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MARCH 2025

Western Doublespeak Towards Ukrainian Conflict

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Western Doublespeak Towards Ukrainian Conflict

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In a December 2019 report [pdf], the German Bundestag admitted that Russia had a role in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, however none of it could be deemed as an armed intervention in Eastern Ukraine.

The document said that Russian humanitarian and military support couldn’t be denied, as well as the support provided to the two republics in establishing their states, however none of it could be deemed as an armed intervention in regard to the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.

As per the report, there is no sufficient evidence that Russia controls any DPR or LPR military units, and there is no evidence of any presence of the Russian military.

Intervention in a civil war, though, violates the sovereignty of the state on whose territory this conflict occurs, but does not necessarily turn the conflict into an international one.

The prospects for Ukraine in a court accusing Russia of supporting terrorism seem rather vague, because there are no facts of terrorism itself, that is, deliberate and intentional killing of civilians, by separatists.

The document describes the conflict as a civil war, in which the Russian side has already intervened. The report, furthermore, takes a look at the situation through the perspective of international law and provides some other precedents: such as the support for Nicaraguan Contras by the United States.

In the International Court of Justice proceedings ‘Ukraine against Russia’, the Hague Court made a decision on precautionary measures in accordance with Article 73 et seq to end the form of discrimination against minorities on the Crimean Peninsula, the Court’s did not consider it proven that Russia financed terrorism at the state level.

The judges acknowledged that a significant number of civilians were killed in the fighting. However, the separatists should have intentionally and deliberately killed them in order to be able to speak lawfully of terrorism. Ukraine has not provided sufficient evidence for this:

„(…) for the purposes of a request for the indication of provisional measures, a State party to the Convention may avail itself of the rights under Article 18 only if it is plausible that the acts complained of constitute acts of terrorism. The Court observes that the acts to which Ukraine refers have given rise to the death and injury of a large number of civilians. However, in order to determine whether the rights for which Ukraine seeks protection are at least plausible, it is necessary to ascertain whether there are sufficient reasons for considering that the elements set out in Article 2, such as intention and knowledge, as well as the element of purpose, are present. The Court is of the view that, at this stage of the proceedings, Ukraine has not put before it evidence which affords a sufficient basis to find it plausible that these elements are present. Therefore, it concludes that the conditions required for the indication of provisional measures in respect of the rights alleged by Ukraine on the basis of the ICSFT are not met.”

However, the court proceedings were deemed enough to move forward on November 9th, 2019, but no decision on the case should be expected prior to 2021.

At the same time, an aid to recognizing extremism signs and symbols, issued by the UK’s Counter Terrorism office in June 2019 included symbols of Ukrainian nationalists. [pdf]

Western Doublespeak Towards Ukrainian Conflict

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The Ukrainian Embassy in the UK immediately condemned the inclusion of an “Ukrainian national symbol” in the extremism guide, and said that it should be removed.

The Ukrainian side failed to mention that the symbol is used by the Azov battalion, and other Nazi-infested volunteer battalions, and it is specifically used to spread right-wing extremist ideology.

Germany admitting that Russia actually helps in Eastern Ukraine, and doesn’t actually partake in any terrorist activity, and the UK adding the Ukrainian “national symbol” to their extremism guide lead to several conclusions:

  1. The European countries are aware of the facts that the new Kiev government is filled to the brim with various radical and Nazi elements, it furthermore funds Nazis, as it even introduced a pension reform for veterans from the Nazi-infested elements. Furthermore, it supports radical and Nazi-like ideologies, such as the Ukrainian hero Stepan Bandera and his ideology, various Nazi elements soldiers’ uniforms and so forth. This, in turn, means that more than likely Europe understands that the Kiev government employs various methods of oppression, such as illegal detachments, censorship, political “witch hunts” and more, simply to remain in power. This is also clear for the US, as the Soufan Center’s report also admitted that Ukraine had become the Nazi hub of the world, and there were calls to designate the Azov battalion as a foreign terrorist organization by the US Congress.
  2. The DPR and LPR resisting this form of governance, and its elements is a natural reaction. This is further reinforced by the attempts in eastern Ukraine to carry out ethnic cleansing in 2014, by Kiev-backed radicals toward the Russian, as well as Russian-speaking population. And the Kiev-backed radicals did achieve partial successes, such as the massacre in Odessa.
  3. The Western governments widely ignore the open secrets, because it clearly doesn’t fit the policy towards Russia and the established narrative. It also reveals the truth behind the Western policy and conduct towards the 2014 coup in Ukraine.

Any impartial and objective look at the situation always produces evidence and observations that contradict what the US and Co. attempt to propagate as fact.


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Thank you! This article is useful answer to all neo-NAZI’s who pretend to be “pro-Russian”.


Didn’t get what you said. Russia is full of Neo-Nazi, nothing to do with anybody else. Oh, and by the way, e.g. Thor’s hammer is an ancient fertility symbol, mostly worn by women (at that time)… hard to swallow a man tatoos that onto his throat.


“Russia is full of Neo-Nazi?”

