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MARCH 2025

Western Weapons, Equipment And Instructors Flood Ukraine In Sign Of Further Tensions With Russia

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Western Weapons, Equipment And Instructors Flood Ukraine In Sign Of Further Tensions With Russia

Island-class patrol boats, which were supplied by the US to Ukraine. IMAGE: The Ukrainian President’s media department.

On November 20, the Daily Telegraph reported that the UK is going to increase its military support to the Kiev government. This effort will include the deployment of British troops in Ukraine and sending a British Navy ship to the country.

“As long as Ukraine faces Russian hostilities, it will find a steadfast partner in the United Kingdom,” British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson will say announcing the move according to the Tory-supporting Telegraph, who have apparently been provided with access to Williamson’s speech.

Since 2015, the UK has reportedly trained about 10,000 Ukrainian troops in areas such as logistics and identification of improvised explosive devices. So, British special services also provide “assistance” to their Ukrainian counterparts in the smoldering conflict in the region of Donbass.

On November 19, 2018 the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said that the US had allegedly suggested to supply two Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates to Ukraine. These frigates were put out of commission by the US Navy in 2013-2015.

On September 27, Ukraine received two old patrol boats from the US Navy. Despite receiving them free, Ukraine will have to pay $10 million for renovations of the vessels in Baltimore, where they will remain until fall of 2019.

These developments come ahead of an expected further escalation in relations between Ukraine and Russia. The Sea of Azov is the main point of tensions between the two sides besides the region of Donbass. Over the past year, Ukraine has undertaken a series of hostile steps toward civil ships under Russian flag in the Sea of Azov. Rusisa has responded by deploying an additional coastal guards force and started checks of all ship heading towards the Ukrainian ports in the area.

According to experts, there are litlte doubts that the Kiev government will use its “boosted” naval capabilities to increase tensiosn in the Azov Sea.

Another point of escalation is a contact line between the Ukrainian Armed Forces and forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Sporadic clashes and artillery duels erupt there on a cosntant basis. However, as the Ukrainian presidential election is drawing closer, the chances that the Poroshenko regime (wich lost all of its questionable popularity) will attempt to use the conflict to gain an upper hand in a political standoff with its internal opponents are growing.

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Nobody knows what in these US warf will be build in, perhaps a huge false flag ?

Jens Holm

Upgradings are normal, so we do know.


Some upgrades can be downgrades for humanity, than hidden agenda towards False Flag , we know all the US Bastard Regime !

Jens Holm

True upgrades can be downgrades in humanuty.

I see nothing hidden. I see You are blind, because You have learned to and obey. You cant even write Your own oppinion because they read facebook and twitter, and You are gone in 60 seconds.

And You dont know the USA regime at all. You are not even allowed to do so. You only learn, what Your own regime tell You about it and by fear and trust buy it as the spendable one, You are.

Daniel Miller

I find it funny but i think that Ukraine might go back to the Russian svere of influance after the election i mean the Ukranian ppl finally realised they are nothing without Russia.


You dream if you think that democracy works here. Remember that the actual president rose after a coup.

Daniel Miller

yea but eventually the Ukranian ppl will have enoth.




Jens Holm

I am sure he is not. At least 1/3 if the Ukraine of today feel that. Some 1/3 are neutral Ukraine/Russians and 1/3 are Ukraines only.

Hardly none in West as well as in east think Democrasy works there. Its up to Ukrainiens themselves to decide, who they wish to connect with. Sometimes it can be a good idea to connect better to both.

Daniel Miller is allowed to have his own oppinion and should not buy, what You write at all. I could understand it, if it was seen Ukraine now was a great succes or a comming one.

I see the thieves in the top are exact the same kind of people running Russia now, and those are the same kind running nazis as well as nationalistic rightwings. Those are well represented in Russia too.

John Whitehot

the multipolar world isn’t really about spheres of influence – it’s about similar peoples living in adjacent areas – having similar interests, because this is how geopolitical and historical conditions have shaped today’s world.

all those that still don’t get it, or don’t want to, will acknowledge it soon enough.

Feudalism Victory

Do you suppose russia considers syria in its sphere of influence?

John Whitehot

Syria is a country that has been invaded by foreign sponsored terrorists and mercenaries, and asked Russia for help. It’s not a matter of spheres of influences, rather one of helping a legitimate, democratically elected government to fight off an invasion (by the scum of the world – remark done with microphones off).

