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MARCH 2025

Western Intelligence Unit Raided Iranian Forces Headquarters In The Heart Of Damascus (Video)

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Western Intelligence Unit Raided Iranian Forces Headquarters In The Heart Of Damascus (Video)

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An unidentified “Western intelligence agency” carried out four months ago a covert operation in the heart of the Syrian capital Damascus, the Israeli news outlet Intelli Times reported on January 28.

According to the outlet, the daring operation saw agents of the Western intelligence agency raiding the headquarters of the Iranian Quds Force’s Unit 840.

The headquarters is located in a residential building in the neighborhood of Kaf Susa, 3 kilometers away from the Syrian Presidential Palace. The neighborhood is highly-secured. The Ministry of Interior is located in the same neighborhood, which is guarded by two detachments from the Military Intelligence Directorate.

A video of the operation shows the agents seizing documents inside the Iranian unit’s headquarters and holding down one of the Syrian guards. Syrian activists noted that the alleged “Western agents” in the video spoke fluent Arabic with a distinctive Syrian accent.

Last November, the Israeli Defense Forces accused the Unit 840 of planting three explosive devices along the Israel-Syria contact line in the occupied Golan Heights. Tel Aviv responded to the operation with a series of airstrikes on central and southern Syria.

Intelli Times said that the unit is commanded by Yazdan Mir, also known as “Sadir Baqiri.” The leader has two aides, Mukhtabi Hashimi and Mohssin Mohamad. The unit is allegedly training personnel in Syria to launch attacks against “Western targets.”

The Israeli report is highly questionable. Nevertheless, the Israeli intelligence carried out similar daring operations in Lebanon, Syria, Iran and many other countries in the past. The report itself is likely a threat to Syria and Iran.


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Free man


Fog of War

No connection what so ever. ” carried out four months ago “

Free man

Clearly there is no connection. Just an example of an Israeli operation versus an example of an IRGC operation.

El libanes

Like the shayetet 13 operation in naqoura ? 12 of the best elite Idf torn into peices? That type of israeli operarion? Or like the bint jbeil op? Your army myth is OVER sit down clown

Free man


El libanes

People revolution on corruption is always a good sign, see your ignorance, people who revoluted basicly are sunnis and agianst their voted leaders which have been atacking the axis of resistence and for your own information they have been chanting in support of hezzbollah which is realy good thing. Read dude read. What about the court and manifistation against zabrinyaho


Tehran is one of the safest cities on the planet and unfortunately Lebanon is facing economic problems due to corruption and Zionist meddling, and these things are nothing to gloat over. As adults it is incumbent upon us to post realistic comments and not trolling propaganda. Even the US State Department has now toned down anti-Iran propaganda.



Whose diapers are full ? lol


For every failed operation on our side, there are dozens of successes. You take one battle from 2006, but overall Lebanon and Hezbollah were torn into pieces with a limited ground force. Don’t fool yourself you will get that same mercy again.

El libanes

What success your talking about? You hypocrate, the war was a total and absoulte fail and embarsmente to your daipers army, they failed in all aspects , unless you call killing civilians and destroying infrastructure as a success. Dont you remember venograd investigation to study the failier of war? Dont you remember cementay of the merkava? Shitting in their pants, crying , running and getting shot in the back for lack of will to fight. Didnt ihud olmert and amir perez got charged for there fails. What a bunch of clowns

Free man

How is Tripoli these days? Ya Lobnani.


Nothing to gloat over other people’s economic problems. Show some basic decency.


Again, yopu refer to the mistakes of the political leadership. On the ground, we were far from losing. On the contrary, if the U.N had not stopped us with a ceasefire we would have crossed the Litani river and then flank Hezbollah positions and head to to Beqaa valley. It only took 10K troops to do it in less than 2 weeks, most of the war was done by air and by the time we entered Lebanon we were stopped. The political leadership was charged with failures by Vinugrad because they didn’t allow most of the ground forces to enter in time and left them at the border to be targeted with rockets. Read it all over again.