Really? How so? Do explain than the fact that the “Neo-Nazi” are not in power?! Do you call Putin or Medvedev “Neo-Nazi” maybe !?! I was not talking about any particular tattoo or about any of those symbols. I was rtalking about absurdity that often some people who identify as neo-NAZI(alt Right) and are racist obsessed with”white race” tend to be pro Russian which is absurd since Russian anti-fascist position is well known. Russian-Insider site is best example with plenty of neo-NAZI’s pretending to be pro-Russian.

cechas vodobenikov

RI (Nazi Insider)is an amerikan site that has zero to do w Russian beliefs or sentiments


“has zero to do w Russian beliefs or sentiments” But that was exactly my point !!! You didn’t get my point and instead you are just stuck with stupid name! Did I ever say it was”Russian”?! I did NOT give the name to that site so do not blame me for word “Russian”! What is wrong with everybody…I just keep receiving accusations that are backed by nothing. I have mentioned that only as an EXAMPLE of Western neo-NAZI trend (would be pro-Russian) that is dominant on Internet. “Russian Insider” is in my opinion excellent example of the Western TREND that exists on Internet where PLENTY of “Alt Right “=neo-NAZI is suddenly backing Russia (they think they do)! Since they consider (WHITE race)Trump and Putin (justifiably or not) on their side and mighty defenders of the “White race”.


Stop pretending the white race is a social construct when it is a genetically verifiable fact. How about you go fuck yourself and read a book from a different perspective instead of shitting on topics you know little about beyond the drivel you’ve been programmed to think.

‎Charles Bausman, owner of Russia Insider, is likely controlled opposition to subvert the “alt-right” created by THEM.


Aside from being a coward who ran away from an argument he couldn’t hope to win by facts alone (this explains the sophistry and appeals to emotion), why not enlighten us as to why Iran’s previous president (not the head of state) held a conference in Iran exposing the fraud that is the holocaust? People in the Middle East are more likely to speak poorly about jews, which they absurdly separate from the “good” Orthodox jewish rabbis who are just as terrible as the ones they criticize (despite pretending to be anti-Zionist), than any other people for obvious reasons pertaining to the wars in the Middle East that follow the Oded Yinon Plan.


Stop pretending the white race is a social construct when it is a visually and genetically verifiable fact. How about you go fuck yourself and read a book from a different perspective instead of shitting on topics you know little about beyond the drivel you’ve been programmed to think. It’s interesting you spoke poorly about jews and Communism when they’re both still highly respected where you’re from.

‎Charles Bausman, owner of Russia Insider, is likely controlled opposition to subvert the “alt-right” created by THEM. And the links I sent you contain jews admitting they are behind mass immigration to the “west”, which is intended to happen everywhere, including Russia.

A jackass in the comments section of that website told me he thought something like this is “sexy”:


Apparently some other people seem to agree:



Don’t want to reinforce racism? Then those specific individuals should grow up and not behave like savages ever again (see images from prntscr).




The Finnish Airforce still has a swastika on their insignia. The last picture shows Latvian servicewoman. Ukraine is a crony capitalist “democracy”, not a Fascist state. Those punks aren’t truly in favour of National Socialism, they’re larpers (live-action role-players) looking for attention and likely come from troubled backgrounds. If they bothered reading their ideological material, they’d know they’re the fake hollywood version of ‘nazis’, rather than the real thing.






EU are very “tolerant” to the neo-NAZI movement and the best examples is not Finland (in the form) as much as Ukraine, Baltic countries, Croatia (in the substance). This just shows us the fading global influence of the Jews. EU “tolerance” to neo-NAZIS comes from decisive US (NATO) support for neo-NAZI’s and clear desire that they perpetuate their influence in some EU countries as anti-Russian block.

Ukraine is NOT a crony capitalist “democracy”(and not democracy at all). Ukraine is above all and before everything US & EU colony with primacy of the neo NAZI’s and oligarchs even today when 70% of population has voted for Zelinsy and PEACE in Ukraine. Neo-NAZI’s does not permit Zelinsky to make peace agreement despite overwhelming support of population who is tired of war and living in total misery…. That is not “democracy” at all . Not to mention Poroshenko days (illegally elected “president”) the oligarch who catered together with US in support of anti-Russian neo-NAZI minority to have total hold on power.

You are most probably some neo-NAZI who bothers me with these bollocks. Don’t do that. I am not your “Storm” client.


“EU are very ‘tolerant’ to the neo-NAZI movement” They’re “tolerant” to the extent they imprison them for being “nazis”. “This just shows us the fading global influence of the Jews.”

Are you implying that jewish influence is a good thing?

“Ukraine is NOT a crony capitalist ‘democracy’ (They are not democracy at all).”

Ukraine is quite evidently crony capitalist. The fact I typed “democracy” in quotations implies I was being sarcastic, indicating they are not democratic.

“Ukraine is above all and before everything US & EU colony” And yet the US and EU are controlled by jews.

“Neo-NAZI’s does not permit Zelinsky to make peace agreement despite overwhelming support of population who is tired of war and living in total misery….”

Zelinsky is a jew, so how would that make Ukraine a paradise for “neo-nazis” when jews remain a powerful force in Ukraine and form a disproportionate part of the government? Why won’t the Ukrainian government and media call out the degree of jewish influence in the US, Europe, and elsewhere? Why not follow the example made by the media outlets of several Islamic countries towards exposing jewish power?

Why won’t they “deny” the holocaust? Why not cancel the annual “Victory” Day celebration in Ukraine and openly implement National Socialism?


I can give you counter arguments on your comments…but what for?!? Because you will again DISTORT, MISINTERPRET and SKEW any word and sentence that doesn’t correspond your agenda. So I better stop right now. Good bye!


We haven’t spoken before now, you seem to be taking a cookie cutter approach in the way you judge people for merely disagreeing with you and providing ample evidence to support my side of the argument.

For instance:

The Great Holocaust Mystery, Reconsidering the Evidence: inconvenienthistory[]com/6/3/3331

“I can give you counter arguments on your comments…but what for?!?”

Then give me those counter arguments, if you actually have any…

I didn’t distort, skew or misinterpret anything you said. You simply have a messed up stereotype in your head that you stick onto anyone who challenges your views, like in the way you put words in my mouth for merely questioning your beliefs.

