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MARCH 2025

What Is Known About Detained Members Of Moscow’s “Liberal Opposition”

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What Is Known About Detained Members Of Moscow's "Liberal Opposition"


Western and Russian mainstream media outlets are on fire over the actions of the treacherous ‘Putin regime’ that is detaining peaceful Moscow demonstrators that sometimes ‘democratically’ call to identify police offcers and murder their kids

Several anti-government protests have been held in Moscow since July 27, when the first unauthorized rally took place in Moscow. The formal reason declaring by the organizers that instigate clashes with police and reject a dialogue with authorities is that a few opposition candidates failed to collect the needed number of signatures to participate in the upcoming election to the Moscow City Duma. Mostly, they were denied registration for the elections due to the presence in the subscription lists of the names of dead people and other serious violations. During the July 27 rally, protestors clashes with police. 1074 of them were detained by police.

The protests in Moscow are also interesting because of their composition: About a half of the protestors ‘fighting for the democracy’ in Moscow appear to be not living in the city. Up to 80% of them do not have an official job. Up to 80% of them have not entered into a marriage yet and do have no children. Around a half of the protestors live with their parents and depend upon them.

The part of the society that supports so-called “liberal opposition” rioting in Moscow do have some general characteristics. These people grew up in the comfort, safety and amenities of the modern world.

  • They are convinced of their own uniqueness. They value themselves highly and lack respect for others.
  • They capricious and have experienced no sacrifices.
  • They are not ready to accept responsibility, but willingly shift the blame on others and circumstances.
  • They are very sensitive, suspicious, impressionable, and easily offended. They put their own safety (including emotional) and interests above all.
  • They believe that the world must be fair to them personally. If their ideas do not coincide with real life, they experience serious stress.
  • They want to be bosses already at the start, but they are afraid of competition. They declare equality, but more at the expense of belittling the rest.
  • They are poorly able to communicate in real life, but they greatly value virtual (for example, social media) status.
  • They do not understand the value of things, unconditionally reject the word “duty” and “need” (“We owe nothing to anyone” – the main slogan) believe in reasons that are not related to reality
  • They rely on a happy occasion and good luck to achieve a success. In general, they value people who do nothing outstanding, but thanks to luck receive all social benefits.
  • They reject the past and all “conservative”. They consider history a dirty series of murders and tortures, from which it is necessary to completely disown (including world art).
  • They demonstrate a love to labels, stereotypes, clip thinking and react painfully to other opinions. They condemn intolerance by others, but themselves they demonstrate examples of unconditional intolerance.

Authorities have opened an investigation into the July 27 riots and detained 9 suspects involved in instigating or paritipating in the violence. The information about these persons allows to get an inside look at the most active supporters of ‘liberal opposition’ in Moscow. This is an ordinary sitaution for the young part of Moscow’s “snowflakes”. Often they are also scared by any kind of physical labor.

  • Samariddin Rajabov – 21yo, born in Tadjikistan, officially unemployed. Rajabov was detained because he threw a bottle into police officers;
  • Egor Zhukov – 21yo, officially unemployed. He claims that he’s a video blogger and a student of so-called “Higher School of Economics”, the hotbed of various anti-goverment activists and student organizations. He’s detained for the participation in mass riots;
  • Vladislav Barabanov – 22yo, unemployed. He’s not living in Moscow (thus, he cannot participate in the local election). He came from Nijni Novgorod and participated in coordination of the riots.
  • Danil Konon – 22yo, officially unemployed, a student. He lives with his parents in Moscow. Konon was detained for participation in the riots;
  • Sergei Abanichev – 25yo, lives with his father. He’s a sales manager. Abanichev is registered in a medical institution after two years ago he received a head injury. He was detained for participation in riots and throwing a stone at police officers;
  • Aleksey Menyailo – 34yo, a “volunteer” working for one of the opposition candidates that failed to register;
  • Kiril Jukov – he was detained to attacking a police officer during riots;
  • Ivan Podkopaev – The 25yo man was detained with a kinfe, a pepper spray, a gas mask and a driver during the riots of July 27;
  • Egor Kovalenko – He participated in the July 27 riots and threw an orderly bin into a police officer.


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Toronto Tonto

Go to the streets moscowvites its YOUR country putin and pals are stealing from YOU , you are fucced with putin in power , only you can change your future before its too late .


In what language did you intend to write that? I’ve seen bad spelling and grammar, but what you write is simply gibberish.

Robert Ferrin

Strange that’s just what I said about the whores and prostitutes in Washington,take to the streets and run them out of town or hang them from the nearest street light.!!!


Lol, you are a fool.


Nope – it’s actually you, and your agenda to overturn and steal Syria, that was f*cked by Putin being currently in power, as he said enough is enough in 2015 and militarily intervened – rolling back and then containing the NATO-Gulf State proxy Islamist militant. Bad luck chump.

Ralph London

LR: Why? It wouldn’t help him at all, and that’s the least of his problems.


Indian government has shut down the internet, cellular and landline phones and other all communications in Kashmir for the reason to slaughter them all. The Indian government is worst than ISIS and Israeli terrorists.


Why was meat banned, Rob?


Observant Hindus don’t consume meat of any kind. The animal may be someone incarnated. In India every food package has a mark, a dot inside a square, comes in 2 colours. Green means no meat or animal part were used and red means animal product.

Muslims used to be free to consume meat, they just had to conceal the slaughter, specially were Hindus are the majority (for their own safety, it happened a lot that Hindus attacked Muslims and murdered a lot of them because of this, the last incident were filmed were a dozens of them ganged up on a young man, tortured and killed him, filmed and published the whole thing). This concealment is not observed in places like Rajastan were Muslims are not an absolute minority. Muslims and Hindus used to leave in relative peace for a long time. Modi’s government with their fascism tendencies changed a lot of things.

Re. meat ban (beef) in Kashmir, it’s a kind of limitation (lamb is not banned but it’s much more expensive than beef and harder to get by much of the population), a compulsory order in an area with more than %90 Muslim populations which have nothing against meat. At least as long as the slaughter was in accord to religious law (nothing sinister, first water the animal, don’t scare or beat it, tie 3 feet but leave one free, say god’s name before, don’t slaughter an animal in front of another, a clean and quick cut on the required place, let the blood fully drain, etc, etc.). Indian government actions in Kashmir cannot be defended, they really punish it’s people and in recent years, with Israeli friendship their methods got worse.

