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MARCH 2025

Western Attempts To Blame Russia For Global Food Crisis Ignores Ukraine’s Culpability

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Western Attempts To Blame Russia For Global Food Crisis Ignores Ukraine’s Culpability

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Russia can plug gap in global food market caused by decline in Ukrainian exports.

Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst

With the globe potentially on the brink of a food crisis caused by the lack of wheat exports from Ukraine, the West is attempting to blame Russia for this situation whilst ignoring Kiev’s culpability. Frustratingly for the West though, it is Russia that holds the key in ensuring that the world is not gripped in a food crisis.

With war waging in Ukraine and India suffering in a severe heatwave, the World Bank has warned that the world could face its biggest food crisis since the 1970’s because of grain shortages. The price of agricultural products is soaring as Ukraine cannot sow its fields to its maximum potential and Indian crops have been destroyed by the severe heat. The price of wheat has now risen to 456 euros per ton.

Before the Russian military operation began, Ukraine ranked fifth in grain exports, with their biggest customers being African and Middle Eastern countries. Most grain is shipped by sea. However, as Ukraine lost access to the Azov Sea, and with Odessa being blockaded, ships being impounded and sea mines planted near the coast, about 25 million tons of Ukrainian grain is stranded.

Russian envoy at the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya highlighted on May 20 that the West does not refute the “grains-for-weapons” proposal: “We asked our Western colleagues to publicly refute this version that many experts are inclined to believe nowadays right at the meeting. Of course, nobody did this. Just as nobody explained how these deliveries facilitate the bolstering of global food security which the Western states are so concerned about verbally.”

The EU is effectively preparing a safety net of grain at the expense of the global south. The EU will first supply grains to the domestic market and then the rest will be sent to third countries. Delivery via the Danube helps increase the amount of grain supplied to Europe, but this volume is still not enough as the ability of river ports to transport goods is not more than 10% of goods transported by sea.

Another problem is that planting in Ukraine has not yet been completed. It is likely that harvest will be 20-30% smaller than usual, keeping in mind that 84 million tons of grain was harvested last year.

In addition to wheat, Ukraine ranks 4th in the world in terms of corn supply. Last year, Ukraine exported about 23 million tons of corn, with about 55% of exports going to the EU and about 30% to China and South Korea.

Although the G7 accuses Moscow of manufacturing a food crisis by preventing Ukrainian food barges from running through Russian territory, thus increasing prices, they remained silent on the fact that Ukraine is blockading foreign vessels in various ports and that the country’s military planted sea mines along the coast. Ukraine’s planting of sea mines has made most shipowners unwilling to navigate such dangerous waters, and in this way, Kiev has sabotaged its own export capabilities.

Blaming Russia for increased food prices could be the establishment of a new pretext to sanction Moscow. Such a pretext overlooks the crisis in India, China’s restriction of grain exports and Ukraine mining its Black Sea coastline.

The US, Canada, France and Germany, as key exporters, will present themselves as being capable of saving the world from famine, which they are evidently preparing to blame Russia for. However, these countries are also facing major crises, partly because of the knock-on effects of anti-Russia sanctions and the war in Ukraine.

In the US, the price of diesel, agricultural machinery, diesel-powered trucks and industrial equipment have skyrocketed. The price of diesel reached a record $5.50 per gallon. At the same time, US stockpiles fell sharply — nationwide, they have fallen 43% since 2020. Food prices are also rising.

The situation is exacerbated by sanctions, such as the EU’s ban on the import of fertilizers from Russia. This is despite the fact that Russia is one of the three largest suppliers of carbide, ammonia and ammonium nitrate.

This has not stopped the EU from restricting imports, but now they can expect half of a usual yield this harvest season. Because of this, it is likely that Western countries will not prioritize a potential global famine as they focus on their own domestic market instead.

French newspaper LeFigaro recalled that in 2007, problems with wheat provoked food riots in 37 countries. The consequences of this partially led to the so-called Arab Spring. At that time, the price of cereal was 240 euros per ton, now it is more than 450 euros.

Russia could serve as an alternative source of grain to plug the gap caused by Ukraine’s inability to sow, harvest and transport at full capacity. Russia is expecting a bumper crop this year, with grain harvests likely to reach 130 million tons, including 87 million tons of wheat. Russia remains a reliable supplier of grain and if it is not wanted in the West, there will be no shortage of buyers in the global market, especially as its largest shipments are already sent to non-Western countries such as Turkey, Egypt and the South Asia region.


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No one forced the US and EU to apply the sanctions, period, the fault is theirs.

jens holm

We tryed everything else for years. Their brain seemes very small and not far from their behinds.

They collapsed themself. You should start from there if You want togo back in time.


senile nazi jens—more neologisms….

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The US Zionist forced the EU to impose sanctions.

EU and NATO countries must do as the US says they must do.

Yes the western nations from the US, Canada, Australia, western Europe are all controlled by the same crime syndicate that was in control of Ukraine as well until Putin liberated Ukraine. Ukraine will soon breathe the free air again, the south and the east anyways.


Dismembered as a Detuschland.


I am making $92 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. that is what I do.. 𝑾𝒘𝒘.𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒉𝒅.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Last edited 2 years ago by Brooklyn

Possibly those evildoers who own the nations DEBTS force governments to behave like their slaves to iniquity and idiocy.


Bingo! Its literally that simple. Unfortunately there are so many vaccine brain damaged people in the west that half of them will actually believe the BS.

jens holm

I dont recall a single one of importance blaming Russia or for that matter Ukraine.

Here in west we seemes brigthter then Paul Antonopoulos.

It would be very strange if we didnt see those consequenses. We now try to compensate for it.

