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West’s failed Russia take-over

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West's failed Russia take-over

Original by Krakauer published by Obserwator Polityczny; translation by J.Hawk

The West has a sense of strange and wholly unjustified superiority over Russia and the Russians. Unfortunately it can also be found among a sizable portion of Poland’s elites which, due to their inability to think independently, are susceptible to propaganda and emotions and infect the society with malevolent stereotypes and hatred. Unfortunately, contemporary Russophobia is rooted in the fertile soil of historical past which is heavily represented in contemporary culture and official rhetoric. But even in 1812, more Poles fought under Kutuzov’s leadership than under Napoleon’s and Poniatowski’s. There are many more such instances in Polish history, which are not being studied by historians or are being actively concealed.

The West’s opinion of own cultural and civilizational superiority over Russia is based on a total lack of knowledge of the Russian World and on primitive stereotypes which imagine Moscow overrun by drunk bears swilling moonshine from glass jars, even on a hot summer day! Alas, propaganda is effective, and contemporary Russia has inherited the ballast of Cold War propaganda which tended to present issues in stark contrast. Back then the USSR was officially referred to as the Evil Empire, while today Mr. Vladimir Putin is described by the industry of contempt as “the Satan of the North”, and Russians as 140 million devils.

USSR’s treacherous self-liquidation is one of the most important events in world history who significance is still under-appreciated, unlike its negative consequences. The Soviet elites sold their state in return for the fiction of being West’s future “partner”. They also completely abandoned the Eastern Block countries, whose societies were put at the mercy of predatory 19th Century-style Western capitalism which, clothed in the neo-liberal lies, offered the people the illusion of freedom for a few tens of dollars a month. People who stood in lines in front of of shops were replaced by people standing  in lines at labor exchanges. Central Europe was orphaned and enslaved by Western loans. Now that noose is tightening. Russians are feeling its squeeze in their wallets, the global speculators have sucked much of its wealth out of the country. The Western glitter and illusions of partnership conceal the age-old desire to take over Russia and its material wealth which, as is known since the time of Napoleon and Hitler, can only be done using Russian hands.

A well-governed, modernizing Russia–exemplified by the outstanding Sochi Olympics–is no longer attractive to the West and has become an obstacle instead. The West realized that Putin’s Russia will not be a pliable facilitator of the theft of the Soviet legacies. Since the beginning of the transformation, Russia succeeded in establishing its own economic elite which managed, with a few exceptions, to weave itself into a system of state capitalism. Some members of the new propertied class turned out to be ordinary thieves who expedited mountains of wealth to the West from where they are spitting on their compatriots and the Motherland which gave them such great  opportunities. Some are dreaming of returning, courtesy of Russia’s external foes.

All of that, and the unjust and illegal sanctions, prove that the West cannot defeat Russia in any kind of confrontation, be it through military or soft power, infiltrating traitors, propagating an ideology of consumerism and atheism, because Russians as a rule have patriotism in their genes.

This fact of Russia’s patriotic gene cannot be understood without first understanding the Orthodoxy, Russian literature, history, the heritage of victory in the Great Patriotic War (which obligates), and even the contemporary Russian Islam which Russia actively defends and protects.

However, it was Mr. Vladimir Putin who proved the greatest shock to the West. He not only consolidated the elites and the People around the contemporary Russian state idea, but also made the Russian state idea the foundation of all-Russian patriotism for centuries to come. This in itself is priceless, because it distinguishes Russia from other countries, since countries with a state idea can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

A dozen-plus years of President Putin’s rule showed the world that Russia is the only truly sovereign and independent country in the world. Which is really painful to the West, as all of its efforts to take over Russia, or at least establish bridgeheads in the Russian World, failed due to the deliberate and focused Russian policies.

Even the latest product of the Western evil machine, the bleeding Ukraine that is being torn apart by the greedy oligarchs, will ultimately extend its broken arms toward Mother Russia. This brutal and, as Western opinion centers begin to admit, failed experiment in contemporary colonialism, a veritable attempt to fashion Ukraine into an anti-Russian bridgehead, is being rejected by more and more Ukrainians. The cost of this operation is borne by ordinary people whose children cannot leave the country or who are becoming the casualties of the shameful war against the heroic Donbass Insurgents.

Russia’s behavior and actions on the international arena are both rational and balanced, as evidenced by Russia’s dignified response to the provocative shooting down of one of its aircraft in Syria’s airspace by a NATO member state.

