hill Education, 2015. Print.

Schanberg, Sydney. “Soul on Ice.” The American Prospect, October 27, 2003. Web. 14 Apr. 2019.

Zinn, Howard. The Bomb. San Francisco, CA: City Lights Books, 2010. Print.

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The simplest answer is yes but it saved more millions of lives.

maxii priestt

you are as deranged and sociopathic as your mass murdering ilk over there. your history is stained with the blood of the innocents and you would burn in hell for your crimes against humanity you hateful and murderous bastard!


Sorry but I’m not from Russia

Gary Sellars

..and you never will be. Nazis need not apply.

Hasbara Hunter

This is exactly how sick you AngloZioNazis are…. Thanks for your Affirmative Action


No, I really believe Japanese people would never have surrendered and all their cities were erased with napalm/phosphorous – like Dresden, which BTW there was worthless crime against humanity.

Hasbara Hunter

The Japanese had to Submit & be Conquered by Rothschild & Friends… They OWN JAPAN right now…SUBMIT ALL HUMAN BEIN’S BY NUKING THEM…


From what I remember Japan attacked first

Hasbara Hunter

The Americans knew upfront the Japs were going to Bomb Pearl Harbor…they needed a False-Flag-Attack to get the American Cannonfodder cheering for WARrr…it worked like ever before…and after…False Flags always worked Grrreat…but not anymore…The Babylonian Magic is Gone… Try to get the American Cannonfodder Cheerin’ for “Their” next WAR…good luck!


Okay so Pearl Harbor was a false flag…because they knew the Japs were going to bomb them? I don’t think you know what a false flag is.

Hasbara Hunter

For me a False-Flag stands for any Operation-Northwoods-Gladio-Trick that the AngloZioNazis have used in the Past Centuries to get Cannonfodder Cheering for War…It is just a matter of personal interpretation….Lusitania…Gulf of Tonkin….U.S.S. Liberty…Twin Towers…ALL FALSE-FLAGS to get the American Cannonfodder Cheering for War…You need Folks to Die for the “Just” Cause right…Otherwise Elitist Rats will have to fight themselves….and Elitist Rats do not like to Die…


The notion that an enemy naval battle group was moved thousands of miles across the Pacific undetected in the middle of a war to carry out a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor is ludicrous. Of course the US government knew it was coming and let it happen as an excuse to enter the war.


So if they prepared defense and stopped the Japs that still wouldn’t mean war? What if Stalin knew Hitler will attack? Was he a scumbag for letting Hitler attack in order for USSR enter the war? Where the Russian bots logic programmed to lack logic or it’s a bug?


Stalin knew the attack was coming and prepared for and countered it. Pearl Harbor was blind sided when it shouldn’t have been. A US naval task force sent out to meet the Japanese would have prevented an attack on Pearl Harbor. And it’s questionable if the Japanese would have engaged it.

Hasbara Hunter

Definition of a False-Flag:

A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

The term “false flag” originally referred to pirate ships that flew flags of countries as a disguise to prevent their victims from fleeing or preparing for battle. Sometimes the flag would remain and the blame for the attack be laid incorrectly on another country. The term today extends beyond naval encounters to include countries that organize attacks on themselves and make the attacks appear to be by enemy nations or terrorists, thus giving the nation that was supposedly attacked a pretext for domestic repression and foreign military aggression….

Toronto Tonto

Your a fukkin wack job

Hasbara Hunter

You are a Fucking Treacherous Hasbararat..you are going down Filthy ZioNazi…that’s a Fucking promise…


I don’t know man, saying bombing Pearl Harbor by Japs was an “AngloZioNazis” trick is new for me even after months of spending here. That’s why I like on being here, it’s like a zoo garden or a sanatorium with interesting patients.

Hasbara Hunter

The AngloZioNazis Wanted WWII for the Creation of the United States of Europe & Founding the State of ISISraHell…Mr. Rothschild & ISISraHell won WWII


And how they tricked the Japs into bombing Pearl Harbor?

Hasbara Hunter

By starting the War in the first place Cunt….AngloZioNazis have Created almost every War in the Past 500 years


You didn’t understand the question. How they convinced Japs to attack first.