Decatur Guy

“a dot inside a square”, you say? That is the most raciss thing I’ve ever heard. Raciss, racess, races! Now, off the the flogging station until blood drips into a massive pool beneath your feet. /s


Thank you for the info, Garga.


“Up to 80% of them do not have an official job. Up to 80% of them have not entered into a marriage yet and do have no children. ”

Because in Oligarchic Russia if you protest against Putin and his billionaire friends, you lose your job, your wife and your children.


You may be right, but they have never been married or had a job. The most important is that up to 80% of those who do not support the libertarian agenda do have a job, and do have families and children. For us, it is hard to clearly estimate such a type of protestor that we see in Moscow. Maybe you could enlighten us who are these 2,000-3,000 protestors in 15 million-populated Moscow. Sincerely yours, SF Team


Yeah right and because there are no protests in NK that means they don’t have reasons to protest. Yellow Vests must be starving…


I’m not sure why do you even tolerate a sick, psychotic, russophobic troll like @occupybacon:disqus (and his other account @toronttonto:disqus because it’s the same troll). I’m not against different opinions, but their/his sole purpose here is to spam lies, pathetic logical fallacies and stale maidanazi propaganda, and to insult random people.


HAHA you call me Jewish prdophile, Americunt monkey, Romanian gypsy, Bulgarian that eats feces, Ukrainian nazi, Western fag, NATO slave and so on and you ask them to ban me because I’m russophobic? Typical Russian hypocrisy!


Are you ignoring the fact that many of the protester are young?


So why is that a bad thing? Most of protests are carried by youngsters. After an age you start to fear for your job and family if living in an authoritarian country.

Luke Hemmming

Or you grow up and realise that you have obligations to your immediate family and children. Obligations that include getting a real job, feeding your children and loving your partner. Not participating in color revolutions funded by western interests. Its called growing up and been a responsible adult. Some of these individuals clearly are still children even thou they are adults. The USA is full of them and so is my country Australia. The generation of ‘me’. Its all about me me me, who cares about you.


That’s why there are no protests in North Korea, because they are mature people that children like the West. instead of ‘me’ ‘me’ ‘me’ they should respect their Obligations to the Great Leader.

stupid is as stupid does

In North Korea police doesn’t shoot you dead first and put alibi gun in your hand like you had one. But in US, they do that and many similar nasty things. U.S. uses the same methods, in oppressing countries while they do policing of the World routine.

Harry Smith

@occupybacon:disqus is USA authoritarian country or not?


Comparing to my libertarian views, yes it is, but compared to China is a freedom paradise. And it has brave people tat can organize in militias and fight the government even if they have plenty of food, unlike Russians that if have food, that’s all they need.


I find that most people who call themselves Libertarian are actually LIBERALtarians. Also you say, referring to the U.S.A.: “And it has brave people tat can organize in militias and fight the government…” That’s a big fat lie. I don’t think you understand the truth of the U.S.A. very well.


I bet you know everything about America starving like an African country, from the Soviet eyes opening documentaries


I know that the U.S. is not a wealthy country since it is 22 Trillion in debt and has over 100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities. I know that there is NO WAY that any militia can form and fight the U.S. government. Remember the War of Secession, aka War of Northern Aggression also erroneously called the American Civil War. Did you know that by law, according to the Constitution, all militias are controlled by Congress to suppress insurections? So how does a militia fight against the institution that controls it? Article One Section Eight


Smart Russians know everything about America’s debt and economy but can’t explain how they live in the richest country in the world, with the capital with the largest number of billionaires in the world, still they are happy if can afford eating McDonalds once per week.


I don’t know about Russians. I do know about the country I live in and 22 TRILLION of debt does not equal wealth. Living in debt does not make our country “RICH”. And 100+ Trillion in unfunded liabilities equals slavery for us and future generations. For someone who claims to be libertarian you sure do champion our socialist policies a lot.


Hah you’re an American now. Ok, what percent of the US debt is owed to pensions? From what I know is less than 30%. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Robert Ferrin

Then go back to school for its much much higher than that for they owe every one from newborns to the retired,as Paul Craig Roberts says American are dumb shits and your proving his point.!!!


Debt is debt. It doesn’t matter to whom it is owed. But I believe pensions are part of the Unfunded Liabilities and not part of the 22 Trillion of debt outstanding. Correct me if I’m wrong. Personally I say drop all pensions and stop enslaving people.

Harry Smith

@IMHO I think @occupybacon does not understands difference between federal pension and personal pension plan.


@occupybacon = @Toronto Tonto is a clueless, degenerate loser from Romania with a single digit IQ… he worships his NATO masters because they pay him $1 per day to spam garbage and troll this site with his idiotic comments.

Harry Smith

@occupybacon, could you please tell us, how do you estimate you annually income if you would have status of permanent residence in USA? Before all taxes and payments. And if you’re not scared as crap, what profession you would have in the USA, at your opinion?

stupid is as stupid does

Those happy “if eating McDonalds” are retarded. Very unhealthy diet. Unhealthy US junk food coupled together with even more unhealthy soda beverages like Coke. US junk food should be prohibited to improve life expectancy and general health profile of the Russian nation. US junk food should have health hazard warnings like packets of the cigarettes.


Given the fact that the life expectancy of the average Russian is 8 years less than the average American, the Russian food is even worse than the ‘luxury’ McDonalds.

stupid is as stupid does

Or is it “8 years less” because they eat & drink too much of that US garbage? Junk food, junk drinks, junk culture, junk bonds, junk economy, junk country. That’s what you have become. Who ever accepts your junk products ends up to regret it.


“8 years less than the average American” you half brain. Russians are poorly fed than Americans – which can afford real food, for Russians junk food McDonalds is luxury food. Also Russians boast with their ‘free healthcare’ while they are the top suicide nation in the world. Well…after the 3 million Lithuania. Great food, great healthcare, super great economy, 0.5% growth in the first semester of 2019. Soon China will buy Siberia.

stupid is as stupid does

That’s what I’ve said you fucking retard ! They live shorter because eating more of US garbage. Even more than average americunts! Which is sad. And shows only how much evil US propaganda is spreading in Russia. How come americunts ave money for “real food” if 40 MILLION of americunts is on food stamps?!! And another 20-30 million live in trailers or on the street?!! Go elsewhere with your bullshit stories! With FREE healthcare and very low prices of food accessible to everybody in Russia. The Russians are super rich compering to huge number of americunts!! Russians don’t sleep on the street like millions of americunts! So who is “rich” and who is really poor? Get lost with your bullshit! It is time that Russians stop eating that US crap ! Who normal would eat that overpriced pile of s*it unless brainwashed with US propaganda ?! And too many Russians are still victims of Western propaganda. That must be changed.