You said nothing in return, other than me of the following:



In fact the one engaging in misinformation (perhaps out of ignorance) is yourself who seeks to attack my character without providing any ample argument to your case. Of And not to accuse you of being one, but bots or paid trolls would likely seek to reinforce the lies disseminated in their country’s media. That’s why I hold the opinion that paid internet trolls, no matter the country, company or NGO they work for, should be outlawed, and possibly imprisoned or heavily for the deceptive nature of their pathetic excuse for a “job”.


I never said anything about Stormfront, also most “nazis” aren’t anti-Russian. Stop believing all of the nonsense you hear from the mainstream media of any country, whether that be Russia or the United States.


You are very persistent and very boring guy. You have probably disproportionate ego (believing that you can impose authority of your opinion (which you do not have)) Do not lecture me about things I have built informed opinion. I am Orthodox Slav and I know very well that we were predestined for the slavery and total extermination in 3rd Reich as “lower race”. The irony was that Orthodoxy was saved by heroic fight of “communist” regime (and heroic fight of Russian Orthodox people). As far as I am concerned all communists, fascist, globalists, Jews can go to hell together with Weste and Vatican.


“You are very persistent and very boring guy.”

A low quality ad-hominem attack intended to undermine facts you can’t debunk.

“You have probably disproportionate ego”

Says the one who seeks the unjustified destruction of an entire race of people, then turns around and hypocritically proclaims to not be racist. This is despite being genetically, religiously, culturally, and linguistically more similar to himself than any other race of people. I wonder what you’ll think when ethnic Russians eventually become outnumbered by Muslims and east Asians in their your country, maybe then you’ll feel a little bit sympathic for those raped and murdered as a result for their forthcoming extermination? How would you feel about the whole of Africa landing on Russia’s doorstep? Should the whole of Russia give up the rights and safety of their citizens in favour of the “disadvantaged” who would kill you in a heartbeat if it suited them?

“(believing that you can impose authority of your opinion (which you do not have))”

How can I forget? You believe that everyone outside of a government and religious leadership is worthless cannon fodder unworthy of respect, the appeal to authority fallacy in a nutshell assuming that anyone who isn’t an “authority” is “shit” and “unworthy” of consideration.

“I am Orthodox Slav and I know very well that we were predestined for the slavery and total extermination in 3rd Reich as ‘lower race’.”

You don’t sound like you are at all. The Soviet Union (ruled by jews) exterminated 70 million Slavs (and 10 million Germans after the war) with the help of Britain and the United States, all under (((their))) control. I already sent you information debunking what you said about the Third Reich’s “plans” to colonize Russia and enslave the native inhabitants, I’ll send you more.

Table Talks is a Hoax: codoh[]com/library/document/4880/

Whilst you’re at it, why is it that Sub-Saharan Africa has always remained behind the rest of the world for all of history? Why have they never advanced beyond the stone age without outside interference? Whether that be ancient Egypt, Arab Muslims, Christian Europeans, or Asians? Maybe they should have left blacks Africans alone and not try to prevent them from cannibalizing each other? Damn those Christian missionaries and their

“As far as I am concerned all communists, fascists, globalists, Jews can go to hell together with West and Vatican.”

Medieval Europe was a proto-Communist hell-hole that perpetuated genocide into forcing others to convert to Christianity en masse. Like the Vatican, the Orthodox Church is an artifact of the Roman empire which the jews subverted to their whim; first spiritually, then through usury, bribery and blackmail.

Globalism is intrinsically tied to “prophecies” outlined in the Torah/Old Testament.

Why Jesus Was Created: https://archive.org/details/whyjesuswascreated_202001


You’re not quite understanding the degree of jewish influence in the US and the rest of Europe. Tell me why they own all major media corporations. Even the more obvious junk such as Infowars is owned by jews.

Jewish Media Ownership In Sweden: archive[]is/tdvlD

Some pictures reuploaded by Renegade (I really don’t like them) showing jewish over representation in the American news media:



An Empire of Their Own, How the Jews Invented Hollywood: bitchute[]com/video/6WhkLYVMNZ2c/

Ever wonder why there’s so much pederasty/pedophilia in hollywood?


The Non-Jewish female is put to death from the age of 3 if a Jew rapes/”falls into sin with” her: bitchute[]com/video/REsbOdsekkZY/


Being tolerant of a few hundred people marching with swastikas (a symbol that originated in Bulgaria and the Pontic-Caucasian steppe) on their clothing is “tolerant” when the media frequently misrepresents them and throws them in prison for “antisemitism”, holocaust “denial, etc.

Obviously holocaust denial (backed by enormous amounts of evidence) is just as “evil” as murderer, rape and theft.



I am not reading your comments any more my dear neo-NAZI white supremacist. So will you kindly back off! Why I am always with such luck to have weirdos of your kind after me all the time? GO AWAY !


Fine, but I’m not a “white supremacist”; there’s nothing “supremacist” about wanting your people to survive and thrive without harming others (unless of course you’re white and therefore born guilty from the moment you are born). It seems you probably won’t bother trying to think outside of the box that politicians, media and “education” system constructed around your mind. Well, everyone’s mind really. More comfortable to remain narrow-minded and not have to think for yourself, fortunately I never believed that ignorance is “bliss” and prefer critical thinking.

The friend-foe distinction in psychology may have been useful when our ancestors lived in caves with no one than a few dozen tribe members, but isn’t particularly useful when there is a psychopathic elite running everything and are aware of all the mind’s weak points. Modernity is like the book Brave New World, a more inconspicuous version of 1984.



Try thinking for yourself for a change instead of believing everything “big brother” says.


