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Wet Dreams Of Space Sultan: Turkey Plans To Seize Large Parts Of Greater Middle East, Europe, Caucasus, Russia By 2050

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Wet Dreams Of Space Sultan: Turkey Plans To Seize Large Parts Of Greater Middle East, Europe, Caucasus, Russia By 2050

A screenshot from the video

Space Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan that recently promised to conquer the moon by 2023 continues to spread his wet dreams via Turkish media.

Recently, TRT1 TV channel showed a map of the territories that Turkey will include by 2050. This includes large parts of the Greater Middle East, Europe and Russia. In particular, Erdogan dreams to capture most of North Africa, the entire Arabian Peninsula, the Caucasus including Azerbaijan and Armenia, the south of Russia, and parts of Europe, including Greece.


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johnny rotten

If this isn’t extreme madness then tell me what else it is.


Go big or go home – lol


Fkd if I know!

In Exile

Notice Israel will be left alone I guess he doesn’t want to offend the bosses.

Kenny Jones ™

But also Iran ;)

Johnny B. Allan

remove all other countries from the map but include only Iran. Perhaps you could have a real map then

Hadi Heidary

dude get your head together pls! at another comment you say these are CIA claims , its far fetched and turkey has nothing to do with it …. now you want to add more territory to that claim.


Calling STRATFOR as ‘shadow CIA’ is actually insulting to the CIA.

It’s a 2-bit think-tank and you can see here exactly what kind of ‘thinking’ they’re doing.


Their bosses cia(stinktanks)


Stink-tank. heh. I like that))

Alekai Mordechai

Are you dumb?

Sensationalism should be checked!

This map amply points out future of Turkish sphere of influence in 2050.

Huge difference on territorial and influence spectrum.

Nekoime Nekoprezime


Nekoime Nekoprezime

Even Turkey is included.

Johnny B. Allan

This website is truly a satire.. Lost all credibility for awhile back but this one sinks it even further below. The turkish segment is talking about ”2050 CIA map on turkey” Not Turkey themselves are claiming to take these places

Black Waters

Can you elaborate?

Johnny B. Allan

His talking about a CIA map of Turkey 2050 which is exaggerated and vastly projected Turkey taking almost everything in the MENA and part of Europe. It is to far fatched. But Turkey is not claiming that

Caius Martius



Hasbara Hunter

Dönmeh ErDOGan his Ottomoon Empire is even more colossal than Greater ISraHell…


That’s great. Really. Stratfor is on a right track.

Black Waters

So let me understand this… the CIA made a map, of what the think that Turkey’s influence will reach, and the red color supposedly it’s the range of their influence?

It makes sense, but i wouldn’t be surprised that the U.S it’s trying to make everyone fights, so they can retain control and get rich selling weapons.

Kenny Jones ™

The US won’t exist in a couple of years anymore, but their puppets will


That’s what every Soviet dictator said :D


Gorbachev never said anything such,how dare you insult cia integrity))


I haven’t found any online, either but it’s unlikely such discourse to be missing at any CPSU conference. That would mean capitulation.

Kenny Jones ™

The Soviet and the US were two sides of the same coin, but there’s a gap between their collapse because of technological advantages, I’d say that gap is about 30 year, 1991 and 2021


So the SU collapsed 30 years earlier because they had a 30 years technological advantage? I’m trying to find your logic, is there a ceil of maximum technology and anyone who reaches it, colapses?

Kenny Jones ™

Look at US debt, it’s a time bomb, and I don’t endorse communism either, I think it’s good the SU is gone and Russia came in place, which will prosper


Yes, that’s what the news says, I’m a Turk.

Hasbara Hunter

Turks have to do & say what Dönmeh Sultan ErDOGan wants them to….just like Rothschild Bastard Hitler…I wouldn’t be very surprised when ErDOGan turns out to be an illegitimate Rothschild too…


Pave Way IV

The CIA didn’t make the map and had nothing to do with it – STRATFOR did. They are (correctly) pointing out the regional Arab Sunni muslim world where Erdogan has said many times that he seeks to establish influence, i.e., Turkey as the home of a new Muslim Brotherhood caliphate/empire exerting regional influence. Likewise, he (Erdogan) can leverage such a regional alliance for far greater influence outside the M.E. sphere. The idea isn’t to invade/control the lands in red (if he doesn’t have to). This is just a rewarmed pan-Arab alliance v3.0, except with Turkey in the lead. Like all the predecessor pan-Arab alliances, Turkey’s latest incarnation is doomed to failure before it ever is really built. Theoretically a good idea, but it will never happen.