Please don’t cry or cut your forearms…

Robert Ferrin

And that’s higher than the survivle of birth rates here in the U.S. we rank somewhere around the ninth or tenth,so what’s your point.!!

Robert Ferrin

What a stupid post,now here in America we have some 21% unemployed (forget the phony number put out by government agencies for those are simply propaganda),where we have millions upon millions living from paycheck to paycheck and the reason we have so many billionaires is why those millions upon millions are living paycheck to paycheck.Now kid toss in the towel because your coming across as a troll without any facts or figgures.!!!

Robert Ferrin

Sure you can and where are you going to get this militia from,certainly not from the ranks of higher education for they need nanny’s if there political chose looses an election,the rest are to fat from sitting all day playing games on their computers.The libertarian party is the feel good party if it feels good do it, and to hell with what comes later and that’s why it never became a viable party.!!!

Harry Smith

Well, @occupybacon you are definitely not libertarian, because you didn’t answered me who is John Galt.


K mate :)

Harry Smith

“Atlas struggle” for libertarians is like Harry Potter for snowflakes. If you didn’t read it, means you’re not indoctrinated. But what about you estimated annual income in the USA. Can you voice it?


Let’s fuck off with this useless questions and troll some Russians with anglosaxon nicknames, for this are we here, right?

Harry Smith

Why you afraid to answer this simple question about your estimated income?

Robert Ferrin

Try living in the U.S. where millions are working two jobs to simply put a roof over their heads and food (such as it is) on the table,the young don’t care because they have no responsibility to family, God nor country but what only what feels good at the moment.!!!


I live in Australia, which is an apparently free and democratic. Yet I’m constantly told how to think, what to believe, who is evil, who is good. Everyone is in debt to the IMF, the media is completely controlled, the politicians are gutless liars, housing is unaffordable for the worker, the gap between the rich and poor is always growing, the rich don’t pay tax. Is that authoritarian enough for you?


Why don’t you emigrate in a free country like Russia or China? Joking, by this: “Everyone is in debt to the IMF” you showed you’re a Russian troll.


How does disagreeing with IMF policies make me a Russian troll?


It’s the way you formulate the phrase you silly Russian troll :)


Yep, name calling, great response. Now think about your accusation and how you came to that conclusion and maybe you might begin to understand something about yourself.


Edit: actually i’ve seen so many of you I don’t need to bother with the obvious ones. Good luck with that rhetoric! I want to spend only the time of the smarter trolls


Yeah, run from the discussion because you know your accusation is groundless, but you’re too gutless to admit it.


Don’t worry I will talk with you, as I talk with the rest of the Russian trolls here


Ok, then back up your accusation.


Let’s not spend any more time on how “you” owe debt to IMF and discuss next articles, especially those about how people waiting in rows at Russian embassies for moving there and escaping the IMF


Still avoiding the question. It’s simple, how did you come to the conclusion that I’m a Russian troll because i disagree with IMF economic policies? I will be honest with you if you can answer correctly.


I gave you a hint in my previous comment but since you are a Ruskie boot you should learn to read between the lines before trying to troll


Ok, i will answer for you. On an Australian Government website it basically states that the IMF dictates economic policy to the Government which is clearly undemocratic. My original point was that while you accuse Russia of being authortarian I was pointing out that Western countries aren’t much different. This has nothing to do with Russia. I was trying to reveal your bias. What you have shown me is that your a snake who has no interest in truth.


So let me understand, Russia has the same level of freedom as Australia or it’s even better?


Define what you perceive as freedom.


Freedom is the right to love your leader, like Putin in your case


Here we go again. Lol.


Right now there is a supreme court case in Australia where an ex spy and his lawyer are being charged for revealing that the Australian government bugged the offices of the East timorese government to get an advantage over them concerning oil prospects in the Timor straight. Although the government has broken the law the whistle blower is being treated like the criminal. The Australian media has not bothered to stand up for truth and justice in this matter. Once again this is far from the halkmarks of a free and democratic society. You see if you try you can have a civil dicussion instead of sarcastic comments, false accusations and name calling.


Your example is the exception that proves the rule, this are shocking cases in the western civilizations, while in Russia a few journalists are murdered each single year, they don’t have time to spend with courts.

Someone that is outraged by a case like in your example and closing eyes to Russia journalists assassinations, is the definition of hypocrite.


So you’re still name calling then and once again, another false accusation. Since when have I given the impression I have closed my eyes to Russian journalists being murdered, if that is true. Can you provide actual evidence of Russian journalists being murdered?


This are typical Russian questions: what is democracy? define freedom! where is the prove the Russian journalists are murdered?

And I ask you from what planed did Russians came from? From Earth? Prove it!

AM Hants


Journalist death rate is going down in Russia, under President Putin. However, over in Ukraine, it has seriously gone up, since 2014, has it not?

What is democracy in Ukraine? Do believe you have your nations muddled, yet again.


My nations? I remember during 2014 riots a lot of journalists and political activists were murdered by pro-yanukovich thugs, could be still high, I think there were some revenges in 2015 and they disgust me in the same measure, but they dropped too according to wiki, do you have other numbers? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_journalists_murdered_in_Ukraine

AM Hants

Wiki???????? Really. The site, which can be easily edited and is controlled by Israel Intelligence. Not a good source, now is it?

Now who loves funding out for regime change and who gets repaid, courtesy of the tax payer and NGO public financed funding?