Hasbara Hunter

Why would they? As long as an attack takes place…perhaps even Masons infiltrated in the Japanese Army whispered the BRIGHT IDEA in Mister Hirohito’s Ear….perhaps the Emperor Himself belonged with them Global Elites…Anything is possible these days Boy… Remember that…


Do you believe in psychiatry ? or is a francomasonicanglosaxonicziodemonic invention?

Hasbara Hunter

HAHAHAHA….Yeah you’re right I’m crazy as fuck….Let that Goddamn War Start for Christ’s Sake….Bunch O’ Bloody Pussies….Let’s rip some Heads off ‘n’ Skull-Fuck their Brains Out….


Why don’t you start it, “Hunter” ? your mommy doesn’t let you out?

Hasbara Hunter

I’m training at the moment little piece of Filth….I’m ready…are you? I ain’t motherfucking Don Quixote…you think I’m going to solve the Problems that Humanity Created in all those Centuries?! I think not….but I am ready for a little War…Bring it on with your Army of Kidkillers….


Training to what, push a big cactus in your ass?

Hasbara Hunter

You must be proud of yourself you Cocksucking Vermin…you are Nothing boy…you are the reason why we hate fucking Kid-Killing Supremacists like you….You Cocksucking AngloZioNazi-Hasbararat-Faggots are doin’ an excellent job…PRODUCE MORE HATE TOWARDS YOU PARASITES…so basically thanks for that…I personally don’t give a shit… because I know who is the Enemy…


Just shut up and suck my cock bitch

Hasbara Hunter

HAHAHAHAHA….Fuck your Mossad, MI6 & CIA too Khazarian Cocksucker….HAHAHAHA


You sound like you choke with cum and shit

Hasbara Hunter

I love it when Filthy Hasbararat-Faggots like you get angry….piece of Parasite-Shit


You love it rough you dirty bitch?

Hasbara Hunter

You obviously love little boys…I will note that for a Yes…..you Satanic Little Paedophile Cockroach…All Your Folks are Bloodsucking Paedophiles…Your Mommy is a Big Fat Whore & gave her Whore-Genes to you…that is why you sold your soul to them Devil little piece of Vermin…$hekels… $hekels… $hekels… Chief Conquering-Pig-Shit wants’m all….


Send my regards to your voices, they are doing a great job, enjoy the schizo

Hasbara Hunter

I am Legion…for we are many…

We’ll meet again Don’t know where Don’t know when But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day…


Say something


Do you get excited and damp?

Hasbara Hunter

You must be Conquering-Pig-Shit’s Brother….are you a Paedophile Faggot too?


Show us your trained body that your going to beat up the other troll with. You fool, anyone who says “I’m in training” while keyboard wanking is a tool. Pic please

Hasbara Hunter

Suck my Dick motherfucking Cocksucker…


Too easy, shalom you zionist


I love it when you’re angry. Do you remember those words. You used BIG letters but small words.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah I get a little Angry because I Hate Motherfuckers that rape Kids…and at the moment a Goddamn AngloZioNazi Paedophile is sending me posts…


No, you’re like trump, a mad fool who rants and rages with no logic. You’re an embarrassment to those who pursue justice. Quite possibly deliberate delegitimization but just full of hate. If you can’t regulate your emotional presentation, then you’re a FOOL. This is a grown up site, stick to liveleak.

Hasbara Hunter

You are a Traitor….America wants a War…America will get their War….you Fuckers Play games…Good!…I Know you are a Hasbararat..have put you on the Shit-List loONG time ago…so Piss off rat


“I’ll be Hunting for you Fuckers” looool, sure. Are you in the Netherlands, or is that where you’re from?

Hasbara Hunter

You very well know where I’m from Cocksucker… the fact that I am so interesting for you Vermin is good…perhaps I say a little thing here and there that you Fuckers do not like right?


Whtly don’t you ban me?

Hasbara Hunter

Because I want to see when & where you Filthy Rats pop-up…


In your mums bed

Hasbara Hunter

I really wish you Vermin all Die…you are absolutely Nothing boy…but a Low-Life Parasite


That’s why I pop up in your mums bed

Hasbara Hunter

Just Die of Cancer Faggot….Karma is a Bitch…you Filth should suffer before you Die…


Yep, spending time with your mum will do that to a person. It’s not pleasant, just imagine!!


