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MARCH 2025

West Responsible For Diplomatic Failure In 2022 – Ukrainian Lawmaker

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West Responsible For Diplomatic Failure In 2022 – Ukrainian Lawmaker

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Ukrainian politicians are already admitting Western responsibility for the diplomatic failure in negotiations with Russia in 2022. In a recent statement, the former head of the Ukrainian delegation admitted that there was a real possibility of ending the conflict in its initial stages, the reason for the failure being the destabilizing intervention of the West in the talks.

According to information recently published by Time magazine, Western countries did not give Ukraine any concrete guarantee of security during talks with Russia in Turkey, making it difficult to reach an agreement. The newspaper cites as a source Ukrainian deputy David Arakhamia, who was the head of the Kiev delegation during the peace negotiations.

According to Arakhamia, there was a substantial chance of ending the war in the spring of 2022, when Moscow and Kiev were talking directly to establish mutually beneficial terms. The deputy told Time that in just six weeks of negotiations it had already been possible to reach the basic terms of the agreement, which was an extremely significant step towards peace – with only a few details remaining to be worked out.

Officially, several reasons contributed to the talks being interrupted. At the time, Western media began spreading fake news about alleged Russian “war crimes”, mainly in the Bucha region – where several witnesses reported seeing Ukrainian troops orchestrating a scenario with bodies taken from other cities. Furthermore, it is known that the then UK Prime Minister Boris Johonson was sent by NATO to Kiev on an unscheduled visit just to put pressure on Zelensky and force the Ukrainian president to stop negotiations.

However, Arakhamia still emphasizes an interesting point. According to him, although Ukraine had at the time agreed to neutrality and non-membership of NATO, the West did not act in a similar way and did not give Ukraine any security guarantee to prevent the start of another conflict in the future. In practice, the Ukrainian lawmaker makes it clear that Western partners have contributed nothing to achieving a ceasefire, failing to give Kiev an assurance of lasting peace.

Obviously, Arakhamia comments on the topic from a Ukrainian point of view. According to him, the West failed to guarantee that there would not be “another Russian invasion”. However, despite his Russophobic bias, the politician has an interesting opinion on the case, since the West’s inertia in agreeing with the Russian proposal obviously posed irreversible problems for achieving peace. Although Ukraine had agreed not to seek any NATO integration, without a promise from the West not to provoke Russia further through Kiev, it would not be possible to prevent the start of another conflict with Moscow in the future.

Time also claims that the situation on the battlefield was one of the reasons why the West refused to encourage the achievement of peace. At the time, Russia had withdrawn its troops from the outskirts of Kiev in a military move that had two objectives: to end the distraction maneuvers in Kiev, reinforcing the Russian presence in Donbass, and to show diplomatic goodwill to advance peace negotiations. However, instead of understanding the Russian act as a step towards ending hostilities, NATO convinced Ukrainian authorities that Russian forces were “weak” and that a military victory was possible.

In other words, Arakhamia’s words and the Time’s report make it clear that the West did not want peace at any time and did everything possible to prolong the conflict, resulting in the current situation. Ukraine has already lost more than half a million soldiers, in addition to having suffered a drastic migration flow, with millions of people leaving the country. Unable to continue fighting, but not authorized to resume negotiations, Kiev is now recruiting women, elderly people and teenagers to continue filling its ranks, sending poorly trained and inexperienced recruits to certain death in the trenches.

All this horror could have been avoided if the West had simply encouraged peace in the first weeks of the special military operation. All NATO had to do was promise Kiev that it would respect the neutrality agreed between Ukraine and Russia. Instead, the Atlantic alliance chose to use the hostilities to wage a prolonged proxy war to try to “wear down” Russia, generating an actual massacre of Ukrainian citizens. The responsibility for the Ukrainian deaths lies entirely with the West, which deliberately chose war.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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boris “göring” johnson , who recently received the nazis of the azov brigade in his cabinet, is the direct responsible for the unnecessary death of more than 1 million people on ukranian and russian soil. when the conflict will be over, he will pay for this war crime. i suggest the court martial. make sure nobody brings cyanide to his cell.


oh don’t say. i will tell you something. russians are the bad guys as the americans are the bad guys. ukraine plays victims but they are the lazy stupid guys. europe is quite different story, these little idiots are really hardworking guys, just so naive that they save their earned money in rotshild’s banks. and britain is wannabe superpower with high self esteem, but nobody takes them seriously, this is their problem. they are trying to play james bond but they have naked butt.


you almost make sense… almost…

Operation Bozo

so who do you think won the food-fight debate in america, beavis or buthead?

AM Hants

ukraine embraces the ideology of ah, which is why it has a national holiday on the birthday of bandera. johnson, blond hair, blue eyed aryan poster boy, reaches old age, was so happy waving the azov flag, whilst his mates addressed parliament. what was sick, the mps, who are looking at their p45s, had no problem with it and neither did the media. allegedly, charles has sold his old home to zelinsky.