Top 5 Revolutions Backed by George Soros… http://gulagbound.com/12652/top-5-revolutions-backed-by-george-soros/

Leaked: George Soros ‘Puppet Master’ Behind Ukrainian Regime, Trails Of Corruption Revealed Hacked emails also reveal Soros’ machinations with the US Government and the officials of the European Union in a scheme where, if he succeeds, he could win billions in the plunder of Ukraine assets. All, of course, would be at the expense of Ukrainian citizens and of EU taxpayers.

by Mint Press News Desk… https://www.mintpressnews.com/leaked-george-soros-puppet-master-behind-ukrainian-regime/206574/

If the people of Ukraine had the choice today, would they prefer life under Yanukovich or life post-Maidan?

Who were the thugs who kick started ‘The Maidan’? Including the cookie monsters, who turned up with $5 billion of cookies. What idiots, would turn down a $15 million, or was it billion, interest free loan and cheap gas, for a basket of cookies? Russia, used their wicker baskets for better effect, as the USS Donald Cook found out, back in 2014, when she was left without electrical systems, over in the Black Sea, now don’t they?

Nulandistan: 9 facts that prove the U.S. is behind Ukraine crisis… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufj5hqQ__A0

MAIDAN EXPOSED: Georgian Mercenaries Admit Being False Flag Snipers in Kiev 2014 Coup (Video)… https://thedailycoin.org/2017/12/01/maidan-exposed-georgian-mercenaries-admit-being-false-flag-snipers-in-kiev-2014-coup-video/

Why does the CIA require a whole floor, to themselves, in the SBU building? Who created the CIA and what was their first operation?

How Was The CIA Formed?

By absorbing the Nazi war criminal infrastructure… http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/gehlen.htm


Didn’t Soros, who funded the Ukraine coup d’etat, actually state (in his own words) that the best times of his life, was when the Hungarian, born of Jewish Faith, found himself at the age of 14 waving off his friends, neighbours and peers, on the Nazi Death Trains, before going round to loot their homes? Allegedly, he believed it defined his character. At the same time, kids of that age, were hiding in basements, for years on end, owing to wishing to avoid those death trains. Whilst others, of around the age of 16 were signing up for frontline service, to defend their nations and give future generations freedom. There again, the 40s, was not the era of the ‘entitled snowflake generation’, now was it?

How far we have regressed, in the last 80 years.


Sorry I can’t read your long posts if you change the subject every time and not addressing any of my questions.

You showed me a blurred picture with numbers of Russian journalists assassinated, without telling me the source of that image, which is childish if you consider that is how sources work, you could show me a meme.

Also you stated that journalists assassinations in Ukraine are growing without showing me any source, again.

Then I showed you the wiki page about Ukrainian journalists assassinations, ASKING you if you have different information. And your reply is this:

“Wiki???????? Really. The site, which can be easily edited and is controlled by Israel Intelligence.”

Then you write an article about anything anything but our dialogue, so I’m politely asking you again, do you have another source about the numbers of Ukrainian journalists assassinates?

But honestly don’t expect a related reply from you since you oppenly admitted you have one digit IQ and you are OK with that. So go on with death nazi camps and zionist hooliwood and soros

AM Hants

Darling, why do you try bother reading them? Not as though we agree on anything, now is it?


Lol you pose in half-learned hipster that hates wikipedia – and you post a blurred image that looks like a meme – as a statistics prove. I partly read your previous comment to find the source I asked for but seems like you are capable only on monologue not dialogue and you’ll say exactly the same things without needing me. So please feel free to continue your rhetorical speech.

AM Hants

Darling, why read my comments, if they cause you so much grief?

‘half learned hipster’???????? That is a new one on me. Must admit, I do not bother with your comments, only if something catches my attention, owing to the fact you bore me, but, I do enjoy posting links for others to view, if they wish and then make up there own informed and independent opinions.


So you can’t back your fact statement about growing Ukrainian journalists assassinations by even a link while blaming my wikipedia link and you uploaded a blurry image as a veritable source that journalists assassinations dropped under Putin, without mentioning its source and now you keep burbling gibberish about how your ‘independent’ opinions are not respected.

AM Hants

Never bothered reading your comment, to be honest with you.

What are you on about, my ‘independent’ opinions are not respected? Does not bother me who reads or likes my comments and who does not. However, if people wish to go and find out more, and make up their OWN INDEPENDENT MINDS, then that is a bonus.

Got the chart from this site:


Remind me, how many made it to the ‘Clinton K*ll List’, and was Epstein the latest contribution?

Here is a breakdown for you:

1335 Journalists Killed between 1992 and 2018 / Motive Confirmed… https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Journalist+death+rates+down+since+2000+in+russia&atb=v180-5_j&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Ftherussiamonitor.files.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F08%2Fchart-of-journalist-deaths-in-russia-1993-2008.jpg

How many are from Russia, post 2000? How many from Russia, were investigating the crimes of the Russian Mafia and nought to do with the Government of the day?

Over in Ukraine, between 2014 and 2016

Another Journalist Murdered in Ukraine. Body Count Hits 14 And Rising 1,180 Views | JULY 20, 2016… https://theduran.com/another-journalist-murdered-ukraine-body-count-hits-14-counting/


How about learning to post a link on the internet before trying to look like a genius?

AM Hants

How can a person with a single digit IQ, look like a genius?

Do wish you and your crowd would make their minds up, when forming opinions of meek and humble housewives, over in the UK.


Ohh you thought I complimented you by saying you look like a genius? no pumpkin, I said that you are trying to look like a genius. Unfortunately your single digit IQ prevent you observing the ‘subtle’ difference between ‘looking like a genius’ and ‘trying to look like a genius’

AM Hants

Darling, why would I take that as a compliment. Was more than happy with the single digit IQ, which is why I compared them, compliment, one of you attributed to this meek and humble, housewife, over in the UK.


You still think i said you look like a genius? Don’t you? What’s the digit of your IQ, 5? Can I call you 5? It rimes with housewife

AM Hants

Darling like I said, I have no problems with being viewed as having an IQ in single digits. I have no ego when I come to this site, least of all an intellectual ego, on or off the site. It simply never concerned me, owing to the fact I am more than comfortable in my own skin and like who I am. So carry on, playing with yourself, as you assume what buttons you need to press, to try and goad me. Whilst I carry on sipping my coffee and catching up with banter, from posters who actually interest me.


I don’t want to know about your coffee and your banter, I want to learn about the damn difference between the average Russian pensioner with GM free diet vs average American pensioner. I can’t find your post in this chaos. Hope you didn’t delete it.