Karma is not a bitch – it’s a medium flavoured curry and a book that me and your mum read


Not one more word from you hasbanga or I’ll get Jacob Wohl to send you to bed in the next five minutes


Hasbara Hunter

Yeah bring in Jacob “The Nose”


He knows your mum as well.

Hasbara Hunter

I asked for Jacob…


And what?

Hasbara Hunter

Where is he? Loudmouthed Bullshit Motherfucker… You are Nothing but a Cocksucking Faggot…Bring me Jacob “The Motherfucking Nose”


Repressed homisexual tendencies are evident in every paragraph you type https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0642ca33e179e4b08483f2c93657dd462e3403042b6464138ebd79fe808bd56d.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Bring it on on a recent page you Filthy Cocksucking Whore of Satan…Chickenshit Coward


He’s more popular than Chrissy Teigen. Maybe ask him youself!!!!

Hasbara Hunter

You are Nothing but a Filthy Piece of Parasitic Vomit…you can’t do shit Bitch Bring it on on a page of today Cocksucking Coward…


I would report you to Jacob Wohl and he’d put you on some twitat list. However, the two of you seem oddly close. Are you in the same troll farm!


Maybe ban me?






is this me?


“I’m training at the moment” oh yeah you legend. Pics please of you looking buffed – one from your snuff stuff?




Hasbara Hunter

Hey I caught you lying right here buddy:

That’s why I like on being here, it’s like a zoo garden or a sanatorium with interesting patients.

Nope….You love the $hekels you make with all your posts…

Toronto Tonto

Honk on bo bo dumbazz .

Hasbara Hunter

Piss off faggot…


tonot – two syllables – please go home to mum and have her gargle asap. dangerous life on the streets of what, dumbfuck canada.


for the erudite reader it’s well known that roosevelt knew about the pending attack on pearl harbour but preferred to stay mum in order to be able to help the brits. and it worked.


And if he knew and he prepared a though defense and Japs were defeated at PH, that would mean USA wouldn’t have entered war anymore?

John Wallace

You have no comprehension at all do you. There was no way the US could defeat Japan at Pearl Harbor by sinking a few ships . There was also the war in Europe that Churchill made Roosevelt agree to fight first while containing Japan. Roosevelt ordered the Navy against their protestations to move the navy too PH and to have the air craft carriers out to sea so they were safe. He sanctioned and blockaded Japan until they had no option but too attack which he knew they would. They had also cracked the Japanese naval codes so were pretty well informed on what was going on . He needed to convince the public to go to war which they had loudly opposed for years. So get your head out of your ar..se and go and learn something before abusing people with your ignorance.

Toronto Tonto

Russians are the Nazis dufus .

Concrete Mike

You are the fascist pig here not us. Stay in your lane white boy

John Wallace

Wow that is so erudite it is beyond my comprehension.

Gary Sellars

Fucking idiot…. So many senior military men expressed views completely to the contrary but you insist you know better? What a inbred moron…


These ?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f8c8b2d56e08b863d05519c3f3daf0ce1595029cfa57ef9f13083ef3fd50790.jpg


occupybacon is a troll a droll troll who most likely is to be found in tel aviv or the basement in a synagogue in new york or some such place. ignore is the best advise rather than reply.

Gary Sellars

Agreed, but on principle we shouldn’t allow retard trolls to puke their venom without response, even if that response is just a good dose of ridicule and invective. Live by the sword….


Dropping the bomb was a criminal act and an act of cowardice by USA, point. Russia destroyed Japaneses in Manchuria in one week, and it would invade Japan in two more weeks, this was an act of deep courage and bravery.


no no no – it was for the fun of it, just that and that’s the humor of the disintegrated states of A. pityful, shameful but they are on the way towards a financial meltdown they can’t stop. sad thing is that the rest of the world, with few exceptions, are in so deep that when A fall so will the rest – kissinger’s domino-theory in a new disguise. hep

Hasbara Hunter

Americans are Massmurderers & Warcriminals by Nature…(That is why their soldiers are Sacrosanct by Law)… The Yangeese First Killed all the Indigenous & Stole their Land…Massacres are part of their History & Culture for more than 500 years…What is so different & specific about Two Japanese Cities Bombed? They are just Genocidal Psychopaths…either the World deals with it….or they Overthrow these Raping & Pillaging Imperialists


japanese killed many chinese in that war and were pretty barbaric so to single out the US is a bit much

Hasbara Hunter

UNIT-731…Wars are Great because you will have a lot of HUMAN GUINEA-PIGS to do some experiments which you can’t do under normal circumstances… Great for Science!


