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MARCH 2025

Western Plan To Severely Isolate Russia Fail

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Western Plan To Severely Isolate Russia Fail

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In addition to many emerging countries, China and India are willing to further increase their cooperation with Moscow.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

The Western world has tried to “isolate” and “cancel” Russia, but apparently this plan has failed and Moscow remains absolutely integrated with its major trading and strategic partners. China and India remain willing to cooperate with Russia widely, increasing current levels of bilateral trade. This demonstrates how the current situation in Eastern Europe cannot be resolved by coercive means.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs pledged April 19 that it will strengthen cooperation with Russia, no matter what happens in the international scenario. The message comes in an official statement from the foreign ministry following a meeting held the day before between Chinese deputy MOFA Le Yucheng and Russian ambassador to Beijing Andrey Denisov. The document says:

“No matter how the international situation changes, China will, as always, strengthen strategic coordination with Russia to achieve win-win cooperation, jointly safeguard the common interests of both sides, and promote the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind (…) In the first quarter of this year, the bilateral trade volume between China and Russia reached 38.2 billion US dollars, an increase of nearly 30%, [which] fully demonstrates the great resilience… of cooperation between the two countries”.

Later, commenting on the statement, Ambassador Denisov stated: “Russia always regards developing relations with China as its diplomatic priority and is ready to further deepen bilateral comprehensive strategic coordination and all-round practical cooperation in the direction set by the two heads of state (…) [Further efforts to strengthen Russia-China ties] will continuously benefit the two peoples.”

Although it is a well-known fact that bilateral relations between Moscow and Beijing have improved substantially in recent years, forming an important axis of economic and diplomatic cooperation, the current message is of enormous importance, as it works as a response to recent US pressure against China. Last month, US President Joe Biden called his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and during an hour-long conversation “warned” about the possible “consequences” that would be suffered by Beijing if there was not an immediate end to its economic support for Russia.

Naturally, Xi ignored Biden’s threats and the Chinese foreign ministry maintained its stance of absolute neutrality on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Not mixing political and economic issues is a key point of the Chinese foreign policy tradition and this is exactly what is being applied now. Beijing refuses to maintain positions on any political event outside its strategic environment, which is why it keeps the Russian military operation  off the agenda in Beijing-Moscow bilateral relations, continuing to have projects to improve cooperation, independently of such extra-economic issues.

However, it is not only the Chinese who show interest in cooperating with the Russians, ignoring the Western attempts of “cancellation”. Apparently, India is about to announce its highest ever level of trade cooperation with Russia in oil. According to reliable sources quoted by the Economic Times on April 19, state-owned companies in New Delhi are planning to buy as much Russian oil as possible in the short term, considering the expected availability and low prices of the commodity.

The Indian attitude sounds absolutely pragmatic and not ideological: faced with the conflict scenario, Indians seek to benefit from the availability of Russian oil, which arises as a consequence of the sanctions applied by the West to prevent the oil from entering the European market. With large quantities available and prices dropping, it is in India’s interest to acquire as many Russian barrels as possible and this is what is about to be done.

Obviously, this was not what the West expected from the Indians. The US has always tried to make its military partnership with India – focused on creating an “anti-China axis” – a kind of hierarchical relationship, in which Indians would automatically obey and align themselves with every decision taken by the Americans. However, despite the pressure in this direction and the constant US threats to cut ties with New Delhi, India remains convinced of defending its interests above all, making it clear that it will continue to cooperate with Russia in terms of both military trade and energy partnership.

It is impossible to look at such news and continue to believe the Western media narrative that “Russia is isolated”. Moscow has lost a part of world trade and even then, not completely, as Western countries have not yet managed to fully break off relations with Russia. On the other hand, it has not only preserved most of the global consumer market in emerging nations but has also boosted its ties with China and India, which indicates great economic support and, even more, the emergence of new intra-BRICS cooperation opportunities.

What all this means is simple to understand: the special military operation in Ukraine will not end through economic pressures, coercive measures and attempts at “cancellation”, but through the Ukrainian willingness to accept the peace terms, which are (as Russia insists) political and military neutrality and recognition of the sovereign republics of Donbass and Russian Crimea. As long as the Ukrainian government is unwilling to do so, Russia seems to continue the operation and have sufficient economic strength to maintain it.


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One thing that makes me happy to think about is the Sino-Russian alliance. Russia and China, what a team and so strong as well. It is simply put the Dream Team of the World. And what makes it even more incredible is that they are way too much for the scumbags of Nato and the combined weight of their EU-minions too handle.