AM Hants

GM Free Diet and effects on the average Russian of pension age:




Average citizen, using the GM ‘Monsanto/Beyer’ Toxic Diet



Funnily enough, I was watching a programme on Russia Today, with my 2 year old grandson, regarding the ‘GM Toxic Monsters’ turning up in Hawai and destroying their agricultural industry. My grandson does enjoy Russia Today and particularly liked the documentary, owing to the fish and boats. Guess it beats ‘Peppa Pig’.

GMO ‘Terrorists’: Russia seeks criminal punishment for bio-tech companies… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2fyq47dp1o

Video going back o 2010 Russia rediscovers old farming methods… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn7y5xkJBcQ

After Banning GMO, Russia On Track To Become The World’s Biggest Exporter of Organic Non-GMO Food… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRK94YLarDM

US farmers feel hit from Russia food ban… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqS5hmHPv00


You fixed it a bit, you claimed the rotten women was American in your previous comment. But your single digit IQ brain still couldn’t realize that Putin and the hot chick on sky are not the average Russian of pension age.

Here is the average Russian pensioner, that doesn’t live in big cities like Moscow, Sankt Petersburg, Ekaterinburg etc. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9d491793e5d77c69df0254ab36a3cbb1ff058f4c77f854de0ed5bc00c120d922.jpg

And this is the American average pensioner that can’t access free healthcare and GMO free diets. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0b5cff83c1b685ac85e3c9958123ec107ad79c23e15f52feb1017a89d742eb3a.jpg

And lastly: average life expectancy in USA: 81. average life expectancy in Russia: 71. See? I don’t need to make jokes to show that your country is a shithole.

AM Hants

Thought she was Angelina Jolie, post divorce. Wasn’t she American?


And you thought Putin is the horse and staying near an average Russian pensioner with tits

AM Hants

Darling, have you seen the mammary glands on Simon Cowell and he is not even of pension age.

Have no idea if President Putin is hung like a horse, owing to being a sapiophile and more interested in the mind. However, I do find he always looks good, especially when wearing shades.

AM Hants

Soviet Union, don’t you mean.

I find Russian men seriously attractive, intelligent and with a great sense of humour. Guess, most British men, think the same, with regards Russian women.

Are you saying President Putin is not of pension age?

Sergei Lavrov, now old is he and is he not Russian? Sergei Shoygu, now is he not Russian and of pension age? the late Yul Brenner and was he not Russian and looking good in his senior years? Mikhail Baryshnikov, although, guess he cannot be counted, owing to coming from Latvia, section of the Soviet Union). Rudolf Nureyev, OK he died just prior to reaching the age of a pensioner, but, still in good nick.

I could go on, but, will just go back to your typical Russian of pension age and then compare him to world leaders of today:


Compare Putin, with say Obama, when out with their pets. Well, Obama, is not that far off pension age, now is he?



President Putin and Donald Trump


President Trump, courtesy of his burger diet https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9d90d617cd2c6045e68d5fd4ee0266d25d283e54549e612e6e0d3f0c23b1ca.jpg

Sergei Lavrov and Mike Pompeo https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65378cd222300df7caa794ed3c1e117397773271f399541cd9300f689f845acd.jpg


Sergey Shoygu and John Bolton



i rest my case. The benefits of a GM free diet, easy to find, over in Russia.


Dude I don’t have anything against Russian individuals, they are good people but better keep your personal sexual struggle between yourself and your therapist. I hope your free healthcare cover this type of shit cause I can see you can’t afford it. I mean by the photos you post you can’t have a decent job.

AM Hants

So appreciating the results of a GM free diet, means I have some personal, sexual struggle??????

Sorry, but, who needs the therapist?


You keep posting naked photos of Putin and tell me how hard Russian men excites you, is that from the GM free diet?

AM Hants

Never used the word excite – do believe that is one of the General Harding soundbites.

‘… I find Russian men seriously attractive, intelligent and with a great sense of humour. Guess, most British men, think the same, with regards Russian women…’

Being a sapiosexual female, I am more attracted to a person’s mind, rather than their physical appearance. However, do believe the pictures were posted in contect of a GM Free Diet, so would have been rather foolish, to use photos of a Russian man, of pension age, fully clothed, would it not?Do not believe, naked is the same as a man not needing to wear his top, now is it?


Ok how about posting an average naked Russian pensioner instead of the most spoiled man in Kremlin with cosmetic surgery

AM Hants

LOL, is that the best you can come up with?

Pointed out a few male Russians, of pension age. However, not in the business of posting nude photos of people, especially without their permission.


Ohh I didn’t know Putin in person gave you the permission for that

Ralph London


AM Hants

Must admit, I swear by a ‘juicer’ and do use apples to form the base.

Ralph London

AM, I hope you are using ORGANIC apples; better still, if you have an organic apple tree where you can pluck the fresh fruit from the tree and eat it straight away (after giving a wash in water).

Note about the organic apples and the good, diverse bacteria it has, very much better for your intestines AND immune system.

AM Hants

Waiting for son’s harvest, or for Russia to start exporting apples to the UK. Sadly, do not always use organic apples, despite hating GM toxic products.

Ralph London

AM’s posts are reasonable, balanced, factual and truthful (those facts that she presents of which I have independent knowledge) and often saves me the bother of replying.


You mean memes – the knowledge that saves you the bother to reply

Ralph London

I mean what I said, not what YOU say.


Grumpy cat is grumpy


Cmon, give me an answer proving I’m a troll because I despise the IMF. I’d really like to read it.

Black Waters

Young stupid kids that consume propaganda from the west.

Rhodium 10

Most of them LGTB, feminist supporters, Freekys…etc..

Icarus Tanović

Feminism is okay. Nothing wrong with that, but LGBT, that is Western tool to destabilize situation in some country.

Tudor Miron

If you look closely than it is evident that feminism is a tool from the same tool chest as LGBT – tool chest designed to undermaine traditional ways of human society. Both are parts of “men will become woman and woman will become men”. It has nothing to do with true movement for human (woman in this case rights) – at list the way they do it has nothing to do with it.

Icarus Tanović

Well, that is something new, as you say a deviation from true feminism, that is, a fight for equality and equal females rights. Thanks for informing me.


There is nothing feminine about feminism.

AM Hants

Despite being female, cannot abide feminism.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and feminist weaknesses work well with male strengths and vice versa, male weaknesses, work well with female strengths.