Ashok Varma

Silly little boy playing soldier again. Post some photos of the lunda bazaar Vietnam era clothing :)


You seem to be a child with a war fetish. Israel is in the longest lockdown and it is expected that children will act up, but do go outside and play once in a while.


Your brain is rusted.

Emad Irani

This Freeman is a Yankee and a hardcore Anti Iranian Iranophob. Every single topic in which the word “Iran” exists, he is on board. I don’t know what Iranians did to his mummy khkh


He is an idiot and lies daily about his origins and knows nothing about Iran. Also claims to be a soldier in the Armenian army LOL

Emad Irani

I doubt about his origins, he should do a DNA test, better safe than sorry hahah

El libanes

He is a ziobot

Ashok Varma

He/she is only triggered when Iran is mentioned. Does not pay attention to anything else. Robotic failure.


Bolton intelli do’minion robot.


Yes, there seem to be a lot of robo guests that vote down.


One dimensional one liner anti-Iran propaganda definitely would indicate that. I was based in Iran in the late 70’s with MAAG and asked him a few questions about Tehran, which he was totally ignorant of and gave evasive answers and then started posting staged Youtube fake propaganda videos. Quite hilarious really.


No he is not an American by a long shot. He has claimed many unsubstantiated nonsense and is most likely someone who is on a anti-Iranian troll farm and has one BOT liners for propaganda.


You find a lot of these disgruntled anti-Iran trolls in the US, especially in LA where is a large Jew and Bahai population and many have been recruited by US government troll farms to post anti-Iran propaganda. Mossad is also very active in recruiting them. But most of their propaganda borders on the comic relief.


Don’t you,know,that is no free man ever again,time to cough up the bucks:

Fog of War

Or clearly a case of you falling for B.S. psyops operation. This wasn’t Iran .


Frankly, you are just a desperate loser.

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod, this has to do with Sikh unrest. The Sikhs want Khalistan and are supporting the Palestinian struggle as both Kashmiris and Sikhs are supported by Pakistani ISI. You are blind chutiya gandu ignoramus.


Another of of idiotic troll posts was that Iran tested its civil defence sirens this week. Indeed, every organized state does it regularly to test its readiness response in case of emergency, so Iran should be commended for a national emergency response system which is perhaps as good as Cuba’s where there whole population can seek shelter in minutes, thanks to endless US bullying since the 50’s. Iran started building an integrated fibre optic lined AD and CD system based on the initial US one installed prior to the revolution. Now this system is fully operational and tested several times a year.

Free man

Obviously, sirens exercise at one o’clock at night. LOL.


I call Bullshit!


Big bullshit and zio terrorist jewish lies….. U know how you know it is a lie??? Jewish lips are moving. Made in Jeweywood




100%. It is total HOGWASH and not even realistic.


In Kentucky we call it a panic horse puckey dump by the losing horse.

Jimmy Jim


El libanes

The zionists are trying to prove to there fellow sheeps that they are still capable, the myth is over, they have been literally shiiting in there pants. What kind of Cov-Op is this holding a phone in his hand? And using one hand to search. The only thing i see clear in this video is the color of the carpet.


Terrorist Ziocorporatism still maintains military a military edge over the rest, that’s why you see China/Russia play the appeasing role in the globalist stage, but Iranians have managed to develop their own shit from what was left of their arsenal after the war with Saddam, which is no small feat.

After WW2, it’s the Ziocorporate terrorists that set the geopolitical stage globally and with bullshit like JCPOA Iran only gives them more opportunities to machinate against them. Instead, making the Iranian embassy in Damascus a HQ for permanent Iranian military deployment for joint security in Syria for at least as long as there’s US/ISIS/Turkish terrorists invaders around.

The video does look like a load of Ziojew terrorist staged bullshit, they don’t care about massmurdeing civilians and would’ve carbombed this building in Damascus, the Ziojew specialty since British mandate times, long ago instead of risking their assets for a few documents.