Brother Ma

How about Albania /kosovo/fake Macedonia? Is that Turkey’s sphere of influence? What do you reckon?

Feudalism Victory

I certainly do. However I have hopes of a revived austrian empire. Onwards to constantinople!

Brother Ma

Why wouod anyone be interested inanrwvived AustroHungarian Empire. Why not return Anatolia to a revived Byzantine Empire whilst pushing the Turks out to Qatar/Arabia via Syria?

Feudalism Victory

Because they stopped them at vienna in 1683.

But id take that too! Terrific culture and knowledge there in byzantium. Turks are such barbarians.

Brother Ma

Fair enough. The Eu and the US will kill off Orban though. He is too independent for their liking even if he was one of theirs. He will go the way of Saddam,osama, karamanlis the Younger ,erdogan if he is not careful.

Yanks don’t like rogues. They want obeying simpletons.

Feudalism Victory

Ah no orban is hungarian. No im thinking of some austrian visionary bringing back a semblance of order. Hungary would be an ally but sovereign in a military alliance. Parts of germany parts of yugoslavia eastern europe could all find themselves led by austrians in a pragmatic defensive alliance. Then who knows?

Brother Ma

Yes ,I know Orban is a Magyar.No thanks. The austrians caused too much trouble in the Balkans for us to have them back again; In 1908 and 1990s. Let them stick with making lederhosen.you cannot have enough lederhosen.

I only agreed with you re them and the Turks in1683. In fact, it was Sobieski and hunyadi, pole and Magyar who stopped Turks.


Syria has been Russia’s Ally for over 50 years.

Charlie rad

NATO 1St wants to tear Up Ukraine Then give it back to Russia to FIX again. The UKIES are so DUMB they Refused to Pay best Prices for Russian Gas So are now buying the Same Russian Gas from Germany/Poland for 80% more. SOOO STUPID> While their people freeze.

Jens Holm

All seemes to bee to stobbern there. After 1864 preussen took a good part of Denmark, but only half of had many germans and they were no Preussens, but we didnt treat them well enough.

When Germany lost WW1 we could have taken that and much more from them fx having France clapping in their little hands.

But we votes about it and by that got half of it back as well as good relations. 2-3 counties should be voted back to Russia. They are industrial workers from anywhere in USSR and their parants just looked for very good new jobs, and never has felt, they were Ukrainians.




No, just robbing.

Jens Holm

If I would rob, I would find a place having something worth stealing.

Apart from fuel, I see no robbing.


What fuel, you retard. People like you should be eliminated.

Jens Holm

They were that before USSR collapse and corrupt as well. I would not call all opposition there for nazis. Most of them are nationalistic right wings hardly better then USSRs.


Why is “assistance” in quotation marks? It is assistance for Kiev, regardless if you like the fact that it is going to someone you don’t like, South Front.


Because they are destroying the country, that’s why, so far the western intervention has been a disaster for ukraine, people are massively fleeing the country. https://112.international/opinion/ukrainians-are-leaving-in-droves-to-the-other-countries-26079.html

Jens Holm

Dont blame Westerns but they are not able to chnage because of Leaders as is Russia. Russia dont devellop themselves as well.

I see no intervention. I see Russians cant get their colony back, because they now can shoot back. I Russia back off both they and russia could use the money for something else.

Very hard to clean what Engels and Kremlin has done since 1917.


So what should i call the intervention by western govmnts. in ukraine ?

You write nonsense.

Jens Holm



Needed for the west to keep Russia down, you are right but it turned out to be a complete dissaster for Ukraine. Something the west will have to answear for.


Are you calling the sell-out out of the country to the west by the corrupt ukranian regimes, a clean out ? Sovjet union has built that country’s infrastructure, for the past 20+ years, the corrupt ukro regimes been selling it peice by piece and your intervention made it worse.


Westerners are rightfully blamed here and do deserve a major punishment for that.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Same old Neo-Nazi thugs and RACISTS. Where exactly are you from that you have turned into such a US slave, dear??? How is the US arse licking going, dear? Lick, lick, lick!

Jens Holm

Its totally un-important, where Smaug is from.

Go and cut Your curly hair, so You can see, listen and learn.


It obviously is important if you and Smaug are so blatantly dismissive and arrogant of logically written comments. What business is it of yours to come here and cause trouble?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I can never approve of slavery by anyone to anyone. Man was designed to be free, not lick US arse, like you and Smaug do.