I am more than happy to do the cooking, then sought out the guttering or problems with the plumbing. Have no problems with dealing with spiders though.


I always appreciated the work my wife did at home and she appreciated the work I did on my job. We never demeaned one another nor took the other for granted. After thirty some odd years now she works a job and I do most of the house work. This is by choice, not necessity. The point is that you are right. We are supposed to work together but not in some stereotypical manner with rigid dos and don’ts. We support each other and do what is necessary to make our household work for the both of us. Washing dishes is not feminine and working a job is not masculine. But I am the man of the household and the stronger of the two. Yet I do not lord over my wife and she does not nag or try to tear me down to make herself feel more powerful. We compliment each others abilities and needs. In all fairness the men who stereotype the roll of women are just as bad as the feminists. But when it comes to spider killing I am the man for that job in this house.

AM Hants

That is lovely and the way it should be. Both genders respecting each other. I must admit, both my husbands could cook and were far better with a hoover or iron, than I ever was or would be. However, I do enjoy being a female, with both the positives and negatives. Plus, would never manipulate my gender, just because the fashion of the day demands you do so.


In Sri Lanka we got same opposition against nationalist movements.these LGBTs everywhere now .

Tiresia Branding

sell them to Epstein

Decatur Guy

Nah, Eppy likes the boys young.

cechas vodobenikov

Putin is widely admired–conditions have improved for ordinary Russians in the past 20 years…hese protests regard that opposition liberals r corrupt, have nearly no support and r funded by USA NGOs


Same as ANTIFA, all Soros funded! This liberal movement is an example of why i believe Russia and the USA are going to be offical allies after 2020 elections! If Soros is causing social dissent of “divide and conquer” in both the USA and Russia, its an illustration of the intel war that is occurring! The globalist elites are trying very hard to keep Russia and America a part at all costs! Yet they employ the same tactics in both countries! Watch for much more false flags over the next 3 months! it is going to get much much worse!

Icarus Tanović

We all know that they are bunch of junkies, some of them bored and naive payed by the Western powers, that idealize western way of life and thinking, while knowing little or nothing about that, knowing only what is served to them via films and propaganda. Those are majority of them and how they thing. Drugs are dangerous, as we can see, cann obscure real things and scew vision of reality.

Toronto Tonto

RED SQUARE MAIDAN COMING SOON , Russians want a future and putin cannot give them one .

stupid is as stupid does

You must be some foreign origin, illiterate U.S. soldier, on every day troll duty.

Ralph London

It is a cannon fodder troll.

Miguel Angel Solano

Pplease dont put in the same bag people that are fighting the contradictions of the system, to the manipulated and poseur kids that just opposse without a message. Using “liberals” as a meaning to delegitimize a huge group of people, will just harm you. In others countries, those same “liberals” are your biggest allies. Stop being short sighted making headlines just to clickbait or to only call some “conservative” audience.

AM Hants

Off topic, but, the crowd behind the opposition, weren’t they connected to UK intelligence, back in the days of Yeltsin? As Christopher Steele, Bill Browder (who is heavily involved in ‘Integrity Initiative’ and friends, so comes to mind. Funny how they all link into ‘MH17’, ‘The Maidan’, ‘Russia Gate’ and the ‘Skripals’. Now whatever happened with the Skripals?

The Skripal Poisoning: Anonymous’ Revelations Point to UK Intelligence Motives… https://www.globalresearch.ca/skripal-poisoning-anonymous-revelations-point-uk-intelligence-motives/5685778


suppose it’s safe to assume that the street prone activists are in the pay of say, the dysfunctional states of A one way or the other or maybe even tel aviv with the sole purpose to cause news worthy clashes with the government. so far they have failed to show that they have a reason for their discontent (purportedly due to some local politicians being shut out after having falsified the list of support for their participation in the local elections). now if the lists are hunky dory, present them so that they can be scrutinized and since they don’t I guess the burden of proof is still on the activists.

bill browder is a cia shill running amok in europe (changed his citizenship to england in order to avoid having to pay taxes on what he stole from his heritage fund, blaming russia for the very same theft). bill browder is also in the pay of mossad!

glad to see the tel aviv shill occupybacon is banned from these pages.

AM Hants

Off topic, but, same crowd involved.

Now, they can sleep easy, if this story proves true. How many were wearing NATO diapers, at the thought of their friend being presented to a jury?

Accused Child Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein Reportedly Commits Suicide by Hanging… https://sputniknews.com/us/201908101076520658-accused-child-sex-trafficker-jeffrey-epstein-reportedly-commits-suicide/


It seems a desperate move to try and link Epstein to the thousand or so Russians jailed for protesting your beloved Vladimir Putin. It seems as though you posses no shame or self respect.

AM Hants

What are you on about?

‘Lolita Island’ is nought to do with Russia, now is it?

How many are now on the Clinton Kill List?

AM Hants

By the way, did state it was off topic, but, same crowd involved.

Now who funded Navalny, was it not the US NED programme, which is an NGO financed by the US tax payer? Who did Epstein take to ‘Lolita Island’ and how many had connections to Washington DC and various tax funded NGOs?


Your backward attempt to discredit and deny the Russian people’s will to protest is, at the very least, disturbing. Attaching those jailed with Epstein reaches the level of sadistic.

Do not allow yourself to forget that Russian Oligarchs, who represent nearly 80% of Russia’s wealth in the hands of a mere 100 families, are at the epicenter of the transnational trafficking of minors in the sex trades.

AM Hants

The Russian people, like these two gentleman, can protest all they want, within the legality of Russian protest doctrine. With or without the support of the US Embassy. Although, why does the US Embassy, like to involve itself in protests, in host nations, whether Russia, China, Ukraine, Venexzuela, Iran, Libya, Iraq, etc, etc, etc? It does make me wonder, why the MSM are not so enthusiastic, when the people of France protest? Now how many dead, from the French ‘Yellow Vest’ protests?

Fifth-Columnist Who Exploited a Baby During the Riots in Moscow Was Placed on the Wanted List by the Kremlin… https://www.stalkerzone.org/fifth-columnist-who-exploited-a-baby-during-the-riots-in-moscow-was-placed-on-the-wanted-list-by-the-kremlin/

The Typical “Fighter Against the Putin Regime”… https://www.stalkerzone.org/the-typical-fighter-against-the-putin-regime/

Poor love, a man in his 40s, with no wife, girlfriend, lover and living at home with his parents. Guess he has gotta blame it on somebody.

