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MARCH 2025

What Happens If US Designates Russia ‘A State Sponsor Of Terrorism’?

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What Happens If US Designates Russia 'A State Sponsor Of Terrorism'?

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The US should take a long, hard look in the mirror before it even begins contemplating the idea to designate anyone “a state sponsor of terrorism”.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The designation “state sponsor of terrorism” is used by the US Department of State to unilaterally sanction countries which the US government claims to have “repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism”. The State Department is required to maintain the controversial list under special acts passed by the Congress, imposing various restrictions aimed at the economies and international trade relations of the targeted countries.

As of late 2021, State Department lists Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria as “state sponsors of terrorism”, however, there were other countries formerly on the list, such as Iraq, Libya, South Yemen and Sudan. Designating a country as “a state sponsor of terrorism” can affect it in many ways, some of which include:

  • freezing of the targeted country’s financial and real estate assets in the US;
  • requiring the US to prevent efforts of the targeted country to secure World Bank or IMF loans;
  • prohibition on the export of so-called “dual-use products” (items that can be used both for civilian and military purposes);
  • requiring the US to impose economic and other sanctions against countries that continue to do business with the targeted country.

Since Russia started its special military operation in Ukraine, the more hawkish members of the US and NATO establishment have been insisting on the inclusion of Russia on this list. Some, such as the Baltic states, infamous for their virtually endemic Russophobia, already designated Russia as the “state sponsor of terrorism”. Luckily, actions taken by such microstates are largely inconsequential. However, what would happen if some of the larger and more significant NATO and EU members were to take the same course of action?

Considering the controversial designation is aimed not just against the targeted country, but also any third party doing business with it, this would effectively force member states to sanction each other, since many EU and NATO members simply cannot function without trading and dealing with Russia. This includes countries like Hungary, Austria and even Germany, the EU’s largest economy and arguably the most powerful member state. Without Russia’s oil, gas, food, rare earth metals and nonmetals, heavy machinery and many other commodities, these countries would collapse, economically and otherwise.

The designation also directly affects relations within NATO. In case the Congress was to add Russia to the list, possible sanctions wouldn’t just affect the aforementioned EU member states, but also some of the largest and most powerful NATO members, such as Turkey. Ankara has already been sanctioned for the purchase of Russia’s top-of-the-line S-400 surface-to-air missile system. However, the sanctions in the context of trading and dealing with a country designated “a state sponsor of terrorism” would be much more severe. Thousands of private Turkish companies are present in Russia, many of them in the construction business, which directly affects the troubled Turkish economy, currently dealing with enormous inflation and unemployment.

In terms of global relations and trade, such a move would affect the world in ways which are difficult to predict in the long term. However, in short term, it would certainly affect countries such as China and India, dozens of countries in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and elsewhere, as all these countries would be affected by the third-party sanctions. In doing so, the US would effectively sanction around 80% of the world. This would lead to an uncontrollable escalation of economic collapse in many of these countries, especially in the Middle East and Africa. It would force the US to either implement sanctions on a case-by-case basis, or change the law completely, effectively blunting the effects of sanctions. This would also exponentially accelerate the process of dedollarization, as countries would seek other ways to do business with Russia without US interference.

However, the far-reaching consequences for the global economy would pale in comparison to the resulting security issues. Officially deeming a country with over 6,000 nuclear weapons “a terrorist state” pushes the planet to a brink of a world-ending conflict, as such a designation eases legal restrictions on the use of the US military against the targeted country. Such moves have resulted in rising tensions with North Korea and Iran in previous years. Within the framework of the designation, the US targeted and killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in 2020, to which Iran retaliated by targeting US bases in Iraq.

Even at the height of the Cold War, the US did not sanction the USSR with this designation, which is what makes this move even less logical, since the strategic military situation is still virtually unchanged, with both Russia and the US still relying on the mutually assured destruction (MAD) doctrine. Also, Russia is not without options for a reciprocal response, as it could easily designate the US itself as a state sponsor of terrorism. This designation would hardly just be a (geo)political one, as the US has been providing ample support to a wide range of terrorist actors from at least the 1980s to this very day. Former US State Secretary and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton openly admitted that Al Qaeda was in essence the mujahideen the US funded and armed to fight the USSR in the 1980s.

The same happened in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo during the 1990s, where the US openly worked with Neo-Nazi and terrorist groups to help dismantle former Yugoslavia. During the Arab Spring color revolution which swept through the Middle East and North Africa, the US directly supported dozens of terrorist groups, resulting in the destruction of Syria, Libya and Iraq. US and NATO attempts to rebrand these groups as the so-called “moderate democratic opposition” failed miserably as the terrorists exposed themselves by allying with the Islamic State and even posting videos of gruesome crimes against civilians and POWs. In short, the US should take a long, hard look in the mirror before it even begins contemplating the idea to designate anyone “a state sponsor of terrorism”.


