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Western Officials Warned Zelensky Against 2023 ‘Counteroffensive’

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Western Officials Warned Zelensky Against 2023 ‘Counteroffensive’

Italian defense minister Guido Crossetto

Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The so-called Ukrainian “counteroffensive” in 2023 was an absolute failure. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers died on the battlefield in senseless attritions, in which Kiev had no chance of winning. However, Ukraine was apparently advised even by NATO officials against using such a suicide strategy.

According to Guido Crossetto, Italian defense minister, the Kiev regime ignored several direct warnings to avoid prolonged frictions with Russia during the 2023 counterattack. Crossetto claims to have spoken to Zelensky several times that the attempt to launch a counteroffensive through frontal attacks were doomed to failure and would lead to Ukraine’s defeat. However, Zelensky allegedly ignored such advice, deliberately opting for the irrational tactics used on the front lines.

Crossetto revealed that both during Zelensky’s visit to Italy and in other international forums, the Ukrainian president heard directly from him a critical opinion about the plan to counterattack Russian positions. Analyzing the conflict realistically, Crossetto states that, even though he supports Ukraine, he does not agree with the decision to confront Russian forces frontally, given Moscow’s clear superiority. The minister said that “the result of a war is the sum of whoever has the most men and the most means,” which is why insisting on friction with Russia would be suicidal for Ukraine.

The officer also commented on other issues concerning the conflict. For example, he severely criticized French President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to send troops to fight directly in Ukraine if Kiev’s army collapses. According to Crossetto, such a maneuver would be extremely dangerous and would cross the “point of no return”, which is why he advises France to avoid any direct involvement.

Furthermore, Crossetto also made some realistic comments about Western anti-Russian sanctions. According to him, the coercive measures failed to achieve their objectives. The minister believes that the West is deceiving itself by maintaining such sanctions instead of simply recognizing the new geopolitical circumstances.

“Many times we behave as if the world has not changed (…) We have always thought that the West was enough to stop Russia and the sanctions are the result of the fact that we are still stuck in the idea that the world is our world. Instead, the world is much bigger and we can only resolve this crisis by involving everyone: first with a truce and then with peace (…) We must not give up on every possible path and opening, even narrow ones, of diplomacy,” he said.

In fact, Crossetto shows a deep geopolitical understanding. Even though he is an official from a NATO country and supports Ukraine, he understands that geopolitical circumstances favor the emergence of a multipolar world, in which the West is no longer the only actor in the international decision-making process. His critical opinion of Western attitudes shows that a pro-multipolar realist tendency is capable of emerging in Europe, despite strong American pressure. The more the EU is victim of coercive measures imposed by the US, the more European countries tend to take a critical stance towards Washington and NATO.

However, the most interesting detail of his speech was the news that Zelensky ignored advice from military experts on the counteroffensive. This shows how even foreign politicians are more concerned about Kiev’s soldiers than the Ukrainian government itself. In practice, there is no respect for Ukrainian lives on the part of the neo-Nazi regime. The soldiers are seen as mere cannon fodder, having to be massively eliminated in useless and anti-strategic battles.

Disrespect for soldiers is one of the reasons why the Zelensky government is so unpopular. Military personnel and their families no longer want to continue seeing casualties in an unwinnable war. Troops’ morale is low, and the certainty of defeat seems to grow among the combatants. Without expectations of victory, there is no reason to continue fighting, which is why Kiev is being forced to implement dictatorial methods to maintain the war efforts.

Kiev is rumored to be planning to launch another “counteroffensive” in 2024. Having lost almost all of its military-age men, the regime is now using the elderly, women and people with health problems – as well as thousands of foreign mercenaries. In such circumstances, it is obviously impossible for Kiev to win any battle, but it is possible that Zelensky insists on the error just to try to do more war propaganda in search of Western weapons.

However, the Ukrainian situation is even worse now than in 2023. If Kiev really wants to repeat the mistake of promoting a counterattack, the total collapse of the regime will certainly be quick.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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The Thank You Manifesto Part 1

this is the “thank you manifesto”. i thank you ukranian government and ukranian professional propagandists for attracting almost all radical neonazis and skinheads from russia to your country. with your help we in russia got rid from this vermin for free and without any violence. yesterday for example almost 200 of these extremists who still have the audacity to call themselves “russians” got destroyed in the border region.