What makes it even worse to the stinking West is that the two leaders of this beautiful Sino-Russian alliance seem to be very good friends as well. But even if they weren’t, President Xi and his Russian counterpart, the noble master tactician, Vladimir Putin, are professional enough to realize a good thing when the encounter it.

They are not presidents who are known for using the gung ho tactics of the US, if dangerous situations occur. No these two are thinking men who wont get dragged into, for example, a dirty trap prepared for them by Nato, you know, the Black Beast from the Bible, or as I sometimes call it : an evil demonic entity from hell. As long as this wonderful alliance is in place, the evil Beast of Nato will not be able to expand any further. It is instead going to decrease in strength and size until it will crumble by its own weight to nothing and die. Then it will return to hell and never appear again.

Edgar Zetar

I read you very well until you start to write about Evil Beast Hell and Bible… dear friend do yourself a favor and stop using Israel texts modified and interpreted differently in the Christianism, leave the jew writing to the jews… then you will wake up to reality and advance a lot in your knowledge and wisdom.


Did you know that in Russia most people actually believe in this kind of stuff? The Russians are very religious and believe in God and His son Jesus Christ and His teaching. This is one of the main reasons that Russia can withstand the ongoing assault upon them by the Nato controlled Ukrainian forces. It has also by many great Christian Russians been revealed that the reason the Bolshevik revolution could take place had to do with the sad fact that the Russians had forgotten God. Now they have become believers again, and see how powerful and prosperous they are. In Ukraine, they no longer believe in God the way they used to before the independence and see what is happening right now to the Ukrainians and their country. Everything is connected one way or another. And whether you like it or not God is real, Christ still lives and Angels do exist as do many different types of demonic entities, who all hate human beings. This is fact and therefore needs to be told. . .

Edgar Zetar

Did you known Christianism is the most apologetic religion just put in place to enslave people minds (internal politics) in order to the goverments had a easy way dealing with the population and issues of governing them. Indeed Russia People are Christians and thats whats fine but I can assure high goverments officials arent, maybe openly they praise Jesus but dont think they believe inside themselves and being christians not help them to achieve all the scientific advances and breakthrough they get lately.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

On the contrary, Christian philosophical approach to nature and reality (study the works of God instead of just reading immutable sacred texts) is what made the western world so scientificallly, culturally and economically advanced in the past. Individual rights also are a consequence of Chistian philosophy.


I’m not so sure they do.


Zio Jews are the children of Lucifer

Edgar Zetar

If you believe in a mindsless beign called Lucifer riding over humans and discards all the human natural behaviors then off course… your mindless beign only exist on your tiny brain… Did you known why Christianism God says during the last dinner eat my flesh and drink my blood? Cannibalism is very natural to humans and monkeys… even ancient tribes and all civilization were granted by conquer weaker tribes and slave them… its natural thing not the devil.

Edgar Zetar

The Corpless and spirit of Lucifer is just a prove how much a religion can alienate a mind of a human.


There’s a lot of circumstanial evidence of the existence of “low vibration beings” from another dimensions, they feed on negative emotions and it’s hard to argue that in recent years the world has been flooded by them. Call them demons if you wish. I’m not schizo, just open minded.


You are right. You may also think of them as parasitic beings feeding on people, usually without them realizing it. Sometimes people may feel drained of energy afterwards. Then you also have other demonic entities that will take control of people and get them to do stuff they normally wouldn’t do, like killing somebody. Afterwards the killer often tells the police that he heard voices that told him to kill. Everybody thinks that such a person is crazy, but that is not always the case. Often he is telling the truth. The voices were real, and he heard them as clear as day, as if somebody was talking into his ear.

Edgar Zetar

Dont get wrong of me… i used the word Cannibalism but not literally just to describe tha natural behavior of nature itself. Humans and tribes and Nations and Countries conquers one to another not eating literally speaking just to use the weaker tribe to serve strongest one. Natural unevolved Humans can do lots of terrible things to others thats why Religion helps them to that kind of people, evolved humans like indians believe in Gods and enjoy the creation without going around and conquering another countries. F. Nietzsche say this more a 100 years ago… have you read?

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Chris Gr

Illuminatis not Jews.

Chris Gr

Yes, the capitalist powers are the black horseman. Communism is the red horseman, Vatican is the white horseman and Islamism is the pale horseman.


