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What To Expect From Ukrainian “Counter-offensive”: Can AFU Build On Its Success On Frontline Again?

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What To Expect From Ukrainian "Counter-offensive": Can AFU Build On Its Success On Frontline Again?

Today a year has already passed since the previously announced Ukrainian “counter-offensive”. If at the beginning of the confrontation the Ukrainian armed forces were quite dashing in repelling Russian attacks due to the fighting spirit of soldiers, weapons supplied by a large number of Western countries and information provided.

Now, unfortunately for the Ukrainians, everything has shifted to the format of the war, which is beneficial only to Russia. Ukraine is gradually depleting, Western countries are supplying less and less arms and equipment. The mercenaries who were actively traveling to the war zone for “safari” are no longer so easily lured to war with Russia. And given the development of the conflict in the Middle East, their number has thinned considerably.

As a result, in order for Ukraine to win on the battlefield, which its secretary Jens Stoltenberg so actively calls on the entire NATO community to do, it will need a lot more resources. Only a lot of heavy equipment will be needed: 800-1000 tanks, no less number of artillery guns of 152/155 mm caliber, a corresponding set of engineering vehicles, and, of course, 1 – 1.5 million ammunition to ensure sufficient fire density for quite a long time. To provide this Europe will have to disarm its forward units, which, of course, the countries are not ready to do so easily. Germany, for example, is already withdrawing its Patriot air defense units from Poland because they need to defend their own territory and interests, not secure others’.

At the same time, the provision of weapons is not a hundred percent guarantee of Ukraine’s success. At the moment, it is necessary to provide a large number of military personnel, which are simply not available under Kyiv’s leadership. Moreover, even if they are hastily recruited, given the mobilization under way, it will take about half a year to train and re-staff those units that are already on the front line. It will take even more time for the new recruits to effectively perform their tasks, and the Zelensky regime has no time for this.

At the same time, Russia has been quite successful in replenishing its stockpiles of arms and ammunition. It is possible that countries that have expressed their solidarity in the conflict in Ukraine, such as Iran and North Korea, are unofficially involved, but the role of military-industrial complex companies cannot be ruled out either. As for the assistance of volunteer organizations, this also has a big impact.

The U.S., which is completely disadvantaged by the resolution of the conflict in Russia’s favor, will delay the resolution of the Ukrainian issue more and more. First of all, by supplying those components that will nominally give new “colors” to the war. For example, they will hand over F-16 airplanes, on which the AFU fighters are supposedly trained, to their NATO allies. However, the number will be such that will not allow Ukraine to gain air superiority. Periodic operations involving 2-3 airplanes, hitting the enemy objects not covered by air defense systems and long-range radar detection aviation. With increasing supplies of missiles such as ATACMS, the picture, according to the U.S. plans, should be approximately the same. And every time a fired missile reaches its target, the population of Ukraine and the West will see it as a sign of imminent destruction of enemy targets.

On the other hand, the increasing supply of air defense systems and their ammunition will indeed have a serious impact on the situation in the combat areas. If Russia is not prepared to more thoroughly identify the areas where Patriot, Iris-T and other Western designs are located, then we will not be able to talk about retaliatory successes of the Russian army either. By experience, the decisions of the Russian Armed Forces are not as logical as they should be.

However, all prospects of new Ukrainian operations will be real until the US decides what to do with Ukraine. With elections looming, it will be difficult to answer this question without damaging their reputation. However, even after the elections, even if they end in another defeat for the Democrats, it is unlikely that we can expect an abrupt end to arms deliveries.


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recent history as of june this year tells us that ukronazi kiev can expect approximately 500 kia on average per day. not to mention equipment, logistics sites, national infrastructure etc.

nazifed ukraine is already a shell of what it was 10 years ago.


ukraine isn’t expected to win. so long as they can be an afghanistan 2.0, america is content. meanwhile russian high command has decided to ban all weapon modding, including spray painting and even using optics on your rifle. so there’s bad days ahead for russian infantrymen in trenches.

every time when russia is gaining the upper hand despite internal sabotage, russian command does something new to sabotage it’s soldiers. it’s a mutual depopulation frankly.

