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MARCH 2025

Western Analysts Do Not Understand Psychological War Behind Ukrainian Frontlines

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Western Analysts Do Not Understand Psychological War Behind Ukrainian Frontlines

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Despite its existence, the “psychological front” has another meaning in current tensions.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

In all situations of armed conflict, something that runs parallel to the fighting on the frontlines is the psychological clash, with both sides trying to exhibit force and intimidate the enemy to give up fighting. This constant attempt to morally defeat the opponent and end the “will to fight” is already beginning to be observed by some western analysts, who are writing reports on the psychological moves on the Ukrainian front. However, the pro-Western perspective of these analysts prevents them from assessing the scenario accurately.

In a recent article for The Sunday Times, Mark Galeotti, a professor and author of more than 20 books on Russia, commented on some possible actions by Russia and Ukraine in the context of psychological warfare. According to the author, Russia would be trying to show power through its international partnerships. He mentions the case of Belarus, with which Moscow negotiated an agreement to allocate nuclear weapons in the near future, improving the defense capacity of both countries. For Galeotti, the measure would have the sole objective of intimidating the West, in addition to the Belarusian government itself  which would be somehow coerced into accepting Russian actions, not indicating the real strength of relations between the two states.

The same author also makes some comments regarding Russian-Chinese cooperation. According to him, Moscow would be in a “circle” imposed by Beijing, where the possibilities of acting would be limited to the current sphere of the conflict, not admitting in any case the possibility of nuclear escalation. The expert seems to believe in some sort of limitation in the Russian-Chinese partnership, within which the Russian side would supposedly be at a disadvantage, having to accept conditions imposed by the Chinese to garner international support. In this sense, he does not believe that Putin can actually authorize the use of nuclear weapons, given the “Chinese limitations” which is why Russia would supposedly be acting only in the scope of psychological deterrence by sending weapons to Minsk.

Then, Galeotti also mentions some of the reasons why the Russian government would be avoiding promoting more open and symmetrical escalations. He exposes that in the same way that the use of nuclear weapons would generate a strong international reaction and “isolation” for Russia, options such as the allocation of more mobilized troops and the beginning of more incisive attacks would generate internal reaction in Russia, with the decrease of the government’s popularity and the emergence of anti-war protests. So, facing the impasse and the multiplicity of “side effects”, the Russians would be for now just limiting themselves to the psychological strategy, without making clear their next steps. However, the author does not mention any empirical evidence to corroborate his thesis, as expected.

Galeotti also mentions the Ukrainian side’s mental game. He finds it suspicious that Kiev has made it clear several times that it plans to attack Melitopol. According to the analyst, there are two possible conclusions: either the objective would be to distract the Russians and make them focus on the defense of Melitopol while they become vulnerable in other areas of the frontlines; or in fact there would be a “double bluff”, trying to induce the Russians to assume this strategy – in this scenario Moscow forces would not improve their positions in Melitopol, making it an easier target for Kiev. Galeotti is not successful in explaining which of the two scenarios is more likely, being only concerned at emphasizing that there is some kind of psychological scheme involved.

These assumptions are important, but they can become mere unsubstantiated guesswork if the analyzes are not concluded in a coherent way. In fact, in any conflict, strategists try to distract the enemy with different possibilities of action, making difficult the task of choosing which possibility to bet on. But that does not explain all the actions of a state on the battlefield even more so when the conflict involves forces with such different combat conditions.

Certainly, Russia tries to confuse its opponents to achieve military advantages, but this is not the case with regard to the Putin government’s delay in making incisive decisions on the battlefield. Moscow has been very clear in its actions since the start of the special military operation, always warning in advance about the possibility of escalation and avoiding as much as possible to implement measures that could make the conflict even worse. There is therefore no evidence that Galeotti is right in supposing that Russian “indecision” is due to an attempt to confuse the enemy, avoid internal reactions or diplomatic isolation.

Another mistake made by the author is to analyze assuming the Western point of view with regard to Russia. For example, the allegation that Moscow is playing psychological warfare with the West by allocating nuclear weapons in Belarus is baseless, since this was also a sovereign decision of the Belarusian government itself, which plans to defend its people and territory in the face of foreign threats and provocations. Furthermore, assumptions about a Russian diplomatic dependence on China are similarly weak. There is no “circle” imposed by Beijing on Moscow – both countries are cooperating in a broad and unlimited way to achieve common goals, since they share the same geopolitical enemies.

On the other hand, for Ukrainians, the psychological issue is exaggerated by the author – as well as by other pro-Western experts. Indeed, Kiev is not just distracting Moscow when it bluffs about Melitopol, Crimea and other matters. Kiev is simply trying to gain time in order to gather strength and then plan any reaction. For now, no efficient action seems feasible for the Ukrainian side. The so-called “spring counteroffensive” has already been discredited even among Ukrainian and Western generals. It is certain that there will be some move, but nothing indicates a relevant progress.

Indeed, in order to understand the psychological level of the conflict, it is necessary to take into account who the real sides are. It is not a war between Moscow and Kiev, but between the collective West and Russia. In its psychological games, the Russian side is interested in dissuading the West, not in confusing the virtually defeated Ukrainian army. In contrast, Kiev’s proxy government resorts to psychological games, even with support from the mainstream media, because this is its only chance to continue fighting for Western interests.


