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MARCH 2025

Western Liberals Act As The Thought Police Of American Imperialism When It Comes To The War In Ukraine

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Western Liberals Act As The Thought Police Of American Imperialism When It Comes To The War In Ukraine

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 Written by Dr. Leon Tressell

Philosopher and darling of the Western intelligentsia, Professor Slavoj Zizek, recently wrote an article for The Guardian on Ukraine. Professor Zizek, uses the platform provided by The Guardian, to launch an attack on anyone on the Left who dares to question the American narrative regarding Ukraine.

In this he article Zizek declares that the wrong response to the war is pacifism and that all Leftists should uncritically support Ukraine. It gets better. He also declares that we need a stronger NATO to counter those evil Russian hordes which threaten Western democracy. This ignores its history of bloody interventions in countries such as Libya and Afghanistan. Never mindthe fact that NATO, since its inception, has been an offensive military alliance geared for war against Russia.

In his article, which is typical of Guardian pieces on the subject of Ukraine, Zizek supports the rampant Russophobia of the Western imperialist states. This Russophobia is ratcheting up Cold War tensions with Moscow to dangerous levels.

Zizek, like all good Western “liberals”, gives unconditional support for the Zelensky regime. Professor Zizek states that Zelensky is not a dictator yet he has banned all political parties, banned Russian speaking media and banned the Russian language from schools where a third of the population has Russian as their first language. Zelenksy’s government is also planning to remove 100 million books by Russian authors, including literary giants such as Pushkin and Dostoevsky, from the libraries of Ukraine. Meanwhile, hundreds of activists have disappeared into the torture chambers of the SBU never to be seen again. One tragic example being the case of the abduction of Mikhail & Aleksander Kononovich who were leading members of the outlawed Leninist Communist Youth Union by the Ukrainian security services.

Zizek’s article displays a breathtaking ignorance of the history of Ukraine since the coup of 2014 which has profoundly shaped current events. I would refer to himto “unbiased” sources such as historian Professor John Mearsheimer, of Chicago University, who cannot possibly be accused of being a paid agent of the Kremlin. Since 2014 Professor Mearsheimer has warned of the grave dangers of further NATO expansioninto Ukraine and how the arming of Ukraine threatened conflict with Russia.Since the beginning of the current war Mearsheimerhas repeatedly stated that theactions of the US are the principal reason for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The expansion of NATO making Ukraine a de facto member of the alliance, crossed a line which the Kremlin warned the West about on many occasions since 2008. In late MarchMearsheimer declared, “My story about the conflict’s causes should not be controversial, given that many prominent American foreign-policy experts have warned against NATO expansion since the late 1990s.”

Zizek’s article, like that of many hundreds of others written by Western liberals, chooses to ignore the many war crimes committed by the Ukrainian army and neo-Nazis in the Donbass since 2014. The most infamous of these war crimes being the Odessa massacre on 2 May 2014 that left over 100 Russian speakers dead at the hands of the neo-Nazi Right Sector. There is an abundance of evidence from Western sources to illustrate these war crimes.

As early as September 8 2014Amnesty Internationalnoted the failure of the Ukrainian government to deal with war crimes committed by neo-Nazi militias/regular government forces in the Donbass:

“The failure to stop abuses and possible war crimes by volunteer battalions risks significantly aggravating tensions in the east of the country and undermining the proclaimed intentions of the new Ukrainian authorities to strengthen and uphold the rule of law more broadly.”

Nothing changed after this date. The human rights abuses committed by Ukrainian forces and neo-Nazi battalions continued unabated. This was recognised by the US State Department in a 2020 Report:

“Significant human rights issues included: unlawful or arbitrary killing; torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of detainees by law enforcement personnel; harsh and life-threatening conditions in prisons and detention centers; arbitrary arrest or detention; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; abuses in the Russia-led conflict in the Donbas, including physical abuse of civilians and members of armed groups held in detention facilities; serious restrictions on free expression, the press, and the internet, including violence, threats of violence, or unjustified arrests or prosecutions against journalists, censorship, and blocking of websites; refoulement of refugees; serious acts of corruption; lack of investigation of and accountability for violence against women; violence or threats of violence motivated by anti-Semitism; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting persons with disabilities, members of ethnic minority groups, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex persons; and the existence of the worst forms of child labor.”

The government generally failed to take adequate steps to prosecute or punish most officials who committed abuses, resulting in a climate of impunity. Human rights groups and the United Nations noted significant deficiencies in investigations into alleged human rights abuses committed by government security forces.”

Yet Zizek maintains that Leftists in the West should uncritically support the Ukrainian government which has presided over many human rights abuses/war crimes.

His article article displays an egregious disregard for the incessant shelling of civilians settlements in Donetsk and Lugansk by Ukrainian forces over the last 8 years. This has led to the deaths of over 14,000 people with thousands more wounded and hundreds of thousands driven from their homes.