Jens Holm

Talk for Yourself licking arses. I dont see Smaug licking any arses and I am not.

One thing is for sure: We dont lick Yours.

You are from the barking mad part of the world.


Otherwise the west is not intervening. Now why you think there is such a rise Nazism in Europe and particularly in Ukraine? Remember there are no refugees in Ukraine.

Jens Holm

Its a rise against strangers.

In Ukraine the stragers are Russians not respecting Ukrainians want to be under no russia pressure. Unfortunatly the other ones are right wings. Some might recall, that when the nazis arrived in 1941 2 Ukrainian infantery divisions voluntered from there right away.

And its like You do not know what Stalin and Lenin did to Ukrainians as well as the biggest uprise against Bolsjevics were there. Millions were killed there by Kremlins.


You are talking nonsense again, trying to compare the post revolution and post civiel war situation in Ukraine to the modern day. Nowdays it’s a just a bunch of greedy morrons that are helping the west in it’s war against Russia by destroying her allies such as Ukraine.


The only ones who earn to supply arms to the Ukrainian coup regime are the US who sell for new, old iron wreckage ships. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian people is starving, terrorized by the Azov Nazis and the regime imprisons opposition journalists. From the USA, the creators of ISIS and the South American Nazi regimes, can only come death and misery for the subjugated nations.

Jens Holm

Again negative propgandalf only. No substance.

You forgot jews and kurds.


What a load of rubbish you write.

Harvey Swinestein

The US is so kind. here is a Christmas gift . . .but you will have to pay us to have it renovated . .

R Trojson

Russia started the war in Ukraine and can end it by simply removing their troops from Ukraine. Over the next 10-20 years Russia will squander hundreds of billions on this Ukraine war and have nothing to show for it. There is no treasure in Ukraine, no oil, gold, diamonds only death for Russians. Putin’s dream of rebuilding the USSR is lunacy. Then there are the body bags of Russian boys sent home to their mothers. Unfortunately for Putin, Russians love their children too.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I was under the impression the war in Ukraine was started by cookies? U.S./UK don’t really have the resources to sustain Ukraine economically.

Jens Holm

I dont say I agree, but some here forget on those pages, that we have our own problems as well and they therefore is not the center of the world 24 hours.


There is no Russian dream to rebuild the USSR. That particular lunacy is being created by Washington and the MSM because they need an enemy. And when they identify an ‘enemy’ they’re always crazy lunatics. What the Russians do want is NATO out of their front yard. Because NATO keeps on creeping eastward and when a Western sponsored and supported uprising overthrew a legally elected government the Russians felt they had to act. Because in the case of the Crimea that had their main naval base. And strategically supporting a local uprising in Eastern Ukraine offered the opportunity to create a situation where Ukraine would have an internal war for a very long time. And NATO can’t accept countries that are already engaged in a war. It’s not very elegant, nor moral, but hey, The US and the West have been fomenting unrest and supporting breakaway republics in other countries as well. The Kosovo war ring a bell? And the US is currently supporting and building up the Kurdish region in Syria as a breakaway republic as well. And just ceased and occupied Syrian territory. For the Russians keeping a major foreign power away from their borders is just a matter of national survival. Two world wars, tens of millions dead, that’s their excuse. What is America’s excuse in Kosovo and Syria?

Brother Ma


Charlie rad

Great Post !! Thanks.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Same old Western supremacists and anti-Russian RACISTS. They never learn and fart all sorts of lies, which now can be exposed with the alternative news sources. Let me correct you deliberate ignorance, dear! The Ukrainian crises started when the US and its slave states instigated the Maidan coup from 21 November 2013, so that Ukraine could be removed from “Russia’s orbit”. This resulted in a violent removal of the ELECTED President of Ukraine on 22 February 2014, using Neo-Nazi thugs. What do you think would happen if violent thugs were to kill scores of police in Washington, London or Paris and occupy key government buildings? We may soon find this out if the Dems decide to impeach Trump and the NRA get loose. Same old violent US/EU/NATO thugs! They never learn, but now their LIES are exposed!

Jens Holm

The Ukrainian problems started many years before that, when USSR slowly by one mad decission after the other finally collaåsed all from Berlin to Vladivostok.

And exact the ssame before 1917. Few people deciding too much but also nothing – and by the tradition were replaced by same kind of people and even Stalin for many years.