Last edited 11 months ago by Sunny

what a load of bs. rusisan infantrymen banned from using optics? lol!!!! you pathetic nafo ck slurpers are a desperate and pathetic bunch of tosspots.


not me making the rules you retarded cunt. the documents are circling various russian telegram channels that are covering the war. of course you wouldn’t know that when ur posting from 10000 miles away like a true keyboard warrior and only get all of ur information from 1 source.

Last edited 11 months ago by Sunny

i don’t know who these rage downvoters are but one thing is for sure, it’s definitely people who are a continent away from the actual zone of hostilities. what i mentioned is already confirmed within the military. since none of you people actually read russian sources. here you go: https://t.me/dva_majors/28880


it wasn’t very official. anyone could have written that anywhere in the world. as for the videos, the equipment seems to be fine…

Max Hermansen

if i was in my forties or fifties in ukraine, i would get the hell out of the country instead of ending up in the meatgrinder in donbas.

Dick Von D'Astard

my hunch is that political war shall be waged by putin at the appropriate time, delaying any major military offensive until the u.s. presidential race is well underway. election interference shall be very visible with russian army once again besieging the biden fiefdom in eastern europe. should make for great cnn/fox news. rubbing the xl bully dogs nose in it’s own mess!

Donald Moore

i got a good one for ya, with all the trolls out there. ukraine is now on the outskirt of moscow as crimea has fallen and they took back 90% of the land lost to russia. the russian black sea fleet has been destroyed along with the russian air force. russia has lost over ten million men while ukraine has only lost 100,00 men. i would love to know what these people are taken and where to get it!


its a combo of coke-in-nose and dck-in-ass. nafo clowns are an undiscerning bunch.

Icarus Tanović

absolutely nothing. just wasted american hard earned money.


the most disgusting is that we all will be dead when prince willy and his sweatheart kate will still be smiling on the covers of the women`s magazines…

Icarus Tanović

i’d do katie dough.

Jens' c.u.m drop

dough? dough? are you some sort of mud shark n!gga?

Icarus Tanović

and she would be doing fine. yeah, witha finga ona cocx trigga.

Last edited 11 months ago by Icarus Tanović
Jens' c.u.m drop

back to tha get-o n!ggar…. back to the slum you came from fool

poko molo aka eric

forgive my hillbilly nazi inferiority—i claimed russia needed europe 2 years ago–now we know russia thrives europe is begging and stealing from africa

jens holm

i expect nurse change my diapers give me glue to sniff


glad to hear you’ve finally got yourself a hobby besides spamming this comment section with retard dribble jens


banderovskí fašisti sú už na odpis!!! skončili im dni slávy!!! teraz to bude ako s wehrmachtom počas wwii. porážka za porážkou a ústup z pozícii za ústupom a to až do trpkého konca.


expect zelensky coffin factory to build mortuaries in miami and omaha

tom hillbilly sawyer

i expect taco from brandon–hunter sells me fentanyl


who writes this sht? ukropistan is done. 500k kia and their economy only functions if the west keeps sending mountains of cash. the longer this lasts the harsher will be the settlement that russia will force on whatever is left of shthole banderastan.


“what to expect from ukrainian “counter-offensive” nothing much, except increase in sexual activity and an increase in the birth rate.

WT Baker

whomever wrote this article do they want the way to continue as much as nato does?


couldn’t find an author’s name i’d be ashamed of putting out this garbage as well!


who the hell are eu countries defending against?! europe does not need an army, it cannot fight russia and there are no other enemies around on land.

and patriot missiles are crap anyway, they could donate them and cut useless maintenance costs.

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

you do know- that when russia settles accounts with nato/eu in ukraine the eu is going to collapse, nato too, and the europeans will again return to warring against each other…

jens holm

wikipedia say my mental illness worse than my senility—this proves i am genius rocket scientist


i am genius physicist expert at blowing jens and all mental illness in my trailer…you cannot prove me wrong so this makes me mayor of nyc

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