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Russia won the war a while

The issue with this, a lot of other people in war-torn nations are ignored and completely missing out on the world. As much as I hate them for having kids despite their conditions and circumstances, I also feel bad for them. They are missing out on the world. Look at ChatGPT, other things which are improving and innovating every single day, what about the ones in war-torn nations like Syria (my country), Libya, Yemen and Mali doing? Having kids to add more salt to the wound? Having “fun” despite the fact their considered so weak and cheap? What are these people thinking? They are missing out on the world. They are isolated, locked in a prison war-torn nation, what the hell are they doing? Why is the UN not handing them condoms they give them food which again as a result of these old, and inefficient methods these people will eternally suffer.

Russia won the war a while

I even sent this message to the UN, they must change their methods.

Michel LeBlanc

Family is the greatest joy. Too bad you didnt get to experience that yet.

To the parents these kids are the sun after a long dark night.

Kids are the future .

Russia won the war a while

Actually what people enjoy or not, is something that is arbitrary and subjective. So many parents find it stressful and hard to manage their time and kids. There are 8 Billion human beings on this planet as we speak, I’m sure a lot of kids are waiting for adoption, why don’t these “parents” adopt a child? Isn’t a family about “love”, but not “blood”?

Romanian yankee kurwa

Because you know nothing about family life and I smell a high LGBTQ+++++ shit with Antifa toilet paper. Also, most peoples don’t use adoption because in the majority of cases ‘non-blood’ humans turned against theirs ‘love’.

Romanian yankee kurwa

By April 4, PMC Wagner had established control over important administrative and industrial facilities in Artemovsk. The enemy continues to defend in residential areas and the private sector in the west of the city. The defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the central regions and in the north-west of the city was completely hacked. All administrative buildings and important industrial facilities in Bakhmut (Artemovsk) came under the control of Wagner PMC.


Of course there is a big psychological component to every war but I do not think this shrink is all in on the other complexities of the SMO which plays out more like a chess game on other levels.. bluffs and fakes are just part of this strange NATO game.

Erik Nielsen

I just want to mention, I said that 20 years ago and first today everybody realizes I was right.


Pointless……No airstrikes to stop NATO forces moving into Poland and rearing Ukraine which is shattered. The idea that the Kremlin is burning out a former province from the Soviet Union and part of the Eurasian Union.

The Russian has to go super man. Something akin to a AMerican War to cripple NATO and an economic revolution to protect the SCO and modern Russian economy. Losing all the old prorvinces some of which are ancient while the Orthodox Church has its revitalizing effect is politically dangerous as internal divides form and foment ala Dagestan and the Muslim SOviet states.

War on Terror rap veterans were often christains from the NAFTA devatstaed MID West. Avoiding a Nationalist crusade planned with More wepaons is difficult.

Personal Jesus – Radio Tapok


Get zelensky to the moscow courthouse to formally surrender the army and turn himself over for qquestioning and skip the blogicalz


Zelenský je jen loutka, k tomu soudu by jste musel dostat ty, co jej vodí na provázku! Exekutiva USA,vojenskoprůmyslový komplex USA, bankéře wallstreet a London city a elity USA,NATO a EU! Není to o Ukrajině, vede se válka zlatá miliarda proti Rusku rukama Ukrajinců! Ve II. WWW šlo “de fakto” o to samé, Ruské zdroje a území. Hitler byl nástroj,ale utrhl se ze řetězu! Stalin to věděl a chtěl v Norimberku i tyto bastardy co přivedli Hitlera k moci a krmili jej celou válku,ale západ to nedovolil. Churchillův plán “nemyslitelný” jasně dokazuje o co šlo!

Madam Defarge

And as soon as Zelensky is in custody, he will be placed in the basement and given a bucket.


Yeah its the political stooges seen in the grey eye of the TV that don’t know about psychological warfare’ because they are stupified, willingly stupid. That goes for their experts writing up rubbish in the media, and then trying to catch up by degrees, adopting old words from alternative truth news, and spinning i that into a new kind of deception, slur or whatever they can manage to serve their own ego. They lack human intelligence.. even the ‘men ‘ are feminists and Gay Pride, intent on destroying family, culture nation in the belief that they are going to live on star trek enterprise where no one cleans the toilet because no one uses one, just full of shit.


As much as you hate them having kids, right, Mofo. So far, everything dripps into the right direction for the RF, and why, change, but of course, we are drowing in propaganda, most just huffing and puffing, faking, lying and cheeting, witch is quite normal, since for Me there is nothing new. I wounder sometimes, for my self, if ignorance indeed is a bliss to be a bit sarcastic. And propaganda works, just take the scamdemic, do you need any more profs, uh…. give me a break. But, again, in the long run, since just weeks after a war ends, the west berries it, and never write about it any more, just like Libya, etc, to Yemen, both intresting regarding whom is an war criminal or not, since the west lied about everything, like Iraq and Afganistan, Ukrainians have just one option left, surrender and make deals with RF and you even may get an world witch most of you didnt know before you came to us, that, Ukraina, is what they stole from you and your children.


“For Galeotti, the measure would have the sole objective of intimidating the West, in addition to the Belarusian government itself which would be somehow coerced into accepting Russian actions, not indicating the real strength of relations between the two states.” Is this comedy? Prior to the US`s failed Color Revolution at the last election in Belarus, Belarus was more or less neutral, and Russia was OK with that. The obvious US instigated “unrest” post election, woke Belarus up and moved them closer to Russia for protection.

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