I’m not a “white supremacist”; there’s nothing “supremacist” about wanting your people to survive and thrive without harming others, unless of course you’re white and therefore born guilty from the moment you are born. It seems you probably won’t bother trying to think outside of the box that politicians, media and “education” system constructed around your mind. Well, everyone’s mind really. More comfortable to remain narrow-minded and not have to think for yourself, fortunately I never believed that ignorance is “bliss” and prefer critical thinking.

People’s sense of friend-foe distinction was useful when our ancestors lived in caves with no one than a few dozen tribe members, but isn’t particularly useful when there is a psychopathic elite running everything and are aware of all the mind’s weak points. Modernity is like the book Brave New World, a more inconspicuous version of 1984.



“Weirdos” because you’re unable or unwilling to think for yourself and understand other person’s point-of-view. And those who do think for themselves end up in prison in many different countries if they don’t keep their mouths shut. Read a book will you? I referenced plenty in the links I sent, you have all the information you need. But no, that’s too “hard” isn’t it? Fucking idiot.


I’m not a white supremacist, unless you think it’s “supremacy” for the white race to go on living (just like Noel Ignatiev). So you cower off into your little hole because you’re unable to properly to refute me. You’re no different than the Marxist “scholar” mentioned by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Gulag Archipelago:

Solzhenitsyn — The Marxist ‘Scholar’ [Excerpt from Gulag Archipelago]: bitchute[]com/video/PAnTvDjRjwxs/

V2 Rocket

Democracy has always been bread and circuses used to placate the masses into thinking they actually have power over their government. A diet of entertainment, or political policies, on which the masses are fed to keep them happy and docile. There were exceptions to this rule in the past.

The man who setup stormfront married a Jewess, how does that make him a National Socialist? “Neo-Nazis” are just that, they are only a caricature of the real thing. Their followers are attracted to the Hollywood version of Nazis that is divorced from reality, post-war propaganda if you will. Most of them are useful idiots who fall into that crowd don’t really know what their ideology is about, they only believe the lies on in the newspapers, television, movies, school, and internet.

What you think “Nazis” and Ukrainian nationalists did to Russians and other Slavs in the 1940s was something the Communists had already done in the 1920s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. Since you won’t debate, you may resort to attacking your opponent as a result of the cogntive dissonance you experience when confronted with information that differs from what you have been told all your life. This is how elites remain in power of America, Russia, any European country, or some other country: they are masters of lies and manipulation.

They have unlocked many of the secrets of the human mind and ruthlessly exploit those weaknesses to enhance their [mind] control over the masses. Since most people do not learn to move past their weaknesses and preferring to aim for that low hanging fruit, they remain chained to their rulers. Some even enjoy their enslavement for no other reason than they seem to prefer blissful lies to uncomfortable truths.

A major component of ideologies like Fascism is the masculine ideal of surpassing your limitations and seeking new heights of human advancement in all fields.

Babi Yar ‘massacre’ debunked: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=codoh+babi+yar&t=ffab&ia=web

Babi Yar: Blame-Shifting Atrocity Propaganda https://ww2truth.com/2019/12/29/babi-yar-blame-shifting-atrocity-propaganda/comment-page-1/

If I were you, I’d expand my mind with new information, instead of clinging to the outdated ones that are banned in several countries because they would tear apart the deceitful mainstream narratives surrounding Judaism, Fascism, “Nazism”, World War Two and the Holocaust. In countries that don’t ban discussion on these subjects, there usually aren’t enough people interested in them to merit a ban on openly discussing these topics. This is why they’re trying to outlaw speech on “antisemitism, holocaust denial” in the U.S, it’s not good for those in charge who don’t want to lose their power and be held accountable for their crimes.


V2 Rocket

Putin acknowledges Jewish upbringing



V2 Rocket

Putin acknowledges Jewish upbringing…


The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern TerritoriesGenesis, Missions and Actions: https://shop.codoh.com/book/483/497

Holocaust Handbooks – Revisionist Book Series [Video]: https://archive.org/details/youtube-UMCaaHzLSXk

Holocaust Handbooks & Documentaries: holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?main_page=1&sort=voa&s=0&st=39#entries

V2 Rocket

Putin acknowledges Jewish upbringing…



“What an Anti-Semitic Pig!” – Putin: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ttTN7PY1202Q/

The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories: Genesis, Missions and Actions: https://shop.codoh.com/book/483/497

Doesn’t mean atrocities didn’t take place on all sides of the war.

Holocaust Handbooks – Revisionist Book Series [Video]: https://archive.org/details/youtube-UMCaaHzLSXk

Holocaust Handbooks & Documentaries: holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?main_page=1&sort=voa&s=0&st=39#entries

German Propaganda Reel, 1941: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cuj1G3c0SzMA/

The Wehrmacht enters Lemburg (Lviv), civilians greeting them handover Jewish men in the city to German soldiers who after they are said to have found corpses stored below the GPU building in the city. Soldiers then order the Jewish men of to dig up the decomposing corpses the narrator says were murdered by agents of the Soviet GPU. They proceed to set the city’s synagogue ablaze in memory of Bolshevik Jews who burned Russian Orthodox churches to the ground a couple of decades earlier.


WOW he has JEW grandmother?! kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllll him !!!!!!!! That was joke . Good bye!

V2 Rocket

Thank you for confirming what I said about you, your programming won’t allow you to see past what you were brainwashed to think since you were a small child. Your leader is literally in love with a death cult that is no different than what everyone is made to believe about Nazis, unless they someday find out differently. Ever wonder why they didn’t call themselves Nazis, or why Ashkenazi Jews are called Ashke-Nazi? Or the gulag on a small island near the town of Nazino in the 1930s, where prisoners were resorted to cannibalism to survive after being deprived of food?