Toronto Tonto

Like what Russia is doing in Syria ????


two syllables idiot – the commentaries here can help you understand what is being discussed.

Hasbara Hunter

Well I have to admit that if I had me a Couple of ISIS-Child-Rapists & Kid-Beheaders in me Basement….I would probably also do some experimenting here & there…


And there it is, your not so repressed homosexuality!!!! Snigger

Hasbara Hunter

Bring it on on a recent page you Filthy Cocksucking Faggot….You cowardly piece of Vermin-Shit…I curse Motherfuckers like you….


No no stop, do the zionist baby killer stuff. It works better for me

Hasbara Hunter

You are a Fucking Pussy…bring it on little Bitch…you are nothing


Night my zionist gay friend. Xxx

Hasbara Hunter

Bring it on on a recent page you Chickenshit ZioNazi Paedophile at least your brother Chief Conquering-Pig-Shit does…but you are the kind of Parasite that crawls under rocks…


Too easy merijn. Xxx


All that stress will make you ill. That much hate only eats you from the inside. I love you my JEWISH troll xxx?




Your mum says hi




Like I said I visit Zandmotor regularly. Send me your phone number and you can do the above

Hasbara Hunter

Zandmotor what the fuck is that? A Gay-Parade?

Gary Sellars

You mean defeating Wahhabi terrorist regime change efforts (organised and funded by the US and Saudis)?

As usual, you’re nothing but a fucking idiot.

S Melanson

At least Russian product testing is on how to destroy terrorists rather then create them.

Toronto Tonto

Then they should be offing each other , Russia = terrorists


Yea but Japan was beaten and was trying to surrender but the USA wouldn’t talk to them. The A-bombs were used as a threat to the Soviets not to defeat the Japanese.



klove and light

bombs were stolen!!!!!!!balistic Missiles were stolen!!!!Jet Aircraft were stolen!!!!


The U.S. has a long history of exacting brutal revenge on their enemies AFTER they have been defeated. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are no different except that they got to test their new weapons in the process. Wickedness knows no bounds.


please know that the disintegrating states of A never forgets and never forgives.


And Christians fly the flag in reverence. Go figure.

British Free Corps

Well D-Day had taken place on the sixth hour, of the sixth day, of the sixth month in 1944 (666). And Russians didn’t exact brutal revenge?



Hellstorm The Rape of Germany: youtu[]be/ORnnVXiVAVM

prntscr[]com/ofyqrr, prntscr[]com/ofyqc4

British Free Corps

Probably considered racist by today’s standards, chapter 3 of “The Racial Elements of European History” by Hans F .K. Gunther, 1927.



I could have gone all day without seeing those visuals. It is enough to know without having to see it.


of course – war crimes and a crimes against humanity of an order that never had been seen before. should have told the world what was brewing in the white house and pentagon -pure friggin evil is what we see today.

National Pride

Neither. It was a necessary tactical measure that sacrificed a few lives to save many.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah for us Yangeese it were just a Handful of Japs that Died…should have seen what we Yangeese did to them Savage Injuns…We Cut the Babies out of their Wombs and Scalped their Pussies…We Killed them All because Nits make Lice…


The American revolution was financed by a Jew, Hyam Solomon:

“All major revolutions (English, American, French and Russian) were engineered by these bankers using as instrument Freemasonry, a satanic cult based on the Jewish Cabala.

Revolution was designed to sweep away the old order based on God, and bring in a satanic world government where evil is good, sick is healthy and falsehood is truth. Replacing God with Satan is the true meaning of “revolution,” and the NWO.

These bankers created the US to advance this goal. This explains why the majority of founders, Presidents and Congressmen were (and are) Freemasons; and why Masonic symbolism is everywhere.”

– Jewish Banker Funded American Revolution –


National Pride

I’m going to keep asking you this question until I get an answer: why do you hate Nazis if you hate Jews?