I take it again: Nato kept Minsk 2 and invaded none. Our relations to Ukraine mainly has been for economy and its devellopments.

We by UN see it as and independent country. No freaks from Moskva decide that.


mentally ill nazi jens—-why do you uncivilized automatons lead the earth in per capita use of anti-depressants—USA#1, then Iceland Canada, Australia Denmark Sweden….you are too drugged insecure feminized….inferior depressed dane/anglo reptiles envious of happy drug free peoples


Nato training Nazi s to shoot civilians .. was part of Minsk 2 ? Maybe you read Minsk deal *lol


It looks like China and Russia thought through the chain of events and were much better prepared than the West and the US.

In the grand chessboard the West is losing.

The US will lose the petrodollar and financing of their trillion dollar a year military.

The military hardware of the West and the US will be destroyed in the bombed out warehouses and the Battlefields of Ukraine. NATO might end up a paper tiger in need of rebuilding for years or maybe a decade or two. If it even still exists at all. NATO members will bail.

I was thinking. The Russians should offer food to the starving in Southern Ukraine if they put down their arms. Those areas are on the verge of food riots. Reports reveal Ukrainian troops don’t even have enough food. If the Russians seized some of Ukraines wheat and corn harvest and offered it to Ukrainian citizens, first come first served, it could expedite the collapse of the AFU.

Muhammad your Prophet

Vladimir Putin is the deranged terrorist president who invaded another country to destroy its infrastrutucture and murder any civilian who dies as collateral damage. As if burying civilians below the collapsed infrastructure is the most casual thing in the world. It’s pretty much a no brainer that the lunatic freak is responsible outside of the Putin cockroaches living in the world of Alice in Wonderland.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

its your ASOV Nazi that kill civilians !


Russia and China will be blamed for any thing wrong what happen in the World…….nothing to worry about my friend. The same happens in Mexico with AMLO.


It is not, nor has it ever been, the responsibility of some perfect stranger on the other side of the planet to feed you. It is also quite impossible for any rational adult to believe that the western powers do not know how to synthesize and produce fertilzers and grow wheat.


excellent point, its inconceivable that these western scumbag leaders would dare utter such nonsense.

Tuff Tank

But think about the value chains.

Cheap labour is available on the other side of the planet.

The gigantic agribusiness transnational would disagree with you.


One of the most important skills that you must develop is pattern recognition. You will quickly see things as they truly are. Sequential awareness. If a group of nations, governments, media outlets are repeating the exact same thing then you know they are hive minded minions.


One of the most important things we need to know is that evil is done by different parties for different reasons and so also for different outcomes. The war against Russia in Ukraine is a war against the people of our world, for some, it is a war for profit by others, it is a war for putting Ukraine into debt slavery. There are MANY reasons for this war and not everyone shares all of them. What we see as idiocy is actually EVIL intent. Evil seems idiotic to us. It has its own agendas. Healthcare to create disease and death is intentionally evil but seems idiotic to us. Some go along with it for profit, others from threats, others because they do not see the truth.


It’s the globalist determination to ensure no nation is self sufficient, alacSovereugn, that’s to blame by their intentions to cripple the world under their fraudulent trade practices acts. To enslave the world by their falsely created global interdependencies.

Alfred Russel Wallace

Looks like Russia and all who want to trade with her are sitting pretty.


Why not? Russia has resources and has also worked hard. She is a just nation.


Why is India having problems with weather which are affecting her wheat harvest when we have geo-engineering to solve these problems. Oh, geo-engineering may not be there to solve problems but to create them? Cloud seeding for rain and HAARP which uses nano metallic particles like aluminium sulphate to move weather fronts and to warm the skies. Solar radiation management means the weather can be made hotter but we have less sun, it means our days can be cooler or hotter and our nights are warmer without the welcome moisture from morning dews or frosts. Is it Raytheon and Verizon which do all of that spraying? They also spray us with toxins, viruses and germs. Those airshows like the red devils, many in the early 70s claimed that they were sprayed with e-coli when watching these.


ukies now flee like reptiles—-let the hyper inflated halfwit Danes feed them—as a submissive US colony they send weapons to ukies…nazi senile jens approves


Ukrain should not undermine the sea ports. Then their ships could leave.


Wheat futures are down across the board. Doesn’t fit with this story.


The US/EU overthrew the Ukrainian government, installed a Russophobic one and brainwashed the UA population to be Russophobic. The ultra nationalists and nazis are their doing. They funded this. They brought this existential threat to Russia’s border. The west can blame themselves for all of this.

Pamfil Military Academy

That’s exactly the same pattern of Rotschild/Soros/Rockefeller globalism agenda as the former PLANDEMIC scam, and I bet EXACTLY the same next chapters will be: create the problem, blame anyone else for that, and provide the long-concocted ‘cure’ to the idiots !!!!!! Same happen now in Banderapizdan nazi fake jew NATO horizon: brainwash peoples about an non-existent threat, use a ‘tested’ financial scam to burden the target country debt (here means obsolete and used old military stuff) and then ask for guarantees for further ‘help’. That ‘guarantee’ can be anything valuable from the ‘target country’ like gold reserves, petrol, gas, valuable other mineral deposits, lumber, grains, etc, etc, etc….. Ukraine lost its gold reserves, like many other JUSA/JEU colonies and cannot GUARANTEE without nothing else than the last goods of the country: GRAINS. Every day, scores of barges from Odessa unload thousands of tons of grains into the romanian Tulcea port silos, from where they were loaded into trains and go to JUE and JUSA economies…sooner or later will be a great FAMINE again in Hoholastan and guess what ? Russia will be again responsible !!!! That’s how the ring of devil masonic figures of ameriscum globalism work !

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
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