Every day civilian settlements around Donetsk city are bombarded by Ukrainian artillery causing many casualties amongst civilians. One impartial source for these attacks comes from the daily video reports provided by American journalist Patrick Lancaster. All you have to do is to go to his YouTube channel. By ignoring these war crimes it suggests that Professor Zizek condones such attacks on Russian speaking civilians.

Further on his article, Zizek goes on to make the outrageous and historically inaccurate statement that all Leftists who display ”understanding for Russia” are just like those who appeased German fascism in the 1930s. My doctoral research into fascism in Europe in the 1930s reveals that the vast majority of socialists and rank and file communists supported the struggle against German fascism from 1933 onwards. For they realised that fascism represented a deadly threat to the working class and its institutions. That clearly is not the case today with Russia. Whatever faults its government might have, it is not a fascist regime bent on the conquest of the European continent, the destruction of the organised working class and a genocidal race war against Jews and Slavs.

Professor Zizek finishes off his attack on the Left in the West by making the incredible statement: “the minimum to be done by those who oppose Russian invasion of Ukraine is to demand Assange’s immediate release.” He appears wilfully ignorant of the fact that Julian Assange is the victim of psychological torture at the hands of the governments of the UK, US, Sweden and Ecuador. That is the opinion of Professor Nils Melzer, UN Rapporteur for Torture. The governments of Britain and the US are the leading lights in NATO, which Zizek wants to strengthen, and have conducted the horrendous persecution of a journalist who has exposed American and NATO war crimes. Nor should we forget the fact that the EU, whose member states belong to NATO, has not lifted a finger to help Julian Assange.

Professor Zizek is a willing dupe of Western imperialism, and uses his position to attack and try to shame Leftists who refuse to support the ultra nationalist regime in Kiev. In the democratic West no one can be allowed to have a different opinion to the prevailing narrative regarding Ukraine


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Florian Geyer

On a positive note, the presstitute Western media will be drowned in the same swamp of mediocrity where NATO dies.

Slava Rossiya


My hyped optimism starts waning away as this conflict drags on for God only knows until when, it’s time for the RF’s military to exhibit its superior power by bulldozing all the remaining ukronazis in Ukraine asap, to remove the growing impression that they are weak. Please no more table chess games.


you want checkers,putin and the RF are playing chess,every aspect of this operation is consistant with best doctrin from sun tzu to clausewitz,that is,if they had hi-tech munitions,and al dat good sh1t


Let’s not forget that these western bloc countries share a common colonial past where they traded Africans and indigenous people as slaves which eventually led all of them to unite forming a group called NATO.. The branch of hell on earth requiring eradication asap as punishment for crime against humanity.


Chess, checkers, poker are nothing but lazy table boring games.. RF should not play such games.. I want to see a wounded wild bear fighting a brutal bloody combat with focus on to kill its enemy.. NOT TO TOY WITH A WEAKER OPPONENTS if you understand what I mean.

BoJo The Clown

Dumb bitch Truss was babbling about Russian menace to the world when the presenter Kate McCann fainted during the live broadcast. Probably could not listen all that crap anymore….



Last edited 2 years ago by BoJo The Clown
Simon Ndiritu


Retired Troll

To be honest, no rational person gives a shit about Zio-Americunt assholes desperate lies and propaganda these days. All their dumbass scheming and arming the hohol assholes has failed at all levels. The dumbass Ukis need to wake up to Jew evil and sue for peace before all their men die and women are forced into western prostitution.


The guy the article is based on is just an upmarket version of Tony Blair and just as delusional although he makes out it is others who are –it shows his intellectualism wavers from moment to moment although like Blair he knows the value of money –not somebody to be trusted in real life.

hunter bidé lab pork !

they act like monkeys with dynamite in the anus !!!!


If you talk to a liberal long enough in the end you will get the following answer. I know what you tell me but i support our side. What benefit do you have if russia wins?

So no they are no sheep. They know if not the details then at least that some horrible things happened or are happening but they choose to ignore it cause it benefits our side.

You can stop to try to show them the light. They choose deliberatly the darkness.

hunter bidé lab pork !

they received pedo bananas in the anus and like it a lot !!!! then they will take cold showers and eat pedo sintetic hamburguers and be happy !!!

jens holm

We western homosexuals, transexuals, lesbians, queers and all non-binary people are united like never before.

We march together in support of Ukras!

Zizek the All-Knowing

I am Zizek the All-Knowing and, I have studied your statement. It is delusion, a common sickness in the USA. The LGBTQ never won anything in any conflict. They, normally, end up being persecuted, because they are abhorrent to most ordinary folks. The sight of them, in a parade, is repulsive enough to turn their stomach upside down. Those imitations of the other sex, do not frighten any army. Their sight, would just strenghten the resolve of the common soldier to make sure, they are all gunned down, in any conflict. The only danger, they pose is to themselves. Most are getting aids or monkeypox, due to their unhealty lifestyle. They look closer to a vampire, then a real combattant.