The first two are definitely demonic entities from hell, probably also the other two? Remember that Rome took an active part in the destruction of Constantinople in 1453. The cannons used to destroy the city walls were supplied by the Italians. An unforgivable crime against the whole Christian world, as Constantinople otherwise still would have been the shining light for all of Christendom, and Hagia Sophia would still have been its grandest Church. For the Greeks the loss of that great city is still the saddest day of their history. So yes the Bible still can teach us is a thing or to about what is going on today.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar
Chris Gr

I believe that there are good peoples on all these 4 sides but their ideology is bad though. All these 4 forces have evil purposes. The white horseman can be translated as dictatorship in general. For example, those Latin American right-wing dictators that both the US and the Catholic Church supported.

The black horseman can be fascism also. Fascism and the jihadists have the black banner. Sunni Islamists have green banners, Deobandi Islamists have white banners and Shia Islamists have yellow banners.


You are right. Good people naturally exist on all sides. Interesting to hear about the different colours of Fascism and the three Islamist groups.


Yee china trade with Russia 40 billion $/ year , woth America 450 billion $/year and Europe also 450 billion $ /year of course it wil be a “win win” but then mainly for China which is getting influence in Russia for free. And prostitute Put-in has to agree with everything he has nothing to share. China has inern his own problems and will make always the choice of a trader and that is US and Europe 900 billion against 40 billion and peace. Fake news . India sits on the wip it has mainly Russian rubbish weapons and has an enemy on China they might if Rusdia is…or might not if…… they will do nothing that harm their security or economy. You can sell this the Russians but not the rest of the rational world. Russia has becom a pariah ( Indian or chinese as you wish)


Take your head outta your arse bro.. It’s bad


Rational people do not curse they have arguments. It lacks you on brains, rationality therefor you can give no arguments only curses.


It’s all fine and good until the whole funny money ponzi falls like a house of cards. I wonder how much of the US economy (taking out state corruption, financial hot air, services supported by the latter activities, and malinvestment, mostly in real state) is really a functional, productive entity. The more they overextend the financial bubble, the worse wil be the hangover. Ron Paul has said it over and over, but nobody is listening to his wise words.

BTW, a lot of the chinese economy is also inflated by real state malinvestment and a financial bubble, but the difference is 1. they are a tyranny, if they don’t twitch a muscle sending people to gulags and locking millions without food into their apartments, they won’t think twice about doing a painful correction overnight, and 2. they have an actual (and gargantuan) industrial capacity. I’d add 3. they now have Russia as a reliable source of commodities just across the street, so for the SCO going autarkic will only hurt the “world” (US+anglocrap+poodles).

Last edited 2 years ago by Juan

Russia is just a market for Chinese products and Chinese weapons. There’s nothing to glamorize here. Russia was treated as an equal by the West. Indeed it has received privileges other Asian countries haven’t. Now Russia will become China’s bitch. Bend over and open wide putin, Xi has a bigger cock than the average Chinese man. Another “achievement” of this war. The world will stop buying Russian weapons, that is if Russia will still be able to manufacture them given the trade restrictions. Anyway quality will go down. But hey, they need to replenish their own stocks, as they are fighting a war and Russian arms are presumably the second best in the world 😂😂😂. But why care about arms exports when you just destroyed relations with half of the world economy. That’s the least of your worry. But anyway, the Russian weapons industry has taken an irreversible blow. Everyone knows that you can’t talk about having a competitive weapons industry without significant exports. That’s where the USA is still king

Last edited 2 years ago by Disinformation
Tzar Dušan Silni

Chinese weapons, dream on kid


LOL, that was good. Chinese can only make knock offs and everyday trinkets. Weapons need to be ultra reliable and sturdy, russians could be corrupt and inefficient in some ways, but they are not dumb.

By now ther corruption and inefficiency looks almost platonic perfection when compared to the US federal corruption and inefficiency. I really hope the US gets rid of its imperialist psychopathic deep state and goes back into the free community of independent and prosperous states it once was. Not perfect but way better.


Yeah the Taliban thanks Brandon for his freebies. They might sell them to eurotards and other empire lackeys and use the cash to buy russian and turkish stuff that actually works, as seen in Ukropistan’s killing fields. The only american weapons that work (and they DO work very good) are those that are forced to abide by market forces, that is, those designed and sold at the civilian market. Tyrants fear the 2A with a good reason. State weapon projects are a bunch of boondoggles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Juan

Russia seems to be complaining bitterly about the sanctions, and claiming they don’t hurt them one little bit! Reverse sociology? If they don’t hurt why claim this? Are they hoping the west gives up on them? It will likely make the west crank up the screws up harder.

Has Russia suffered so many casualties that they don’t need as many jobs to keep people busy anymore?


All you claims are false.

L du Plessis


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