V2 Rocket

Thank you for confirming what I said about you, your programming won’t allow you to see past what you were brainwashed to think since you were a small child. Your leader is literally in love with a death cult that is no different than what everyone is made to believe about Nazis, unless they someday find out differently. Ever wonder why they didn’t call themselves Nazis, or why Ashkenazi Jews are called Ashke-Nazi? Or the gulag on a small island near the town of Nazino in the 1930s, where prisoners resorted to cannibalism to survive after they were deprived of food? You literally think the Soviet Union wasn’t the real Nazi Germany and that it liberated half of Europe, what the fuck?

It’s like you have no mind of your own, or you fear legal repercussions which only serve to further verify my arguments. The second makes more sense to me, if the first were you true you would be like a cult member of Mormonism.


V2 Rocket

Try thinking for yourself! You mention you are an Orthodox Christian, but won’t consider the fact that the main book of Judaism (the Babylonian Talmud) references Jesus Christ as being sent to hell to boil in excrement (shit) for having opposed the Pharisees.

I’ve already shown you concrete facts, meanwhile you cling to your conceit and appeals to emotion without any though of further examination. You’ve only looked into what you have already heard from the mainstream without looking into things for yourself, preferring to listen to the lying politicians and media apparatus that misrepresents their case and spreads lies about suppressed opposition.



V2 Rocket

The fact he has a Jewish grandmother proves his mother was also Jewish and so is he. You are not fully Jew, unless you are born from a Jewish mother, Jews still consider someone Jewish if they were born from a Jewish mother, no matter the religion they follow. In Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, he lays out evidence in a chapter of his book on how Jews were given preferential treatment in Communist Poland and the Soviet Union.


They aren’t trying to “rewrite history” when it is already illegal to question the holocaust in Poland, the very fact it is illegal to deny any aspect of the event is a testament to the fact that the official story is full of holes. The holocaust narrative is used to vilify National Socialism and cover up the heinous war crimes committed by the victors of WWII.

Ernst Zündel: archive[]org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Z%C3%BCndel+%2301+-+Introduction[]mp4

[Book] The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories – Genesis, Missions and Actions: bitchute[]com/video/b9eSgn5Qjvmp/

WW2 – Photographic Forgeries of German Brutality: bitchute[]com/video/JNvFjI5awbkb/

The Great Holocaust Mystery, Reconsidering the Evidence: inconvenienthistory[]com/6/3/3331

Holocaust Deprogramming Course: holocaustdeprogrammingcourse[]com/

Reexamining the holocaust:






The First Holocaust – The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure: bitchute[]com/video/PM7KvaK78emm/

10 Mentions of 6 Million and The Holocaust In Newspapers From 1915 – 1938: bitchute[]com/video/3XYyAKT5AXvV/

More newspaper articles alluding to a “holocaust” and “six million jews”: goyimgazette[]com/six-million-jewish-holocaust-myth/

Treblinka was No Extermination Camp – Just a Transit Station: bitchute[]com/video/lUwOXHGYQK

The Treblinka Archeology hoax / Holocaustianity: bitchute[]com/video/9MzqlIr6elN5/

Gas Chambers Debunked by Gas Chamber Expert Fred Leuchter: bitchute[]com/embed/CTsG3XgWzALy/

Debunking Lies About Shrunken Heads, Soap and Lampshades: codoh[]com/library/authors/1557/



What Is Fascism?: nationalvanguard[]org/2012/08/what-is-fascism/

[In Germany, the former NSDAP (i.e., “Nazis”) followed the above-described Fascist system.]

The Philosophy of Fascism: archive[]org/details/thephilosophyoffascism_20191022

Fascist Labor Laws: bitchute[]com/video/5uPjIxaaaGsw/

Corporatism: bitchute[]com/video/PbFmw8SUy7Xa/

A Short Critique of the book ‘ Hitler’s Vampire Economy’: archive[]org/details/ashortcritiqueofhitlersvampireeconomy

The Nazi Economy: bitchute[]com/video/Ld8fxzEXZ2Qz/

German War Against Globalism: bitchute[]com/embed/IfR82TjssmrJ/

NS Economic Reforms: archive[]org/details/youtube-_r9Z-hTn1r4


Thank you I know what the “fascism” is


Try looking into these matters for yourself, other than believing the nonsense disseminated by the media, politicians and “education” system.



“Corporatism” is national syndicalism (supported by the Falange), often misrepresented by critics as an endorsement for “corporate oligarchy”.


An Empire of Their Own, How the Jews Invented Hollywood: bitchute[]com/video/6WhkLYVMNZ2c/

Berlin in the 1920s: youtube[]com/channel/UCGe8kzr_18FIOzjkmzGzzuA/videos

— Jews were primarily behind Bolshevism and the Frankfurt School (modern liberalism).

What is Cultural Marxism?: bitchute[]com/video/C9V1PlQIyHxl/

Culture of Critique: archive[]org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803

On “Liberalism” (i.e. Cultural Marxism): threadreaderapp[]com/thread/1185286151910805504[]html

Reclaiming Socialism From The Left: youtube[]com/watch?v=1BdZ8MMBDKM


State-Funded Yeshiva Rabbis Filmed in Israel Teaching Jews that “Non-Jews must be Jewish Slaves”: newobserveronline[]com/israel-state-funded-yeshiva-rabbis-filmed-teaching-jews-that-non-jews-must-be-jewish-slaves

All people will be slaves of the Jews or be killed: bitchute[]com/video/AangleLznxsG/

Mad ‘Max’? The paradox of the murdered Brooklyn Hasid: bit[]ly/2DCTxWz

[According to Samuel Katz, who was brought up as a Satmar but later became secular, boys in the community are taught that non-Jews aren’t quite human. Speaking from Berlin, where he is doing biomedical research on a Fulbright fellowship, Katz explained that growing up in such a community, “you don’t see commonality with people who aren’t Jewish. There is a completely different taxonomy of people. There are Jews and then there are non-Jews, who don’t have souls.