That’s the reward for being a predictable, stable, partnership-seeking country.

However, truth always prevails, Russia’s sacrifice for the sake of peace is slowly being noticed and appreciated even in the West, which is buried under mountains of its own hypocrisy and submerged in cynicism. Just as USSR did not accede to bargaining with evil in Munich in1938, contemporary Russia cannot accede to the leading Western powers’ neocolonial ambitions.

If it weren’t for Mr. Putin’s Russia, more peoples would have been forced to accept the West’s yoke, all the while expressing the obligatory thanks. Unfortunately, this is what the West’s neoliberal neocolonialism amounts to. It is offered up in a pretty wrapper bearing phrases of human rights, women, and other high-minded sentiments. But the mechanics of Western neo-colonialism are unchanged and will forever remain so: if you won’t buy from us when we ask, if you don’t want to accept our price policies, if you prefer your pork and sour milk to hamburgers and carbonated poison, then we’ll liberate you, bringing you the freedom from independent thinking and ability to make own choices.

Even the Poles are beginning to realize they were manipulated and enslaved. The illusion of freedom turned out to be the contemporary version of slavery, with 3 million Poles choosing a better-paying version in the form of looking for work in the West. Many Poles envy Russians their independence and ability to be the masters of their own home. The current right-wing government in Poland is attempting to regain some of the control over Poland’s political system and economy. Unfortunately, Poland lacks a leader on Vladimir Putin’s scale, and its elites and society lack the understanding of the times in which we live.

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Ole C G Olesen

It is STRANGE to ME that a RUSSIAN who claims to be NATIONALIST so summarily can skate over the MURDEROUS ATROCITIES committed by the JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS against the RUSSIAN PEOPLE including its Persecution of the ORTHODOX CHURCH. By doing so the Author DISCREDITS HIMSELF . Equally RUSSIA was a truly independent Sovereign Nation during the Rule of the CZARS.having DECLINED to be a Part of the INTERNATIONAL JEWISH BANKING CARTELL During the period of the last 3 Czars RUSSIA underwent a FANTASTIC ECONOMIC and SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT surpassing all western Countries by a League .. equal to and surpassing by FAR the Positive developments during the time of President Putin .. whom also I admire . I can give NUMBERS to those who doubt this: . Before the WAR with Japan Russia was one of the RICHEST , ECONOMICALLY SOLID NATIONS on Earth with almost NO DEBT , more than 100% GOLD backing of its Currency .. Producing more cereals than USA, Canada and Argentine combined .. produced by small Farmers who owned 80 % of all arable Land . Taxation was minimal , 2.66 % .direct taxes and 5.98 % indirect taxes The VOLUME of Goods transported on Russian Railways exceeded the total Volume transported by the British Merchant Fleet… Industrial Production rose by 3.5 % pa from 1870 until 1914 far more than in Western Countries including USA .. In the last 20 years of PEACE in Russia ( 1895 -1914 ) GDP rose on average 10 % per year. During same period the Russian Trade Balance was POSITIVE.British Law Experts at the Time concluded that the Russian Code of Law was the most advanced and impartial in the World.. The Czars were Pioners in Labour law. Child labour was abolkished 100 years before it was abolisjed in the UK.Russia was the first industrial country to pass laws limiting the hours of work in Factories and Mines Trade Unions were recognized 1906. Strikes were permitted,( they were forbidden in the Sovjet Union ! ) 1912 Social Insurance was introduced. People in Czar Russiahad equalitu of status and opportunity unparalelled in its time. Basic Education was free for all. University Education was essentially free except for a small symbolic fee. THAT was the RUSSIA the JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS financed by FOREIGN JEWISH BANKERS .. destroyed ! And this should be REMEMBERED by the RUSSIAN PEOPLE .. so they do not make the same Mistake again !

Tomko Kubianca

Interesting post! Is it true that the Bolsheviks were Jewish? Were all the USSR leaders following the Bolshevik revolution also Jewish? Is Putin Jewish? I wasn’t aware of this and I’m a little suspicious because lately it’s been popular to blame everything on the Jews. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs can vote and maintain a seat in government. They’re constantly being accused of apartheid and genocide, which if true, then they’re piss poor at it. With their military they could completely wipe out both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in less than a week. Why hasn’t that happened if they’re committing genocide. Mean while the Janjaweed are REALLY committing genocide but nobody really cares because they’re just poor Black people, and we all know what the Arabs think of Black people.

