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MARCH 2025

Western Arms Shipment To Ukraine Aimed At Perpetuating Violence In Donbass

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Western Arms Shipment To Ukraine Aimed At Perpetuating Violence In Donbass


by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Fear about a “Russian invasion plan” is unsubstantiated and does not explain the reason why NATO sends arms to Kiev.

The West increasingly foments violence in Ukraine. Since the end of January, sending Western weapons to Kiev has become an uninterrupted practice. Practically every day, NATO aircraft land tons of military equipment on Ukrainian soil, with most of the material coming from the US and UK. Other countries that adhere to anti-Russian paranoia follow the same path, such as Canada, Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Baltic States and Turkey, which day after day prepare military aid packages for Kiev.

In the last three months, Kiev has received over 1,000 tons of Western military equipment, totaling over 1.5 billion dollars of weapons and ammunition. The quantity and value of the material received exceeds the levels of recent years, being the peak of arms deliveries from the West to Kiev in the entire post-Maidan period. In the second week of February alone, around 255 tons of weapons and ammunition were landed in Ukraine, including large lots of 7.62mm rifles and cartridges. As if that were not enough, the US and other NATO countries have recently confirmed that the shipment of material to Ukraine will continue to increase in the near future, justifying the measure with the current security crisis.

Obviously, this justification is just an “acceptable” public discourse to hide the real purpose of this militarization: to assist the Ukrainian government in its incursions against the Russian-speaking population in Donbass. The so-called “Russian threat” is an unsubstantiated narrative that is not enough to explain any large-scale military cooperation. It is inconceivable that a potential conflict would be sufficient to justify such a massive mobilization of efforts as the one that is currently taking place. Such a huge shipment of weapons can only be explained by the material existence of a war, as has been happening in eastern Ukraine since 2014.

A proof of this thesis is the fact that the weapons being delivered to Kiev do not have a simple defensive military potential, but an offensive one. The UK has supplied the country with more than 2,200 portable NLAW missile systems, for example, as well as grenade launchers, 338-caliber automatic shooter systems, machine guns and explosive charge munitions. In addition, London also signed an agreement with Kiev to send more than 2.3 billion dollars in financial aid for military projects. Among the projects are the construction of eight missile vessels, the purchase of two British minesweepers and the opening of two new naval bases in the Azov and Black Seas. Obviously, the character of all this planning is offensive, not merely defensive.

Large-scale military training is another indication of the existence of an offensive Ukrainian plan. In recent months, the aggressiveness of joint exercises between Western and Ukrainian forces has increased exponentially. Recently, 100 units of British special forces were deployed on Ukrainian soil in order to “help” local soldiers in the “fight against insurgents and saboteurs”, which constitutes a very suspicious activity and increases tensions and polarizations in the country. Clearly, these maneuvers are an indicative that Ukraine, with Western support, is planning further incursions into the Russian-speaking regions: the “insurgents” that the British special forces want to fight are the people living in these regions.

These data all lead us to the conclusion that Kiev is planning offensive actions on the two fronts with a Russian majority: Donbass and Crimea. The construction of British-funded naval bases in the Black and Azov Seas is indicative of offensive plans in Crimea, while most other activities are focused on incursions in the Donbass. There is a reversal in the naming of the dangerous agent that causes destabilization, which is Ukraine, not Russia.

In addition, there is an attempt to intimidate Russia by force. Kiev, despite its visible military inferiority compared to Moscow, believes it could compel Russia to decline its interest in protecting the population on the western border if it demonstrates military power enough to start a war. The central problem with this is that Ukraine has no such a power, depending on the weapons of NATO, of which Kiev is not even a member. NATO wants Ukraine to be increasingly aggressive and encourages violence against Russia, but it does not give any guarantee of real military support in the event of an outbreak of conflict.

Unfortunately, this more neutral and realistic perspective on the Ukrainian issue does not reach the Western public opinion, which is forced to believe that the arms shipment to Kiev is some kind of defensive plan. The structure of the NATO-Kiev military project is offensive and targets the ethnic Russian population, against which there is an ongoing genocide, as attested in a lawsuit under analysis at the European Court of Human Rights.

More than that, this reality is known by all western governments that support Kiev. Every western government that sends arms to Ukraine is cooperating with the massacres in Donbass and with a possible invasion against Russian Crimea in the near future. Germany is an example of a country that understood this fact and sovereignly denied sending weapons to foment violence in Ukraine, but unfortunately its example is not followed by most European governments, which continue to indiscriminately obey any NATO order.



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Putin is no Kennedy. That is obvious now.

jens holm

Putin could raise his level by grabbing a chair.

jens holm

Total deniel of facts by the article.

The ukrainians will take Moscow and make Putin cry by using the Metro for free.

What a stupidity is is not understanding those Ukranians has every right to defend themself against Russia.

Only some few support with weapons but not to understand it is far OUT. No more Russians west of Berlin.

If The Russians dont behave well, they should remain in their own country. But the Ukrainians, the Belarussians as well as fx Kasakstan has every right be helped, which as we see are in several versions.

No more Ruski Bardusky and Bolsjov theater there. Russia only makes mpore nazis and fanatic nationalists.

Little Oral Annie

The MIC’s milking their respective governments taxpayers by selling equipment to their militaries whom pass it onto Ukraine. Who says war isn’t profitable? Money for misery. Zionist global banking cartel rubbing their hands in glee as a few hundred billion dollars is chalked up in debt that will be slapped with some interest earnings.

Karl Wolfe

The Powers That Be have a grudge against both Ukraine and Russia: the more weapons they send in the more BOTH parties will self-exterminate. Oh they’re very well pleased with their Plans. People stupid enough to be Played against one another deserve the Outcome that they will THEMSELVES produce: loss of their numbers on the surface of this world.


It is obvious that Russia/Putin has lost this hand, I had big hope that Putin has something off his sleeve that would have forced the NATO terror organization to come to heel, but unfortunately not. The maximum pressure of NATO/US has worked, it forced Putin to deescalate while Ukraine is now stronger militarily, and US/NATO has increased their effective in eastern Europe. I don’t think Putin/Russia fully thought this through.

Anti Comunism

No they didn’t though, they are Communist Party wich have no mental awareness. You want Ukraine to join Russia or any other countries to join Russian sphere of influences you must make them willingly to join not by force. I am not pro China but I can tell something. Chinese Government worked on developing the Country attracting talent,business,it opened the doors for foreign students and so on.. What Putin did? Nothing against corruption, nothing for the rural Russia. He concentrated only on Moscow and some big cities but other than that nothing for the rest of the Country. And he spent hundreds of millions on millitary equipment but not on population needs. Af course KGB Communist mentality. He built for himself and party members richness beyond your widest dreams but for general population nothing. You will never win this way.


Frankly I started doubting Putin ability to force NATO/US back from its border the moment I heard Russia started saying that it wants no war, and it will not attack anybody. How is Russia expecting NATO/US to back down, to move away from its border without forcing them to do so? I mean via a war or some other effective means that make them lose money, business (Since money is everything for them)

Anti Comunism

It will be catastrophic for Russian economy and people if Russia will start a war in Ukraine. Just an example. The gas pipelines they will be destroyed and we will buy gas from America. It will devastate the economy of Russian. Russian economy is 80% oil and gas for those who Don’t know. Think for a second.

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