”When the messiah comes, “every boy is taught that the bad goyim will be killed and the good gentiles will have the privilege of serving us, of being our slaves,” he told Haaretz. “The way Stark dealt with tenants is part of that world view… It’s not “taking advantage of them,” [rather] that is the world order you’re taught to expect.”]

Satmar Hasidism is a branch of ultra-orthodox Judaism founded by Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum (1759-1841), Rabbi of Sátoraljaújhely in Hungary.

The Laws Against Non-Jews: bitchute[]com/video/FD1fRUP7f7Hd/

Jewish Extremism: bitchute[]com/channel/uZSBURGTMACb/

Jewish Supremacism: archive[]org/details/JewishSupremacism_203/page/n13

Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi? (Menachem Mendel Schneerson): ifamericansknew[]org/about_us/educationday[]html

The Root Cause Behind Globalism: bitchute[]com/channel/mryuribezmenov/

Evola & The JQ: bitchute[]com/video/SPZPXCSFAXt5/

The “Sun” of God: archive[]org/details/whyjesuswascreated_202001


What the hell is the purpose of all this? Why would I be interested in what some Talmudist have said or what they think about the “Gentiles”. I know those things we all know them! If you are obsessed with that subject do continue but leave me out of it. Do not bother me with similar stuff I have no time to read that.


You don’t seem to understand the nature of Judaism and the fact the Russian government does nothing to combat it, other than to aide them and imprison anyone who dares speak against those savages. This false east versus west paradigm fails to take into account that both sides favour the same masters; they are both subservient to jewish supremacists and seek to silence all opponents towards them.


You are obsessed with Jews. When Russia was in Yeltsin days under Jewish direct influence Russia was totally robbed and destroyed by them with complacency of the Russian drunkard. But ever since Putin has won his battle against them. That problem is resolved. Today Jews yield some influence (so does Muslims also and different ethnic groups) That is in general normal for every country that different lobbies push their interests and it is of little significance as long as Russian patriots have hold on power. I just do not like Jews for their very negative influence in US and globally. And I sincerely think that existence of IsraHell as country is totally illegal. IsraHell should have never been created …

This “east versus west paradigm” that you call “false” (like you would call “false” NATO interventions and pressure on Russian border and as “propaganda”also) As we speak there are biggest ever (in their history) US-NATO military maneuvers in Europe (turned against Russia that is designated as “US existential threat”)

Even you are too intelligent to believe in your own propaganda bollocks of “FALSE east versus west paradigm”. When “east versus west paradigm” is more real than it ever was during Cold War. With” INF” treaty down last thing left is “START”agreement, that is about to expire soon and the planet will be one step from Armageddon. The world is literally on the edge of global confrontation and it would take only one false flag operation (like gulf of Tonkin) to start WW3.

You complain because your precious West is dying! Massacred with disastrous globalist capitalism and illegal immigration. Your white race is fucked on the West already. West must meet their destiny, the destiny they deserve. Russia has nothing to do with them, since only evil things and invasions came to Russia from the West. Russia is NOT fascist and will never be part of Alt Right “white survival” projects that people like you have in their heads. End of the conversation. Good bye!


“But ever since Putin has won his battle against them. That problem is resolved.”

Russia and China still disseminate white guilt propaganda and allow the Chabad-Lubavitch to remain there. Putin (who has jewish ancestry) still refuses to expose them, allows mass Islamic immigration into Russia, and is in cahoots with the Chabad-Lubavitch whose former leader taught that non-jewish souls are Satanic.

“You complain because your precious West is dying! Massacred with disastrous globalist capitalism and illegal immigration. Your white race is fucked on the West already. West must meet their destiny, the destiny they deserve. Russia has nothing to do with them, since only evil things and invasions came to Russia from the West.”

So you wouldn’t mind if the white race were to disappear after having done the most good throughout human history for everyone else at the expense of their own? You speak as if my race is the only race of people who enslaved more people and committed more genocide than any other group of people.

To condemn Whites to such a level of undeserved guilt and collective punishment for the decisions of a small elite who the vast majority of people within my own race were unable to stop just goes to show that you are the splitting image of how you perceive the “nazis” to be. Your self-contradictory view is a complete antithesis to your own world view.

The Alt-Right isn’t “Fascist” by any sense of the word, a concept you have no accurate understanding of, same goes for your poor understanding of history, pretending as if Russia and everyone else did nothing wrong until the “evil White devil” came along to ruin everyone’s day, despite easily accessible information that dispels such lies.

If you are against the survival of the White race, then why should any other race of people be respected? Why do you want to see the White race exterminated? How does that make you any better than the evil “nazis” you hate with a passion?

Can you explain why there blacks and Muslims were fought in the Wehrmacht?




Russia and “white guilt propaganda”? Putin Jew …again? No wonder that West is in full DECADENCE and you are the best proof for that.

You people are literally retarded because of your hate blindness. No point of talking to people like you. Go away and leave me alone and take your effing Jews with you. Go to your “white” neon-NAZI friends.


Ever wonder why it’s still illegal to criticize jews in Russia?