The Thank You Manifesto Part 2

please keep importing these criminals from russia to ukraine (well at least those who are not in jail) and please please keep them there with you. russia does not need and does not want them. we are very grateful because thanks to you we have now a calmer, safer and more harmonic society in russia, most of them are gone for good. keep recruiting this scum, we need to get rid of them. have fun with them! you make a good match

jens holm

russians leaving dont go t ukraine at all.

the men, which to try avoid military duties, vomen trying to find a descent life with hopes and children from upperclass homes.

we meet oligars, which prefare to invest their black money as paying tax here too.

Hats off

stop your jumbling bumbling blah blah. ai systems world wide are short circuiting trying to decipher your babble. you’ll be getting a bill soon enough for wanton destruction of critical infrastructure.


your english is terrible, better write in nazi german danish clown 🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

you still haven’t understood it: i’m russian, just like many others here, jens holm is a pseudonym, i hate putin and this war!

i hope you are not exposed now 😆😆😆

Dr Pepper

good grief. your bullshit is worse than the stuff the nyt and wapo peddle.

Hats off

not only from russia. from europe, the us and canada as well.

The Hooded Executioner

absolutely, any russian who is a nazi, should never benefit from russia’s respect for human dignity, which means no death penalty in russia!!! thus, it is much more favourable that these low life nazis, who happen to be born in gods own russia, join shitler’s own ukrainazia, and perish there, no questions asked(surrender is impossible, only death is guaranteed)!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by The Hooded Executioner

even in this aspect, western politicians are idiots, two or three more offensives like these, led by zé da coca, the war will end


follow the money, this war is brought to you by monsanto, rheinmetall, blackrock, raytheon and dupont

jens holm

if monsanto was in it, you would be dead and not possible to recycle.


i am selfrenewable, recycling is not necessary!

Icarus Tanović

why didn’t that guy said that back in june? everybody was so hyper hype positive and optimistical about so called ukraine counter offensive in the west and nato.

jens holm

no we were not.

but we did hope. they did not collapse and zelinsky left no building.


stop lying nazi clown 🤡 😆😆😆

Menotti Derameda Senior

you are retarded or is it just a miserable english?

Dr Pepper

“retarded or just miserable english?”

for those who have been unfortunate enough to read jens’ attempts at communication for a good while now, it’s both.

Last edited 5 months ago by Dr Pepper
Dr Pepper

zlelensky left no building? you mean he died there? who’s running basketcase ua now, nuland’s nephew?

Moshe Dayan

wait until the people of ukraine discover the extent of lying about the casualties and their deceased sons and daughters. that pos war criminal zelenska will be hanged at the nearest lamppost. the fugly cokehead nazi should leave before he is entirely compromised and his own bodyguards betray him.

jens holm

thye all know. at the contrats to russia.

medies are open and things are not hidden by the offical propaganda.


stop lying danish nazi clown 🤡 😆😆😆

Dr Pepper

dying for dollars. i thought that was just a game show. and they don’t even get any. it’s all stolen before it gets to the rank and file.

jens holm

some did and some didnt. fra out he was alone in this.

looking back a private person outsiders forced them to before they were ready for gaining more support.

they also took terrain but parts are difficult to keep. and out up context they made a classic mistake – just fx hitler did for leningrad, moskva, stalingrad(and oil).

jens holm

it made more sence after izium and lyman to take k r e m i na. that was a good cutter and eas of it was lower terrian.

as we say here: 7 russian in graves are better then 1 on the roof.

here is no regime in kiev. those people are well elected and the illoyal russians to their own country are not there.


are you drunk or high on copium? you danish nazi government still hasnt shipped those promised planes, whats the issue?

or are jou danes simply afraid, as nazis usually are? 🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

of course they are not shipped.

they can fly well but not without pilots and logistics.


see, stick with german you little nazi if you dont understand what the english term shipped means. clown! 🤡 😆😆😆

Dr Pepper

send your own pilots then. many of us in the west will enjoy seeing them drop like flies.