STRATFOR, like a dozen other ‘strategic intelligence’ providers, sells their pricey analysis/opinion to big corporations and governments for planning. They’re not some little hack web thing. They’re a pretty damn big and successful company, so they must be doing something right. They hire a lot of ex-intel types, so they know exactly what kind of stuff their clients are looking for and they know how to market their services. Turkey’s (Erdogan’s) regional ambitions are not secret, nor is anything on the map, but we have no idea of the context. We have no idea how probable this is of happening according to their analysis. We have no idea how confident they are about this analysis. Finally, we have no idea what STRATFOR recommends any of their clients DO or DON’T DO about any of it. To get that, you need to fork over some big bucks to STRATFOR.

That explains the map. I have no explanation for SF’s seemingly sensationalist mis-interpretation of the Turkish report.


Stratfor are cia,but it’s ok,because this fake narrative too shall fail(period)

The Objective

Does a 51% approval of Erdogan in the Arab world mean anything to you? Does the high foreign investment flowing into Turkey mean anything to you? Turkey is already highly influential in the Muslim world. Much of the map embraces Muslim countries. I say Turkey’s influence will be much much wider than what the map shows by 2050.


The map includes:

Egypt – where, like in 2013, any influence related to the Muslim Brotherhood will immediately be cracked down by the military.

Saudi Arabia – where the Muslim Brotherhood is associated with its rival Qatar, and considered competing with Wahhabism, thus a non-starter.

Non-Muslim countries Greece, Georgia, Armenia, parts of Russia and Ukraine. There is no way in hell Turkey will be able to leverage influence over countries like Greece and Armenia, short of conquering them with boots on the ground. That’s why this map can only be interpreted as the expression of a psychopathic desire to restore the Ottoman empire.

Regardless of who actually made the map and for what reason, it is a silly pipe-dream, totally devoid of reality. Even as a result of a catastrophic world war, Turkey’s influence will not extend to what is shown on that map


Yepo,cia debted losers have nothing going for them to be frank,if anything this only shows things must be only getting better than not,cia is isolated!


I wasn’t checking this site for a month or two and there you go, on the day I am back I have seen another fake story AGAIN! Whoever wrote this sh1tty article is either extermly retarded or he thinks that people are.

1- He didn’t even get the channel’s name right, even though it is written at the top left lol. It is not TRT1, it is TGRT Haber. 2- I don’t know what he did with the fact that there is a huge “CIA” on the headline. The headline and the content basically says that this is the map of Startfor/CIA predicts for influence area of Turkey in 2050.

Southfront became a garbage, this “article” reminded me why I stop checking it.

Johnny B. Allan

They also write alot of fake news about Turkey and heavily biased. It is Islamophobic website and writes in desparate ways


I actually don’t care at all if they are anti of a group, race or belief. But they are fabricating news, that’s the issue.

Johnny B. Allan

They have been doing that for quite awhile now fabricating news and headlines


Lol “Islamophobic” .. everything that sates facts about the malicious behaviour of your Turkish regime is “fake” nowadays.. Dumb Turks

The Objective

They are sure as hell an Islamophobic website. The rise of any Muslim country scares them to death. They are also filled with frustrated anger to see Turkey obstruct their anti-Muslim schemes, from Syria, to Libya and the so-called CSTO. Thankfully, the enemies of true Islam are set up against one another. We don’t have to fight these guys. They’ll fight among themselves and destroy one another. Such is the way of Allah. He mustn’t use a Muslim army to destroy the enemies of pure Islam (which does not include the Mullahs of Iran). You will destroy one another with the weapons your created. That’s a befitting punishment. it happened with WW1 and WW2. It’ll happen again.

Servet Köseoğlu

Garbage is better..xD


Yeah :D and I’m quite sure some people read these “articles” and think that they are woke or whatever they call it lol


Don’t you Turds and your joke of a regime get wet panties by the notion of stealing land and possessions from your neighbouring countries.


Some don’t (including me) and some do, just like some people wants to see greater Germany, Russia, Britain etc. But how exactly is it related with this particular fabricated news?


It’s only in Neo-Ottoman Turkey that such crack pot ideas find fertile ground on nationwide TV


I already explain what is this about. Not my problem if you don’t want to use your brain. Can’t do that for you.