Did you fill the bus?

Ukraine uber anus

You all should march directly to the frontline. Ukrainian LGBTQ Legion. Bandera’s dreams finally fulfilled 😀


“Liberal” “Conservative” These are just words devoid of all context and meaning, typically used in such a way as to affect a “cult of personality”/Nemesis reaction rather than an understanding of the institutions in which the real power lies. Just kill Hitler 4.1 and everything will be alright, go shopping, etc.


Zizek and Varoufakis both hew to the NATO line and the overall globalist Covid propaganda memes. Just like the Russians in the latter context. The Russian people were to be steam-rolled in the US counter-offensive against Belt-Road, but that by no means makes the degenerate late-stage capitalist policies of Russia any more palatable. The Ukraine operation is necessary to save the Russian people from having the same fate as the Ukrainians, but the name of the game is still kooky global capitalism.

Zizek the All-Knowing

I am Zizek the All-Knowing and I approve of this ad. However, I don’t think that Varoufakis is at my level. In my view, Varoufakis would be more like my student. Nato, will win at the end, and it is a certainty. The final prize is a seat next to Lucifer our God and the light, under our steps. In Lucifer, we believe and we will rule until the final judgment. This is the time, when our God, Lucifer will harvest so many souls. Lucifer is most creative, when it comes to the subject of punishments.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zizek the All-Knowing
Big Gav

Zizek is a pedo


ah, he is your uncle 😁


Zizek sounds like a sexually transmitted disease for animals.


It is fascinating to watch the old partners in crime writhe in agony as the find themselves ever more exposed to the light of day. The world is getting much much smaller for them, day by day.


I can assure you nobody on the Left in America agrees with Zizek, reads the Guardian, or has anything to do with Democrats, progressives or Liberals. The Left in America sides with Rossiya, even if we don’t particularly care, or didn’t before the Special Operations, for Pooty-Poot.


Zizek an excellent academic pretends to be Marxist—a left Hegelian, yet like many they have no praxis; they cannot applies concepts, existence, ideas to actual reality. Hegel explicitly justifies war on moral grounds when sovereignty is threatened. the immoral amerikan coup, their massive military incursions in Serbia justifies denazification of Ukraine and the dismantling of the putrified amerikan order


“it is not Russianism that will destroy Western Europe; it is the putrefaction of amerikanism”. Martin Heidegger


‘Zelensky is not a dictator yet he has banned all political parties, banned Russian speaking media and banned the Russian language from schools where a third of the population has Russian as their first language. ”

He banned the church. He is worse than Hitler and Ottomans. Perfect idol for pedos like Zizek


What’s the take away here? The left in the west supports Ukraine and opposes Russia. The right wing predominantly opposes Russia and supports Ukraine. The detractors from either camp are driven by unction at the costs to tax payers, but the calculus is clear. Resolving this power contest in the present venue by using up outdated weaponry primarily and giving the Ukies the technological advantage with new stuff where necessary makes great strategic sense. Putin shouldn’t have thrown down. The worldwide opposition is overwhelmingly more powerful and can outlast Putin. If Reagan sunk the USSR by building ships and outspent Moscow into bankruptcy, how much faster will the same result occur under this scenario.

S, Lavrov

durak amerikan hillbilly…Reagan had zero to do w USSR u moron—nothing the impotent paper sheep in USA or EU matters—slurping CXIA sperm not a cure for being stupid


there are hardly any real academians left in the west, they cant get a job or anything. Anyway, US is still under the control of the british, the british crown corporation. You can compare f. ex. Greg Abbott, the texasian with princes Edward and Andrew and you will find a match. Do the Texas people know they are voting for a british crown prince?


Greg Abbot was born in Texas although he is of English descent so your last sentence could apply to many other Americans of different descent . One American I know of is or was head of a Scottish Clan.

peter mcloughlin

Events are moving toward another world war, the conflict no one wants to fight because it is unwinnable: yet the pattern of history points in that direction. Everyone convinces themselves the story will end in the way they want it to, that they are the narrator – or force even greater. They battle for power: but power is an illusion. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/

R wicks

“Professor Zizek, uses the platform provided by The Guardian”

Well, THERE’S your problem. You’re reading a blatantly obvious propaganda source and treating it like it’s some sort of information outlet.


Slavoj Zizek = Western Imperialist Whore

No War

A wolf in clown’s clothing: Philosopher Slavoj Žižek pens shameful pro-imperialist op-eds in the Guardian Emanuele Saccarelli 15 July 2022


Last edited 2 years ago by No War
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