Just look at the disinformation source of the “news”, this is total nonsense as Iran is in serious negotiations with the US and Robert Malley, a moderate career diplomat with Egyptian background, who basically worked with Zarif on the JCPOA is now the point man again. He and Zarif go back to Harvard days.


Frankly, the Zionist are crapping in their diapers and making up all kinds of pathetic crap. Robert Malley a friend of Zarif has been appointed special envoy to Iran and the Iranian government is about to get $450 billion in illegally frozen assets back from the western criminals. The South Koreans have already released $1.7 billion. Stay tuned to Zionist desperation.

Ashok Varma


Indian media reported on Iran-US talks in detail and also the fact the Zionist regime is now very exposed as the strategic equation has totally changed with Turkey, Iran and Pakistan getting very close. The news report showed Dr. Zarif with Turkish FM and then meeting Erdogan and the body language is very brotherly.

Kochavi’s remarks were met with trenchant criticisms – even among the critics of the nuclear agreement, which was reached during former President Barack Obama’s time in office.

Amos Gilad, a former head of Israeli Military Intelligence, said the threat of military action against Iran was an empty one and such a strike would never happen without the backing of the United States.

“You think you would carry out a strike without strategic cooperation with the United States? It will never, ever happen,” Gilad said in an interview on the 103FM radio station on Wednesday. “Understand that these are all just words.”

He warned that harsh remarks that contradict the position of the new American administration “could be seen as defiance” by the White House, adding, “That’s not how you lead a policy.”


Iran and US are indeed taking slow and steady steps towards a modus vivendi and that is the reason for Zionist panic and consternation.

Just Me


Pointing to the importance of Tehran-Ankara ties and common interests, Zarif exchanged views with Cavusoglu on cooperation in the fields of security,

transit, trade and energy as well as mutual efforts to solve problems facing Iranian and Turkish enterprises and economic actors. Dr. Zarif also pointed out the hypocritical US stance on Turkey’s S-400 purchase from Russia and threats of sanctions. Both the foreign ministers reaffirmed that the strong ties between the two brotherly nations will even grow further.



Yep,no future in fascism nor lgbtq,nor biden,lurch,soros,hellary.+cia, of course the minion homosexual green drug pushers will create another media site,to keep on trolling about their utterly useless 2050 fear agenda.

Tommy Jensen

Dont forget our US Military Space Command Centre which has influence and leverage all over ME.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I said. I said Iran will soon become a green environmentalist lgbt clima freak nation with access to usury loans and what happened? Iran already got $1,7 socialist billions to change the spring to autumn in Tehran.

Ashok Varma

In Hindi this type of cow dung is called Chandoo Khaneh news (whorehouse opium talk).

Just Me

Namaste, let the Sikhs rage :)


the jews of course -they need to be annihilated post haste. no need for jews here there or anywhere. just get rid of ’em


IF the Khazars do become dominant in a global empire, there will be no place at their golden table for real ethnic jews.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

chris chuba

Where was the studio located? They used to have a great Intelligence agencies in the 60’s but now they are the greatest production engineers on the planet.


The world greatest BS’er Gaslighter + Liars, besides notorious War-Criminals + State-Terrorists.


Its the same studio that produced the 9/11 movie , I think. :)


Reminds me of raids we did in Gaza and the West Bank, ah the good old times. The targets were always captured for intel or killed for doing terrorism, I would do it all over again if I had to. Many israelis can sleep better at nights.

Kenny Jones ™



One day you will see the true might of the IDF coming for them Kenny, then they won’t be laughing or smiling for many more years.

John Wallace

The only raids you are capable of is driving a bulldozer over a female protester as you steal her family land. It takes a really brave man surrounded by equally tough men with a fully automatic weapons to stand up to kids and women throwing stones. It’s a wonder PTS hasn’t reduced you to a sniveling wreck. https://play.stuff.co.nz/details/_6044250597001

If it was in reverse you would be crying in your pretzels you gutless piece of shit.