Hasbara Hunter

I do not Hate all Jews….Ashke Nazis are the True Nazis…they invented the Word after WWII when they talked about Members of the NSDAP…I Hate ZioNazis & Knights Templar…and Fascism ain’t my shit either…Hitler was Henry Ford’s bitch…


Do you have fun in with these mental commenters? Or I’m the only pervert around?


I am not sure about Einstein statement “a great majority of scientists were opposed to the sudden employment of the atom bomb.” Most of the scientist are guided by money (as any normal human being), and the accept to work in “weapons of mass destruction” claiming that it is not their responsibility the possible bad use of them. I am sure that a that time, as today, many many scientist preferred to keep silent for fearing to lose their good ($$) jobs. To me, it would not be a surprise to know that several of the top scientist in Manhatan project (Los Alamos Lab) voted to test the bomb Japan. Scientists are not at all free from madness.


Dropping the atomic bomb in Japan civil people was a criminal act and an act of cowardice, point.


This article, like most articles covering up Jew crime and evil. Ignore the Jew component. So I’ll add it. The Jews were instrumental in putting mass murdering Jew boot licker Truman in office and keeping him in office to do their dirty work for them. And if he hadn’t been put in office. He wouldn’t have been able to commit such egregious war crimes.

“Zionist powerbroker, Abraham Feinberg, had, just months before, given the President a two-million dollar bribe—$100 bills packed in suitcases—to recognize Israel.

This bribe to Truman, confirmed by recently released FBI archives, means that Israel is today and always has been an illegitimate state established on the basis of a criminal act.

The Truman White House was overflowing with Jewish bureaucrats, treacherous Communists, and Israel firsters with little allegiance to the U.S.A. In the Truman White House also was Harry Hopkins, a secret Soviet agent who arranged for Stalin and Russia to be given America’s nuclear blueprints and materials. The fledgling nation of Israel was also given atomic bomb materials and plans. …

Two dedicated American patriots, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal and General George Patton, refused to go along with the Jewish treachery and takeover of the White House. Both were cruelly assassinated. Forrestal was “suicided,” being thrown out of a sixteenth floor window.

Under orders from his Jewish superiors, Truman used nuclear bombs to massacre hundreds of thousands of Japanese in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This in spite of the fact that the Japanese emperor and generals had already petitioned America to allow them to surrender.”



“HARRY TRUMAN IS REVERED BY JEWS for his immediate recognition of the State of Israel on May 14 1948 only 11 minutes after David Ben-Gurion’s Declaration of Independence in Tel Aviv. Even six days prior to this, Truman had met with the de facto Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, who presented Truman with a Jewish Menorah for his recognition.

In his book, “Jewish Religion – Jewish History,” Israel Shahak records that Harry Truman had been abandoned by everyone when he came to run for President. Then an American Zionist brought Truman $2 million dollars in cash in a suitcase aboard his whistle-stop campaign train.”



peter mcloughlin

Legal arguments are used and interpreted to serve a nation’s interests – an uncomfortable truth. The pattern of history is clear. Power (manifested as interest) has been present in every conflict of the past – no exception. It is the underlying motivation for war. Other cultural factors might change, but not power. It is power that is the cause of war, and any unlawful action that goes along with it. That is why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed: that is why they will not be the last mushroom clouds to rise. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/

cechas vodobenikov

typical amerikan racism and barbarism—-

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

The bombings were 100% justified in order to defeat the barbaric murderous regime of Imperial Japan. US Generals estimated over 1,000,000 US soldiers would die invading Japan, and the ONLY alternative was to use nuclear bombs against MILITARY targets in Japan, forcing a surrender WITHOUT having to launch an invasion of Japan. And hey, IT WORKED! MURICA!


They mass murdered cities full of civilians in the greatest war crime of the war.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah Nuking America & ISISraHell will do the World a lot of good too…a lot of Evil in this World is comin’ from those Two Countries…

Gary Sellars

Ladies and gents, looks like we are graced with the presence of the dumbest Uh’Murican ever to visit this hallowed forum. I’m guessing he’s some idiot inbred from the Deep South who lived his life in the same trailer park until the US Army gave him his first set of boots.