How many of those arrested were actually Russian?

Remind me, how does an NED/Open Society NGO, paided by tax payers money, start a regime change programme in another nation?



Must admit, I did like the ‘peace protest’ over in Moscow (I believe), back in September 2014, when the protesters arrived at final destination. Only to find the ‘Traitor Banners’ happily flowing in the wind. Complete with their faces, for all to see. Just gotta love the artwork of those Russian art students. Plus, comical timing.


Nice to see that so many in Russia, remember what it was like under Yeltsin, when he gave the nation to the oligarchs of all and sundry. When Russia only receivedc 20 cents, out of every $US sold, in the energy and defence industries. Why did the US make 80 cents out of ever $US, that Russia sold? Thank goodness President Putin, when he took over control of the bankrupt nation, which covered 11 time zones, kicked out the disloyal oligarchs. Who went to live a life in exilte, full of bitterness. How much money did Bill Browder, make out of the Russian tax payers and why did he donate it to the Clinton Foundation? Why was he kicked out of Russia? Why was he kicked out of the US? Why is he now running ‘Integrity Initiative’ over in the UK?


What else has Bill Broweder’s ‘Integrity Initiative’ been involved in, besides ‘Skripals’, ‘MH17’ and ‘Steele Dossier’? Why do they need so many clusters, up and running in other nations? What is their involvement with regards NGO funded, regime change programmes?



Why are the UK reliant on agents of Mossad, to try and run UK policy, who appear to have a problem with Russia, controlling her own vast wealth of natural resources?



Krasnogorovka under shelling of militants, shells hit the hospital and school

Photo by Stalkerzone

Today, May 28, at 06.40 militants began shelling Krasnogorovka. The shells hit the hospital building and school number 2, as a result of which the school caught fire. This was announced by the head of the main department of the National Police in the Donetsk region, Vyacheslav Abroskin


AM Hants

Look at your link?. Not exactly neutral now is it. Did laugh, that you tried to use a Stalker Zone photo, despite the article coming from some Ukraine Media Propaganda Channel. So can guess who was yet again been going for the hospitals, as memories of 2014 come flooding back.

Now who favours taking out schools, hospitals, weddings and funerals and it is not the brave farmers and miners of Donetsk, now is it?

Ukrainian Militants Opened Fire at a School and Residential Buildings on the Outskirts of Gorlovka… On August 5th, at 19:10, armed groups of Ukraine opened fire from heavy machine guns at the outskirts of Gorlovka. As a result, window glazing was damaged at school No. 30 and nearby residential buildings. Also, an outbuilding was damaged. Fortunately, none of the civilians were injured…. https://www.stalkerzone.org/ukrainian-militants-opened-fire-at-a-school-and-residential-buildings-on-the-outskirts-of-gorlovka/

Why are Ukraine so focused on taking out Gorlovka? What is it known for, besides the coal mining and chemical plants? As memories of Anna Tuv, and the decapitation of her young child, come flooding back.

Ukraine: Child amongst three killed in Gorlovka shelling, Kiev blamed … https://www.vbox7.com/play:643955a5e0&pos=pool

Personally, I prefer the story of the Ukraine Forces, taking themselves out.


Now THAT’s funny, Anne!

Stalkerzone, Sputnik, RT, VT, SOTT, Mintpress, FT. Not exactly neutral organs, now are they? I thought the point, set by your example, was to post anything and everything that distracts from the ongoing conversation.

Thanks for the chuckle, Baby Cakes!

AM Hants

Darling, I quite happily state, that I post, in order for others, if interested, to go and find out more.

Now the sites I link to, have no personal appeal to you and the sites you link to have absolutely no appeal to me, whatsoever.

In fact, I seriously wonder why you take the time out to reply to me, all things considered, little Russ?


Therein lay the canyon difference between our approaches. I read from several of your favorite sites several times a week. In the case of Sputnik, RT and PressTV, as each are official government propaganda organs of the self-proclaimed enemies of those I love, it’s only wise to listen almost daily.

Another difference is that I’ve never known you to share any link to a bonafide investigation, say from the U.N. Human Rights Committee which nearly always outline atrocities from all sides in any given conflict. Whereas, as you know, I share such investigations freely.

Thanks again for the chuckle, Baby Cakes.


You are soooo superior aren’t you, shamelessly dishonest scumbag.

Mind your manners for second time.

Do you ever get sick of being so shamelessly dishonest ?

Do you have kids, family ?


You can stop pretending that I should mind my manners while you feel free to go on an emotional rant. Also, yes, I am far superior to the likes of you.


You may go make love to yourself, obnoxious peasant.

As I said before – there is a difference between name calling and calling a spade spade.

Mind your manners for the third time.

Do you ever get sick of being so shamelessly dishonest ?

Do you have kids, family ?


You’re correct. There is a difference between name calling and calling a spade a spade, thus the reason I can write, with all confidence, that, by definition, you’re a Troll seeking attention.


You are a troll whos job is to vandalise or sabotage this forum and the Southfront website as well.

Mind your manners for the fourth time.

Do you ever get sick of being so shamelessly dishonest ?

Do you have kids, family ?


I sincerely pity you, friend. You and all who’ve come to erroneously believe that a Internet Troll is one who holds a different opinion.

Hypocrite: “a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings”. Like gazing into a mirror, yes?


Once again, You are a full time troll whos job is to vandalise or sabotage this forum and the Southfront website as well.

Mind your manners for the Fifth time.

Do you ever get sick of being so shamelessly dishonest ?

Do you have kids, family ?


Sincerely, I feel real sympathy toward you. You seem incapable of fathoming that anyone could possibly disagree with you.

You live in a small world, my friend.

Ralph London

R_R: The only superiority you’ve got is negative.

Ralph London

R_R: You’re either criminally insane, or such an ignorant SFB, which is it?

Go and look up the original neocon wolfowitz doctrine & PNAC, add neocon jewland’s $5 bn, then get back and apologise, ‘k?


Don’t be familiar and mind your manners, obnoxious ukro-nazzi peasant.


Too funny! A name calling Troll instructing me to mind my manners.