Very strange to see anything ELECTED at that time and even today. Krushtjoff gave those Donetsk to Ukraine to make that situation, where a wast minority could cry for help and get it from dirtty Mother Russia.

We se exact the same patterns from the now again liberated states. I will agree those now are not better bot certainly not worse. They are same of a kind.

Communism never was meant to be like that.

Charlie rad

WTF are you Yapping about ?? Talk about erratic generalizations. To Vladivostok ?? You & what army. Even Massive NATO can’t get to little old Russia. Si Sanctions have to be applied to weaken them. You’re a Ukrainian pretending to be a Brit. Idiot. We in the USA are in the Middle of a Civil war that hasn’t got HOT yet. But Will. WE Patriotic Americans WANT America 1St. We don’t give a CRAP about Ukraine or the Middle East. Only the NWO globalists did. & we’re about to kick them out. The Russians will destroy you. That’s what NATO/NWO want. Slavs Killing Slavs. Even you TRAITOR NAZI ASS kissing AZOV idiots who will be Cannon Fodder . NATO won’t fight for Anyone. WE ALL HAVE a JIHADI & Illegal Immigrant problem. If WE were going to Help. WE would GIVE you our NEWER weapons NOT RUSTY Junk & Sleeping Bags for Russian Target Practice. You AZOV Nazis Better Pray you Don’t Piss Putin OFF. Or He’ll wipe you out. NATO also wants to see how Well RUSSIAN WEAPONS kill you Ukrainians. Too STUPID to Know you’re Being used like DOG SHIT.

Jens Holm

Amur river and the incidents with the chinese are not close to Vladivostok. Mongolia ????

Kasakstan, Turkmenistan Usbekistan, Kirgisistan, Tajikistand, Afghanistan and Caucasus.

The rest is totally madness. I dont even look down to see if I should be an arab or jew or not.

Could be Your wife was Heroin, but she left You.


Looks like you are on heroin yourself, most of the things you write don’t make any sense.

Neo Onh

There is no “ukraine” – there never was an independent state/country by that name. The area has always been russian, some parts of it polish, turkish, austrian but never “ukrainian”. Anyone saying otherwise is either a fool or a hypocrite.

Jens Holm


Neo Onh

Exactly, Russia has a history of 1500 years whereas “Ukraine”(Banderastan) has none….never had, never will have…it is just a historical parenthesis. Soon Novorossiya and Malorossiya will be liberated!

Brother Ma

Ukraine has always been a part of Russia and always will be however many Yanqui dogs yap.

Jens Holm

No, it has not. They are never asked as well.




Fortunately Putin and Russia love Little Russia too.

Jens Holm

Actually there are tressures in Ukraine and a lot. They have a lot of hardly none sulphur coal, they have a lot of iron as well as nikkel.

They also have the best agrable land You can find in this climabelt.

Some might even say, that Germans could have won WW2, if they had taken Ukraine first, so USSR didnt destroy it.

Charlie rad

I have news for you Ivan . WE Americans don’t get any help from our own Gov. You have to be Stupid to think We want any country without OIL & Gold. Keep your Coal & Nickel idiot. We can’t even burn our own coal. the CRAZY LEFTIES refuse to LET us BURN the Zillions of TONS of Free Low Sulphur Coal. Not your Dirty coal.

Jens Holm

Like Charlie Brown sitting on his rooftop :)

Its not even needed to burn that coal. Its probatly cheeper to buy in in ukraine as well :) And they do have nikkel, which is very good for fx armery.

As a beginning, You have to learn, that free education is an investment better then most parts of the stockmarket.

Your main problems are, You try to compete with lower and lower wages by loweducarted more and more stupid americans as well as You even import more.

Charlie rad

LOL, you are one of the Dumbest Trolls EVER. STFU. YAWN.

Neo Onh

Russia can end the war in “Ukraine” by liberating Novorossiya and Malorossiya from the Kiev nazi regime. You can keep nazi-infected Galizia if you want…


Isn’t that the anglo-zionist empire for you – here are some boats for free that will cost $10m-that-you-don’t-have to refit

Jens Holm

Upgrading is normal. You have to compare with, what new ones cost.


Youre just a Troll !

Jens Holm

I am. How comes ?

Carol Davidek-Waller

Time to send the Eastern provinces the latest Russian technology.

Jens Holm

Vladivostok, here we comes.


poo-tins failure

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