El libanes

And stealing cows and chickens fron farmers, as they have been doing for the las 2 months

Just Me

Just last week the disgusting Zionist criminals stole Lebanese cows.


True but they promised to return them after intensive negotiations.


Don’t be too harsh,after all they promised to return the cows to lebanon.


rachel corrie is a martyr https://twitter.com/ihhen/status/440444634611712001


one third of the streets in iran are named after martyrs and rachel corrie has her own street named after her


the zionists are nothing but terrorists liars and thieves their ruinous existence will be ended but it is amazing how their fantasies are only aimed at sustaining their ruinous existence and 80% of the time their lies are for domestic audiences because they are so unstable they have to lie all of the time


this fool eats the dirt out of the after of his lying masters and calls it mercy put down on him by their devilish imposters claiming to be god


Frankly, you were just a stain on the bedsheets then :)

Jimmy Jim


Jimmy Jim



I call Elephant shit

johnny rotten

This is the measure of the desperation of the self-styled Chosen People liars, they spread Sci-Fi fairy tales in a childish attempt to hide the terror that grips them, miserable and hopeless.

Jens Holm

Things only happens, if You decide it.



Jens Holm

Thats one version too. Not nice.

Tommy Jensen

Its incredible politicians are micro managed that way they cannot discuss a potential relation between 5G and Corona.


It just shows their desperation.

IDF Chief in political minefield after making claims about planning to attack Iran.

El libanes

Very true he have given the american the red eye plus as you said before Robert malley adding made the zionist totally unseattled. Just hope the lobbies dont break him up as usual.


They are desperate and have been told that the US will not fight for the Zionist losers and Iranians are building up strength in Syria and will attack the Zionists. They neither have the capability or capacity to fight Iran and they are in total panic mode,

Top Israeli military figures slam Kochavi’s ‘empty’ rhetoric against Iran

Top Israeli military figures have slammed as “empty” and “inappropriate” the recent anti-Iran remarks made by the Israeli regime’s army chief of staff lieutenant general Aviv Kochavi.

El libanes

I totally aprove.

Ashok Varma

It is quite obvious the Zionists are panicked.


Israel simply does not have the manpower, fiscal means, military capability or strategic depth to take on Iran. It has even failed to dislodge it from Syria, which is just a stone throw away, let alone fight a battle with Iran whose nearest border is 1400 kms away and buffered by an increasingly powerful Axis of Resistance as the SouthFront article on missile transfer to Iraq accurately described. Iranians are now firmly entrenched in a region spanning over 3 million sq kms from Yemen to Lebanon and no one is game enough to challenge that. Iranian missiles can obliterate Israel in less than 24 hours and they know it. The biggest Zionist fear is the lifting of sanctions which will unleash a hungry Persian Lion into an economic Superpower, the Shah in the 70’s predicted that Iran will be top ten economies in a decade, but now that prediction is coming true despite every western effort to stop Iran. The Persians are a resilient lot.

Just Me

Italy permanently halts arms sales to Saudi Arabia, UAE

Italy’s figures from 2019 show Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ranked as the 10th and 11th biggest markets for Italian arms export. Italian caretaker government has pointed that the western weapons delivered to Saudi Arabia have mostly killed Yemeni civilians indiscriminately. Pressure is building on other EU nations to halt the flow of weapons to Saudi Arabia and UAE.



Schhhhhh :)


This whole fake news is pro ponderous from a military point of view as well. Iran is operating in Syria, Iraq and various other places through a network of localized militia groups whose command structure is Kinetic in nature of asymmetrical warfare which Iranians have excelled at since the ill-fated invasion by Saddam. These militias and the IRGC do not have a centralized command structure that would store strategic and operational plans in English no less, at one office location. Iranian military is not prone to operate like Staples and would file all its plans in alphabetical order for someone to come and “steal” them. It is quite laughable as to how desperate and isolated the Israelis have become as their untenable position in the region worsens. This “news” should be dismissed a pure unadulterated horse puckey from Kentucky Derby.