Read Something

The Bolsheviks weren’t Jewish. There were many Jews in it, at a higher rate than one might expect given the populations, but there’s a much better explanation for this:

First of all, Jewishness is mostly cultural, somewhat religious, and not actually genetic. Jews were spread across Eurasia along with their culture. Despite persecution from Christians, or perhaps because of it, Jews established a relatively intellectual and revolutionary culture. Jews in the early 20th Century did not have a Jewish country or nation and so also became internationalists. Intellectual, revolutionary, internationalist… this is what it takes to be a communist, and this is why Jews became communists at a higher rate.

Zionists (a powerful component of the right-wing Jewish financial elite), with the complicity of Hitler and other western-financiers, created the state of Israel in part to foment nationalism among Jews, to draw them away from internationalism and communism.

Everybody hated the czar, which is why there was a bloodless revolution (during a generally very bloody time) to remove him.


Putin is not jewish. he is a devout Russian Orthodox Christian.

Tomko Kubianca

I was so impressed by your post that I fixed it to make it more readable. Forgive me if you find that offensive.

It is STRANGE to ME that a RUSSIAN who claims to be NATIONALIST so summarily can skate over the MURDEROUS ATROCITIES committed by the JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS against the RUSSIAN PEOPLE including its Persecution of the ORTHODOX CHURCH. By doing so the Author DISCREDITS HIMSELF.

Equally, RUSSIA was a truly independent Sovereign Nation during the Rule of the CZARS. Having DECLINED to be a Part of the INTERNATIONAL JEWISH BANKING CARTELL during the period of the last 3 Czars RUSSIA underwent a FANTASTIC ECONOMIC and SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT surpassing all western Countries by a League… Equal to and surpassing by FAR the Positive developments during the time of President Putin… Whom also I admire.

I can give NUMBERS to those who doubt this: Before the WAR with Japan Russia was one of the RICHEST, ECONOMICALLY SOLID NATIONS on Earth with almost NO DEBT, more than 100% GOLD backing of its Currency… Producing more cereals than USA, Canada and Argentine combined… produced by small Farmers who owned 80 % of all arable Land. Taxation was minimal, 2.66 % .direct taxes and 5.98 % indirect taxes The VOLUME of Goods transported on Russian Railways exceeded the total Volume transported by the British Merchant Fleet… Industrial Production rose by 3.5 % pa from 1870 until 1914 far more than in Western Countries including USA… In the last 20 years of PEACE in Russia (1895 -1914) GDP rose on average 10 % per year. During same period the Russian Trade Balance was POSITIVE.

British Law Experts at the Time concluded that the Russian Code of Law was the most advanced and impartial in the World… The Czars were Pioneers in Labor law. Child labor was abolished 100 years before it was abolished in the UK. Russia was the first industrial country to pass laws limiting the hours of work in Factories and Mines Trade Unions were recognized 1906. Strikes were permitted, (they were forbidden in the Soviet Union!) 1912 Social Insurance was introduced. People in Czar Russia had equality of status and opportunity unparalleled in its time. Basic Education was free for all. University Education was essentially free except for a small symbolic fee.

THAT was the RUSSIA the JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS financed by FOREIGN JEWISH BANKERS… destroyed! And this should be REMEMBERED by the RUSSIAN PEOPLE… so they do not make the same Mistake again!

Tomko Kubianca

I don’t know Vladimir Putin. I’ve never met him and only know him through the news. I’m sure he’s done bad things being a ruler of a nation but I do admire him for standing up to the PROGRESSIVES. I also admire that he is the last remaining leader in the world today that is pushing the importance of “The Family Unit”.

The progressives started in the 30’s as a think tank which are now called the “Frankfort School of Progressive Thought”. They were feared by the Bolsheviks and even Hitler (they fled to the US when he came to power for fear of their lives). They devised a way of turning the west Communist through covert ways as follows:

They devised strategies by which the destruction of the West could quickly and effectively take place: “To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences. 2. Continual change to create confusion. 3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children. 4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority. 5. Huge immigration to destroy identity. 6. The promotion of excessive drinking. 7. Emptying of churches. 8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime. 9. Dependency on the state or state benefits. 10. Control and dumbing down of media. 11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

If anyone is wondering why the West is embarked upon sexual suicide, much of the answer can be found in the Frankfurt School: “One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

“• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. • abolish differences in the education of boys and girls. • abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces. • declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’.

Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks’.”

You’ll notice that they’ve been successful with all 11 points but the only one standing in the way of this agenda is PUTIN! I have to admire him for that.

Radosław Kozaczuk

Jesus Christ if this text is not paid by Russia then I’m the Mother Theresa from Calcutta.

“The West has a sense of strange and wholly unjustified superiority over Russia […].”

The Author forgot to add that this is based on facts. In 2008 Medvedev said “Russia is going to diversify economy” in 2015 oil prices went down and we have a “Kinder-Surprise”. Not to mention African level of Health Care (see Russian life expectancy).

“A well-governed, modernizing Russia–exemplified by the outstanding Sochi Olympics […]. “

Sochi was also extremely overpriced which proves how huge difficulties Russia has with corruption and bureaucracy. Really Russia has so much resources yet it still can’t get out of the medium-rich level. And historically was always behind the West.

“A dozen-plus years of President Putin’s rule showed the world that Russia is the only truly sovereign and independent country in the world. Which is really painful to the West, as all of its efforts to take over Russia, or at least establish bridgeheads in the Russian World, failed due to the deliberate and focused Russian policies.”

And glorious and awesome and the best and non-gay yeah, yeah, yeah we know that Russia rules. The “Russian World” is just a fancy name for Russian claims. Ask Ukraine, they want to get out of there. Because so called “Russian World” mean also corruption, lack of efficiency, propaganda and so on.

“Just as USSR did not accede to bargaining with evil in Munich in1938, contemporary Russia cannot accede to the leading Western powers’ neocolonial ambitions.”

HAHAHAHA and then they took half of Poland together with Hitler. Get out of here.


African level of health care… Where did you get that from, reading Cosmopolitan? The low average life expectancy among men is a courtesy of “democratic” development under Yeltsin and his western/pro-western “advisors” and it’s been rising steadily in the last years – much faster than in Poland, for example. Olympics were over-priced, OK, they cost 4.25x more than original budget. So what about the Olympics anywhere else in the last 3 decades? London 2012 cost 4.58x more than expected. All big sports events are, unfortunately. Russian world means corruption. How’s that? What does EU mean? Ever had the “pleasure” of trying to deal with EU institutions? Suppose not. And how’s this big thing in the US called? Ah, that’s LOBBY, they gave it a fancy name, but it’s still corruption. And let me remind you, Poland was the first country that became friends with Hitler (first to sign non-aggression pact in 1934), Poland was the aggressor nation in Europe before Hitler came, especially happy to attack all the neighbors in the early 20s. Poland was a fascist country, remember? Poland took the opportunity to get a chunk of Czechoslovakia after Hitler dismantled the country. USSR maintained the opposition towards Nazi Germany until the last moment, long after Poland, France and UK became “friendly” with Hitler. And yes, Russia has always been lagging behind the West, “we all know it” and that’s what counts, no need to prove it…

Radosław Kozaczuk

“African level of health care […] and it’s been rising steadily in the last years – much faster than in Poland, for example.”

Still lower than in Poland for example. And it will fall down because Putin forgot to diversify his economy while he was busy planning annexation of Crimea. Now when we take into consideration how many resources Russia has…

“Olympics were over-priced […] Russian world means corruption. […].”

Ok let’s put aside Sochi that’s not the best example. You are right others overpay as well. What I mean is look, Ukraine is in Russian sphere of influence for 25 (or rather was) and what they have out of it? Nothing. But that’s maybe as well just them being too bad at managing. Let’s not dig into it for too long I give this point to you.

“Poland was the first country that became friends with Hitler (first to sign non-aggression pact in 1934).”

Non-aggression pact means buying time my friend. Poland and Germany had a trade war in that period (today we call it sanctions). We were not at all friends.

“Poland was the aggressor nation in Europe before Hitler came, especially happy to attack all the neighbors in the early 20s. Poland was a fascist country, remember? Poland took the opportunity to get a chunk of Czechoslovakia after Hitler dismantled the country. “

Poland was fascist (but less than Russia is today, and fascism does not means Nazism, fascism is a combination of authoritarianism, control over press, nationalism and patriotism). Poland was fighting but not with everybody, come on. There were a lot of border tensions like for example cities inhabited 50/50 by Poles and Ukrainians – You think anyone is going to give up in such configuration? And rly how many people died when Poland took those three villages from Czech? One? Zero? The scale is just incomparable. It’s like saying the British sank few French ships so they were allies of Germany.