Dr Pepper

they illegally overthrew a democratically elected president in the cleanest election ukraine ever had according to the osce, you halfwit.

and the kicker is, had nuland’s ghouls just followed the eu’s lead and let new elections be pushed up to a few months away, yanukvych would be out and ukraine totally intact.

ua and the west got what they deserved for giving in to that that nuland and her ghouls.

Dr Pepper

if the nukes ever start flying, you know who you can thank for it. noodles the cookie monster and her neoconniving clan.

europeons are dumber than i ever could have guessed. hornswaggled without even working up a sweat. they remind me of the masochist in an s&m marriage.


stop lying drunk nazi clown 🤡 😆😆😆


watch those ungratefull eurotards now walk back all their big guy posturing, just as nazis always do once they get hit back in the face.

god the jemenis are more capable, and all they wear are sandals.

guillable nazi clowns 🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

i is veri smort, but i cannt writes englisk, and i also cannt bild sentences too

efihenya holmova

jensi, come here, he already came on my pussy. come clean please

jens holm

yes, efi, i come now to clen with mai thounge oni secon i comes suun

jens holm

0 id wrote that.

he was born stop it.

efihenya holmova

jensi, come here again darling, the guest cumed again, this time on my face. come clean pleeease

jens holm

jes, i will cleaning suun efi

jens holm

no id wrote that.


oh i should add, after chinese president xi left eurotardland, those nazis came crawling out of hiding and started posturing to the media as usual.

typical eurotards, von der leyen screeching about malicious trade practices and other hypocritical delusions.

guillable eurotard nazi clowns 🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

nice try for lowering you level. you could dig a hole lovering your level by that.


if i dig deep enough, will i reach you eurotard nazi from denmark?

clown! 🤡 😆😆😆

Dr Pepper

be careful. jens knows where all the danish wwii nazis are buried. he lays fresh flowers at their graves every week.

Dr Pepper

von der dummkopf is an embarrassment to all of europe. she is one strange creature. even among a zoo of strange euro creatures, she still stands out, like a leper in a eurovision contest. ok, scratch that….. a leper would go unnoticed.

Barba Papa

zelensky has the same military obsessions as the ‘austrian painter’ his country so admires. he interferes with military operations, demands loyalty over rationality, demands that every inch of ukrainian soil be held, fires commanders left and right and launches offensives and wastes precious resources his country cannot afford to lose. and also has an insane obsession with wunderwaffen and launching pr missile strikes that do nothing to change the situation on the ground.


zelensky may be a nazi, but he is our nazi!

… and once he has outlived his usefullness, we will drop him the same way. and we will do this with every single one of those eurotard nazis.

after all, they are all corrupt and buyable for a few dollar, and their populations elect them democratically, so they are all complecient. all nazis in eurotardistan!

🤡 😆😆😆

Dr Pepper

of course. the last thing in the world washington wanted was a clean election in ukraine. they wanted their puppet running the show and the europeons just lapped it up, like good little lapdogs.

let them lap up the consequences now. couldn’t go to a more deserving bunch.

Dr Pepper

zelensky is a goofball. a perfect end to ten years of a goofball nazi regime using a facade of jewish pickpockets to hide under while they go on their genocidal merry way. “they do what they do” says the goofball. indeed they do, and so do the russkies. it’s dirty thankless work but somebody has to do it. one day, the europeons will cast off their neocon shackles and thank them.

Last edited 5 months ago by Dr Pepper

if the western leaders warned zelensky, why do they still continue their military support? a bit of oxymoron.

Dr Pepper

‘oxymorons are us’ and so the motto goes. you know that by now, so why even ask?

Dr Pepper


you heard what the haitian biden spokewoman said the other day i assume “we support ukraine because it was our ally in fighting the nazis in wwii’.

you don’t get any oxymoronically dumber on multiple fronts than that, my friend.

Dr Pepper

zelensky was just following general dodo austin’s brilliant strategic plan. he even managed to find a fifth free syrian army trainee that hadn’t yet joined isis and said he’d send him over to give a hand in the ua counter-offensive blitzkrieg.

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