Just Me

Me thinks this is kosher chickenshit news :)


I guess it’s more unkosher chickenshit BS propaganda + gaslighting.

Jimmy Jim


Diana Cornwell

Putin’s alliance with Israel and NATO: https://eurasiafuture.com/its-time-to-talk-about-the-s-300s-status-symbols-and-the-savior-complex-2/


I find moscow times more accurate:of course they are afraid of the eurasian economy too!

Diana Cornwell

Russia has been occupied territory since 1917.


Yes and no,the askezani minion neo-liberal mob (same whom set up Austrian royalty murder) aka french revolutionist-deep state murdered the tsar and their noses were outta joint because the tsar always had a backup plan in the sense of lenin +later stalin whom ultimately paved the way to ww2 victory otherwise we’d all be fkd,likely never even born to exist. Conversely the worse occupation in the 20th century were nazis (period) they under neo-liberal ideology are the cia/soros of todays,blair is a dog!

Diana Cornwell

You will find this rather interesting: https://russia-insider.com/en/history/yet-another-six-million-fable-pogroms-against-jews-tsarist-russia/ri25143


Russia now is far more influenced by Zionists and Jew oligarchs than USA currently. American people are waking up to the unsustainable cost of supporting a dead end regime. The reason for Zionist panic is the on-going peace talks with Iran and unfreezing of assets that will turn Iran into an overnight economic power.

Lone Ranger

Cool disney story Shlomo…

Diana Cornwell

Not at all.

There will be no peace with Iran until there is regime change. What befell Iraq or Syria is nothing compared to what Iran will go through.

Tommy Jensen

Iran is already liberal. TPTB deal to put in Rouhani against usury loans, and with Soleimani death the liberal regime in Iran was secured. No need for any TPTB regime change more.

Diana Cornwell

Look, the mullahs are compromised and corrupt like all world leaders at present; so, yes, the mullahs are “liberal” (i.e. corrupt thus amenable to collusion) and technically there is no reason to replace them. However TPTB want to make an example out of them and rub the extent of their power in the collective faces of the world. In addition, they want to get some creative destruction going so that they can generate additional business for their beloved MIC.

War it’ll be regardless of whether the mullahs kiss Biden’s feet in humble contrition.

Tommy Jensen

Putin and China dont save Erdogan just to let Iran enter into a war with anybody. Iran is a dot on OBOR and release of their frozen billions will fit into all parties interests. TPTB will get their liberal government with friendly ties with Israel and green bonds and Russia and China will get their peace and investments secured. The hostility and constant crying wolf between Iran and Israel at this moment is a psy-op and media fake in my opinion.

Diana Cornwell

Putin and China are not controlled nor ruled by who you think they actually are, in my opinion. Putin in particular carries no weight on any important matters. As his previous handler Yeltsin put it, Putin is a “cipher”. Meaning, a nothing, a zero.

Putin is just outsourced management for the City of London = District of Columbia.

Enjoy the relative peace. Will be over within weeks.




I doubt russia approves lgbtq/tranny rigged election disordinance,but there are some lowballers like browder+gorbachev who used to be in russia i’d say yeah!

Just Me

There are only two countries the US and its vassals are petrified of, China and Iran. Russian passivity is about to bring it a lot of grief as the deep state hacks like Blinken think that they know Russian weakness and can do another USSR now.

Diana Cornwell

What passivity? Russia is a NATO partner which is in alliance with Turkey (NATO) and Israel (de facto NATO as well).


More like turkey alliance to russia,seens russia has all the aces not nato.

Diana Cornwell

Nothing passive about the Russian stance. Isn’t it obvious by now how Syria is being partitioned between Russia, Turkey, and Israel and the US?


likely fake news too,anything to give usa false sense of security,too many p00fs in israel medias.