“USSR maintained the opposition towards Nazi Germany until the last moment, long after Poland, France and UK became “friendly” with Hitler.”

And this opposition meant what? Please tell me. USSR has been trading with Nazis to the last day and they even split Eastern Europe between each other. Stalin didn’t give a damn about Nazi crimes (why would he when we was a paranoid psycho killer as well?) he needed the West and Germans to blood each other out. And after that he wanted to conquer the rest of Europe.

This all “Russia saved Europe” is just a post factum shit. I mean accidentally they beat up Germans and saved MANY human beings from extinction but it’s not like they planned to. I mean don’t get me wrong Soviet soldiers were brave and they inflicted A LOT of damage to Nazis but I don’t rly see Stalin as someone who rly was giving a single damn about anything else than turning as many countries into communism states (regardless any losses).

And yes, Russia has always been lagging behind the West, “we all know it” and that’s what counts, no need to prove it…

Well, not my fault, but in general they do lag. Basically every country on Earth lags after the West. China was the leader for a long time. But Russia? I don’t remember the moment when they were ahead. Powerful ok, many times, but ahead?


“This all “Russia saved Europe” is just a post factum shit. I mean accidentally they beat up Germans and saved MANY human beings from extinction but it’s not like they planned to.”

ACCIDENTALLY they “beat up” the Germans huh.

WW2 in a nutshell…..Hitler took a wrong turn and accidentally invaded Poland when they really wanted to go to Bresleau for brunch and once Poland was invaded he couldn’t find the brakes and ended up lost in Stalingrad. Meanwhile Japan slipped on the soap and mistakenly bombed Pearl Harbour and the British army got lost heading to the beaches of Spain for a vacation and ended up in North Africa.

I swear that’s the way it really happened…..I read it on the internet so it must be true


In time, probably long after I have passed on, Mr. Putin will go down in the historical log as the greatest world leader of his era. It is not guaranteed but, he is certainly heading in that direction. Just as Ronald Reagan is held as a champion of the west, forcing the downfall of the Soviet Union, Putin will be seen at the forefront of smashing Occidental power in this time period.

I am partial to Mr. Putin. I don´t pay attention to all the fury and propaganda surrounding him but, what one can be damn sure of, is that he is not playing around. His peers, stacked one by one or in a group next to him, appear as blind fools.

We all have the blood of mistakes on our hands, especially those made with open eyes. I am not interested in viewing pictures of who is good or bad, who is naughty or nice. I want to know to know what the hell is going on. Putin, above all others, makes his intentions perfectly clear. I wish there were a few more like him these days. It might be a bit more peaceful. A good day to all.


reagan a champion of the west?? says who? i remember him as a not-very-good actor that got into politics for publicity and then just went along with it when it worked (btw, a personal friend of his once told me about this so dont say im making it up). he delved the economy into huge debt, and hated the poor- even trying to take away their right to attorneys. he became senile before his term was up and his wife ran the country behind the scenes, based mainly upon the advice of her astrologer (she admitted this publicly once). only extremist diehard republicans think he is anything but a mistake, and you would be hard pressed to find a westerner on the streets who considers him a ‘champion’ of anything.


Thank you for your response Cheetah.

Reagan was part of the game. He is a person who draws intense reaction, both for and against. My only thought is towards the advice from an astrologer. Honestly, can it be any worse than what goes for sage council from properly vetted advisers of today? Probably not. I wish you well cheetah. Have a great day.


didnt mean to sound hostile. but i do feel that astrology is so silly even kindergartners shouldnt be taking it seriously. at least ‘advisors’ have some kind of knowledge to draw from.


No offense taken. I could see you were intense and serious about what you wrote. I won´t argue about what you wrote either. I have a lot of problems with what Ronnie did. He took advantage of a difficult situation and in the end, led us to nowhere. The gist of my thoughts is, reality and fantasy often occupy the same space. In the end, they are each known for what they are. Putin, could end up being an actual historical heavyweight. Many see this and don´t like it. Until next time cheetah. :)

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