The Objective

I go with your thought. Too many garbage-writers at South Front. They didn’t report the Libyan election, knowing that Russia lost and there is no way they can twist it to look like a win for the Kremlin.


Be calm. Little click bait never hurt anyone. Only dumb covidiots react on emotion and they can’t open a can of tuna without help.

Johnny B. Allan

Iran will be taken either way and by the way Turkey was not claiming these lands it was ”CIA map of turkey 2050” There is even bigger chance Iran is taken before all these other countries

Johnny B. Allan

It will come to you that much is guaraanteed but none of the other countries will lose a centimeter of land

Johnny B. Allan

How cute. This is cuddle threats as if it will fend anyone off lmao. It is like seeing a baby panda for the first time. A chubby cute baby panda

Johnny B. Allan

You made little cute attempt there as if it was going to work LMAO but hey it’s already decided

Johnny B. Allan

But still it was cute tho but nevertheless unavoidable for you

Concrete Mike

You dont have a job you fucken loser!

Ill threaten you.GLADLY!

Watch out for them whites trucks, there EVERYWHERE!

Concrete Mike

Thats enough mr warmonger!

Iran will be left in peace, and you will go fuck yourself!

Concrete Mike


Alekai Mordechai

May I know who will take Iran?

Rhodium 10

But meanwhile Russia has take control of 90% of Syria and Libya beside parts of NK included the capital…because one thing is to dream and another thing is to be wake up…


90% of Syria under Russian control? Then how can Israel bomb Syria on weekly basis without killing Russian soldiers?

Rhodium 10

Thats an stupid coment!…to take control of the country dont need Russian troops in every inch..2º Because Israeli airstrike are useless and and it is a waste of money for Israel…usually are oversized by propagande but the fact is that almost all missile use to be intercepted and shot down…which turn in a good test for Russian weapons and training for Syrian troops.

Alekai Mordechai

Israeli strikes are for the optics with limited to no strategic outcomes.

Had the chance to analyze the aftermath of all these strikes happening over 7 years.

The bitter part is these highly entrenched strikes itself is the source of limitation.

Alekai Mordechai

@farbat:disqus do you’ve anything to add?

Lone Ranger

They wont target them. That simple. In return Russia wont target Israel.


For not targeting them means Putin gives location to Bibi.

Lone Ranger

Your logic is flawed…


Your logic is a shot of vodka

Lone Ranger

What a comeback… ?

cechas vodobenikov

bacon again reveals pork brain


I heard that Sputnik V is meant to cure vodka addiction. Stay away from it.


if it means the jews in palestine are gone forever, I am all for it. but that is by far the world’s most important issue – get rid of the jews and bury them at 6 feet never to be seen again.

Eduardo Magalhães

Erdogan, the new Hitler marching to Moscow….


Give it a rest.

Eduardo Medeiros de Magalhães


Erdogan, the new Hitler, financed by British crown/Rothshild, to try march to Moscow


Meanwhile in Turkistan: One in every two citizin in Turkey wants to leave their country. Even more funny, one in three of those retarted Erdogan fanboys (girls) think the same. https://goto.marokko.nl/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tagesspiegel.de%2Fpolitik%2Fjeder-zweite-tuerke-will-das-land-verlassen-erdogan-zieht-sich-in-parallelwelten-zurueck%2F26909602.html


Turkey couldn’t take al Bab from ISIS without their proxies let alone take Russian , Libyan , Egyptian , Syrian lands .

cechas vodobenikov

turks desperate–like amerikans–grandiose, desperate

Lone Ranger

Ataturk knew the time of the Ottoman Empire is over, he transformed Turkey from a crumbling Empire to a semi Europan/Asiatic country and regional power. Erdogan thinks he has an opportunity to restore the Empire but the circumstances didn’t change, EUrope and Russia only got stronger, underestimating them would be a grave mistake, they can break the back of Turkey without firing a single shot. Turkey failed in Syria and they tried hard. Against around 5% of the SAA and 2% of the Russian armed forces. This should be a warning to them but oh well, bring it on…

The Objective

Bastard son of bitch propagandist writer. Would you care to explain whether Turkey intends to conquer these territories militarily or economically? If you mean economically, then Turkey is very well within reach, as it has a far better environment for foreign investment than Russia can ever dream of. Turkey is Europe’s China. European investors are flocking to Turkey despite all the media hype about Turkey’s economic problems. Russia, by its nature, simply cannot be an economic powerhouse. It’s one of the worst countries to invest in. Four major world brands of mobile phone will start production in Turkey. Samsung already started manufacturing mobile phones in Turkey this year. Everything is made in Turkey, and the smartphone giant plans to produce at least 3 million smartphones each year, in collaboration with Turkish companies. Billions of dollars of foreign direct investment flowed into Turkey in 2020, even as many bad-wishers try to cast the country’s economy in bad light. With the rapid immunization, Turkey will be among the first 5 economies to recover from Covid-19.