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Nothing happens. Because the rest of the World knows who the only TERR0RI$T is https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

All this does is bring Russia closer to axis of resistance (Iran, China, Venezuela etc.) and make Russia less reliant on anyone. It will hurt at first, but Russia will prevail

Curiosity kills the cat

Russia forced its hand in the Ukraine with its military. Not just using it for diplomatic pressure, but for military action. It will have to deal with the consequences, no matter if on the battlefield or in the diplomatic field.

With the current situation in the Ukraine and its outcome so far it’s not showing an impressive performance, emboldening its opponents.

It will have to show something rather soon, as otherwise its diplomatic weight will crumble even more. China sending humanitarian aid to the Ukraine is just one example of how Russias current situation looks like.

Will Russia be able to keep Luhansk and Donetsk, when western heavy weapons systems arrived?


USA forced its hand on dozens of nations in the past 50 years and its way more involved in Ukraine then Russia because its running the Kiev regime in a proxy war against Russia…its now obvious that it backfired real bad and the west is gonna suffer beyond imagination economically !! Having masters in Slavic studies and much information on what is happening I can assure you that Russia will not crumble any time soon, on the other hand how prepared is the West to deal with economic downfall because Russians are use to it are WE !!

Curiosity kills the cat

There are many hands that have been forced in the past. Does it matter? No.

That the US are more involved in the Ukraine than in Russia is obvious, as they are not delivering weapons and finances to Russia. As such, pointless to argue about that.

So far economically Russia is suffering with a 17% inflation ratio for April and investors are still not allowed to sell shares and rubles, keeping the rubel up artificially. Meanwhile Russian Forces are still inching forward slowly, running out of time before the Ukraine gets its heavy weapons from the west into the battlefield.

But you can surely explain how it backfired for the USA in comparison?

But please with something that actually matters, thank you.


Does it actually matter to call you a faithfull member of the Western wunderwaffen church? I suggest we wait for a couple of months and see how these may perform instead. What do you say?

Curiosity kills the cat

Let’s see how it really turns out. So far the war isn’t decided. Both sides have their chances. However, the Ukraine can count on a lot of support from the west. Without at least a partial mobilisation I can’t see how Russia can effectively counter such a development.


Russia does not have 80 million citizens on a Food Stamp Program. Russia does not have 12 Trillion Square foot Empty Office / Retail Space. How it backfired ??? You will not be seeing much of BMW or Siemens and a thousand other Brands produced by US Colonies in Europe….. Your full of shit and you spread Bull Shit Dimwit.

Curiosity kills the cat

Sorry that I’m not in the league of people who just aggressively attack people because their opinion doesn’t match mine.

At least you gave two points for discussion. However, both have nothing to do with the war in the Ukraine.

Thus I still cannot see how the war in the Ukraine should have backfired for the USA.

I would rather say the opposite is true, that it backfired for Russia. After all, it is their economy going down right now. Many companies leaving under the economic pressure of western politics. Factories closing due to a lack of parts, which aren’t delivered anymore due to sanctions. The rubel still going strong is mainly due to the Russian bank intervention and the ban on sales for shares. Furthermore sales of resources to large discounts, lowering income for Russia. 17% of inflation just being the top of the iceberg.

Seems to me Russia has a tough time right now. It surely will cope with it, one way or the other, but living standards will at least not improve for the time being.

The USA is the creator of terrorism

The United States declared the Azov regiment neo-Nazis and banned cooperation with them back in 2015. And they themselves were trained and armed. The US created Wahhabism and sponsored terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. And so what if we are declared someone like that, that they will have to explain why they depend on the terrorist state and are forced to work and buy at least the same uranium or titanium.


Saladin: “I warn you against shedding blood, indulging in it and making a habit of it, for blood never sleeps.”

The US, now and always, makes allies of the most corrupt, violent collaborators. Recently, US trained military yahoos have committed 8 coups in West Africa. Of course, military coups are cheaper than honestly negotiating Oil & Gas rights with responsible, democratically elected, popularly supported leadership. ‘Los Zetas’, Mexico’s worst narco gang were trained and armed by US ‘special forces’. Honduras, where democracy was recently restored after a US-OAS coup installed a president and family now facing decades in US prisons for drug trafficking. El Salvador, where ex-President Cristiani is facing murder charges for the executions of 6 Catholic priests, housekeeper and young daughter, that advocated for negotiations and peace. NAYOYO welcomes military coups and death squads everywhere so long as it favours corporate greed and human rights violations that terrify popular dissent. Only the most savage, racist, drug-dealing monsters are embraced as worthy NAYOYO allies because they have NO LOCAL support. These collaborators know their lives and future depend on following CIA instructions.

Henry Kissinger (Washington Post): “For the West, the demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy; it is an alibi for the absence of one.”

Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”




The US puppet politicians will do as they are instructed by their Jewish bankers and corporate owners. Any major conflict the US would engage in would weaken the US military capability for many years to come the US has Not won any wars it has fought since ww2 . The US is No longer able to engage in two major conflicts at the same time say Europe and the far east as they had been able to do during the 1940s The Anglo Americans will bring down with them in any major war. And China India and Brazil along with Russia will be the new world economic power houses of the future

San Francisco

I think this whole thing wouldn’t have happened if Russia had a huge American audience. Let’s say, an online “Oprah” with an audience of tens of millions of middle class Americans. Coulda, woulda, shoulda: Putin coulda had a “n*gga b*tch” giving Russia a direct line to millions of Americans daily. Instead, Russia has millions of Black cyberwarriors kicking your a*s daily, and millions of Americans approving the everything-war on Russia for eight years now. #Russianstooracist; #WhatcostRussianpride; #RacismcostsRussians; #20,000RussiansKilledCuzRacism; #CouldaHadaN*B*


Assad Defeated Zionists

Sanctions are useless specially against Putin. Just ask Cuba, Nkorea, Iran, Maduro, Ortega, Assad, etc, etc, etc.





Gary Setiadi

America is waging a total hybrid war against Russia: military, economic, media and cyber. America is directly fighting together with Ukraine against Russian forces, but just without putting boots on the ground. The American military have disrupted Russian communications, provided real time intelligence, high precision satellite imaging, and target spotting including killing generals and sinking ships, provided advanced military equipment, and coordinated Ukrainian military actions. All is fair in love and war. President Putin should hit back hard at America and not let it act with impunity. Russia should print US dollars to recover money that was stolen by the West: https://youtu.be/i77nE2gLbDY Russia should release the bioweapons found in the Ukrainian labs into America. Russia should bioengineer deadly sub-variants of Covid and release them in wave after wave into America. Please put nuclear forces on standby.

Mike Palomino

Russia should have defended Serbia and Montenegro in the 90’S. Now she is paying that debt big time. Big mistake…


Funny how these fukkin bast.. rds label non-vasal countries whatever they want but it will never ever change the fact that US & UK NATO are the centers of global terrorism.

Edgar Zetar

Russia is failling one more time just like in USSR times in international politics against USA. Russia should use their commodities and raw resources and weapons exports (economical power) to attract friendly countries and engage in real Internacional Politics relations, also should train foreign army military officials (hard power) just like USA Military Institutes in CALA. Russia should reject openly and friendly relations with USA vassals and satellites because you spend so much time in building relationships that the HEGEMON an ENSLAVER could kill with a single phone call… Russia should be smart and grown up in his own neighborhood and stop looking for friends in the opossite side.

Karl Pomeroy

This could have serious implications for pro-Russians around the world. If Russia were declared a state sponsor of terrorism, it might become illegal for US citizens to send donations to pro-Russian websites like SF or TheSaker dot is. It might also be risky to run such a website, if based in the US. That could even put me at risk for my website quemadoinstitute dot org.

I remember when the EU was considering labeling the DPR/LPR as terrorists. Both The Saker and I were worried about either our pro-Donbass websites being outlawed, or ourselves being subject to indictment. (The Saker, now in Iceland, was still based in the US at that time.) Fortunately, the EU decided the DPR/LPR were not terrorists, just “very dangerous separatists”.

Dick Von D'Astard

*Severe US energy crisis* According to Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart, the United States is in the throes of the worst energy crisis in the last 50 years.

Diesel and gasoline prices are at an all-time high and inventories are at historic lows.

The association points out that the Biden Administration has no strategy to bring the country out of the crisis, adding that “all the actions that they take are counterproductive to those of us who are trying to solve this problem.” Source Votairenet

Icarus Tanović

No sir, only Bosnia had Embargo on weapons and arms, because G.H.W.Bush declared so, no croatia, no serbia. Because, he said:’There’s already too much of weapons in Bosnia.’ and after been asked why America doesn’t stop aggression against Bosnia, he said:’America is not World-police officer.’ Just be clear with that. Wahhabis that come to Bosnia did just wrong against Bosnians, well doing so even today, and that is CIA operation together with Isetbegovitch. Only one who broke that was Iran, who bring real mujaheeden, and Hezbollah as well.

Last edited 2 years ago by Icarus Tanović

I have never heard of a Nation selling oil and gas to enemy Nations who have openly called for its destruction. Very crazy and nonsensical.


Wont happen because in due time the real world will get to see who the #1 teorrists are, USA (PERIOD) Russia too strong to overcome with bullshit,why,so post invalid garbage? Christians are not the teorrists,fkn drr wokey,Who the hell do you think your kidding here, gorby and his fascist pips,fkn drr wokey/dud:GOD BLESS MOTHER RUSSIA,STOCKS URRP!


List of state sponsors of terrorism:

1. USA/UK 2. Saudi 3. Israel

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