Operation Bozo

in that braindead debate, biden accuses trump of brushing off torch-lit parades in charleston by nazi-flag wavers. while he and bojo the chimp give their cohorts in kiev and lvov the thumbs up and even join in the parades.

someone please quarantine the west from the rest of the world before it’s too late.

Operation Bozo

braindead trump, when accused by biden of brushing off nazi tiki-torch parades in charleston, could have shredded biden then and there by holding up one single photo blowup of a banderite tiki-torch parade but he didn’t.

ramaswamy would have done it.


it was no failure for the puppet masters who planned this profitable war and want to balkanize rf


russia is hopeless. if you look at putin, he based his career on 2 pillars. 1st”i’m a patriot” 2nd”i’m the ethic and responsible guy”. the problem is that the worst dictators from caligula, nero, hitler, stalin, merkel…claimed the same. it even rhymes. stalin – putin, merkel – hitler. putin would not blink an eye to kill 10million russians and his “allies” from syria, belarus … just to remain in charge. he has “kremlin sickness”. stalin had it as well.

AM Hants

president putin, the lawyer who specialises in international law and also happens to be a doctor of economics? why do you call a democratically elected president, who took a bankrupt nation and turned it around a dictator? do you even know the meaning of dictator? what does that make zelinsky, whose term as elected president of ukraine has run out and he refuses to go? who bans all opposition, whether media or political.

AM Hants

2) how many dictators hold ‘direct line telephone marathons’ with their people, in order to answer to them, their concerns of the day? what dictators can hold 4 hour press conferences, with over 1500 international and national journalists, who can ask any questions? wish we had a leader like him in westminster and sure the americans wish the same in the us.

Operation Bozo

well, obama was a constitutional lawyer too and he only used it to rip constitutions apart all over the world, so there’s that.


moron amerikan hillbilly illiterate halfwit lingual🤣


nope, you don’t make any sense at all. complete idiot…

Operation Bozo

he needs some of that jive juice they give biden before any public appearance.

Operation Bozo

i strongly suggest you wake up from your sleeping stupor and look in the mirror next time before commenting on russia, rip van dinkle.

AM Hants

what is funny, and not the millions of displaced ukrainians, or the hundreds of thousands rotting in the compost. gates, who supports the eugenics programme, invested heavily in beyer-monsanto and the b. labs. not only gates, but, his blackrock mates and what have they got? zelinsky wanted rid of the russian speaking citizens of ukraine, which has happened. only, blackrock and zelinsky were not expecting them to take there land with them.


ukraine will blame anybody, russians, west… just not themselves. what were they doing since the ussr collapsed? nothing. fking, stealing, killing just not working.

AM Hants

even the uk, back in 1994 said that they would lose crimea, owing to their inability to respect the people of crimea. john major, who was the prime minister, back then, his classified papers, that were released a few years ago, mentions it.


it was obvious crimea would remain russian because of the black sea fleet in sevastopol. it always was a special zone defended by the russian army.

Operation Bozo

that didn’t stop that neoconniving coven of thieves to plot their full spectrum dominance of the black sea.

Operation Bozo

kagan’s “covenant for the new american century” now springs to mind.

Last edited 8 months ago by Operation Bozo

nato sensed weakness and pounced. if russia hadn’t been fooled by lies of hollande and merkel and prepared a massive 500 000+ invasion army in time the 2022 peace agreement would have succeeded.

AM Hants

look where it got nato? not long before both nato and the eu will end up going the same way as the soviet union and the warsaw pact.


nato 32 begging sheep cannot match russian wolf

Operation Bozo

kallas and von der leyen will save the day. ;-)


ukraine can’t blame the west because ukraine is a corrupt kleptocracy that elected a jewish comedian to rule over them.

that’s how typical jews deflect blame on gentiles. anybody but them!

zelensky is the boss. the buck stops there.


before the elections this clown promised peace, after the elections he wanted war. this is how the matrix works.


incompetent submissive amerikan require superior jews to rule you—0.06% jews in usa===50% your nobel prizes earned by jews🤡

AM Hants

ukraine and the oligarchs have got what they asked for. why didn’t they embrace their independence, when the soviet union fell, back in 1991? why have they always got a begging bowl? never own their mistakes? blame others for all their own faults?

Operation Bozo

why? because as bojo’s fired adviser once said:

“ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole and only western mafiosi dare enter there.”

jens holm

i responsible for poop in my diapers


missing the obvious: uk is responsible for that war

Operation Bozo

farange is the only one who dares say it in public. the rest cry over their spilt milk in private.


boris is an even worse jewish sack of shit than zelensky. his nose, knows it… boris out sniffs zelensky any day, and is an even bigger delusional denialist.


the midget vladolf did what hitler did at 2ww, the rest is a story for half brain people , only the tards and the parrots like to eat icecream with the forehead believe the russian fake news

Operation Bozo

well, if anyone knows the inside scoop from the half-brains, it’d be you. lol

Operation Bozo

is zelensky thumbing his nose at bojo behind his back in that pick?

never trust a ukie to not sell his friends to the highest bidder, after taking him for all he’s got.

Last edited 8 months ago by Operation Bozo
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