I give it zero credibility.


You are being kind, this is total crap as US and Iran are in major discussions and the Zionists are literally crapping in their diapers, even their own leaders are making fun of the panic. They have told the Kovachavi to shut the fuckup and don’t blab nonsense.


Hello Frank. Yeah, I was trying to keep it clean. :P


This is the video. It proves nothing.


Black Waters

Buahahahahaha, BULLSHIT! hahaha

John Wallace

What was that video a couple of years ago with netanbooboo holding up papers said to have been taken from Iran’s nucear HQ office or whatever in a raid. It was later shown that they had had the papers all the time from when they were discussing with Iran its nuclear program. This one probably filmed in the same Mossad studio. Netanbooboo tells so many lies looking for sympathy doesn’t he understand only the idiots believe him now..

John Wallace

Found it.. How Israel, in Dark of Night, Torched Its Way to Iran’s Nuclear Secrets https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/15/us/politics/iran-israel-mossad-nuclear.html

Just Me

Seriously, the only Zionist accomplishment in the past two decades has been to kill women and children and assassinate old Hamas leaders in wheelchairs, these fake news are planted to buck up the sagging morale as Iranian footprint and regional influence expands. Name one feat they have supposedly “accomplished”? the Zionist cowards even asked the idiot Trump to assassinate the soldier diplomat Soleimani as they are too scared to strike themselves. Even that has backfired as a more aggressive Iranian IRGC leadership has replaced the old veterans.


Why “this” news on SF?

Ashok Varma

Interesting question, maybe slow news day to dig up chutiya nonsense.


SF stated that this report is highly questionable, probably to show the usual ZioNAZI BS propaganda they come up with on a daily base and nowhere in the combined western MSM is this called out or even considered that this is just another psyop lie.


SF needs to vet fake Zionist news better since Iranian and US talks have resumed and the Saudis, Zionists and UAE are petrified of a diplomatic breakthrough and have hired at least a dozen PR and troll farms to plant fabricated news to poison a detente. Israel is very vulnerable now.


That’s what SF actually did, but they are not the problem it’s the western MSM where all this BS unchallenged spreaded 24/7 in an attempt to poison + muddy the waters. IMO Iranian US talks wont produce anything usefull because US will made BS demands w/o giving anything in return…the usually.


Yes they did mention that it is old discredited report. But keep in mind the Zionist panic these days as they are losing their relevance and also US is in economic meltdown. Our economy officially shrank by 4% this quarter while China grew by 9%. The US taxpayer simply do not have the money while over half the country is on welfare to feed the Zionist parasties. Israel is now an official Albatross around the US neck.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Everyone’s discounting this story as BS propaganda but SF itself included this after the claim, “Nevertheless, the Israeli intelligence carried out similar daring operations in Lebanon, Syria, Iran and many other countries in the past”, So it’s not outside the realms of possibility, and if you take into account the simple fact that at least 84% of the local population is currently engaged in anti Iranian protests, anti Iran assassinations, and now open hostilities in Darra, it possibly lends credibility to the story, because any western powers conducting the operation would have had overwhelming local support for it, and probably and most likely a lot of help conducting it too. So who are the western powers they’re referring to, Israel, the US, EU, or Briton, I think the obvious one is Israel but since they’re not actually named it’s left up in the air, but was it necessarily a western power that conducted the raid, the Arab league countries have the most influence in these areas of Syria, so could they perhaps have been the ones behind it, they’re considered by some to be de facto western powers, mmm.