Rather than properly analyze my words, you prefer to verbally attack me without looking into what I actually said. Your ingrained reaction as a result of your Pavlonian conditioning is to accuse me of “hate” without ever examining things for yourself outside of the “approved” paradigm. Then you accuse me of obfuscating what you said, despite doing that yourself. “No point in talking to people like you” because it conflicts with your sensitive worldview and the cognitive dissonance that follows to reinforce that world view. I’m not a “nazi” by the way, I would encourage you to expand your knowledge to overcome your ignorance on these subjects. “No wonder that West is in full DECADENCE” Yet Russia too is infected by “liberalism”, you’re only 20 years behind the west in that category.

The Alt-Right (which I’m not apart of) isn’t “neo-nazi” and is mainly Alt-Lite. It is also littered with controlled opposition and has a small degree of support for National Bolshevism and Alexander Dugin who had his picture taken with former K.K.K Grand Wizard David Duke, whom the latter openly supports. I guarantee you that most “neo-nazis” don’t hate Slavs and don’t want to enslave them.


[Photo: David Duke with Alexandr Dugin, one of the leading intellectuals of Russia’s patriotic movement]



White guilt propaganda are a set of lies propagated in the west that white people are the worst human beings that ever walked the face of the earth, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Why math is “racist”: bitchute[]com/video/9YqR_gknoXs/

Profs: Scientific Objectivity Reinforces ‘Whiteness’: informationliberation[]com/?id=58130

Racist Professor Teaching Anti-White Curriculum: youtube[]com/channel/UC0BxCzouqmmppUoKB4keiCA/search?query=professor

CNN Don Lemon “Biggest Terror Threat Is White Men”: youtube[]com/watch?v=7cUFa9cxl_0

Harvard Magazine | Abolish the White Race: https://harvardmagazine.com/2002/09/abolish-the-white-race.html

Jew Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev on how terrible white people are: youtu[]be/q90kmUbEv7c

— Jews controlled the Transatlantic slave trade, to mention this is deemed “antisemitic”. This is of course blamed on white people, the majority of their ancestors almost certainly never owned slaves of their own.

“No wonder that West is in full DECADENCE and you are the best proof for that.”

A completely arbitrary conclusion. Remember, Russia is only 20 years behind in terms of decadence.

“You people are literally retarded because of your hate blindness.”

There you go reiterating liberal dialectics and hypocrisy over “hate”, for you hate anyone who goes against your religious dogma. I don’t mean Christianity, I’m referring to “political correctness”.

“No point of talking to people like you.”

Because you don’t have the guts or brains to do so, every country is highly feminized compared to the masculine virtues of nations and peoples before they were heavily judified.


“No wonder that West is in full DECADENCE and you are the best proof for that.”

Do you have any idea who’s behind all this decadence? Russia isn’t free from decadence either, and try not to think that everyone who lives in the west is decadent. You are overgeneralizing places you’ve probably never lived in.

“You people are literally retarded because of your hate blindness.”

What you think “neo-nazis” are and what I am are two entirely separate things. If you bothered reading the source material and other content I sent, you would find that out that your preconceptions are entirely wrong. But you prefer to be lazy and not look into it because it conflicts with what you’re told on television.

Read these books, they’re good for you:

Propaganda by Edward Berney : bitchute[]com/video/Z3wlyulAMB4t/

The Crowd by Gustave Le Bon: archive[]org/details/crowdastudypopu00bongoog/page/n13/mode/2up

A good video on this subject:

Human Perception and Politics: youtube[]com/watch?v=iCQhEgDm40E&feature=youtu[]be&t=215

“Go to your “white” neon-NAZI friends.”

Are you denying that white people exist? Do you think it’s a social construct when science says otherwise? You’re lucky this is on the internet…


The only way you would know any better beyond the nonsense you think, none will happen:

1. The government and media were to tell the truth about these subjects.

2. Being coerced in person to look into it.

3. If I could turn back time (impossible) and hold back to urge to lash out at you for your rudeness and ignorance on the topic, then try to persuade you otherwise (likely wouldn’t work since you’re too stubborn to think you could possibly be wrong).

This is the most tedious and annoying way of doing things, but seems to be the only effective method for people in general. Unfortunately I have little to no patience for doing it that way, especially with knuckleheads such as yourself who believe everything they hear on TV and can’t bother to think outside of the box. You will follow the herd anywhere without hesitation like a fucking lemming, willing to piss people off online where they can’t punch you for being a narrow-minded asshole who can’t see the big picture because of your wilfull ignorance and fragile feelings.


“Intervention in a civil war, though, violates the sovereignty of the state”

Every normal country would do exactly the same in such situation! Every country would defend their ethnic minority of military slaughter even with direct full military intervention (which Russia didn’t use)!

AM Hants

I am curious, with regards Poroshenko tearing up the Ukraine Russia 1997 Friendship Agreement and where that leaves the territory of Ukraine. They have never ratified the borders of Ukraine and Russia, in accordance with international law, since the fall of the Soviet Union, back in 1991. So with Porkie tearing up the agreement, which is one of the few papers that state the recognition of the borders, whilst both nations are members of the CIS, where does it leave the territory of Ukraine? Surely, back to where it was in 1917, before the Bolsheviks turned up and overthrew the Russian Empire. When Eastern Ukraine and Crimea were part of Russia and not Ukraine.

So exactly how will that work out in The Hague? As memories of Milosovic spending 11 years in the cells, before he died, and then 12 years later exonerated of all charges laid against him. Not forgetting how long it took the UN to notice the genocide going on in Rwanda. Wasn’t it 20 years before the people of Rwanda received an apology, once the diamond and oil industry was up and running?


Go back to Baikal, little green


I agree with you except for one small detail. Bolsheviks did not overthrow the Russian Empire. Freemasonic coup overthrew the Russian empire in 02/1917 and temporary goverment led by freemason liberal Kerensky was ruling Russia. Bolsheviks overthrew this Kerensky led liberal goverment in 10-11/1917, not the Russian empire.