By the way, to all the bad-wishers, the Muslim Brotherhood just won in Libya’e election of interim government. Not surprisingly, South Front didn’t mention anything about the election, as it was a clear loss for Russia and its allies of terror-sponsoring countries.

Servet Köseoğlu

rofl..its sf bro just laugh and go..same users with usual same narrative far from reality.Trolls with zero comments-alt accounts upvoting each other to generate impression as if they make sense.

The Objective

Turkey shouldn’t include Iran. Because your country will soon be destroyed and become a liability to Turkey. Democrats or Republicans will not be content with a nuclear deal. The Iranian regime remains a threat to them even without Iran’s militias or nuclear program. The dispute is too high to resolve diplomatically. Biden and Obama always choose the cheaper way to overthrow unfriendly regimes. They use domestic revolts. (Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc). They want to overthrow the regime in Tehran with or without a deal. But not through war if possible. It’s clear to see their strategy. They’ll first isolate Iran’s militias and destroy them individually through domestic civil wars. As soon as Assad falls, the next will be Lebanon. Assad’s fall will cut off Hezbollah from Iran, making them easier to destroy without a stable resupply. I would be surprised if Israel/USA/Saudi haven’t already trained some ISIS-like groups to fight Hezbollah in Lebanon.

In Iraq, America has successfully reversed Iran’s gains. A stable government in Baghdad will do to weaken Iran’s proxies. But if that does not work, they’ll fight the Iran-backed militias in cooperation with the government of Iraq. After Iraq, their next move will be to leave Afghanistan to the Taliban, which will naturally eliminate Iran’s militias in Afghanistan.

This is the reason Iran and Hezbollah have poured in all they can in the Syrian war to maintain Assad. It’s also the reason why Iran will not leave Syria for any reason, unless forced to do so. After these Iranian militias are weakened, Washington can focus solely on domestic revolt in Iran.

The Objective

I challenge you to quote a single point where I said Trump would win for sure. Regarding Iran’s position relative to America, I’m not talking from my wish. Everything I said reflects exactly what’s going on.

No sensible person would fight Iran without first destroying the militias. As long as Iran does not cross the nuclear red-line or kill an American, there will be no attack on Iran – yet. What the U.S and Israel would do is isolate Iran’s proxies, especially Hezbollah, and destroy them individually. They’ll not launch missiles and bombs at Hezbollah. They’ll start a civil war in Lebanon, similar to how they overthrew Gaddafi. It’s very easy.

Fighting Iran would be too costly in blood and treasure, and will lead to millions of dead if Iran decides to target civilians with its missiles. But that does not mean the U.S will not keep trying to overthrow the regime. If Iran is stripped of its regional proxies, the Mullahs will have little room to maneuver. The nuclear deal was not meant to appease Iran. It was meant to make the regime limit its nuclear program (so the U.S isn’t forced into a war). Then regime change operations would follow. But Iran appears to have outsmarted them. Iran used the money from sanctions relief to strengthen the very militias America wants to destroy before coming to Iran. That complicated the job for America, despite addressing the nuclear issue. I think they were hoping that the regime would collapse before the nuclear deal term runs out. Watch these things I predict happen like a movie plot. First, Assad falls. Then, civil war in Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah. Then, maybe another civil war in Iraq. And finally, America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. This would isolate Iran on all fronts. The C.I.A would have a large operations base around Iran’s borders, which makes it easier to infiltrate the country and sow the seeds of revolution or even another civil war.


I just noticed something funny. Israel is not in that list.


Space Sultan!!!!



Turkish pornographic image

For a second I thought the first country in the list was “Punanistan”, but it’s the Turkish word for Greece.

Icarus Tanović

What kind of third rate rats you’ve become. Erdogan is such a piece of joke, as stupid as it gets.


Ambitious. My only question is that little spot on east Mediterranean coast Israel or Free Palestine?

Eduardo Magalhães


Erdogan, the new Hitler, financed by British crown/Rothshild, to try march to Moscow….

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