Where did you get the 84% figure from? that is just nonsense. Syria’s current population is around 18 million in government controlled areas and 90% of those are pro-Assad or the government would have fallen. Do think before you post.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I said local population in Darra buddy, can’t you read English very well or didn’t you understand what I said,

“and if you take into account the simple fact that at least 84% of the local population is currently engaged in anti Iranian protests, anti Iran assassinations, and now open hostilities in Darra”,

And I came to that figure because I excluded the Alawite and Orthodox Shia population from my 84% estimate, but since there are less Alawites and Orthodox Shia living in Darra, I’d even feel comfortable in saying 90% of the population in Darra are anti Iranian, and even then that’s ignoring the fact that some of the Alawite population don’t like Iran that much either, so the real figure might be even higher than 90%. The Druze population have supported Assad since the start of the war but now they’re holding anti Iranian and anti Syrian Government protests in As Suwayda, and the local population in Quneitra and Darra have never supported the Syrian Government. The Southern front Alliance agreed to a reconciliation agreement that the Arab League brokered with Russia but they don’t support Assad’s Government either, just agreed to stop fighting, and the FSA did the same thing after the SAA kicked their butts in 2018, they also reconciled according to Russian agreements but they definitely don’t support the Syrian Government, just join the Russian backed 5th army Corps. So I suggest you reassess your assumptions, they’re all wrong, and you’re badly misinformed, just like all the morons who upvoted you and downvoted me. And what the hell do you mean by this,

“Most importantly Iranian forces do not operate in suits and ties from high rise office towers in Damascus or archive their documents in English and in alphabetical order”.

What the hell are you going on about, I think you’re the one on a cocaine binge, and just like most SF commenters you know absolutely nothing about the real situation in Syria, you criticize me using baseless assumptions and incorrect information, but you should all just hang your dumb heads in shame, none of you are clever, you’re all just mindless morons that only understand basic propaganda. And with everything that’s happened in the south over the last 12 months you won’t even concede this story has some possibility of being true, or as I said,

“it’s not outside the realms of possibility”.

3 of the southern Governorates are just one step away from open rebellion and you say most Syrians support Assad, and in Deir ez Zor the local Sunni population are nearly as pissed off with the Iranians and Assad, and the Kurds in Russian controlled Aleppo are now getting the rough end of Iranian diplomacy so now their SDF counterparts in Al Hasakah are making Iran and Assad’s lives miserable as well, so tell me who do you think supports Assad, the Alawites and orthodox Shia, yes mostly they do, and most Baathist used to as well, but now many of them are joining the opposition factions as well, just like the Druze are starting to join the opposition factions now, so tell me WHO SUPPORTS ASSAD NOW SMART ARSE.



Mostly Shia punks are posting here …

Lone Ranger

With the help of Iron Man and the Avenger team… After that they went on and took out Tanos…

cechas vodobenikov

so the Israeli media lies to its people like the US media

Fog of War

If you didnt think Scamdemic was a farce before, you will now. The PTB are trolling all of us in a major way and China is fully involved, as is Russia and everyone else. Its time to stand up to this BS folks.

– Think it couldn’t get any worse? China rolls out ‘more accurate’ ANAL SWABS for Covid-19 testing –



desperate fake news of desperate creatures

erwin vercauteren

just propaganda BS they are just desperate and seeking attention by claiming they can do this kind of sorties forget it the JEWS and their US lapdogs are craving for war but do not have the courage to get in a fight with real military only poor Palestinians and killing civilians in weddings or amusement parks to hell and burn for ever ango zionist scumbags

erwin vercauteren

this makes me think of baby taniawu and his power point breaking news stunt about Iranian nuclear bomb factories the liars and greediest people of human history have no credibility in my reality shalom

Icarus Tanović

This is bs as it gets.

Potato Man

LMFAO HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAA Yeah I know how many Zion are in Hollywood…not the first time they made movies and don’t forget White Helmets movies you guys. The video show nothing, where was it? when was it? Do you people think once before making a “report”? You give fuk all about it but copy and pasting Zion movie story.

Alekai Mordechai

Seems to me like an episode draft of “The Boys” Season 3.

I guess Black Noir ( somehow getting out of his nut allergy) was involved?

With Home Lander buzzing around at 35000 ft?

I guess I am tired of being a “winner” eh?

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