Concrete Mike

Yeah we.know you will cheer on these merry band of war criminals, as they arenthe same scumbags as where you come from.

A fucking child really that cant take responsibility for their actions!

The war was over dipshit, Japan was surrendering, before the atom bomb.

You dont.even read the articles you just.come here and barf your script.

Pathetic warmonger, war criminal cheerleader!

Gary Sellars

If the Nazis had built a nuke and dropped it on London we would have ZERO doubts on whether it would be a war crime.

US drops two nukes on defenceless cities (civilian targets with no military value) despite the fact that Japan is suiing for peace (looking for an honourable surrender)… what kind of twisted fuck does someone have to be to not understand the unmitigated EVIL of that action?

Truman was an idiot of the 1st order who was simply too stupid to be President. He decided to drop the bomb in the hope that it would frighten Stalin into being compliant with US post-war plans. In reality, it had the opposite effect. Stalin knew that the US leadership was so immoral as to capable of using these weapons againt defenceless cities, against a defeated opponent. If they were prepared to drop them on a defeated Japan, they would have ZERO issue with droipping them on Soviet cities.

Consider the US militaries plans drafted even before WW2 ended that called for massive atomic bombs attacks on the USSR – https://southfront.org/wipe-the-soviet-union-off-the-map. The US initiated the Cold War on account of its unbridled ambition and the cold-blooded reptilian nature of its ruling elites.


”despite the fact that Japan is suing for peace” This is BS on your part. Perhaps you should ask the Chinese about “Japanese Honor “

Gary Sellars

It is abundantly clear that Imperial Japan was beaten and was looking to surrender with “honour”, meaning that the Emperor would not be deposed or prosecuted. The US pointedly refused as they wnated to deminstarte the atom bombs in the pursuit of post-war dominance.

Thats not “my BS”. Its a perfectly accurate statement, regardaless of how ruthless and evil the Japanese behaviour was towards the Chinese.


There was no thought of “surrender” in Japan’s plans or thinking at that time. Instead it was fight until defeated.

Gary Sellars

No, thats just post-war propaganda designed to excuse the atomic bombings. Hirihito wasn’t that way inclined and wasn’t going to watch his nation destroyed. He simply needed a way to surrernder without being lynched in his own palace gardens. The US denied that option until after they had tested their WMDs.

Concrete Mike

Mutiple sources confirm that Japan had been trying to surrender for a couple of weeks prior to being nuked.

Veteran’s today has a good peice on it in their archives.

S Melanson

Leahy was very direct in his criticism given that the Japanese offered surrender through official channels with the blessings of the Emperor in mid-June 1945. The decision to bomb was more about product testing – which I suspect is why two targets to see if effects are same.

The US did not need the atomic bombs to try and intimidate Stalin. The bombing of Dresden just prior to Soviet advance into the city was instructive to the Soviet troops of Allied capabilities.

The utility of evaluating the destructive potential of a new weapon outweighed human life. This is an old story. As a war crime, the war was already over, so crime against humanity, but the US has plenty of company, including Japan and its atrocious treatment of prisoners of war and civilians (Hasbara Hunter identifies perhaps the most infamous Japanese unit). Does Japanese crimes justify our crimes against them? No it does not. Set a good example rather than being like them.

Gary Sellars

“he US did not need the atomic bombs to try and intimidate Stalin. The bombing of Dresden just prior to Soviet advance into the city was instructive to the Soviet troops of Allied capabilities.”

… and their intentions. Allied atrocities against both Germany and Japan left no doubt in Stalins mind as to what the Western Powers planned for the USSR should war break-out in the post-war space. It seems like the Soviets had good reasons to be “paranolid”.


There is conjecture and there is reality. The reality is it ended the War. Stalin did not take over northern Japan as he did northern Korea. There was no American invasion like Okinawa with all those dead, mostly Japanese. Japan has become a very prosperous unified country that is OUR ally. Sounds like a pretty good decision to me. But as my great uncle the nuclear physicist who worked at Los Alamos said, his only regret was that they didn’t finish the Bomb sooner so they could have finished off the N@zis in Berlin before the Soviets did that.

Jens Holm

I wonder if the invension of bow and arrow was a mistake too.

Concrete Mike

Its only a.mistake if your.a vegetarian!

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