AM Hants

Thank you for pointing out my error. I look forward to finding out more.


The Finnish Airforce still has a swastika on their insignia. The second picture shows Latvian soldiers, though it would be logical to have men in their place and move the women into supporting roles outside of combat. Ukraine is a crony capitalist “democracy”, not a Fascist state.





The basis of the proceedings is the “violation” by Russia of the UN Convention on Racial Discrimination and the UN Convention against the Financing of Terrorism, as alleged by Ukraine. The fact that Kiev’s accusation is based on these two treaties is simply because they are conventions that both states have ratified.

AM Hants

Yet, remind me, which nation bans using the Russian language and which nation, when Crimea voted to return home, made Russian Ukrainian and Tatar the three official languages in Crimea?

Not forgetting the Constitution of Ukraine and how it was violated by post-2014 Ukrainian politicians.

Does that not count?


As I stated in bold letters, these are just allegations by the Ukraine, the second subject (Financing Terrorism) is already refused by the court(I believe). And your points are true, but the first is not valid in this court case. Ukraine went to the court because of specific allegations, the question who is more “shitty” is not part of the filing.


This is a very confused article. What do you really want to say? It seems that you gathered some random info to make a case, but which? There is no such thing as “the West”. Germany has a position, the UK has a different one, and the US… well, has some sort of positions… . This is a convoluted attempt at some sort of diffuse propaganda, the same you accuse the US “and Co.” of. At least in the German statement, there is no ‘double speak’. Of course different countries have different opinions, it’s called plurality or democracy, a concept not too familiar to Russians no doubt, which enjoy a ride of “one people, one nation, one leader”. Also, the German study doesn’t ‘admit’ anything, since nobody was accused of anything. It’s an assessment of facts. Do you know what that means? It is one educated opinion on the state of affairs, nothing more, nothing less. As for the symbols, there are many who, in reality, have nothing to do with extremism.

cechas vodobenikov

obviously u r easily confused–your comment is proof


You obviously need to read more books. Do you really think that Germany, UK or any other US army occupied territory has real souveregnity? There is one collective west and it all belongs to global oligarchy empire. There are some attempts of some of the countries of EU/NATO to gain some souveregnity or just to prevent their own islamisation but that does not mean the country doing it has a full souveregnity.


Sure, each state has their own position, but they all surrender them to the leading factor, the transatlantic complex in Washington. That sounds conspiratory, but is a fact, that can as well be proven if you demand it.

cechas vodobenikov

Russia will continue to protect ethnic Russians in regions where the USA has attempted produce discord and fascism—-Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova—and the impotent, incompetent USA will do nothing…


They did more than “nothing” till now. They even attacked Russian Orthodox Church. I don’t think they will completely stop their provocations and schemes anywhere they can. Russia is still the most important target for US-NATO.


As an informed reader of the matter, I would like to point out in the following that two of the core assumptions made in the article with regard to the expert opinion of the Scientific Service of the German Bundestag(Parliament) are based on misleading basic premises. While I will not comment on the second part of the article, which refers to Ukraine and its fascistic militias.

The Scientific Service of the German Bundestag(Parliament), even if the name would suggest otherwise, does not speak on behalf of the German Bundestag(Parliament), nor can statements to be found in the expert opinion of the latter be regarded as a form of opinion-forming in Parliament. As an introduction to the expert reports, the latter explicitly point out that the Scientific Service of the German Bundestag carries out mandate-related work for parliamentarians, but that this does not reflect the opinion of the German Bundestag, the Federal Administration or other state institutions.

The reports are published on the website of the German Bundestag, to the extent that they are not subject to any secrecy regulations. In terms of content, the expert opinions usually deal with international law or constitutional law. Only freely accessible media are used as information sources. No intelligence agencies or executive bodies are involved in the preparation of the reports.

However, the study cited in the article does not, in contrast to what has been stated, provide a conclusive analysis of the state of affairs. Thus it refers several times to the diffuse situation, the lack of reliable factual material, as well as the absent assessments of the secret agencies officially confirmed by the Federal Government. Since the Ukrainian conflict is still the subject of pending proceedings before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the paper does not want to anticipate what will be decided in this regard.

The report therefore only tries to sketch the legal framework without interpreting what has been said. The report refers to general, subject-specific questions of definition of basic principles of international law. In comparison to Nicaragua and the USA and the international verdicts on various Balkan conflicts, the main points of criticism of the Western community of states regarding Russia’s conduct in Ukraine are touched upon. In fact, the Kosovo conflict would have been a more obvious case for comparison.

The field of tension includes humanitarian aid for the East Ukrainian People’s Republics declared independent, military support and the mass naturalization of Ukrainian citizens living or born there, forced by Russia.

No legitimacy is attributed or denied to the individual items of conduct. However, the impression is reinforced that a clear condemnation, as expressed above all in countless lurid articles in the daily press, is not objectively supported. A detailed description is not necessary here.


I am an Orthodox Christian and not communist. I know what NAZI did to us Slavic people and what neo-NAZI did in Donbass. Enough said. No need to talk more. Good bye!

V2 Rocket

Try thinking for yourself! You mention you are an Orthodox Christian, but won’t consider the fact that the main book of Judaism (the Babylonian Talmud) references Jesus Christ as being sent to hell to boil in excrement (shit) for having opposed the Pharisees.

I’ve already shown you concrete facts, meanwhile you cling to your conceit and appeals to emotion without any further examination. You’ve only looked into what you have already heard from the mainstream without looking into things for yourself, preferring to listen to the lying politicians and media apparatus that misrepresents their case and spreads lies about suppressed opposition.




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