Yes, I know only a good kick in the teeth can possibly fix your manners.

There are plenty of alternative methods though which I will be employing in due course.


It’s only okay when SHE does it


You’re right. The hypocrisy, the blatant aggression and the adolescent name calling is on full display.

Styx meets the very definition of a Internet Troll.


She’s like a small child with a mean dog. She goes about the neighborhood and get’s into everyone’s face and if you start dishing it back, she let’s go of the leash and bans you. Beneath contempt…


Absolutely right. A petulant, contemptable, extraordinarily odd child.


Do you ever get sick of being so shamelessly dishonest ?

Do you have kids, family ?


Sorry, I was replying to the troll R Russel earlier on and somehow misplaced my reply. I enjoy reading your very intelligent posts and admire your remarkable courage tremendously and read all of your comments with great interest.

With utmost respect and admiration,

Ian Rutherford.

AM Hants

Gosh, I thought I was replying to R Russell, and so ditto, I would never have replied in that manner to you. As I respect you. Thank you for your kind words. My excuse, ‘Should have gone to Spec Savers’, or bothered looking at who posted the comment. Hope all is well with you and take care.

AM Hants

Just went to look at the discussion and seriously thought I had insulted you with regards the link to what R Russell posted. Glad, I did not. Cannot see anything you have said, that would cause me any offence. Plus, love your reply to R Russell.’…obnoxious ukro-nazzi peasant…’ – perfect description.

AM Hants

Does this make sense and would you recommend reading it? It sounds seriously interesting, together with being educational. Must admit, I know so little of the history of Syria and Greece, particularly the early history of both nations. Well, besides a little Greek Mythology.

‘Kingship in heaven in Anatolia, Syria and Greece: patterns of convergence and divergence’


It is a very interesting indeed and relatively easy to read book, although it was not written by me. I do share https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b7c89798be74da77810099ed5932fb134c8014fa1edac772ed2e84921e6253c5.jpg the knowledge base with the author though. If you are interested in medieval studies apart from the classics – this book is probably of utmost interest and importance at present:

AM Hants

Brilliant and so glad you twigged on to what I was saying.

Must admit, to being seriously ignorant, with regards medi-evil times. Although, I was interested in the Italian Renaissance Period, from the days of the Medici Family and the works of Leonardo Da Vinci. Together with all the Popes, and where they came from, as the House of Borgia, comes to mind. Funny, but, you look at things, from one pair of eyes and it is only since following Ukraine, that so many questions have evolved, that relates to it all, including Victorian Britain and all is not what it seemed.

So at the moment, and I doubt I will ever find out enough before I die, I do wish to find out more about world history, going back to the Roman Empire to current times. Trying to work out the patterns, of how everything fits in.

When the Borgias went to ground, I did wonder what happened to them all, Although, it appears, name changes, plus, carrying on with the same set of scripts. Was Leonardo darkness or light? The same with the Victorian Crowd. There was so much good that came out of that time period, yet, the same crowd that provided the greatness of that century are also the same crowd, that provided the darker period of the 20th century.

Sorry as I ramble.

Think I meant to say yes, I would like to find out more, haha.

Ralph London

AM: Gorlovka (Russian, correct spelling, not the rubbish ukrainian way with an H instead) is very close to the contact line, it’s about 25 miles to the N of the capital Donetsk, & 1 of the 2 major cities in the independent Donetsk republic.

AM Hants

Seriously sad, how much they have had to put up with, courtesy of the Nazis, operating with full Government backing and Western support, over in Ukraine.

Not all of us support our Government’s actions, or have no understanding of the horror, that Kiev is inflicting on it’s citizens in Eastern Ukraine. Seriously hope peace comes soon to the area. Plus, congratulations, with regards not rolling over and letting the Nazis of Kiev, take control. The strength and character of the people of Eastern Ukraine, is an inspiration to others, myself included.

Ralph London

R_R, are you REALLY such a stupid dumbF***??? Who’s doing the attacking, and who’s doing the defending? What are those ukrainian war criminals doing there, they should FO back home, and stop fighting and dying for the sick and evil yanks.

Who’s attacking Donetsk, and who is NOT attacking kiev? Got it yet, you simpleton?

AM Hants

‘People’s will to protest’.

Must admit, I do like refreshing my memory with archived articles.

Some like this one, which link Navalny to the now banned in Russia, US NED NGO, heavily supported by USAID. Weird how Soros does so well out of the US tax payer financed USAID NGO.

Anyway, getting back to the article, which will not interest you, but, might interest others:

Meet Alexei Navalny: The U.S. State Department’s inside man for ‘regime change’ in Russia… https://www.sott.net/article/290848-Meet-Alexei-Navalny-The-US-State-Departments-inside-man-for-regime-change-in-Russia

How does Rockerfellers boy Soros, get those regime change scripts up and running?


So love the ‘Traitors Banner’, the Russian art students provided, for one of the protests. Just cannot resist posting it, time and time again.



Must admit that I enjoy pointing out that you use an Iranian-based NGO to point a boney, accusatory, finger at Western NGOs.

You’re quite the avid conspiracy theorist, Anne.


“Conspiracy theory” is a term of deflection.

AM Hants reasoning is always supported by genuine facts and indicates that she has AT LEAST a first class degree in criminology.


In this case I’ve been succinct with my words. I know Ms. AM to be a dedicated, even rapid, conspiracy hunting fanatic pushing various ideologies.

Sorry to disagree but AM is a internet media sleuth hunting information which buttress her theories. As a point of fact, she represents the antithesis of what one learns from studying criminology.


Baseless RUBBISH just for a change:

As a point of fact, she represents the antithesis of what one learns from studying criminology.

Do you do classes in advanced chicanery ?

Do you ever get sick of being so shamelessly dishonest ?

Ralph London

R-R: And you’re quite the ignorant moron. Do me a favour, the USG needs someone like you to find those alleged Iraqi WMDs, so be a good chap, help them out, and start in minefields first, you know, dastardly saddam probably hid them there (hence not being found yet), so be a good little patriot boy and do your duty. Do also wear a bright orange jumpsuit so that nobody thinks you’re intelligent enough to bother with.


I get that you’re seeking attention. However, I firmly believe that’s it’s wrong to argue with children as it serves only to set a poor example.

I wish you all the luck in the world, kid.

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